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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


MURAKAMI, Kyoko, 村上, 京子 30 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.


福田, 敏男, 下島, 康嗣, Fukuda, Toshio, Shimojima, Kouji 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.


薮本, 康之, 片山, 正昭, 山里, 敬也, 小川, 明 20 May 1995 (has links)
No description available.


安江, 正宏, 森, 健策, 斎藤, 豊文, 長谷川, 純一, 鳥脇, 純一郎 20 October 1996 (has links)
No description available.


王昇, Wang,Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
從1986年起,因為經濟大幅成長,中國的石油需求也隨之增加,但是中國國內的石油生產卻開始下降。進入後冷戰時期,中國的石油供給更已無法自給自足,成為仰賴石油進口的國家。透過傳統現實主義理論對石油安全進行討論,我們可以得知,石油不僅僅牽涉到經濟的發展,也牽涉到國力的強弱與否。因此,石油對於一個國家在國際政治的地位或是經濟發展上都扮演了十分重要的角色,中國也因而必須考量石油對於國家安全的影響。本研究即自地緣政治觀點,分析中國石油能源與國家安全。 中國目前建構的石油安全體系,是以國內的石油化學產業的改革為基礎,以石油化學產業為工具,建構取得油源的石油外交體系,同時積極分散油源。由中國所規劃的中南半島輸油路線,中巴、中孟輸油路線,以及已經開始建設的中俄、中哈輸油路線都是以分散石油運輸路線為目標。運輸路線的規劃就是以地緣政治為出發點考量,透過與周邊國的關係建構石油運輸。 然而,儘管中國積極推動分散油源、油路的石油安全戰略,卻也牽涉到各強國在各地區的利益問題,以及各地區內部的政治、經濟、族群、宗教等問題。例如中東內部有以阿衝突、反美等問題,非洲的新興油源國、中亞各國內部都有因為宗教、政治導致的問題,而美、俄、日、印等大國與中國也在各地有所利益衝突,即使中國與俄羅斯有合作關係,卻也在中亞地區有利益競爭的關係。所以不僅中國與各強國之間有合作也有競爭外,也必須面對各個地區內部的各種問題。 / Since 1986, China’s demands for petroleum had increased extensively with the significant growth of economy, but the domestic production of petroleum decreased relatively. In the post-Cold War period, China was non-self-sufficient on supplying petroleum, and became a state which depending on importing petroleum thereout. By the discussion on the security of petroleum with the theory of traditional realism, we can conclude that the petroleum doesn’t only concern the development of economy but also concern the strength of nations. Therefore, we can see that petroleum plays an important role both on the status of international politics and the development of economy, and China must concern the influence of petroleum to national security thereof. Then, the proposal of this thesis is to analyse the relationship between supplies and demands of petroleum and the national security of China with the view of geo-politics. The petroleum security system of China was framed on the basis of the revolution of domestic petroleum chemical industry, so as to frame her petroleum diplomacy system to acquire the petroleum, and decentralize the sources of petroleum meanwhile. The oil pipeline ways set up by China was formulated according to the goal of decentralizing the pipeline of petroleum, such as Medium South Peninsula pipeline, China-Pakistan pipeline, China-Bengal pipeline, China-Russia pipeline, and the China- Kazakhstan pipeline. Therefore, we can conclude that China set up its oil pipeline by establishimg the relations with surrounding nations which concerning geo-politics. However, the strategies of petroleum security that decentralizing oil pipelines and petroleum sources was involved with the conflicts of interests among powerful nations in all areas, including the conflicts of politics, economy, race, and religion. For examples, there are conflicts between Israel and Palestine, and anti-American issue in Middle-East area. There are conflicts among the nations in middle Asia which caused by religion and politics. And there are conflicts of interests among USA, Russia, Japan, Indian and China all over the world. So does China conflict with Russia in middle Asia, even though there is a cooperative relation between them. In general, China does not only cooperate with other powerful nations but also contend against them. Furthermore, China has to face the conflicts and issues caused in every area when she promotes the strategy of petroleum security.


