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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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韓國大德科學園區個案研究-國家創新系統遠景 / The case study of Taedok science town in Korea : NIS perspective

李恩洙, Lee Joo Joo Unknown Date (has links)
Taedok Science Town(TST) has long history. Almost twenty years had been spent from its planning on 1973 to completion of its physical form on 1992. By 1998, TST tenants are government-supported institutes, private industry research laboratories, government-invested institutes, government agencies, and high educational institutes, total 63. However, contrary to its long history, only little information concerning TST has been introduced to outside of TST. It’s because TST was designed only for R&D without industrial production and also because in the initial stage, TST was purposed to support chaebols scientifically and technically, even the research results belonged to chaebols. Therefore, even within Korea TST was not studied by many entities, but mainly by policy makers. This unique situation of TST is very deeply related to Korean national innovation system. In other words, without understanding Korean national innovation system, it’s meaningless to view TST alone. When Korean created record-breaking fast economic development in 1960s, Korean government focused on technology but what Korea had was only human resources. Government as a center of its innovation system reared up strategic industries and intensively supported. Especially Korean government did it by fostering some chaebols, so Korean economy was built by them and also heavily depended on them. At that time, TST as designed for supporting those chaebols. Naturally, government-supported institutes in TST took pivotal role in R&D and in other peripheral activities . However, TST system was not static but dynamic. From 1980s, government started supporting small and medium enterprises and to catch up with the world economic changes, government promoted corporate researches to create synergy in TST. When KAIST moved to TST on 1990, it activated corporate researches with many institutes, and created collaborative research culture in TST. Especially, in early 1990s, when Business Incubators introduced into Korea, TBI/TIC/HTVC programs were launched in KAIST under government’s intensive support. Even this BI program is expanding to nationwide. Many young technopreneurs are heading to TST to start their own business with expecting TST’s scientific and technological support. Now TST in-town institutes are changed new way. Many students and researchers started their own technology-based businesses and creating new culture in TST. In many clubs they made they exchange business opportunities, technical know-how, etc. This new move creates new atmosphere in TST. However, close community of TST and in-town institutes’ networks is still pretty rare. That’s because the industries in community are not matured yet so that they are not ready to absorb technical pool in TST.

以多代理人系統模擬風險與聲譽變數於預測市場之成效研究 / A multi-agent simulation and performance analysis with risk and reputation in prediction market system

呂一軒 Unknown Date (has links)
對於現有文獻中討論的預測市場模型,嘗試加入風險與聲譽變數,觀察與分析其成效,並參考文獻中的代理人系統實驗方法,對論文中相關部分進行修正、設計並模擬之預測市場模型。 / In this research, we proposed two variables that could be incorporated with prediction markets: Reputation and Risk. Instead of attracting new players, The reputation system could stop losing bankrupted player, Player willing to help bankrupted player will gain reputation, and bankrupted player will lose reputation. Previous works suggest longshot bias is related to the risk-neutrality of players. Our approach is to experiment dierent risk distribution. We observe the impact of these variables in an agent-based model of prediction markets. We use zero-intelligence agents, where human qualities such as maximizing prot, learning or obeserving are missing. We further discuss the result, and the impact of risk and reputation.

端點銷售系統製造商因應雲端運算所帶來的衝擊之產品策略分析-以個案公司為例 / The product strategy of a POS provider to respond the coming impact of cloud computing in its industry-a case on a company

