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我國科技行政體系之研究朱之光, ZHU,ZHI-GUANG Unknown Date (has links)
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兩岸高等學校教師聘任制度之比較研究廖世和 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 兩岸高等學校教師的聘任制度均已完成法制化的工作
二、 兩岸的教師聘任制度因不同的環境產出不同的特色
三、 兩岸教師均享有很高的社會地位,而且與聘任制度有關
四、 兩岸教師資格的要求著重點不同,教師證書的取得亦有事前制與事後制之分,且取得教師資格之途徑有別
五、 兩岸教師的聘任程序都有學術性的委員會參與,但享有的權限不一致
六、 兩岸教師的聘任限制,其本質與提供的作用相同;但產生的法律效果不完全一致
七、 兩岸教師的升等途徑類似,但升等的難易存有差距
八、 兩岸教師的評審機制其性質與作用雖大致相同,但組成的成分不同
一、 對兩岸主管機關的建議:
二、 對兩岸高等學校的建議
三、 對國內有志從事大陸研究人士的建議
關鍵詞:高等學校、聘任制度、環境系統理論 / A Comparative Study of Hiring Practices of Postsecondary Education Faculty between the Two Sides of the Taiwan Straits
The two sides of the Taiwan Straits (hereinafter known as the two sides or China and Taiwan) have been separate due to historical issues. According to the system theory, the two sides naturally generate unique cultural and social systems. Faculty hiring at postsecondary education institutions is a fair representation of their social systems. It is therefore very meaningful to analyze the similarities, differences and characteristics of the two sides’ postsecondary education faculty hiring practices.
This study aimed to analyze how different social systems influenced the formation of the two sides’ postsecondary education faculty hiring practices. The relationships between faculty hiring and the social system, and between faculty hiring and government civil servants were emphasized. Faculty satisfaction of hiring practices and perception of their social status on the two sides were also respectively explored.
Research methods such as observation, comparative approach, historical approach, induction, deduction, and systemic approach were utilized. Questionnaire surveys were completed even during the recent outbreak of SARS across the Taiwan Straits. The findings of the surveys were included in the analysis. Many current faculty hiring rules and regulations of the two sides were compared and contrasted in the process of research in order to understand their similarities and differences, and strengths and weaknesses. Research conclusions were then presented, followed by some suggestions.
The research conclusions are summarized as follows:
1. Faculty hiring practices of postsecondary education institutions of the two sides were legitimized.
2. Faculty hiring practices of the two sides have their own characteristics due to different environments.
3. Faculty at postsecondary education institutions of the two sides enjoy high social status, and this relates to their hiring policies.
4. On the two sides, faculty qualifications have different requirements; faculty certification is processed either before or after hiring; faculty certification has different approaches.
5. Faculty hiring processes on the two sides have academic committee involvement but in this regard, the powers of academic committees are not entirely equal.
6. The nature and function of faculty hiring limits of the two sides are similar. However the legal effects they generate are not completely the same.
7. Approaches for faculty promotion on the two sides are similar, but the degrees of difficulty in getting promoted are different.
8. Although the nature and function of faculty evaluation schemes on the two sides are almost the same, their practices are different.
Based upon the above research conclusions, this study offers some suggestions to the authorities that govern faculty hiring and postsecondary education institutions on the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, and to fellow citizens in Taiwan who plan to do research on China issues. The suggestions proposed in this study are listed respectively:
1. For China and Taiwan government authorities:
1.1 China and Taiwan governments should be open-minded and learn from each other in order to pursue progress.
1.2 Legitimization of faculty hiring practices still has to continue.
1.3 Keeping up with the international community and minimization of the impact of unfavorable domestic factors.
1.4 Respect for academics, and avoidance of public and political interference.
2. For postsecondary education institutions in China and Taiwan:
2.1 Despite different faculty hiring characteristics, individual institutions need to continue to pursue their own characteristics and recruit quality faculties for the purpose of promoting academic excellence.
