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大学連携講座 「学びの社・学術コース」(IV.大学連携講座「学びの社」)藤田, 高弘, FUJITA, Takahiro 30 November 2006 (has links)
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兩岸文化交流與兩岸文化協議之可行性研究 (2008-2015) / Feasibility study of cross-strait cultural exchanges and cross-strait cultural agreement(2008-2015)余肇哲 Unknown Date (has links)
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知識管理對企業生產流程效能影響之研究:以半導體產業為例 / A Study of the Influence of Knowledge Management on Corporate Production Efficiency: the Semiconductor Industry as an Example溫柏蒼, Wen, Po Tsang Unknown Date (has links)
研究發現,半導體企業在削減變更成本、降低產品報廢率及重工率、產能擴充時間縮短、產品精密度與複雜度、以及彈性生產組態等生產流程效能上,都與知識管理中的知識管理策略、知識管理工具、知識管理網絡架構、以及知識管理流程有顯著的連結。知識管理策略與知識管理工具確實對半導體企業在削減變更成本、降低產品報廢率及重工率、產品精密度與複雜度、以及產能擴充時間縮短上,有顯著的效能表現 / The epoch knowledge economies bring high competitiveness in business market, and as well as stimulate the importance of information qualities and knowledge capacity. To face global economic developments and the transformation of industry, knowledge management thus has become the basic measure to improve the effectiveness of the developments of company.
Evidently that knowledge management has been proved for the advantage of traditional industry in the effectiveness of production process, semiconductor industry however needs more verifications. The study hence is to scrutinize the connectedness between knowledge management and the effectiveness of production process in semiconductor industry.
The study revealed that the overall effectiveness of production process indeed was correlated with the adoption of knowledge management system, and in detail, the strategies of knowledge management and the tools of knowledge management would enhance the effectiveness of production process in semiconductor industry.
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於區塊鏈數位生態系統的設計中透過賦權促進利害關係人的集體貢獻度 / Applying Empowerment Strategy to Facilitate Collective Commitment toward Shared Goal of Stakeholders within a Blockchain-based Digital Ecosystem Design郭閎中 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以賦權理論的觀點去檢視這些議題,並提出方法論來解決改善這些議題,期望能夠加速輔助創業家或服務設計者建立去中心化生態系統的過程,並且讓每位利害關係人認知整個生態系統的共同的目標,進一步的為之作出貢獻,達到能力和資源的綜效。 / Blockchain, a de-centralized infrastructure which can breed many kinds of disruptive applications, is a promising platform for next generation digital ecosystems. All applications built upon blockchain benefits multiple advantages, including transactions manageability, scalability, security, visibility, affordability, high availability, etc.
However, stakeholder management in blockchain-based businesses will become a very challenging issue for entrepreneurs to deal with their de-centralize characteristics. Without the management and enforcement of a central party, creating collective efficacy and achieving collective commitment among all stakeholders will be crucial for these entrepreneurs.
This research adopts the empowerment perspective to propose a method to solve this issue and facilitate the design of a blockchain ecosystem toward collective efficacy. The method can be divided into three parts. The first is to analyze and collect necessary data from the source of business logic in the context of blockchain smart contract. The second is to utilize these data and liquefy the resources available in the current ecosystem so that the stakeholders can empower each other without the support of central party. The third is to measure the degree of collective efficacy and collective commitment in the ecosystem design in order to identify the effectiveness of our empowerment method.
