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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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韓流與台灣人的韓國觀光團 / Korean wave and the group of traveling to Korea from Taiwan

方秋梨, Fang, Chiu-Li Unknown Date (has links)
中文摘要 本論文以台灣出發前往韓國的觀光團為對象,1998年為「韓流」的分界點,前後各十八年,分別為「韓流前」與「韓流後」二階段為時間軸來探討。從韓流前的觀光旅遊書,以及資深領隊與線控的深度訪談,到韓流後台灣旅行社出團的40個不同觀光行程,依照其中所安排的餐飲料理、觀光景點、購物種類這三大項,來分析在韓流前與韓流後的差異與其原因。除了行程中不同的觀光內容與價格取向等,並且檢視在韓國政府與民間團體的努力下,塑造出來的「文化韓國」,是否能讓台灣民眾以觀光的方式,可以認識真正的韓國文化精髓。 本論文正文共計四章十二節。前三章的第一節先歸納出韓國當地的餐飲、景點、物產的特色;第二節是比較台灣人觀光團在韓流前與韓流後,這三大項的異同;第三節則是觀察這三大項的轉變與探究其原因。第四章為台灣視野下的韓國,第一節是從當地不同區域所推出的觀光路線種類,來確認韓國透過觀光文化傳播想要達到的目的;第二節從台灣推出的赴韓觀光團來分析,經過旅行社篩選後的行程能在韓國有的真正體驗;第三節統整台灣人的觀光團所觀察到的韓國與韓國人想要呈現的意象。 赴韓觀光團的餐飲、景點與購物三大項安排,是台灣人以觀光為手段,碰觸到韓國文化最直接的方式。本論文指出其中不同的轉變,也發現韓流不只是觀光行程選擇上的重要因素,對於韓國意識與文化傳播的影響,更有其特殊存在的意義。 關鍵詞:韓流、韓國觀光、韓國餐飲、韓國景點、韓國購物、韓國意象。 / Abstract This paper is based on the tour group which travels to Korea from Taiwan. And 1998 as the "Korean wave" dividing point, which is eighteen years before and after the "Korean wave" and "Korean wave" as the time axis of the two stage.From the Korean Tourism books, as well as senior team leader and the depth of the interview, to the tour of 40 different tour itinerary of the travel agency from Taiwan, in accordance with the arrangements for food restaurant, tourist attractions, shopping category of these three items, to analyze the difference before and after the Korean wave and its causes. In addition to the different sightseeing content and price orientation in the trip, and view the "culture of Korea" created by the efforts of the Korean government and civil society , whether can let the people of Taiwan to sightseeing, can understand the true essence of Korean culture. The main body of this thesis consists of four chapters and twelve sections. The first section of the first three chapters first summed up the Korean local food, attractions, property characteristics; the second section is to compare the Taiwan people sightseeing group in the Korean before and after of the Korean wave, the similarities and differences between these three categories; the third section is to observe the changes of these three items and explore the reasons.The fourth chapter is Korea from the perspective of Taiwan, the first section is introduced from different regions of local sightseeing route type, to confirm the Korean cultural communication through sightseeing purpose; the second section from Taiwan to Korea launched a tour of the travel agency, after screening after stroke and some real experience in Korea; the third section system the Taiwan people sightseeing group observed by the Korean and Koreans want to render images. To the Korean tourist group of food, attractions and shopping arrangements for the three items, the people of Taiwan to sightseeing as a means of touching the most direct way of Korean culture. This paper points out the different changes, and found that the Korean wave is not only an important factor in the choice of tourism itinerary, but also has a special significance for the influence of Korean consciousness and cultural communication. Keyword:Korean wave、Korean tourism、Korean foods、Korean shopping、Korean attractions(Scenic spots)、Korean images。


呂偉白, Lv, Wei-Bai Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究之目的,在從農業政策的觀點來探討觀光農業之性質及功能,並以苗栗縣大 湖鄉觀光草莓園為個案,研究其發展現況及發展效益,以探討該鄉發展觀光農業之可 行性,並對其未來發展作出建議。內文共分六章十八節,約六萬字。內容概要為: 第一章說明研究動機、目的、方法、及範圍。第二章主要在探討觀光農業在農業政策 上的意義。第三章分析大湖鄉觀光草莓園之發展背景。第四章以問卷調查對大湖觀光 草莓園作現況分析。第五章對大湖鄉觀光草莓園未來發展作出建議。第六章為全文之 結論。

