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地方文化產業發展之實踐-以美濃鎮為例廖桂敏, Liao Kuei-Min Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論
第二章 地方文化產業發展之理念與脈絡
第三章 個案分析(一)-美濃鎮地方文化產業發展背景與歷史時勢
第四章 個案分析(二)-美濃鎮地方文化產業發展之文化經濟分析
第五章 個案分析(三)-美濃鎮推動地方文化產業之主體分析
第六章 結論
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開放兩岸四區觀光對特殊人員入出境作業之研究 / A Study of special personnel’s entry and exit operations on the cross-strait’s tourism謝佾廷, Hsieh, Yi Teng Unknown Date (has links)
本文希望藉由研究結論建議政府相關單位,在規劃擴大開放大陸來臺觀光,更應防範大陸人士假藉觀光名義來臺從事「交通」或滲透之實,並提出更有效國家安全管理機制。 / Since the Kuomintang government withdrew to Taiwan in 1949, Taiwan and Mainland China are divided ruled from the period of military conflict (1949-1978) to the period of non-mutual contact(1979-1987). Until 1987, our government based on the considerations of humanitarian and family ties and announced lifting the Martial Law, then opened residents to the mainland to visit their relatives. And since January 1, 2002, our government opened more mainland people to Taiwan for sightseeing, in 2008, the Kuomintang government won the Presidential Election and plan to continuously open wider to the mainland people to Taiwan for sightseeing by the estimation of annual 1.1 million.
From the view point of national security, particularly the Intelligence personnel may infiltrate to Taiwan to make intelligence collection. So,it is worth profound study and discussion.
As the Mainland China has not given up the intention to armed invasion of Taiwan, The Intelligence personnel pretended tourists are the main targets in the entry and exit audit operations. For cautious assessment of the scope of threats to national interests and for the protection of national interests to develop contingency plans and the policy Planning, this study take the use of Literature analysis , historical research and case studies ,especially focus on a total of the seized spy case study analysis.
We hope that the conclusion of the study would be taken into account by the relevant government units in the planning of further opening up the mainland to Taiwan for sightseeing. in the meanwhile, the relevant units should guard against the guise of mainland tourists to Taiwan in the name of "traffic" but clandestine communication or infiltration in reality, and make more effective national security management mechanism.
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開放大陸人民來臺政策衍生之犯罪問題研究 / Derivative Crime of Opening Taiwan to Mainland Tourism Policy于長豪, Yu, Chang-Hao Unknown Date (has links)
全球化的趨勢,在不影響國家安全的前提下,建構兩岸合作打擊犯罪之機制,實刻不容緩,臺灣應儘速尋求兩岸合作之可行模式,本文共分為幾部分,先經由政府對大陸政策實施迄今與執行層面做檢視與探討為出發點,並輔以對探親、結婚及近來討論開放觀光等議題和相關法令做全盤、統整性之分析。再來就相關犯罪所衍生之問題,在移民機關及警察機關間之協調聯繫和在執法上遇到之困境做分析,最後,本研究就合法來臺之大陸人民犯罪問題為研究主軸,並就相關問題提出個人之看法與建議,希能提供就國家安全機制上更完整之參考。 / The Republic of China launched an open policy for people to go abroad to China and visit with their relatives on November 2, 1987, thus the relationship between cross-straits becomes closer and closer since then. To those veterans who followed the Kuomintang government’s move to Taiwan in 1949, it has been almost 40-year- separation for them to make a return voyage. Moreover, since the end of 1970s, the interactions between Taiwan and China have become closer and more frequent in all aspects of economics and society. After the said policy, although the cultural, living, and language difference still exists, the numbers of intermarriage mountain up year by year. As a result, the crime pattern has gradually changed from previous illegal immigration to legal entering but crime enhancing. The crime pattern transformation derives more and more homeland security problems.
Nowadays, the factors of influence upon homeland security are mainly related to international environment, cross-strait relationship and domestic situation. Except China’s traditional threat of force to Taiwan, gradually, much other kinds of untraditional threat arise, such as human smuggling, prostitution under the disguise of marriage, drug trafficking, cross-strait organization crime, infectious diseases and etc. Not only do the aforementioned issues influence local social environment but also increase the cost both of social security and public order.