魏文彬, Wei, Charles Unknown Date (has links)
近年來資訊產業最熱門的話題,莫過於雲端運算了。不過一般的學術研究與相關報導均著墨於雲端運算的定義、可能的商業模式以及潛在的信任問題。坊間雖多有質疑雲端運算是否真正對台灣的硬體製造商,尤其是終端裝置製造商有所助益,但並沒有相關的研究發現來佐證。筆者從業於工業電腦與端點銷售系統近十年,對此影響有些許的想法,希望能夠以POS端點銷售系統製造商的角度,以某個案公司為例,來觀察雲端運算對此產業所造成的衝擊以及影響,並對於此產業之價值鏈的變化進行探討,進一步地提供個案公司因應此現象的建議產品策略。 本研究希望能夠探究,當雲端運算或雲端服務應用於端點銷售系統上,將會減低終端使用者對端點銷售系統硬體的規格要求,並且延長其硬體設備的使用年限或減緩換機的頻率,甚至採用其他更便宜的替代方案,如智慧型手機或平板電腦來取代原本的端點銷售系統。本研究建議個案公司應選擇整合更多端點銷售系統的周邊輸出入裝置,產出高度整合的多功能端點銷售系統,藉此提高端點銷售系統的產品價值;或以其他種的端點銷售系統設計方式,來提高端點銷售系統在終端使用者使用環境的彈性以及降低使用者的總體成本,才能使個案公司面對著雲端運算的衝擊,有機會可以改變其產品的定位,並避免毛利之持續下降。 / Cloud Computing is one of the most popular topic of Information Technology Industry in recent years. Most of the studies and researches are focus on the definition of Cloud Computing, the possible business opportunity and the potential moral hazard. There are many people questioning about the benefit which brought from Cloud Computing to most of hardware providers in Taiwan, still there is no academic research toward this issue. The researcher has some idea about this topic based on his working experience and would like to provide some suggestion of the product strategy to A Company. This research reveals while Cloud Computing or Cloud Service to be applied in POS industry, it would reduce the hardware specification requirement from the end user, or expand the product life of a POS system which is not beneficial to the POS manufacturer, even worse is the end user would take Smart Phone or Tablet PC as the alternative of POS system. This research suggests A Company should consider integrating more POS devices into the POS system that makes the POS system more multi-functional which could increase the product value and selling price. By using different kind of system design concept would increase the flexibility of the end user to operate the system and reduce the total cost of ownership. Thus A Company could adjust an appropriate product strategy to maintain its core competence.

朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統經營發展之研究 / A study on the management and development

鍾昀圻, Chung,Yun Ci Unknown Date (has links)
1992年朱宗慶秉著「演奏、推廣、教學、研究」的目標,成功的將打擊音樂從表演舞台延伸到生活教學形式上,正式成立-「朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統」,為國人首創之打擊音樂教學系統,也是第一個由表演藝術團體設立的體制外教育系統。直至今日近二十年間,體制外打擊樂教學中心陸續成立,朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統甚至拓展至海外開設教學中心,初估全台灣學習過打擊樂的人數超過十五萬人。 「朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統何以成為可能?」此為本論文發問的起點,以時間的推進為主軸,透過相關文獻的分析與對照經營管理理論,試圖從中抽絲剝繭找出背後的一些關鍵因子。經由本論文對朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統之通盤研究後,最後對「朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統何以成為可能」之原始提問做出整理與歸納並提出未來發展之建議。 本論文首章論述發想過程,同時說明採行文獻分析及深入訪談之研究方法,並確定研究重點為朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統之經營管理發展層面。第二章說明打擊樂及體制外音樂教育的發展概況,另外針對體驗行銷、藍海策略、組織變革等相關管理理論進行文獻分析,最後提及朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統二十年來的大事紀,並搜集朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統之相關期刊論文研究,做為接下來對朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統發展的討論基礎。 第三章至第五章詳細論述朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統的發展歷程,筆者依朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統創辦至今之重要轉折及事件,將其發展歷程劃分為三個時期;第一個時期為1992-2002之創辦紮根時期,此階段朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統從無到有,教學中心於全省快速拓展,全盛時期有三十二間教學中心,可謂為朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統開疆拓土的重要階段;第二個時期為2002-2005之轉變期,由於2002年發生了系統分裂危機,促使朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統進行組織重整,結合了朱宗慶打擊樂團與擊樂文教基金會的資源,成立朱宗慶打擊樂團隊,開啟了朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統另一個新紀元;第三個時期為2006年迄今,全面開拓海外市場的朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統陸續於澳洲與中國大陸成立了海外據點,為「立足台灣、放眼國際」這個願景邁開一大步,自此走向國際。 第六章則歸納朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統發展之天時與地利,以及創辦人朱宗慶個人的時代性角色、風格與做事的態度等,皆創造出獨特的朱宗慶精神。接下來的朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統如何延續朱宗慶精神,將是一個重要的議題。且未來朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統將不再是唯一的打擊樂教學系統,面對少子化的危機與團隊老化問題,筆者認為唯有持續不斷的創新、精進專業提昇服務價值並保有熱情的心才有機會讓朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統得以朝立足台灣、放眼國際的願景繼續邁進。

