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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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專利聯盟對企業研發績效影響之研究 / The impacts of patent pool on business innovation performance

李青洋, Li, Ching Yang Unknown Date (has links)
在智慧財產權受到高度重視的現代,加上科技的發展日新月異,企業需要投入的研發資源和面臨的風險愈來愈高;因此,過去企業獨立進行技術研發可能不再是一個最佳的策略,取而代之的是越來越多專利聯盟的出現,而專利聯盟又會涉及到法律與管理層面的議題。 過去在專利聯盟的研究中,有關專利聯盟與反托拉斯法之間的關係,一直是法律學者所關注的焦點;而專利聯盟也受到各國主管機關的高度管制,深恐專利聯盟的形成,會對技術市場和產品市場造成限制競爭的情形,給產業競爭帶來負面的影響。然而,無論是法律學者或主管機關,在討論專利聯盟帶來的影響時,主要仍以論理的方式進行,鮮少以實證研究來探討專利聯盟。植基於此,本研究擬以實證的方式討論專利聯盟對於企業研發績效之影響。 而在策略聯盟的相關理論中,企業形成策略聯盟的原因包括為了取得重要資源、分散研發風險等目的。專利聯盟係一種由技術所組成的策略聯盟,專利聯盟若無法帶給企業益處,則該聯盟不可能持續存在。本研究以 MPEG-4 Visual 專利聯盟為探討對象,將企業的研發能力、加入專利聯盟時間的長短與企業的規模做為研究變數,討論其對企業研發績效的影響。 本研究以 MPEG-4 Visual 專利聯盟內的21家企業做為研究樣本,蒐集這些企業在2004年至2011年之間的專利申請數量、企業營收等資料。研究結果發現,企業的研發能力與加入聯盟後的研發績效呈現正向關係,亦即企業加入專利聯盟後,透過關鍵技術的交換,確實能夠提升研發能力,而且本身研發能力愈好的企業,其研發績效也會愈好,至於企業加入專利聯盟後的時間愈久,其研發績效也會有顯著的提升。然而,企業的規模與研發績效之間則呈現負向關係,造成此現象的原因,推論係因為規模越大的企業在研發資源的分配上較為分散,故反而降低企業在該領域的研發績效。

學校圖書館利用與學童國語文能力之關聯性: 以新北市國小為例 / The Relationship between library instruction and student's literate ability:a study of elementary school in New Taipei City

