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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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黃建銘 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究所要回答的問題如下:(1)將變革的方式區分為激進式變革與漸進式變革,其中任何一種變革所代表的意義為何?(2)激進式變革與漸進式變革在過去各有其支持的學者,他們主要的理論觀點為何?反對的學者所提出的問題為何?(3)組織本身所具有的特質對於選擇兩種一同的變革方式產生了什麼影響?(4)情境因素對於選擇變的方式產生了什麼影響?第3個與第4個問題為本研究的重心。 本研究參考了過去的相關變革文獻與研究,並將變革方式以激進式變革和漸進式變革進行分類,並且依據兩大類的適用性變數進行整理,其中一類變數為組織本身所具有的特,包括企業活動類別、企業文化、企業的規模、企業總裁或高階經營團隊的特質,組織內部相依程度等等,另一類則為情境因素,包括問題的急迫性、競爭環境的特質,還有資訊科技發展對企業活動影響的程度。研究方法則採用個案深入訪談,選擇了國內的廠商共八家,觀察的對象為組織內部所發生的變革事件、組織本身所具有的特質與進行變革時的情境因素。 研究的結果如下:在組織特質方面,企業活動的類別(製造或服務)與所屬國籍對選擇變革方式並沒有明顯的影響,當企業文化傾向於美式文化、規模較大、發生了總裁換任事件、高階經營團隊資歷較短或其資歷差異較大、或高階經營團隊的學經歷背景差異較大,組織內部相依程度較高時,組織發生了較多的激進式變革,反之則多為漸進式變革。在情境因素方面,當企業面臨了急迫的問題、經營的環境較為動盪、環境變化的可預測性較低、環境的相容性較低、資訊科技的進步會大幅度地影響組織運作的方式時,組織發生了較多的激進行變革,反之多為漸進式變革。

日産汽車之整頓與革新 / Nissan Motor Company’s Revitalization and Reformation

邱元亨 Unknown Date (has links)
全球化的經營環境變遷下,傳統產業中體質健全但管理模式跟不上時代的老牌企業面臨經營危機時,該如何進行組織變革,挽救頹勢?本研究試圖從日産汽車的個案中探求這類型企業如何從經營危機中進行整頓,回復正常營運並發展出新的企業策略以在21世紀的經營環境中尋求突破。 本研究共探討日産的三個階段:(一)、公司創立至危機爆發,(二)、內部整頓,(三)、企業策略革新與跨國聯盟綜效發揮。在第一階段中,本文透過公司歷史上的策略變遷與組織發展歸納分析造成經營危機之原因。第二階段探討整頓團隊如何建構凝聚力與急迫性這兩個變革關鍵要素,利用跨功能團隊等各種管理模式突破現行困境,最終發表「日産復興計畫」做為整頓總體方針,在短時間內使公司轉虧為盈。第三階段首先探討公司總體策略「中期計畫」的變遷路徑,歸納分析日産從求取經營穩定到全球擴張階段。為協助公司達成經營目標,需要員工由下至上對總體策略的實質回饋,在此探討日産「V-up Program」如何將跨功能團隊的角色向下延伸到基層員工從企業內部自發尋求解決方案的管理模式。最後一階段,藉由不同情境,分析解釋雷諾日産聯盟的綜效發揮,探討雷諾日産聯盟如何在全球車市佈局朝向世界第一的車廠目標邁進。 本研究結論有三點。第一,體質健全的企業要完成組織變革扭轉經營,首先要認清企業本質與建構變革要素,變革要素關鍵在於凝聚力與急迫性。透過跨功能團隊可以系統性的認清企業本質,然而整頓團隊必需透過傾聽與建立共同語言並展現強烈使命感才能將全體員工帶領向變革的道路,企業本質與員工是公司的正能量,唯有匯集足夠正能量才能夠突破經營困境的負能量,使變革成功。第二,日産從整頓成功到走向朝世界第一大車廠目標邁進,很大程度是仰賴跨功能團隊的支持,但跨功能團隊並不是始終如一的形式存在於日産組織之中;而是隨著組織在各個策略目標下有不同的進化型式,其進化又可分為廣度與深度兩個象限,廣度是指其涉及範疇從最初為企業整頓而生到現今與其他結盟企業也能一併應用,深度是指從最初僅限於上層管理階級到現今基層員工也能夠運用此模式對企業策略做出回應。第三,雷諾日産獨特的非剛性聯盟,基於追求最大共同利益而存續;但當聯盟發展過了數年後卻產生綜效不明顯,策略不一致之疑慮,為了讓聯盟能夠繼續維持其彈性但不至於在發展上失焦,最終採用的共同領導人制度,很妥當的解決了這一問題,使雷諾日産聯盟能夠加速在21世紀全球車市的擴張策略。

組織變革策略對於非營利組織產業化品質的影響-以喜憨兒社會福利基金會為例 / Non-profit organizations in the process of industrialization, the impact on the quality of organizational change strategies - a case study of Children Are Us Foundation.