以社群標籤組為基礎之不同角度文章之推薦 / Using social tags for comprehensive document recommendation

鄭挺拔, Cheng, Ting Pa Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,推薦系統(recommendation system)相關研究是一個很熱門的議題,當使用者看到一篇文章,對該文章所描述的事件很感興趣,想要了解該事件的全貌,此時想要得到是該事件的通盤的見解,而非局部的意見,也就是以不同角度去解析此事件的文章清單時,若以過去傳統推薦系統的作法,推薦與這篇文章相似的文章給使用者就未必合適,因為相似文章只能反映對此事件相同角度,而非對此事件不同角度的文章。因此,本研究擬使用社群性標籤(social tag)解決以上問題。透過不同使用者標註標籤反映不同看法的機制,我們可以從文章中選出代表性的標籤,透過該標籤組與文章分數計算,找出對此事件不同角度的文章清單推薦給使用者。實驗結果顯示,若文章有較高的可信度擁有多種角度,則使用我們提出的演算法確實擁有較好的準確度。

改良式協同過濾推薦系統之架構與評估 / A framework and evaluation of recommendation system using modified collaborative filtering method

張玉佩 Unknown Date (has links)
協同過濾是電子商務中最常被使用也是最成功的推薦技術,但隨著電子商務的發展,網站使用者與商品數也迅速成長,使得使用者相關資料稀疏(Data sparsity)而嚴重影響推薦品質。對於新使用者與新商品,協同過濾也無法提供準確的推薦。為改善以上問題,本研究使用Lemire與Maclachlan (2005)所提出的Slope One演算架構及資料探勘方法中的單純貝式分類器(Naïve bayes classifier)來解決資料稀疏性和冷開始(Cold-start)問題。同時,考量到運算成本,將推薦系統架構分為離線預處理階段和線上預測階段,以避免當使用者數目和商品越來越大時運算成本超過實際可接受程度。 本研究採用MovieLens資料庫的資料集,包含943位使用者與1,682部電影,共10萬筆評比資料,評比分數範圍從1到5分,其中每位使用者至少評比20部以上電影。實驗評估方法則採用平均絕對誤差(MAE)來計算本研究的推薦系統對消費者喜好預測的準確度。 本研究希望所提出的個人化推薦系統能改善傳統協同過濾推薦系統的推薦品質,減少資料稀疏所造成的推薦誤差,更準確的推薦使用者感興趣的物品,以幫助使用者更有效率的進行線上消費,提高顧客滿意度與忠誠度,也提升電子商務網站營業效益。

僑務委員會在台日關係發展(2008-2012)的角色探討:系統思考觀點 / The Role of Overseas Chinese Affairs Council in the Development of Taiwan-Japan Relations(2008-2012):Systems Thinking Perspective

劉美玲 Unknown Date (has links)
我國政治發展演變至今,執政者須面對的是全世界190個主權國家中,與我國有正式邦交者僅23國。在行政院組織改造過程中,僑務委員會因僑胞影響力獲得保留,即可窺見僑務外交是為當下發展實質國際友好關係的權宜因應之策。本文研究目的在於探討整體僑務政策如何應變政經局勢,及2008-2012年台日民間與官方互動的友好關係內容,並提出未來政策建議。透過「因果環路圖」作為描述方式之系統思考觀點,模擬預測政策執行結果。研究方法透過文獻分析法、親身觀察法歸納僑務政策變化與執行,並訪談利害關係人驗證分結果,探索僑務政策台日關係未來發展方向。 研究結果發現︰僑務政策的內涵隨大環境政經局勢變化而改變,影響因素包含僑胞需求、兩岸關係、政黨競爭與僑胞影響力;而決策者對政治局勢的認知非黨派因素而為個人特質;決策者對政策的認同度影響二軌外交進行深度;決策者自身態度產生上行下效的結果;僑務工作非急功近利,必需長期經營;僑務外交確實可以透過民間建立實質國際友好關係。針對未來僑務政策本文提出研究建議有︰僑務行政首長的責任;善用僑胞海外在地人脈資源;行政資源重新分配;強化新組織之創新職能;突顯僑務行政首長領導風格;複製台日友好模式至其他國家與積極輔導各地二代僑團的建立。透過電腦軟體模擬預測僑務政策未來十年執行結果趨勢包含︰二軌外交可減少國家政策現況與目標的差距;行政資源的配合、決策者的認同與活動的國際化,將可有效提升二軌外交優勢。

