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高校1年生 : 生命と環境II (本年度の取り組み, キャリア形成を軸とした総合人間科の取り組み)SATO, K., 高橋, 芽衣子, 鈴木, 克彦, 渡辺, 武志, 長瀬, 加代子, 竹内, 史央, 佐藤, 喜世恵 20 December 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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發展型國家的退場與升級: 比較台韓電視產業 / The Advance and Decline of Developmental States: The Broadcast Industry Comparison between Taiwan and Korea黃意植, Huang, Yi Chih Unknown Date (has links)
許多學者認為開放市場、降低管制是提升電視產業競爭力的不二法門,然而,國家介入與電視產業績效之間的實證研究仍相當缺乏,因此本研究的目的旨在討論國家干涉程度和節目產製能力間的關係。本研究採用歷史制度途徑的分析,解釋同樣被歸類為發展型國家的台灣與韓國,為何在1997年金融風暴後選擇不同的轉型路徑。研究結果顯示,台灣電視產業因國家干涉程度低,放任市場過度競爭而導致產製能力下滑,另一方面,韓國電視產業則受惠於國家高度干預,因寡佔結構而有效維持產製能力和經營績效。總結而言,本研究證明韓國在發展型國家的基礎上成功轉型升級,而台灣則是揚棄原本的發展模式,向新自由主義靠近。 / Many researchers have often suggested that the best way to improve broadcast industry growth is always through deregulation and opening up to competition. However, research which has empirically documented the link between state intervention in market and performance of broadcast industry is scant. Therefore, the aim of this research attempts to explore how state intervention and program productivity are related. Historical institutionalism has been used to explain the different transformation paths that Taiwan and Korean, the typical examples of the developmental states, have taken after financial crisis in 1997. Results of this study showed competitive market structure shaped by weak state intervention had contributed to productivity decline in Taiwan. And, strong state intervention in Korea did lead to stable program productivity and better industry performance. To conclude, the Korean developmental state is successfully transformed, on the other hand, Taiwan has transformed developmental state into neoliberal state.
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經濟行政法競爭者訴訟之探討 -以訴訟權能及訴訟種類為探討中心 / Competitor lawsuit of Economic Administrative Law林弦璋 Unknown Date (has links)
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悅趣化學習對於高齡者注意力之影響分析 / Analysis of the Effect of a Serious Game on the Attention in the Elderly顧竣翔, Ku, Chun Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
台灣目前已邁入高齡化社會,因高齡人口持續攀升,面對中高齡者認知能力衰退,我們提議利用遊戲的方式進行注意力訓練。相較於一般以娛樂為主要目的的遊戲,悅趣化學習遊戲(Serious Game)是在遊戲設計除時以娛樂為目的外,另附加學習目標,這種遊戲設計方式常廣泛運用於教育、軍事、健康、都市規劃、宗教、工程與政治等領域上,以達成某種訓練或觀察目的。我們以心理學理論為基礎,透過悅趣化學習遊戲在平板電腦上設計了一個系統,邀請年長者分為兩組來擔任此一系統的受試者,並觀察使用我們所設計的遊戲系統前後其注意力變化的狀況。我們在此系統上進行了視覺搜尋(Visual Search)和注意力網絡作業(Attention Network Task, ANT)的前後測驗,並加入了自適應性(Adaptive)及導入干擾(Interference)以觀察受試者排除干擾的狀態。我們觀察此系統是否能影響測試者的認知能力與其影響的程度,並比較受試者之注意力在實驗前後變化是否因遊戲系統而改變。而經過實驗後共有21位高齡受試者完成所有實驗流程,實驗組的受試者經過分析後發現他們在視覺搜尋的在正確率以及在注意力網絡作業中的正確率、警覺性分數和導向性分數皆有顯著的改變,而在實驗後透過問卷調查另可發現高齡受試者對於遊戲學習亦是給予正面的回饋且有意願繼續使用。因此我們認為我們所設計的悅趣化學習遊戲系統能提升高齡受試者的使用意願並進而有效提升其注意力。 / Since the last decade, Taiwan has entered the aging society. However, the proportion of the elderly population has continued to increase in recent years. Our primary purpose is to use serious game as a means of training the attention of the elderly and delay the decline of cognition. Serious game has a primary purpose other than pure entertainment and has been used in the past for various applications such as national defense, education, scientific exploration, healthcare, emergency management, city planning, engineering, religion, and politics. Our goal in this work is to design a customizable serious game based on cognition psychology on the Android tablet PC platform for the elderly. We invited 21 elderly subjects to play the game and perform tests done before and after the playing. In the pre- and pro-tests, we adopted a Visual Search task and the Attention Network Task (ANT) tests to study how the proposed serious game can affect the cognition abilities, especially attention, of a subject. The experimental results reveal that the accuracy of visual search, accuracy of attention network test, scores of alerting and orienting of the participants in the experiment group have significantly improved after the trainings on the serious game system. We also have received positive feedback on the gameplay from the participants, which shows that the proposed system is well accepted and can serve as an effective means for cognition training.