2.2 Faculty hiring should be academically orientated not politically orientated.
2.3 Enhancement of the academic committee function in the hiring process.
2.4 Faculty promotion should be based upon strict review.
3. For fellow citizens in Taiwan who plan to do research on China issues:
3.1 Research methods may have limitations.
3.2 Quality and quantity when collecting data should be confirmed.
3.3 Interpersonal relationship networks should be built up and enhanced.
Key words: postsecondary institution, faculty hiring practices, system theory
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電視收視調查於節目規劃運用之研究-以系統回饋與前饋為焦點林永智, Lin, Yung-Chih Unknown Date (has links)
Carroll和Davis(1993)主張電台節目應採產銷一體的觀念,因此提出『節目策略即市場行銷(Programming as Marketing)』的意理;他們認為節目製播應採行市場導向(Marketing-Oriented)的原則,也就是把觀眾視為電視媒體經營之基礎,強調要瞭解自己的觀眾;因為掌握觀眾即是掌握市場、掌握利基,是電視台經營管理之要務。
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新聞記者與公關人員認知關係之研究卜正, BU,ZHENG-MIN Unknown Date (has links)
我國公共關系業務的發展以政府及公營企業為濫觴, 但近年公關行業的興起, 企業界
的省思實居首要之功。社會上掀起的公關風影響所及是: 企業公關單位及公關公司的
紛紛成立。由此看來, 研究國內企業界之公關現象的時機應已大致成熟。本論文之研
究動機即在, 體認到需要有一些人把國內各種公關現象予以有系統地整理、分析, 以
本研究將重點置於新聞記者與公關人員認知差異的問題上, 希望透過這個研究, 可以
本研究以「整合系統理論」為理論基礎, 將公共關系視為一個社會系統, 并引用Sir-
gy的系統分析層次概念, 將公共關系的研究分為個人、人際、情境及發展等四個層次
。其次, 從Culip 等人的「生態學」觀點出發, 說明「公共關系開放系統模式」如何
可以預期及偵測組織與公眾的關系, 進而維持、促成雙方的利益或消弭利益衝突。
Gruning&Hunt將公共關系行為分為報業代理/ 宣傳、公共資訊、雙向不對稱及雙向對
稱等四種模式, 其中雙向對稱模式之精神與前述公共關系開放系統模式一樣, 均強調
McLeod & Chaffee研究人際間之傳播行為, 提出「人際共向測量模式」以說明人際間
之認知關系, 這種認知關系可分為: 瞭解或同意性、正確性及一致性三種。Broom 主
張將此一模式應用到公關領域, 所以本研究把原模式中的二個客體以公關人員和新聞
記者取代之, 便成了「公關人員與新聞記者共向測量模式」。基本上, 新模式之產生
系依循「公共關系開放系統模式」和「雙向對稱模式」而來, 在這個基礎上, 公關人
前述公關行為四個模式中的報業代理、公共資訊及雙向不對稱三模式, 意涵公關人員
將引發對媒介設定議題能力的存疑?Pavlik 指出: 許多研究顯示報紙的議題只不過反
映其它社會部門和機構的議題, 尤其是公關單位, 這一說法無疑地突顯了公關人員在
資訊傳遞上的角色, 也引起我們對二者( 新聞記者與公關人員 )關系型態的興趣。G-
ieber & Johnson 提出三種「消息來源與新聞記者的關系型態」, 頗能解釋二者微妙
過去國外許多研究顯示, 記者與公關人員間存有很大的認知差距, 例如:
1.記者看不起公關行業, 認為公關人員不具專業能力, 職業道德很低; 相反的, 公關
人員卻對自己的職業充滿信心, 給予很高的期望。
2.在傳統新聞學的觀念上, 記者與公關人員的看法非常一致, 但對新新聞學的理念則
3.記者認為新聞工作地位崇高, 很具專業地位; 但公關人員卻認為新聞記者與公關人
4.記者與公關人員的關系型態為何, 有人主張是合作式的, 但也有人贊成是對立的,
Pyan & Martinson則指出這是種愛恨交加的關系
上述結果是否也與本國的情形相同呢? 我國之公關研究起步甚晚, 尚未累積足夠的資
料, 就目前的發現而言, 我們知道:
1.記者認為公關人員或新聞聯繫人是新聞報導的障礙, 而後者則指記者采訪報導時常
2.公關人員或新聞聯繫人普遍對記者存在負面印象, 但對自己的工作期望很高。
3.這二者的關系亦是愛恨交加, 不是全然合作的情況。
由此看來, 不論是在國外或在國內, 公關人員與新聞記者「相輕」的現象似乎普遍存
在, 二者既愛又恨的矛盾情結也不可免, 這種人際關系的確頗為有趣。