張馨云, Chang, Hsin Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之動機,起於發現參與圖書館閱讀活動頻率高的學童,其國語文能力會較頻率低的學童來得好,同時國語文能力好的學童在其他領域方面的學習都要比國語文能力差的學童有較好的表現。 然而,學校決策單位掌握了學校圖書館資源分配、管理和組織的實權,因此,學校行政單位對於圖書館經營、以及圖書館影響學童國語文能力的功效等看法,將會影響圖書館資源分配以及未來發展。如果學校行政單位認為圖書館的存在對於學童國語文能力表現不相關,則很容易犧牲圖書館應有的發展與利用。 因此,本研究之宗旨在於探討瞭解新北市的國小行政單位如何看待圖書館利用與推廣活動與學童國語文能力表現之關係,藉由問卷調查的方式,瞭解目前國小圖書館利用與學童國語文能力提昇之關聯性,從而探討如何透過圖書館利用教育與閱讀推廣活動相互結合,得以改善目前新北市國小圖書館經營的方式,以求獲得幫助學童提昇國語文能力表現之具體落實方案,進而提高學生國語文能力。 本研究所得之國小中、高年級的國語文檢測成績關聯性表格,從關聯性的有效意義值(Correlation significant)可以歸納出11個有影響力且具意義的具體落實方案,明顯可以提升國小中、高年級的國語文檢測成績: (1) 擴增國小圖書館平均館藏冊數; (2) 提升國小圖書館平均借閱人次; (3) 提升國小圖書館平均借閱冊數; (4) 教師應多重視學童「閱讀興趣」的培養; (5) 教師應多重視學童「閱讀動機」的培養; (6) 教師應多重視學童「閱讀意志」的培養; (7) 增加圖書館空間規劃:圖書館功能區的數目; (8) 增加圖書館開放服務時間:圖書館平日與假日開放時段的數目; (9) 學校應積極推展多元閱讀活動-例如:晨讀十分鐘、班級巡迴書箱、讀報教育、班級讀書會、親子共讀、愛的書庫、午間廣播劇、影片欣賞、戲劇展演等; (10) 圖書館應積極辦理宣傳行銷活動-例如:櫥窗展示定期更新、張貼學生自製書籍介紹海報、票選好書、選舉小小館長、圖書館命名票選 、館徽logo設計票選、好書交換、推廣4/23世界閱讀日、每年12月辦理「圖書館週」系列活動等; (11) 圖書館應多多結合社會資源辦理活動-例如:與作家有約講座、參觀公共圖書館 、與書商或出版社合作辦理書展。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between library instruction and students’ literate ability. Students who are highly involved in library reading activity are believed to have better literate ability than other students. Meanwhile, students with high literate ability have better academic performance than students with low literate ability. Students should be encouraged to use library resources as much as possible. However, the school is in charge of the distribution, management, and organization of the library. How the school values the influence of the library on students’ literate ability would decide the amount of library recourses and its future development. Therefore, questionnaires were used to find out how the administrators of elementary schools at New Taipei City view the relationship between the use of the library and students’ literate ability. The results may help us to combine education with library activities, improve the management of the school libraries at New Taipei City, and provide some specific plans to promote students’ literate ability. The results of this study show a significant positive correlation between students’ use of library and their literate ability. Therefore, we provide 11 influential and meaningful suggestions, which can significantly promote the literate ability of elementary school students in their junior and senior years. 1. Increase the general collections of books 2. Increase users of school libraries 3. Increase the number of borrowed items 4. Teachers emphasize the development of students’ reading appetite 5. Teachers emphasize the development of students’ reading motivation 6. Teachers emphasize the development of students’ reading willingness 7. Better space arrangement: the number of library divisions 8. Increase library service hours: weekdays and holidays 9. Schools should actively encourage various reading activities, including ten-minute morning reading, in-class book fair, newspaper-reading education, class study group, book collection, noon broadcast drama, film watching, drama exhibitions, and so on. 10. Libraries should actively hold activities to promote library functions, for example, regularly renew window exhibitions, put up student-made posters, introduce good books, elect little library director, name the library, design library logo, exchange good books, promote World Book & Copyright Day, and so on. 11. Libraries should combine social resources to hold activities, such as invite famous writers, visit public libraries, hold book fairs with publishers, and so on.

幼兒教師人格特質、情緒智力與幼兒情緒能力之研究─以臺北市幼稚園為例 / A related research among pre-school teachers’ personality traits, emotional intelligence and children’s emotional competence

鍾佳容 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究為探討幼兒教師人格特質、情緒智力與幼兒情緒能力之研究。目的為:一、了解幼兒教師人格特質、情緒智力及幼兒情緒能力之現況;二、分析幼兒教師不同背景變項(年齡、學歷、服務年資、婚姻狀況)在其人格特質、情緒智力之差異情形;三、分析幼兒不同背景變項(年齡、性別)在其情緒能力之差異情形;探究幼兒教師人格特質、情緒智力與幼兒情緒能力三者之相關情形;四、探究幼兒教師人格特質、情緒智力對幼兒情緒能力之預測力。 本研究以相關文獻及問卷「幼稚園教師人格特質問卷」、「臺灣地區幼稚園教師職場情緒智力量表」、「幼兒情緒能力發展量表」為研究工具探討。以分層隨機抽樣自臺北市12個行政區抽取研究對象,共計156位幼兒教師、422位4至6歲幼兒。依問卷所得資料以平均數、標準差、T檢定、Pearson積差相關、單因子變異數分析、多元逐步迴歸分析進行資料處理與分析。本研究主要結論如下: 壹、臺北市幼兒教師人格特質為正向,「謹慎負責性」最高;教師情緒智力偏中高, 「教保情緒表達」最佳;幼兒情緒能力佳,「情緒的覺察與辨識」最佳。 貳、臺北市幼兒教師「年齡越高、研究所畢業、已婚者」,在人格特質、情緒智力表 現較佳,「服務年資5年(含)以下」者則表現較差。 參、臺北市幼兒情緒能力,以「6足歲(含)以上」、「女性」幼兒最佳。 肆、臺北市幼兒教師人格特質「謹慎負責性、開放經驗性」與幼兒情緒能力有顯著正 相關;而教師人格特質的「外向性、情緒穩定度」則與幼兒情緒能力有顯著負相 關。 伍、臺北市幼兒教師情緒智力的「教保社交技巧」與幼兒情緒能力的「情緒的表達」 有顯著正相關、和幼兒情緒能力的「情緒的調適」有顯著負相關。 陸、臺北市幼兒教師人格特質與情緒智力之構面間有顯著正、負相關。 柒、臺北市幼兒教師人格特質、情緒智力對幼兒情緒能力具有預測力。

國民中學校長知識領導、組織學習與學校創新經營效能關係之研究-以桃竹苗四縣市為例 / A study on relationships among principals', knowledge leadership , organizational learning and innovative management effectiveness in junior high schools.

