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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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契約損害賠償預見可能性原則之研究_以1980年聯合國國際商品買賣公約為中心 / Research on Foreseeability Doctrine under the Vienna Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods

林毓棟 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的研究重心為1980年聯合國國際商品買賣契約(以下簡稱CISG)七十四條第二段所規定之「預見可能性原則」。 第二章「預見可能性原則在比較法上的觀察」中整理大陸法系,普通法系及CISG的前身ULIS、國際統一商務契約原理和PECL等以預見可能性原則做為限制賠償責任制度的相關規定和研究成果,做為解釋CISG預見可能性原則的基礎。 第三章「CISG的預見可能性原則」則以CISG七十四條第二段的預見可能性原則規定為中心,分節探討其體系架構、構成要件,例如預見的主體、客體(包含損害的可能性、類型與規模)、判斷的主客觀標準、判斷時點及舉證責任等問題。除了以第二章在比較法上的觀察為解釋的材料以外,也視情況引用聯合國秘書處所提供之一九七八年CISG草案註釋。 第四章「預見可能性原則與我國法之比較分析」整理我國現行契約法上通用的責任限制原則──相當因果關係原則和法規目的原則,再將預見可能性原則與之分別比較分析,從其中觀察到不同的政策背景如何地影響制度的形成並造成彼此的差異。 最後,於第五章「結論」中總結本論文對CISG預見可能性原則及與我國法比較分析後的結論與論文寫作的一點心得。

幼稚園教師合班關係之研究 / A Study for the cooperation relationship of kindergarten teachers in classroom

王慧娟 Unknown Date (has links)
國內過去有關幼稚園教師合班關係之研究,多以個案的方式進行,缺乏大量樣本的研究。因此,本研究以量化的方式,首先調查幼稚園教師合班關係之實際與理想情形;繼而探討不同背景變項幼稚園教師與合班滿意度、教學效能感、工作滿足之關係;最後探討幼稚園教師合班滿意度與教學效能感、工作滿足之關係。   本研究發現:(一)公私立幼稚園的教師合班類型並不相同,公幼以輪流教學為主,私幼以主助教搭配合作為主;但多數公私立幼稚園教師認為,團隊式教學才是理想的合作教學類型。(二)整體幼稚園教師的合班滿意度在六點量表中,為4.74,接近「滿意」程度。(三)公私立幼稚園教師的合班滿意度無顯著差異,但有區域性差異,台北縣市的教師合班滿意度,優於台中縣市與高雄縣市。(四)教師的教學效能感與園所規模、教學年資都有關;一班規模的教師教學效能感顯著較低,年資3年以下的教師教學效能感也較低。(五)合班滿意度與教學效能感呈顯著中度正相關(相關係數 .415, p<.01)。(六)合班滿意度與工作滿足也呈現顯中度著正相關(相關係數 .410. p <.01)。   本研究並根據研究結果提出建議,以提供幼稚園教師、幼稚園經營管理者、政府機關以及未來研究者之參考。 / In the past, the studies for two kindergarten teachers cooperation in one classroom in Taiwan were used to conduct in case study and still insufficient for large and quantitative sample study.Therefore, using quantitative way, this study firstly investigated the practical and ideal situations for two kindergarten teachers cooperation in one classroom.Then, after discussing the relation among kindergarten teachers‘s different background, cooperative satisfaction, teaching efficacy, and job satisfaction, this study discussesd the relation among kindergarten teachers cooperative satisfaction , teaching efficacy, and job satisfaction.   It finds out that: (1) The cooperative type of teachers is various between public and private kindergartens. The major teaching is a week in rotation in public kindergartens while the other teacher as assistance in private kindergartens. In addition, most teachers in both public and private kindergartens believed that the ideal type of cooperative teaching is team work. (2) In six-point scale for satisfaction of the teacher cooperation, the total point is 4.74, closed to the degree of “satisfied”. (3) Teachers‘cooperative satisfaction shows no significant difference between public and private kindergarten, but in region. It’s greater in Taiper city than in Taichung and Kaohsiung city. (4) The teaching efficacy is related to the size of the kindergarten and the teaching experiences. This study shows that the teaching efficacy is lower in schools which have only one class and teachers within three year teaching experience. (5) The cooperative satisfaction and teaching efficacy reveals mid positive correlation (r = .415, p < .01). (6) The cooperative satisfaction and job satisfaction also indicate mid positive correlation (r = .410, p < .01).   According to the findings, this study proposes some suggestions for kindergarten teachers, kindergarten managers , administration, and researchers in the future.

