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以TRIZ為架構的創意之策略推展於台灣高科技公司 / Strategy in Deployment of TRIZ_Based Innovation for Taiwan High-Tech Company劉依雯, Liu, I Wen Unknown Date (has links)
以TRIZ為架構的創意之策略推展於台灣高科技公司 / High-tech industry in Taiwan is the mainstream of economic growth. In recent years, international patent litigation news often hear, business at the same time against opponents in the competition through patent to protect themselves, and then rely on patents for high added value. Using innovative methods to solve problems faced by enterprise innovation process is commonly used in the practice of foreign companies. Technology companies encourage employees to obtain patents; however, although engineering also hope to increase patent contribution, but often do not know how to proceed efficiently.
TRIZ theory provides an innovative management system that lets innovation becomes simple, no longer out of reach. Currently the Western developed countries such as the United States, Germany, Britain, France, Sweden and Russia, Japan and other countries, no matter theoretical and application research or technical research of TRIZ are at the forefront of the world. Due to geographical proximity relations with Russia, South Korea and China are also very positive learning TRIZ. In Taiwan, TRIZ is rarely been widely introduced in the country and in enterprise.
TRIZ so good, why not spread in the Taiwan? Paper discusses the cost of imported TRIZ, the implementation procedure, and the expected results through literature and actual interviews. Based on these introduction to manager understand the perspective of the feasibility of local enterprises import TRIZ and proposed how to make TRIZ popularity in domestic.
Keywords: High-tech, TRIZ, Creativity, Innovation
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導熱介面材料全球競爭策略分析: 高柏科技公司個案探討 / Global Competitive Strategic Analysis in TIM Industry: A Case Study蕭酩献, Hsiao, Kenny Unknown Date (has links)
導熱介面材料(Thermal Interface Materials, TIM)是所有電子相關產品不可或缺的組成元素之一,沒有了它,市面上就不會有電腦、遊戲機、智慧型手機,也不會有電視機、LED燈,更不會有油電混合車;既然如此不可或缺,但它卻又不造就了是電子產業慣例定義中的關鍵零組件。如此特殊的屬性與定位,導熱介面材料的不凡與平凡。
高柏科技於是亟思運用既有核心競爭優勢,輔以積極開闢海外市場,希望以全球佈局的高度,以敏銳的市場洞察力,察覺導熱介面材料下一個世代的產品應用之星,找到一片屬於導熱介面材料的不凡的深湛藍海。 / Thermal Interface Materials (TIM) is one of key components in many electronics applications. TIM generally works to solve thermal issues in these electronic products.
T-Global Technology Co., one of the top 15 leading companies in the global TIM industry, has been building its own brand by manufacturing and marketing it own products since 10 years ago. The company faces much higher competitions from producers of emerging markets who focus on the low-cost or entry-lever productions.
This study considers and investigates how to develop sustainable growth strategies in the current situation. A thorough analysis suggests that strategies of deeper penetrating and expanding into global markets by leveraging the company's core competence may well serve the purpose.
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群異文創科技公司之創業計畫 / A Business Plan for EGG Technology Company陳建安, Chen, Gian Unknown Date (has links)
This business plan aims at a start-up company (“EGG”) which specializes in building an online creative platform for designer and artist, as well as providing customized & personalized products. EGG is created by a group of friends, the company’s founding members. These products include LIFE-T (T-Shirt) and LIFE-CASE (Smartphone Case) with self-designed product with fashionable components. All EGG’s products are designed and implemented by our talent engineering team to fit current customers’ needs. We plan to target young students and working professionals who are particularly pursuing fashionable & customized merchandise experience at a reasonable price. Our products cater for that need and provide excellent concept and packaging to suit their needs. This provided a very good opportunity for niche personalized product brand makers such as EGG to take advantage.
We uses online to offline (“O2O”) channel to market and distribute our products because they serve the need of both low in cost and high efficiency in reaching our target customers. They can receive the latest news or coupons on our website and experience in the physical store. After evaluating our product strength and weakness, we decided on a sales and implementation strategy for younger generation and forecasted our financial performance for the next five years. Finally, we expect this venture to turn profitable in the second year and generate meaning return for our shareholders. Thus this is a venture worth taking and investing upon.