湯秀琴, Tang , Hsiu Chin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探究國民中學教師所知覺的校長知識領導、學校組織學習與學校創新經營效能之關係,根據研究結果提出建議,以做為教育行政機關、國民中學校長,以及未來相關研究之參考。 本研究以桃竹苗四縣市國民中學之教師為對象,採問卷調查法,以「國民中學校長知識領導、組織學習與學校創新經營效能問卷」進行抽樣調查,抽取 450 位教師為樣本,回收 398 份,回收率為 88.4%,以描述統計、t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、積差相關分析、多元逐步迴歸等統計方法加以分析。獲得以下結論: ㄧ、桃竹苗四縣市國民中學整體校長知識領導現況屬良好程度,各層面以 「充實專業領導知能」最好,以「激勵學校成員學習」最差。 二、教師任教年資及教師最高學歷之變項之對於校長知識領導的知覺具有 顯著差異;教師性別、教師職別等變項無顯著差異。 三、不同學校地區、學校規模、學校歷史、校長年齡、校長在該校服務年 資、擔任校長總年資及校長學歷等學校背景變項之教師對於校長知識 領導的知覺具有顯著差異;不同校長性別變項無顯著差異。 四、桃竹苗四縣市國民中學整體組織學習現況屬良好程度,各層面以「資 訊運用」最好,以「團隊學習」最差。 五、不同教師最高學歷背景變項之教師對於學校組織學習的知覺具有顯著 差異;不同教師性別、教師職別變項無顯著差異。 六、不同學校規模、學校歷史、校長性別、校長年齡及校長學歷背景變項 對於組織學習的知覺無顯著差異;校長在該校服務年資、擔任校長總 年資等背景變項有顯著差異。 七、桃竹苗四縣市國民中學整體學校創新經營效能現況屬良好程度,各層 面以「學生表現創新效能」最好,以「行政服務創新效能」層面程度 最後。 八、不同教師任教年資、教師最高學歷變項之教師對於學校創新經營效能 的知覺具有顯著差異;不同教師性別、教師職別等變項無顯著差異。 九、不同學校地區、學校規模、校長性別、校長年齡、校長在該校服務年 資、擔任校長總年資,以及校長最高學歷等背景變項有顯著差異;不 同學校歷史背景變項之教師對於學校創新經營效能的知覺無顯著差異。 十、校長知識領導與學校創新經營效能之間具有正相關;組織學習與學校 創新經營效能之間具有正相關。 十ㄧ、校長知識領導各層面以「激勵學校成員學習」、「建立合作信任關 係」、「展現知識創新行動」對學校創新經營效能具有預測力,總解釋 變異量為 34.6%。 十二、組織學習「系統思考」、「團隊學習」、「資訊運用」及「溝通交流」 四層面對整體學校創新經營效能均具有預測力,總解釋變異量為 77.7%。 十三、校長知識領導與組織學習對學校創新經營效能之聯合預測, 共有「系統思考」、「團隊學習」、「資訊運用」、「溝通交流」、「激勵 學校成員學習」及「建立合作信任關係」六個層面對整體學校創新 經營效能具有預測力,總解釋變異量為79.5%。 最後,根據研究結果提出下列幾點建議: ㄧ、對教育行政機關的建議 (一)規劃知識領導相關課程及訓練,加強校長知識領導能力。 (二)領導知識領導特質之校長。 (三)實質鼓勵教師兼任行政工作。 (四)辦理降低班級學生人數政策,有效紓解都會區學校壓力。 (五)提供校長更多進修與研習機會,持續增進校長領導知能 二、對國中校長的建議 (ㄧ)建立組織學習的觀念及推動共識。 (二)營造良好的學習型學校環境。 (三)激勵新進、年輕、新血輪加入行政行列:培養學習型領導人才,建立新 的領導力。 (四)發展學校特色。 三、進一步研究建議 (ㄧ)研究對象可納入不同層級。 (二)納入其他研究變項。 (三)在研究內容方面。 / The main objective of this study is to investigate the relationship among principals’ knowledge leadership, teachers’ organizational learning, and school innovative management effectiveness which teachers perceive, and to propose suggestions based on the results, for the reference of educational administration authorities, junior high school principals, and relevant future studies. In this study, faculty of junior high schools in Taoyuan,、Hsinchu and Miaoli Area is picked as subjects and questionnaire survey is adopted. The researcher formulates “junior high school principals’ knowledge leadership, teachers’ organizational learning, and school innovative management effectiveness questionnaire,” and randomly selects 450 teachers as samples. In a rate of 88.4%, 398 replies are returned and then analyzed in methods of descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, product-moment correlation analysis and stepwise multiple regression. The following conclusions are obtained: 1.The present situation of principals’ change leadership is up to fine level. Among all the aspects, “enriching the professional competency” ranks to top,while”encouraging school members for learning” ranks otherwise. 2.Teachers ‘ age and higher degree perceive principals’ knowledge leadership significantly differently; while teachers of other variables such as gender, age, and service seniority show no significant difference. 3.Different school district ,、school size 、school history 、principal’ age local seniority, total seniority and education background perceive principals’ knowledge leadership significantly differently; while teachers of other variables such as gender shows no significant difference. 4.The present situation of teachers’ organizational learning is up to fine level. Among all the aspects, “information usage” ranks to the top, while “team learning” ranks otherwise. 