無限射頻辨識系統(RFID)導入的成功關鍵因素探討 / Key Success Factors Analysis in the Implementation of RFID Technology

劉俊良, Liu, Eric Unknown Date (has links)
現在越來越多的廠商和美國國防部都需要較好的無限射頻辨識系統(RFID)系統,所以它越來越受到注目,本論文即在探討無限射頻辨識系統(RFID)導入成功的關鍵因素。 / With the driving force from Wal-Mart, the world’s largest retailer and the US Department of Defense, suppliers are required to integrate Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in their case and pallet shipments to distribution centers in their supply chain. In comparison with traditional bar code labels and magnetic strips for supply chain management, RFID technology offers better visibility and information integration in the supply chain management. In this paper, a variety of Automatic identification technologies will be compared to demonstrate the advantages of RFID solutions. The introduction of RFID technology will be made as well to detail the components in the RFID systems and the factors taken into account in the RFID selection and design phases. In the technology implementation, the diffusion model is adopted to explain the evolution of new technology implementation process. The strategic model for the adoption of RFID technology in business process and management is presented as a guideline for companies who are considering adopting the RFID solutions. The impact on business management and the practice guideline to the RIFD implementation are illustrated. The factor analysis in the driving forces and resistance to the RFID adoption are examined to identify the attributes of its successful implementation and the variables of its adoption. According to the factor analysis, the driving forces are summarized into four major ones, including technology innovation, government and standard organization influence, organizational readiness and inter-organization demands. Two cases of RFID applications are presented to illustrate the factors taken into account in the RFID implementation. These two cases include the health care application and agricultural product process application. Companies gain the benefits of the improvement in the production efficiency and quality control over the business process and management. Information flow and capturing are becoming visible and automatic with the implementation of RFID technology.


陳麗慧 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,電信業已由寡占走向了完全競爭市場,伴隨著消費者意識的抬頭,有限的市場大餅,更侷限了用戶數的大躍進,因此各家電信營運商無不卯足全力,專注在提供吸引消費者的產品、資費方案、以及ARPU(Average-Revenue-Per-User)的提昇…等議題上。企業要如何面對競爭慘烈的市場?如何保持內部流程的彈性去因應變化?基於上述事項,如何運用資訊科技來達到企業的目標就更加重要了,而EAI 的功能,提供了企業對應用系統的整合,維持流程的彈性應用,更進而協助企業降低整合風險、節省資訊軟體的開發與維護成本、強化供應商的合作關係,進而產生對企業的效益。 本研究使用個案研討的方式,選定幾項關鍵流程進行深度分析,針對電信業在營運系統上整合的議題作探討,並說明企業整合應用軟體導入所帶來的效益。對於電信產業而言,客戶關係管理系統、帳務系統、開通系統、加值服務應用平台系統…等是整合的開端,亦是重點之所在。經由EAI軟體的導入,提供營運應用系統之間資訊的同步,也相對的提供決策人員反應快速的資訊。 電信業者在系統建置中,如何有效運用企業整合軟體之特性來整合各異質性平台應用系統,以達到資訊的整合,並藉由資訊的及時傳遞提供各不同應用系統使用者一致的資訊,進而提高資訊的可用度及客服人員及門市人員對客戶的服務,增加企業的競爭力。 / Telco has already been moving toward perfect competitive market since last decade. Meanwhile, along with the ideology of consumers that dominates the trend and momentum of open market. It also blocked the growth rate of subscribers in domestic market. Under such circumstance, all Operators are fully concentrating on value-added product, tariff, rate plan…and so on, to attract consumers so that Operators are able to increase the ARPU (Average-Revenue-per-User). How to face the severe competitive market? How to maintain the flexibility of internal process to adopt the drastic changing market? Based upon above mentioned issues, it is very important to use information technology to approach this target. Nevertheless, the functionality of EAI (Enterprise Application Integration) offers an all-in-one solution and integration to application system. Still, it also maintains the flexibility of process flow. Further more, it reduces the risk of enterprise integration and saves cost in terms of implementation and maintenance. On the other hands, EAI is not only to enhance the relationship of suppliers but also generate the synergy of enterprise. The purpose of this theme is to deeply analyze the critical process inside company. Besides, it also points out that how to use EAI in Telco field for the purpose of gaining benefit to Operator. Telco’s IT system includes CRM (Customer relationship management), Billing system, Provision, and the platform of value-added service and application. After installing EAI, it is able to offer the synchronization among all application system and capable to expedite the response time of decision makers. In addition, it is very important to use EAI to integrate the different application platform. After that, EAI is able to consolidation all necessary information and deliver all users with same information just in time. Customer Service Division and Chain Store could transfer this power to secure better services to consumers then enlarge the competition of enterprise.