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IFITM基因剔除鼠之下視丘功能之缺失研究 / Study of hypothalamus dysfunctions in IfitmDel mutant mice林万焜, Lin, Wan-Kun Unknown Date (has links)
Ifitm基因是一群可被干擾素刺激表現的基因,目前已知這些基因參與細胞對病毒的防禦,然而其生化特性及這些基因參與的其他生物功能並不清楚。將這些基因敲除後小鼠會產生過度攝食的行為並會造成肥胖,同時在下視丘中黑皮質素的前驅物POMC的表現量顯著降低,此發現表明破壞Ifitm基因可導致下視丘功能被破壞。然而由於代謝的調控並非只由下視丘控制,Ifitm基因是否直接參與下視丘的功能並不清楚。本研究卽是在探討Ifitm基因是否在下視丘的功能中扮演重要的角色。我們首先透過與下視丘功能有關的行為分析測試是否有其他下視丘功能被破壞的證據。我們發現在IFITM基因剔除公鼠,3-6個月開始出現過度攝食的行為與體重明顯增加;然而IFITM基因剔除母鼠在18個月後才出現同樣的表現型。IFITM基因剔除公鼠,在OFT與FST的行為測試中行動力下降,IFITM基因剔除母鼠卻有較多的活動;在公鼠與母鼠中焦慮均顯著增加。我們進一步測試這些剔除鼠的下視丘組織及神經胜肽的表現,在組織分析中並沒有發現組織結構異常。在神經胜肽的分析中IFITM基因剔除鼠的CRF的表現量增加,與IFITM基因剔除鼠的焦慮行為顯示相同趨勢。POMC表現的減少與CRF表現的上升顯示下視丘的功能紊亂。我們同時發現IFITM基因剔除鼠中微膠細胞數增加,以及位於下視丘的細胞本體的體積增加。另外IFITM基因剔除鼠中的細胞激素TNF-α與IL-1β在周邊血清中的增加表明此剔除鼠的下視丘產生發炎。本研究發現剔除IFITM基因會造成多項下視丘功能受到影響,並發現此突變鼠有下視丘發炎的現象。此下視丘發炎是否為下視丘功能破壞的主因,及IFITM基因剔除鼠的下視丘功能異常的細胞分子機制將會進一步被分析。 / Ifitm genes are a group of interferon-inducible genes, best known for their antiviral roles. Their biological functions other than cellular antivirus and the biochemical properties of these proteins are not well-understand. Previously age-dependent hyperphagia and obesity were reported in IfitmDel mutant mice, in which 5 Ifitm genes were deleted. The levels of pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) in hypothalamus of these mice were significantly reduced, suggesting that the hyperphagia phenotype of IfitmDel mutants is caused by defective central melanocortin signaling. In this study, we examine whether the hypothalamic dysfunctions are developed in these mutants. Whether hypothalamus associated behaviors are disrupted in IfitmDel mutants was first examined. We discovered that the hyperphagia and obesity phenotype in IfitmDel mutants are gender-dependent. These phenotypes in male mutants are detectable starting from 4-6 months of age, but not detected until one-year old in female mutants. Male mutants reveal the trends of decreased activities, while female mutants exhibit increased locomotor activity. Both gender develop anxiety-like phenotype. The behavioral abnormalities support the hypothesis of hypothalamic dysfunctions. As the Ifitm genes are expressed in various stage during development, the anatomy and the functions of the hypothalamus of these mutants were further tested. The histological analyses show no anatomical defects, neuron count differences and morphological alterations of neurons in IfitmDel mutant brains of both genders. These results indicate that these proteins are rather crucial for maintaining normal physiology in the developed central nervous system (CNS). The expression levels of neuropeptides related to stress response and anxiety or depression status, such as corticotrophin releasing factor (CRF), are altered in mutant hypothalamus. In contrast, Cell count and cell body size of microglia, whereas sera levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, including TNF-α and IL-1β are elevated in IfitmDel mice, indicating hypothalamic inflammation and microglial activation phenotypes. The cellular mechanisms underlying the hypothalamic dysfunctions and the causative relationship of the hypothalamic inflammation with these phenotypes shall be further explored in the future studies.
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核能廢物公共行政管理方面的「科學-技術-社會(STS)」網絡:台灣與加拿大的必較研究 / Science Technology Society (STS) Networks in the Public Management of Nuclear Waste: a Comparative Study of Taiwan & Canada阿瑪托, Amato Unknown Date (has links)
On the current state of material distribution of renewable energy plans for development combined with the alternative uses of innovative technologies, there have been multilateral institutional partnerships regulating the actual distribution of nuclear energy programs through the PPPs, which have maintained a primarily scientific role while attracting international attention.
In addition, the specific combination of scientific knowledge and technology transfers associated with public-private regulatory spheres has led to a common co-evolution of essential development characteristics, which have been intertwined with public environmental programs and resulting activities referring to the nuclear risk management of nuclear power plants NPPs, and to the formulation of participatory protection mechanisms.