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校長課程領導與教師教學效能關係之後設分析 / A meta-analysis of principal curriculum leadership and teacher teaching effectiveness陳芝涵 Unknown Date (has links)
最後,依據研究結論針對實務及後續研究提出參考。 / The main purpose of this study is to conduct a meta-analysis on the relationship between principal curriculum leadership and teacher teaching effectiveness. The research data were collected from 15 independent doctoral or master theses on the relationship between these two variables, all of which were published during 2002-2012. The study discusses the relationship between two variables and each variable between the sub-variables. The study also discusses whether variables moderate the relationship, including gender, working years, education background, administration affairs, school levels and the research location.
The main findings of this study are: (1)There is a positive relationship between principal curriculum leadership and teacher teaching effectiveness. (2)There are positive relationships between principal curriculum leadership and the sub-variables of the teacher teaching effectiveness. (3)There are positive relationships between the sub-variables of the principal curriculum leadership and the teacher teaching effectiveness. (4)There are positive relationships between the sub-variables of the principal curriculum leadership and the sub-variables of the teacher teaching effectiveness. (5)The percentage of newly-employed teachers and the percentage of teachers with masters or higher degree are found the significant moderators between principal curriculum leadership and teacher teaching effectiveness. (6) The gender-ratio, teacher-as-administrator ratio, the school levels and the location are found not the significant moderators between principal curriculum leadership and teacher teaching effectiveness.
The researcher provides suggestions for future research and practice according to the findings.
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自己評価を利用した日本語教育プログラム満足度評価札野, 寛子 31 March 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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建構「讀人識人模式」之可行性分析─ 以高科技通路企業為例黃惠娟 Unknown Date (has links)
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研發型生物科技公司之發展策略 -以動物用生物新藥公司為例 / Development strategy of research-based biotechnology company - Case study of a new animal drug company許家愷 Unknown Date (has links)
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選股能力與基金績效持續性研究 – 以台灣國內股票型基金為例 / Stock Picking Ability & Fund Performance Persistence鍾亦強 Unknown Date (has links)
本文經由探討台灣股票型基金發現擁有較好強調選股特徵(1-R2)的基金其在未來績效較有持續性,若再搭配當期α來考量,則短期,投資強調選股特徵弱但α大的群組或是投資強調選股特徵強但α小的群組,績效表現較好;然而,若放眼長期,擇投資強調選股特徵強的基金,績效表現會較為出色,尤其是α落在較大群族的基金。整體而言,淨資產對於持續性的影響是顯著負向的,可能原因為規模不經濟導致;週轉率越高代表其績效持續性較強。另外新資金湧入導致基金績效持續性較不佳,原因可能為其淨資金流入會造成基金操作管理上效率的問題。 / Under the globalization tide of the asset management company, the asset managed in Taiwan has been grown dramatically, and much more various products have been launched. Empirical evidence found that investors tend to take past performance into consideration before they invest in funds. As a consequence, funds with recent outstanding performance are more popular than others. So performance persistence becomes an important issue.
