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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


林藎誠, Lin, Jin-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
第一章:現行系統的介紹:概述系統的沿革,有關業務單位的組織、作業流程,系統 的目的,流程、成本及效率。 第二章:系統的評估:就海關任務及目標的轉變、海關統計在全國財經資訊系統之地 位、使用者的意見及原系統目標為標準,評估現行的系統,并探索問題的根源。 第三章:修正統計系統:以海關資訊管理中心的任務及其他客觀限制,討論各可行方 案的優劣。提出修正系統的說明、組織的配合改變及修正系統與原系統的比較。 第四章:結論與建議。


陳文正, Chen, Wen-Zheng Unknown Date (has links)
本論文分別為:導論、研究方法、研究變數之衡量與分配、各項變數對電腦化成效影 響之分析、及結論建議。導論中包括研究動機與目的、研究問題與研究範圍、研究限 制、重要名詞詮釋等四節。第二章研究方法包括研究步驟、相關理論之探討、本研究 之架構與假設、研究設計等四節。第三章變數之衡量與分配分為四節,第一、二、四 節是以因素分析法說明系統性能、組織氣候、教育訓練、工作改變及電腦化成效等主 觀知覺變之衡量;第三節是有關使用者基本屬性之說明。第四章分為四節,以相關分 析、變異數分析、逐步迴歸等方法分析各項自變數對電腦化成效( 工作績效、工作滿 足) 的影響如何。第五章僅一節結論與建議。


彭文賢, Peng, Wen-Xian Unknown Date (has links)
所謂組織理論,簡單的說,就是一種觀察、解釋、預測、或控制組織現象的概念模式 。 本論文的研究目的,主要有兩個方面:一是透過對各種先系統組織理論的批判,來認 識系統研究法組織理論的起源與發展,並對各種系統模式下的組織理論作一系列的討 論。二是透過對系統組織理論內涵的瞭解,進一步申論其對組織分析的影響,並對各 項系統特質的真實性及其實用性,作一評論性的分析。本此目標,本論文在架構上共 分八章,依次論述。 第一章為「先系統研究法組織理論的精義」,乃是就幾個對於系統研究法之組織理論 的基本架構,具有啟迪作用之先系統研究法時期的組織理論,作一描述性的說明。 第二章為「先系統研究法組織理論的檢討」,乃是就前章的論述,檢討其在現代組織 環境中的適用性,並從而影射出系統研究法組織理論的時代需求性。 第三章為「系統研究法組織理論的模式」,主要是論述社會的系統模式、社會─技術 的系統模式,以及整合性之系統模式的基本內涵。 第四章為「系統模式下組織理論的剖析」,主要是根據第三章的論述,試從輸入─轉 換─輸出和反饋的角度,作一剖析性的探討。 第五、第六及第七章,依次為「系統研究法與組織規劃」、「系統研究法與組織領導 」,和「系統研究法與組織控制」。 第八章為「系統研究法組織理論的評價與展望」,乃是綜合所有的討論,除了縱論系 統研究法之組織理論的優異性及其限制性之外,並對組織理論的未來展望作一提示性 的透視。

全球資訊網大型多重專案管理資訊系統之研究 ─ 以營建業為例 / WEB information Systems for Large-scale Multi-Project Management ─ A case in Construction Industry

劉昌晟, Chang Shehng, Liu Unknown Date (has links)
大型及多重專案管理須面對繁複關聯的組織、複雜變動的流程、交疊共用的資源等,其績效控制及資訊系統建置等問題素為專案管理領域中關鍵性的研究課題。本文旨在提出為提昇大型及多重專案管理績效的全球資訊網資訊系統設計方法,並舉出營建業工程專案作為所提方法促成電子化應用之實例說明。系統之應用領域分析採用超媒體方法,概念設計採用物件導向之混合模式方法,系統建置則以全球資訊網為環境,並透過物件導向程式設計及軟體整合方法達成。 / Since large-scale and multiple project management involves interdependent organizations, dynamic processes, as well as shared resources, the methodologies related to project performance control and information system development have become critical research topics in the project management domain. The goal of this paper is to propose a web design method for developing information system to efficiently and effectively support the multi-project management processes. A construction project is used as an example to illustrate how the proposed approach is applied to enable electronic applications for the construction business. A hybrid modeling technique is adopted during the application analysis and conceptual design stages that integrates hypermedia node-link model and object-oriented model. As for physical implementation on the WWW environment, object-oriented programming design and software integration approaches are used to achieve the goal.