參與過渡性就業之精神障礙者的工作適應與權能感受 / A Study on the Work Adjustment and Empowerment of Persons with Psychiatric Disability Participating in the Transitional Employment Service

黃佳琦, Huang, Chia-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在於瞭解(一)精神障礙者成功適應工作的情形、(二)適應工作期間的權能感受,以及(三)就業服務人員協助其適應工作與增強其權能之策略運用。藉由受訪者回顧參與過渡性就業期間的經驗以瞭解工作適應狀況和權能感受間的關係和影響。研究中以質化之深度訪談法進行資料蒐集,研究參與者的選取主要是來自中華民國康復之友聯盟「台北交誼中心」和「高雄交誼中心」,涵蓋十位精神障礙會員與兩位就業服務人員,並以半結構式的訪談方式進行資料蒐集。本研究結果歸納為以下重點: 一、影響精神障礙者工作適應的因素,主要分為三大層面:個人(就業動機、個人特質與能力、面臨的工作困難、採取的因應方法)、人際(家庭系統與職場系統)、社會環境(會所模式與醫療院所),而三者間具有循環且交互影響的作用。 二、精神障礙者的工作適應情況,則可區分為以下三個指標:外在滿意度(出席狀況、準時、工作主動性、工作專注力、工作配合度、工作效率及雇主評價)、內在滿足(正向感受與負向感受)、以及工作任期,其中他們的外在工作表現多能達到雇主要求,內在滿足則是正向感受遠多於負向感受,而工作任期是綜合外在滿意度與內在滿足的工作適應表現,他們皆能穩定就業,達到工作期滿。 三、精神障礙者的權能感受與工作適應狀況息息相關,而多半展現在個人(能夠接納自己與肯定自我、覺察自我效能、建立正向自我形象、激發正向內在動力、自我增權、能夠自我選擇與決定、覺得與所處的環境有良好的適配度)與人際層面(具備與人溝通的知識和技巧、與他人互動時能肯定自我、能夠與他人形成夥伴關係、得到他人的尊重)。 四、就業服務員是精神障礙者的適應工作職場的支持主力,主要是扮演「先鋒」、「支持」與「後盾」等重要角色;亦是運用多元的增強權能策略提升其權能感受之關鍵人物。 五、依據精神障礙者的工作適應與權能感受型態區分為四大取向,分別為「內外權能展現取向」、「內在權能增強取向」、「外在支持調適取向」、「懷才不遇取向」。依循四取向之脈絡,筆者延伸發展出最為理想之核心類屬,即「內外權能實現取向」。 依據研究發現,筆者針對工作適應之關鍵角色--就業服務員提出下列幾點建議(一)對精神障礙者之個人處遇策略:增加精神障礙會員的社交能力、運用更多元的增強權能策略來激發復元因子;(二)催化雇主對精神障礙會員之認識與接納;(三)強化會所過渡性就業與就業職場間的連結;(四)建立友善且接納的社會環境。本研究結果分析與研究限制皆於文中提出說明,提供未來相關研究與實務之參考。 / The study explored the states of persons with psychiatric disability succeeding in work adjustment and empowerment during the Transitional Employment service, and the strategy that employment service staffs adopted to help psychiatric disabilities to adapt their jobs and empower them. Through the survey participants’experiences during the period of participating in the transitional employment service, the study attempted to find out the relationship between work adjustment and empowerment. Qualitative method of the profound experiences was utilized to collect data. The survey participants included 10 persons with psychiatric disability and 2 employment service staffs. All of them were selected from TAMI (The Alliance for the Mentally Ill of R.O.C.,Taiwan) and interviewed by using semi-structured interviewing method. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1.The factors that affected the work adjustment of persons with psychiatric disability were divided into three perspectives:individual (employment motivations, personal characteristic and capability, difficulties encountered at work, and the coping strategies), interpersonal (family and workplaces system) and social environment (the clubhouse and hospitals). Moreover, the three levels of factors had interactive impact on the subjects. 2.The state of psychiatric disability’s work adjustment was divided into three aspects:satisfactoriness (attendance, punctuality, positiveness, concentration, cooperation, working efficiency, and evaluation from the employers), satisfaction (positive and negative feelings),and tenure. For the most part, their performance at work could fulfill the employer’s requests, they have much more positive feelings than negative ones, and as the tenure, which was an integrated performance of both satisfactoriness and satisfaction, they were able to work steadily until the tenure expired. 3.To extend the psychiatric disability’s work adjustment and performance above, the empowerment of persons with psychiatric disability almost revealed itself at both individual (their capabilities to accept and approve of themselves, to perceive self-efficacy, to establish positive image, to stir positive internal motivation, to empower themselves, to make choices and decisions, and to fit the environment) and interpersonal (to possess the knowledge and techniques to communicate with others , to approve themselves while interacting with others, to build up partnership, and to obtain others’ respect) aspect. 4.Employment service staffs played an important role in supporting the psychiatric disability’s work adjustment at workspaces. For the most part, they served as pioneers, supporters, and backing; meanwhile, they were the key persons that adopted multiple strategies to empower the subjects. 5.Based on the states of work adjustment and empowerment, the subjects were categorized into four major types of orientation. Overall, the core category of the subjects extracted was “demonstration of internal and external power”. According to the findings, the investigator brought up some suggestions: 1.The treatment of psychiatric disability’s individual situation:improve psychiatric disability members’ ability to establish interpersonal relationship and adopt multiple empowerment strategies to stimulate resilience. 2.Encourage employers to understand and accept the psychiatric disability members. 3.Strengthen the connection between the Transitional Employment service of the clubhouse and workspaces. 4.Establish a friendly and acceptable social environment. The analysis and restriction of the study was brought up in the article, providing references to future related study and practice.