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台灣生物科技公司經營效率之研究-資料包絡分析法之應用 / Operation Efficiency Analysis of Biotech Companies in Taiwan—Applications of Data Envelopment Analysis盧冠嘉, Lu, Kwan-Jia Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以台灣8家生物科技公司為研究對象,探討公司於民國85年到88年之間的經營效率評估,比較孰優孰劣。本研究應用資料包絡分析法(data envelopment analysis, DEA)來計算相對效率值。投入要素包括:資本額、研發支出、員工人數,及員工素質共四項;產出項目則為公司營業額一項。研究中分別求解CCR效率和A&P效率,此外,亦將CCR效率進一步區分為純粹技術效率(BCC效率)與規模效率,除了效率值比較和衍生的相關討論外,還進行規模報酬分析、虛擬乘數分析、差額變數分析,與敏感度分析,最後則是獲利能力與經營效率之比較。
研究結果顯示,效率排名以杏輝表現最佳,其次依序為濟生、葡萄王、永日、永信、生達、中化、五鼎;依年度區分的平均效率值分析,可觀察到的共通現象,皆是從民國85年一路衰退到88年,顯示八家生技公司的營運效率在此期間總體表現不佳。整體來看,投入項目需縮減幅度最大者為員工素質,資本額次之。表示八家生技公司在此期間高素質人力的投入,並無產生相當的營收,原因可能是公司開發的產品未能符合市場的需求,因此,未來在開發新產品方面應加強結合行銷功能,才能充分滿足消費者或客戶的需求。此外,資本額投入過多,造成資源的浪費,也需要公司管理者加強成本的控管,以期達到資源有效分配。從獲利能力與經營效率之比較分析得知,經營效率高的公司大多獲利能力亦較高。 / Utilizing Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), this paper examines the relative efficiency of 8 companies over a period of 4 years in Taiwan biotech industry. The study has indicated how to use DEA to identify individual companies that are less efficient than other comparable units of output factors relative to input factors. These DEA models basing on the data of 1996-1999 provide CCR efficiency, and A&P efficiency. Furthermore, CCR efficiency is divided into pure technical efficiency (BCC efficiency) and scale efficiency. Besides the comparison of these efficiencies and the discussion about related content, the present study also performs scale analysis, multiplier analysis, slack analysis, and sensitivity analysis. Finally, the comparison of profitability and operating efficiency is conducted.
The research shows that Sinphar Pharm. Corp. is ranked first in efficiency, and then Chi Sheng Chemical Corp., Grape King Corp., Yung Zip Chemical Corp., Yung Shin Pharm. Corp., Standard Chemical & Pharm. Corp., China Chemical & Pharm. Corp., and Apex Biotech Corp. in order. Average efficiency of these eight companies declined from 1996 to 1999. As a whole, the personnel Ability and Capital should be the first two input item that needs to be reduced. The comparison of profitability and operating efficiency indicates that most efficient companies can have good profitability.
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台灣GPS廠商創業的經營管理之研究---以新禾航電股份有限公司為例 / A study of a Taiwanese enterprise GPS Firms' operation and management ---A case of San Jose Technology,Inc.陳明發, Chen, Ming Fa Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之個案雖屬高科技公司,但經過學理之印證後,可發現其經營管理之方法也離不開文獻之範疇,主要是採用Timmons及 Shane之創業模式來加以剖析,雖然研究者將Timmons之模式運用於創業前期,而將Shane之模式運用於創業後期,或許有些牽強,但目的是為了方便敘述,好讓讀者容易理解。
一、 新創公司創業前期的管理作法為何?
二、 新創公司創業後期的管理作法為何?
一、 新創公司在創業前期會善用其核心能耐以尋找商機,同時以外部資源取用補足內部資源及能力之不足,並加強創業團隊成員之專長互補與共識,提高創業成功的機會。
二、 新創公司在創業後期之技術管理上會著重利基性及差異性之思維,在行銷管理上會以客戶需求為導向,在組織管理上則會特別重視風險管理並適時網羅人才以增強組織的陣容,並以創新來提高報酬。 / The newly start-up company will face the different management difficulties during the starting period. The study distinguished the start-up period into Earlier Period of the Start-up and the Later Period of the Start-up.
The selecting company of the thesis is classified as the high-tech industry. We use the Timmons Model to analyze the Earlier Period of the Start-up, and use the Model of Scott A. Shane to analyze the Later Period of the Start-up.