In this study, I analyze the comparative institutional status of nuclear energy models in industrial transition stages with waste disposal systems which have been based in Canada and Taiwan. The research focus in this dissertation has been placed over the practical need to identify the adaptive policy approaches in governance leading to local territorial interactions interrelated with a contemporary escalation of environmental technology issues, associated with public-private partnerships (PPPs), especially in terms of operability of STS transfers (science, technology, and societies) developed at societal level.
Structurally speaking, the first section of this dissertation discusses introductory explanations already presented in July 2016 for the university commission about the proposed doctoral research design. The second and final parts of this dissertation have been developed at length in view of exploring some of the issues concerning the STS energy transfers and NPPs research policies associated with PPPs configurations. The final discussion section will summarize the literature findings about the changing mechanisms established in energy governance. The evaluative findings have been mostly developed through library archival documents, national reports, and analytical studies which I have compared in this dissertation.
Overall for starting point, it can be affirmed that a technocratic vision of dynamic disciplinary elements related to managerial energy configurations of nuclear power plants, including waste disposal programs, has been proposed at regional level through common identification systems, established over public provisions involving regulatory interactions of nuclear sector industries based in East Asia and Canada.
International and national attention has been focused on environmental cases of post-disaster emergencies and risk protection factors, particularly following on the Fukushima nuclear plant crisis in Japan in 2011. This structural process has been classified as an international critical domain. Essentially, the constructive experience acquired in governance has relied on cross-countries interpretative democratic models based on the existence of collective information
exchanges, which have actually involved different national regulators, public development actors,
and industrial management partners, supported by: scientific experts, regional state officials, non-governmental representatives, and local district communities, among others.
Moreover, the resulting collaboration process for public regulatory implementation which has been followed according to governmental aims and rationalization of resources regarding the civilian nuclear energy activities has also acquired a divergent character identified in multi-level state distribution systems. This happens in view of the similar formulation of industrial transition incentives for innovation and technology transfers, also entailing attentive responses formulated by taking into account the material normative reflections; which need to promote a broader view on collective participatory models, also based on public consensus criteria. Consequently, it can be considered that nuclear energy technologies and industrial knowledge transfers have been interlinked to a public set of normative appeals and confidence measures, promoting fundamental support for governance integrative practices.
From an industrial point of view, the differentiation of innovation systems pursued through the development of specialized technology districts, for instance, in East Asia and Europe, has been configured according to public-private negotiation patterns assisting on the evolution of STS assessment programs. The corresponding formulation of risk prevention measures and safety assessment principles has been addressed according to the transition obtained with the adoption of alternative renewable energy plans.
Managerial innovation capacities have reflected the temporal adaptation to development changes, which have been related to the emergence of nuclear fuel-cycle radioactive programs, and nuclear waste disposal activities. At implementation level, the direct involvement of community actors and environmental institutions has come into play leading to the identification of multilevel governance routes, by enhancing the knowledge transfers and learning systems, compatible with national and local collectivities, as well as, territorial and internal capacities.
At the same time, the spatial regulatory requirements for regional identifications of the technologies used and the PPP agreements prepared in connection with nuclear energy facilities, and civilian energy installations, have testified the need to introduce learning cooperation stages for the evaluative and monitoring processes. These changing adaptation stages have been publicly controversial. At the end of bitter regional local disputes, the investigative agencies producing case-based reports have indicated the status of public concern and risk perceptions on nuclear safety issues, particularly for the local population living in proximity to NPPs, reflecting on common detrimental effects in terms of public governance and mutual trust conditions.
The complex variation of public understanding about the programmatic issues surrounding nuclear science development and the environmental impacts has drawn us to an analytic core of
structural determinants, which have been investigated in order to compare the international cooperation principles and the practical nationally-based conducts. For the identification of risk protection assessments of national capacities, I have elaborated this study project for comparative purposes, by trying to emphasize the critical aspects of public STS maintenance systems, which will require a legal status and clarification for the future generations in order to guarantee security and safety for everyone.