Under the trend of globalization, accordingly, there is an eager need for Taiwan to establish possible crime-fighting corporate system with China without influencing Taiwan’s homeland security. The purpose of this study is three-fold. First, based on Taiwan’s “China policy”, this study examines and reviews the policy implementation and effects, then further discusses and analyzes comprehensive issues and related regulations, like relatives visiting, intermarriage, and opening Taiwan to mainland tourism which topic has recently been discussed enthusiastically. Second, aiming at criminal derivatives, this study discusses the difficult situation for said policy communication and implementation between the Competent Authority of immigration, National Immigration Agency and Police Department when dealing with related crime. Finally, focusing on the crime issues of people who enter Taiwan legally from China, this study tends to launch a policy suggestion for reference as setting up a well-designed homeland security system.
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以生態博物館觀點推動社區總體營造之影響研究-以「十三行博物館」為例 / Research on the Influence of Integrated Community Construction from an Eco-Museum Perspective-A Case Study of Shihsanhang Museum黃麟惠, Huang, Lin-Huei Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:生態博物館、文化觀光產業、十三行博物館 / The primary focus of this thesis is to provide a thorough investigation and understanding of Shihsanghang Museum and its surrounding community, the town of Bali. As an eco-musuem, Shihsanghang utilizes “integrated community construction,” a model based on a local community’s competency to increase cultural tourism for their area. To better understand this topic, an explanation of the evolution and history of the concept of museum is presented, with special focus on the concept of the eco-museum.
As a museum, Shihsanghang has access to multiple channels of communication, including the government, experts and specialists of the field, and the local community. Not only does this give Shihsanghang access to many different resources, but it also puts the museum in a position to expand its function, becoming a coordinator and mediator of government bureaus involved in Bali and a communication window between government and local residents. Being in such a position is vital to the success of an eco-museum, as it allows the museum the opportunity to develop from the “bottom up.” The idea behind such a process is that the museum, by interacting with the community, can utilize resident input to guide government action, versus the traditional notion of the government having complete say over the development of a museum.
At first, Shihsanghang was not particularly effective in employing such a process. Gradually however, through influencing and interacting with the public and allowing the local community to slowly gain appreciation for the region, the museum was able to gather more and more feedback and participation from the residents. This in turn also opened up more resources to support local tourism.
As for helping to develop the local cultural industry however, Shihsanhang has had limited success so far, and should continue to develop and become an agent between local industry and culture.
Although Bali currently has many tourism channels and resources, it lacks a powerful unit to integrate all these promoting units. Furthermore, the surrounding environment still requires much improvement. For example, Shihsanhang hopes to improve tourism by “eco-museumising” Bali’s Left Bank and making it more attractive. Shisanhang has the ability and should begin integrating all the relevant promoting units, opening up opportunities for cooperation and creating a holistic approach to Bali’s tourism industry. If Shisanhang is able to achieve this, then it should proceed with a short-term, middle-term, and long-term plan. For the short-term, it should design tourism packages that target specific demographics as to increase a tourist’s visiting length. For the middle-term, it should develop “pathways” (themed-routes of Bali), as to make the sites visited by tourists in Bali more relevant to their interests. And for the long-term, it should make an entire development plan for Bali, helping to create high-value added local industries.
