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國會聯絡人核心能力之研究-以行政院暨所屬各部為例 / The Study of Congress Liaison Staff’s Core Competence

薛復寧 Unknown Date (has links)
員工的核心能力為組織績效與競爭力的基礎,早已成為國內外當代學術社群與管理實務者的共識。這是因為無論是公私部門組織,目前均處於極大的績效壓力。而國會聯絡人身為行政部門與立法部門之間的橋樑,法律案及預算案的推手,其核心能力與法案通過的機率、組織的效能及競爭力密切相關。職是之故,本研究擬以核心能力理論為基礎,再藉由相關國內外文獻的整理,對現任國會聯絡人的行為事件訪談以及問卷調查的結果,歸納出優秀國會聯絡人所應具備的核心能力具體項目,以作為機關首長據以選任取才的參考依據。 本研究係以行政院暨所屬部國會聯絡人服務年資超過五年之優秀資深人員為訪談對象,再以問卷、行為事件訪談的交叉方式,探索出國會聯絡人有效推動工作應具備的核心能力,本研究從中發現到:國會聯絡人應具備的核心能力要有「環境變化的洞察力」、「溝通協調」、「團隊合作的精神」、「顧客服務導向」、「政策行銷與說服能力」、「嫻熟議事運作相關法令」、「積極主動」、「情緒管理」等合計8項核心能力,並對行政機關及首長、國會聯絡人、立法委員提出建議。 / Staff’s core competence as the foundation for organizational achievements and competence has already become mutual recognition of the contemporary domestic and foreign academic social groups and the managerial practitioners. Regardless whether it is public or private departmental organization, nowadays they are burdened with enormous pressure of achievements. As the bridge between the administrative department and the legislation department, the advocator of the legal bills and the budget proposal, the core competence of the congressional liaison staff are closely correlated with the probability of the passage of the bills, organizational efficiency, and competitive power. For this reason, this study draws upon the theory of the core competence as the foundation, with review of domestic and foreign literatures, and interview of the behavior events of the incumbent congressional liaison staff as well as by questionnaire surveys. The information thus collected induces the concrete items of core competence which congressional liaison staff should have and be regarded as reference by heads of institutions for staff recruitment. The subjects of this study are senior congressional liaison staff members with five-year tenure at the Executive Yuan and outstanding evaluation. By the questionnaire and the behavior event interview, they were explored for the core competences of congressional liaison staff to impetus their work effectively. This study has discovered that the congressional liaison staff should have core competence including the following eight items, they are “the insight to environmental change”, “the ability of communication and coordination”, “the spirit of the team cooperation”, “the orientation of customer service”, “the ability of policy marketing and persuasion”, “thorough understanding of legislative procedures and the related laws”, “positive initiation”, and “mood management”; and also to put forward their suggestions and recommendations to heads of executive and administrative divisions, other congressional liaison staff members, and legislators.


於仁鋒, Wu,Jen-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
義烏人稠地薄,農民的生活困苦,窮山惡水逼出了綿延數百年的「敲糖換雞毛」傳統。「雞毛換糖」是義烏早期特有的商貿文化,義烏人長期在「撥浪鼓文化」下進行的小商品交易,逐漸形成義烏人不畏艱辛、重商尚利、敢闖敢衝的精神表徵。在其「重商尚利」的市場觀下,造就成今日繁榮的義烏。 義烏小商品市場的發展是「市場先發、經貿主導」,其交易市場型態從早期的區域性集散性市場到中國大陸集散批發市場,再發展到國際性小商品交易、批發中心。政府充分利用市場資源,而帶動經濟社會的整體發展。政府在經濟發展過程中扮演極重要的角色。整體而言,政府是先受到民間誘發性制度變遷的影響,後而產生強制性的制度變遷作為,政府與市場之間的良好互動是義烏特有的發展模式與經驗,現為中國大陸其他城市效法的對象。政府與市場的相互配合,使義烏人民的創造力得到最大能量的釋放,得以充分發展當地經濟;培育出中國大陸乃至於是亞洲最大的小商品市場。 義烏小商品市場的形成屬自發性行為,是先有而市後有場,打破原有經濟社會體制上的制約。政府為培育市場主體及配合市場的發展,為市場發展創造先決條件,運用各項產經政策,以引導市場的發展,同時積極參與市場建設,促進市場的擴張和升級。由於政府積極性的作為,使義烏小商品市場成為中國大陸批發市場的龍頭及國際知名的小商品交易中心,贏得「小商品海洋、購物者天堂」之美稱。 義烏小商品市場的發展,從第一代的湖清門市場到第五代的國際商貿城,再加上各式會展,其中以義烏中國小商品博覽會最著名。義烏整體經濟表現為制度創新和制度安排的綜合具體呈現。在與國際如何接軌的運作下,是義烏未來經濟增長的主軸。在此主軸戰線下,須加強發展現代化服務產業,提昇義烏小商品國際交易中心的地位;強化製造業產業競爭力,提昇整體經濟社會水平。為適應國際化的要求,須持續推動政府管理創新,進一步改善政府的公共服務和涉外經濟管理能力。使義烏在中國大陸和世界小商品批發市場的發展更具重要性。


