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創業管理影響高科技新事業核心能耐形成之研究 - 以群聯電子公司為例 / Influence of New Venture Management on Core Competences Formation of High Tech Companies - A Case Study of Phison Electronics萬惠棻, Wang, Huei Feng Unknown Date (has links)
因此,為探討新事業的創業管理與其核心能耐間的關聯性,本研究希望藉由研究結果回答三點研究問題:(1) 創業家在創業階段應注意哪些管理上的事項?(2) 新事業的核心能耐如何發展而得?(3) 創業家的創業管理決策是否影響新事業核心能耐的形成?
3.創業家在創業階段的管理決策會影響新事業智慧資本的發展,進而影響累積出的核心能耐。 / Technological changes often generate new products or services, and create new business opportunities and markets that attract entrepreneurs. This phenomenon tends to occur at the budding or emerging stage of an industry, where new ventures have a better chance to survive. Since the market has potential high growth, one can expect there would be many contestants competing in it. New ventures must develop a sustaining competitive advantage to succeed in such a perilous environment.
For a company, its competitive advantages normally come from its core competences, which were accumulated over time. Depending on the nature of the company, its core competence could be developed from its core resources or intellectual capitals. Studies on core competence conducted by local researchers mostly focused on identifying the core competence of a particular industry, based on the existing core resources of well-established companies. So far, no study had been found that explored the relevance of a company’s core competence formation and its management processes during the start-up stage.
In order to understand if the managerial decisions undertaken during start-up stage have any effect on a company’s core competence accumulated, we’d like to use our research results to answer the following 3 questions: (1) What are the key management guidelines an entrepreneur should pay attentions to during the start-up stage of a new venture? (2) How are the core competences developed by a new venture? (3) If the decisions made by an entrepreneur during the start-up stage have any effect on the core competences a new venture develops?
In this study, we chose an IC design house – Phison Electronics, as our study case. From the case interview and secondary data collected, we tried to reproduce the management processes in Phison’s start-up stage; then identified the core competences accumulated from the intellectual capitals in each growth stage; finally, by inspecting the results summarized above, we would determine if the core competences of Phison could be traced back to its managerial decisions made at start-up stage. Our preliminary conclusions are as follows:
1.The entrepreneurs need to think stage-wise of their new ventures, and define the corporate goals and resources required for each stage of growth, then make adjustments accordingly.
2.Different aspects of a new venture’s intellectual capitals would influence each other’s developments. Entrepreneurs need to maintain a balanced intellectual capital composition within the company to facilitate the formation of the new venture’s competitive advantage.
3.The management decisions entrepreneurs made in start-up stage would affect the development of intellectual capitals in later stages, thereby affecting the accumulation of core competences.
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廠商回應環境管理規範之研究 / Firm Responses To Environmental Regulations梁晉嘉, Liang, Chin Chia Unknown Date (has links)
許多環境管理績效研究顯示廠商會受到許多內外部利害關係人的影響而促使廠商採行環境管理作為以提高環境管理績效。影響廠商行為的利害關係人有不同的類型(Freeman, 1984),在環境管理議題方面,主要影響廠商行為的利害關係人有四種類型,分別為:規範性、組織性、社區和媒體(Henriques and Sadorsky, 1999)。其中規範性利害關係人對廠商環境管理行為的影響深遠(Cordano, Marshall And Silverman 2010; 2010 Darnall, Heniques and Sadorsky, 2010)。其次,股東也是對廠商環境管理行為具有影響力的利害關係人(Flammer, 2013)。再者,Kassinis and Vafeas (2006)發現在美國,社區型利害關係人壓力有助於提昇工廠的環境管理績效水準。然而,既有研究尚未清楚探討,利害關係人對新興經濟體廠商實際污染行為產生是否影響?據此,關於利害關係人與廠商實際環境污染行為的實證,本研究發現,本國大股東、國外法人股東,和已開發國家客戶等利害關係人的壓力皆會正向影響廠商實際環境污染行為。然而,設置獨立董事會導致廠商實際環境污染行為機率提高的實證結果,本研究將深入討論。
最後,本研究以微觀基礎架構去剖析廠商回應利害關係人要求,發展出符合環境管理規範的回應能力。本研究透過個案研究與內容分析等方式,區分出三種類型環境管理規範,分別是技術應用型環境管理規範、專業知識型環境管理規範,和跨領域專業知識型環境管理規範。針對不同類型的環境管理規範,廠商也發展出三種類型環境管理規範回應能力,分別是:單一部門整合回應能力、跨部門整合回應能力,和跨領域整合回應能力,並進一步討論不同環境管理規範和廠商環境管理規範回應能力的關係,以及說明研究限制和後續建議。 / There are many environmental management performance studies have shown that many firms will be affected by internal and external stakeholders, their pressures force firms to improve their environmental management performance as they adopt environmental management act. Different stakeholders’ pressures influence the behavior of firm (Freeman, 1984). To environmental management issues, there are four types of stakeholders may affect firm’s behavior, namely: normative, organizational, community and media (Henriques and Sadorsky, 1999). The normative stakeholder influence firm’s environmental management act deeply (Cordano , Marshall And Silverman 2010; 2010 Darnall, Heniques and Sadorsky, 2010) . In addition, shareholders also influence firm’s environmental management actions (Flammer, 2013). Kassinis and Vafeas (2006) found that in the United States, community-based stakeholders improve factory’s environmental management performance. However, the relationship between stakeholder’s pressures and emerging markets firm’s actual pollution behavior has not been clear.