The main research questions of the thesis are :
1. What’s the right management method in the Earlier Period of the Start-up Company?
2. What’s the right management method in the Later Period of the Start-up Company?
The conclusions of the research are:
1. In the Earlier Period, the company must (1) make a good use of its core competency to catch the good chance, (2) use the external resources to strengthen the lack of the internal resources or capability, (3) strengthen and increases the complementarity of the abilities of the start-up entrepreneurial team.
2. In the Later Period, the company must (1) focus on the niche market and attach importance to the differentiation on the Technology Management issue, (2) take the customer demand-oriented method as the principal on the Marketing Management issue, (3) pay attention to the risk management, recruit the talented person or team on the Organizational Management issue.
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關係人交易與審計品質─以台灣高科技公司為例 / Related Party Transactions and Audit Quality: Evidence from High Technology Firms in Taiwan李奕萱, Li, Yi Syuan Unknown Date (has links)
我國關係人交易普遍且具重要性,而過去研究顯示關係人交易會對公司產生負面效果,且關係人交易之查核具有困難度,因此本研究以關係人交易較多且查核風險較高之高科技公司為研究對象,將關係人交易分為關係人銷貨交易、關係人進貨交易、關係人應收款與關係人應付款等四項類別,探討關係人交易與審計品質的關係。進一步探討當關係人交易分為發行公司與關係人皆受相同會計師查核與受不同會計師查核兩類型,對發行公司財務報表審計品質的影響。實證結果發現:關係人銷貨交易、關係人進貨交易與審計品質呈負向關係;關係人銷貨交易、關係人進貨交易與關係人應收款兩造受不同會計師查核者,對其發行公司財務報表審計品質之負面影響較兩造受相同會計師查核者強。 / Related party transactions are common and important in Taiwan, and empirical studies in Taiwan show that related party transactions have negative impact on earnings management and company performance. Based on auditing standards and literature, related party transactions are difficult to audit, and high technology firms have more related party transactions which may result in higher audit risk than other industry. Therefore, we investigate the association between related party transactions (including sales to related parties, purchases from related parties, accounts receivable from related parties and payable to related parties) and audit quality (proxied by accrual quality) in high technology firms, and find that sales to related parties and purchases from related parties have negative impact on audit quality. Next, we investigate the impact of related party transactions audited by the same auditor or different auditors. Empirical results show that sales to related parties, purchases from related parties and accounts receivable from related parties audited by different auditors show stronger negative impacts on audit quality than those audited by same auditors.
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探討新創科技公司產品創新分工網路之研究 / Research on the network in division of labor for product innovation of technology startup company葉啟超 Unknown Date (has links)
4、中小企業與新創科技公司因價值鏈之市場顧客面不完整,以供應鏈管理觀點檢討發現:管理方法、產品流程、風險與獲利架構、文化與態度觀念、變革升級等構面皆尚待加強。 / I his thesis is mainly in finding out the reality and performance on the network in division of labor for product innovation of a technology startup company. The two core resources of a technology startup company are innovation and techniques. The growth and earning of such company normally come from the value of technology commercialization. Generally, such company could hardly rely on its internal resources completely for independent innovation. Innovative community centers on techniques and the community organization must involve in the commercialization of a new technique significantly, and the main identifying indicator is the vertical complementary assets and the information flow. Industrial network in division of labor is the connecting pattern of the international organization of a business entity with other business, which is for creating added value. The value chain activities are made through sound coordination to generate differentiation and cost-down.Information technology is for changing the performing manner value activities,as well as the natures of connection among various chain activities. It serves to affect the scope of competition and to form new products.
This research targeted at the technology startup companies involved in the research and development of new products or new techniques, and case study approach is employed to analyze the internal and external factors of a company,SWOT and industrial capacity with analytical modes. Face to face interview with medium and small enterprises were conducted to empirically demonstrate the activities of the network in division of labor, and to investigate the reality and industrial system (research / manufacturing) supply chain performance of new innovative network in division of labor. The findings are:
1.Industries in Taiwan are still in the stage of“Incomplete Conceptual Design and Pilot Production Separated Network in Division of Labor”level.Technology startup companies are generally lack of brand image. And, with the lack of resources, they are unable to target at the global market for marketing. There is less autonomy in the investment in equipment and options of products and manufacturing. These have limited the talents in Taiwan in their innovation capability and the success of technology startup companies.