陳蓉萱 Unknown Date (has links)
MSN Messenger(以下簡稱MSN)為當前電子傳播科技的種類當中,廣受使用者青睞的溝通工具之一。透過這項電腦中介科技,可能衍生的人際互動議題,可謂添加了「人際溝通」這個研究領域的豐富性。本研究鎖定MSN的其中一項功能-「在場訊息」,或稱「線上狀態」,根據使用者運用這項機制的策略,本研究試圖勾勒出因應新傳播科技所發展的溝通型態。 使用者透過在場訊息有機會向他人彰顯本身的「溝通可得性」。這個溝通的可得性同時指涉時間與空間的概念,亦即使用者「在不在?」以及「有沒有空?」根據先驅研究的初步發現,在場訊息讓使用者有探索的自由度;這個自由度植基於科技特有的「符擔性」,因而賦予使用者在限度之內挖掘科技本身的可能性。本研究特別關注的是具有過往互動歷史、由線下衍生到線上的人際關係;這種特性的關係型態在與科技特性交會之後,是否可能誘發人際互動的新視野? 本研究同時採取人際網絡滾雪球法,以及透過網際網路公開招募的方式,總共募集21位受訪者。透過深度訪談的方式,發現在MSN的情境裡,「科技」與「關係」交會之後,在場訊息的功能因而衍生出新的使用意義,從單純表彰個人溝通可得性的工具,成為使用者之間用來衡量或評估人我關係親疏遠近的工具,透過介面特性反覆確認人我對於關係的定義。當這項機制的意義被延伸之後,使用者也產生因應之道,發展相關溝通策略。最後,回應本研究一開始所欲探討的,亦即運用MSN在場訊息對於人際互動的啟發。研究結果顯示,在新的科技中介溝通情境當中,使用者對於自身溝通主動權的看重與掌控。

胡錦濤執政時期外交政策之研究 / A Study of China’s Foreign Policy in Hu Jintao Era

韓原化 Unknown Date (has links)
冷戰結束之後,蘇聯及東歐的共黨政體跨台,中共成為全球最大的共黨國家,不僅需要有個和平的環境,更必須確保和國際社會的友好互動,以避免因為經濟衰退而帶來「和平演變」。後冷戰時期,企圖維持一個有利於中國經濟發展的和平與友好的國際環境,也就成為中共對外政策和國際戰略的基本原則。因此,中共推展全方位的外交政策,其戰略重點:第一是維持並發展與發達國家的合作關係,第二是保持良好的睦鄰關係。也就是與周邊國家和各大國間保持合作及友好的關係,成為中共外交的重點。 中共在外交上是要使其能夠持續經濟發展,進而在追求經濟成長的同時,能融入國際社會,一方面強調扮演國際社會合作者的角色,強調與大國和平互動,另一方面強調中共是愛好和平的角色,以安撫周邊國家,顯示中共的崛起將與周邊國家維持和平互動,三方面宣示中共追求國際社會大國的地位與形象,期盼在國際社會扮演與自己國力相吻合的角色。然而,胡錦濤執政以來,雖然是延續鄧小平及江澤民時期的獨立自主的和平外交政策,但胡錦濤因應國際形勢的變遷而作出調整與變化,提出建設「和諧世界」新思維及採「元首外交」、「經濟外交」、「能源外交」等多元方式及「多邊外交」策略,著重於「推動大國外交」、「推動睦鄰友好政策」、「拓展與發展中國家關係」及「積極參與多邊組織」等政策理念與作為的基礎上,追求融合自主,進而成為一個世界大國,並妥為因應「中國持續崛起的爭議」、「美日對中國的制約」及「台海問題的挑戰」等困境與限制,以獲致一個穩定與友好的國際環境。 隨著中共綜合國力的進一步增長和外交策略的逐漸成熟,中共必將在國際重大事務中發揮更大的影響力及塑造力。中共也將對目前和未來國際格局的形成和變遷產生不可估量的影響。

開放的網路,專制的政體:中國大陸網路發展之政治建構 / Open Internet Vs. Despotical Regime: Political Construction and Internet Development in China