翁子雯 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要是以高中職實習教師為對象,探討高中職實習教師工作壓力與教師自我效能關係,並探究相關背景變項(如:性別、實習地區、實習時間、教育背景等)之差異性,藉以提出相關建議,作為師資培育機構及實習學校等相關單位之參考。 本研究提出的研究目的如下: 一、探討不同背景變項高中職實習教師工作壓力的差異情形。 二、瞭解不同背景變項高中職實習教師教師自我效能之差異情形。 三、分析高中職實習教師工作壓力與教師自我效能之間關係。 四、探討高中職實習教師工作壓力對教師自我效能的預測功能。 本研究是以問卷調查的方式,針對基隆市、台北市、台北縣及桃園縣四縣市,共610位公私立高中職實習教師進行調查,問卷調查資料以單因子變異數(one-way ANOVA)、皮爾森積差相關分析(Pearson product-moment correlation)及多元迴歸分析(stepwise multiple regression)進行統計分系,其獲得結果如下: 一、除了實習時間外,不同背景(different variables)的實習教師之工作壓力皆有顯著差異(significant correlation)。 二、不同背景高中職實習教師自我效能,在性別、實習時間、教育背景、學校性質及實習任教領域等四項,有達到顯著性差異。 三、工作壓力之「工作負擔」與教師自我效能之「一般教學效能」呈現顯著的負相關(significant negative correlation);工作壓力之「人際互動」與教師自我效能之「一般教學效能」呈現顯著的負相關;工作壓力之「教學與管教」與教師自我效能之「個人教學效能」,及「一般教學效能」,均呈現顯著的負相關。 四、工作壓力之教學與管教對教師自我效能具有預測力。 五、高中職實習教師在實習過程中,快樂感受達四成,有壓力感受近三成。 根據以上之分析,提出以下之建議: 一、教育行政機關可擬定實習學校的評鑑機制。 二、建議採取教師資格檢定「先考後實習」兩階段篩選制度。 三、師資培育機構應訂定一套完整的師資培育計畫。 四、強化女性實習教師教師自我效能。 五、實習學校應營造健全的實習輔導制度。 六、實習學校應規劃及輔導實習教師未來生涯發展。 七、私立高職應訂定相關之輔導措施。 八、實習教師應做好自我調適,以因應實習工作。 九、實習教師應做好時間管理,擬定未來生涯發展。 / The object of this study is to inter teachers in senior high school. Search and probe the relationship between job stress and teacher self-efficacy, and study relevant background variables (ex. sex, inter region, inter time period, education background), and then propose related suggestions. The purposes of this study are: 1.To explore different variable on job stress affecting inter teachers in senior high school. 2.To understand different variable on teacher self-efficacy for the inter teachers in senior high school. 3.To analysis the relationship between job stress and teacher self-efficacy for the inter teachers in senior high school. 4.To explore the predictable functions on the job stress and teacher self-efficacy for the inter teachers in senior high school. The study is conducted by the survey method. We survey 610 inter teachers in Keelung city, Taipei city, Taipei county, and Taoyuang county, we statistically analysis the questionnaires by using one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and stepwise multiple regression. The major finding of this research are as follows: 1. Except inter time period, inter teacher with different variables should significant correlation on job stress. 2. Inter teacher in senior high school on self-efficacy with different background showed significant correlation on sex of person, inter time period, educational background, the nature of school, and inter teaching region. 3.“Job burden” under the category of “job stress”, and “general teaching efficacy” under the category of “teacher self-efficacy” showed significant negative correlation. “human interaction” under the category of “job stress” and “general teaching efficacy” under the category of “teacher self-efficacy” revealed significant negative correlation. “teaching and discipline” under the category of “job stress” and “personal teaching efficacy” and “general teaching efficacy” showed significant negative correlation. 4.“Teaching and discipline” under the category of “job stress” revealed predictable effect on inter teacher self-efficacy. 5. During inter time period, 40% of teachers enjoyed happiness. 30% under job stress. According to the above observation and analysis, we propose following suggestions: 1.Educational executive organization should draft or establish school evaluation institution. 2.Suggest two-steps selecting inter teaching system--“test first”, “inter latter”. 3.Teacher breeding organization should settle a complete plan on teacher breeding program. 4.Enhance the self-efficacy function of female inter teachers. 5.Inter school should build a sound “inter assist and guide system”. 6.Inter school should plan and assist inter teacher’s future career development. 7.Private vocational school should build assist-related procedures. 8.Inter teacher should prepare for self-adjustment in order to accommodate or fit into inter works. 9.Inter teacher should pay more attention on time-management plan for the future career development.