Relationships between Stakeholders and firm’s actual pollution behavior, our empirical findings show that home country’s major shareholders, foreign institutional shareholders, and developed country customers may positively improve actual pollution behavior of emerging market firm. However, firm with independent board directors may lead to increase firm’s actual pollution behavior; we also have intensely discussion to this empirical result.
Finally, this study use the micro-foundation framework to demonstrate firm’s development of environmental management regulation’ responding capacities. This study uses case studies and content analysis to distinguish three types of environmental management regulations, which are technology applied environmental management regulation, professional knowledge-based environmental management regulation, and interdisciplinary knowledge-based environmental management regulation. With different types of environmental management regulations, firm developed three types’ capabilities to respond to those environmental management regulations, namely: single department's intergation ability to fit enrionmental management regulations, cross-department integration capability to fit emvironmental management resulations, and interdisciplinary integration capability to fit environmental management regulatuons, then we discuss the relationships between different types of environmental management regulations and firm’s integration capability to fit environmental regulations. Research limitations and future research issues also discussed.
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偵訊筆錄記錄完整性與證據能力之研究 / A Study on the Completeness and Evidentiary Value of Written Interrogation Records徐國楨, Hsu,kuo chen Unknown Date (has links)
偵查筆錄以電腦記錄,最後列印之筆錄文書,並不會呈現增、刪過程紀錄,建議修正刑事訴訟法第40條規定:「公務員制作之文書,不得竄改或挖補;如有增加、刪除或附記者,應蓋章其上,並記明字數。以電磁記錄製作文書者,其刪除處應留存原字跡,俾得辨認。」 / A Study on the Completeness and Evidentiary Value of Written Interrogation Records
The Code of Criminal Procedure is a procedural law for stipulating state power of punishment. In the process of judicial proceedings, it is inevitable that people’s rights might be violated. Therefore criminal investigation should abide by procedural justice in order to protect human rights. Interrogation is to detain defendant or criminal suspect at a certain place, namely investigation room of District Prosecutors Office or interrogation room of judicial police agencies, where the defendant or criminal suspect will be interrogated or questioned by prosecutor or judicial policeman. Based on the principle of secret investigation, the person in question, if not accompanied by a hired lawyer, the investigation process will not be known to the public. To prevent unjustified interrogation, the first part of sub-item 1 of Article 100-1 of The Code of Criminal Procedure stipulates that when interrogating a defendant, the whole process should be tape-recorded. When necessary, the whole process will be video recorded. This is meant to guarantee the willfulness of defendant’s statement of when being interrogated as well as the correctness of interrogation record. Sub-item 2 of Article 100-1 of The Code of Criminal Procedure stipulates that if defendant’s statement in interrogation record is not in accordance with contents of interrogation tape record or video record, the Inconsistent part shall not serve as evidence, with the exception of emergency which is especially marked in the said record. Therefore, if defendant’s statement is not in accordance with contents of tape record or video record, the interrogation record will be excluded as evidence,meanwhile losing the credibility of the evidence.
In practice, the production of interrogation record is not possible to synchronize with defendant’s statement. The interrogation record is produced by selecting part of defendant’s statement that is related to the case after statement organizing by the prosecutor or judicial police officer who interrogated. In other words, interrogation record is not the word-for-word defendant’s statement. Disputes often happen on whether interrogation record agrees with the true meaning of the defendant’s statement.