鄭子麾 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,政府治理環境迅速變遷,因此非營利組織逐漸在服務提供上擔綱重要的角色。然而非營利組織幾乎都難逃財政窘迫的問題,除了因募款不易的因素外,其過度依賴政府的補助作為資金來源的特性也是重要原因之一。因此非營利組織在此種內外交迫的雙重危機下,逐漸走向產業化經營以求化解財政窘迫的問題。 而非營利組織在產業化過程中之成敗,常繫於組織本身內部各項產業化策略之採用,及其所提供計畫服務與產品品質之良窳而定。而本研究認為走向產業化亦是組織變革的一種型態,透過文獻探討法、深度訪談法,並配合參與觀察的方式,並以財團法人喜憨兒社會福利基金會為對象,將焦點置於產業化過程中,不同組織變革策略對於非營利組織所提供計畫服務與產品品質的影響。 本研究發現個案透過不同組織變革策略相互配合才能發揮綜效,並須因應內外環境變化適時作出調整,產業化過程才得以順利。此外,人員變革策略以及團隊建立的工作方式,應是個案走向產業化之所以成功的關鍵要素,而個案也因為變革策略的成功採用,以致其服務與產品之品質多有正面的改善。然而,由於憨兒兼具服務提供者與服務接受者的雙重角色,且個案本身須考量不同利害關係人的需求,組織本身長短期目標的兼顧亦非易事,因此在品質的界定與衡量上,仍存有一定程度的矛盾與困難,頗值玩味。 最後,作者試圖對該議題提出後續研究方向,期望未來能有研究者針對本文不足之處進行探究,以求在這些部份能夠有更精緻且完整的描述,並對非營利組織走向產業化的過程,能提供更為實際的建議與幫助。 關鍵字:組織變革策略、非營利組織產業化、服務品質

組織變革個案之研究-以電信工程技術服務業為例 / A Case Study of Organizational Change from A Telecom Technology Company.

陳翠娜 Unknown Date (has links)
在環境大幅度變化的今日,過去的經驗與做法已無法適用於目前環境變化所帶來的複雜性任務。個案公司為一電信工程技術服務公司,在產業環境持續變化,未能及時察覺與因應的狀況下,個案公司採取擴充人力規模作為事業成長的行動雖在短期帶來成效,卻也因為對新進人力未加以篩選並適當傳承組織文化而產生內部新舊文化衝擊與管理失當的情形。 經過變革的整頓與調整後,雖在組織成員相處上有明顯的成效,卻因金融海嘯的爆發而引起客戶端要求廠商大幅降價提供服務的處境。在經營者所背負經營壓力越來越重的狀況下,恢復了以往的集權式管理,也使得變革主導者中止了變革工作。透過本研究,希望能找出形成變革學習障礙的真正原因與如何建立可因應環境變化的團隊溝通與學習方式,並在最後統整相關資訊,提出個案公司組織重建的相關計劃。 透過變革步驟與個案公司人員的訪談工作,比對變革的成效並從中找出障礙原因。之後再運用系統思考方式將時空背景還原,找出個案公司在不同的時間點分別形成不同的學習障礙。進一步了解後,發現組織中的自我防衛是造成團隊溝通與學習的主要障礙。透過五項修練的功能結合,可幫助個人與組織的學習、交流,降低團隊自我防衛與溝通不良等問題。 在經過產業與企業環境的優、劣勢與機會、威脅等分析下,以建立客戶需求為導向,提供顧客所需技術與服務並持續改善內外部效率作為個案公司的使命。並以『利他』為出發點,以結盟方式與其他廠商共組緊密網絡關係,提供流程、技術、社區關係建立等資源整合服務,成為台灣最卓越、領導同業的電信工程技術整合公司作為個案公司的未來願景。期許在新願景的提出、相關策略議題的導出下,能與五項修練的團隊學習結合,使得個案公司可以成為帶動產業環境改善的先行者。