學科型教室與學習自我效能之研究:以政大附中國中部學生為例 / A study on variation type classroom and academic self-efficacy: An example of junior high students in AHS of NCCU

林韋秀, Lin, Wei-Hsiu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解政大附中學科型教室之規劃理念、學生使用現況、使用滿意度、使用感受與學生學習自我效能,分析不同性別學生在使用現況、滿意度、使用感受及學習自我效能之差異,探討學生學科教室滿意度與使用感受與其學習自我效能之相關,最後提出學科型教室在臺灣規劃實施之相關建議俾供參考。   本研究以政大附中國中部學生(有效樣本158人)為問卷調查對象,以秘書及各班副班長共六人為訪談對象,並以其中二班學生一日作息、在學科教室、班級基地、教學研究室及討論室中從事特定活動之學生(共計931人次),以及學科教室之設備與佈置情形為觀察對象。在資料分析上,主要採用描述性分析、次數百分比、平均數與標準差及Pearson積差相關等方法。研究結論如下: 一、政大附中學科型教室空間設備之規劃理念涵蓋班級課程、師生教學、學生置物、移動與人際交流等需求,延長下課時間以增加互動機會並使移動更平順。 二、政大附中學科型教室之國中部學生空間使用現況符合學科教室便利教與學、班級基地兼顧置物與學生交流、教學研究室方便師生談話、討論室供學生交流及停等以及學生移動便利等理念。 三、政大附中國中部學生學科型教室使用滿意度高,使用感受非常好。 四、政大附中國中部學生學習自我效能屬於普通偏高,其中以言語說服、生理狀態及樂意學習三向度平均較高,而整體學習效能為女生高於男生。 五、政大附中國中部學生學科教室滿意度與使用感受與其學習自我效能為中度正相關,且學生學科教室滿意度與使用感受越高,學習自我效能也越高,高低分組在言語說服及樂意學習之差異最明顯。      研究者根據文獻探討與研究發現,提出以下幾點建議: 一、對教育機關及人員之建議 (一)學科型教室空間營運模式值得推廣。 (二)學校規劃者在規劃學科型教室空間設備時,應將校地條件、班級數、教師員額、課程設計及師生需求融入規劃考量。 (三)實施學科型教室,教室應有充足教學設備並強化學科佈置,以突顯其特色。 (四)學科教室與班級基地之配置應注意動線便利性,並配合課表強化空間機能。 (五)實施學科型教室應提供安全置物空間及便利停等設施,以減少學生移動負擔,可延長下課時間至15到20分鐘,以增加人際互動機會並使移動更平順。 (六)推行學科型教室時,學校對教師、學生及家長均需持續加強溝通與理念宣導。 (七)定期調查使用者對學科型教室運作之意見,作為對現有措施調整參考。 二、對未來相關研究之建議 (一)在研究學校的選擇上,增加研究學校,與其他學科型教室學校比較。 (二)在研究對象的選擇上,擴大研究對象,納入全校學生或教職員。 (三)在研究內容方面,拓廣研究範圍,作更完整之用後評估,探討更廣泛之學習態度及行為。 / Variation type classroom is one of the operational models of school classrooms. In this model, all classrooms belong to subject teachers instead of students of the class. It is believed that this model could help teachers teach and students learn from the results of literature review. This study examines the relationship between the using satisfaction of variation type classroom and academic self-efficacy of junior high school students in AHS of NCCU. It also examines behaviors of junior high school students in variation type classroom. There are 158 junior high school students in AHS of NCCU surveyed, the secretary and 5 assistant class leaders interviewed, and 931 person-time and 2 classrooms observed in this study. Data gathered in this study indicated the following are the other key findings in this study: 1. The planning rationale of variation type classroom in AHS of NCCU consists of the needs of teachers teaching and students learning, storage, classroom transferring, interpersonal interactions and longer class break for more interaction and smoother classroom transferring of students. 2. The junior high students’using behaviors of variation type classroom in AHS of NCCU correspond to the planning rationale of it. 3. The junior high school students in AHS of NCCU have great using satisfaction toward variation type classroom. 4. The junior high school students in AHS of NCCU have general academic self-efficacy (2.88), with higher efficacy in verbal persuasion, physiological state, and enjoyment of learning. The female junior high students have higher academic self-efficacy than the male students do. 5. There is significant mid-level correlation between the using satisfaction and academic self-efficacy of junior high school students in variation type classroom, and the higher the using satisfaction the students have, the higher their academic self-efficacy is. The major implications of this study are as follows: 1. Variation type classroom operational model is worth promoting. 2. School planner should fully consider about the ground of the school, number of classes and faculty, curricula design and needs of teachers and students when planning space and facilities of variation type classroom. 3. In the variation type classroom operational model, classrooms should be equipped with enough teaching facilities and context of subjects should be emphasized to express the strengths of this model. 4. The convenience of the routes between subject classrooms and student lockers should be considered during arrangement process of the school and in correspondence with the class schedule. 5. The school in variation type classroom should provide safe lockers and convenient facilities for stay and wait to make students move with less stuff. Longer break (15-20 minutes) could be taken into account to promote interpersonal interaction and make students’ transferring of classrooms more smoothly. 6. The school administration needs to communicate and advocate consistently with the students, their parents and the faculty about the rationale of variation type classroom. 7. The school administration could survey about the users’ using satisfaction and opinion regularly to make necessary modification of the model or space and facilities of variation type classroom.

