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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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從社會網絡看組織創新-以台灣電視產業為例 / The Study of Organizational Innovation Based on Social Network Theory in Taiwan Television Industry

王雅君 Unknown Date (has links)
在高度競爭的企業環境中,要能夠因應環境的變化、強化自身競爭力,「創新」是重要的途徑之一。也因此,「組織創新」的相關研究,包含創新的內容(產品創新、服務創新、商業模式創新等)、創新的模式、創新導入等研究主題,多年來,已經累積相當豐碩的成果。   我們可以說,在管理學研究的領域當中,「組織創新」已經自成一個完整的範疇。然而,儘管過去的研究成果斐然,但隨著網路世代的來臨與全球化趨勢,企業所面臨的挑戰更大,未來等待詮釋解答的課題將方興未艾。   本研究的關切焦點集中在媒體產業的「創新擴散」,其原因在於數位匯流(digital Convergence )趨勢對媒體產業造成的衝擊,在「質」與「量」的層面上,相較於其他產業所面臨的變革壓力,都是有過之而無不及。   所謂「數位匯流」,源於近年來數位傳輸與壓縮技術快速發展,帶動了影視產業數位化(Digital)的趨勢。而各類型影音內容載具(PC、手機、平板電腦)數位傳輸的能力不斷強化的結果,造成數位影音內容均可在不同載具上傳輸播放,也因而原本在電視、電信、網際網路等不同訊息載台傳輸的內容,因為一同趨向數位化的演變,使得這些不同傳輸管道的內容形成匯流化(convergence)的結果,因而過去壁壘分明的產業,以模糊分隔界線,快速的整合一個全新的生態系統(eco system)。以多元性的內容製作,結合多樣化的傳播與接收載具,顛覆以往的電視傳播產業的生態與收視市場。   媒體產業面臨如此的衝擊,電視媒體經營者等於是在同一時間承受「技術創新」、「服務創新」和「經營模式創新」的三大壓力。而傳統電視台從過去壟斷電視收視市場,穩坐市場主流。直到二十年前開始受到有線電視的挑戰。如今,到了數位匯流時代,卻仍以過去相對較無彈性的組織型態,來面對高度變動與不確定性的全新市場與產業的競爭,所以,不管是在自身條件上、或是客觀的環境上,台灣的無線與有線電視台媒體都面臨極大的壓力。   由網路科技的快速發展,所帶動的數位匯流之產業創新,閱聽人獲取資訊與接收影音的行為改變,導致傳統電視台的廣告收入銳減,雖相關領域的業者所關注的是新的商業模式,營收與收入產值從何而來如何能彌補逐漸流失的傳統廣告收入。我們深知,經營企業並沒有成功方程式,尤其是這一波全球化的產業變革風潮,變化之快,改變之大,更是難以掌握。雖然,國外已有發展出新的營收模式,如Google以搜尋及演算技術所發展的關鍵字廣告與Adence等多邊平台營收模式,又如大陸的眾多視頻網發展成熟會員付費模式,及相關的不同載具與通路的內容重組及加值運用,但能否持續的產生可觀的收入,尚待時間的觀察與考驗。但因企業要發展出新的營收模式,須考慮到企業本身的資源、能力條件、服務與產品等研發能力,各企業的條件不同,所發展出的營運模式皆會相差甚大,變數甚多。且數位匯流發展趨勢尚屬進行式的階段,目前尚未有堪稱有成功的商業模式。雖此以議題是大家所關切的目標,因變數太多,不在本論文的研究範圍。   本研究是聚焦在企業內的組織流程中,是否存在一種「將組織創新所需的外部資訊傳遞到組織末稍」的傳遞流程。因為,在數位匯流時代,外部知識或訊息變動速度快,電視台經營階層如何採納外部知識與訊息做成決策,而做成決策之後又如何在組織內進行擴散,將決策與相關背景傳遞到組織基層,這對於組織創新的成敗,對於因應數位化的成敗,具有關鍵的影響。   回到企業內的經營與管理,經營者之所以難以決策或執行創新構想,大都是缺乏適切的管道系統性取得對公司有益的訊息,或是未充分了解那些有用的創新構想,更遑論進一步的發展與應用。 本研究延伸Whelan等人的理論(Whelan, E., Parise, S., Jasper de Valk and Rick Aalbers, 2011),形成組織創新傳遞流程,並以此檢視目前台灣電視台創新無法落實的原因,從組織結構,資源分配流程與內部連結溝通機制,來了解創新無法落實的原因,是否缺乏這兩種機制。   本研究認為這兩種機制是創新落實的大企業在組織內應存在的必要條件。變動通常伴隨著機會與風險,在競爭劇烈與高度變化的媒體產業環境中,誰能最快掌握這一波數位化浪潮下的創新思維,導入外部創新內容與內部組織傳遞流程,建立並培養關鍵核心能力與機制,整合內外有價值或有用的信息與資源,誰將會是未來數位匯流產業戰場上的新贏家。   電視媒體產業中的數位匯流的趨勢,本研究定義為「數位匯流」為這個世代重大的創新事務。換言之,未來台灣的電視業者,其永續經營的關鍵將會是取決於,誰能夠在這波數位產業浪潮下,具備快速吸納內外部創新技術與能力,將相關的人才與資源有效配置與運用,並精確地於組織內進行「創新導入與擴散」,才是快速變動下之產業競爭最核心關鍵能力。   本研究以國內重要的電視媒體為研究對象,透過對特定電視媒體裡,位居數位化創新導入關鍵位置的核心決策人物進行訪談,以組織創新管理與組織內部溝通網絡的角度,觀察一個組織在面臨創新變革的壓力下,影響外衍性創新導入的變數。   同時,透過對關鍵人物的訪談,本研究整理了台灣不同電視媒體內部的組織流程與核心角色的功能與型態,恰可比較出上述兩大機制在不同台灣電視媒體落實的程度,與因應數位匯流變革以及相關組織績效形成相關性。

