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董監事會特性與強制性財務預測準確性之關聯性研究林柏全 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以曾發佈民國九十年及九十一年強制性財務預測之上市公司為樣本,實證結果發現,當公司控制股東佔全體董事席次之比例愈高、次大股東佔全體董事席次之比例愈低、次大股東佔全體監察人席次之比例愈低、董事及監察人異動之比例愈高、公司有參與管理的情形、公司沒有獨立監察人的存在以及總經理發生異動時,公司所發佈之財務預測愈不準確,且其更新幅度愈大。 / Since the Asia financial crisis in 1997, there were much fraudulence of the listed companies in Taiwan. Then in the United States, Enron and Xerox were suffered from scandals in 2001. Do investors still believe the information companies disclose? We never know. But one way to recover the belief of investors is to reinforce the corporate governance mechanism and many countries have placed importance on it. Using the characteristics of board of directors and supervisors as the proxy of corporate governance mechanism, this paper examines the relationship between the characteristics of board of directors and supervisors and the financial forecast accuracy.
The research data are collected from listed companies that have released the financial forecast in 2001 and 2002. The empirical result suggests the larger proportion of board seats the controlling shareholders hold, the smaller proportion of board seats and supervisor seats the secondary major shareholders hold, the higher rate of changes of directors and supervisors, participation in management, no independent supervisor and the change of CEO would lead the financial forecast less accurate and the range of renewal larger.
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我國上市公司董監事會特性與權益資金成本關聯性之研究徐裕欽 Unknown Date (has links)
2.複迴歸分析顯示,董監事會持股質押比與權益資金成本之關係並不顯著,若進一步區分全體樣本為正、負盈餘樣本,則發現在負盈餘樣本中,董監事會持股質押比與企業權益資金成本呈現顯著正向關係;另外,若以Panel Data分析,本研究則發現在電子業中董監事持股質押比與權益資金成本始呈現正相關。
3.公司是否聘任獨立董監與權益資金成本之關係並不顯著,且不論是在有聘任或無聘任獨立董監之樣本間,或是在自願性聘任與強制性聘任獨立董監之樣本間,其權益資金成本並無明顯的差異。 / This study examines the relations between characteristic of board of directors and supervisors and cost of equity capital. It is unlike previous research to use capital assets pricing model(CAPM), this research adopts an alternative technique for estimating the cost of equity capital. Specifically, we use Ohlson (1995) model to generate a market implied cost of capital. Our samples consist of all public companies listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporate over 5 years period 1998-2002. The empirical results are as follows:
1.There is no significant negative relation between the ratio of the stock held by the board and supervisors and the cost of equity capital. Moreover, we don’t find this relation caused by nonlinear specification.
2.There is no significant positive relation between the pledged share ratio of the board and supervisors and the cost of equity capital. When the entire samples are divided into the sub-samples of firms experiencing losses and others, the existence of the positive relationship is found only in the firms experiencing losses. In addition, the relation is further proved in the electronic industry when adopting panel data analysis.
3.There is no significant reverse relation between the independent directors and supervisors and the cost of equity capital. And there is also no significant difference in the cost of equity capital between companies with implementing the independent directors and supervisors and those without implementing the regulation.