Keywords: Eco-Museum, Cultural Tourism, Shihsanhang Museum
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數位行銷打造文化節慶品牌之研究─以大甲媽祖國際觀光文化節為例米君儒 Unknown Date (has links)
由於台灣特殊的歷史背景、地理環境和種族多元性,無論是實體文化資源或無形文化傳說,都讓台灣的文化節慶極具特色與魅力,如果活動本身的內容豐富迷人加上行銷得宜,很有潛力成為各縣市的最佳品牌代表;然而,目前台灣所舉辦的眾多節慶活動,大多不具有明顯以品牌思維來經營的特徵。品牌經營是行銷重要的根基,要讓產品能永續的經營,一定要有策略地將商品或品名建立成為品牌。 / 我們已經進入了數位的時代,在資訊科技早已融入生活的今天,數位工具在行銷深度和廣度上能達到的效果已經明顯可見,但可惜的是,在眾多數位的工具中,被使用於台灣現行文化節慶行銷上的並不多,無論是工具種類或用途,甚至行銷人的思維上,都還停留在很基本的狀態中。 / 台灣眾多大型文化節慶活動中,大甲鎮瀾宮的媽祖遶境是國內極具代表性的一個節慶活動。自1999 年開始,臺中縣政府將遶境與其他文化資源結合擴大舉辦成為「大甲媽祖文化節」,2003 年正式更名為「大甲媽祖國際觀光文化節」,希望為這個龐大的民間信仰活動增加文化的深度與廣度。活動並納入多元的面向,期望能將此一活動經營成為國內文化節慶活動的第一品牌。 / 本研究是以大甲媽祖國際觀光文化節為例,以品牌策略來分析其現況,再從數位行銷的思維及應用工具中提出成為文化節慶品牌的建議。在行銷上,行銷人要能善用數位行銷的「即時」和「互動」兩大特點來打破地域和單向的行銷限制,將文化節慶的消息與內容即時且深刻地傳送到每個人的面前。唯有好的活動品質加上完善的行銷,才能讓節慶活動成為消費者心中的文化品牌,並藉此創造龐大商機並帶動地方永續性的發展。
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國際觀光旅館業者對於環保旅館認知之研究-以台北市地區為例 / A study on the perceptions of green hotel by the executives of international tourist hotels in Taipei林興國 Unknown Date (has links)
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觀光節慶活動之體驗行銷對顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度之影響-以澎湖花火節為例謝瑋紘, Hsieh, Wei Hung Unknown Date (has links)
觀光產業為缺乏自然資源的離島縣份—澎湖縣的重要經濟來源,而自2003年開始舉辦的澎湖花火節,為提振澎湖觀光收入與打造菊島觀光特色的重要觀光節慶之一,然而近年來由於規模縮小、活動內容缺乏在地特色,且同類型競爭者頻出的狀況下,花火節的效益受到不少質疑。作為澎湖最富盛名的觀光節慶活動,花火節是否依舊能對遊客有足夠的吸引力,並結合澎湖在地文化創造出對於遊客來說具有差異性的特別體驗?本研究擬採用體驗行銷作為理論基礎,以量化的調查法輔以質化的焦點團體訪談法,探究澎湖花火節給予遊客體驗之現況,了解其體驗對遊客滿意度及維繫遊客忠誠度的影響,並就得以補強改進之部份提出實務上的建議。研究結果顯示,體驗行銷模組中之感官體驗、思考體驗及行動體驗對顧客滿意度有顯著正向關聯,而感官體驗、思考體驗及關聯體驗對顧客忠誠度間有顯著正向關聯,而顧客滿意度對顧客忠誠度亦有正向關聯。差異性分析方面,人口統計變項及旅遊特性變項均有部份對體驗行銷、顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度達到顯著差異。焦點團體訪談之結果大部分與量化結果相符,受訪者指出澎湖花火節的煙火聲光效果是類似活動中最佳,但其是否能與在地文化做結合才是主要考量重遊的因素,節目及週邊設施的規劃也需要改善。建議往後澎湖花火節應融入澎湖在地特色,以增加活動與澎湖本身之連結,並進一步提昇體驗;活動的基礎設施與流程管理也應加強,並增加節目的多元性與互動性,以符合不同特性遊客的需求。 / Tourism industry plays a key role in the economy of Penghu County, which lacks natural resources to develop other industries. The Penghu Fireworks Festival, which has been held annually since 2003, is the most important tourism event to help increase the income of tourism and build the special characteristics of the county as a tourism destination, but recently the effect of the event has been doubted because of the shrink of its scale, the lack of authentic localism, and the rise of many imitating competitors. Does the event still have the competitiveness against others to attract tourists? Is there any possibility to bring some local culture in the event to provide extraordinary experience for the tourists? Schmitt’s Experiential Marketing theories is used in this study as the theoretical base to examine the experience of the Penghu Fireworks Festival both quantitatively and qualitatively. Survey method is performed to find out the relationships between the main variables, which are experiential marketing, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty. A following focus group discussion is then operated to gain further insights about the outcome of the survey. The result shows that sense, think, and act experiential modules are positively correlated to customer satisfaction. Sense, think, and relate modules are positively correlated to customer loyalty. Customer satisfaction and loyalty also have a positive correlation. ANOVA analysis indicates that differences of experience, customer satisfaction and loyalty among different demographic and tourism variables are partially significant. The result of the focus group discussion is similar to the quantitative analysis. The sensory performance of the Penghu Fireworks Festival is the best among similar events, but what really makes the tourists revisit is whether the event is designed with local culture elements. The content of the shows every night, the event settings and the management system have to be improved as well. Local elements of Penghu should be used as the theme of the festval to make it more relevant to the tourism destination, and to enhance the experience. Physical setting and process of the event should be improved. The content of the event also needs more diversity and interactivity, in order to satisfy the needs of different tourists.
