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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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八○年代以來中共中央政府組織與職能之轉變 / The change of organozation and role of central goverment of CCP after 80's

吳志偉, Wu, Chih-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
「八○年代以來中共中央政府組織與職能之轉變」這個題目,在性質上是關於中共行政管理體制與政府機構改革的一個關鍵的環節,其中主要是針對中共中央政府(專指狹羲的中央政府,國務院而言)的組織與職能,這兩個重要面向的轉換與變遷進行相關的分析。雖然在論文的內容中並不完全排除其他如幹部人事制度與人員編制等行政管理體制相關問題的討論,但只是一種補充性質的內容。簡而言之,本論文的內容就是圍繞、緊扣著組織與職能的轉變,來討論中共中央政府機構政革的問題。論文的內容摘要如下: 第一章、導論。在論文的開始首先說明研究動機.目的、範圍、內容、方法,與限制,透過導論的說明,讀者可以對本文所要處理的問題有一個基本的了解,包括中共行政管理體制與政府機構改革的重要性、九十年政府機構改革的展開中央政府組織與職能轉變的概念、新制度主義典範的研究途徑。 第二章、組織與職能轉變的背景。本章首先對中共中央政府的組織結構輿職權力能作基本的說明與介紹,然後針對從一九四九年中共建立政權以來,到七八年底十一屆三中全會泱定進行改革開放之間的毛澤東時期,中央政府組織與職能轉變的過程作概要的歷史回顧。最後,並加以探討制約整個中央政府組織與職能轉變的體制性因素,同時是分析中共中央政府符政官僚體系的生長環境背景。 第三章、組織與職能轉變的內容。本章將對中共中央政府組織與職能轉變的八個重要主題進行分析與說明,分則是組織與職能轉變形成的思路過程、組織與職能轉變的意義內涵、促使組職與職能轉變的表層原因、組織輿職能轉變所要達到的目的、組職與職能轉變的發展方向、組織與職能轉變的方法與步驟、組織與職能轉變成功的主要關鍵要素、組織與職能轉變成功的次要條件。 第四章、組織與職能轉變的過程。本章所要討論的是,/\0年代以後到九七年之間中共中央政府組織與職能轉變的形成與發展過程,並以經濟改革與政治改革的發展為背景,搭配著機構改革的進行來說明的。大致上可分為三個階段:第一個階段是從一九七九年到八五年,第二個階段是從一九八五年到九二年,第三個階段是從一九九二年到九七年。最後,針對三個階段中歷次政府機構改革的特徵、成效,以及部門機構的變動情形作一統計與分析。 第五章、組織與職能轉變的評估。本章首先總結整個中共中央政府組織與職能轉變的實踐經驗,並指出改革失敗的主要原因與次要的因素。其次,討論組織與職能轉變的影響層面的兩個重要的議題,中央與地方的關係以及國家與社會的關係,兩者都是關係到中國大陸未來發展方向和命運的關鍵所在。最後,在未來的發展趨勢中討論九八年政府機構改革的內容與評估成功的可能性與關鍵何在,並且提供中國大陸未來發展方向的建議。 第六章、結論。在本論文的最後一章主要是將論文中的各個章節所討論與分析的成果,作一個簡單的概括摘要,以方便閱讀者能夠快速的掌握本文的重點所在。