雷國宏 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著全球化的發展,廿一世紀的國際安全情勢更為錯綜複雜,其中「恐怖攻擊」具備成本低、效果高、機動性強的條件,讓恐怖攻擊行動沒有時間、空間的限制,亦無道德、規範的侷限,此種全然改變戰爭本質的非傳統型態戰爭行為,儼然已成為危害國際社會發展與人類生存的一種新形態危機。 今日國際社會所要面對的「恐怖攻擊」危機,是由人為所誘發的危機。受到不同社會系統內政治、文化、經濟、種族、宗教等因素相對之間的動態性互動影響,使得危機的源頭更趨向於多元與複雜,因此,若能及早偵知危機預將發生或能判明引爆危機的原由,對於危機管理甚有助益。 針對「動態性複雜」問題,Peter M. Senge發展一套源自於系統動力學的「系統思考」途徑,透過「資訊回饋」的特性,由整體思考方式與觀察環狀因果的互動關係,能看出一再重複發生的結構型態,釐清複雜事件背後運作的簡單結構,並經由模式設計改善組織及工作指導準則。 研究發現,在危機管理的系統思考途徑中,事件層次的反應式作為僅能有限度地預防危機與處理危機;行為變化型態層次的順應變動中的趨勢,能從變動趨勢中警覺危機、發現危機與危機處理,若要全方位預防危機、有效危機處理以避免後遺,就必須從系統結構層次的觀點著手,改造行為的變化型態。 依據九一一事件的分析,人為所誘發危機的關鍵在於「人」,以及「人與人的互動關係」,爭奪的重點就在「利益」,也就是「得」與「失」之間;恐怖主義濫殺無辜,不可原諒也不可寬容,但另一方面,反恐政策也不應如美國政府在九一一事件後「擴張軍武、推銷軍售、共同發展武器」等作為就可以達成。 美、英等強權國家在探討反恐策略為何失敗、譴責恐怖攻擊手段兇殘之際,是否也應該反省文明衝突與族群對立的源頭,以及阿富汗、伊拉克人民的死傷慘狀,以及在其他地方所發生的殺戮與飢餓問題,才能避免強權國家一意孤行的後果,由全球的無辜者共同承擔。同時,基於地球的資源有限,如何和平共處、分享資源,才是遠離「人為誘發危機」的最佳方法。 / Following the development of globalization, the international security situation of 21st century becomes more complicated. The "terror attack" has the conditions of low cost, high effect, and high mobility, which make the terrorist no limitation of time and space and no restriction of moral and norm. The kind of non-traditional type warfare behavior completely changes the nature of war. That solemnly becomes the new type crisis to endanger the development of international community and the existence of human being. Today’s international community should face the "terror attack" crisis which is brought out by mankind. The factors of politics, culture, economy, race, and religion of different kind of community systems have relatively dynamic interaction effect which makes the crisis origin trend to more diverse and complicated. For this reason, if we can early detect the cause of the crisis, when and where, it will be very helpful for crisis management. Being aimed at "dynamic complexity", Peter M. Senge developed the "systems thinking" approach from systematic dynamics which goes through the characteristic of "information feedback" from the interaction of integrated thought manner and observed circle effect, and find out the repeated configuration to clear the back performance of simple structure of complicated event, and improve the guidelines of organization and work by mode design. Findings discover that during the approach of systems thinking of crisis management, event-arrangement behavior can only limitedly prevent from crisis and handle crisis. The variation-orientated trend of behavior variation arrangement can watch crisis, discover crisis, and handle crisis from variation trend. If someone wants to dimensionally prevent crisis, effectively handle crisis and avoid sequela, he should do it from the viewpoint of systematic constructive arrangement and to change the behavior variation type. According the 911 analysis, the key point of man-made crisis is "man", and the key point of argument from "interaction of the men" is "benefit", which is between "to gain" and "to lose". The terrorism causes the death of innocence, which can not be forgiven. But in the other side, counter-terrorist policy should not be achieved by "arms drive, promoting military sale, and mutually developing weapons", provided from US government after 9/11. When the powerful states, such as US, UK, probe into failure of counter-terrorist policy and condemn the cruel measure of terrorist attack, they should make themselves-examination of the fountainhead of civilization conflict and clan confrontation, and the casualty of Afghanistan and Irapi, and the slaughter and starvation of other places. Considering those things, we can avoid the result of powerful state doing, which put on the innocence of the world. At the same time, based on the limited resources of the earth, the best way to keep off "man-made crisis" is to live peace and to share resources.