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論證券交易法第二十條之一財報不實之免責抗辯事由-以董監事責任為核心 / The due diligence defense for financial statement fraud under Security Exchange Act Article 20-1-Focus on the board of directors and supervisors賴秀芬 Unknown Date (has links)
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上市公司自行公告營收額與會計師簽證金額之差異研究 / The Adjustment of Net Sales Revenue黃文君, Huang, Wen Chun Unknown Date (has links)
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從敵意併購探討董監事與重要職員責任保險 / Study on directors & officers’ liability insurance from hostile takeover legal risk exposure view白永昌, Pai, Yung Chang Unknown Date (has links)
美國在1934年賣出第一張「董監事與重要職員責任險」保單(Directors and Officers’ Liability Insurance,簡稱D&O Insurance),到我國1996年10月9日財政部核准由外商(美國環球產物保險公司)推出第一張D&O,中間相距了近62年,而我國推出上開保單的前三年間僅不過十七家公司投保,其漠視之程度與曲高和寡之現象可見一般。
2003年敝人因工作關係向企業界登門推廣D&O Insurance,儘管從簡報的過程與互動中清晰可見D&O Insurance被需求的殷切,但往往在論及保單條款複雜的設計與風氣未開的雙重前題下,2002年我國通過「證券投資人暨期貨交易人保護法」、2003年成立投資人保護中心(僅需20位投資人授權即可由投資人保護中心提出團體訴訟)、投資人保護中心所提之訴訟,訴訟標的一億元以上免裁判費(2009年4月29日下修為一千萬,以一審裁判費需繳1%計算,即繳交裁判費由一百萬元大幅降至十萬元)、及免擔保假扣押等有利武器下,無異對投資人興訟撞開方便之門,同時為董監事及重要職員投下一顆不定時的深水炸彈、2006年證券交易法修正(要求公開發行公司應設立獨立董事、主張舉證責任之倒置---舉證責任由投資人轉移至經營管理階層。使經營管理層陷入「舉證之所在,敗訴之所在」的下風。)、令人聞之色變的「內線交易」定義模糊不明及罰則的大大加重(證交法第157條)--如果因為內線交易而「損及證券市場穩定者,加重其刑二分之一」,最高可以判20年有期徒刑,外加7.5億元罰金。這個刑度是我國除了死刑、無期徒刑以外最重的罪,和美國內線交易罪的25年有期徒刑也很接近(賴英照說法—從內線交易到企業社會責任第14頁),在如此種種足以為「董監事暨重要職員責任保險」推波助瀾的具體氛圍下,2009年止本國上市櫃公司投保者仍只有區區六百多家之譜,相較於英美國家90%的投保率相去甚遠。顯見D&O Insurance在我國未來的發展空間仍大,也可說,待努力及探討的地方甚為遼闊。
董事、監察人與重要職員肩負了許多證券交易法、公司法及民刑法上的責任與義務,而敵意併購中目標公司為了捍衛經營權,在策略應用上為了出奇不意的效果,往往需要機密性地進行,以免增加更多風險,而就在董監事與重要職員最需要D&O Insurance給予適時的倚靠與保障時,這張保單是否不負所託的展現它存在的價值?本文以實務個案探究之。
從敵意併購中目標公司的角度檢視D&O Insurance,本文提及諸多觀點,提綱挈領地針對公司治理、保單條款、及企業責任等部分提出建議,期能使保險公司從「保費低廉、理賠迅速」轉為「積極輔導、降低風險」的經營模式,提高相關人員對本保單接受度,進而由被動的接受到主動的保單設計,共創更完善的金融保險體制。 / The financial tsunami had proved that there is no corporation can exist forever and the invisible risk is the most important kind of risk. Until now, they are still occurring.
The first Directors and Officers’ Liability Insurance policy (D&O Insurance) was sold in U.S.A. 1934. In Taiwan, the first D&O Insurance was sold in October 9, 1996. We can find out that D&O Insurance is ignored in Taiwan.
Based on the data of Investor Protection Center in June 2008, the amount of the claims which were aroused by it can reach NT 240 billion. And the number of the investors can reach 64,000 people. Besides, based on the data of Insurance Association, the insurance premium in 2003 reached 249 million, in 2007 reached 623 million. Thus we can find out that D&O Insurance is not popular in Taiwan. But the loss run is getting more and more. For example, in ten policies, there is a one case will make a claim. In other words, the compensation rate can reach 12%.
Since 2001, the Enron case aroused attention of the government, the investment and operators in U.S. Furthermore, the government had promoted related rules to increase the directors’ and officers’ liability. In 2003, I had visited corporations and promoted D&O Insurance. Although the process of briefing and interaction can find out the strong demand of policy, but they had lower will to buy it. It might content several reasons, for examples, clauses are too complex and difficult to understand. Rising claims activity, including lawsuits by investors, tougher policy standards and coverage disputes, is the latest developments in the D&O insurance arena. As a result, some carriers have added limits to policies. The directors and officers bear liability of Securities and Exchange Act, Company Act, Civil Code. When the target company tries to protect the right of management against the hostile takeover action, they sometimes have to take any tactic in private and might also be faced more risk.