以風土資本探討創意觀光及其資源之整備與營造─以竹山鹿谷地區與臺東光點及池上光點為例 / A study on the creative tourism with terroir capital and the resource preparedness and construction-case studies of the region of Chushang and Lugu and the Taitung Spotlight and the Chishang spotlight in the eastern region of the international spotlight program

龔芳儀, Kung,Fang Yi Unknown Date (has links)
隨著全球化的發展,不論有形的資源、商品或者無形之文化、智慧資本產生劇烈的流動,使的原本受限於地理因素的時間與空間而形成的差異性逐漸降低,而過去因為差異而具有的優勢也因此而失去競爭力。因此,勢必在全球化變動與在地性發展之間再次尋求平衡,將世界關係緊密的特性轉化為助益地方發展之要素。 而「terroir」(風土條件)一詞係源於法國紅酒產製條件及其所衍生出的人文風情,涵括了從土地、氣候、技術、經驗與管理、至工藝與文化等形成階段,其亦可視為由自然資源、智慧資本(人力資源、關係資本與結構資本)、社會資本與文化資本等之組成。 其中,對於最根本之土地、生態等自然條件,其係源自於大自然(而非人為)而具有強烈的在地特質,使的因其所發展出的技術、經驗、藝匠、生活風格等人文風情同樣地擁有濃厚的在地色彩,共同產生屬於之地方之風土條件。地方透過地方居民、社群集體性且長期地經營與創造力投入,將使地方文化隨著時間的演進而持續擁有魅力。因此,藉由社區營造將地方發展為觀光城鄉,並將那份屬於社區或地方之認同感(社區感或地方感)作為發展觀光事業對內的動員力以及對外的吸引力。 由下而上地由地方發起進行風土資源盤點與整備,將風土資本之自然地理與人文社會特質藉由學習、體驗等見學活動,將以地方居民最原始的生活風貌呈現並使地方社群與到訪者近距離互動之形式發展「創意觀光」。此外,地方以風土特色吸引外地到訪者,另一方面也透過觀光使風土條件透資本轉化帶動地方經濟,並讓地方之人文風情藉由外地到訪者的參與,由文化學習與創意體驗中瞭解地方之風土,並藉此使風土間接地傳承、與宣揚而永續發展。


蔡文雄, CAI, WEN0-XIONG Unknown Date (has links)
本論文共七章二十八節,六萬餘字,分述如下: 第一章:緒論,分五節。 第二章:理論基礎及文獻回顧,分三節。 第三章:研究方法,分六節。 第四章:區隔日本來台觀光客市場,分四節。 第五章:日本觀光客來台前後對台之印象分析,分三節。 第六章:台灣在觀光市場上的定立分析,分三節。 第七章:結論與研究涵意,分四節。 內容乃在研究現存六十幾萬人的日本來台觀光客市場,了解市場的需求,選定目標市 場,進一步擬定行銷組合策略,提昇對台灣的形象,達成對潛在觀光客的廣告效果, 促使觀光事業更進一步蓬勃發展。


黃雅娟, HUANG,YA-CHUAN Unknown Date (has links)