陳威伶 Unknown Date (has links)
電影屬於服務的一種,具有抽象與體驗消費的特性,因此,消費者在親自觀賞之前很難評估一部電影的品質為何。為了減少購買風險,他們會盡量尋找參考資訊或與其他消費者交流來增加了解程度,以協助其進行購買決策。其中,又因口碑為消費者之間一種非商業化、非正式的溝通,多為消費者個人的經驗分享,較一般公司網站與商業廣告更為公正客觀,也更容易獲得信任,在電影行銷的過程中扮演非常重要的角色。 不同於過去的研究,本研究依據「深思熟慮可能性模式」將口碑依其內容分為中央與周邊線索口碑資訊,再加入消費者的「涉入程度」與「口碑信任度」為調節變數,分別探討它們對於消費者態度的影響。 經兩次前測後發放正式問卷,共回收233份有效問卷,主要研究發現如下: 1.中央與周邊線索口碑資訊皆會顯著且正向影響消費者的態度。 2.消費者涉入程度的調節效果相當有限,但其本身對消費者態度即具有非常大的影響力。 3.口碑來源信任度對中央線索口碑資訊與態度之間的關係具有強化的作用,但反而會減弱周邊線索口碑資訊對態度的影響力。

宜蘭縣國民中小學校長科技領導、教師資訊科技素養與教師教學效能關係之研究 / A study of the relationships among principals’technology leadership, teachers’information technology literacy and teachers’teaching efficiency of junior high and elementary schools in Yilan County