本研究采問卷調查法, 以立意抽樣法抽出國內二百五十家企業公關人員及十家日晚報
研究發現, 記者與公關人員對公關行業、新聞工作的價值、彼此專業地位及二者的關
系型態等議題, 存有認知上的差距。記者認為公關工作較不專業、地位不高、彼此關
系型態不是非常合作的; 公關人員則認為自己的地位與記者差不多, 相當專業, 二者
的關系是合作式的; 另外, 這二者對新聞工作的角色與價值也有不同的見解。
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核子武器:中共外交政策的主要工具馬步峰, MA, BU-FENG Unknown Date (has links)
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宗教與民主化:社會系統理論觀點的檢視與重構 / Religion and democratization: social systems theory perspective劉育成, Liu ,Yu Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
宗教對信仰自由的維護與對人權的爭取毋寧是來自於自身的信仰元素。換句話說,與之有關的論述是以一種自我指涉的運作方式而獲得實現。此種不斷回到自身之信仰以尋求論述之正當性的作法在操作上賦予了這些論述正當性,這便是系統的自我指涉運作。就此而言,系統毋寧是封閉的,其在自身之中不斷地自我生產有關信仰自由與人權的論述。然而,也正是因為其運作上的封閉,使得宗教(長老教會)所生產出來的論述與接續之行動均能夠在內部獲得支持,從而對自身而言具有正當性。這個正當性也成為其能夠進行觀察與自我描述的基礎。從系統論的觀點而言,長老教會在政治與社會關懷的論述與行動上,便是以封閉為基礎的開放性自我指涉運作。若非以此自我指涉的封閉且開放之運作為其系統形成的特性,那麼論述與行動的正當性便易於受到質疑,甚至無法獲得系統內部的支持。據此,現代社會以功能為主要分化形式的系統形成,至少在時間面向上均必須取得自我指涉或自主性運作上的正當性。這個正當性決定於系統在多大程度上能夠持續地維持與其環境的界線。長老教會對人權與信仰自由的主張與論述的建構,或許是與政治系統對相同論題的溝通存在著無法跨越的差異。這個差異同時也標示的是宗教與政治系統之間的那個界線,而這個差異的維持在系統分化的社會演化過程中,使得「民主(化)」作為政治系統乃至於社會描述自身的語意是可能的。 / This thesis draws on Niklas Luhmann’s theory of social systems, and examines the relationship between religion and democratization in Taiwan. In order to advance the analysis and to make some helpful suggestions, two points are firstly highlighted. One is the concept of democracy itself, and the other is the descriptions of it by the political system and by other social systems within society. The word ‘democracy’ has long history since ancient Greek city-state, however, its modern use and the meaning of it can possibly date back to the Middle ages, especially to the sixteenth century. Modern concept of democracy relates to the tradition of monotheism, in this case referring to the Reformation and later to the formation of Western political philosophy. The second point argues that ‘democracy’ is simply a self-description of society, and its realization lies in the transformation of the form of differentiation from hierarchical to functional. Luhmann would like to link the semantics to social evolution, by which he can investigate and explore the dialectical process between semantics and structures. The analysis of the relationship between democracy and democratization refers to this dialectical process, concerning systems differentiation and social evolution.