從組織氣候探討社會福利組織轉型為社會企業可行性之研究―以伊甸基金會為例 / The Feasibility Study of the Transition from Social Welfare Organization to Social Enterprise: Organizational Climate Perspective

吳明霓, Wu, Ming Ni Unknown Date (has links)

組織結構變革對組織運作的影響研究-以UPC為 / A Study on the Influence of Organizational Structure Change on Organizational Operation - A Case Study of UPC Technology Corp

苗華久, Miau, Joseph Unknown Date (has links)
組織結構和設計是組織的一些最基本的條件,但有時可能影響組織的利潤最多。當一個組織的組織結構不再適合它所在行業的環境時會發生什麼?許多傳統行企業面臨的情況是經歷了不伴隨變化的增長,最終形成了一種組織結構,這種組織結構在當前的環境中不再是最有效的。那麼企業如何評估實現他們所期望的組織結構狀態所需要的?他們如何有效地做到這一點?因此,本研究是通過以下研究問題通過UPC的案例研究激發的: •UPC經歷了組織結構變化的原因是什麼? •在UPC組織結構變革的過程中,UPC做了什麼來實現其結構目標以及變化的影響是什麼? 案例研究     本文以UPC的組織結構調整作為案例研究,考察公司如何能夠更加靈活地適應瞬息萬變的市場變化和需求。本文共分六章,通過文獻綜述,產業綜述與分析,UPC案例分析,案例分析和個案研究結論。 / Organizational structure and design are some of the most basic aspects of organizations, yet sometimes can affect the profits of organizations the most. What happens when the organizational structure of an organization no longer is best suited for the environment of the industry that it is in? Many traditional industries face situations where they experience growth that is not accompanied by change, and thus end up with an organizational structure that is no longer most efficient to operate within its current environment. How can then firms evaluate what is needed to achieve their desired organizational structure state, and how can they do this effectively? Therefore, this study is motivated by the following research questions through a case study of UPC: • What are the reasons that made UPC undergo an organizational structure change? • In the process of UPC’s organization structure change, what did UPC do to achieve its structure goals and what were the effects of the change? A case study This paper uses UPC’s organization restructure as a case study to examine how a company can become more agile to fit the rapid changes and needs of a changing market. This paper has six chapters through a process of literature review, industry overview and analysis, case study of UPC, case study analysis, and a case study research conclusion.

轉型長期照護導向營運模式之研究-以地區醫院為例 / A case study of long-term care oriented operational mode of transformation : an example of a local hospital

李明勇, Lee, Ming Yung Unknown Date (has links)
在分級醫療體制三段五級規劃中,地區醫院肩負診所、醫學中心轉診重要樞紐,扮演橋樑的重要角色。台灣的地區醫院在健保實施的20多年來,減少2百多家,而大型醫學及診所的數量卻大增,加上民眾不論大小病都愛跑大型醫院、健保給付有利大型醫院、和護理人力荒及一例一休勞基法的規範,都是造成現在地區醫院經營困難的主要原因。目前地區醫院仍無力與大醫院競爭,多以收治慢性照護患者為主,不再扮演大醫院和診所間的橋樑角色。政府部門也注意到這個問題,近年來開始推動醫療資源垂直整合,針對中風病患等急性後期照護患者,讓患者在大醫院接受完急性期治療後,再回到原先看診的地區醫院慢性復健治療,除了讓民眾獲得妥善照護,也盼扭轉民眾就醫的習慣,提升地區醫院的角色及地位,但成效不彰。 K地區醫院也面臨著目前的健保困境,和經營瓶頸的問題,加上今年實施的長期照護法又將影響台灣的醫療環境與生態,K地區醫院必須提早因應。K地區醫院須考慮如何利用本身的優勢,在外在環境的改變下(例如人口老化及長期照護法的實施),去利用內外部的資源,進行醫院組織變革,以擬定經營策略使危機變為轉機,讓長期照護成為發展轉型的助力。 本研究即在探討K地區醫院為了改變現狀,針對本身的資源與能力、願景與目標和外在環境的政府政策及地區需求,並參考標竿醫院,所提出的一個解決方案-轉型長期照護導向的營運模式,期能達到醫院永續發展的目標。K地區醫院採用的長期照護導向策略是運用醫學中心急重症醫療支援作為後盾,並結盟長照機構,深耕社區營造與健康促進,落實社區慢性疾病的管理,建立部門負責以長照為導向的組織營運模式。