施宏杰, Shih, Hong Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討有關宜蘭縣國民中、小學校長科技領導、教師資訊科技素養與教師教學效能的現況,並分別針對教師個人背景變項與學校環境變項在校長科技領導、教師資訊科技素養與教師教學效能的差異情形加以探討,再加以分析三者相關情形,最後則探討其線性關係。 本研究採問卷調查法,以宜蘭縣公立國中、小教師為研究對象,利用「國中、小校長科技領導、教師資訊科技素養及教師教學效能」線上問卷進行調查,抽取92所國民中、小學579位編制內教師為樣本。將蒐集的資料以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關分析及結構方程模式等統計方法進行分析。研究結果如下: 一、宜蘭縣公立國民中、小學教師知覺校長科技領導現況是屬於中上程度。 二、教師知覺校長科技領導會因年齡、擔任職務、學校類別與學校所在地不同,而有顯著差異。 三、宜蘭縣公立國民中、小學教師資訊科技素養現況是屬於中高程度。 四、教師資訊科技素養會因年齡、教育程度、擔任職務與學校類別不同,而有顯著差異。 五、宜蘭縣公立國民中、小學教師教學效能現況是屬於中高程度。 六、教師教學效能會因性別、年齡、任教科目與學校類別不同,而有顯著差異。 七、校長科技領導、教師資訊科技素養與教學效能之間有顯著正相關。 八、校長科技領導與教師資訊科技素養能影響教師教學效能。 依據上述研究結論,對學校行政領導與教學及未來研究者,提出具體建議。 關鍵詞:科技領導、資訊科技素養、教學效能 / This study aimed to explore the current condition of Yilan County public junior high school and elementary school principals’ technology leadership, teachers’ information technology literacy and teachers’ teaching efficiency, and aimed at discussing each individual teacher’s background variables and school environmental variables under the differences of principals’ technology leadership, teachers’ information technology literacy and teachers’ teaching efficiency, and I further analyzed the relationships of these three, then finally, to explore the linear relationship. In this study, I adapted a questionnaire survey method, using Yilan County public junior high school and elementary school teachers as studying object. I applied the “Principals’ Technology Leadership, Teachers’ Information Technology Literacy and Teachers’ Teaching Efficiency Questionnaire” as the online questionnaire to survey samples from 92 junior high schools and elementary schools’ 579 certified teachers. After data collected, I used descriptive statistics, t test, one way analysis of variance, Pearson product-moment correlation analysis and structural equation models for analysis. The results of research are as follows: 1. Current Yilan County public junior high school and elementary school teacher’s perception on principals’ technology leadership is above average. 2. Teacher’s perception on principals’ technology leadership differs significantly because of the age, position, type of school and school location. 3. Yilan County junior high school and elementary school teachers’ information technology literacy is high. 4. Teachers’ information technology literacy differs significantly because of age, education level, position and type of schools. 5. Current Yilan County junior high school and elementary school teachers’ teaching efficiency is high. 6. Teachers’ teaching efficiency differs significantly by gender, age, teaching subjects and type of schools. 7. There is a significant positive correlation between principals’ technology leadership, teachers’ information technology literacy and teachers’ teaching efficiency. 8. Principals’ technology leadership and teachers’ information technology literacy influence teachers’ teaching efficiency. Based on the above research conclusions I submitted specific recommendations on school administration leadership, teaching and future researchers. Keywords: technology leadership, information technology literacy, teaching efficiency

影響臺灣學生自律學習的因素:TEPS資料的縱貫性分析 / The impact of self-regulation learning on taiwan student: longitudinal analysis of TEPS data