5.Teachers of different demographic variables such as education level perceive teachers’ organizational learning significantly differently; while the variable of gender and duties shows no significant difference. 6.Teachers of different demographic variables such as school size and principals’ education level perceive teachers’ organizational commitment significantly differently; while some other variables such as school history; principals’ gender, age, local seniority, and total seniority show no significant difference. 7.The present situation of school innovative management effectiveness is up to fine level. Among all the aspects, “innovative effectiveness of pupil performance” ranks to the top, while “innovative effectiveness of administrative service” ranks otherwise. 8.Teachers different seniority and the highest degree perceive school innovative management effectiveness significantly differently; while teachers of other variables such as gender, duties show no significant difference. 9.Teachers of some demographic variables such as school district 、school size 、 principals’ gender、 age、 local seniority, total seniority and the highest degree perceive school innovative management effectiveness significantly differently; while some other variables such as school size; principals’ gender, local seniority, total seniority, and education level show no significant difference. 10.Principals’ knowledge leadership is positively related to school innovative management effectiveness; teachers’ organizational learning is also positively related to school innovative management effectiveness. 11.Principals’ knowledge leadership is most predictable for “to encourage school members learning” and “to establish the relation of trust cooperation” among all the aspects of principals’ knowledge leadership, accounting for 34.6% of total variance. 12.Teachers’ organizational learning is predictable for each aspect, including “system thinking,” “team learning,” “information usage,”and ‘communtion” accounting for 77.7% of total variance. 13.When combining principals’ knowledge leadership and teachers’ organizational learning, school innovative management effectiveness is predictable for six aspects, including “system thinking,” “team learning,” ““information usage ‘communtion” “to encourage school members learning” and “to establish the relation of trust cooperation”” accounting for 79.5% of total variance. Finally, based on the results, the following suggestions are proposed: 1.Suggestions for educational administration authorities (1)Arrange related courses and trainings of knowledge leadership to improve principals’ ability of knowledge leadership (2)Lead the principals of knowledge leadership (3)Encourage teachers to serve as administratine duties (4)Reduce the number of classes students and solve the metropolitan area Academic pressure (5)Provide Principals more education and learning opportunities 2. Suggestions for principals in junior high schools (1)To establish the concept of organizational learning and the promotion of consensus (2)To create a good learning school environment (3)Stimulate new, young, new blood to join the executive ranks: the culture of learning leadership talent, and create a new Leadership (4)Development of school characteristics 3.Suggestions for further studies (1)Included different levels (2)Increase the other variables (3)To strengthen research content