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新型態複合經營商店之經營模式分析—以茶館複合式便利商店為例熊國華 Unknown Date (has links)
因此,在本文中,將先針對便利商店及茶產業的現況、市場競爭環境、複合條件做一分析,並依據Hamel的經營模式基礎提出結合兩產業的複合式經營模式,並在此經營模式分析中提出可行的策略活動及經營方向。 / It is enterprises that the complex management attempts to deal in a lot of industry goods together in the same sales field in order to meet the consumer demand, so as to reach the purposes of the diversification for increasing the revenues. In the market now when consumer's consciousness is strong, the shop that can combine consumer's life style will manage the trend. So in this thesis, the purpose is to do the study to combine together of the tea industry and the indispensable convenience store of the life. It attempts to offer a direction for the traditional tea store to make a transition. It also expands the feasibility of diversification for the convenience store.
The Taiwan tea industry except the traditional tea store, but also develop several business type. The Leisure Tea Garden emphasizes the function of recreation, education, and culture. The tea art house focuses on the culture aspect. The complex tea restaurant merges the modern and traditional conception. And the chain cold drink tea shop is seen everywhere by the road. All of them do a big effort to develop the new product to expand the tea industry. People who live in Taiwan or anywhere all like to drink ICETEA’s pearl milk tea. CHA FOR TEA combines the tea, tea meals, tea set and atmosphere to deliver the value to customers successfully. Wang De Chuan passes the bright red packaging of the teahouse, tea of different flavors is fragrant to let consumers experience after the charcoal fire is cured too. You can find many surprises and ideas in the tea industry that the proprietor innovate the tea product.
The farmer’s association is trying to promote the Leisure Tea Garden industry. It not only offers consumers a good destination of recreation of the vacation, but also promotes the rural economy to upgrade. And the complex tea restaurant is the trend of the market in recent years, so this kind company not only set up the branch in Taiwan, but also expands the market to China and Japan even more.
But some bottlenecks exist in developing in the general teahouse, for instance, staffs quit job causes the education and training question, the loyalty question of the brand, house rent cost are high. So teahouse industry proprietor can consider that form an alliance with the different product company, expand the product line, and share some expenses together. It has the benefit of reducing the operating cost, strengthening the competitive power, and diversifying the goods types, those can meet the consumer demand. Tea market is still growing up in recent years, and under the circumstances that some experiments of medical report are proved that tea is good for health. It causes the potential consumer population and purchasing power to grow up constantly, so tea companies need to pay more attention to improve the structure of the goods and offer service of making consumers satisfied, like this, the constant enlargement that the industry of tea could take advantage of this situation.
There are three kinds of main types in the teahouse at the present stage: Leisure Tea Garden, tea art house, complex tea restaurant. These three kinds of types of operation have its main products and activities to let consumers experience the enjoyment of drinking tea each.
The development which visits the Leisure Tea Garden combines the agriculture, education and characteristic that lies fallow, not only can stimulate the countryside to develop, can also let consumers of the city have places of a party during the vacation. Visit the activity which can be offered to consumers in Leisure Tea Garden and include the agricultural affair to visit, experience the course of make tea, brew tea and drink tea teaching, tea culture are recommend, can also hold various kinds of theme activities in slack business season according to the tea in addition, which will make visitors in the Leisure Tea Garden in an endless stream throughout the year. Among them, it is to visit the unique selling point in the Leisure Tea Garden to visit and experience the course of make tea with the agricultural affair, because consumers emphasize the health now. Customer do not want to eat agricultural products with residues of pesticides, so can introduce consumer's correct agriculture chemical occupation mode while visiting in agricultural affair. In addition, in the course of experiencing the making tea can let consumers feel the preciousness of the tea grower's working hard and tea.
Inheriting from classical culture more in the tea art house, adopt more flowing water of flower garden, brick wood ,etc. And it builds the scene too in mounting, complement the works of drawing with the classic's poem etc. And it improves the cultural characteristics in the shop. The tea name which is also rich in the clever thought is the special feather of the tea art house. It has opened another kind of delight of life for guests. Because a kind of quietness that the tea art house give more consumers, quiet and tastefully laid out feeling. So the main activities and services that tea art house offer are brew tea and drink tea teaching, tea culture introduce, work of art appreciate and sell.
