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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


黃屏蘭 Unknown Date (has links)
人力資源的概念除了有別於傳統人事管理外,隨著時代的演進也不斷擴大充實其內容,而「核心能力」的運用也正能和人力資源概念相輔相成,公部門對於其人力的選、考、訓、用,加入更多創新的元素來進行管理和評估,希望能跳脫以往較為制式化的設計方式使人力資源更豐富多元,並針對擔任職務的不同專業或邁入另一階段時給予訓練,賦予新的知識觀念。 訓練是人力資源發展的重要內容之一,本文將重點置於在職訓練課程的規劃,現職的公務人員擬晉升一個官等時,必須要通過升官等訓練,以委升薦任官等為例,在課程的設計、教學方式、評估方法上,都有許多值得研究之處,在民國90年再度對課程內容進行規劃時,便進行了許多關於核心能力加入訓練課程的研究和評估,以數項必須具備的「共通能力」列於行政管理與知能此一項目中,再據此來規劃課程內容。然而值得深究的是,這樣的課程設計對於欲晉升高一官等的公務人員是否確實有助益?受訓者在短短五週的訓期中,必須要能吸收課程的內容,甚至將所獲得的實際運用在實務工作中,因此就必須去探討課程內容的本身是否適合在職訓練的深度和廣度、採取的教學方式調配的比重、測驗的方式、評估方法……等等,逐步去調整以使其達到最適合該項訓練的目的。 面對越來越多樣化的環境和行政事務,公務人力的提升是刻不容緩卻又必須循序漸進的,而關於人力資源內容的豐富化,也必須針對各種不同的項目掌握核心對症下藥,因此核心能力和人力資源的結合運用可謂相得益彰,也值得去探討研究更進一步如何結合理論和實務,才能真正提升人力資源的品質,而此不啻是學界和實務界必須共同合作努力的方向。

我國司法官職前訓練制度之研究 / A Study of Per-entry Training System for Judge

盧培元, Lu, Pei Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
現代民主法治國家,法制是社會最重要的基柱,司法之任務,在貫徹法治,以保護人民權益、維護社會安寧及鞏固國家安全。近年來台灣正面臨司法改革的轉捩點。如何建立一個清廉、公正、有效率,並具有尊嚴司法體制實是現代台灣社會所急迫之需求。司法官素質的良窳,攸關司法改革之成功與否至鉅。 本研究採取的是比較研究途徑,試圖將法國、荷蘭、日本及韓國等國之司法官職前訓練制度,與我國司法官職前訓練制度做比較、探討,並運用質化研究方法,以深度訪談方式,對司法官訓練委員會之召集人、司法官訓練所所長、教務組長及司法官職前訓練業務承辦人員等人作深度訪談,以了解我國司法官訓練制度之目標與趨勢,藉以探討我國司法官訓練制度與外國司法官訓練制度之差異,並輔以訓練理論之探討,如記憶與增進記憶說、訓練成效移轉理論、成人訓練理論之探討及策略性人力資源發展等理論之運用,希望找出其中的異同優劣,以提供有司作為參考。