使用ActiveX元件來改善暨有視窗主從企業資訊系統的可部署性 / Improving the Deployability of Existing Windows-Based Client/Server Business Information Systems Using ActiveX Components

程裕繁, Cheng,Bill Yu-Fan Unknown Date (has links)
小型化革命已經造成了企業資訊系統的典範轉移,不久之前以大型主機為基礎的集中架構仍然是企業之重要資訊系統的唯一選擇,時至今日為數眾多的重要企業資訊系統採用了以個人運算裝置為基礎的主從架構。另外一方面,視窗主從企業資訊系統是目前最常見的主從架構企業資訊系統類型,此類企業資訊系統必需將每一支客戶端程式都安裝到每一位使用者的電腦上,這種客戶端程式的人工部署作業一直是資訊管理從業人員的沈重負擔,亦是資訊管理產學界持續戮力解決的重要研究課題。其實ActiveX元件技術的妥善應用將可以有效解決這個部署問題,並且這種解決方案將遠比其它解決方案更具成本效益。研究以此發現為基礎,目的在於克服ActiveX元件技術在企業資訊系統應用上一直無法解決的三項缺點:能力強大所衍生的不安全、技術龐雜所衍生的學習與使用困難,以及元件體積龐大所衍生的網路應用瓶頸,並提出一個以ActiveX元件為基礎的解決方案來自動化暨有之視窗主從企業資訊系統的客戶端程式部署作業。報告的重點內容有四:(一)ActiveX元件技術的缺點克服之道;(二) 所提解決方案的第一個部份,也就是下載架構,採用下載架構開發的企業資訊系統將具備自動化部署客戶端程式的特性;(三)所提解決方案的第二個部份,也就是架構轉換程序,藉由這個程序的指引,暨有的視窗主從企業資訊系統將可以輕鬆轉換成為下載架構,有效解決其客戶端程式的部署問題;(四)兩個研究個案,用來示範下載架構與架構轉換程序的使用,並提供證據來支持下載架構與架構轉換程序的可行性。 / The downsizing revolution has created a deep paradigmatic shift in business information systems (BISs). Not very long ago, large-scale mission-critical BISs were the exclusive province of massive mainframe computers. That is changing rapidly. Today, increasingly large and complex BISs are being built as client/server (C/S) applications. Unfortunately, for the most common C/S BISs, that is, the Windows-based C/S BISs (WinBISs), client programs must be manually deployed to each end-user machine bringing about a heavy BIS maintenance load. ActiveX component technology, if used properly, is more cost-effective than other alternatives in improving the deployment of existing WinBISs. Nevertheless, ActiveX component technology is no magic solution, and thus still has three shortcomings, namely insecurity, complexity, and bulkiness. The purpose of the study presented in this paper is to overcome the shortcomings of ActiveX component technology, and then develop an ActiveX component-based solution to automate the deployment of existing WinBISs. This paper has four main parts: (a) the answers to the shortcomings of ActiveX component technology; (b) the downloadable architecture, which supports the development of automatically-deployed BISs; (c) the architecture transformation process, which transforms existing WinBISs into the downloadable architecture; and (d) two examples of how to use the downloadable architecture and the architecture transformation process. The examples also provide evidence to support the feasibility of such architecture and process.

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