Could D&O Insurance distribute the risks which are aroused from the defense in the hostile takeover action? This article will study on the case and try to find the answers. We use the angle of the target company to inspect the function of D&O Insurance and hopefully try to amend it with the suggestion in the context. The function of D&O Insurance could be the key of corporate governance or distribution risks. For example, when the carriers provide the policy, we truly hope they could also provide positive solution to help the target company. Furthermore, the target company could participate in the design of policy.
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公共電視基金會獨立性及監督機制之研究 / The Study of Public Television Service Foundation's independence and supervision mechanisms謝妮珊 Unknown Date (has links)
其次,透過文獻及訪談分析我國公視以政府預算捐贈為主之財源模式設計及其所衍生的外部監督機制,在實務運作上可能造成政治力藉由預算監督權限和程序以干預公視獨立性與節目自主之情形。研究發現,公共電視之財源模式影響外部監督之規範密度,現行以政府預算為財源所衍生之外部監督機制,其實際運作與財源模式當初設計為保障公視獨立於政治力量之外之目的有所扞格;並探討立法院在財源監督過程對公視獨立性保障之影響。此外,對於我國公視需維持政府預算為財源模式,其外部監督機制如何再規範,以在公視的獨立自主與運用公共財源的績效課責之間尋求平衡提出政策建議。 / In this study, the focus of discussion is on the disputes that the budget of Public Television Service Foundation(PTS Foundation) was frozen breaking out at the end of 2008.It presents the conflicts among the model that PTS relies on the government budgets for financial resource,the surveillance jurisdiction of government for financial affairs,and the purpose to protect independence of public television by external oversight on actual operation.On the other hand,the series of controversial incidents during the 4th board of directors and supervisors recruitment of PTS Foundation in 2009,made the disputes to surface,such like the legitimacy of the board of directors and election procedures not sufficiently open.In addition,the present system of elected directors and supervisors of PTS,whether its operation brings the function of public television’s independence or not,and other issues have become the points in this study.
Through literature reviewing and interviews,this study confers the design for election system of Board of directors in domestic and foreign public television,reviews the disputes in the process of the recently elected directors and supervisors of PTS.This study finds that the election process of directors and supervisors in PTS are deeply influenced by the congress party and ruling authority’s deviation of implementation,also shows that the gaps of the election process of PTS board of directors and supervisors let the parties and executive power have the space to manipulate the elected process.Moreover,this study provides the suggestion how to amend the law and improve the shortage of the election procedure of the directors and supervisors in order to maintain the current system, and suggests the future election system can be reformed toward to the direction of professional diversity and responsibility politics.
Next,on the model design that PTS takes the government budgets as financial resources and the external oversight mechanisms derived,in practice,the operation may result in the situation that the politic power by the authority and the budget monitoring procedures could interfere with the public television’s independence and its programs.The study finds that the model of public television's financial resources affect the standard density of the external oversight.The current external oversight mechanisms taking government budget as financial resources breaks the purpose of protecting public television from the political power.This study discusses the impact that the Legislative Yuan’s monitors the procedure of financial resources to the independence of public television.In addition,regarding that PTS maintains to take government budgets as financial resources and how to re-regulate the external supervision mechanisms,this study provides the policy recommendations to find balance among the public television’s independence,and the public resources application and its performance accountability.