中國石油能源戰略之研究 / None

李國幹, Lee, Kuo Kan Unknown Date (has links)
世界各國的石油能源戰略對中國及臺灣都產生了相對的影響, 國際石油市場的動盪,進一步強化了各國建立本國石油安全戰略的決 心和加強了保證石油安全的具體措施。主要能源消費國石油安全戰略 將不斷完善其能源戰略準備,積極尋求降低海外能源依賴的策略,例 如美國能源政策的首要任務是減少對國外能源的依賴,並制訂了將對 中東石油依賴降低75%的具體目標。日本新能源戰略提出,在2030 年之前,將日本企業在海外自主開採的石油產量從現在占進口量的 15%提高到40%以上。歐盟則積極尋求加強與阿爾及利亞等周邊能源 供應國的戰略合作,來推動能源來源多元化,降低對俄能源的依賴。 各國展開能源的爭奪,增加石油戰略儲備,將使國際油價持續高 漲,儲油成本提高,也大幅增加中國購油成本,並進一步影響相關產 業之利潤。國際能源爭奪不利中國供應安全,也已嚴重壓縮台灣於海 外投資與爭取油氣田的空間與機會。 2008 年8 月8 日中國成立了國家能源部,石油能源戰略愈趨積 極靈活,在確立了戰略指導、戰術規劃及戰術執行機構之後,隨即召 開了首屆全國能源工作會議,顯示中國能源管理體制改革邁出了第一 步。而中國能源外交政策所進行的「走出去」戰略,已對各世界國形 成相當顯著的壓迫。中國正加快石油能源戰略的各項作為,藉由合作 開發原油,使其得以掌握原油資源之控制權,對於台灣原油來源之掌 握,是否造成衝擊,值得深入評估。 / The energy strategies of countries have their respective influences over China and Taiwan. The fluctuations of international oil markets further strengthen the determination of countries to establish their oil security strategies and to beef up solid measure to guarantee oil security. Major energy-consuming countries will continue to improve their strategic energy reserves and actively seek a strategy to reduce their reliance on overseas energy. For example, the principle task of the America’s energy policy is to reduce reliance on overseas energy. Washington has mapped out a concrete objective of reducing reliance on Middle East oil by 75%. Japan’s new energy strategy stipulates that by 2030, oil produced by Japanese enterprise overseas independently will be raised to take up from 15% to more than 40% of Japan’s total oil import. In contrast, the EU has sought actively to strengthen strategic cooperation with neighboring energy-supplying countries like Algeria in order to diversify energy sources while reduce reliance on Russian energy. The scramble for energy and increases in strategic oil reserves will continue to drive up international oil prices. Rising cost for oil reserves will significantly raise China’s cost in buying oil and affect the profits of relevant industries. The global scramble for energy is not conductive for China’s supply security and seriously compresses Taiwan’s space and opportunity in overseas investment and Taiwan’s effort to obtain oil and gas fields. China set up the National Energy Administration In August 8, 2008. China’s oil and energy strategy has become increasingly proactive and flexible. Following the establishment of strategic guidelines, tactical plans, and administrative structures, China convened its first national energy conference. This indicates China has embarked on the reform of its energy administrative institution. China’s “going out ” energy diplomacy has created a significant amount of pressure on countries around the world. China is speeding up various efforts on energy strategy and seeks to gain control over crude resources through cooperation in crude development. Whether China’s action will have an impact on Taiwan’s control over crude resource is worthy of further evaluation.

簡單技術分析交易法則-亞洲股票市場獲利能力 / Simple technical trading rules - an empirical study on the profitability of Asian stock markets

陳惠卿, Chen, Huei Cing Unknown Date (has links)
This paper analyzes the behavior of moving average and trading range break technical trading rules applied to two developed markets of Hong Kong, Japan and five emerging markets such as Malaysia, Philippines, South Korea, Thailand and Taiwan. The samples cover the period from January 1990 to December 2008. We utilize some technical trading rules by replicating the framework of Brock et al. (1992) to explore whether we can also predict the stock price movement and make excess profits on certain trading rules with different efficiency level in Asian stock markets.On average, as far as the volatility results are concerned, we also obtain the same conclusion as Brock et al. (1992) that the returns following buy signals are less volatile than returns following sell signals. The FMA rules have the same conclusion as VMA rules that these rules have predictability in the five emerging markets. Unlike VMA and FMA trading rules, we find that the TRB rules are not quite successful in South Korea stock market anymore but still have greater forecast power in Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Taiwan. Moreover, we can also notice that most of the seven Asian stock markets averages across all rules are generating excess negative returns in the presence of real estimated transaction costs. / This paper analyzes the behavior of moving average and trading range break technical trading rules applied to two developed markets of Hong Kong, Japan and five emerging markets such as Malaysia, Philippines, South Korea, Thailand and Taiwan. The samples cover the period from January 1990 to December 2008. We utilize some technical trading rules by replicating the framework of Brock et al. (1992) to explore whether we can also predict the stock price movement and make excess profits on certain trading rules with different efficiency level in Asian stock markets.On average, as far as the volatility results are concerned, we also obtain the same conclusion as Brock et al. (1992) that the returns following buy signals are less volatile than returns following sell signals. The FMA rules have the same conclusion as VMA rules that these rules have predictability in the five emerging markets. Unlike VMA and FMA trading rules, we find that the TRB rules are not quite successful in South Korea stock market anymore but still have greater forecast power in Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Taiwan. Moreover, we can also notice that most of the seven Asian stock markets averages across all rules are generating excess negative returns in the presence of real estimated transaction costs.