魏澤民, Wei ,Tse-Min Unknown Date (has links)
1980年代以來,國家在資訊化資本主義(Informational capitalism)/數字資本主義(Digtal Capitalism)氛圍的引導下進入資訊科技發展的境界,國家職能與組織建制被導入不斷的調整之中,這都是為了配合資訊化的技術變革所必然做出的改變。環繞著資訊科技發展,對於政治、經濟、乃至於社會生活等,已經由於資訊科技典範的存在,形成了一個網絡(Network)。這個網絡,無固定界限且不斷重組,並對我們傳統理解社會發展的邏輯有著全然不同的影響。網絡化邏輯漸漸成為社會生活的主流趨勢。中國大陸在推動改革開放後,受到資訊化資本主義/數字資本主義氛圍的影響,亦必須放到這個網絡下來觀察,換言之,不再是以傳統的政治取向為主,而是一種融合政治、經濟、社會、文化等各向度的觀察。 本論文使用新制度主義(new-Institutionalism)的研究途徑作為切入點,探討中國大陸網路發展的政治建構,並應用文獻分析法(Document analysis)、內容分析法(Content analysis)、參與觀察法(Particpant observation)等研究方法輔助研究進行。第一,在被解釋項方面,瞭解中國大陸發展網際網路(Internet)的選擇,是因應國際環境發展抑或是改革開放政策所需,從國際環境到中國大陸國內環境來看如何影響中國大陸網際網路發展。第二,找出主要行動者,本研究主要的行動者,是中國大陸網際網路政策制訂者(國家/中國共產黨執政菁英),瞭解中國大陸一黨專政的政府如何制訂網際網路發展政策。第三,分析行動者資源,所謂資源,指的是中共在發展網際網路上的人力,包括國家機關的人員配置、網民的成員數目;物力則包括資訊基礎建設規模;動員能力則包括中共領導能力、管控度,社會運動以及最後的意識型態的合法性。這些資源的變化往往會影響中國大陸網際網路發展過程中制度的建立、維持與衰退。第四,探討行動者之間的關係,從法律層面可以看出中國大陸對網際網路發展的政治建構過程中的影響,藉由這些法規,我們可以見到中國共產黨與人民在網際網路上的制度關係,不過可以進一步討論還包括行動者對這些法規所做出反應?是反抗/遵循。第五,評估這些制度性關係對於被解釋項的影響,當我們從實際行政層面與法律層面瞭解了行動者之間的制度性關係後,就要評估在整個中國大陸網路發展架構之下,國際環境與國內環境對於中國大陸網路發展的政治建構有哪些制度性關係。最後,提出研究發現、研究限制與後續研究建議。 本論文的基本內容,主要由下面六個章節構成: 第一章 導論,首先提出研究假設,就網際網路做為一種媒介力量,運用支配性媒介與多元主義式媒介兩種模式,對中國大陸網路發展所產生離心(Centrifugal)/向心(Centripetal)的情況,區分出四種假設觀點進而提出研究問題。其次,提出新制度主義研究途徑與文獻分析法(Document analysis)、內容分析法(Content analysis)、參與觀察法(Particpant observation)等研究方法,共同建構了理論分析框架。最後針對網路社會研究定義與中國大陸網路發展相關中、英文獻進行檢閱與整理。 第二章 中國大陸資訊化與網際網路之發展與應用。分析指出中國大陸是在經歷文革動亂後,所面對的是以西方資訊化為主導的資本主義體系,是以資訊科技為基礎的加速發展的全球化形勢。並成功由國家主義轉變為由國家所引導的資本主義,並整合進入全球經濟網絡之中。在資訊化浪潮(NII;GII)的帶動下,中國大陸所要推動的資訊化發展戰略,既非西方國家的道路—先工業化再資訊化,也非貿然捨棄工業化直接推動資訊化,而是發揮中國大陸的後發優勢(Advantage of Backwardness),將工業化和資訊化結合起來,推動產業結構的升級,實現國民經濟跨越式發展。因此,網際網路成為中共資訊化發展的重要核心。 第三章 中國大陸網民社會結構分析。依據目前中國大陸官方與民間公認具有權威的網路發展研究中心「中國互聯網絡信息中心」的統計調查報告為基礎,採用的便是1999-2006年間,「中國互聯網絡信息中心」所公布歷次網際網路發展狀況統計調查資料,予以進行比對分析其網民社會規模與網民行為特徵的發展趨勢。 第四章 中共對網際網路的管控。將中共管控網路的原因、原則、體制演變、實際作為與立法條例等予以清楚分析。第一,除資訊流通所導致的負面效應(如色情氾濫、賭博、毒品、散播病毒、詐騙、駭客等)外,中共在政治層面管控網路原因還包括開放的網路資訊(中國大陸內部及國際)傳播與「和平演變」、網路殖民主義的威脅。第二,中共為列寧主義(Leninism)一黨專政的國家,對於網路發展會超越其權限管轄是不容許的。因此在管控原則上,中共對網路管控的總體原則就是積極發展、加強管理、趨利避害、為我所用。第三,中國大陸的網際網路管控體制,基本上與資訊產業發展有關,其演變可分為三個階段:一是1994年以前的實驗時期體制(Experimental Era Regime);二是1994年至1998年的過渡管理體制(Transitional Regulatory Regime);三是1998年經中共九屆全國人大會議,決議裁併原先郵電部及電子工業部而成立信息產業部(Ministry of Information Industry)。第四,在管控網路戰略上,管控網路上流通訊息方法可分為:「非技術性網路監察戰略」(Non-Technological Internet Censorship Strategies)與「技術性網路監察戰略」(Technological Internet Censorship Strategies)兩種。在實際管控網路作為上可分為十二種,包括內部網的管控與過濾軟體的篩檢、防火牆、網路技術軟、硬體控制、國家工作人員對內容進行監控、成立舉報電話與網站、招募網評員引導網上輿論、實施網路實名制、要求國內外科技公司協助管控網路、設置網路警察、對網吧的管制、擴建官方與中文網站、以價制量管控網民瀏覽國外網路資訊、網德宣傳與行業自律等等。第五,中共在網路立法條例中存在著中央統一領導和一定程度分權的,多級並存、多類結合的立法許可權劃分。 第五章 網路興起對中共執政能力的挑戰與影響。首先,分析改革開放以來的中共執政能力弱化的原因,包括社會結構不穩定、社會矛盾問題加深、黨政功能弱化。其次,分析網路傳播對中共執政能力的挑戰,包括網路傳播突破中共管制「輿論一律」與衝擊共黨意識型態的建構。最後,分析網路興起對中共執政下中國大陸民主化的影響,從學界普遍存在的三種論述角度(肯定論、否定論、懷疑論),予以評析。 第六章 結論。第一,在研究發現部分,引用Wei Wu在1996年觀察中國大陸網際網路發展狀況時,曾經提出中國大陸網路發展的七項缺點,進行整體研究的檢證與反思。第二,在研究限制與檢討部分,針對研究文獻蒐集、網路發展的動態與中共政權的封閉性等進行研究限制與檢討的分析。第三,在後續研究建議部分,針對理論分析架構與研究方法的反思,提出後續研究議題與方向的建議。 總體而言,網際網路所呈現出來的虛擬特質與現實政治權力的轉換,在中共這樣一個專制政體中,網路是否可以進一步成為轉換中共一黨專政權力的工具,這在學界的研究中,顯示存在著截然不同的觀點(肯定論、否定論、懷疑論)。不過可以確定的是,網路對於中國大陸的開放、自由化有一定的作用,不過也對中共合法化其執政能力有進一步的幫助。關鍵在於,中國大陸的改革開放是否會持續下去;改革及開放的幅度是否會繼續擴大。可以期待的是,隨著中國大陸改革開放的幅度增大,社會經濟發展進步,當民眾普遍擁有經濟與知識條件上網時,縱使在取得資訊資源所有權上有其困難度,侷限在中共的控制與支配之下,但其實恰好也代表中共管控網路的型態正在逐漸瓦解。筆者相信,中國大陸網路發展將建築在人際關係之上,而並非透過所有權關係被實現,個體將被賦予能力,大陸民眾透過網路的普遍使用,將從中共一黨專政的威權中解放出來,網路將成為加速中國大陸民主化寧靜革命的催化器。 / Since the 1980s, the country has entered the state of IT development with the introduction of Informational Capitalism/ Digital Capitalism and the national function and organizational construction have been led to continuous adjustments. These were the necessary change to comply with informational technique reform. It was surrounded with IT development and for political, economic and social lives, they formed a network because of the existence of IT paragon and the surrounding of IT. The network had no regular boundary and constantly recombined which revealed totally different influence on our traditional logic understanding social development. Network logic gradually became the mainstream in social lives. After facilitating the reform and liberation, China was influenced by the air of Informational capitalism/Digital Capitalism and it must manage the observation under this network. In other words, it was no longer based on traditional political orientation; instead, it was the observation combing the dimensions such as politics, economy, society and culture. This paper used the research channel of neo-Institutionalism as the start to explore the political construction of Internet development in China and employed the research methods such as document analysis, Content analysis and Participant observation to support the study. First of all, as to the explanatory aspects, the paper tried to understand if China’s selection to develop Internet was to respond to international environment development or for the policy of reform and liberation. The paper then explored the influences from the whole international environment to the domestic environment of China on Internet development in China. Secondly, the researcher found out the major actors. The major actors in this research were the Internet policy makers of China (national/the political elite of the Communist Party of China). The paper tried to understand how the one-party dictatorial government of China established Internet development policy. Thirdly, the researcher analyzed the actors’ resources. So-called resources meant the human resource of China for developing Internet, including the human deployment of national institutions and the number of Internet users; material resources included information-based construction scale; mobilization capacity included the ability of Chinese leaders, degree of control, social movement and the legitimacy of ideology. The change of these resources usually would influence the establishment, maintenance and declination of the system during the process of Internet development in China. Fourthly, the paper explored the relations among the actors. From legal aspects, we can realize Chinese influence on the political construction process of Internet development. Through these regulations, we can find out the institutional relation between the Chinese Communists and people on Internet. However, we can further discuss the actors’ reaction to these regulations. Did they rebel against or follow it? Fifthly, the researcher evaluated the influence of these institutional relations on explanatory aspects. After we understand the institutional relations among the actors from the actual administrative and legal aspects, we have to find out the institutional relations between international and domestic environments and political construction of Internet development in China under the framework of Internet development in China. Finally, the researcher proposed the research findings, limitations and suggestions for future studies. The basic content of this paper mainly consists of the following 6 chapters: Chapter Introduction: the researcher initially proposed the hypotheses, by treating Internet as a kind of media and using the models of dominant media and pluralism media upon Centrifugal/Centripetal situations of Internet development in China, allocated four assumption views and further proposed the research questions Secondly, the researcher proposed the research