組織變革對公共圖書館館員工作滿足之影響--以台灣省基隆市、新竹市、台中市、嘉義市、台南市公共圖書館館員為研究對象 / The Influence on the Public Librarians' Sense of Job Satisfaction by Organization Change--A Study on the Public Librarians Working in Keelung, Hsien-Ju, Taichung, Cha-Yi, Tainan Cities

畢秀芬, Bee, Grace Unknown Date (has links)
公部門是人民讓出部分權利成立的,政府要為國民謀福。就文化傳承、知識傳播而言,行政體系層級設有各級公共圖書館,提供場地鼓勵民眾閱讀、建立終身學習習慣,以提升國家競爭力。 易經有云「變,是唯一不變的」。文化成長是有週期性的,組織要隨時注意變革以應生存。組織變革以Leavitt觀點分為三類:結構變革、人員變革、技術變革,三者是相互影響的;但撮其要仍在於人,員工能不能留在組織內奮鬥,工作滿足是很根本的。此為本研究動機發軔。 台灣省各縣市之公共圖書館自民國七0年代因文化中心興建,除台南市立圖書館外,皆被併入成為圖書組。(1)行政體系位階(結構變革)連降二級,與中心各組爭取經費行政資源。(2)八0年代,進入文化局時代,面對技術變革:包含電腦使用與教導、資訊網路發達電子資料庫的形成、外語能力逐日被要求加強的壓力等等。(3)人員變革方面,由以往管理者一改為服務者等,工作觀念不同又要組織文化被重塑;館員在組織變革中沒有受到應有重視與適度訓練。 經研究發現,變革的過程多會有陣痛期或混亂,組織在不同的改革階段會遭遇到不同的抗拒力和推力,變革成功與否,員工正是其中要素。經時間累積,公共圖館館員工作現況和工作滿足、將來需求,是研究項目,經研究發現: 一、館員面對結構變革之行政位階變化:館員認為非地方公務員可撼動,對之無顯著不滿足。但有館員期望成立市立圖書館,使公共圖書館業務、職責程度與行政位階能相當。 對薪資是不滿足的;職務列等也是無法工作滿足,但非實際對讀者服務之館員,對薪資是滿足的;此為其異。 若有高的職務列等之職缺,館員有八成會離職。公共圖書館對館員的激勵因素不足,可為警訊。    二、館員對技術變革很注重,進修機會是影響工作滿足。擬參加訓練進修項目有圖書館營運行銷、電腦能力、外語等,專業性和知識性都兼顧。館員自我學習認知強烈,希望參加輔導體系舉辦的研習。 隨時代轉型,壓力成為普遍文明病,館員提出心靈成長、壓力紓緩、情緒管理等課程,是有別以往訓練需求。 三、館員自我期許以更熱忱服務讀者,呼應人員變革之「顧客導向」的經營理念重視,。與社區、學校或文史工作室資源結合,形成資源再利用與資源共享。以績效爭取行政體系(上級)關注。各種作為受到回饋、讚賞,工作滿足就高。 本研究經調查結果發現以下問題,值得討論: 一、館員建立專業形象與權威性,需要輔導系統更加重視訓練。 二、館員應持續發聲,減少數位資訊的「馬太效應」。   三、與網路爭取讀者時代來臨,公共圖書館館員要走出去、走入社區培養志工,如何將服務(各資訊)推廣出去,需活潑行銷方式。   四、時代需求、承上起下壓力,新增任務與服務目標: (一)徵集文獻、數位化壓力增加,資訊人力要栽培。 (二)對次級公共圖書館提出之輔導建議,無拘束力;輔導機制建立需要探討。 (三)採購法令壓力增加,如何建立「新知即時到館與行政程序同等重要」觀念,需得到行政部門的認同、協助。 五、「顧客導向服務」的壓力,館員應有「顧客應對」相關訓練課程、釋放壓力的能力。 六、館員專業和熱忱應並重,對社會要有敏銳度。 針對上述本研究發現和討論,對後續研究建議: 一、 研究對象可擴及所轄之分館、區圖書館館員為研究範圍,差異性將完整呈現。 二、 行政院推動社福機關行政法人化,對公共圖書館成立宗旨有無衝突、對館員心理衝擊、讀者權益增損、甚或對「弱勢優先」(Affirmation action)之影響等面向,建議後續研究可觀察研究。 三、 E化政府與地方公共圖書館連結:對於與民眾最接近和方便使用的地方--公共圖書館,其硬體設備和指導能力能否成為自動化無線網站的提供者;建議後續研究可觀察研究。 / Public departments are set up by part of the rights given up by the people, in order for the government to seek and create benefits for its citizens. When it comes to cultural heritage and propagation of knowledge, public libraries were established at all levels of administrative systems, so there are places available to the people to encourage reading, and form their habit of lifetime learning, thus to uplift the nation’s competitiveness. A famous remark from The Book of Changes: “Change, is the only thing constant”. Cultural growth is cyclic, in order to survive, organization has to pay attention constantly to its reformation. According to Leavitt, organization reformation is classified into 3 types: organizational reformation, personnel reformation, and technical reformation, these 3 are interrelated, but the essential is whether personnel, employees are willing to stay to strive with the organization, job satisfaction is fundamental. This is the motive of this study. Except Tainan Municipal Library, all the public libraries in different counties and cities of Taiwan Province were combined and became library section since the Cultural Center has established and built in the 80th. (1) Thus 2 levels were downgraded on their administrative systems, so they have to strive for budget and administrative resources with all sections of the Center. (2) 90th is the era for the Bureau of Culture, this was also the time that faced with technical reformation: including the pressure such in the using and teaching of computer, advanced information network took shape of electronic database, as the same time, to strengthen the comprehension of foreign languages. (3) In personnel reformation, the role that the librarians played has changed from a Manager to a Servant, the working concept is differed, at the same time, its organizational culture is being reshaped; Librarians did not receive the attention and appropriate trainings they deserved. Studies show that, there would be throes or chaos during the processes of reformation, the organization shall experience different resistances and thrusts in different phases of reformation, whether the reformation would succeed or not, employees are its essential factor. As time goes by, the public librarians’ current working situation, their job satisfaction, future demand are the subjects of the study, and study shows: I. Librarians facing the changes in the levels of administrative positions resulted form organizational reformation: librarians deemed this cannot be changed by the non-local public servants, therefore, no significant dissatisfaction is shown toward this matter. However, some public