張雅惠, Chang, Yea-Huey Unknown Date (has links)
雖然焦慮是一種普遍存在之情感性心智活動,迄今仍無充份解釋之實證資料。本研究主要是利用一種焦慮症相關的動物模式,即抬高式T形迷津,探討與焦慮症有關的神經行為機制。整部研究分兩大實驗,分別探討抬高式T形迷津的行為建構動力與破壞依核次級區域在抬高式T形迷津或其他焦慮作業上之行為表現。在實驗一檢驗抬高式T形迷津的行為內涵方面,共有四個實驗:實驗一A探討抬高式T形迷津抑制性躲避行為是否呈現消除現象;實驗一B探討破壞制約害怕神經網路對抬高式T形迷津之抑制性躲避行為的影響,並檢測自發性運動量的改變是否造成干擾效果;實驗一C探討事前暴露經驗對脫逃行為的意義;實驗一D檢測脫逃及抑制性躲避實驗程序互相干擾之可能性。實驗二探討可能涉及抬高式T形迷津或其他焦慮作業的神經機制,針對破壞依核次級區域對焦慮行為的影響進行檢測。此部分包含三個實驗,實驗二A探討依核次級區域受損對傳統焦慮動物模式抬高式十字迷津行為的影響;實驗二B採用已在實驗一建立行為效度的抬高式T形迷津,檢驗破壞依核次級區域後的迷津行為表現,並檢驗依核次級區域受損是否影響受試自發性運動量變化,以致干擾抬高式T形迷津的行為表現。另為深入探討依核的功能角色,實驗二C利用其他嫌惡作業測試破壞依核次級區域對制約躲避電擊行為的影響。實驗一結果顯示抑制性躲避行為是一包含制約害怕及探索行為等多重歷程的行為模式,而脫逃行為對情緒狀態的改變不敏感,且易受抑制性躲避作業的影響。實驗二發現破壞依核殼區同時減抑受試在抬高式十字迷津的危機評估行為、抬高式T形迷津之抑制性躲避行為及制約躲避電擊行為;而破壞依核核區的減抑效果僅見於抬高式T形迷津與制約躲避電擊作業。三個嫌惡作業的結果顯示依核核區與殼區皆涉及制約害怕歷程,但兩區的受損會表現不同焦慮行為,並在抬高式十字迷津之危機評估行為中表現出來。綜合上述二大部分實驗結果,本研究對抬高式T形迷津的行為內涵有更進一步的瞭解,並特別藉依核次級區域破壞的行為測試資料,推估中腦多巴胺系統與傳統理論所指邊緣系統在實證性解釋焦慮具同樣關鍵角色。 / Although anxiety is a well-recognized affective mental reaction, its phenomenon is not fully characterized by the empirical data. By employing a recently developed animal model named the elevated T maze (ETM), the present study investigated the neurobehavioral mechanisms of anxiety. There were two major parts of experiments designed to respectively examine the validity of this task and the involvement of limbic related areas on anxious behavior. Regarding the first part of experiments, Experiment 1A examined the effects of extinction on the inhibitory avoidance of ETM; Experiment 1B evaluated the lesions of six limbic related areas on the measures of inhibitory avoidance and escape; Experiment 1C investigated how pre-exposure experience of stress would affect the ETM behavior; Experiment 1D tested the potential affectiveness derived from different sequences of the test procedure on EMT. The second part of experiments mainly focused on comparing the lesion effects of nucleus accumbens subareas (core and shell) on behavioral measures from three anxiety-related tasks. Elevated plus maze, ETM, and active avoidance were adopted respectively in the experiments of 2A, 2B, and 2C. Results of the first part of experiments indicated 1) inhibitory avoidance of ETM containing fear conditioning and exploration components, and 2) less sensitivity to experimental manipulation for the escape of ETM. In the second part of experiments, the shell lesion significant attenuated the risk assessment behavior of elevated plus maze and inhibitory avoidance of ETM and active avoidance tasks, whereas the core lesion only produced the latter part of impairment. Both core and shell subareas are thus inferred to be involved in the conditioned avoidance, and lesions of these two areas may exert different patterns of anxious behavior. Together, the present study further characterized behavioral components of ETM. With a more systemic work in comparing lesion data of nucleus accumbens over three anxiety-related tasks, it is then suggested that the midbrain dopamine system is as crucial as the traditionally-known limbic system the traditional in terms of providing empirical explanation for the anxiety.