臺北縣國民中學組織創新與學校效能之研究 / The Research of Organization Innovation and School Effectiveness of the Junior High Scool in Taipei County

劉春芳, Liu, Chun Fang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討臺北縣立國民中學組織創新與學校效能的實際現況,分析兩者之間的關係,並依據研究結果,研擬改進與建議。 本研究以問卷調查法為主,半結構式訪談為輔,受試者包括臺北縣立國民中學校長、主任、組長、副組長、導師、專任老師,共829人,其中有效樣本649人,可用率為78.3 ﹪,研究工具為『臺北縣國民中學組織創新與學校效能問卷』。本研究以SPSS for Window11.0版套裝軟體的統計分析軟體為工具,茲將研究結果分述如下: 一、臺北縣國民中學教育人員知覺組織創新與學校效能均為中上程度。 二、臺北縣不同學校規模的教育人員知覺組織創新有明顯差異,以13-24 班的教育人員知覺度最高。 三、臺北縣不同學校歷史的教育人員知覺組織創新,有明顯差異,以學校歷史 為10年以下的教育人知覺度最高。 四、臺北縣不同性別的教育人員知覺學校效能有明顯差異,男性教育人員明顯 高於女性。 五、臺北縣不同學校規模的教育人員知覺學校效能,有明顯差異,以13-24班 的教育人員知覺度最高。 六、臺北縣學校創新經營(有參加創新比賽)之教育人員知覺學校效能有明顯 差異。 七、臺北縣國民中學組織創新與學校效能有非常顯著正相關。 八、臺北縣國民中學組織創新對學校效能有極顯著的預測力。 依據上述結論,本研究針對教育行政機關、學校及未來相關研 究提出建議,做為增進國民中學組織創新與提升學校效能之參考。 關鍵詞:組織創新、學校組織創新、學校效能。 / The purposes of this research were to explore the status quo and the relationship between the school organizational innovation and school effectiveness of the junior high school in Taipei County. Some recommendations for improvement were made according to the research conclusions. This study was proceeding primary with questionnaire surveys of school organizational innovation and school effectiveness of junior high school and supplementary with semi-construction interview. 829 samples were chosen from school in Taipei County. They were principles, directors. Department deans, department assistant deans, homeroom teachers and non-homeroom teachers of junior high school. Finally 649 data were collected. The useful rate for this research is 78.3%. The data were analyzed with SPSS for Window 11.0 edition and the conclusions of this research were as follows: 1. The teachers of junior high schools in Taipei County perceived an upper level on school organizational innovation and school effectiveness. 2. There is a significant difference of the perception of junior high school teachers in Taipei County on school organizational innovation among the teachers from different school sizes, there is higher awareness among the teachers from school of 13-24 classes’ size. 3. There is a significant difference of the perception of the junior high school teachers in Taipei County on school organizational innovation among the teachers from the school with different service periods. There is higher awareness among the teachers from school with less than 10 years in service. 4. There is a significant difference of the perception of junior high school teachers in Taipei County on school effectiveness between genders, male teachers have significant higher awareness. 5. There is a significant difference of the perception of junior high school teachers in Taipei County on school effectiveness among the teachers from different school sizes, there is higher awareness among the teachers from school of 13-24 classes’ size. 6.There is significant different of the perception of junior high school teachers in Taipei County , the teachers from the schools participating the organizational innovation competitions have higher awareness on school effectiveness. 7. There were positive and strongly significant correlation between school organizational innovation and school effectiveness of the junior high school in Taipei County. 8. The school organizational innovation had predicative efficacy school effectiveness of the junior high school in Taipei County. Based on the above conclusions several recommendations were made for the authorities of concerned, junior high schools’ principals and future researchers for improvement of school organizational innovation and school effectiveness. Key words: organizational innovation, school organizational innovation, school effectiveness.