librarians that municipal libraries can be established, so that the operation, levels of job function and administrative positions of public libraries can be commensurate. There is dissatisfaction with the wages; job satisfaction cannot be met in terms of the ranking of duties, but not those librarians that actual serve the readers, they are satisfied with their wages; this is its difference. When there is job vacancy with higher ranking of duties available, most probably the librarians would leave their jobs. The encouraging factors of public libraries to their librarians are insufficient, this serves as a warning signal. II. Librarians pay much attention to the technical reformation, as further studies influence job satisfaction. Operation and marketing of libraries, computer skills and foreign languages are the subjects planned for training and further studies, these subjects covered both professional and intellectual knowledge. Librarians with strong recognition of self-learning, they expected to participate in the researches and studies held by the counseling and guidance system. As times keep on changing and transforming, “pressure” has become a common disease of civilization, librarians have proposed courses concerning spiritual growth, pressure relief, and emotional management, which are quite different from the training demands in the past. III. Librarians expect themselves to serve readers with more enthusiasm, this calls on to pay more attention on the management concept of “customer-orientation” in the personnel reformation, to combine with the resources of the communities, schools or the studios for literatures and histories, so that these resources can be reused and shared. To win the attentions from the administrative system (the superior) with one’s job performance. There would be higher job satisfaction as one’s performance receives reward and appreciation. The following issues have found from this study, which required further discussion: I. Librarians shall build up their professional images and authoritativeness, counseling and guidance system has to pay more attention on the related trainings. II. Librarians shall keep on expressing their opinions, so as to reduce the “Matthews Effect” in digital information. III. It’s the time to solicit readers through internet, public librarians need to extend outwardly, to involve in the training of volunteers for the communities, and more active marketing strategies would be required, in order to promote services (all kinds of information). IV. New missions and objectives of services shall be added to cope with the demand of the era, as well as the pressure of succession and heritage: (I) The pressure to collect documentations, and digitalization, training of information personnel is needed. (II) The guidance and suggestions proposed to the subordinate public libraries are not binding; further probing is required for the guiding system established. (III) More pressure concerning the rules and regulations for purchasing, how to build up the concept of “New knowledge arrive the library instantly is of the same important as the administrative procedures”, this requires recognition and assistance from the administrative department. V. The pressure of “Customer-oriented service”, librarians should take training courses related to “The right ways to communicate with customers”, and be capable to relieve their pressures. VI. Librarians should be both professional and enthusiastic, and keen to the society. Based on the aforementioned findings and discussion, follow-up study suggest that: I. The object of study can be expanded to include jurisdictional and regional librarians, thus their differences shall be revealed perfectly. II. “Administrative corporation” moved by the Executive Yuen for social welfare institutions, the following aspects should be further observed and studied in the follow-up study: whether is policy is conflict with the purpose in establishing public libraries, the mental distress it caused to the librarians, increase/lessen of readers’ rights and benefits, an even its effect to the “Affirmation action” III. Connection of E-government and local public libraries: a place nearest and most convenient for the public – public libraries, are their hardware facilities and instructing capability enable them to become the supplier of automatic wireless network? This requires further observations and studies in the follow-up study.