methods such as neo-Institutionalism, document analysis, Content analysis and Participant observation to collectively construct the framework of theoretical analysis. Finally, the researcher reviewed and reorganized the Chinese and English literatures with respect to the research definitions of Internet society and Chinese Internet development. Chapter 2 discusses the development and application of Chinese informationalism and Internet. The analysis indicated that after the Cultural Revolution, China faced the capitalism system based on Western informationalism and it was the accelerated IT-based global trend. China successfully transformed from nationalism into capitalism led by the country and was integrated in the global economic network. Under the wave of informationalism (NII,GII), the informational development strategies facilitated by China was not the way of Western countries—first industrialization and then informationalism and it did not directly promote informationalism and eliminate industrialization; instead, China fulfilled the Late-Developing Advantage and combined industrialization and informationalism to promote the upgrading of industry structure and carry out cross-development of national economy. Thus, Internet became the key of informational development of China. Chapter 3 is the social structure analysis of Chinese Internet users. According to statistical report of the Internet development research center acknowledged by official and private institutions at present, “CNNIC”, the researcher adopted the historical statistical survey data of Internet development announced by “CNNIC” from 1999 to 2006 to compare and analyze the developing trends of social scale and behavioral characteristics of Internet users. Chapter 4 discusses the Chinese control over Internet. The researcher clearly analyzed the reasons, principles of Chinese control of Internet, the development of systems, actual acts and legal regulations First of all, besides the negative effects caused by information flow (such as porno spreading, gambling, drugs, virus spreading, fraud and hackers), the reasons for Chinese to control Internet in political aspect also included liberal Internet information (Mainland China and the world) transmission and peace development and the threat of Internet colonialism. Secondly, China was the country of one-party governance of Leninism and it did not allow the Internet development to go beyond the limit of its authority. Therefore, as to control principle, the overall principles of Chinese control over Internet were active development, management enhancement, approaching benefits and avoiding disadvantages. Thirdly, Chinese Internet control system was basically related to information industry development. The evolution could be divided into three regimes: the first was the Experimental Era Regime before 1994; the second was the Transitional Regulatory Regime from 1994 to 1998; the third was the Ministry of Information Industry established from the original Ministry of Post and Telecommunications and Ministry of Electronics Industry upon the resolution of the 9th Chinese National People’s Congress in 1998. Fourthly, as to control Internet strategies, the message flow methods of control Internet could be allocated into two kinds: “Non-Technological Internet Censorship Strategies” and “Technological Internet Censorship Strategies”. As to actual Internet control, it could be divided into 12 kinds, including Internet network control and the selection of screening software, fire wall, software and hardware control of Internet techniques, national workers’ supervision on content, establishment of report phone call and website, recruitment of Internet critic to lead on-line discussion, practice of on-line name system, requirement on domestic and oversea technology companies to assist with Internet control, installation of Internet police, control over Internet bars, expansion on official and Chinese networks, controlling the Internet users’ browsing on oversea Internet information by prices, Internet morality promotion and self-discipline of industry. Fifthly, there were the lawmaking permission divisions of central unified leading and certain degrees of right division, multi-level co-existence and multiple combinations in Internet regulations. Chapter 5 presents the challenge and influence of the rise of Internet on Chinese governing ability. First of all, the researcher analyzed the reasons of declining governing ability of China since the reform and liberation, including unstable social structure, deeper social contradictory and declining party and the government administration. Secondly, the researcher analyzed the challenge of Internet transmission on Chinese governing ability, including Internet transmission breaking through “public opinion as a whole” of Chinese control and the construction of influencing the ideology of Communist Party. Finally, the researcher analyzed the influence of the rise of Internet on Chinese democratization under Chinese governance and analyzed through three statement angles generally existed in academia (positivie view,negative view and skeptical view ). Chapter 6 is the conclusion: Firstly, as to research findings, the researcher cited Wei Wu’s proposal of 7 disadvantages of Chinese Internet development when he observed the Internet developing situation of China in 1996 to manage the examination and reflection on overall study. Secondly, as to research limitation and review, the researcher managed the analysis of research limitation and review with respect to research literature collection, Internet development and the closeness of Chinese regime. Thirdly, with regard to suggestions for future studies, the researcher proposed the suggestions for future study issues and directions with respect to theoretical analysis framework and reflection of research methods. In the studies of academia, there were totally different views (positivie view, negative view and skeptical view ) with respect to the transformation of virtual characteristics presented by Internet and realistic political power and if Internet can further become the tool to transform Chinese one-party tyrannical power such Chinese tyrannical regime. However, one thing can be sure is that Internet functioned with respect to the liberation of China; nevertheless, it was helpful for China’s legalization of their governing ability. The key is in that if the reform and liberation of China will continue and if the scope will keep on expanding. What we can expect is that with the increase of reform and liberation in China and advancement of social and economic development, the people generally can use Internet under economic and knowledgeable condition and even they have difficulty to acquire the ownership of information resources and are limited to Chinese control and dominance, it also shows that the pattern of Chinese Internet control is breaking down. The writer believes that Internet development of China will be based on impersonal relationships instead of carried out by ownership relationships and the individual will be empowered with capacities. Through the general use of Internet, Chinese people will be liberated from Chinese one-party authority and Internet will become the catalysis accelerating the peaceful revolution of democratization in China.