林子正 Unknown Date (has links)
回顧近50年來台灣的產業發展歷程,自1980年進入資訊電子產業以後,經濟發展始開始呈現高度成長。時至2004,台灣主要硬體產品在海內外總產值達到684億美元,高居全球前五位,並預估2006年可達到800億美元。我國資訊電子產業自80年代初期乃是以OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturing)代工的方式開始發展,憑藉著廉價的勞力及土地等生產要素,達到低成本的製造優勢;然而近年來,台灣選擇專業代工的風險已開始逐漸顯現。隨著資訊產品發展成熟,普及率增加,品牌廠商為了提高市場佔有率,也開始進入以價格競爭的階段;此外,當初具有之成本優勢也隨著中國大陸經濟體的興起以及勞動成本、土地成本等上升而日漸消失,因此台灣資訊電子廠商走向微笑曲線兩端的趨勢已經無法避免。 有鑑於上述的產業發展現況,近年來學術界對於自有品牌相關議題的研究也愈發重視。然而,過去的研究重點往往放在自有品牌的發展策略、關鍵成功因素等策略層面或理論層面的探討,對於建立自有品牌實務歷程的研究則著墨較少。在自創品牌的相關研究中,除了眾多學者多認為行銷通路建立為自創品牌關鍵成功因素之外,宏碁集團創辦人施振榮也曾特別指出:「建立品牌過程中,通路的建立是重點」,故本篇論文針對自創品牌關鍵成功因素之一的「行銷通路建構歷程」進行研究。本研究透過個案研究的方式,針對國內資訊電子業建立自有品牌上較具成功經驗之企業 - 明基電通(BenQ)加以深入探討,期能得到新的啟發,並供實務界參考,為台灣的產業升級做出貢獻。 本研究首先透過相關文獻的探討,瞭解可作為分析通路建構歷程之相關文獻,包括「自有品牌建立」、「通路理論」、「動態能力」、「組織學習」等相關理論,並透過個案公司訪談以及次級文獻蒐集獲得個案公司資訊,最後分析個案公司 之通路建構歷程。本研究之發現如下: 1. 由OEM/ODM轉型自有品牌經營之企業,其通路建構歷程會先進行行銷(通路)部門的組織設計與改造、運作流程設計、以及行銷通路人員的招募等前置作業 2. 由OEM/ODM轉型自有品牌經營之企業在建立自有品牌產品之行銷通路時,其自有品牌產品線與其代工產品關連性愈高,則通路建構歷程愈易於進行,且通路績效表現愈佳 3. 由OEM/ODM轉型自有品牌經營之企業於通路建構歷程中,會致力於進行雙迴圈學習及高階學習,並建立新的價值觀及規範,以提升通路建構及通路管理之成效 4. 由OEM/ODM轉型自有品牌經營之企業於通路建構歷程中,若能夠在創造學習外取得新的知識來源或他人的通路經驗以進行模仿學習,則有助於通路建構績效之提升 5. 由OEM/ODM轉型自有品牌經營之企業於通路建構歷程中,若能夠透過跨產品線、跨市場地區的行銷通路相關人員進行定期交流聚會與知識分享,則有助於通路建構績效之提升 6. 由OEM/ODM轉型自有品牌經營之企業,若能夠將通路建構歷程中所取得的知識及經驗進行資料庫之建構,則有助於通路建構績效之提升 7. 由OEM/ODM轉型自有品牌經營之企業,若其組織具有較高的組織彈性以及較快的回應能力,則有助於通路建構績效之提升 8. 由OEM/ODM轉型自有品牌經營之企業於通路建構歷程中,若於目標市場擁有足夠的市場性資產(如商譽)、結構性資產(如製造能力、供應鏈管理),則有助於通路建構績效之提升 9. 企業在建構國際通路時,其通路策略及通路管理作法上會視各國市場特性之不同而有所不同 10. 企業在建構國際通路時,其相關通路建構之主要決策權若由各地子公司掌握,則有助於企業通路建構及通路管理之成效 11. 企業在建構國際通路時,若能夠使用在地人力資源,則有助於通路建構之進行 / The electronic industry first developed in Taiwan in 1980s by OEM operation. But with the strong challenge from China and the pressure of price competition, the risk of OEM/ODM business model is growing higher and higher nowadays. Given this industry condition, academic and industrial filed are paying more attention to those issues about transformation from OEM/ODM to OBM. Nevertheless, “Building Marketing Channel”, which is one critical factor in the transformation process, is neglected among others. Therefore, this research focuses on the practical building process of marketing channel, not only aims to trigger the following studies on this issue, but also like to find some insights into the marketing channel building process and help the industry to succeed in the transformation from OEM/ODM to OBM. Compare to other studies that more focus on the “Channel Strategy” or channel itself, this research focuses on an issue that rarely be touched by researchers. For that reason, this research is more an “Exploratory Research” essentially. This research adopts “Case-Study Method”, looks into the marketing channel building process by interviewing with personnel of case company and reading second-hand materials about the case company, then derives findings and conclusions by analysis the building process with the framework of “Dynamic Capability” and “Organizational Learning” Findings of this research could be divided into three major subjects, following list each of the three subjects and the implication of it. 1. Features of marketing channel building process of OEM/ODM companies in transformation to OBM Marketing channel building process of OEM/ODM companies in transformation to OBM should be initiated by designing the marketing related function and organization structure 2. Marketing channel building process and “Organizational Learning” Companies in transformation to OBM should engage in “Double-loop Learning” to enhance the result of marketing channel building process 3. Marketing channel building process and “Dynamic Capability” Companies in transformation to OBM should improve capabilities of “Process” and “Position” categories to enhance the result of marketing channel building process For industry practice, this research suggests that companies should endeavor to obtain necessary knowledge, create as many sources of learning as possible, and also design an effective organizational learning system in the marketing channel building process. In the other hand, companies should also improve their dynamic capabilities with the new knowledge in the whole process, especially in “Process” and “Position” categories. For academic field, since the major limit of this research is the lack of inferential reliability with single-case method, this research suggest following researchers to conduct further research on this topic with multi-case or quantitative method and verify the findings and conclusions of this research.