解密新列寧式政黨的組織化邏輯: 中國共產黨第十七屆非軍職中央委員共事網絡研究 / Decoding the Organizational Logic of the Neo-Leninist Party: A Study of the Colleague Network of the Chinese Communist Party’s 17th Central Committee

賈士麟, Jia Shilin Unknown Date (has links)
在本研究中,我通過對中國共產黨第十七屆中央委員之間的共事網絡的蒐集和分析,探索的是胡錦濤時代的黨國權力的集中化特徵。作為一個高度組織化的列寧式政黨,中國共產黨在21世紀初期依然保持了對中國的有效的威權統治,其政權的穩定和不穩定性是外界高度關注的焦點,但長期以來也因為資訊的不透明而被視為「黑盒子」。因為任何組織或者制度都是鑲嵌在社會關係中的,而組織內的共事關係是使組織作為組織運轉的重要社會關係,對共事網絡的研究有助於釐清中共作為一個菁英式政黨的組織邏輯。研究結果顯示,傳統的恩庇侍從、派系或者官僚模型對中共權力集中化的解釋都是有限的。在胡錦濤的第二屆中共中央總書記任期內,中共政治菁英的共事網絡中出現的是高度的團體與團體之間鑲嵌的狀況,結構洞大量地存在。而在控制了政治資歷變項的影響後,開放網絡中的社會資本對十七大政治菁英在十八大後擔任黨國的重要職位的機率有顯著的正向影響。社會鑲嵌應有助於解釋中共的威權韌性。 / Through collecting and analyzing the colleague network of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s 17th Central Committee, this research attempts to analyze the characteristic of the party state’s power centralization in the Hu Jintao era. As a highly organized Leninist party, the CCP still effectively maintains its authoritarian control of China at the beginning of the 21st century. The stability and instability of the regime has always been of great interest to outside observers, but its elite politics has always been seen as a “black box” because of its lack of transparency. Insofar as all organizations and institutions are embedded in social relations, and colleague relationships inside an organization are key social relationships that facilitate the organization to run as an organization, a study of the CCP’s colleague network would help to explicate the elitist party’s organizational logic. My finding suggests that classical models of patron-clientelism, factionalism, or bureaucracy provide only limited explanation of the CCP’s current form of power centralization. During Hu Jintao’s second term serving as the General Secretary of the Party, there exist a great amount of mutual embeddedness and structural holes among different groups inside the colleague network of the CCP’s political elites. After controlling the effect of political qualification variables, their amount of social capitals in open networks have significant positive correlation with their chance of occupying more advanced positions after the 18th Party Congress. Social embeddedness helps to explain the CCP’s authoritarian resilience.