賈彩霞 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究有別於傳統組織理論從組織結構、組織運作等途徑研究行政組織,乃另從能力面向來劃分組織內部有形、無形與組織績效有關的面向,並將其區分「能力構面」與「能力機制」兩大類。 「能力構面」係以領導者為中心,並經此凝聚組織的人力資源,財務管理、資訊處理、組織文化等面向;「能力機制」則以研究發展機制、評估機制作為組織「智庫」,提供領導者「策略」功能。上述能力面向亦可用為行政組織評估自身「組織能力」量化與非量化之指標。 組織能力是影響組織盛衰的關鍵,有能力組織的因果有前瞻力以掌握外的環境變局,適時創造生存的利基,並具有憂患意識早期發現危及的組織弊病,使組織得以防止內、外環境所產生的各種衰退因素;但能力衰退的組織則反之,造成行政組織能力衰退的原因,除無法因應外部變遷採取了有效策略外,更由於各能力面向的誤謬,使組織內部充慣性與自滿之心,既示能因應環境的變遷,又未能及時偵測內部潛藏的能力衰退危機,在內外環境交互影響下加速面臨衰退的命運。 本文試以捷運局從民國七十六年成立至民國八十六年為研究期間,該局歷經初創期的意氣風發,旋即在民國八十二、三年間面臨各種危機與通車時程遲滯事件,在外界不斷指責中產生公權力不彰、組織能力下降、公信力喪失的衰退現象,直至民國八十五、六年間木柵線、淡水線先後通車後,才逐步重獲民意的認同。 論文的重點在於探討捷運局組織內、外潛藏導致能力衰退的原因及其影響,並藉個案研究與相關的組織理論印證,經回溯性方式重新檢視該局當時在體制性環境侷限下所產生能力衰退現象,另從學理上研究組織在因應外環境變遷時,應如何建構其能力、制訂有效的策略以獲得生存的利基。


張義成 Unknown Date (has links)
動態環境之下消費者需求變動速度加快、競爭者追隨的速度加快、全球化競爭無國界的經營環境,時間的縮短或速度的加快、產品品質提昇、成本降低、產品創新等都是重要競爭優勢。 企業如何創造競爭優勢是進來研究的重點,其中企業流程的觀點,強調從流程的創新或流程的改善,加強競爭力。核心能力的觀點強調創造附加價值、難以模仿的技術與技能與環境中機會的結合是競爭優勢優勢的來源。 滿足特定需求的企業流程,需要搭配特定的核心能力來滿足特定的顧客需求,並透過顧客需求的滿足創造競爭優勢,是整合上述兩個觀點的途徑之一。企業流程與核心能力兩者如何搭配,其搭配型態對於競爭優勢的影響是本研究探討的問題。 研究透過次級資料蒐集個案公司產業特性與產業趨勢等資料,並透過人員訪談的方式瞭解個案公司在貢獻顧客附加價值最高的關鍵企業流程之中具備的核心能力,及其競爭優勢的內容。 研究發現製造活動為主的新產品開發與產品供應流程搭配的核心能力類型是功能性與整合能力;服務活動為主的供應鏈流程搭配的核心能力類型是整合能力與接近市場能力。新產品開發搭配功能性能力與整合能力形成符合顧客需求、產品多樣性與回應速度等競爭優勢;產品供應搭配功能性能力與整合能力形成成本與產品品質等優勢;供應鏈流程搭配整合能力與接近市場能力形成成本、服務品質、時效性與方便性等競爭優勢。資訊技術是整合能力的核心,發揮降低成本、提高產出品質、縮短作業時間與增加流程彈性等價值。 本研究結論認為以製造活動與服務活動來區別製造業與服務業競爭優勢內容的差異是較為恰當的方式。在競爭優勢的創造與維持該議題上,應該在企業策略的指導之下發展特定的競爭優勢,並透過核心能力的培養與建構,或者企業流程的創新與改善,或者兩者同時進行創造特定的競爭優勢,並透過本研究所提出的觀念架構作為參考,思考特定競爭優勢之創造,可以透過何種類型的搭配型態來形成該競爭優勢,以做為資源投入與流程創新與改善的指導原則。


廖錦玉 Unknown Date (has links)