父母教養態度、親子互動與幼兒情緒能力之研究 / A related study among the parents’ rearing attitudes, parent-child interaction, and children's emotional competence

鍾麗儀, Chung, Li Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在分析不同背景變項之學前幼兒,其父母教養態度、親子互動與幼兒情緒能力的差異情形;另外亦試圖瞭解學前幼兒父母之教養態度、親子互動對幼兒情緒能力的預測力。 本研究採用問卷調查法,研究工具包含「父母教養態度量表」、「親子互動量表」,以及「幼兒情緒能力發展量表」。研究對象採用分層隨機抽樣方式,於台北市12個行政區進行抽樣,最終取得公、私立幼稚園217位4-6歲之學前幼兒其父母填答的問卷;所得問卷以敘述性統計、單因子變異數分析、階層迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料分析主要研究結果及發現總結如下: 一、幼兒整體情緒能力為中上程度,以「情緒察覺與辨識」之能力表現最好,「情緒理解」與「情緒表達」均較「情緒調節」佳。 二、父母在教養態度四個類型中以「專制威權型」最多,「忽視冷漠型」最少。 三、父母與幼兒的親子互動關係偏向「情感性」,有良好的互動情形。 四、不同職業的母親,在教養態度的「專制權威」、「忽視冷漠」兩個層面有顯著差異。母親的職業為家管較傾向「專制權威型」;職業是服務業的母親傾向「忽視冷漠型」。 五、不同「家庭每月總收入」之家庭,在整體教養態度及「開明權威」層面達顯著差異;每月總收入愈高之父母,愈能採取「開明權威」之教養態度。 六、「5~6歲」幼兒「情緒調節」能力優於「4~5歲」,女童在情緒能力整體、「情緒察覺與辨識」、「情緒的調節」層面顯著優於男童。 七、「父母教養態度」、「親子互動」對幼兒的情緒能力有顯著預測力。父母教養態度中之「開明權威」型和親子互動之「情感性」層面能顯著預測幼兒情緒能力中之「察覺與辨識」、「情緒表達」與「情緒調節」,且皆為正向影響。「忽視冷漠型」之父母教養態度對情緒能力中的「情緒理解」能力有顯著預測力,且是負面影響。 最後,本研究根據分析結果,提供相關建議給家長、教育工作者、教育單位及未來欲從事相同主題之研究者。 / The main purposes of this research were to analyze the data of the "Parents’ Rearing Attitudes", "Parent-Child Interaction", " Children’s Emotional Competence" between different backgrounds; explore the predictive power of the Parents’ Rearing Attitudes, Parent-Child Interaction on Children’s Emotional Competence. To accomplish these purposes, the methods adopted were using a questionnaire to collect data. Three scales were used to measure the following constructs: "Parents’ Rearing Attitudes Scale", "Parent-Child Interaction Scale" and "Children’s Emotional Development Scale". The samples in this survey consisted of 217 kindergarten children with the age from 4 to 6 years old and their parents’ from public and private schools in Taipei. The data was analyzed by "Mean”, "Standard Deviation", "One-Way ANOVA" and "Multiple Regression Analysis". The main results are as follows: 1. The overall emotional competence performance of the children are at the middle-up level, the “Emotional Awareness and Recognition" level have the best performance, better than '' Emotional Understanding" and "Emotional Expression", " Emotional Regulation " has the lowest performance level. 2. Of the four types of Parents’ Rearing Attitudes, the most adopted is the "authoritarian" type, the least adopted is the "neglectful" type. 3. There are good interaction between parents and child, and the interactions tend to be "emotional". 4. There are significant differences in the Parents’ Rearing Attitude type ("authoritarian" or "neglectful") when the mother has different occupation. Housewives tend to have a more "authoritarian" Parents’ Rearing Attitude, while mothers in the services sector tend to be more "neglectful". 5. There are significant differences in the overall Parents’ Rearing Attitude and the "authoritative" Parents’ Rearing Attitude when there are differences in monthly income. Families with higher monthly income tend to have "authoritative" Parents’ Rearing Attitude. 6. The ''Emotional Regulation Competence '' of 5 to 6 year olds is better than than 4 to 5 years olds. The overall emotional competence '' Emotional Awareness and Recognition", ''Emotional Regulation '' levels of girls are significant better than boys. 7. The emotional competence of young children could be predicted by the parents’ Rearing Attitude and ''Parent-Child Interaction''. The ''authoritative'' factor of parents’ Rearing Attitude and the ''affective" factor of Parent-Child Interaction '' Emotional Awareness and Recognition" , ''Emotional Expression" and “Emotional Regulation '' of the emotional competence of young children , and the “neglectful” factor of parents’ parenting attitude was predictive of '' Emotional Understanding” and has a negative impact.