運用社會網絡技術由文集中探勘觀念:以新青年為例 / Concept Discovery from Essays based on Social Network Mining: Using New Youth as an Example

陳柏聿, Chen, Po Yu Unknown Date (has links)
以往人文歷史領域的學者們,以土法煉鋼的人工方式進行資料的研究與分析,這樣的方法在資料量不大的時候還可行,但隨著數位典藏的進行以及巨量資料的興起,傳統的書本、古籍和文獻大量的數位化,若繼續使用傳統逐條分析的方式便會花費很多的時間與人力,但也因為資料數位化的關係,資訊領域的人便能利用資訊技術從旁進行協助。 而其中在觀念史研究領域裡,關鍵詞叢的研究是其中的重點之一,因為觀念可以用關鍵詞或含關鍵詞的句子來表達,所以研究關鍵詞就能幫助人文學者,了解史料文獻背後的意義與掌握當時的脈絡。因此本篇論文研究之目的在於針對收錄多篇文章的文集,探討詞彙與詞彙之間出現在文章中的情形,並利用五種的共現關係,將社群網絡的概念引入到文本分析之中,將每個詞彙當作節點,詞彙之間的關聯性當作邊建立詞彙網絡,從中找出詞彙所形成的觀念,最後實作一個由文集中探勘觀念的系統,此系統主要提供三種分析功能,分別是多詞彙觀念查詢、單詞彙觀念查詢與潛在觀念探勘。 本研究主要以《新青年》雜誌作為主要的觀察文集與實驗案例分析,《新青年》中觀念由自由主義轉向馬克思列寧主義,而我們利用本系統的確能夠找出變化的軌跡,以及探勘兩個觀念下的關鍵詞彙。 / With development of the digital archives, essays have been digitized. While it takes much time to analyze the contents of essays by human, it is beneficial to analyze by computer. This thesis aims to investigate the approach to discover concepts of essays based on social network mining techniques. While a concept can be represented as a set of keywords, the proposed approach measure the co-occurrence relationships between two keywords and represent the relationships among keywords by networks of keywords. Social network mining techniques are employed to discover the concepts of essays. We also develop the concept discovery system which provides discovery by multiple keywords, discovery by single keyword, and latent concept mining. The New Youth is taken as an example to demonstrate the capability of the developed system.

區域技術知識網絡與創新之研究 / The study of the typology of regional technology knowledge network and innovation

許秋惠, Hsu,Chiu Hui Unknown Date (has links)
製藥產業是高度依賴研究發展之產業,因此技術知識網絡在製藥產業中相當活躍,製藥產業因技術的突破,又可分為傳統製藥與生技醫藥兩個分支。本研究旨在探討我國製藥產業技術知識網路與創新績效之關係,透過文獻之探討,以社會網絡理論之觀點切入,利用網絡分析工具UCINET計算出廠商網絡中心性,藉由網絡中心性的分析與評估,尋找出台灣地區製藥產業技術知識網絡中的關鍵行動者。並且以網絡中心性來衡量個別廠商網絡關係的強弱及區分網絡的型態,研究區域內與跨區域網絡對廠商創新成效之影響。 研究結果發現,生技醫藥廠商跨區域合作互動情形愈高,對於創新績效愈有顯著性差異;傳統製藥產業則不論是區域內的合作或是跨區域的合作,皆能帶給其創新的能力,另外,不同的合作關係亦會影響其創新績效之表現,區域內的網絡較著重於直接網絡所帶來的系統性知識,而跨區域的網絡則著重於間接網絡中多樣化的知識。 / As a knowledge intensive industry, pharmaceutical industry cultivates highly active networks among firms and relative actors. Because of technology revolution, Pharmaceutical is divided into two forms: traditional Pharmaceutical and Pharmaceutical biotechnology. This paper aims to advance our understanding of the technology knowledge and innovation capacity of the pharmaceutical industry in Taiwan. We begin by reviewing literatures regarding network and network position. Using the UCINET, a useful method to describe and measure firms’ centralities in a social network, we find out the key players in Taiwan Pharmaceutical industry and offers an emprical examination by examining the geography of technology knowledge associated with innovation in Taiwan Pharmaceutical industry. The empirical results indicate that there is a significant relationship between intra-regional knowledge and innovation performance in Pharmaceutical biotechnology industry, and both intra-regional knowledge and regional knowledge determine the innovation performance of the pharmaceutical industry. Furthermore, Results of this study indicate that a firm that occupies a central position in regional network of direct ties is more accessible to useful knowledge; in the other hand, firms can innovate successfully in intra-regional network both directly and indirectly.