國民小學教師創新班級經營之研究 / The Study of Innovation Classroom Management for Teachers in Taiwan Elementary School

蘇芳嬅, Su,Fang-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國民小學教師創新班級經營與班級經營效能之間的關係。主要研究目的有五:(一)瞭解國民小學教師創新班級經營及班級經營效能之內涵與現況。(二)瞭解國民小學教師不同背景變項於創新班級經營上之差異情形。(三)瞭解創新班級經營之得分低、中、高三組教師於班級經營效能得分之差異情形。(四)瞭解國民小學教師創新班級經營與班級經營效能之相關情形。(五)瞭解國民小學教師創新班級經營對班級經營效能之預測情形。 本研究採問卷調查法,以宜蘭縣、基隆市、臺北市、臺北縣及桃園縣等北區五縣市之公立國民小學教師為研究對象,使用「國民小學教師創新班級經營量表」及「國民小學教師班級經營效能量表」為研究工具,共計發出問卷1200份,回收875份,有效問卷865份,問卷可用率為72.08%。所蒐集資料以描述統計、t考驗、單因子單變量及多變量變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、典型相關及多元逐步迴歸等方法進行統計分析。本研究主要發現如下: 一、目前國民小學教師創新班級經營表現良好,以「重新思考」表現最佳,而「重新指派」表現相對較弱。 二、目前國民小學教師班級經營效能良好,以「教師教學效能」最佳,而「教室領導技巧」相對較弱。 三、教師人口變項與學校環境變項中,性別、年齡、服務年資、任教年級、學校所在地及學校規模在創新班級經營上有差異性存在;然而,最高學歷在創新班級經營上並未呈現差異性。 四、不同創新班級經營程度之國民小學教師於班級經營效能上具有差異性。 五、國民小學教師之創新班級經營與班級經營效能之間具有中度的正向關聯。 六、國民小學教師之創新班級經營與班級經營效能之間具有顯著的典型相關。 七、國民小學教師之創新班級經營對班級經營效能具有正向的預測作用;其中, 教師「重新定量」作為乃影響其班級經營效能之關鍵因素。 最後,根據上述研究結果提出具體建議,供教育行政機關、國民小學、國民小學教師,以及後續研究參考。 / This study focused on the relationship between teacher’s innovation classroom management and classroom management effectiveness in the elementary school. The main purposes of this study include: 1. Investigating the concept and current circumstance of teacher’s innovation classroom management and classroom management effectiveness. 2. Investigating the differences within teacher’s innovation classroom management of various teacher’s demographic variables and school environment variables. 3. Investigating the differences within classroom management effectiveness of low, middle and high teacher’s innovation classroom management degree. 4. Investigating the correlation between teacher’s innovation classroom management and classroom management effectiveness. 5. Investigating the prediction of teacher’s innovation classroom management on classroom management effectiveness. The study was adopted by questionnaire survey method. The subjects were teachers from public elementary schools in Yi-Lang county, Kee-Lung city, Taipei city, Taipei county, and Tao-Yuang county. The researcher used“The innovation classroom management scale”and “The classroom management effectiveness scale” as instruments. The researcher distributed 1200 questionnaires, retrieved 875 ones, and obtained 865 valid ones. Therefore, the available rate of questionnaires was 72.08%. Acquired data were analyzed by statistical methods including descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, one-way MANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, canonical correlation, and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The main findings were found as follows: 1. The current circumstance of teacher’s innovation classroom management in the elementary school was good. It performed best at “rethink”, but by contrast poorly at “reassign”. 2. The current circumstance of teacher’s classroom management effectiveness in the elementary school was good. It performed best at “teaching effectiveness”, but by contrast poorly at “leadership skills”. 3. There existed significant differences among gender, age, seniority, teaching grade, school location, and school size for teacher’s innovation classroom management, but did not exist significant differences within academic background. 4. There existed significant differences among low, middle, and high-level teacher’s innovation classroom management for teacher’s classroom management effectiveness. 5. There was moderate positive correlation between teacher’s innovation classroom management and classroom management effectiveness. 6. There was a significant canonical correlation between teacher’s innovation classroom management and classroom management effectiveness. 7. Teacher’s innovation classroom management could positively predict classroom management effectiveness. Furthermore, the best predictor for classroom management effectiveness was “reduce”. Eventually, some constructive suggestions based on the results were proposed for the educational administration agencies, teacher education institutions, elementary schools, elementary school teachers, and further research.