周文茵 Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 論文首先透過民族史與民族誌的書寫方式,將基金會觀光產業所寄存的pasikau部落時空舞台搭建起來。另外,透過部落發展觀光產業的相關討論回顧,以期了解民族文化觀光產業推動研究議題的困境,並找尋突破可能的定位。因此,筆者選擇透過Bourdieu理論的視域,將既具體又抽象、主客觀交融的「文化」,析離成【(慣習)(資本)】+場域=日常生活言行(實踐)的生活實踐公式來理解,以期將行動者的能動性與場域兼具束縛與自由的本質展現。 接下來,筆者透過理論概念與田野資料的交錯置放,藉此產生對話,使資料產生概念層次的意義,亦使論述不至真空。資本如同場域中的入場券,因此,筆者先就「資源」與「資本」間的關係做討論。透過基金會民族文化觀光產業的例子,了解從「資源」到「資本」其間辨識、篩選與應用的界定轉換歷程。換句話說,資本因場域的認可而產生兌換價值,因此,場域成為筆者接下來的論述重點。 筆者藉由基金會觀光場域中「布農部落」、「部落劇場」、「布農之旅」三種實踐活動,展現場域多樣的動態面貌。透過「布農部落」入園動線與原住民主題風格營造的鋪陳,將基金會觀光場域的風格基調呈現,同時也反映出基金會以「非原住民」做為的遊客身分邊界。「部落劇場」的展演解說,帶出整個觀光場域的文化消費主題核心。而觀光場域中的內容與風格呈現,則是基金會與遊客的共構關係中形塑而來。而「布農之旅」是「部落劇場」故事的延伸,亦是「布農部落」空間的拓展。透過這三個相互呼應的實踐活動,希冀讓遊客產生再次投入觀光場域的渴望。 而承載資本在場域中的實踐的行動主角,在本文的例子即是基金會。其透過將自身獨具的文化資本,在場域中進行積極的資本轉換,以兌換成經濟資本。然而,基金會多元(源)的人力組成,雖透過組織架構與理念(部落文化重建),生成了內部的社會資本。但來自於社會場域不同位置的多元人力,卻在基金會內部再現了社會場域關係位置的距離與慣性。因此,基金會出現「形式」(象徵)取向與「功能」(實用)取向的美學品味衝突,產生「文化資本」與「經濟資本」孰輕孰重的內部角力。基金會外顯的觀光場域經營策略展現,正是此角力動態平衡的一個凝相。至此,筆者已透過Bourdieu的實踐理論,檢視了基金會在觀光場域的實踐邏輯。接著,筆者有意再將視野拉回到pasikau部落的相關研究以及台灣民族文化觀光產業的發展脈絡,重新回顧省視Bourdieu理論下的文化資本與實踐邏輯在此個案的意義所在。

In Quest of Home: Three Female Writers' Negotiation with Displacement in the Age of Globalization

李怡瑩, Lee,Yi-yin Unknown Date (has links)
全球化近乎無遠弗屆地吸納了世界的每個角落並且改變了人類的世界觀。隨著觀光產業發展至全球規模,觀光客與在地人對家這個空間有了不同的理解。尤其對居住在第三世界的人民而言,家成為一個因應全球化時代時空錯置(displacement)的場域。本篇論文針對三位女性作家對家的敘述進行分析—阿蘭達蒂.洛伊的《微物之神》,牙買加.琴凱德的 《微渺之地》以及法蘭西斯卡.瑪西安諾的《荒野法則》。在對《微物之神》的分析中,筆者強調演現 (performance)為建構身份認同與歸屬感的重要過程與方法,並且分析女性敘述者如何從演現的角度重新審視現今受觀光業入侵的喀拉拉(Kerala)與在地人的關係。經由重建家族史,女性敘述者得以一窺權力結構是如何經由訓育(pedagogy)主導演現,並且藉由演現來鞏固訓育與其權力運作。在《微渺之地》中,琴凱德描述了安地瓜人(Antiguans)與觀光客之間不公平的拉距戰。筆者強調,琴凱德藉由詳述家園的消失,揭露觀光客的自行其事宛如重現殖民者的剝削,並且形成她對安地瓜的在地論述。在《荒野法則》的分析中,筆者意圖釐清全球化時代四海為家的誤夢。 藉由分析女性敘述者在肯亞建立家園卻遭遇失敗之因,筆者企圖闡明,全球化時代的疆域流動反而可能導致不經批判的過度懷舊與傳統價值的全面復興。藉著分析三位女性作家如何因應全球化之下的時空錯置,筆者企圖宣稱,或許,我們能經由重思如何建構家與歸屬感,找到另一定位。 / Globalization has changed people’s understanding of the world seeing that the world has enlarged and involved more places in a more inter-related network. The development of tourism as a global phenomenon brings an impact on people’s home—a place where they, particularly those in the Third World, start to negotiate their displacement in the age of globalization. This thesis contains three female writers’ discourses of home—Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things, Jamaica Kincaid’s A Small Place, and Francesca Marciano’s Rules of the Wild. This thesis analyzes how their works can be regarded as their respective ways of negotiating their displacement experience. In the first chapter, I analyze how the female narrator in Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things re-describes and rethinks people’s relationship in the aspect of performance, and in this way, she intends to problematize her people’s performance of the exotic other to further tourist consumption. I highlight that performance is the process of constituting one’s identity and sense of belongingness. Through reconstructing her family saga, the female narrator thinks more critically of what lies behind performance of all kinds—the pedagogy of the dominant power structure that conducts people’s life but takes their practice to make itself stable. Jamaica Kincaid in A Small Place presents an uneven development between local Antiguans and tourists from the Western world. In the second chapter, I argue that by revealing how tourists and their ancestors, colonizers, exploit Antigua, Kincaid unveils the ideology of tourism and composes her own Antiguan discourse. In the third chapter, employing Francesca Marciano’s Rules of the Wild as an example, I intend to demystify the global dream of being at home in the world. By analyzing why the female narrator feels frustrated in making a home in Kenya, I argue that globalization may cause the frenetic longing for a return to old days as if they were all good. Therefore, to prevent a problematic revival of old values, people have to think critically how boundaries, geographical or metaphorical, are broken and redrawn to define their life. I suggest in this thesis that to rethink the politics of home—how home and the sense of belongingness are constructed—provides a way for us to engage and re-position ourselves in the globalizing world.