陳嘉甄, chen, chia-chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究應用系統思考為基礎所發展出來的系統結構圖方法,結合電腦模擬活動,引導學生感知系統動態性及複雜性,設計自然科學教學方案進行教學;同時比較融入概念階層聯結為基礎的概念構圖方法教學、及一般教學的學生認知表現。具體而言,本研究目的為:在自然科學學習歷程中,結合環狀關聯的系統結構圖,及階層關聯的概念構圖方法,比較二圖形學習策略對學生成就測驗及知識結構的表現差異。 研究採多基線實驗研究法,以國小五年級學生樣本,共三個班級,100人,分列為對照組、系統結構圖策略組、及概念構圖策略組。以自編的複本測驗、實作評量檢核表,及應用路徑探測法(Pathfinder),評估學生認知表現與知識結構。 結果發現,採用系統結構圖策略或概念構圖策略,均能增進學生認知表現,且記憶保留效果會優於不特別採用策略者,其知識結構的表現亦存在差異;而二種圖形式學習策略的各項認知表現之間,不存在任何差異;不同能力組別與不同學習策略間,具交互作用存在。 本研究證實,在學習歷程中,採用概念構圖策略或系統結構圖策略,將比採用一般教學方法,較能有效增進學生的學習表現及保留效果,其知識結構也會較接近專家表現。因此在教學歷程中,結合策略進行教學有其必要性。圖像式的思考及學習方法能有效協助學生學習。然而研究所取用的二種圖形策略的思考本質是不同的,一重視靜態架構、一重視動態因果變化,未來研究者可進一步探究造成改變的內在機制,及是否能真正轉化為習用的思考型態。 / The world of system and system thinking marks a shift from the more linear, analytic way of thinking that most people are used to. A system is a group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent components that form a complex and unified whole. Systematic structure diagram is a useful tool to offer a glimpse into the complex systems behavior. Concept mapping, known as cognitive maps or organizers, semantic networks, or visual/graphic organizers, make use of figures, lines, arrows, and spatial configurations to show how content ideas and concepts are related. Concept mapping is described repeatedly in the literature as a tool that can support and enhance students’ learning in science classrooms. It is an important meta-cognitive tool in science education today. The research uses the experiment methodology of multiple baselines designs. In the study 100 students in 3 classes at grad 5 were studied to see the implications of the learning results. Assign the subjects to three groups, control group (n=34), Systematic structure diagramming group (n=33), and concept mapping group (n=33). The graphics oriented strategies, Systematic structure diagramming /concept mapping, were used in the teaching processes of the systematic structure diagramming group /concept mapping group. The researcher evaluated the performance of the subjects with duplicated-tests, checklists, and Pathfinder. The testing of the students was done in a pretest-posttests design using written tests. Data were analyzed in the use of three-factor repeated measures. The analysis of repeated measures showed a statistically significant difference in duplicated-tests and knowledge structures between control group and two experimental groups. There also exists an interaction between group and strategy. The result revealed that concept mapping may improve test scores of low-achieving students. This research verified that the learning performances, knowledge structures, organizations, and delayed memories of the subjects who belong to concept mapping strategy group and systematic structure diagramming strategy group were better than control group. The results indicated that, for improving students’ learning performances and retention effects, adapting concept mapping strategy and systematic structure diagramming strategy in the teaching processes may help students form a cognitive schema to assimilate and relate the information. Base on the results from this study, some recommendations educators were suggested.