高慧容 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探究國民小學師傅校長教導課程與永續領導能力之關係。本研究方法為文獻分析法、問卷調查法及後置訪談及座談法,問卷調查樣本以臺灣地區各縣市公立國民小學校長為研究對象,共1000人,樣本回收732份,回收率達73.2%;樣本可用726份,可用率達72.6%;焦點團體座談係邀請曾經接受過師傅校長教導之現任公立國民小學校長參加。研究工具包含採用之「國民小學師傅校長教導課程調查問卷」、自編之「國民小學校長永續領導能力調查問卷」及「國民小學師傅校長教導課程與永續領導能力座談大綱」。本研究統計方法為描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析、多元逐步迴歸分析、結構方程模式(SEM)分析及內容分析等方法進行分析討論。根據研究結果與分析後歸納之研究結論如下: 一、師傅校長教導課程含瞭解學校、就任校長、推動校務、化解衝突與生涯發展。 二、永續領導能力含深廣學習、分佈領導、社群連結、資源凝聚與延續傳承。 三、師傅校長教導課程的得分程度佳,並以「推動校務」課程得分最高,而「就任校長」課程得分最低。 四、校長永續領導能力的現況得分程度佳,並以「資源凝聚」能力表現最佳,以「深廣學習」能力得分最低。 五、校長背景變項中,性別、最高學歷在師傅校長教導課程看法的差異達顯著水準,但年齡、年資、學校規模、受訓地點、學校區域未達顯著差異。 六、校長背景變項中,年齡、年資、學校規模、學校區域對知覺永續領導能力的差異達顯著水準,但性別、最高學歷、受訓地點未達顯著差異。 七、師傅校長教導課程得分高分組者,在永續領導能力得分顯著優於中、低分組;師傅校長教導課程得分中分組者,在永續領導能力得分顯著優於低分組。 八、師傅校長教導課程與永續領導能力間呈顯著正相關。 九、師傅校長教導課程對永續領導能力具有中度預測力,且以生涯發展課程最具有預測力。 十、師傅校長教導課程對永續領導能力的模式經驗證後適配度佳,具有顯著影響力。 最後,本研究依研究結果分別提出以下建議: 壹、對教育行政機關的建議 一、校長培訓的課程應嵌入師傅校長教導及永續領導能力。 二、校長培訓課程應增加推動校務、生涯發展課程,以及深廣學習、延續傳承、分佈領導能力。 三、應加強小規模學校校長之永續領導能力。 四、擬定師傅校長教導課程之具體大綱及內容。 五、重視師傅校長的遴選、訓練、配對、教導與評鑑。 六、舉辦校長永續領導能力涵養之研習進修活動。 七、統合相關資源,以建置校長資訊提供及發展之網絡。 貳、對國民小學校長的建議 一、建置校長經驗分享平台,以幫助其成長與發展。 二、組成校長專業社群以增進交流、激盪與對話。 三、鼓勵退休或資深優秀校長擔任師傅校長。 四、強化永續領導的觀念,從學校長期發展進行思維。 五、掌握校務發展的持續性及計畫性的變革步調,延續重要計畫。 六、瞭解學校具有長期時間與寬廣空間之影響力。 七、注重專業知能與實踐能力,以持續進修達成自我之提升。 / The main purpose of this research is to study of relationship of principal’s mentoring curriculum and principal’s sustainable leadership in elementary school. The research methods used was literature review, questionnaires investigation, focus group sessions. The research instrument was distributed to 1000 elementary public school principals all over Taiwan and 726 valid samples were used in this study. The data obtained was interpreted using descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffé posteriori comparison, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, Multiple Regression and SEM model through the use of LISREL 8.71, and content analysis. The conclusions drawn from the study were as follows: 1. The principal’s mentoring curriculum includes: understanding the school, taking up the post of a principal, promoting the administrative affairs of schools, dissolving the conflict and career to develop. 2. Sustainable leadership of an elementary school principal includes: deep and broad to study, distributed leadership, community link, getting resources and conservation. 3. The mentoring curriculum “promoting the administrative affairs of schools” rank first and “taking up the post of a principal” rank last. 4. All the elementary principal sustainable leadership abilities received a positive outcome and “getting resources” rank the highest, “deep and broad to study” rank last. 5. The elementary school principal’s background demography sex and education incurred a significant difference with all the mentoring curriculum. 6. The elementary school principal’s background demography age, years in service, school size, and school district incurred a significant difference with all the sustainable leadership abilities. 7. Elementary school principals who got high score on the mentoring curriculum were gotten better score in the sustainable leadership than low and middle ones, who got middle score on the mentoring curriculum were gotten better score in the sustainable leadership than low ones. 8. The mentoring curriculum for an elementary school principal is positively correlated with the sustainable leadership. 9. The mentoring curriculum for an elementary school principal could positively predict. 10. The model of mentoring curriculum to sustainable leadership for an elementary school principal is proper. In the last, based on the research results, the researcher propose some suggestions for “Educational Administrative Agencies” and “principal of elementary schools”, hoping to benefit the of the school principal preparation systems in the future.