This research has explored completeness and evidential power of interrogation record through documentary analysis, historical analysis, and comparative analysis. It has also conducted analysis on relevant regulations regarding interrogation (questioning) and current status of actual interrogation record. The research offers the following suggestions after a comprehensive analysis:
A. Suggestions on interrogation practice
Regarding suggestion on interrogation practice, the investigation organ should draw a complete plan to cultivate qualified investigators, so that the interrogation could be handled by professional law enforcement officials. A supervising mechanism for interrogation tape and video record should be further strengthened in order to supervise the correctness and willfulness of interrogation record.
B. Complete Plan for Investigators Cultivation
The investigation organ should draw complete plan to cultivate investigators and compile laws and regulations relevant to the work of interrogation into books. Interrogation should be standardized and classified, with the establishment of operational procedure. Based on the nature of different cases, various standard operational manuals with prepared questions should be produced.
C. Mechanism to Supervise Tape or Video Record of Interrogation
To avoid the threat or intimidation happened before wide-ranging questioning of prosecutor and judicial police officer, the witness, defendant, and suspect will immediately be led into the interrogation room once arriving at the judicial office. Whole-process video recording will be conducted immediately to prevent him from being threatening before interrogation. The exact time and place that the witness, defendant, and suspect arrive at for interrogation (questioning) and the start time of interrogation record should be clearly recorded for checking.
D. Interrogation Record
Interrogation record, after being compiled by investigator, is being recorded. The investigator should be objective and neutral, and record the statement of the person in question as complete as possible, which conforms to the principle of due process of law.
E. Stenographer of Interrogation Record
Stenographers must obtain certification after receiving professional training and pass examination. Taiwan has special professional training programs for stenographer. Stenographer is listed in examination category of “professionals and technicians” of Ministry of Examination, which meets the requirement that stenographers have to be civil servants.
F. Secondary System of Interrogation Record
In order to improve the completeness and correctness of interrogation record, computer technology can be applied to create shortcuts for commonly used phrases,reducing time for recording and compiling.
G. Revising Article 40 of the Code of Criminal Procedure
Interrogation record is recorded by computer. The printed final written version of the record will not show previous processes of addendums and deletions. Suggestion is given to revise Article 40 of the Code of Criminal Procedure according to the following quoted text: “Documents made by public functionaries are forbidden to revise or edit. Should there are addendums, deletions, or notes added, chops should be placed where such amendment occurs, with the number of altered words noted. When documents are made with computer, original texts should be kept for identification purpose.
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新事業發展與動態能力建構-以明基材料為例 / A Case Study on the New Business Development and Formulation of Dynamic Capablities陳弘鈞, Chen, Hung Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究發現:在導入外部合作模式的情形下,動態能力的養成更能突破內部創新的限制及盲點。在引入垂直或水平的外部力量後,更須將力量挹注到組織內部,在結構、技術、任務、或人員等構面產生變革,方能進一步產生市場預測、技術製程、人才匯流、通路後勤、品牌行銷、及技術互補能力等六大動態能力。在早期的光碟及偏光片事業中,明基材倚重集團的垂直支援,養成了技術製程、技術互補、與人才能力,強調內部定位並掌握動、靜態程序,具有高度路徑相依性。於近期的生醫及隱形眼鏡事業中,明基材則更重視異業水平合作,更完整了品牌行銷、通路後勤、與市場預測能力,著重外部定位並協調動、靜態程序,更彈性掌握技術機會。透過動態能力在定位、程序、及路徑的持續演進,企業方能一次次化解產業危機,在新事業中穩健發展、開創新局。 / When confronted with internal expansion of scale and scope as well as external alteration of market demands, enterprises are bound to face fewer and fewer opportunities of growth in their original businesses. Hence, how to cultivate new businesses in reply to these challenges is usually a crucial issue for enterprise growth. In the process of new business development, the survival of the enterprise lies in the way of modulating organizational framework and extracting profound, dynamic capabilities therein to tackle subsequent environmental trials as well as to exert them on the next new business. Nonetheless, the connection among external strengths, internal organizational transformations, and the formulation of dynamic capabilities wasn’t effectively established in prior research. Accordingly, this study is rooted upon the case study of BenQ Materials Corp. in the aim of looking into how enterprises incorporate external collaborations to construct their dynamic capabilities, which can constantly evolve to cater to external challenges.