The characteristic of complex tea restaurant is the function of pluralism and various that he offers, and it has merged more heterogeneous culture. It is simple and unsophisticated that the decoration of complex tea restaurant is different from the traditional tea art house too, and the substitute is a bright and clean, spacious and open design. The waiter or clerk prepares a pot of tea or a cup of tea well, let consumer just needs to taste and experience it carefully and slowly, the concept comes out to transmit 'drink tea may very much light actually, might not take heavy and complicated formality'. Although the service and activity offered in complex tea restaurant are still the teaching, tea culture recommend, the work of art is appreciated and sold. But drinking tea and eat meal are the main business. Its atmosphere builds letting not only younger generations and workers does not repel of it, fond of his environment instead. It can be the replacement of the coffee shop. By the way, customers not only go to coffee shop to have a get-together, but also can choose going teahouse to have a dinner party and have a rest voluntarily too. This can prove from ‘CHA FOR TEA’, ‘AZABUSABO’ crowd state of restaurant.
Do the Analysis of the complex convenience store of teahouse by way of Hamel’s model now. Hamel proposes four major elements, whose are core strategy, strategic resources, customer interface and value network. And there are three ‘bridges’ linking the four elements, they are stated as follows:
The complex convenience store of teahouse can set out from such an undertaking mission on the core strategy, and not only puts out the entity goods on the products and market range, even service of the virtual goods should be offered. Those can be consumed in the shop and take away are the main entity goods, and this part can be done a big innovation to make customer easily to buy, brew and drink. This will be the marrow of the difference foundation.
On strategic resources, except it is apt to brew tea to offer to consumers. It is the key ability that the company needs accumulating even more to make the customer easy to buy and take, and this needs to encourage the staff to interact with customer to develop creative service and products. After that, the accumulating brand name, patent, customer's data and channel will be company's important strategic assets. And do the work to make the selling, purchasing, preparing the goods procedure in the information platform, which is the foundation to upgrade the competitive power.
Configuration is the bridge to link core strategy and strategic resources. The main activity is to let staff have chance to experience other department’s work, let R&D and marketing person have chance to be a sales person to feel customer’s real request and puzzle.
In customer interface, it needs marketing develop activities, sales activities and after-sale and support service. By these activities, it can find out new customer and maintain the existing relationship with the customer, and these will also maintain the customer's loyalty. On the information platform that has already had, develop the traceability system of production, let consumers experience the transparent advantages, realize the demands of the information. Under this kind interaction, the relationship between the company and customer must be reliable. Under the channel foundation in the convenience store, the supply chain relation and overhead will let the goods cost be reduced, and it will raise the products competitiveness.
Customer benefit is the bridge to link core strategy and customer interface. The company can offer some convenient service to customers, like changing the goods within the time limit and re-curing the moist tea.
Make up the value network by the way of supplier, partner, alliance. This can develop and sell the goods complementarily, and under the cooperation of honors, improve the sales volume of the goods to make a profit.
Company boundary line is the bridge to link value network and strategic resources. It should give the manufacture work to the suppliers or the partners, and the company just needs to focus on the sale, manner of packing, research and develop some new convenient method to brew good tea.
In addition, enterprise needs to pay much attention to get money, which can raise the efficiency through the large-scale production and experience curve, reach the uniqueness through small-size package, helping customer brew tea, smooth supply chain system and customer service system. All these strategic factors should be matched to reach a goal to get 25% net profits. Then, the enterprise can be managed continuously forever.
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我國國際觀光旅館業人力資源管理之研究-以個案分析為例 / A Study on Human Resource Management of International Tourist Hotels in Taiwan:The Case Study蔡宜倩, Tsai,Yi Chien Unknown Date (has links)
經由相關文獻與深度訪談之分析,本研究發現高基層人力比例、部分工時人員與外包人力等彈性人力資源之運用,均為我國國際觀光旅館業從業人員之特殊結構屬性。另一方面,國際觀光旅館業提供的勞動條件普遍偏低,人力運用方面則重視數量及功能上的彈性運用,人力資源管理實務則於個案旅館中因經營管理型態而稍有差異,而未來國際觀光旅館業的營業擴展趨勢將使人力面臨短缺,而影響人力資源策略的形成。 / It has long been recognized that hotel industry generally suffered from shortage of human resource, relatively high turnover rate, and lower paying, no matter overseas or domestic. However, it is not an astonishing phenomenon for international tourist hotels which highlight the importance of service quality and attitude. Thus, human resource management is a critical element of operating performance in international tourist hotels.