Issues relating to democratization, the consolidation of democracies, and their discontented consequences, etc. need to be reconsidered in the sense that the concept of democracy and its modern descriptions utilize a ‘paradox’ which must be hidden while forming and maintaining identities, whether they be societies, nations, or individuals. This constitutes both positive and negative sides of the development of democracy, and also leads to crises gradually confronted by those ‘matured’ democratic Western countries and also by some third-wave democratizing regions. Among them exists a similar problem which will be discussed in this thesis: the concept of democracy and its modern developments are increasingly eroding its own foundation when the differentiation of subsystems and the evolution of society both go too far. This by no means indicates that there will not be any democracy in the near future. Instead, as an observer observing observations, this thesis inquires our present situations while at the same time attempting at offering some possible and also suitable questions from systems theory perspective.
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中國大陸對台政策之走向分析::以《反分裂國家法》個案為例 / Mainland China’s policies toward Taiwan: trending analysis by using the case of “Anti-Secession Law”劉性仁, Liu, Shing Ren Unknown Date (has links)
1. 中國大陸對台政策法制化是否是必要性?中國大陸對台政策過去停留在人治的時代,透過各種政治性文件的宣示,顯然從台灣各項反應,並沒有達成中共預期的目標,因此對台政策法制化實有研究的必要性。
2. 反分裂國家法的原因、過程、內容及所產生的效果究竟為何?值得深入的探討。
3. 反分裂國家法在出台時引發軒然大波,但出台後就刻意低調與淡化處理,其間原因值得探究。
4. 探討反分裂國家出台後對於兩岸關係政策走向之探討。
4. 本論文在資料收集上,作者透過親身至北京大學學習的經驗,得到第一手的書面資料,並透過兩岸學者專家之接觸與訪談,以釐清關於反分裂法之諸多爭議問題,不同於在兩岸任一方來看待反分裂國家法。
1. 作者自身個人的興趣與學科背景。
2. 適逢對台政策法制化的關鍵點。
3. 善盡研究者的學術及社會責任 。
4. 不負兩岸求學的機會。
1. 希望能夠瞭解中國大陸對台政策法制化的意義與必要性。
2. 藉由反分裂國家法制訂的動機、過程、內容探討,以瞭解較接近真相的反分裂國家法。
3. 使台灣民眾能真正瞭解中國大陸對於《反分裂國家法》之看法,使助於釐清一些流於政治認同之想當然爾之偏見,對於一些爭議性的條文與不確定的法律概念,能夠有更客觀之學術分析。
4. 透過《反分裂國家法》的研究,以觀察中國大陸對台政策之走向。
研究方法:文獻分析法(Document Analysis)、歷史研究法(Historical Research)、訪談法(Interview Research)。
研究途徑:法律研究途徑〈(Legal Approach)〉、系統理論〈System Theory〉
【關鍵詞】:反分裂國家法、法制化、法律研究途徑、系統理論、一個中國 / Problem Consciousness:
1 Is legislation of Taiwan policy a necessity? The policy towards Taiwan was formerly manipulated by persons in-charge; through enunciation of political vision, but producing less expected clout. It is, therefore, pushing for a more decisive legislation.
2.What is the reason, process, content and effect about 「Anti-Secession Law」? Try to
find out the actual answers on causes, involved procedures, content and its
3.「Anti-Secession Law」results in discussing and disagreement. But after drawing up,
What is the reason why PRC deals with it silently.
4.What is the trending Analysis towards Taiwan of Mainland China?
Research Value:
1.Focused the mainly on legislation, lest discussing 「Anti-Secession Law」itself.
2.Expanding both stages: 「Pre- Anti-Secession Law」 and 「Post- Anti-Secession Law」
3.Emplasizing the legal and public 「Anti-Secession Law」, lest the unilateral 「Anti-Secession Law」itself.
4 On Collecting data: By studying in Peking University and personal contacts with experts and scholars of cross-strait relationship.