楊炎杰 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係以各種獲利能力指標,衡量企業在一特定期間內之獲利能力情形與股價變動的關係,企圖以獲利能力指標來解釋股價變動,以充分瞭解投資者如何使用獲利能力指標等相關資訊。本研究之研究包括下列幾點:首先,可用以衡量企業在一特定期間獲利能力的指標有那些,又,這些指標彼此間的關係為何?第二,本研究所選取之獲利能力指標,是否對股價變動有充分的解釋能力?第三,會計盈餘是企業於一特定期問的獲利情形,但過去研究指出:以未預期盈餘解釋股價變動,解釋力往往偏低,同時亦無法充分衡量企業績效(Fisher and McGowan, 1983);而獲利能力指標既然表彰著一企業於特定期間的營運結果及其他績效結果,則當以未預期盈餘以外之獲利能力指標來解釋股價變動時,是否要比未預期盈餘對股價的變動,具有更高的解釋能力?第四,應用盈餘反應係數模式,即在獲利能力指標/股價關係模式中,若加入Collins and Kothari(1989)的獲利能力持續性、經濟成長機會與系統風險等因素後,該獲利能力指標是否更能解釋股價的變動? 由於我國股市中,績優股與投機股的股價行為迥異,為得到較為一般化的結果,本研究乃按CAR的值分為三組,分別是CAR為最大的一組(符號為正,樣本童為285)、CAR為最小的一組(符號為負,樣本童為280),以及介於上述兩組之間者(樣本量為280)。這種樣本的區分方式,對於CAR絕對值較大的二組,本研究定義為投機股;CAR值居中的一組,則定義為績優股。本研究對於所定義的投機股,又分別按其正、負符號分成兩組,蓋因CAR絕對值較大的樣本,其股價行為對於資訊的敏感程度較高,多、空資訊的發佈(包括會計盈餘及非會計盈餘)容易造成其股價變動,且多、空之股價行為不同;本研究以為這二組樣本特性應有很大的歧異性,故特別將CAR絕對值較大的樣本分為正、負二組,主要在區別這二種情形。惟就實際情形而言,CAR絕對值較大者不見得就是投機股;CAR值居中者亦不見得就是績優牛皮股。此處僅就直覺分類,實際上是否如此,仍有待進一步研究。 本研究所獲致之結果如下: 一、在各獲利能力指標彼此間之關聯性方面,本研究就13個獲利能力指標做相關分析的結果,大致上支持這些獲利能力指標間存在顯著正相關。 二、就各獲利能力指標與股價變動之關聯性而言,除CAR為居中的一組較難獲致結論外,CAR為最大的一組及CAR為最小的一組,大致上皆證明獲利能力指標對股價變動有重大影響,但解釋能力不高。此外,本研究曾企圖將獲利能力指標區分為經常性及非經常性兩種,推論以經常性盈餘為計算基礎者,應能對股價有更佳的解釋能力,然而就實證結果觀之,並未支持此項推論。 三、就各獲利能力指標相對於未預期盈餘對股價變動之資訊內涵而言,除CAR為居中的一組並未獲致具體的結論外,其餘兩組大致上均能支持獲利能力指標變數確實比未預期盈餘變數更能夠解釋股價的變動。 四、若將各獲利能力相標變數,取代盈餘反應係數模式中之預期盈餘變數,再加上其他控制變數如系統風險、經濟成長機會及盈餘(獲利能力)持續性等,經由實證結果發現,除CAR為居中的一組難以獲致具體的結論外,其他各組均證實以獲利能力指標變數取代未預期盈餘變數後,其對股價變動解釋能力,要比單就未預期盈餘本身或單就各獲利能力指標本身有相對較高的解釋能力。 / The purpose of this study aims to investigate how investors apply profitability measures in their investment decisions. For example, does an investor prefer accounting rate of return or returns on investment or other specific profitability measure to evaluate the change in firm's value? This is the main research question of this study. Chen (1992), Chiau (1995) and others demonstrated that accounting earnings is an useful information but its usefulness is quite unstable. Therefore, a profitability measure other than accounting earnings may be the one causing the unstable results. In order to obtain a generalized empirical result, this study compares classic (for example, Ball and Brown, 1968) to ERC (Earnings Response Coefficient) models (Collins and Kothari, 1989). The results of this study can be used for explaining which profitability measure is more useful in Taiwan stock market. In addition, the results can provide a relative explanation whether ERC model is an appropriate one or not. The samples elected from listed companies in Taiwan stock market between 1991 to 1995 during which Taiwan stock market enjoyed a stable market environment. This character fits the requirements of hypotheses. In addition, in order to properly describe price characteristics, this study applies a statistical classificatory method to classic all samples into three groups underlying the properties of CAR (Cumulative Abnormal Returns). The empirical findings can be summarized as follows. .Each defined profitability measure, including accounting earnings, can significantly explain the variability of stock returns. In addition, there exists significant correlation among defined profitability measures. .The classification of samples underlying CAR does increase the explanatory power of profitability/return relationship, hi particular, the larger and smaller CAR samples exhibit better profitability/retum relationship than medium group does. .No matter whether classic or ERC model is applied, the empirical results are similar each other. Thus, the ERC model may not be a generalized model in Taiwan stock market. It requires more research to develop a generalized empirical model for substituting ERC model referring the special characters of Taiwan stock market. The theory of economics of informational asymmetry may be the one.