BenQ Materials was initiated as a disc manufacturer, while differentiating into the polarizer business in response to the demand for panels of the BenQ Group. While establishing solid technical and personnel allocations, BenQ Materials underwent the price-declining trend and bottlenecks in textures, which make it in turn resort to the steadily growing biomedical industry after the financial tsunami. The robust channels and brands built in the biomedical business not only served as the backing and momentum, but further steering BenQ Materials into the contact lens industry and global markets. This thesis classifies both the industry and business analysis into four categories: discs, polarizers, biomedicine, and contact lens, which helps dissect every new business incident, excavate the foundation of dynamic capabilities behind.
Throughout the research, this study reveals that under the introduction of external collaborations, the formulation of dynamic capabilities can further break though the blind spots and limits from internal innovations. After importing vertical or horizontal external forces, enterprises should then translate the external forces into internal organization changes in the aspects of the structure, techniques, tasks, and personnel, giving rise to the six dynamic capabilities: market predicting, technique procedural, talent streaming, channel logistical, brand marketing, and technique complementary capability. In the disc and polarizer business, BenQ Materials depended heavily on the vertical support from the BenQ Group and generated the technique procedural, technique complementary, and talent streaming capability, laying emphasis on internal positioning, dynamic and static processes, and high-level path dependency. While in biomedical and contact lens business, BenQ Materials further treasured inter-industry horizontal cooperation, from which the brand marketing, channel logistical, and more comprehensive market predicting capability were nurtured, valuing external positioning, dynamic and static processes coordinating, and elastic technological opportunity managing. The consecutive evolution of dynamic capabilities on positions, processes, and paths not only facilitates enterprises to get through industry crises time after time, but fuels new businesses’ sturdy growth and innovation.
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管理階層能力與企業社會責任績效之關聯性 / The Relationship between Managerial Ability and Corporate Social Performance彭珮欣, Peng, Pei Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
近年來台灣企業爆發許多食安及環境保護問題,引起社會大眾對企業的倫理行為產生高度的關切,使得政府、企業及社會也越來越重視企業社會責任相關議題,因此如何將公司與永續經營策略結合,是高階管理階層所面臨的重要課題。本研究以台灣上市櫃公司為樣本,旨在探討管理階層能力是否會影響企業社會責任之揭露及執行程度。本研究推論管理階層決定企業策略方針、管理制度及組織文化,而較有能力之管理階層較能宏觀全球趨勢,並在永續經營理念下,採行較高程度之社會責任行動。本研究之管理階層能力採用Demerjian et al.(2013)的衡量方式,以資料包絡分析法(DEA)來計算各產業下的公司效率並區分出管理階層所創造之經營效率。實證結果顯示:管理階層能力愈好,愈會揭露企業社會責任資訊,且執行企業社會責任的程度亦較高,符合本研究之推論。 / A series of food safety and environmental incidents in recent years in Taiwan had intrigued public concern about ethical activities of company. Aware of the influence of these activities on society, the government, corporates and society have further increased their attention to corporate social responsibility (CSR).
Therefore, the lesson managers have to learn is to formulate corporate strategies aligned with sustainability principles. The objective of this thesis is to explore whether managerial ability is associated with CSR among Taiwan listed firms. We assume that managers are usually empowered with the authority to decide corporate strategies, policies and culture; therefore, more able managers are more knowledgeable of macro-economic trends and tend to engage more in CSR with
sustainability goals. With respect to the measurement of managerial ability, we follow Demerjian et al.(2013), who conduct data envelopment analysis (DEA) to estimate firm efficiency and purge key firm-specific characteristics. The empirical results reveal that the higher quality managers are willing to disclose more information of CSR and in turn positively affects firm’s corporate social
performance in accordance with our assumption.
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我國圖書館數位典藏館員專業能力之研究 / Study on Digital Archives Librarian’s Competencies in Taiwan黃思穎, Huang, Ssu Ying Unknown Date (has links)
針對所獲得之結論,本研究提出下列幾點建議:(1)本研究建構之數位典藏館員專業能力清單建議應用在圖書館數位典藏工作能力參考與教育訓練;(2)數位典藏館員加強資訊與數位技術領域方面能力的基礎知識;(3)數位典藏館員遭遇經費與人力困難,希望圖書館能有不同管道獲取經費;(4)數位典藏工作相關教育單位應經常定期開設數位典藏相關教育課程。 / The topic of this study is to examine Digital Archives Librarian’s Competencies in Taiwan. The main purposes of the study are as follows: (1) To investigate the meaning, function of Digital Archives and Digital Archives Program; (2) to examine the role, scope of work and competence of Digital Archives Librarian; (3) Construct Digital Archives Librarians’ elements of proficiency competence, including: scope of work, range of capacity and capability indicators.