Research Motivation:
1.Presonal interest and academic background.
2. As if on one, it was time where legislation of the Anti-Secession Law and police took place.
3.Research responsibility in academic and social.
4.Opportunity available for the cross-strait study.
Study Goal:
1. Understanding Mainland China’s Taiwan policy formulation under the impacts of
the legislation ,institutionalization and its means and imperatives.
2. Understanding the actual stage of affairs under the Anti-Secession Law pertaining to
its motivation, procedure, and content.
3. Assisting the Taiwan public to have a clearer understandings of the Anti-Secession
Law, lest the political bias from its statutory articles.
4.To have a clearer understanding of its logic applied .
Study Method:Literature analysis & study method、Historical study method、 Interview method.
Study Approach :Legal Approach、System Theory
Content of Study : There are six chapters of the Thesis, in total of about 250000
Key Words:
Anti-Secession Law、Legislation、Legal Approach、System Theory、One China
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資訊安全「影響因素與評估模式」之研究洪國興 Unknown Date (has links)
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冷戰後時期「中俄戰略協作夥伴關係」之形成與探析 / The Formation and Analysis: Sino-Russian Partnership of Strategic Coordination in the Post Cold War Era黃振祥, Huang , Martin Unknown Date (has links)
本文之目的在於探討冷戰後時期「中俄戰略協作夥伴關係」(Sino-Russian Partnership of Strategic Coordination)對戰略三角政治互動的意涵及其對台海安全的可能影響與衝擊。本文將以「系統理論研究途徑」(System Theory Approach)作為中心分析概念架構(central organizing concept)進行研究分析。
中俄戰略協作夥伴關係之建立為新世紀中、俄兩國關係的發展奠定了良好基礎。10年來,中俄關係發展相當順利。1992年-2001年,中俄關係的發展,連續上了四個台階,這就是:(一)92年「互視為友好國家關係」;(二)94年「建設性夥伴關係」;(三)96年「戰略協作夥伴關係」。在此以後,中俄戰略協作夥伴關係在實踐中不斷得到充實和發展。(四)2001年7月中俄雙方簽署了一份歷史性文件「中俄睦鄰友好合作條約」(China-Russia Good-neighborhood, Friendship and Cooperation Treaty),標誌雙方關係又進入一個新的發展階段。
在冷戰時期,中國、蘇聯與美國的戰略三角關係是影響國際政治變動的主要因素。蘇聯解體後,中俄關係發生重大變化,兩國已建立一個面向二十一世紀的戰略協作夥伴關係。作為冷戰後時期的世上唯一超強,美國非常關注中俄軍事合作面向之擴大。對美國而言,中國與俄羅斯為其全球戰略部署兩個最重要的國家,它們的重要性是因為它們的幅員、經濟潛力和軍事力量。其中最值得注意的是,中俄雙方在軍事和技術層面的合作,包括俄羅斯對中國的軍售。美國擔心中俄發展戰略協作夥伴關係,會導致中國軍力的增強,以及亞太區域「權力平衡」(Balance of Power)之改變。
本文認為,中俄戰略協作夥伴關係,就短程而言: 中俄「戰略匯合」(the Strategic Convergence between China and Russia)將使中俄在「政治」、「經濟」、「軍事」、「外交戰略」等合作面向獲得若干程度的「實質利益」(substantial interests)。同時中俄戰略協作夥伴關係之條約化將對美國在亞太區域戰略地位造成影響,從而衝擊到台海均勢與安全。然而,就長程而言: 未來中俄戰略協作夥伴關係發展,顯然仍有其「地緣政治」、「歷史上陰影」因素之侷限。
關鍵字: 中國、俄羅斯、系統理論分析途徑、現實主義、
國家利益、戰略三角互動、中俄戰略協作夥伴關係 / The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of the“Sino-Russian Partnership of Strategic Coordination” in the Post Cold War Era, on the strategic triangle politics and its implication for the security and balance of power across the Taiwan Straits. In this thesis, the “System Theory Approach” will be the central organizing concept, applied to the analysis.