羅春月, Luo,Chuen Yueh Unknown Date (has links)
在經濟自由化、國際化潮流的衝擊下,公營事業「私有化」(privatization)自1980年代以來成為主流思潮,在國內政治、經濟、社會發展日趨成熟,以及公營事業機構經營績效普遍不彰的環境下,紛紛要求政府去保護、去壟斷、去管制,讓公營事業回歸市場競爭機制,於是行政院於1989年成立跨部會的「專案小組」負責推動民營化工作,惟民營化的腳步卻顯得蹣跚難以開展,直到1996年「國家發展會議」中才確立「加速民營化」的共識後,民營化政策乃如火如荼的展開。 歷經十幾年民營化推行的結果,弊端叢生,有淪為財團化、賤賣國產、政治酬庸工具、製造大量失業的疑慮,並嚴重損及員工既有的工作權益,而廣受訾議;近年來更質變為政府籌措財源的工具,以致員工抵制、抗爭民營化政策持續未歇,乃至遊說立法委員通過特別立法加以保護與刪減釋股預算等,百般推遲、阻撓民營化進度,究其原因,乃在員工預期民營化組織變革將帶來不確定性未來的集體共同認知使然,害怕減薪、裁員、失去工作保障、勞動條件改變、僱庸關係變更、喪失公務員身分、權力及社會地位降低、經濟利益減損、可用資源減少、工作量增加…等等。 本研究以公賣局為個案研究,公賣局為因應民營化的需要,改善經營體質,提升組織競爭力,從1996 年開始規劃實施一連串的組織變革措施中,主要進行人力精簡、組織調整及全面品質管理等三大重要變革措施,其中以人力精簡與組織調整對員工的衝擊影響最大;人力精簡從1997年到2003年10月底止,已精簡4371人,有1/3以上的員工選擇優惠離退,而組織調整的方式則以簡併、裁撤、遷廠方式為之,影響了數千名員工的工作地點、工作性質、人際關係與環境的變動,員工在經歷這些重大組織變革,其對民營化組織變革的認知情況如何,是否會反應在工作壓力與組織承諾上,所以本研究即以微觀的認知觀點,試圖從員工對民營化組織變革的不確定性認知切入,來探求民營化組織變革的不確定性認知,對員工工作壓力與組織承諾的影響情況,深切鋪陳員工心理層面的憂鬱、焦慮、徬徨的感受,以提供政府當局及變革推動者參考。 本研究除採用文獻探討法對過去學者研究文獻做一回顧與整理外,並使用問卷調查法,以2004年2月底留任在台灣菸酒公司流通事業部職員為研究對象,所得有效樣本462份資料,以描述性統計分析、因素分析、信度分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析、逐步迴歸分析等統計方法予以分析。 本研究主要獲致結論如下: 在描述性統計分析方面,員工最擔心的是被減薪(87.9%)、職務或工作地點變動(82%)、被裁員或解僱(80.8%)、失去公務員身分工作權較無保障(78.8%)、以及對個人未來的事業生涯有不安與徬徨的感受(76.6%),除此之外,對未來角色的變更也充滿相當的憂慮,在變革過程中,員工也認為所獲取或接觸的變革資訊嚴重不足,也顯示參與決策與溝通的管道不夠暢通,並且也相信民營化組織變革將使組織發展更具變動性,在在均說明了員工對民營化組織變革充滿了不確定性的認知程度相當高。反應在工作壓力方面,則以「焦慮反應」最為嚴重,平均數比率為75.56%,其次為「工作過荷」的現象為70.82%,然其對組織的「價值及努力承諾」、「留職承諾」仍舊是非常高昂,平均數比率分別為71.8%、71.62%。 在差異性分析方面,發現有顯著差異者有:1.不同年齡、職位的員工對「變革資訊」的不確定性認知有顯著差異。2.不同工作類別的員工對「溝通疑慮」的不確定性認知有顯著差異。3.不同職位員工對「組織發展」的不確定性認知有顯著差異。4.不同職位的員工對「低自尊」有顯著差異。5.不同工作類別的員工對「留職承諾」有顯著差異。 在相關分析方面,民營化組織變革的不確定性認知與工作壓力呈高度正向相關,與組織承諾則呈中度負向相關,而工作壓力與組織承諾則呈高度負向相關。 在預測力分析方面,民營化組織變革的不確定性認知對工作壓力、工作壓力對組織承諾均具解釋力或預測力,且工作壓力對民營化組織變革的不確定性認知與組織承諾間具有中介效果,亦即留任員工對民營化組織變革的不確定性認知程度愈高,其工作壓力愈大,工作壓力愈大,則員工的組織承諾愈低。 本研究根據研究結論分別對政府、事業機構、員工及後續研究者提出建議,期以建構更完善的民營化政策、以及提出更完整、更具價值的研究成果。 關鍵字: 認 知 組織變革 工作壓力 組織承諾 / Under economy liberalization trend, as well as globalization influences, the public enterprise privatization became a leading trend starting from 1980s, Internal (domestic) politics, economy, society development is mature rapidly, and public enterprises management agency are generally not developing/improving, makes them requesting government to give up protection, monopolize, controls etc. in order to put the public enterprises into competitive market mechanism. Hence in 1989 Executive Yuan had set up a special team in charge for pushing government entity for privatization, although privatization moves was halting and difficult to develop at the start, untill 1996 the Country Development Meeting where participants has reached a common view to accelerate the privatization issue, the privatization became a hot topic like a raging fire that everyone is talking about. Over ten years after privatization was carried out, disadvantage clusters, conglomeration of companies, low price sales and quisling government properties, political bribing, unemployment misgivings, seriously damaging workers interests and rights, and became a widely discuss issues. In recent years it even deteriorated and spoiled into a fund raising tools, which made workers to boycott, then fights against privatization policy continues. And even canvassed legislators to enforce protection laws, truncate and write off budgets, all sorts of put off or deferred to obstruct and jeopardize the progress of privatization. Trace to its cause, worker anticipation that privatization will bring uncertainty in the future due to the change of the organization, salary reduction, lay off staff, loosing job indemnification, labor laws and regulation changes, relation alteration in the employment system, loss of civil servant status, social status and rights diminishing, economical benefits reductions, available resource decreasing, increase of workload etc, etc.. This research is based on Taiwan Tobacco and Wine Board as a case study, due to the need of privatization to improve its management, increase of competitiveness capability, starting from 1996 Taiwan Tobacco & Liquor Corporation has taken up a series of organization transformation measures, there were 3 major improvement measures, mainly on manpower simplification; organization adjustment and overall quality control management. Where the manpower and organization adjustment have the most direct influence to staff/workers; Manpower reduction has been started since 1997 and up till the end of October 2003, there were