公司治理與企業發展決策之研究-以A個案公司為例 / The research of company governance and enterprise development decision-A copmany case

黃家馨 Unknown Date (has links)
企業在彼此競爭以爭食市場大餅時,除了須要持續監控外部商機,積極掌握市場脈動,並推出符合其需求的商品以滿足顧客需求之外、也須要有效率地運用有限資源,妥善處理如採購、資金規畫、廠房設置乃迄於人員調派等各類非屬核心的支援性創價活動,綜言之,即透過高效率的公司治理,才有可能達成永續經營的終極目標。本研究透過個案研究,利用個案公司– A公司各類資料,以公司治理之理論架構為基礎,據此深度觀察A公司所採取之各類關鍵策略、行動和結果,乃迄於最終的財務面經營績效,據此釐清決定個案公司經營績效的關鍵失敗因素,以及公司治理在其中發揮的功能,作為實務界的參考。 本研究針對A公司2003年至2008年發展及決策進行深入探討,據此瞭解A公司為何2006甫上櫃,2008年就因資金周轉不靈而跳票下櫃。經研析後,可得知A公司在2003年至2008年之間,遭遇以下各類關鍵經營問題: 1.本業經營績效逐年下滑 2.投資規劃過於樂觀,未考量當不如預期時對公司之可能影響。 3.對新產品營收過於樂觀,未考量由於新產品送樣期過長,產線建置過早,致使相關設備閒置。 由於A公司管理階層與外部股東之間存在「帝國建立」的代理矛盾,再加上A公司的董事長兼任總經理,因此具有「所有權與經營權重疊」現象。此時則A公司便極有可能因為負責人「帝國建立」的傾向,導致決策失誤,進而危害到公司所有利害關係人之利益。本研究利用中華公司治理協會所提出之公司治理實地評量表進行研析,亦得知造成A公司跳票下櫃之主要原因在於其未積極「強化董事會職能」,並未強化「管理階層的紀律與溝通」。 由於A公司管理階層具有「帝國建立」傾向,再加上A公司由於未能保持「經營權與所有權分離」,並「強化董事會職能」、「強化管理階層的紀律與溝通」,終而使得「本業經營績效逐年下滑」,但仍於短時間內進行大量投資,終而使得「投資過速且投資標的所產生之現金流量過少、速度過慢,投資效益未能顯現」等兩類原因,最終因跳票而黯然下櫃。 關鍵字:公司治理、董事會職能、被動元件產業 / Firms shall efficiently allocate limited internal resources, dealing with all kinds of activities including procurement, capital planning, etc. so as to raise up chances of effective competition against other competitors. In others words, firms must rely on effective company governance to assure sustainable development & profitability. Based on company governance related theory & structure, the paper pays attention to conducting cases study method on Company A. Via in-depth digging how Company A performed during the period of 2003 to 2008, why Company A over-invested during 2003 – 2008, why Board of Directors didn’t function well so as to correct the causing-disaster decision by kinds of analyses, this paper finds out below reasons to cause Company A to be delisted in 2008: 1.Performance of core business (manufacturing and sales of ferrite core) getting worse gradually. 2.Over-investment due to overconfidence regarding internal resources allocation. 3.Overconfidence regarding sales of new product. The root causes why Company made above mistakes could be generalized as below list: 1.“Empire Building” agency conflict existed between managers and stockholders. 2.The un-separation of Ownership and control. 3.Independent directors of Board of Directors don’t function well to provide insightful, effective-monitoring opinions. Managers are under loose monitoring of Board of Directors. 4.There is little discipline regarding how managers behave in daily operation and critical decision making. Keyword: Company governance, Board of Directors, Passive Component Industry

政策行銷的運用與限制-以ECFA推動過程為例 / The limitation of policy marketing-using the process of ECFA as example