After the Cold War, the bi-polar system has been broken since the collapse of the USSR. Relations among great powers were adjusted accordingly. PRC and Russia initiated multi-polar system and become“Partnership of Strategic Coordination ” to resist the “American hegemony”
It has laid a solid foundation for the development of Sino-Russian relations in the new century. In the past ten years, Sino-Russian relations witnessed a smooth progress. From 1992-2001, the relations progressed from“Friendly neighbors” to “Constructive partnership” to“Partnership of strategic coordination”. Since then,“China-Russia Good-neighborhood, Friendship and Cooperation Treaty”signed by the PRC and the Russia Federation in July 2001, marked a new era in the development of bilateral relations.
The Sino-Soviet-US triangular relations were the most dominant factor which affected the change of international politics in the Cold War period. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the Sino-Russian relations have developed to a certain degree that the two countries have established a strategic partnership aimed at the 21st century. As the sole world super power, the United States is wary of Expanded Sino-Russian military cooperation. For the US, China and Russia are the two most important countries in the world. Their importance is derived from their size, their economic potential, and their military power. The US is much concerned about the development of Sino-Russian Strategic relations which may lead to a buildup of China’s military power and a change of Asia-pacific “Balance of Power”.
It is believed in this study that,“Sino-Russian Partnership of Strategic Coordination,” in the short term: “The Strategic Convergence between China and Russia,” China and Russia will gain to some degree the substantial interests from the bilateral cooperation, such as “Political” ,“Economic ”,“Military”,“Foreign Policy Strategy.”At the same time, the stipulation of the mechanism of Chinese-Russo partnership in the treaty will create impact on the US strategic position in the Taiwan Straits and security of Taiwan. Nevertheless, in the long term: In the future, the development of” Chinese-Russo strategic partnership” still has its limits in the terms of “Geopolitical” and “ Historical Shadow” conditions.
Key word: China, Russia, System Theory Approach, Realism, National Interest, Strategic Triangle Interaction,
Sino-Russian Partnership of Strategic Coordination
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智慧資本轉換能力與企業績效之關聯性研究—資料包絡分析法之應用謝蕙如 Unknown Date (has links)
實證結果發現,智慧資本轉換能力對市價淨值比未達顯著影響,顯示目前大部分投資人進行投資決策時較關注反映企業營運結果之財務產出面向,而不注重過程面資源投入產出間之成本效益分析;智慧資本轉換能力與資產週轉率呈正向相關並達顯著水準,亦即轉換能力越高,企業運用資源的效率越好;而在Vuong test檢測下,智慧資本轉換能力對企業績效解釋能力並未顯著優於智慧資本增值係數。本研究結果顯示,智慧資本轉換能力確實可提供一具體衡量企業智慧資本之指標,作為企業資源配置決策之有用資訊以提升企業經營績效。 / Intellectual capital(IC) is vital to achieving sustainable competitive advantage in the knowledge-based economy. In attempting to effectively managing IC, demands for IC measurement and application are increasing. This study integrates the system theory with Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to measure a firm’s intellectual capital transform capability (ICTC). The main purpose of this study is to examine the association between ICTC and corporate performance. Moreover, the study also compares the relative explanatory ability about business performance between ICTC and Value Added Intellectual Coefficient (VAICTM). Samples are drawn from 92 listed firms in Taiwan information and electronics industry, covering a 3-year panel data from 2005 to 2007.
The result indicates ICTC has a significant positive impact on asset turnover ratio, which suggests that ICTC can be an indicator to measure a firm's operating capability. However, ICTC is unrelated to market-to-book ratio, which shows that ICTC explains business operating performance better than market performance. The Vuong test reveals that in explaining the performance of a business VAICTM does not have a higher explanatory ability than ICTC. This finding implies that ICTC can provide a valuable indicator for measuring IC, help a firm to efficiently allocate its resource and improve a firm's operating performance.
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