陳芊灼 Unknown Date (has links)
台北捷運通車至今已達十年,雖然隨著路網擴展乘客漸增,但根據統計資料顯示汽機車的持有不減反增,且目前搭乘情況距離政府設定搭乘大眾運輸運具比例達60%之目標仍有相當的成長空間,顯示仍有相當比例的民眾不使用或不願意搭乘捷運。另外,全球觀光客已將台灣視為消費平價的觀光地點,又根據文獻發現60%的遊客於旅遊時會將交通列為首位,而台北市是一個相對發展良好且充滿國際化的都市,並有較完整的大眾運輸系統,為了提升大眾運輸使用率,因此,影響使用者搭乘捷運的因素為何,又國人與國際觀光客的看法有何差異便值得探討。 從相關文獻探討中可知影響消費者搭乘捷運的因素,包括:搭乘捷運能快速到達目的地、等車時間短、捷運準點性高、搭乘環境是安全的、搭乘環境是舒適的、捷運票價合理、捷運車站內設施乾淨、提供外語的資訊導覽、有充足的無障礙設施、捷運車站周邊人行步道設計舒適、捷運車站周邊的業種多元、捷運車站附近逛街方便、捷運車站服務人員態度友善專業、容易了解如何搭乘捷運、捷運轉乘系統方便、捷運資訊充足、捷運系統資訊標示清楚、捷運車站設計具有地方特色、捷運車站設計具有景觀意象、捷運車站為顯著的地標、住宿地點緊鄰捷運站、捷運至觀光遊憩地點具方便性、捷運系統能串連許多景點等。 本研究之目的在於調查國人與國際觀光客搭乘捷運之體驗與評價,透過因素分析所粹取出的構面來瞭解搭乘捷運所重視的因素,本研究分別調查304位國人與312位國際觀光客,研究結果顯示,國人與國際觀光客分別在社經特性、旅遊行為及搭乘捷運經驗上,對於搭乘捷運重視因素有顯著性之差異,最後針對分析結果提出三大努力目標與策略:(1)高可及性的運輸系統:提高可及性、完善轉乘系統、串連捷運周邊景點;(2)豐富的資訊系統:提供完善資訊、提升服務人員專業性;(3)友善鮮明的空間與多元的使用:注入設計感、增添形象性、多元化土地使用、人性化步道設施等,以供提升大眾捷運系統使用率的參考。 / Taipei MRT has already operated more than ten years. Though the basic traffic network has been built up to serve more citizens, the number of cars and motorcycles is still increasing. Moreover, only 60% of targeted people set by the government use public transportation system but actually it is less than expected. The evidence shows that some people are unwilling to take Taipei MRT or do not use it. Of all cities in Taiwan, Taipei is fully internationalized and best-equipped with a completed metro public transit system. Taipei MRT Company is trying to increase number of inbound tourists by providing a better travel experience and designing different marketing strategies to increase better MRT tourism attraction. Therefore, the important factors influencing people and inbound tourists to take Taipei MRT are worth studying. According to the related studies, this study analyzes those factors influencing people and inbound tourists to take Taipei MRT. The factors include efficient, short waiting time, on-time, safe and reliable, comfortable, reasonable ticket price, clean and neat environment, multi-language interpretation, sufficient handicapped facility, comfortable pedestrianization, diversified functions of land use, convenient for shopping, friendly service people, easy process, convenient transfer system, abundant information, clear signpost, unique interior design, good landscape design, distinctive landmark, close to the hotel, convenient to sightseeing spot, attached to tourism spots et al. Thus, this study aims at exploring the factors influencing the people and inbound tourists to take Taipei MRT. This study first conducts 616 samples by using a closed-ended questionnaire. Then it employs exploratory factor analysis (EFA) to derive meaningful and uncorrelated factors. Further, it analyzes whether people and inbound tourists with different background and carriage behavior have difference in influential factors of taking Taipei MRT. Finally, based on the result of factor analysis, it provides three main goals and suggestions for promoting people to take Taipei MRT. The three main goals include: (1) The high accessible transportation system: advance the access, improve the transfer system, and attached to tourism spots along Taipei MRT line. (2) Abundant information system: offer sufficient information and improve the services people more professional. (3) Friendly, distinct space and diversified use: create the stations with full of image and design, diversified land use, and humanized pavement facility.