The topic for discussion of this research is exploring human resources management practice and relative issues in international tourist hotels in Taiwan. Therefore, analyzing labor conditions, practice of human resources management, as well as present application of human resources of international tourist hotels in Taiwan are subject of this study. The purposes of the research are listed:
1. Discussing the characteristic and profile of the international tourist hotels industry in Taiwan, along with the operation and conduct types, and business situation, such as operating income and cost, occupation rate, average room rate, customer category, and so on.
2. Discussing the general situation of human resources exercises, characteristic, practice, and related issues of international tourist hotels in Taiwan.
3. To dissect business profile and exercises of human resources, labor conditions, and human resource management practice of three case hotels.
To implement the purposes, this research was processed by in-depth interview, during May on 2006. The interviewees are all supervisors at human resources department in G hotel, H hotel and L hotel. According to previous findings, issues involved in the questionnaire are labor conditions, manipulation of human resources, practice of human resources management of these three hotels, including recruitment, selection, promotion and merit, training, profile of turnover rate, and the human resource strategy under competitive industry environment in the future.
There are three major results of this study. First, to utilize human resources in international tourist hotels, the numerical and functional flexibility are significant to adjust to business requirement. Such as overtime work, part-time worker, and outsourcing labor are common practices. Second, even though international tourist hotel industry applies to Labor Standards Act, labor conditions in international tourist hotel are rather inferior. Third, human resource management practices in the case hotels show kind of similar on system, with their own chain business type.
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以EVA評價國際觀光旅館業之研究鄭欽煊, Cheng ,Chin-Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
從本研究得知國內上市櫃國際觀光旅館業創造價值之動因,計有 加權平均資金成本、投入資本、稅後淨營業利潤、銷售利潤率、資本週轉率與住房率六個價值動因,其中加權平均資金成本與投入資本和EVA®呈負相關,稅後淨營業利潤、投入資本、銷售利潤率、資本週轉率與住房率與EVA®呈正相關,至於平均每日房價、餐飲坪效則與EVA®不相關,表非顯著之價值動因。
為維持旅館經營長期超額報酬的期間,在有重新改裝(Renovation)機會時,應以新加入市場者心態,設法創造大躍進式全新的旅館業價值,建立旅館新價值曲線(Value curve),追求市場領先競爭優勢,不但應分別從同業競爭標準的產品、服務和運輸三構面思考外,更應針對顧客對旅館的真正需求項目,予以增加或超越同業標準,並縮減或刪除顧客根本不在意的服務項目,以達兼顧顧客的需求、企業價值的創造與降低經營成本的效果。 / The following six factors will affect the value created from the listed international hotels: WACC, IC, NOPLAT, PM%, CT% and OCC%. The WACC and IC are negative correlated to EVA®, the NOPLAT, IC, PM%, CT% and OCC% are positive correlated to EVA® and the ADR and F&B are no correlated to EVA®.
This paper uses EVA® to evaluate the operating results of ten major international hotels in Taipei. We find the large hotels have positive EVA® operating results, the Grand Formosa Regent Taipei Hotel is the best, and the Grand Hyatt Taipei is the second. Sherwood Hotel is the best in the medium-size hotels, and Hotel Royal Taipei is the second. The operating size will affect the EVA® result and the key factor is the Excess-Ordinary Returns. In our study we discover both large and medium size hotels will have positive EVA® if the have low original input capital, correct product position and excellent operating team.
The study suggests using EVA® or DCF, discounting the future free cash flow from hotel operating, to evaluate the value of international hotels. This way will avoid the over investment in real estate. Hotels can improve the unreasonable Franchise and Affiliation Fee Structure by long-term leasehold and EVA® valuation model. They also can decrease fixed personal expense and resource cost to increase profit rate by increasing the ROIC of input capital return, varied product and using the EVA® bonus system.
In order to keep the long-term Excess-Ordinary Returns of hotel operating, when the hotel has renovation opportunity, they should act as a new competitor and try to create entire new hotel value, create the new value curve. The hotel should seek the lead competition advantage and think about the product, service and transport. They should increase the quality of service which customer need, and decrease or deduct the service people don’t care, and then they will satisfy the customer, create the hotel value and decrease the operating cost.
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