台灣社會學門的知識生產網絡機制:以2001~2006年社會學門學術期刊引用網絡為例 / The Network mechanism of scholarly productivity in Taiwan sociology: An Example of citation networks of sociological academic journals in 2001~2006

柯佩均, Ko, Pei Chun Unknown Date (has links)
世界各國政府在知識經濟的潮流之下更加重視本土學術研究的品質,各國投注資源以提升學術研究水準、促進學術社群的國際化。台灣順應此種趨勢,近年制定各種學術政策與評鑑計畫,其中推動學術社群的知識生產品質,是國家政策中既定的一項重點目標。台灣社會學門的知識生產也受到國家施政方向的影響,國家科學委員會於 1997、2001與2006年執行三波的社會學門專業期刊排序計畫,針對社會學門的學術期刊進行評比。 本研究著眼於此種學術場域的改變,將主要的研究關懷聚焦在學術社群的知識變遷;回顧科學社會學的研究傳統,引用行為是探查學社群知識生產的重要指標,引用代表學術知識傳遞與溝通的情形;而近年社會網絡分析(Social Network Analysis) 研究的興起,更擴充知識引用的研究方式與概念,採以引用網絡(Citation Networks) 分析知識結構與社群互動行為。本研究立基於社會網絡的研究概念,利用網絡分析工具試圖捕捉當代台灣社會學知識引用結構的現狀;社會學門的知識引用結構;究竟學術知識的引用會有何種變遷?引用的機制為何? 本研究採用2007年第三波社會學門專業期刊排序資料,進行次級資料分析,研究問題環繞在2001~2006年引用網絡結構的多層次架構,開展出三項研究問題: (一)社會學門學術期刊引用網絡的現況,互引網絡結構的動態變化為何? (二)社會學門內部學者引用期刊的情形為何?社會學門各類型期刊的引用變遷又如何? (三)以社會學門期刊引用的產生是偏向於以內容為主的規範論或符合以社會關係為主的建構論的機制? 研究結果分成三部份。第一,在期刊對期刊引用網絡層次部份,顯示學術期刊的引用網絡結構朝向集中化的趨勢,《台灣社會學》、《台灣社會學刊》成為引用結構中主要被引用的學術期刊組織,而且成為引用網絡結構中優勢地位的引用副團體。第二,社會學門學者引用學術期刊的雙元網絡層次,顯示社會學者與社會福利、社會工作學者的引用分流;社會學專業期刊與社會工作專業期刊的引用也存在著分流的情形。最後,《台灣社會學》、《台灣社會學刊》與《台灣社會研究季刊》的社會學者引用機制為內容為主的規範論。此三項結果顯示期刊排序制度施行社會學門的學術期刊,特定學術期刊的學術論文被其他期刊所肯定,產生引用結構的集中化變遷,同時社會學者與社會福利、社會工作學者對學科專業期刊分流引用也逐漸成形。而三種學術期刊內,社會學者的引用網絡影響來自於學者專長的相同與否,更是為台灣社會學的知識引用現狀,提出一個解釋的答案。 / Abstract In recent years, as the world has been trending toward a Knowledge-based Economy, governments worldwide have recognized the importance of academic research, providing resources to upgrade the academic research level in order to internationalize scholarly pursuit. Taiwan, as a latecomer to the concept of Knowledge-based Economy, has begun to constitute science and social science rules and evaluations for academic development. The study intends to capture the transformation of the academic field by examining citations. In early works in the science of sociology, citation was an important indication of scholarly productivity. Social network analysis (SNA) enriches the methodology, and makes the indication to the idea of citation networks. Based on the perspective of SNA, the study investigates the citation network database of sociological journals between 2001 and 2006, and the concurrent citation networks of sociologists from three prior sociological journals. The results include three parts: first, the structure of journals' citation networks shows the trend of centralization, and two academic journals attain privileged status by means of structural equivalence. Second, the dual network of authors and journals demonstrate the citation divisions of sociologists and social workers. The sociological professional journals and social worker professional journals also are divided by time. Finally, the citation mechanism of sociologists verifies the normative pattern. In conclusion, the analysis confirms the impact of social science policy, which influences the centralization of citation networks and the advantageous status of specific sociological journals. The sociologists' citation networks are related to the specialty similarities of scholars, not the social relations. The study gives a pioneer explanation of citation networks of Taiwanese sociology.

e-Health 2.0發展策略分析:科技政策觀點 / Strategic Analysis of e-Health 2.0 Development: Technology Policy Perspective