朱沛婕 Unknown Date (has links)
貓空纜車為台灣首座具有觀光及大眾運輸性質之纜車系統,由政府投資十三億,希冀藉由纜車的設置改善貓空地區假日交通擁擠問題,同時提升本地的觀光吸引力,帶動觀光發展活絡地方產業。貓空纜車營運首年搭乘人數突破五百萬人次,遠超越原先的預期,纜車特殊的觀光吸引力為地方觀光帶來人氣,但是否也能有效帶動地方產業發展值得探討。本研究的主要目的為評估纜車所引發的經濟效益,檢視貓空纜車的設置經驗,供政府未來投資經營觀光地區之參考。本研究經由四百位旅客之問卷調查及店家訪談,瞭解纜車通車後貓空地區觀光產業發展的變遷,並藉由投入產出模型評估貓空纜車設置之觀光經濟效益,釐清觀光發展所面臨的課題,進而提出貓空地區觀光發展策略。 研究結果發現,貓空纜車開通使貓空自地方休憩景點升格為國民旅遊景點,台北縣市以外的旅客比例明顯上升,並增加團體旅客的到訪,纜車體驗勝過登山健行與泡茶品茗,成為旅客前來貓空旅遊最主要的遊憩活動。然而,旅客數量的增加並不等同於觀光產業發展的蓬勃,由旅客問卷調查結果發現,旅客在當地的旅遊消費並不熱絡,旅客在貓空地區停留時間偏低,近五成旅客停留不到一小時。經濟影響分析結果顯示,觀光纜車業的產出乘數為1.007,顯示貓空纜車所引發之外溢效果有限,未能發揮帶動周邊產業的功效。究其原因,貓空地區觀光發展存在有纜車體驗與地方特色未做適當連結、貓空茶文化的消逝,以及地方觀光供給系統品質未能同等提升等問題。 因此,在傳統產業轉型觀光的歷程中,政府除需積極進行觀光投資建設之外,為求有效提升觀光經濟效益,本研究提出下列觀光發展的策略建議,以供政府未來經營觀光地區之參考:一、加強地方傳統產業之經濟鏈結,避免經濟遺漏,有效提高經濟效益;二、以地方特色為核心,發展多元觀光,刺激旅客在當地的旅遊消費;三、提升觀光供給系統之整體品質,延長旅客在觀光地區的停留時間,連帶提升旅客的旅遊滿意度;四、進行遊程規劃,有效串連景點,擴大經濟影響範圍,有效帶動周邊產業發展。經由相關配套措施的施行,加強觀光建設與地方觀光系統的連結,提供更優質的旅遊環境,輔助政府藉由觀光投資建設以提振地方產業經濟之目標的達成。 / Taipei Maokong Gondola, the city's first cable-car system, was inaugurated at July 4, 2007, and has attracted more than 5.12 million passengers on the first year of operation. As the Maokong Gondola was built to improve traffic conditions and to further boost the tourism in the tea-growing area around Maokong in the rural Wenshan District, the primary purpose of this study is to evaluate the economic impacts of Maokong Gondola. The study sampled 400 tourists to estimate the change in the number and types of tourists visiting the Maokong area, and futher applies the change in the expenditures of tourists to a regional input-output model to determine the economic impacts. The study result indicats that the operation of Maokong Gondola contributed an increasing proportion of tourists from other cities to Maokong, making the area a national traveling spot. However, the expenditures of the tourists in the Maokong area did not raise at the same time. The economic impact analysis shows that the sales multiplier of cable car tour is only 1.007, indicating a limited economic benefit. Based on the result of the economic impact analysis, this thesis provides four suggestions for boosting the tourism in the tea-growing area around Maokong: (1) Strengthen the economy chain knot between the traditional industries and the service industries to avoid the economical leakages. (2) Take the local characteristics as the core while developing various activities. (3) Improve the quality of the whole tourism supplying system. (4) Connect the scenery spots around Maokong to expand the boundary of the economy influence.