劉思吟 Unknown Date (has links)
本文首先介紹測謊的原理及測謊之作業流程,在對測謊有基本認識之前提下,將有助於理解接下來本文所要探討的測謊之法律性質及其對基本權所造成之干預。所謂測謊,係指施測者對受測人以測謊儀器實施檢測,檢測中由施測人向受測者就預定問題發問,受測人回答問題時經由儀器記錄其生理及心理回應,再由施測者就記錄判別解讀,製作成報告載明受測人種種回應是否顯示其說謊。由於人在下意識地努力去隱蔽真實情形時,通常會發生非常微妙之心理變化,並隨之引起身體外部之生理變化,因此,測謊其實就是結合生理學、心理學及物理學之一門新學科。 測謊涉及受測者為憲法所保障之身體的完整自主、隱私權、不自證己罪特權與人性尊嚴,乃國家訴追機關有意欲之措施所欲達到之目的的直接結果,在性質上應屬強制處分。由於違反受測者意願所為之測謊,係對人類精神-心靈空間之侵入,人類的意思自由與陳述自由完全遭到排除,淪為國家行為之客體,嚴重侵害個人之人性尊嚴,故即使有法律授權仍屬違憲。至於在同意測謊的情形,不能謂係對人性尊嚴之侵害或限制,反倒是人性尊嚴之保障與實踐。因為任何對人性尊嚴的保護,均不允許違反人性尊嚴主體的意思。是故,受測者之同意是唯一可能使測謊處分正當化之依據,因此有必要探討同意之測謊處分在法律上應如何評價、其法理依據何在、有何限制,及應具備哪些要件等問題。 接下來要探討的,是符合一定要件之測謊,在刑事訴訟中是否有證據能力。本文先就最早使用測謊儀器之美國開始,次就歐陸法系之德國對測謊證據能力之處理作比較法上之觀察,最後再說明我國實務與學說之見解,以了解外國法與我國法之差異,尋繹是否以及在何等程度內可援引外國法作為我國法之參考,並提出本文見解,認為測謊檢查結果若與本案犯罪事實相關者,必須未經禁止使用,且經嚴格證明之合法調查程序後,始能取得證據能力,作為認定犯罪事實之依據。因此,本文即從1證據使用禁止及2嚴格證明兩個面向探討測謊結果之證據能力。最後,在肯定測謊檢查結果具有證據能力之前提下,探討其對待證事實之證明力並作結。

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