王復中, Wang, Fuchung Unknown Date (has links)
e-Health(電子化健康)透過資訊與通訊科技的使用,得以用較低的成本,將不同的健康照護服務加以整合,減少使用者接受服務時的障礙,並協助服務的遞送、改變服務的面貌。現今,由於消費者意識的抬頭以及網路資訊的普及,e-Health的使用者逐漸由醫療人員轉變為一般大眾,並由病人擴大到一般的健康者,其功能也由生病後的醫療照護延伸至生病前的健康促進,內容則包括了有形與無形的健康資訊服務,並以主動參與及知識分享為運作核心。透過這些的新觀念的引入,e-Health已產生本質上的改變,未來的科技將以更積極有效的方式,幫助民眾及早取得可信賴的健康資訊,提升健康資訊素養,進而對健康價值的觀念產生轉變,強化自我健康照護能力,本研究中將這個現象或過程稱之為e-Health 2.0。e-Health 2.0與過去的e-Health(或稱為e-Health 1.0)最大的不同,在於e-Health是以病人為主,並強調資訊科技可以運用在生病的過程中,提供診斷、治療與照護上的幫助,而e-Health 2.0則是藉由資訊科技,特別是Web 2.0,協助健康的民眾透過社會網絡(Social Network)及虛擬社群,主動參與其個人的健康管理,並透過個人健康資訊素養的提升,進而促使社群、服務提供者、產業以及政府機構改變健康照護思維的現象或過程。 醫療新科技的不斷進展以及人口老化、民眾對健康日益重視等社會環境多重影響下,世界各國在醫療上的支出均不斷地成長。透過資訊與通訊科技的快速發展,健康照護服務已產生重大的變革,因此,多數國家開始發展與建立國家e-Health政策,並期望透過政策的規劃及制定,因應未來環境與民眾的需求,提供前瞻、低成本高品質的服務,達到提升國家整體健康照顧系統能力的目標。然而,e-Health 2.0現象方興未艾,其影響與範圍雖大但卻缺乏有系統的評估,故本研究透過文獻回顧、次級資料分析及專家深度訪談,建構出e-Health 2.0的定義、內涵與決定因子,並進行發展策略分析,評估未來環境可能發生的情況及其中的影響層次,整理政策制定時有用的資訊,協助公私部門決策及因應,最後,也歸納提出具體可行暨可管理的短中長期目標,供後續研究與實務應用時參考。 / E-Healh is a revolution to drive the radical change in health care services delivery. In spite of using the information and communication technologies, e-Health could integrate the different health care services into a customer-oriented service delivery system and benefit the different stakeholders. However, the mind set of e-Health is gradually changed as the services and applications extend from patients to healthy people. In order to provide better services and applications, e-Health needs to focus on not only supporting proper and trusted health care services but consolidating the value of prevention and health promotion. Internet developments that brought us sites such as Facebook, YouTube and Wikipedia are now set to revolutionize health care. The idea of web 2.0 is now driving far-reaching changes in healthcare systems, a trend it terms e-health 2.0. Compared with e-Health which is mainly aimed at patients’ medical care services, e-Health 2.0 is a process or phenomenon of paradigm shift by means of that health information diffusion and social networking to improve the citizens’ health literacy in order to redefine the value of health care among stakeholders. Meanwhile, medical expenditure grows up continually as a result of the new technologies, aging population and social environment in many countries. The financial pressure of medical care already impacted national health care services policy so that governments are developing their national e-Health policy to fit the future need. The goal of e-Health policy is a reengineering process of health care to provide proactive, low cost and high quality services. As the e-Health 2.0 can reduce the gap among stakeholders and speed up the social change, it is a truly important role in the reengineering process. Our study based on literature review, secondary data analysis and in-deepth interview with expertise to construct the definition, content and factors of e-Health 2.0. According to the strategic analysis of e-Health 2.0 development, the study proposed several important goals and suggestions. They can be used as a template or guideline for such evaluation by researcher and practicer both before, during and after the implementation of e-Health 2.0.

移民政策與社會網絡—九0年代以來的捷克中國移民 / Migration policy and social networks - Chinese community in the Czech Republic since 1990

曲北蘭, Tulpikova, Petra Unknown Date (has links)
九0年代初,捷克以及其他東、中歐國家成爲世界移民系統的一部份。當時,捷克的開放移民政策及國家的經濟發展吸引全世界移民的目光,其中也包含了中國大陸移民在内。然而,自1995年開始,爲了準備加入歐盟及申根地區,捷克逐漸將移民政策調整成與歐盟目標一致。因而,捷克的政府推行所謂的限制移民政策。因此,隨著開放移民政策的變遷,捷克對移民的拉力減弱。在限制移民政策的狀況之下,在移民過程中,移民國的社會網絡成爲關鍵的移民因素。本文旨在研究探討捷克移民政策的變遷以及中國移民社會網絡的加強對捷克中國移民人數的影響。 / At the beginning of the 1990’s, the Czech Republic, together with other European post-communist countries became a part of the world migration system. Its liberal migration policy and new business opportunities attracted a lot of migrants from different countries, including mainland China, as well. However, in the mid 1990’s, the Czech Republic initiated an effort leading to the membership in the European Union and Shengen Space. Thus, this central European country adopted a far more strict migration policy which corresponded to the EU’s migration rules. As a result, one of the main pull factor of the Czech Republic, i.e., openess to migrants, disappeared with the enlargement of the EU, and moreover migration process involved many restrictions. In this situation social migration networks undertook the role of the main factor which could enable new migrants access the Czech Republic. This thesis describes and analyzes the influence of changing Czech migration policy and subsequent strengthening of social migration ties on the development of Chinese community in the Czech Republic.