曾菁美, Tseng,Ching Mei Unknown Date (has links)
跨組織系統(IOS)是一種由兩間或多間企業所共同使用的自動化資訊系統。有越來越多的企業利用跨組織系統來推動企業間的合作互動,因此,如何衡量跨組織系統所產出的績效便是相當重要的課題。本研究主要是提供一個量化的方式來衡量跨組織系統,不單只著重衡量企業內部,同時也將外部的供應商部份納入考量。最後,本研究以一間台灣的PC製造商作為分析個案,針對此個案做事後分析,印證本研究所提出的量化架構。 / IOS (Inter-Organizational Systems) is defined as automated information systems shared by two or more companies. While more and more enterprises use IOS to promote the collaboration between companies, what kinds of values are derived from IOS and how to evaluate these IOS become important to enterprises. This research aims to provide a quantitative approach to measure IOS values, not only considering the benefits within internal enterprise, but also paying attention to those from external processes with suppliers. We try to propose a new evaluated model. In order to justify our framework, we take one Taiwanese PC manufacturer as a case and do the post-hoc analysis. Through the case study, we prove that our model is validated. We propose new four perspectives in our IOS quantitative framework: IT infrastructure perspective, internal business process perspective, business supplier perspective and business performance. Afterwards, we try to determine the processes in each perspective according to perspectives and then find the quantitative indicators to support our measurement. Lastly, we can even calculate the return on investment (ROI) and break-even point that make enterprises can know the IOS operation more clearly. Therefore, the contribution of this research can be two-folded: first, enterprises can build an IOS quantitative framework to evaluate both intra-firm and inter-firm IOS values quantitatively. Second, enterprises can exactly know how the IOS work, inclusive of detailed processes and interactions with suppliers and how many investment and rewards that enterprises really get.

跨組織資訊系統應用在大陸之績效的關鍵性因素: 以關係觀點出發的個案研究 / The Determinant Factors of IOS Performance in China: A Case Study Using Relational View

蘇澄軒, Su, Cheng Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
在現今全球化的商業環境下,企業越來越倚重與商業夥伴的合作,而跨組織資訊系統也成為了強化競爭優勢的有利工具。而大陸憑著廉價的勞動成本以及廣大的新興市場,在全球供應練上漸漸扮演了越來越重要的角色。如何在大陸發展成了其他國家企業的重要課題,而台灣由於地理、文化、語言相近的優勢下,更顯得其重要性。本研究試圖由關係觀點所提出的四個因素出發,探討跨組織資訊系統應用在大陸其績效的決定性因素。經過單一個案研究的分析,結果顯示有效管理對於跨組織資訊系統有強很大影響,相對之下互補性資源幾乎沒有影響力。 / As corporations rely more on collaboration with partners to enhance their position in the global business environment, many of them apply specific IOS as a powerful tool to link with their trading partners to take full advantage of collaboration. China with huge manufacturing base and huge market has been an important part of global supply chain. It is important for other countries to know how to do business with China, especially for Taiwan because of the approximation of geography, culture and language. To fulfill this need, this research aims to find out the key factors that influence IOS performance in China through an observation of a binary relationship built upon IOS by a Taiwanese OEM and its China suppliers / The literature review leads this research to propose four factors that will influence IOS performance in China based on the relational view. A single-case study is then taken to detect the determinant factors that will affect IOS performance in China base on the relational view. The results show that effective governance strongly affect IOS performance, whereas complementary resource endowment has extremely fewer influence on IOS performance. Further, the most important items overall are coordination of decision and operation integration and monitoring and control. That is, IOS success in China depends mostly on whether the firms can cooperate with each other through the IOS and keep the ability of monitoring and control the status of transactions and partners. Moreover, the results show us that different types of suppliers may have different concern with IOS relationship, and thus a conditional implementation plan is necessary to IOS success in China


許惠華 Unknown Date (has links)
科技日新月異,法令監管愈臻成熟,雖然各國的政府都在致力風險控管,但是赫斯特風險仍然存在。因為外匯支付系統涉及許多複雜的技術性事宜,而且外匯交易的最終結算必須經由有關地方的中央銀行,所以必須配合各個國家的清算系統運作時間。不過,隨著近年來科技的進步,清算系統也更加有能力及彈性;如果將交易中涉及的兩種貨幣的即時結算系統連繫起來,便能徹底消除赫斯特風險。連續聯結清算銀行(CLS銀行)的成立,顯示國際金融界正朝著這個方向前進。 CLS銀行藉由提供同步收付(payment versus payment,PVP)機制,使交易雙方一手付出賣出貨幣時,能一手收到買入之貨幣,以確保收付兩訖。該系統自從於2002年9月營運以來,處理之交易量快速成長,目前平均每日清算金額高達3兆美元,佔總外匯交易量一半以上,相當可觀。 本研究著重於探討CLS銀行的運作方式、風險控管模式以區分傳統外匯清算方式與CLS銀行的同步收付機制之差別,並思考台灣的銀行如何在台幣尚未成為CLS的合格貨幣之前,要如何以第三參與者的身份參與CLS銀行的清算機制,以享受它的好處並避免赫斯特風險,更進一步因應BASEL II 的作業風險的要求。

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