already 4,371 persons reduced, 1/3 above personnel choose the preferential leave quit, while re-organization is implemented using simplification, dissolve of companies, relocate of factories, this has affected thousands of staff/worker’s work place, jobs nature, relationship and environmental alterations. Upon they experienced all these significant re-organization major changes. How do staff/workers recognition towards organization changes due to the privatization effect? Will it reflect in their work commitment due to the work pressure and organization changes? This study is based on basic cognitive point of view, attempt to cut in from worker’s uncertain recognition to organization changes by privatization, seeking for uncertain recognition of organization transformation cause by privatization, the effect towards personnel work pressure and organization commitments, deeply elaborate personnel psychology disconsolation, anxiety, hesitation, in order to provide to government authority and the reformers for references. This research adopt and consolidate the previously research documentary retrospect, it also combine with questionnaires inquisition. Based on the research object from Taiwan Tobacco & Liquor Corporation Business Distribution Unit staff at the end of February 2004, obtained effective samples of 462 item and were analyzed with Descriptive Statistic Analysis method, Factor Analysis, Reliability Analysis, t-Test, One-way ANOVA, Pearson Analysis of Regression, Analysis of Stepwise Regression Statistical. The main conclusions of this research are as follows: Under descriptive statistic analysis salary reduction is the most worried case (87.9%), duty and or work place alteration (82%), lay off staff (80.8%), loss of civil servant status and work rights (78.8%), fear of personal future business career uncertainty hesitation (76.6%), in addition to this, anxiety to the future personal role’s alteration. And during the changes period, staff/workers felt if organizational changes information severely lack of, it also shows if decision makers has impeded the communication in between, and the belief that privatization of organizational changes will let the organization development full with alteration nature. This illustrates staff/workers have very high uncertainty cognition to the privatization of organizational changes. Reaction shown directly on work stresses, while anxiety reaction is the most severe case, average rating at 75.56%, following is work overloaded phenomenon with 70.82%, but to organizational value and effort commitment, retention commitment are still lofty, average ratio at 71.8% and 71.62% respectively. At divergence analysis, it is found there is a distinct difference at 1. Age differences: on duty staff/workers have a different opinion of uncertain cognition to organizational changes information. 2. Different job sections staff/workers have distinct recognition on communication misgiving uncertainty cognition. 3. Different position/grade personnel has a different recognition on organization development. 4. Different position/grade personnel has distinct recognition on low self-esteem. 5. Different Job sections staff/workers has different recognition on retention commitment. On correlation analysis, there is a high positive relationship between privatization of organizational changes uncertainty cognition and work stress, while it shows a medium negative relationship to organizational commitment; work stress and organizational commitment shows a high negative relationship. In forecast analysis, privatization of organizational changes uncertainty cognition and work stress, work stress and organizational commitment both equipped with elucidate and anticipation power, while work stress and privatization of organizational changes uncertainty cognition and organizational commitment are of intermediate effect, in other words for staff to remain in office will increase its recognition to privatization of organizational changes uncertainty cognition, work stress will be heavier, when work stress becomes bigger, staff/workers organizational commitment will become lesser. This research concludes for suggestions to government entity, enterprises, staff/workers and the fellow researchers to improve the privatization program and submit more valuable and complete study results. Key words : cognition 、organizational changes、work stress 、 organizational commitment