Empirical researches did not reach consensus on whether funds have performance persistence, some paper shows that performance persistence does not stem from stock picking ability, however, some evidence show that fund managers might have some information or ability advantages. And performance persistence is more likely happened in emerging countries than developed countries due to fund managers have more efficient and latest information than general investors.
This paper finds that Taiwanese stock fund which emphasize more on stock picking ability (higher 1-R2) tend to persist. If analyzed with current α, funds with less emphasis on stock picking and bigger current α in the short run, or funds with more emphasis and weaker α will have better performance in the future. In the long run, more emphasis on stock picking, better performance in the future,especially those with strongerα. Greater asset under management and net sales rate might cause worse performance persistence due to inefficiency in management. And higher turnover help performance persistence.
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華語學習者會話中的自我修復研究 / A Study of Self-Repair in Conversation by Chinese Learners沈姿均 Unknown Date (has links)
在交談中在人們的交談中,順暢不間斷的話語是很少存在的。說話者對話語的修復 (repair)才是口語會話中普遍存在的現象。而修復的使用會因為可執行的語用功能有所不同,同時也可能受到學習者的語言程度而有所影響。過去國內外已有許多關於自我修復的研究,但是針對以華語為第二外語學習者的自我修復現象,則尚未見到較為深入的研究。本研究主要為了瞭解華語學習者使用的修復方式 (repair) 以及語用功能 (Pragmatic Function) 和他們的華語程度之間的關係。
為達研究目的,本研究採用實地錄製而來的語料分析。 一共使用九份語料, 受試者來自不同的國家學習華語者,年齡層約介於19-30歲之間。依他們的華語程度分成中級、中高級、高級三個等級。 在每個等級中,皆採用三份會話語料,而這三份會話語料之受試者性別分別是男女、女女、男男,總共採用18名受試者的語料,他們彼此的關係都是好朋友或為同班同學。每筆語料約擷取三十分鐘的長度,對話的形式則是面對面的、未經事先計畫的真實、自然的互動。
語料蒐集後,依照不同的修復方式分為:重複、補全、詳述、替代、重啟、重組六種;說話者的語用功能為:保留話輪、補充說明、更正、確認。所有語料經過分類統計過後,結果發現:1.程度較高的學習者修復次數比程度低的多;2.說話者做的詞彙方面的修復頻率高於句法方面的修復;3.說話者使用的修復方式受到語用功能與句法的影響,其偏好順序為:重複、詳述、替代、補全、重啟、重組;4.說話者為保留話輪使用重複多於補全與重啟;為補充說明說話者使用詳述多於替代與重組;為確認使用重複多於替代與補全;5.說話者的程度不影響為保留話輪與確認所做的修復方式,只有在補充說明此功能中的替代這種方式有顯著差異。 / Many linguists have found that perfect utterances do not actually exist all the time during a conversation. In fact, an unclear message is usually sent and need to be Repaired. This study aims to investigate self-Repairs made by Chinese learners, in particular with respect to inter-relationships among repair types, the pragmatic functions of repairs, and the speaker’s language proficiency.
Data analyzed in this study are collected from nine dyadic, face-to-face daily conversations, each lasting at least 30 minutes. There are 18 participants from different countries aged between 19 and 30. They are divided into three different groups according to their language level.
In order to see whether the different interactions between Repair types, pragmatic functions and speaker’s proficiency is significant or not, this study will use ANOVA to analyze those data. The findings are as follows:
For the pragmatic function of Floor-holding, speakers use Repeat more than Complete and Restart. For the pragmatic function of Clarification, Elaboration is the type most frequently used, and then follows the types Replace and Reorder. For the pragmatic function of Confirmation, Repeat is also the most favored type.
With the speaker’s language level taken into consideration, this study finds that interlocutors’ proficiency does not influence the choice of Repair types to serve the pragmatic function of Floor-holding and Confirmation. The only significant difference found in the pragmatic function of clarification is found in intermediate level and high level.
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