中國綠色現代化與能源需求之研究 / Study of green modernization and energy demands in China

馬家鈞, Yauheni, Martsiashyn Unknown Date (has links)
NA / The purpose for the research is to prove that the further rise of the world economy and China in particular is closely and directly depends on clean energy implementation in energy sector in and development within by countries. The decline of clean energy development will automatically mean the decline of the world economy and energy consumption as well as the rise of China. It’s no secret that adequate, affordable energy is the basis of the operation of any production, and human civilization. Today we no longer think their lives without those technological advances, which today have, but do not think that all these achievements were made possible only through development of new energy and new ways of primary energy production. But it’s not just that. The problem is that the reserves of energy resources, the principal of which remain oil, coal and gas, not infinite. These resources are non-renewable. According to the report of the Expert Commission of the World Resources Institute (WRI) in Washington, oil reserves will be declined by 2015. WRI does not correspond quite tempting future view that while maintaining the current figure of consumption of oil has enough for another 40 or 50 years, because many oil companies about their stocks are great doubts. According to some foreign scholars the world oil reserve are 1800 to 2300 billion barrels. Once oil reverse, increasing cost and labor-intensive production would probably reduce the produced raw materials. This will possibly happen between 2010 and 2014 year. Note the price. At present, in most countries of the world total cost of the electricity is not stated in the tariff, and distributed to the entire society. Costs due to pollution of the environment are also not included in rates, although some countries are trying to enter the “environmental tax”. This situation actually means that life from the future generation, which will take into account of all costs and consequences. Since prices are still low, the government is not especially prepared for the upcoming economic conscience pricked again. Not to mention the role of clean energy in China. China announced plans to increase use of renewable sources of energy, including the wind and the Sun, in an attempt to reduce pollution and greenhouse gases. The Deputy of the national development and Reform Commission of China Chen Demin announced that by 2020, about 15% of the energy would be pure commodities, mainly provided by the expansion projects. Study development of RES in China is now becoming an important aspect for the portrayal of the energy world.

以動態能力觀點探討本土藥廠轉型及創新之個案研究 / A case study on transformation and innovation of local pharmaceutical company in taiwan based on dynamic capabilities perspective