決策的社會鑲嵌性及其影響:台灣中醫及牙醫健保總額支付委員會決策機制之分析 / The social embeddedness of the decision-making and its influence: The analysis of the decision-making mechanisms in the Chinese medical and dental global budget payment committees in Taiwan

王光旭, Wang, Guang Xu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的焦點主要圍繞在兩大主軸:社會鑲嵌性與決策,探討在行動者間社會網絡的關係結構下,決策的影響力與決策行為的社會性。換言之,本研究認為決策並非僅是理性的產物,更多的時候,反而是理性與非理性因素交互作用的結果。也就是說,決策必然鑲嵌在決策者間的社會網絡關係結構,任何的決策都無可避免的必須考量到決策者間的關係型態所造成的限制。本研究使用牙醫與中醫總額支付委員會作為研究的個案,除了讓社會網絡與決策網絡的邊界更清楚,更符合研究校度之外,也希望能夠進一步透過兩個案的分析,一方面透過社會網絡分析瞭解兩支付委員會可能的權力分佈與結構,二方面分析影響決策權力分佈與決策產出的關係機制為何,並藉此來驗證決策的社會鑲嵌性此一概念。 本研究使用事務討論、信任支持、法規諮詢與資源交換四個社會關係網絡來測量行動者在決策過程中的社會關係,並用以驗證決策者的決策影響力與決策的一致性是否鑲嵌在這四個網絡的結構當中。本研究透過社會網絡的問卷蒐集了牙醫支委會18筆與中醫支委會21筆資料(N=56),並透量化社會網絡分析方法中的集中性指數、派系、網絡密度、區截模型與縮影矩陣、MDS分析與QAP的相關與迴歸分析等分析工具,從個體、小團體層次、與總體的結構層次,分析牙醫與中醫支委會的行動者在網絡中的關係型態與位置角色。此外,更透過上述分析中所獲得的集中性指數的分析結果當作自變項,並放入迴歸模型之中,藉以驗證是否對集體決策產出的觀感造成影響。 總的來說,本研究可歸納以下研究結論:一、在牙醫與中醫支付委員會的個案中,委員決策的影響力與決策行為,確實都受到四個社會網絡結構的影響,驗證了決策的社會鑲嵌性此一觀點;二、無論從個體、小團體或總體結構的分析層次,得到的分析結果都很類似,具有決策影響力並與其他行動者有密切的社會關係的行動者,在牙醫支委會有牙醫全聯會的H11, H16與健保局的A2,但中醫支委會的部分,就沒有健保局的代表,反而僅有中醫全聯會代表,顯見在牙醫部門當中,權力的分佈屬於公、私部門間二元的機制,但中醫的部分僅有集中在中區中醫師;三、委員的出席確實會受到委員個人政策影響力與資源交換網絡的顯著影響,顯示個人政策影響力愈大,與其他委員資源交換關係愈頻繁的委員,參與會議的意願較高;四、從影響集體決策產出觀感的因素來說,事務討論關係與在事務討論網絡的派系重疊程度對集體決策產出的觀感有顯著且正面的影響,個人的決策影響力與年資反而有負面且顯著的影響。 本研究大的貢獻,一驗證了決策的社會鑲嵌性此一觀點,決策必須將社會關係變項考量,二是在公共行政領域中第一本以系統化的方式使用社會網絡分析工具的論文,非但具有示範性的作用,也跨越了過去公共行政網絡研究過於喻象的分析缺陷。根據分析結果,本研究提出以下四點政策建議:一、中醫支委會的健保局代表應當夠積極的與中醫全聯會的代表建立溝通的關係,以構築決策影響力的社會基礎;二、委員會中若不具決策影響力,又在社會關係上沒有跟其他行動者互動,則應考慮其存在的實質意義;三、由於年資長短對決策觀感會有負面影響,健保局應更積極的與年資較久的委員溝通請益,瞭解他們為何會對委員會的運作績效有負面的想法,藉以強化委員會的功能;四、加強委員之間的總額事務討論的交換意見的關係,有助於集體決策的產出。 / Decision making is a collective activity rather than an individual option. In literature, collective action can be symbolized as a network. The concept of network has emerged as an intellectual centrepiece in the field of public administration and the speedy development of social network analysis has facilitated “network research” to go beyond only a metaphor. However, most previous decision theories based on the concept of rationality have not seriously considered a network’s impact on the policy process. This research attempts to verify the causal relationship between social embeddedness and decision-making by examining how policy elites’ personal interactions shape individuals’ decision-making behaviour, influential power and the collective decision performance. This research focuses on the result of the mutual influence between rational and non-rational factors. Two cases (the Dental and Chinese Medicine Global Budget Payment Committees) are discussed by applying quantitative social network analysis in order to systemically expand the current understanding of the power distribution and its influential factors in these two decision making committees in Taiwan’s National Health Insurance domain. In regard to methodology, four participants’ social networks were designed not only to examine the social relationship between these committee members but also to analyse the phenomenon of social embeddedness in these two cases. There are totally 39 successful respondents (apx. 80% response rate, N=56) and these raw data were analysed by the indicators such as network centrality index, cliques, network density, block model, image matrix, MDS and QAP correlation, hierarchical regression in order to answer the research questions. Furthermore, this research is based on three analytical levels in social network analysis: “individual relationship”, “small group” and “global structure”, and not only explores the connection, power exercise and decision-making behaviour between these committee members but also analyses their role and position through the perspective of global network structure. The research verifies the hypothesis “decision-making is embeddeded in the structure of the actors’ interconnected social relationships” and utilizes the quantitative social network analytical method systematically to let network study go beyond a metaphor in the research field of public administration. I conclude that the distribution of the decision-making power and behaviour are both influenced by the committees’ social networks. Furthermore, the power distribution in the dental committee is two cores between the dental association and the BNHI, but the committee of Chinese Medicine is just one core of the Chinese Medicine association. With regard to attendance network as the independent variable, two factors significantly and positively influence the committee members’ attendance network: “decision-making influential network” and “resource exchange network”. Finally, the factors of “the NHI affair discussion network” and “the affair discussion clique centrality degree” have positive statistical significance but relatively the factors of “personal decision making influence” and “seniority” have negative statistical significance on the interviewees’ perception of the collective policy outcome.