中外企業推動管理變革差異之研究:以飛利浦與光寶引進六標準差制度為例 / The Empirical Studies in Domestic and Foreign Enterprises in Triggering Organization Change

曾裕源, Tseng, Yu Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
成功的企業要有能力隨時依經營環境的變遷,來調整公司的經營方針和策略,才不會因時代進步而面臨被淘汰的危機。企業面臨的競爭壓力也是與日俱增,現在企業面臨的,是全世界的挑戰,仍一味採用過去的思考模式經營,可能會因為進步緩慢而難以因應快速變遷的市場。企業領導人應環境變遷導引組織內變革應用到企業內各個單位,每次的改變必須有一定的學理或實務作參考依據,才不會失去了前進的方向,因為錯誤的改變可能會引導企業走向結束營業的危機。 本研究針對6 Sigma理論基礎先行探討,了解其活動之特性;而對推動的領導者風格及相關管理工具運用,除深入研究運作的理論基礎外,也檢討以策略為基礎組織規劃推論,以為完整企業成功變革之理論基礎與最佳實務之參考。 針對在學術文獻回顧中發現的可議論點,本研究也由中外企業個案公司全球策略執行時提出延伸或不同的看法,從個案研究歸納出以六標準差成功變革企業成功經驗,以增進學術論文論點的完整性及實證性。 最後,以六標準差策略活動的推動對組織帶來最大化的效益,做為後續學術研究者,或任何企業追求最佳標竿實務的參考。 / Great emphasis is placed upon the complexity and turbulence of the business contexts within today’s managers need to manage changes and align their corporate strategy and policy deployment in a bid for sustainable future. The challenge of global competition, increasingly in its very velocity, paves the way in which any of the businesses must transcend the preconceived legacy system where the change occurs. Visionary leaders usually trigger each change management initiative throughout their hierarchical organization reforms by which applicable management foundations or practices are adapted to new situations. It prevents any business, only through systematically structured change management, from bogging down into the unrecoverable crisis situation, but rather realize their systematically determined patterns of business growth or faster adaptation. This research explores the framework wherein Six Sigma theories and practices are set on the foundation around which the relevant management philosophy and tools are discussed. It is deemed as the most critical factor in which top management leaderships are heavily related to the business performance result and the extent of business excellence achievement. Built upon the debatable issues of management theorems in the literature review, a number of business propositions are made from which we conclude both the foreign and domestic case companies in this research, in anticipation for constructing a best-fit organization change by virtue of Six Sigma way in a more comprehensive and empirical approach. Last but not the least, the benefits result from Six Sigma management execution are presented in the concluding chapter, by which it will set the examples of the best practices for followers and practitioners in pursuit for Six Sigma philosophy.

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