中國對東南亞國家之能源策略與外交 / PRC’s energy strategies and diplomacy toward the Southeast Asian Nations

余達德 Unknown Date (has links)
中國與東南亞之間有著深厚的地緣關係及無法切割的民族情感;但處於現今經濟快速成長的時代,在能源需求量急速擴張的競爭中,尋求能源供應、保護能源安全,已經是刻不容緩的手段,因此,利用各種外交方式及合作方案來達成此目的,是中國目前所採取的積極作為,冀望在最安全、便利的狀態下獲取、保護最大的能源需求及供應。 東南亞的能源儲藏及供應量,並非是中國能源需求的重要核心地區,但是它位處中國外圍,掌握麻六甲海峽的戰略要衝,以及豐富的天然氣存量,引發各國對此區域的爭奪。再面對此一局勢,中國便加速推動以「和諧世界」為理念,發展「與鄰為善、以鄰為伴」以及「睦鄰、安鄰、富鄰」的外交政策宗旨,進行能源外交及戰略,以爭取能源需求量和鞏固區域內的能源運輸安全及穩定雙方的合作關係。本文即從能源外交策略及作為的架構與理論,就中國對東南亞能源外交的挑戰與競逐做一研析,試圖觀察、探究從雙方的合作關係中所衍生出的問題及產生的困境,以及如何利用外交方式獲得解決之道,並營造出具有前瞻性的宏觀願景。 / Southeast Asia and China are closely connected to each other from the geographical and historical aspects. In the competitive time characterizing with fast economy growing and demands for energy expanded enormously, it has become an urgent measure for China to search for continuous energy supply and protect the energy resources. Today, the initiatives China seeks for is to achieve by means of diplomatic channels. It is hoped that the energy can be acquired by the safest and convenient ways, making sure the maxima energy supply can be assured. Frankly speaking, China did not deem the energy reserves and energy-provide ability of Southeast Asia seriously except that that area locates in the periphery of China, holds an important strategic point for the Strait of Malacca and its abundant natural gas reservoir, all of this attracting fierce competitions among nations. Being beware of this, China therefore based on the idea of “harmonious world” increasingly promotes the diplomatic policies, such as “Good-Neighbor Diplomacy” and “Good-neighborliness, Peaceful-neighborliness, and Prosperous-neighborliness,” engaging in energy diplomacies and strategies with an eye to expanding energy resources, fortifying energy transportation safety within the area, and stabilizing the corporative relationship with the area. Based upon application and theories of energy diplomatic strategies and actions, this thesis analyzes the challenges and competitions that China faces when carrying on energy diplomacy. By observing and exploring the problems and predicaments derived from the cooperative relations of the two sides, we hope that a workable resolution and a proactive vision on energy can be reached via diplomacy.

成衣產業採購人員職能之研究 / Research against textile industry purchasing department staff

陸瑋瑄 Unknown Date (has links)
在全球市場競爭日趨激烈且環境變動加速的時代下,成衣產業逐漸轉向全球佈局策略,而在企業活動之中,採購為控制企業成本的關鍵因素之一,採購人員逐漸成為企業內策略性角色,若能有效的將企業經營策略與人力資源專業職能相結合,將可塑造及維持組織的核心能耐,並在變動的環境中取得難以模仿的競爭優勢。 本研究旨在透過個案公司外部環境分析及內部工作分析建立成衣產業採購人員所需之職能模型,並對其中各個職能項目明確定義及行為向度說明,最終給予成衣產業公司未來在人力資源制度上持續發展的建議。 經過大量的文獻蒐集、產業專家訪談後,本研究擬定符合採購人員之九項職能項目,分別為「工作規劃能力」、「資訊搜尋能力」、「供應鏈管理能力」、「分析式思考能力」、「專業知識能力」、「談判議價能力」、「溝通協調能力」、「專案控管能力」以及「問題解決能力」。 根據上述的研究結果發現,將所探討出的職能項目透過問卷調查,確認職能項目在企業中實際工作狀況的相符程度。因此,本研究建議成衣產業公司在未來的人力資源管理制度上,需持續不斷的檢視並更新專屬的職能模型,並針對甄選、績效評估以及職涯發展建立一套完整制度,以充分的發揮人力資源的管理功能。