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癌症相關失眠之睡眠失功能信念與病理機轉探討 / The Dysfunctional Beliefs and Pathological Mechanism of Cancer Related Insomnia蕭立瀛, Hsiao, Li-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
睡眠失功能信念在慢性失眠的病理上扮演重要的角色,可能讓個體產生不良睡眠行為與過度睡前激發狀態,進而造成失眠。而癌症相關失眠患者由於其病理的獨特性也可能出現其獨特的睡眠失功能信念,本研究探討在癌症相關失眠的病理機轉中加入癌症相關睡眠失功能信念,是否可較單純一般慢性失眠之睡眠失功能信念對癌症相關失眠有更全面的了解。而癌症相關失眠具有許多不同於一般慢性失眠的要素,其中除了與疾病相關的特殊睡眠失功能信念外,尚有可能與睡眠困擾相關的癌因性疲憊干擾存在。因此,本研究的目的在探討:1)加入癌症相關的睡眠信念之整合睡眠失功能信念與失眠症狀的關聯性是否與單純一般的睡眠失功能信念有所不同;2)其影響路徑是否透過不良睡眠行為與睡前激發狀態影響失眠嚴重度;3)疲憊嚴重度是否使整合睡眠失功能信念對不良睡眠行為的預測力增加。本研究使用問卷調查對混合癌症患者進行各因素的測量後 (N=148),運用結構方程模型進行路徑與因果分析,研究結果顯示,在疲憊嚴重度較高時,加入癌症相關睡眠失功能信念的整合睡眠失功能信念,其中「對失眠之負向影響預期與擔憂」向度會透過睡前生理激發狀態對「失眠對白天功能影響」程度有正向預測力、而「安眠藥物對疾病影響」向度對「失眠對白天功能影響」程度有負向預測力、不良睡眠行為對「失眠對白天功能影響」程度有正向預測力、一般睡眠失功能信念之預測路徑則多透過認知激發狀態影響;在疲憊嚴重度較低時,「對失眠之負向影響預期與擔憂」向度對「失眠對白天功能影響」程度有正向預測力、「睡眠與健康及病後修復關聯性的信念」向度對「失眠對白天功能影響」程度有負向預測力、「安眠藥物對疾病影響」向度對「睡眠困難」與「主觀痛苦」程度有正向預測力、一般睡眠失功能信念可預測之細項有所減少。研究結果顯示一般睡眠失功能信念會透過睡前認知激發影響失眠嚴重度,而加入癌症睡眠失功能信念後的整合睡眠失功能信念會透過睡前生理激發影響失眠嚴重度,疲憊嚴重度在其中扮演調節變項的角色,疲憊程度高低會使癌症睡眠失功能信念透過不同路徑影響失眠嚴重度。 / Dysfunctional beliefs about sleep play an important role in the pathological mechanism of chronic insomnia. Sleep-related behaviors and presleep arousal may mediate the relationship between the dysfunctional beliefs and severity of insomnia. Since cancer-related insomnia is associated with specific physiological and psychological conditions, there are specific dysfunctional beliefs that might have different influence to patients' sleep. Also, cancer-related fatigue could be closely related to sleep disturbance in cancer patients and demands to be explored. Therefore, the primary purpose of the current study is to explore: 1) whether adding cancer-related dysfunctional sleep beliefs to general dysfunctional sleep beliefs would show different pattern of association with severity of insomnia, comparing to the pattern of general dysfunctional sleep beliefs alone; 2) whether the sleep behavior and presleep arousal mediate the relationship between the dysfunctional beliefs to severity of insomnia in this path of model or not; 3) whether the severity of fatigue is a moderator of the predictibility of combided dysfunctional sleep beliefs to sleep-related behavior. The study recruited 148 mixed cancer diagnosis patients. They were instructed to fill out a package of questionnaires to assess their dysfunctional sleep beliefs, insomnia severity, cancer-related fatigue, etc. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was conducted for path analysis and causality test. Accroding to the result of SEM, presleep arousal was found to be a mediator of the positive association between the beliefs about “expectation and worries of negative consequence of insomnia” and daytime difficulties among subjects with high level of fatigue. Also the beliefs about “harmfulness of hypnotic” have negative predictibility to “daytime difficulty” in these subjects. Sleep behavior, on the other hand, have positive prediction to the “daytime difficulty”. General sleep dysfunctional beliefs showed pathway through presleep cognitive arousal level. For subjects with lower level of fatigue, the beliefs about “expectation and worries of negative consequence of insomnia” have positive association with the “daytime difficulty”. The beliefs about “beliefs about association between sleep and health and recovery from illnesss” were shown to have negative prediction to the “daytime difficulty”. The belief about “hypnotic related to disease” showed positive association with the “sleep difficulty” and associated “distress”. General sleep dysfunctional beliefs had less predictive factors. Based on the results of this study, adding cancer-related dysfunctional sleep beliefs was shown to have different relationship with severity of insomnia compared to general sleep dysfunctional beliefs. General dysfunctional sleep beliefs showed a pathway to insomnia severity through the mediation presleep cognitive arousal level. On the other hand, combided sleep dysfunctional beliefs showed a pathway to insomnia severity through the mediation of presleep somatic arousal level. Furthermore, severity of fatigue is a moderator. Subjets differed in the level of fatigue showed different path from combided dysfunctional sleep beliefs to severity of insomnia.