趙珮晴 Unknown Date (has links)
課後學生自主的時間能否自己自律繼續學習,是值得關注的議題。本研究欲瞭解學生從國中到高中自律學習發展情況,以台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫的2939追蹤樣本,進行潛在成長曲線模型分析,結果發現: (1)兩性學生從國中到高中的自律學習發展並無顯著差異。 (2)台灣學生從國中到高中的自律學習呈現遞增狀況。 (3)國中高自律學習的學生到高中的自律學習成長有限;而國中低自律學習的學生到高中自律學習成長幅度較大。 (4)學生家庭社經地位越高、父母學校參與和接納的程度越高,學生國中時期的自律學習情況會越好;但是學生家庭社經地位越高、父母學校參與程度越高,對於學生國中到高中自律學習成長有限,至於父母接納則無顯著影響關係 (5)國中自律學習良好的學生,有較良好的分析能力;但是高中學生的自律學習無法有效預測其分析能力。 依據上述研究結果將提出相關結論與建議以供參考。

桃園縣國民小學教師知識管理、教學資訊素養與教學效能關係之研究 / A study on relationship among teachers’ knowledge management, teaching information literacy and the teaching effectiveness of the elementary schools in Taoyuan County.

官振良, Kuan, Chen Liang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的,在探討桃園縣國民小學教師知識管理、教學資訊素養與教學效能之關係。研究採問卷調查法進行,以98學年度桃園縣國民小學教師為研究對象,各校依班級數多寡,選取6至20位教師進行問卷調查,總計發出問卷601份,回收問卷556份,可用問卷547份,問卷回收率92.5%。所得資料輸入電腦,以SPSS for Windows 17.0版統計套裝軟體進行分析。採用平均數、標準差、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關分析、多元逐步迴歸分析等統計法加以處理,獲致如下之結論: 壹、桃園縣國民小學教師知識管理、教學資訊素養與教學效能現況皆達中上程度。 貳、桃園縣國民小學教師知識管理整體受性別、職務及最高學歷影響而有所差異;教師教學資訊素養整體受性別、年齡、職務、最高學歷及IC3資訊認證影響而有所差異;教師教學效能整體受職務及最高學歷影響而有所差異。 參、桃園縣國小教師知識管理、教學資訊素養與教學效能三者間具有顯著正相關。 肆、桃園縣國小教師知識管理各層面對教學效能的預測力,以「知識的內化與應用」為最佳預測變項。 伍、桃園縣國小教師教學資訊素養各層面對教學效能的預測力,以「應用資訊科技輔助教學活動」為最佳預測變項。 依據本研究之結論,提出以下列之建議: 陸、對國小教師之建議 一、重視自身專業知能,終身學習自我提昇 二、成立教師專業社群,建立分享對話文化 三、實施資訊融入教學,強化學生學習動機 四、建立個人知識平台,累積豐富教學資源 伍、參與專業發展評鑑,增進教師教學效能 柒、對學校及教育行政機關之建議 一、培養教師資訊能力,配套資訊檢測效能 二、擴大資訊認證範圍,提昇實質教學效能 三、補助教師資訊設備,鼓勵知識數位化管理 四、辦理知識管理研習,提昇知識管理知能 五、建立職務輪調機制,參與學校行政工作 / The purpose of this research is to explore the relationship among teachers’ knowledge management, teaching information literacy and the teaching effectiveness of the elementary schools in Taoyuan County. The research was conducted through questionnaire survey. The participants were the teachers in Taoyuan elementary schools in academic year 2010. 6 to 20 teachers were selected from each school based on the class number of the schools. 601 questionnaires were issued, and a total of 556 questionnaires were collected from all the target schools, with the rate of retrieval, 92.5%. 547 copies were valid samples. The research data acquired was processed by SPSS for Windows 17.0 version and analyzed with average mean, standard deviation, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis. Based on the results, the following conclusions were reached: 1. The current level of teachers’ knowledge management, teaching information literacy and the teaching effectiveness conducted by the teachers elementary schools scores “Upper-high” in performance. 2. The difference in knowledge management among conducted teachers arises from sex, position and education background. The teaching efficacy conducted by teachers differs , subject to sex, age, position, education background and IC3 certification. The teaching effectiveness conducted by teachers has difference., subject to position and education background. 3. There are significant positive correlations among teachers’ knowledge management, teaching information literacy and the teaching effectiveness. 4. “Knowledge internalization and application” plays the strongest variable to enhance the prediction of teachers’ knowledge management on teaching effectiveness. 5. “Information and technology application on teaching activity” is the best variable to strengthen the predictions of teachers’ teaching information literacy on teaching effectiveness. 6. Suggestions for teachers: (1)Value self professional knowledge. Lifelong learning contributes self improvement. (2)Establish teachers’ professional communities. Create sharing cultures for mutual dialogues. (3)Integrate information technology into teaching. Strengthen pupils’ learning motivation. (4)Set up personal knowledge platform. Accumulate fruitful teaching resources. (5)Participate in the assessment of professional development. Enhance teaching effectiveness. 7. Recommendations on school and education administration institutes (1)Cultivate teachers’ information capabilities packaging with certificate verifying system. (2)Enlarge the range of information technology certification to enhance factual teaching effectiveness. (3)Subsidize teachers’ information technology equipment. Encourage digitalized management in knowledge. (4)Hold seminars for knowledge management to improve efficiency and effectiveness. (5)Devise job rotational mechanism to take part in school administrative tasks.