何敬欽, He, Ching Chin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以ECFA政策作為探討之個案,探析主要負責行銷政策的陸委會與經濟部如何運行政策行銷以協助政策的推動,並於過程中面臨到哪些難以解決的限制與問題。研究發現,兩部會透過民調、座談說明會與出席立法院會等方式進行政策調查分析與行銷評估回饋,依靠政策專業與經驗擬定行銷策略並透過廣告文宣、網路資料與活動、公關機制及各式面對面宣傳活動來行銷ECFA。但在過程中,遭遇到組織環境面與分析執行面上的限制,突顯我國政府在進行政策行銷時仍有多項問題有待解決。因此本研究的結論認為,政府於政策行銷時,重點在於(1)提升其行銷論述能力;(2)應對公共資訊傳播的競爭;(3)能揉合政策專業與經驗並學習企業行銷專業能力以建立適合於我國的政策行銷模式。 總體來說,本研究透過政策行銷理論文獻與政府實務政策作為的整理與分析,將應然面與實然面作比較,一方面倡議學界能夠換個角度、集中思考如何建立適合政府政策行銷的模式;一方面也希望透過研究所得替政府挖掘行銷上的問題,並思擬應對方向。

國民中小學校長領導能力指標權重之建構:以美國ISLLC學校領導者標準為例 / The construction of weight system of principal’s leadership competence indicators for the elementary and junior high school: The case of ISLLC Standards for School Leaders in American

陳遵行, Chen, Zun Shing Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在參照美國跨州學校領導標準證照聯合會(ISLLC)所提出的「ISLLC學校領導者標準」為例,藉以建構出國民中小學校長領導能力指標權重體系。研究方法運用分析網路程序法(ANP),研究工具則採用編修之「國民中小學校長領導能力指標權重體系調查問卷」,並以校長學、校長培育、學校行政等領域之13位學者專家為研究對象,對國民中小學校長領導能力指標之內容進行重要性評比。 本研究依據研究結果,得到以下二項研究結論: 一、學校文化與教學方案為最重要之校長領導能力向度 二、提升教師專業能力為最重要之校長領導能力指標 而依據研究結論,本研究提出以下建議,以作為教育行政機關、校長培育機構等之參考。 一、對教育行政機關之建議 (一)儘速研擬設立校長培育標準及專責單位 (二)校長領導能力指標可作為校長評鑑與校長證照制度之基礎 二、對校長培育機構之建議 (一)校長培育課程中其校長領導能力的規劃,以「學校文化的建立」與「教師能力的提升」作為初階能力的養成 (二)「提升教師專業能力」、「合作發展與共享」、「發展績效評估系統」作為校長培育課程的首要目標 此外,本研究亦針對後續研究者在研究對象、研究方法及研究範圍等三方面,提出相關建議。 關鍵字:校長領導能力、校長培育課程、分析網路程序法 / The purpose of this study is to construct a weight system of principal’s leadership competence indicators for the elementary and junior high school, and this study refer to “Interstate school leaders licensure consortium: Standards for school leaders” as an example. The main method of this study is Analytic Network Process (ANP). The research instrument of this study is a modified questionnaire which is used to survey the elementary and junior high principal’s leadership competence. 13 scholar experts most in principalship, principal preparation and school administration are taken as the research object to estimate the importance of indicator for the elementary and junior high school principal’s leadership competence. According to the research results, two conclusions are as follows: 1. School culture and instructional program is the most important dimension of school principals' leadership competence. 2. Enhancement of the professional competence of teachers is the most important indicator of school principals' leadership competence. This study provides the following suggestions from the conclusions to the educational administrations and the organizations of principal preparation for reference: 1. For education administration authority (1) Plan to establish the standards of principal preparation and set up an unit in charge of them. (2) The indicator of school principals' leadership competence can be a basis of principal evaluation and principals’ licensure. 2. For the institutes of principal preparation (1) Planning of principals' leadership capacity in the principal preparation courses as entry-level capacities are “The establishment of school culture” and “The enhancement of the professional competence of teachers”. (2) The principal of the primary objective of the course are “The enhancement of the professional competence of teachers”, “The cooperation and development and sharing”, and “The development of performance evaluation system”. In addition, this study also provides future researchers in three areas of the object of study, research methods and scope of the study to make recommendations. Keywords: principal leadership capacity, principal preparation program, analytic network process

新学習指導要領にもとづく英語科教育の目的と教科書における題材観 : 異文化理解を焦点にして(英語科)(教科研究)

木下, 雅仁 15 November 2001 (has links)

漢詩文と世界史とのクロスカリキュラムについて : 国語と他教科科目・諸活動とのクロスの可能性を求めて(国語科)(教科研究)

三島, 徹 15 November 2000 (has links)

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