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校長正向領導與學校效能關係之後設分析 / A Meta-analysis of Principal’s Positive Leadership and School Effectiveness林芳誼, Lin, Fang I Unknown Date (has links)
陸、與男性教師相處可多運用正向溝通。 / The purpose of this study is to explore the relationships between principals’ positive leadership and school effectiveness by integrating the findings of 15 researches related. In order to understand the current status of the relationships between principals’ positive leadership and school effectiveness in Taiwan on a macroscale and explore the influences from moderator variables, the present research employs meta-analysis as methodology. Educators of elementary and secondary education were recruited as samples, and teachers’ gender (male ratio), positions (administrative ratio), location of research (including six papers of the north, three papers of the central south, and six papers of national) and education level of school (including nine papers of elementary school, three papers of junior high school, and three papers of secondary) were adopted as moderator variable. The findings of this study were summarized as follows:
1.The researches about principals’ positive leadership and school effectiveness showing a growth trend, and mostly in the north and elementary school.
2.The overall principals’ positive leadership is positively correlated with school effectiveness, and the effect size is large.
3.The sub-variables of principals’ positive leadership are positively correlated with school effectiveness, and the effect size are large.
4.The correlation between positive relationship and school effectiveness is strongest.
5.The location of research and education level of school as a moderator variable in the relation between overall principals’ positive leadership and school effectiveness. (1) The location of research: the correlation of the north is bigger than the central South. (2) The education level: the correlation will enhance as the education level increases.
6.The location of research and education level of school as a moderator variable in the relation between sub-variables of principals’ positive leadership and school effectiveness. In addition, teachers’ gender has moderating effects only between positive communication and school effectiveness. (1) The location of research: the correlation between sub-variables of principals’ positive leadership and school effectiveness of the north are stronger than the south. (2) The education level: the correlation between positive climate, positive relationship, positive communication, positive meaning, and school effectiveness will enhance as the education level increases; however, the correlation between positive meaning and school effectiveness will decrease as the education level increases. (3) Teachers’ gender: the higher the proportion of male teacher is, the stronger the correlation between positive communication and school effectiveness will be.
Suggestions were made based on the findings of this study to serve as reference for school principals, school educators and future researches.
1.Implement principals’ positive leadership positively to promote school effectiveness.
2.To implement positive leadership effectively, one has to start with positive relationship.
3.Put schools of the south first and keep popularizing positive leadership.
4.Promote positive leadership positively starting with secondary education.
5.Emphasize the reinforcement of positive meaning starting with elementary education.
6.Get along with the male teachers can use positive communication more often.
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中低層鋼構造筋かい骨組の耐震性能評価と変形性能に立脚した設計法の提案 / チュウテイソウ コウ コウゾウ スジカイ ホネグミ ノ タイシン セイノウ ヒョウカ ト ヘンケイ セイノウ ニ リッキャクシタ セッケイホウ ノ テイアン加登, 美喜子 23 March 2009 (has links)
Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第14610号 / 工博第3078号 / 新制||工||1458(附属図書館) / 26962 / UT51-2009-D322 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科建築学専攻 / (主査)教授 中島 正愛, 教授 井上 一朗, 教授 林 康裕 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当
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水理・水文解析のための汎用プラットフォームの開発に関する研究菊森, 佳幹 25 March 2013 (has links)
Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(工学) / 乙第12738号 / 論工博第4089号 / 新制||工||1574(附属図書館) / 30551 / (主査)教授 椎葉 充晴, 教授 堀 智晴, 准教授 立川 康人 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当
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