許長禮 Unknown Date (has links)
企業在運作的過程中,基於永續經營的概念,必須不斷追求進步。因此創新成為企業運作不可或缺。在現今競爭非常激烈,產品生命週期很短,變化速度極快的環境,我國製藥產業其創新的能力及動態的能力,即成為提昇競爭優勢及改善公司的經營績效最有效的利器之一。本研究採取個案研究,其研究結果如下: 一、本土藥廠在主從策略創新乃採取技術跟隨著國外藥廠的技術,著重於調適(而非創造)技術改變以降低製藥流程的風險及成本,培養出獨特能力;而組織流程創新適時調整組織架構及流程,使每位員工適時學習調整本身技能,以符合組織需要;在產品創新致力填補滿足客戶需求缺口,追求本身永續成長。 二、本土藥廠其組織管理程序,在轉型前的協調整合以欠缺水平溝通的定期主管會報、新產品開發會議等會議為主,轉型後包括策略聯盟進行協調整合;在學習部份,轉型前是被動、靜態,轉型後為知識型學習組織;在重整與轉變部份,轉變前面對環境變動,各部門抱持著事不關己的態度,轉變後定位為行銷導向藥品發展公司。 三、本土藥廠其企業專屬資產位置,在技術資產部份,轉型後聚焦在有利潤已開發成功之技術或產品;在互補資產部份,轉型前為具有技術合作能力,但對轉型方向受到技術的限制,轉型後包括研究發展、癌症科學發展事業及國際行銷能力;在企業商譽資產部份,轉型前沒有主力產品可以值得顧客及外界所稱道,轉型後其聲譽及品牌形象均良好。 四、本土藥廠其企業發展路徑,路徑相依部份,轉型過程依循過去模式進行;在技術機會部份,企業轉型過程中其核心技術影響企業的發展,但會適時調整。 / It is more urgent and important for Taiwan pharmaceutical companies to keep on improving innovation and dynamic capabilities to sustain growth , especially when they face more intense competitions , shorter-than-ever product life cycles, as well as more unpredictable environments . Based on case study method, the findings of the research are concluded as the following points. First, Taiwan pharmaceutical companies concentrated more on the technical improvements than developing new technology ,for lower risks and higher cost efficiency in adopting new pharmaceutical manufacturing process. Regarding the adjustments in the process of organization , they focused on the cultivation of the unique capabilities of employees , upgrading innovation to capture the demand of clients. Second, Taiwan pharmaceutical companies concentrated more on the coordination of the strategic alliance after transformation, than less efficient routine meetings for management and product development before transformation. They constructed the learning organization, in contrast to the previously passive and static patterns. They restructured organizations and positioned at the marketing-oriented pharmaceutical company after transformation, changing the indifferent culture among previous departments. Third , Taiwan pharmaceutical companies developed more profitable and proved products after corporate transformation. Regarding the management of complementary assets, they removed the potential projects restrained by technical issues and adjusted to R&D, cancer-related projects and developing global marketing capabilities. After transformation, the reputation ,goodwill and brand image turned out to grow higher , in contrast to the absence of core products before. Fourth, the roadmap of Taiwan pharmaceutical companies followed by the models in the past. As for the technical development, the core technology will influence the development of corporate transformation, but they would appropriately adjust it. Keywords:Dynamic Capabilities、Pharmaceutical Company、Corporate Transformation、Innovation

Aravore Babies 天然高機能服裝:為啟動加州網路銷售之創業企劃 / ARAVORE Babies, organic and ethically made clothing: a Start up Online Business Plan in California

羅秀, Rocio Nathalie Perez Unknown Date (has links)
Aravore Babies 天然高機能服裝:為啟動加州網路銷售之創業企劃 / NONE

中國太陽光能行業轉變–由演化經濟面解決分析 / China’s energy transition to solar photovoltaic energy – an evolutionary economics approach

岳龍, Navon, Eran Unknown Date (has links)
中國太陽光能行業轉變–由演化經濟面解決分析 / China’s growing energy needs have turned renewable energy into a crucial factor necessary for its social stability and national security. This paper has been written with the understanding that the role renewable energy plays in the Chinese industry and market will be nothing less than critical in coming decades. Solar PV electricity is one of the most promising renewable energy technologies and is a fast growing industry. However in China there exists a huge gap between its market potential and current achievements in the field. This thesis paper depicts the evolutionary path China is currently undergoing from a heavy reliance on fossil produced energy to a balanced energy mix by examining its solar PV industry and market. Its major argument is that as transitional processes require long term vision and planning, the potential of china’s energy transition to solar energy needs to be assessed under a set of criteria that can trace a long term development path. By using the six core elements introduced by the evolutionary economics theory, this paper presents a unique in depth analysis of China’s transitional efforts toward solar PV grid parity. The paper has reached three major conclusions. The first and most important is that the Chinese central government seems to be making genuine efforts in promoting solar PV as one of the nation’s future energy sources. These efforts have been marked by assessing governmental legislation concerning Bounded Rationality issues and various incentive programs. The Renewable Energy Law and the Medium and Long-Term Development Plan have served as instrumental driving forces to the immature market. Local governments have shown significant commitment by providing substantial support to the PV industry as well to Co-evolutionary technologies such as inverters and batteries. Legislation has had limited success in handling Lock In issues such as connection to the national grid and real price reflection of conventional energy. The second conclusion is that although the market is still at an early stage of its development, it relies too heavily on Selection promotions, namely direct subsidies. Recent developments in the PV market growth in China can mostly be regarded to the Golden Sun program and the BIPV program. These efforts have been an important promoter in raising global awareness to the potential of its solar sector. However this form of subsidy does not present a long term sustainable growth solution. The lack of a national Fid in Tariff scheme (despite few specific provincial schemes) and existing problems concerning projects tendering process cause an imbalance in terms of market and industry Diversity. This unbalance appears in the form of lack of Diversity in project developers, being mostly local state owned or highly affiliated with the government enterprises. The third conclusion is that China’s government can and should give more focus on domestic Innovation. Currently the country’s national R&D investment is significantly lower than market leaders in Europe. China’s education system does not support more than several world class solar PV electricity research centers and its industry development relies on expensive imported technology and international collaboration. Most companies in the industry hold a short term development vision which affects technological Diversity, mostly in the upstream segments of polysilicon and ingot production. Lack of attention towards a diverse range of future PV and Co-evolutionary technologies limits industry development to specific sectors that have low technological barriers. The paper concludes that while China is well positioned for further expansion of its market it still lacks in specific aspects of its transitional path. This analysis is unique as it presents not only an up to date market and industry status but also refers to their future growth potential. This paper presents a wide range of aspects that directly affect solar PV’s future development. Its true value lies within the usage of the evolutionary economics approach as a theoretical framework, which allows us to gain better understanding of how the different aspects related to the solar PV world affect each other and the fitness of this historic transition.