步出校門,踏上紅地毯--台灣女性離開教育場域後的初婚可能性 / The probability of women's first marriage after finishing the education

楊立偉 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究欲以存活分析方式了解女性在結束最高學歷後,逐年進入初婚的可能性。台灣女性的初婚狀況在1980年後,逐漸由普遍成婚轉為遲婚、甚至不婚,尤其以高等教育女性的晚婚現象最為嚴重。一般來說,年輕的在學女性由於尚未具備獨立成家的經濟能力,進入初婚的比例相當的低。因此要等到結束最高學歷後才會進入初婚市場、考慮進入初婚。然而女性的初婚可能性會受到年齡帶來的社會規範與壓力影響,年齡越長,潛在的結婚對象也就越少,進入初婚的可能性越低。本研究想了解因為就學延後結束最高學歷年齡,而延遲進入初婚市場年齡的女性,她們的初婚可能性會有什麼變化?初婚可能性的年齡模式又是如何?透過存活分析,本研究結果發現:一、初婚可能性的分布形狀主要受到年齡影響,不同教育程度的分布形狀沒有明顯差異。二、進入初婚的年齡受到結束最高學歷時的年齡影響,結束最高學歷的年齡越晚,越晚進入初婚。三、受高等教育的女性在剛結束最高學歷教育後三年間進入婚姻的可能性,較未受高等教育的女性高。四、不論何種教育程度,初婚可能性將於30歲左右一致地下降,顯示女性進入初婚的可能性仍受到適婚年齡的限制。五、越晚近出生的女性,初婚可能性越低。最晚近出生的女性,初婚可能性不論教育程度呈現普遍皆低的狀態。 / This study foucuses on the women who were born in 1960-1980 in Taiwan and demonstrates the probability of these women's first marriage after finishing their highest educational degrees. In Taiwan, after 1980, women's marital status gradually changes from general married become delayed, or even not married. The marital situations of women who have higher education are in particular serious. Because young women in the school do not have independent economic ability, they do not consider entering first marriage untill they have completed highest educational degrees. However, due to the age norm and social pressure, women's probability of entering into first marriage will decline when they grow older. This study intends to figure out what the probabilitiy of women's first marriage is when they delay the timing of entering into the marriage market due to prolonging the years of education. Through survival analysis, this study found that: First, women's age determines the main shape of the probability distribution of the age at first marriage no matter what educational degrees they have. Second, women's age at first marriage is mainly affected by the age of her finishing highest education. Third, the probability of first marriage of the women who have higher educational degrees is higher than the others in the first five years after finishing education. Fourth, no matter what level of educational degrees, the hazard rate of entering into first marriage will decline rapidly after 30-year-old. Fifth, the more recent birth cohort is the lower the probability of first marriage no mater what educational degrees they have.