外匯市場動能效果分析 / The Analysis of the Momentum Effect in Monthly Currency Market

謝皓雯, Hsieh, Hao Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要研究外匯市場在1983年11月到2014年10月期間是否存在動能效果(momentum effect),並再更深入探討可能造成動能效果的原因。本文以美國投資者的角度,使用62個國家的貨幣,發現在使用較短期的遠期外匯及回顧較近期的歷史報酬作為判斷是否交易的依據,這樣的動能策略可以招致較高且較穩定成長的累積報酬;但是若使用較長天期遠期外匯及以較遠期的歷史報酬判斷,動能策略可能較不顯著,並且累積報酬也較不穩定,甚至在外幣國家發生突發性貨幣危機時,在外匯市場通常會發生反轉效果(reversal effect)。另外也驗證出動能策略的超額報酬很大部分是受到交易成本和即期匯率波動的影響。我們發現國家風險和動能效果平均而言呈現正向關係,流動性風險相較於國家風險對於動能效果的影響性較低。 / We investigate whether momentum effect exist or not in the foreign exchange market. We find, based on a sample of 62 market currencies and view U.S Dollar as based currency, the evidence of higher and more stable momentum excess returns as we apply the short formation and holding period in our momentum strategy portfolios. However, when we apply long formation and holding period in our momentum strategy portfolios, we find less momentum effect and unstable cumulative excess returns, and even in the crisis, we find reversal rather than momentum. Additionally, we provide the evidence that transaction cost and spot rate change is the dominant influence on momentum effect. The relationship between country risk and momentum effect is positive significance and liquidity risk provide less evidence on momentum effect.

從動態能耐分析汽車產業生存法則~以A公司個案為例 / Analyzing Automotive Industry Rule of Survival from The Angle of Dynamic Capabilities