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董監事暨重要職員責任保險與資訊不對稱之關聯性分析 / Directors' and Officers' Liability Insurance and Information Asymmetry黃隆建, Hwang, Long Jainn Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討董監事暨重要職員責任保險(簡稱:董監責任險)與資訊不對稱之間的關係。過去文獻關於購買董監責任險所獲得的利益以及所需付出的代價有許多的辯論。其中一種觀點認為購買董監責任險可以提供公司治理的監督機制以降低資訊不對稱程度,因此對股東有利。但是另一種觀點認為購買董監責任險會以減少董監事面臨訴訟時自己必須負擔的損失,因而可能會出現管理者機會主義行為而導致更多的道德風險問題。本研究採用股票市場中的優勢資訊交易機率(probability of information-based trading,簡稱PIN)當成企業資訊不對稱程度的直接衡量,以了解購買監責任險與資訊不對稱之間的關係。以2008年至2013年台灣上市公司為樣本之實證結果發現,整體而言,有購買董監責任險的公司,有較低的PIN值(也就是資訊不對稱程度較低),基本上支持購買董監責任險確實可以提供公司治理的監督機制。然而在進一步比較有購買董監責任險公司以及沒有購買董監責任險的公司之後,結果顯示可能不太需要購買董監責任險的公司(以迴歸模型估計購買機率較低者)但實際上卻有購買時,相較於需要購買且實際上也有購買董監責任險的公司,會有相對比較高的PIN值(較高的資訊不對稱)。此結果顯示股票市場的PIN值確實會反應企業的投機行為,因此支持購買董監責任險依然會有出現道德風險問題的可能。本研究提供的證據顯示整體而言購買董監責任險具有公司治理的監督機制功能,但是道德風險問題還是可能會出現在某些購買董監責任險的企業。
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論公司經營者法律責任之風險管理楊瑩潔 Unknown Date (has links)
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經營權異動與異動後績效之探討 / The study of executive turnover and the following performance changes游子瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
實證結果顯示,董監事持股比率愈低、最終控制者無超額持股、經營控制權與所有權偏離愈大、董監事持股質押比率愈高之公司,其經營權發生異動之可能性愈高。獨立董監事之設置雖與經營權異動之可能性呈正向相關,惟其關聯性未達顯著水準。經營權異動之公司,其財務績效在異動前後並無顯著差異,表示經營權異動之目的可能不在取代無效率之管理當局,也可能表示併購的綜效需要較長的時間才得以顯現。其中,董監事持股比率較高之公司,其經營績效在經營權異動後表現較佳。本研究顯示董監最低持股可發揮利益連結的效果,對於近期金管會擬取消董監最低持股規範之提案,本研究認為有作更深入討論之需要。 / Using companies listed on Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation and GreTai Securities Market over the period of 1996 to 2006, this study empirically investigates the determinants of change in corporate control and the subsequent period performance after the change. The change in corporate control is measured in terms of change in business group of a specific firm.
The empirical results show that companies with less shareholdings owned by their board members, inadequate shareholdings to support their control, larger deviation in cash flow right from voting right, and higher ratio of shareholding pledged by their board members, have higher probabilities of occurrence of change in corporate control. However, the result doesn’t support that independent directors play a role in corporate control change. With respect to the firm performance in the period subsequent to the corporate control change, there exists no significant difference as compared to that of prior period. The evidence thus suggests that the replacing unqualified management may not be the primary purpose of corporate control change, or simply that the synergies take more time to show. In addition, this study also finds that firms subject to corporate control change tend to perform better if their board members hold a larger fraction of shares. This result lends itself to the proposal recently discussed by the Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan Taiwan on abolition of requirement of minimal shareholding by the board members. It appears that shareholdings by the board members can have interest-alignment effect.
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我國股東提案權制度之研究 / A study on the shareholder proposals in Taiwan陳麗欵 Unknown Date (has links)
2004年後我國陸續爆發博達科技、訊碟等弊案,已重擊原已推動之公司治理成效,更突顯了公司治理除設置獨立董監事制度外,應另循其他管道之必要性。其中為強化企業內部機制, 2005年6月即修法引進「股東提案制度」,增訂公司法第172條之1之規定,以響應「股東行東主義」之潮流趨勢,建構並強化股東行使股東權之機制。此制度完成立法後迄今已近4年,歷經具體實務個案之洗鍊,已逐漸顯現適用上之爭議。基於此因素,本研究擬藉由對實務上具體案例所衍生爭議之觀察,重新檢討公司法第172條之1之立法是否存有疏漏或失當之處,進而歸納提供建言,冀望能建制符合我國國情之股東提案制度。本論文之研究架構安排如下:
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