藍黛梅 Unknown Date (has links)
醫療旅遊,一種旅遊業中的利基市場,目前愈來愈受到全球的注意。 當年因為亞洲金融風暴的影響,一些亞洲國家的私立醫院幾乎不再有 病患光顧,於是另覓客源,開創了國際觀光醫療的新局面。至今,這 種新興行業正蓬勃發展且具有莫大潛力。造就這種局勢的原因主要為 歐美國家某些手術的等待時間過長,高昂的醫療費用,一些第三世界 國家醫療品質的提升,以及全球化的自然演進趨勢。 本論文以質性研究為主,初級資料由深入訪談的問答中取得,次級資 料則使用既有的資源,大量資訊由研究學術文獻、書籍、報章雜誌以 及網路搜尋的方式蒐集而得。 本論文分為以下幾個部分:研究台灣是否具備發展醫療旅遊的競爭力, 亞洲國家醫療旅遊發展概況及各別優勢及特色,在亞洲地區中發展旅 遊醫療,且具競爭優勢的醫療機構之一為泰國康民醫院,以4C架構研 究泰國康民醫院發展觀光醫療的成功因素,然後以對本地政府及醫療 機構的建議為結論。 / Medical tourism, a niche market of tourism, is a concept that is getting more attention nowadays. Actually, medical tourism in Asia is brought on in the aftermath of the Asian Financial Crisis, that lets first private hospitals in some Asian countries to seek alternative revenue sources. The business of medical tourism is thriving nowadays and with great potential. Factors contributing to this phenomenon include long waiting lists for certain surgeries and costly healthcare in some advanced countries, improvements on health care standards in the third world, and the natural progression of globalization. The study was primarily performed by qualitative methods. Primary data was obtained by the answers from some questions via the in-depth interview; secondary data was obtained through the use of existing sources , large quantities of information were obtained through academic articles, books, newspapers, magazines and the internet. The structure of the thesis is divided in several parts: 1) This paper sets out to examine the competency of developing medical tourism in Taiwan in terms of cost and quality. 2) Figure out the status of medical tourism industry in Asian countries, and sort out the salient points and features of each one. 3) One of the established medical tourism destinations with strong medical and tourism capabilities is Bumrungrad Hospital International in Thailand, the effective factors for attracting medical tourists to this hospital were then determined via 4C structures. 4) The thesis was concluded as certain recommendations were given for Taiwan government and local hospitals.

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