The conclusion of this study is summarized as follows: (1) Digital Archives is the entities preserves valuable information, and is maintained through the technology of digitalization to provide services and applications. Its’ ranging from the aspects of technology, content, services and the community, the main purpose is to ensure the availability, persistence, and intelligent integration of all digital data, which has cultural the value of reservation, academic research, education and learning, and reservation value-added applications. (2) Digital Archives featuring to collection, value-added applications and teaching are accepted by the most of the respondents archiving. (3) The majority of respondents are still archiving Digital Archives. (4) The roles of the Digital Archives Librarian as reservation, culture preserver and information service provider are agreed by most of the respondents promoter. (5)Preserver and part of the work of Digital Archives to commission contracted sustainability staff, hire project assistants and students part-timers and other ways to attain carry on. (6) Digital Archives Librarian’s opinions amended digital Archives librarian’s list of 10 fields of professional competence of the proposed capacity of 39 indicators. (7) Digital Archives Librarian does not respect the areas of capacity divided much changes, capacity indicators for metadata-based cataloging capabilities, communication skills, understanding of digital Archives theoretical foundation, with legal knowledge, for collection of product themes should have the capacity to understand, with a heritage preservation foundation knowledge of the most recognized.(8) Capacity index digital Archives librarians vary according to their type. (9) Most Digital Archives Librarian’s difficulty came from the funds, manpower and authorization. (10) Digital Archives Librarian’s educational needs of the most recognized are education and training for the periodic training, and through workshops, seminars, forums culture, heritage and experience.
Four conclusions are made after studying all the data: (1) Listing Digital Archives Librarian’s capabilities advice can be applied to the library’s digital Archives’ work and as work reference with education and training. (2)Digital Archives Librarian strengthen basic information and knowledge in the field of digital technical capabilities. (3) Digital Archives Librarian encounter difficulties in funding and manpower, hoping to have a different library to obtain funding for the pipeline. (4) Digital Archives’ related educational institutions should regularly open Digital Archives related educational programs.
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早期胚胎法律問題研究—以中國大陸相關法制為中心 / A Study on the Legal Issues of Early-embryo —Focus on the Legal System of Mainland China黃宇 Unknown Date (has links)
五、提出早期胚胎相关问题的立法建议。 / Under the traditional system of civil law, "property" and "person" are concepts of binary oppositions. With the progress of the human mind and the development of science and technology, the meaning of "property" and "person" in the civil law is constantly evolving and changing. In recent decades, the reproductive technology growed up and continued to develop. Because of the appearance of IVF,frozen human early-embryos can survive out of human body. There is a question. Are these human embryos “property” or “person”. In mainland China, the legislation of reproductive technology is imperfect. Because of this, a series of issue on early-embryos are showing up. The nature of these problems is whether the early-embryo is a person or property.
This paper compares the provisions on fetal and early-embryo of Taiwan and P.R.China,finding the status of early-embryo in the same culture.The main contents include:
1、Biological properties of early-embryo and provision of property and person in traditional common law.The reason why is early-embryo an awkward Existence in traditional law.
2、 Provision of fetal and early-embyro.The points of scholars in Taiwan and P.R.China on the status of early-embyo.
3、The right to dispose early-embryos in P.R.China.
4、The foreign provisions on early-embryo including England,German and America.
5、 Legislative proposals related to the issue of early embryos.