周麗娟, Chou, Jessica Unknown Date (has links)
在有限的資源、人力與時間之內,企業必須立即回應市場。回應的時機、選擇的策略符合,才能進入進階賽繼續在不斷變化的環境下迎戰並回擊。每個企業比喻為一個點,每個企業點的「立基」有大有小,但都有限度。立基面積大可能是贏得上一階賽事的優勢,但下一輪考驗的可能是夠小才能勝出,這時,優勢頓時變弱勢。 進入進階賽中的企業,這一階比的可能是人脈與連結。能在這一輪競賽脫穎而出的靠的可能是將點延伸更遠、可能是將一點變多點、也可能是就近不動卻連結出更大的面。在變動的環境中,選擇最遠、最多或不動的思考與決策天天在上演。在新的戰場上,合作以達到目標,用更快更好的方式進行,用開放與互信的模式取得更多盟友認同,目標不應只是立即獲利的數字,必須著眼長遠的未來。合作其實是另一種模式的競爭,因此,選擇競爭策略的變更時間與力道也讓關係更複雜。 個案A公司從創立至今20餘年,在點的立基上不斷隨著市場的推進或要求而轉變。它經歷了幾次的全球性經濟衰退中洗牌而能站立,或許正因為它的動。它在幾次產業需求變動後仍然站立,也許是因為它的不動。面對下一個賽事,個案A公司能否迅速備戰並且創出下一階更寬廣的優勢? 本研究透過產業的回顧、企業里程碑的反思、自我競爭能耐的分析,企圖驗證動態能耐理論是否能運用於中小企業。藉由理論與實務的對照,個案公司是否能取得更多具參考價值的建議。 / With limited resources, manpower and timing, corporate needs to respond to market rapidly. Only when the respond timing and selected strategy fit to the situation, corporate then is qualified to enter next race. Compare an enterprise to a dot, it can be big or small but founded with limitation. Big size may be the merit to win this battle, but can turn to a weakness in next race. The next race might be about connections. Strategy to win this race may be connecting farther; one dot to multiple dots, or stands still to wave a bigger sphere. Choosing a decision to either move or still is an everyday task. In the new battlefield, cooperation to achieve goal in a faster, better way to proceed. Win more alliances with open and mutual-trust attitude, we need to focus on long-term future than an instant profit figure. Yet, cooperation is just another form of competition. Decision of when to change the competitive strategy and level of the responding force gets complicated. Case A founded 28 years ago. The position it stands on is moving along with the market force. Maybe because of it’s decision to move that made it survived from several global economic crisis. Maybe due to the decision to hold still that allowed it stays. Question is that if case A is capable to react in the next race and even finds more strength? This dissertation attempts to verify if the theory of dynamic capabilities is applicable to general enterprises from retrospect of the automotive industry, introspect of case A milestones, to self-analysis of its competitive capabilities. By Comparing theory to empirical performance, shall case A achieve more valuable suggestions?

國民小學校長空間領導、學校創新經營與學校效能關係之研究 / A Study on Relationship among the Principal Space Leadership, Innovative School Management and School Effectiveness in Taiwan’s Elementary Schools

黃國庭, Huang, Kao Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國民小學校長空間領導、學校創新經營與學校效能之關係,針對校長空間領導、學校創新經營與學校效能進行差異比較、相關與逐步多元迴歸分析,進而驗證三者間的結構方程模式。 首先蒐集、探討國內外相關文獻,作為研究的理論基礎,採用問卷調查法,分層隨機抽取臺北市、新北市、桃園縣公立國民小學1,252位教師為受試者,回收問卷1,172份,有效問卷1,130份,回收率93.61%,可用率96.42%。所得資料以SPSS22.0版及AMOS22.0版統計套裝軟體進行處理,採用獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、積差相關分析、逐步多元迴歸分析與線性結構方程模式等方法進行統計分析,獲致主要結論如下: 一、國民小學校長空間領導、學校創新經營與學校校能的實施現況呈現良好。 二、不同性別、年齡、教育程度、服務年資、現任職務之教師在國民小學校長空間領導、學校創新經營與學校效能具有顯著差異。 三、不同學校規模、學校地區、學校歷史之教師在國民小學校長空間領導、學校創新經營與學校效能具有顯著差異。 四、國民小學校長空間領導、學校創新經營與學校效能三者之間均存在中高度正相關。 五、國民小學校長空間領導、學校創新經營能有效預測學校效能。 六、國民小學校長空間領導、學校創新經營與學校效能的關係結構模式得到驗證支持。國民小學校長空間領導對學校創新經營及學校效能,以及學校創新經營對學校效能的影響有直接效果。 七、學校創新經營具有校長空間領導對學校效能的中介效果。 最後,根據文獻分析、研究結果,提出建議以供教育行政主管機關、國民小學校長及後續研究之參考。 / The purpose of this study is to learn the relationships among the primary school principal space leadership, innovative school management, and school effectiveness. Comparing and analyzing the differences, relationships, and stepwise regression between principal space leadership, innovative management, and school effectiveness, the researcher tries to build and verify a model for these three elements. To build the foundation of the model, the researcher review related literature from all over the world. The researcher applies questionnaire survey and used stratified random sampling method to select target samples from Taipei City, New Taipei City, and Taoyuan County teachers. 1252 questionnaire were issued, 1172 retrieved, and 1130 valid questionnaires. The retrieved rate and availability was 93.61% and 96.42, respectively. SPSS22.0 and AMOS22.0 software as well as independent sample t test, one-way analysis variance, product moment correlation, stepwise regression, and linear structural relations model are conducted as the statistical methods in this study. According to the results, this study has obtained the following conclusions. 1. Primary school principals perform well in space leadership, innovative school management, and school effectiveness. 2. Genders, ages, education levels, teaching experiences, and current positions of sampling teachers show difference on the principal space leadership, innovative school management, and school effectiveness survey. 3. School scales, locations, and history of the sampling teachers show difference on the principal space leadership, innovative school management, and school effectiveness survey. 4. There are mid to high positive correlations between any two of principal space leadership, innovative school management, and school effectiveness. 5. Principal space leadership and innovative school management can be applied to predict school effectiveness. 6. The study’s result supports the relation structural model between principal space leadership, innovative school management, and school effectiveness. 7. Primary school principal space leadership has a direct effect on innovative school management and school effectiveness. Innovative school management also has direct effect on school effectiveness. 8. Innovative school management is a mediation variable for principal space leadership and school effectiveness. Innovative school management has the mediation effect on principal space leadership and school effectiveness. The research findings and suggestions can serve as reference for educational authorities, elementary school principals and subsequent related studies.

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