新竹地區國民中學學校創新經營、教師組織公民行為與學校效能關係之研究 / A study on relationships between school innovative management and teacher’s organizational citizenship behavior and school effectiveness of junior high schools in Hsin Chu County and Hsin Chu City

李玉美, Lee, Yu Mei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討新竹地區(新竹縣、市)國民中學學校創新經營、組織公民行為與學校效能之關係。研究採調查研究法,共計抽樣25所學校,發出 650 份問卷,回收 560 份有效問卷,回收率為 86%。資料處理分別以描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、積差相關、迴歸分析等統計方法進行統計分析。 本研究獲致下列之結論: 一、國中教師對整體學校創新經營現況知覺程度為中上,其中以「資訊科 技創新經營」感受最佳,「外部環境創新經營」則仍有待努力。 二、國中教師對整體組織公民行為之現況感受為中上程度,其中以「不爭 利營私」最受重視,「認同組織」則有待加強。 三、國民中學整體學校效能的現況尚稱良好,其中以「教師專業成長」最 受重視,「社區認同支持」則有加強的空間。 四、「學校歷史」是影響學校創新經營、組織公民行為與學校效能的重要 背景變項,創校10以內的學校表現較佳。 五、「性別」是影響學校創新經營、組織公民行為與學校效能的重要背景 變項,男性普遍高於女性。 六、「年資」是影響學校創新經營、組織公民行為與學校效能的重要背景 變項,新進5年以內的教師表現較佳。 七、「學歷」是影響學校創新經營、組織公民行為與學校效能的重要背景 變項,一般大學畢業的教師表現普遍較高。 八、「職務」是影響組織公民行為與學校效能的重要背景變項,兼任行政 教師普遍較高。 九、「年齡」是影響組織公民行為的重要背景變項,41歲以上的教師表現 普遍較佳。 十、國中學校創新經營的情況愈佳,教師組織公民行為的情形也愈佳。 十一、國中學校創新經營的情況愈高,則學校效能愈佳。 十二、國中教師組織公民行為愈高,則學校效能也愈佳。 十三、學校創新經營對學校效能具有預測力,而且以行政管理最具預測力 十四、組織公民行為對學校效能具有預測力,而且以認同組織最具預測力 十五、學校創新經營與組織公民行為對學校效能具有預測力,且以分層面 「行政管理創新經營」的預測力最佳。 依據研究之結論,研究者提出具體建議,以供學校及教育行政機關後續提昇學校效能之可行做法,以及未來相關研究之參考。 一、強化資訊網路系統、鼓勵知識分享,以提升學校效能。 二、營造和諧的校園氣氛,公開表揚教師的組織公民行為。 三、重視教師專業成長,確保學校效能的展現。 四、肯定女性教師,提供更多校務參與機會。 五、鼓勵教師參與行政工作,深度認識加強認同。 六、鼓勵勇於創新與改變,營造正向的創新校園。 七、加強教師組織公民行為,對學校的認同,以提昇學校效能。 八、加強與社區互動,爭取社區成員的認同支持。 / The purpose of this study is to explore the relationships between school innovative management and teacher’s organizational citizenship behavior and school effectiveness of junior high schools in Hsin Chu County and Hsin Chu City. Questionnaire survey method is adopted. The samples include 25 schools and 650 questionnaires were distributed. There were 560 valid questionnaires used finally in the statistic analysis and the usable rate is 86%. All data collected were analyzed by the methods of descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation, Multiple regression etc. The conclusions are as follows: 1.The current states of school innovative management in junior high school are good. Comparing all dimensions, “information and technology ” is the best; “exterior relationship” is the worst. 2.The whole performance of teacher’s organizational citizenship behavior is good. Among the sectional scores, “the dimension of non-benefit-orientated” is the highest. 3.School effectiveness shows medium-high level, especially “the professional development of teachers.” 4.The “school history” is the most important environment factor to affect school innovative management and teacher’s organizational citizenship behavior. 5.The “gender” is the most important background factor to affect school innovative management, teacher’s organizational citizenship behavior and school effectiveness. 6.The “years of service in education” is the most important background factor to affect school innovative management, teacher’s organizational citizenship behavior and school effectiveness. 7.The “highest of educational diploma” is the most important background factor to affect school innovative management, teacher’s organizational citizenship behavior and school effectiveness. 8.The “position of teacher” is the most important background factor to affect teacher’s organizational citizenship behavior and school effectiveness. 9.The “age” is the most important background factor to affect teacher’s organizational citizenship behavior. 10. The better the school innovative management will be, the more the teacher’s organizational citizenship behavior will be. 11.The higher the level of school innovative management is, the higher level of school effectiveness will be. 12. The more the organizational citizenship behavior will be, the higher the school effectiveness will be. 13. The school innovative management can predict the school effectiveness, and “administration and management” is the primary predictable variable. 14. The teacher’s organizational citizenship behavior can predict the school effectiveness, and “the identifying oneself with the organization” is the primary predictable variable. 15. The school innovative management and the teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior can predict the school effectiveness, and “administration and management” is the primary predictable variable. Findings and conclusion in this research could be used as a reference for sahool,board of education and researchers to promote practice in operation and future research.