行騙天下:臺灣跨境電信詐欺犯罪網絡之分析 / Global networks of fraud : criminal networks of Taiwan's cross-border telecommunications fraud

曾雅芬, Tseng, Ya-Fen Unknown Date (has links)
資訊時代下全球化造成了流動空間的出現,亦促進了網絡社會的崛起;其影響不僅擴及政治、社會、經濟層面,更形成了全球犯罪經濟的現象。臺灣境內詐欺犯罪從過去當面直接接觸,轉為透過電信或網路間接接觸的詐騙形式;在政府的全面查緝及兩岸共同打擊犯罪之下,近年來電信詐欺集團呈現向外擴散跨越國境乃至全球的趨勢。此類全球犯罪網絡的相關實證研究至今仍極為缺乏,因此,本研究旨在討論前述犯罪機會、空間分工及社會網絡如何形成跨境電信詐欺犯罪網絡,及其背後的特殊運作機制。   經由文獻探討法、現有資料統計分析法及深度訪談18名受訪者(受刑人11名、偵查人員4名、駐外聯絡官3名),本研究發現犯罪機會同時影響空間分工及社會網絡,這三個重要指標亦型塑了跨境電信詐欺的犯罪網絡。詐欺集團利用各類犯罪機會(犯罪者、標的物、監控缺乏及手法工具的聚合,其中監控包含國家、網路與金融管制層面),結合空間移動、分工與第三地機制,社會網絡強弱連帶與第三方機制,形成特殊運作機制,促使詐欺網絡成為無遠弗屆的全球犯罪體系;核心組成員與第三方既是連結也是斷點的關係,更是其中的運作關鍵。透過此種犯罪網絡分析,可深入瞭解全球跨境犯罪的運作概略,進而形成應對防治作法及刑事政策建議。 / In the Information Age, globalization has brought about the emergence of space of flows and the rise of network society. Its influence not only extends to the political, social, and economic levels, but also forms the global criminal economy. In Taiwan, fraud has occurred from direct contact format (such as face-to-face) to indirect ones (such as via telephones and the Internet). Owing to the government's comprehensive investigation and the cross-strait joint criminal judicial co-operation, the telecoms fraud groups recently have traveled across borders and even to the whole world. As the relevant research based on empirical data is scant, this research aims to discuss how criminal opportunities, spatial division of labor, and social networks construct a cross-border telecommunications fraud criminal network and the special operational mechanism behind it. In this research, I reviewed the relevant literature, analyzed empirical data, and then conducted in-depth interviews with 18 respondents which include 11 prisoners, 4 criminal investigators and 3 police liaison officers. It is concluded that criminal opportunities would influence the spatial division of labor and social networks within criminal groups; these three important indicators formulate the criminal network of cross-border telecommunications fraud. A special operational mechanism combining various criminal opportunities (the convergence of offenders, targets, absence of guardians, and means; in which guardians include the level of national, cyber and financial regulations), spatial mobility and division of labor with the third-place mechanism, and strong and weak ties of social networks with the third-person mechanism, transforms fraud networks into a far-reaching global criminal system. The relationship between core group members and the third-person is not only a link but also a breakpoint, and it is undoubtedly the operational key. Ultimately, this research paints a clear picture of the global criminal networks and thus will possibly benefit the development of future criminal prevention and correction policies.