2.The technology startup companies promote the added value of their innovative products, and in manufacturing, they rely on the specialization and flexible complement of medium and small enterprise to adjust to the best efficiency by fully utilize the system resources. However, in a matured market, they adopted the follower approach and cost-lead strategies, that they could not feed back the added value of products to the system in division of labor.
3.Generally the medium and small enterprises are having serious information gap, that they are unable to employ the diversification principle in the new and spread-over industrial diversification with virtual, organization modular.Therefore, after losing the labor cost advantage, the core competitiveness in flexibility and speed are also in their way down.
4.Medium and small enterprise, and the technology startup companies have the short of incomplete customer dimension in their value chain, it is found,in the view point of supply chain management, they need to strengthen and improve their managerial approach, product flow, risk and profit structure,culture and attitude and changes and upgrading.
Subject Terms (Key Word):
- technology startup company
- technology commercialization
- network in division of labor
- innovation community
- value chain
- supply chain management
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智慧財產權融資可行性之分析 / The feasibility analysis on financing intellectual property right顏瑞全, Yen, Jui-Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:智慧財產權融資、新創科技公司、創業投資公司、銀行、鑑價機制、技術交易市場、信用保證基金、關鍵要素。 / By the coming of the new economy, high-tech start-ups are mushrooming like bamboo shoots after a spring rain. The value of high-tech start-ups does not base on hard assets, but of their principal assets. The principal assets contain both the intangible assets and intellectual property right (IPR), such as patent, trademark, copyright, license contract as well as R&D team. However, traditional financial statements record only the past financial profile and operating results of companies. They've invested large amount of money on R&D, and therefore, to obtain the IPR. But the right obtained can not be shown on the financial statements. As a result, a large number of high-tech start-ups are underestimated, and unfortunately, most of the potential high-tech start-ups were not able to survive due to the inability to find the fund needed.
From the view of the practical operating management, this study discusses problems that should be confronted when operating the financing IPR. Moreover, according to the problems found, the study anticipates by offering the operating mechanism and feasible business models for financing IPR.
As we know, the majority of risk lies in the fund suppliers when financing IPR, so mostly the feasibility of financing IPR depends on fund suppliers that will receive IPR as collateral under a certain number requirements possessed. Thus, the study will then offer suggestions mainly in terms of fund suppliers, and the focus will be on domestic banks and venture capitalists.
Based on the literature review, group focus interview, individuall interview, posted survey and so on are conducted for the study.
Some of insights are derived as bellow:
1. For overseas countries, the financing IPR is just at the beginning period. There are differences in the business models of financing IPR between western countries and eastern countries.
2. There are few real cases about financing IPR in Taiwan although there are some basic laws to apply for financing IPR. Nevertheless, more related regulations are needed.
3. Most of the venture capitalists evaluate high-tech start-ups in an overall way. Hence, excluding a small numbers of high-tech start-ups such as bio-tech companies, IPR is not the only key evaluation factor.
4. The model of financing IPR has an indirect influence to venture capitalists. They emphasize more on the valuation mechanism and the technology marketplace.
5. The profit of traditional banks in Taiwan comes from the interest. From the conservative operating system, these banks are hard to accept the financing IPR that is with high risk.
6. The domestic banks are in short of the IPR valuation and IPR management capabilities. Thus, these problems should first be solved, and then the financing IPR will be able to be taken into action.
7. The domestic banks are in favor of reducing risk by getting guarantee from the government.
8. In terms of the whole financial environment in Taiwan, there are lots of difficulties in the concepts of IPR, valuation mechanism, management capability, technology marketplace, laws and decrees and so forth to be confronted.
Above all, financing IPR has high risk in Taiwan at the moment. Therefore, this paper recommends that feasible business models of financing IPR should be divided as follow:
1. Short-run business model:
(1) Diversify the risk of the fund suppliers from the guarantee fund offered by the government.
(2) Finance IPR by foreign valuation mechanism and technology marketplace.
2. Long-run business model:
First, more efforts should be put to set up our own international valuation institutions and technology marketplace. Second, the financing IPR should be taken by contract liberalization principle in compliance with the mechanism of the free market. When both sides agree to the contract, then the deal will be done. By doing so,the IPR financing will be highly promoted at the same time.