俄羅斯核能產業發展之研究 / The Study of Development of Russia’s Nuclear Industry

李遠祥, Li, Yuan Xiang Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,在全球氣候變遷與化石燃料價格高漲的影響之下,節能減碳成了各國政府能源政策的圭臬。正因如此,核能重新被視為一種可行的替代能源,獲得長足的發展。但這股核能復興潮並沒有持續太久,2011年日本福島核事故的發生,使全球核能產業陷入了新一波的低潮。這場核能浩劫,與25年前在前蘇聯發生的車諾比核事故如出一轍,都影響了許多國家在核能政策上的選擇。 本研究針對俄羅斯核能產業之發展進行探討,以了解其核能利用上的立場及發展策略。特別是在2011年日本福島核災後,俄羅斯在核能政策上是否有所轉變。值得注意的是,俄羅斯國家原子能公司(Rosatom),作為國營之核能企業,展現了其企圖心,矢言成為新一代的全球核能復興先驅。 本研究認為,俄羅斯仍不會放棄核能的利用,而且也將持續進行核能復興的政策路線,尋求擴大在全球核電市場上的影響力。核能對俄羅斯而言,除了經濟方面的利益外,同時也兼具了政治、能源安全上的意涵。除非未來科技進步,足以發展出一種高效率同時兼顧生態發展的發電方式,否則近期內俄羅斯的核能發展現狀將不會有太大的改變。 / In recent years, under the influence of global climate change and high fossil fuel prices, carbon reduction has become a model as energy policy for many governments. Because of that, nuclear energy was re-considered a viable alternative energy source, and developed rapidly. But this trend of "nuclear renaissance" did not last too long, due to Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan in 2011, the global nuclear industry fell into another serious decline. Just like Chernobyl nuclear accident that occurred 25 years ago in former Soviet Union, This nuclear catastrophe have affected many countries in nuclear energy policies. In this study, we discussed the development of Russia's nuclear industry in order to understand its position on nuclear energy and development strategies. Particularly, we would like to see if there is a significant change in Russia's nuclear energy policy after Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011. It is noteworthy that the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom, as a state-owned nuclear company, demonstrated its ambition, and vowed to be a pioneer of global nuclear renaissance in a whole new era. In this study, we concluded that Russia will not give up nuclear energy, but also continue its nuclear renaissance energy policy routes, seeking to expand influence in the global nuclear power market. In addition to economic benefits, for Russia, nuclear energy also means both the political and energy security implications. Unless the technological progress in the future that is enough to develop a high-efficiency and ecological way of power generation, otherwise, Russia's nuclear energy development situation will not have a significant change in the near term.

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