洪玫芬, Hung, Mei-Fen Unknown Date (has links)
時序邁向二十一世紀,開啟了一個求新求變的世代。企業經營面對著各項挑戰,善用資訊以指引企業改善的方向是企業家們不可忽視的工作。 不論是被視為新貴之高科技產業,或是被認為急需改造的傳統產業,產能的問題皆有其重要性。倘若企業沒有妥善規劃產能及相關配套措施,就可能在產能不足時產生高加班支出、高外包費用、訂單接不下、管理失序等問題;另一方面,當產能過剩時,則產生高閒置產能、閒置人力、原料閒置等問題。 公司分析產能的使用狀況,確可引導公司做好產能管理,但本研究將連結生產管理上的生產資訊與管理會計上的成本管理資訊,加以分析。期能協助管理者一窺資源利用與浪費的情形,以及早認知由於資源的浪費所造成的損失,進而更積極處理產能所衍生的問題,喚起以前所忽略的閒置產能及浪費產能的處置。 本研究基於文獻論述並透過實地對個案公司進行觀察、訪談及書面閱讀的方式,瞭解個案公司特色,以形成本研究的研究假說。 本研究係針對無生產力產能成本及具生產力產能成本,探討產品複雜性、製程因素及複雜性生產作業複雜性對於上述兩種產能成本之影響為何? 本研究係以個案研究方法,採實地(Field)及實地實證(Field Empirical)研究的方式進行,並以國內某銅通信電纜廠及鋼鐵廠為研究對象。 透過迴歸分析,本研究之結果如下: 1.銅通信電纜廠-伸押站 (1) 產品複雜性對產能成本之影響: 在伸押站產品複雜性對於具生產力產能成本並無顯著影響,但對於無生產力產能成本具有顯著之影響力。就產能利用觀點,在接受訂單之取決上,個案公司可多生產線徑大的蕊線,俾將無生產力產能成本將化為具生產力產能成本,以減少停機、維修之浪費。 (2) 製程因素及複雜性對產能成本之影響: 在伸押站,製程之複雜性反映在生產數量多寡。總產出與具生產力產能成本呈現顯著正相關,與無生產力產能成本呈現顯著負相關。顯示生產數量多寡是衡量產能成本利用的指標之一。 (3) 生產作業複雜性對產能成本之影響: 在伸押站生產作業複雜性對於具生產力產能成本具有顯著影響;對於無生產力產能成本一部分具有顯著之影響,一部分之影響不顯著。 2.鋼鐵廠-連鑄站 (1) 產品複雜性對產能成本之影響: 在連鑄站有關產品複雜度因素只在尺寸大小對產能成本之影響顯著並獲得實證支持。 (2) 製程因素及複雜性對產能成本之影響: 以製程因素及複雜性觀之,本研究所採用的製程因素及複雜性因素對具生產力產能成本與無生產力產能成本皆有顯著影響。 (3) 生產作業複雜性對產能成本之影響: 在連鑄站上生產作業複雜性與具生產力產能成本模式間具有顯著之負相關,而與無生產力產能成本無顯著關係。 根據實證研究結果,本研究對實務界的建議為: 1.銅通信電纜廠-伸押站 (1) 在產品特性上,生產人員能透過工作經驗及技術的加強,使得無生產力產能成本得以減少,更能透過機器設備產能的有效利用達到減少高昂的原料成本之浪費。 (2) 在製程特性上,營運團隊應該致力於增加銷售量,以使產能做更有效的運用,以求在不景氣中創造生機。 (3) 在生產作業特性上,透過降低換規格次數及減少捲取的軸子數使無生產力產能成本得以下降,將無生產力產能成本轉化為閒置產能,能減少原物料無效之耗用。另一方面,藉由快速的伸線速度,能使具生產力產能成本減少,可節省產能之使用,而能有更充裕的閒置且可運用的產能。 2.鋼鐵廠-連鑄站 (1) 在產品特性上,尺寸大小會影響澆鑄的速度。尺寸大除了能減少具生產力產能成本的使用外,也增加了無生產力產能成本之耗用。兩相權衡下,以減少無生產力產能成本為首要,故在訂單取決上,以尺寸小者為佳。因為無生產力產能成本發生意謂著整備作業、換模作業等無生產力產能發生,為避免影響前製程的運作,而使連鑄站成為生產過程中的瓶頸部門以生產尺寸小者為佳。 (2) 在製程特性上,營運團隊應該致力於增加銷售量,使產能做更有效的運用。另一方面,為減少無生產力產能成本,應該儘量減少前後爐之間產品特性上的差異。 (3) 在生產作業特性上,生產人員應努力往提高連鑄率之方向邁進,以減少生產作業之時間。


洪明玩 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.


王佳玉 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.


游奕琪 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

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