Key words:
Financing IPR, High-tech Start-ups, Venture Capitalists, Domestic Banks, Valuation Mechanism, Technology Marketplace, Credit Guarantee Fund, Key factors.
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價值單元展開分析法與策略矩陣:以3D感測產業新創科技公司競爭策略為例 / Value unit expansion analysis and strategic matrix : competitive strategy of technology startup company in 3D sensor industry黃紹峯, Huang, Shao-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
「價值單元展開分析」法追尋理性與系統化思考,為公司導入嚴謹明確、量化、及標準化的度量衡工具,使公司得以更加周詳完備與深入地分析其條件前提,將策略最佳化。且此架構具高度延展性,得充分配合公司進行各種思考面向之分析。此外,「價值單元展開分析」法亦可完全結合與相容於「策略矩陣分析」法之中,形成易於溝通與同步的策略系統模型,利用此特點解決公司在策略規劃時可能遭遇之混沌與困難,將效率、效益、及效能用在得當之處,使公司未來發展更符合目標。 / This study investigates the methods of analyzing and planning competitive strategies, with a case study of a technology startup company – “L Company” in the 3D sensor industry. Based on strategy analysis and Strategic Matrix Analysis, this study developed a new analytic framework – “Value Unit Expansion Analysis” which is a systematic model integrated into Strategic Matrix Analysis. By verifying the systematic model through the case, this study proposed a more precise and optimization–capable method to form a company’s future competitive strategies.
Value Unit Expansion Analysis is a clarifying, quantifying, and standardizing method for the company to pave the path for factor condition analysis and strategic optimization. The structure was designed with a high flexibility in correspondence to different considerations and changing aspects; it is compatible and can be built within Strategic Matrix Analysis. The systematic model is liable for communication and synchronization during the process of strategy planning and, therefore, setting higher efficiency, benefit, and utility for pertinent strategies that fit into companies’ goals.
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我國創投公司對科技產業之知識互動研究 / The research of the knowledge interactive relationship between venture capitalist and technology industries黃俊傑, Huang, Chun Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
【研究發現十五】:技術導向的技術領先公司,與創投公司之知識互動程度越低。 / The objectives of this thesis intend to explore the knowledge interactive relationship between the venture capitalist and technology industries as well as the key success factors (KSFs) to initiate the interactive basis. Based on the knowledge interactive relationship, this study presents : the roles and functions of the venture capitalist during different business stages, the added-value that the venture capitalist provided, the key factors influencing the interactive relationship, and the changes in technology and innovation as influenced by the venture capitalist.
The key success factors initiating the interactive relationship between the venture capitalist and technology industries are the technology company's demand in knowledge and resources as well as the knowledge and resources that the venture capitalist can provided.
This study was conducted by using case study methodology covering four samples of high-tech companies and two venture capitalists. The results of this study are as follows:
1. During the seed and start-up stages of technological companies, the venture capitalist acts as the promoter and start-up consultant.
2. During the growth and development stages of technological companies, the venture capitalist acts as the resource-provider and coordinator.
3. During the late stage of technological companies, the venture capitalist acts as the IPO promoter.
4. During the re-orgnization stage of technological companies, the venture capitalist acts as the re-structurer.
5. The industrial network of the venture capitalist will influence the company's investment performance.
6. The investment amount will influence the knowledge interactive intensive of the venture capitalist.
7. The venture capitalist only affords capital but without knowledge have been worked difficult. Only the venture capitalists with smart-money and value-added will have development space.
8. The venture capitalist leads the capital efficiency and the technical companies lead the technology innovation. Both of them promote the development of economics.
9. Start-up new companies with innovative technologies to purchase excellent financial reward are the motive factor of technology development.
10. The venture capitalists with technical background will more actively promote the innovative technologies start-up. The venture capitalists with financial background will focus on the management of the investee.
11. The diversity of technology innovation builds up the development space basis of the venture capitalists.
12. The modularization of the technical innovation and business management is the key factor in pushing the knowledge interactive between technical companies and venture capitalists.
13. The industrial network and management knowledge contributions of the venture capitalists are more than the contributions of the capital benefit.
14. The more amorphous of the industry, the more knowledge interactive activities between the technical companies and the venture capitalists.
15. The more technical-oriented companies, the less knowledge interactive activities between the technical companies and the venture capitalists.
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