「資訊社會」之知識地圖建構 / Building a knowledge map on the subject of information society

沈東玫, Shen, Tung Mei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在應用共被引分析法與社會網絡分析法,以資訊社會代表文獻為研究對象,進行文獻間的主題相關性分析,希望透過對資訊社會代表文獻之共被引分析與社會網絡分析,能瞭解資訊社會研究所涵蓋的學科領域、文獻之間的集群性、及歷年研究趨勢。本研究以1962年至2010年的資訊社會代表文獻為研究範圍,研究資料取自Webster於2006年所撰寫的《Theories of Information Society》與《The Information Society Reader》二本著作,經整合後得出89篇代表文獻做為本研究之研究樣本。其次,再以WOS資料庫對此89篇代表文獻進行共被引次數檢索,製成共被引矩陣。除了瞭解代表文獻間的共被引強度外,並以SPSS軟體進行相關係數分析與集群分析,此外,利用UCUNET軟體計算出文獻中心性,及將文獻間的關係繪製成多元尺度圖與社會網絡圖,最後,透過研究年代的區隔,計算不同時段共被引情形的變化,以觀察資訊社會領域發展趨勢。 本研究結果歸納如下:1.資訊社會代表文獻被引用次數概況:(1)整體而言,資訊社會代表文獻歷年被引用次數趨於穩定;(2)資訊社會代表文獻受到社會學與地理學領域高度引用。2.「資訊社會」之知識地圖:(1)資訊社會代表文獻共被引次數普遍偏低;(2)資訊社會領域之核心文獻;(3)資訊社會領域可分為社會學、地理學及資訊科學與圖書館學子群。3.資訊社會之發展趨勢:(1)資訊社會知識地圖演變;(2)資訊社會共被引次數衰退。 本研究結果可應用於館藏規劃與評估,界定重要的圖書文獻來源,有助於圖書館或相關研究單位評估資訊社會相關館藏是否足以支援研究。同時可將研究之分析應用於資訊社會學術研究,提供研究人員近年來資訊社會共被引學科之變化及研究主題趨勢等相關資訊,作為資訊社會學者進行研究規劃之參考。 / The purpose of this study is to find out what disciplines Information Society covers. By Co-citation Analysis, this study highlighted the major disciplines in the Information Society field and identified the main literature and their relationship. This research takes representative Information Society literature from 1962 to 2010 as research scope. Firstly, by Bibliometrics, the total of 89 representative literature of Information Society was extracted from “The Information Society Reader” and “Theories of Information Society” written by Frank Webster in 2005 and 2006 respectively. Secondly, the co-citation times between 89 literature was investigated through Web of Science and thus a co-citation matrix was build to reveal the co-citation strength of literature. Co-relation and cluster analysis between literature were also explored by SPSS software. In addition, this study uses UCUNET software to analyze centrality and plot knowledge map on the subject of Information Society. The major findings are as follows: 1. On the citation strength: (1) Cited times of Information Society literature have been growing stable in recent years. (2) Information Society literature is highly cited by disciplines of Sociology and Geography. 2. Knowledge map of Information Society: (1)Co-citation frequencies of Information Society literature are low;(2) The core literature of Information Society field; (3)Sociology, Geography and Information Science are main disciplines in Information Society area. 3. Development of Information Society: (1) Development of knowledge map of Information Society; (2) Co-citation frequencies of Information Society literature have been declining in recent years. Finally, the results of this study can be applied to collection planning and assessment, and identify the core journals and books. It assists libraries or information centers in evaluating the adequacy of Information Society collections to support research. Meanwhile, it provides researchers with recent trends of Information Society research.

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