桃園縣國中藝術與人文領域教師資訊素養與教學效能之關係研究 / A study on the relationship between teachers’ information literacy and teaching effectiveness in the field of arts and humanities at junior high schools in Taoyuan County

莊明宜, Juang, Ming Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解桃園縣國中藝術與人文教師資訊素養與教學效能的關係,主要探討不同背景變項、環境變項之桃園縣國中藝術與人文教師,在資訊素養與教學效能的差異情形。 本研究之研究對象,乃以桃園縣國中藝術與人文教師為主,抽樣34 所公立國民中學189 位教師,調查結果以平均數、標準差、t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、薛菲事後多重比較法、皮爾遜積差相關、多元迴歸等統計方法,進行資料處理分析,獲致下列結論: 一、藝術與人文教學資訊素養與教學效能整體是屬於「中高」程度的表現。 二、藝術與人文教師教學資訊素養因教師背景變項不同而有顯著差異。 三、藝術與人文教師教學效能因教師背景變項不同而有顯著差異。 四、教師教學資訊素養及教學效能各層面具有高度正相關。 五、教師教學資訊素養愈高,其教學效能愈佳。 六、藝術與人文教師教學資訊素養對教學效能整體與各層面具有高度的解釋 力。 七、 教師教學資訊素養對教學效能整體及各層面具有主要的預測作用。 關鍵字:藝術與人文領域,資訊素養,教學效能。 / This research explored the relationship of information literacy and teaching effectiveness, and analyzed the differences of information literacy and teaching effectiveness among the field of Arts and Humanities teachers in junior high schools in Taoyuan by different background and environment factors. The samples of this study are 189 teachers of 34 junior high schools locating in the Taoyuan city. The results are analyzed by means, standard deviations,frequency, t-test, one-way ANOVA, pearson’sproduct-moment correlation, Scheffé method , multiple stepwise egression analysis. The results are as follows: 1. The Arts and Humanities teachers have above average scores on information literacy and on teaching effectiveness. 2 The Arts and Humanities teachers’ teaching- information literacy is noticeable differentiated by the varied cause of teacher individual variables. 3. The Arts and Humanities teachers’ teaching effectiveness is noticeable differentiated by the varied cause of teacher individual variables. 4.There are high positive correlation between the whole and every dimension ofteachers’ teaching- information literacy and the ones of teaching ffectiveness. 5.The higher the teacher’ teaching- information literacy, the better the teaching effectiveness. 6. The Arts and Humanities teachers’ teaching- information literacy has higher explanation of the whole and every dimension of teaching efectiveness. 7.The teacher’ teaching information literacy can make prediction of the whole teaching effectiveness. Keywords: the field of Arts and Humanities, information literacy, teaching effectiveness.

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