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加勒比海共同體(CARICOM)與台灣之間的僑民外交及能力養成 / Diaspora Diplomacy and Capacity Building between the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and Taiwan克莉沙 Unknown Date (has links)
多年來,日本、中國大陸與台灣為加勒比海共同體,透過提供獎學金與合作交流等策略,來加強人力資本的開發。儘管如此,這些雙方的國際合作,並未在亞太地區獲得足夠的重視。尤其對於各方有利的僑民外交,更需要建構足夠的機制與制度,來建構彼此的僑民交流成效。有鑑於此,本研究擬重新檢視並探討僑民外交中,台、加雙方如何建立一個以加勒比海共同體為主的合作交流機制,及其對於雙方之可能影響。研究方法採用文件分析、訪談與問卷等方式,進行資料蒐集。研究結果發現,如何妥善運用在台的加勒比海共同體的僑民,尤其是來台的留學生等人力資源,以加強上述地區民眾的僑民外交能力養成,將有助於雙方未來進一步的交流與合作。論文最後並提出若干加強台、加兩地僑民外交的具體建議,也進一步呼籲未來學界投入相關研究之必要性。。 / Through the availability of educational scholarships and cooperation exchanges offered by Japan, China and Taiwan to CARICOM nationals, a resource of human capital is present in the Asia-Pacific that has not been utilized. This diaspora is of mutual benefit to both regions in several ways, and is in need of specific mechanisms and structures to ensure effective diaspora mobilization. The thesis aims to re-introduce the topic of diaspora diplomacy and present its potential towards the creation of a collective CARICOM-specific initiative in Taiwan. These recommendations take into consideration the limitations and specificity of this case. Through the inclusion of document analyses, relevant supplementary studies, interviews and surveys, recommendations for a collective diaspora engagement strategy have been proposed. Thus, the research findings reiterated the potential of the diaspora in Taiwan, their willingness to be involved and emphasized the need for further engagement and diaspora mobilization to take place. This thesis, in its novelty serves as an impetus for additional research and much needed discussion with regards to diaspora engagement.
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桃園市國民小學校長賦權增能領導行為、教師專業學習社群與教師組織承諾關係之研究 / A Study of the Relationship among Principals' Empowerment Leadership, Teachers' Professional Learning Community and Teachers' Organizational Commitment in Elementary Schools of Taoyuan City夏偉傑 Unknown Date (has links)
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冷戰後中共對中亞地區能源政策 / Chinese enery policy toward central asia after cold war吳建霆, Wu, Jin Ting Unknown Date (has links)
然而新疆維吾爾自治區位於中共西北部地處,自古以來就是中共向西開放的重要門戶,有長達5,600公里的邊境線,惟新疆少數民族乃未停息的宗教不安問題,一直是北京及中亞最可能的潛在引爆點。為維持中共新疆地區社會穩定、經濟健康發展、民族團結、邊防鞏固及維護和保持新疆社會大局穩定,因此中共對新疆境內分離份子的態度(新疆境內有42﹪維吾爾族人),自然是中共關切所在。因此中共於新疆地區執行各項維穩及反恐任務,來抑制少數伊斯蘭教激進份子的東突厥斯坦獨立運動思潮,來達到其穩定內部社會秩序、並藉由與國際間的反恐合作持續在反恐建設上加強作為,鞏固政權及確保經由陸路運輸的石油氣管道安全,是當前對新疆最重要及緊迫的任務;其發展對中共的能源安全戰略、擴大與中亞、南亞的能源合作、保持邊疆穩定具有十分重要價值,使得新疆作為中共石油資源戰略接替區的戰略地位更加明朗。 / While energy consumption rises significantly with the rapid economic growth, China becomes self-insufficient in all kinds of fossil fuel, such as oil and natural gas, except coal, and depends more and more on imported resources, accordingly. China exports its energy resources from the Middle East mostly, however, stable supply from this area cannot be promised. First of all, many oil-producing countries in the Middle East suffer from regime transitions; secondly, the problem of pirate in the offshore Somalia and the Gulf of Aden cannot be overcome, and it would be highly inconvenient if the sea lines through the Strait of Malacca were interrupted. Therefore, China began to construct the first gas interstate pipeline in Central Asia, which starts from Turkmenistan, central Uzbekistan, southern Kazakhstan, and enters China through the border city in Xinjian Uyghur Autonomous region, Horgos. Until mid-April 2014, this pipeline has delivered 50 billion cbm natural from Central Asia to China. However, this region, located in the Northwest China with 5,600 borderline, has been a disturbing issue for China because of conflict among ethnic and religious minorities and Chinese people. In order to maintain the stability in the economy, society and diverse ethnics in the border, China practices several policies, such as stabilization and counter-terrorism, to suppress the independence activity by Islamic extremists in Uyghuristan. Additionally, is important for China to secure the pipeline through Central Asia and the local governance by counter-terrorism with international cooperation. Therefore, Xinjian has strategic value for China regarding energy security, not just for the resource access to Central Asia, but also for the cooperation in South Asia.
Central Asia, energy security, land pipeline, stabilization in Xinjian
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