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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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從全球整合行銷觀點檢視台灣觀光行銷溝通 / Examining the tourism marketing communication program of Taiwan from the globally integrated marketing communication perspective

林珮君, Lin, Pei Chun Unknown Date (has links)
Tourism industry, one of the most rapid growing economic activities around the world, brings countries foreign exchange and creates million jobs. Due to the huge profit involved, more and more countries recognize the importance of tourism marketing and start to include it into their national development plan, so does Taiwan. However, little attention has been paid in the academic field to Taiwan’s tourism promotions on a global basis. Therefore, this research aims at analyzing how Taiwan manages and integrates its tourism marketing communications in its three main target regions—Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, and Europe and America—from the perspective of Globally Integrated Marketing Communication (GIMC), and uses the current campaign “Tour Taiwan Years 2008-2009” as the subject. Following the IMC Audit proposed by Duncan (2002), this case study conducts document analysis and in-depth interviews with Tourism Bureau to investigate how Taiwan integrates its global communication either vertically across marketing disciplines or horizontally across countries. In addition, the level of standardization across marketing disciplines is compared, and suggestions for employing GIMC model are also provided. The finding can be summarized into three points: 1. Either within each region or across regions, the strategies Tourism Bureau employs are close to globally integrated strategy, but with different level of vertical and horizontal integrations. 2. The proposition, which suggests that public relation, sales promotion, and direct marketing are more difficult to standardize compared to advertising, is not supported in the case of “Tour Taiwan Years 2008-2009.” 3. The application of GIMC to tourism marketing in this case suggests that strategy should be the guiding principle for integration; and the classification of GIMC strategy should be adjusted and made based on a continuum approach.

uVoyage營運計畫提案:促進台灣地方特色發展之休閒旅遊服務平台 / A business plan proposal for uVoyage: A service platform to promote the development of regional tourism in Taiwan

卓品光, Jwo, Pin Guang Unknown Date (has links)
服務產業已在近代成為了世界各個國家的重要產業,台灣尤其,因此推動服務經濟一直是政府主要的推展政策之一。政大服務科學研究中心(SSRC)及資管所AeSL實驗室將服務科學的知識運用在實務上的服務創新,為本國較弱勢的觀光產業中小型商家提升競爭力,進而發展了一個以旅遊意象為引擎的全新網路服務平台,uVoyage。 此平台的目的為幫助弱勢的中小型觀光商家將自己的產品及服務自行行銷,推廣到全國大眾。本經營計畫的最高宗旨為提供一個互動性平台,讓觀光業中小型商家與旅客一起共創價值,達到永續經營。專案在初始挑選了宜蘭縣枕頭山休閒農業區作為開發平台的實驗標的,並於去年就已經完成POC(Proof of Concept)。在持續開發平台的同時,本研究所著重的方向為研討uVoyage平台的實際經營模式,並將其營運計畫做完善的提案。此研究在進行的過程也定時與枕山村休閒農業區的商家辦說明會蒐集意見回饋,讓平台的功能更能夠符合商家的需求。 此論文延續平台的基礎,持續進行完整性的開發,同時將組織管理、財務、營運及獲利模式做完整個規劃。本研究最終目標為完成最後階段的POS(Proof of Service),並提出實際可行的經營計畫。促進台灣地方特色發展、幫助觀光中小企業為uVoyage的最高使命。


周旭華 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以GATS觀光建制演進為例,驗證以新自由制度主義為基礎所建立的基本假設。本文對GATS觀光建制演進所作之考察,驗證了經濟過程面、整體權力結構、議題權力結構、國際組織面等總體政治經濟結構面因素,在不同階段,單獨或合併對GATS觀光建制立法演進產生不同面向之影響。(見圖7-1) 經濟與科技發展及變化,是GATS及觀光建制議題形成的主要動能。GATS建制之形成,最初之原動力來自於美國因經濟及科技發展,而產生將服務貿易納入多邊貿易體系之利益認知,進而透過議程設定以推動建制之形成。WTO設立後,面對全球觀光需求成長之趨勢,不同發展階段的國家,都看到許多觀光商機,皆對觀光服務貿易寄以厚望,因此產生了持續進行觀光自由化談判之動能。 經濟與科技發展及變化,除了促成繼續推動模式二自由化承諾外,亦驅策已開發國家如美國所主張之模式三自由化,及開發中國家如印度所主張之模式四自由化。網路科技之進步,提高某些服務以模式一跨境提供的可行性,而產生模式一自由化之動機。但經濟與科技發展及變化,固然帶來了商機,也導致某些開發中國家所賴以維生之觀光產業,遭受跨國公司挾新科技之重大威脅。觀光附件立法之原始驅力,即來自於開發中國家面對經濟及科技變化所帶來之挑戰,期望透過立法途徑以有效減少利益漏失。 經濟及科技變化因素產生了談判動機,但仍有賴足夠的權力才能推動談判,而將所欲談判之議題推上議程,並影響談判結果。GATS建制之形成,最初得力於美國運用其於冷戰時期的強大整體權力為後盾,排除議價障礙,而將服務貿易議題推上烏拉圭回合談判議程。但隨著冷戰結束,整體權力結構未必能支配個別議題權力結構,美國較難運用其整體權力以遂行其在經貿議題領域的主張。因此,在服務貿易議題領域,烏拉圭回合後期一再出現多數意見凌駕美國利益期待的重要決定,例如美國所主張之國民待遇與市場開放二大原則列入一般義務,以及以負面表列方式作承諾,均遭到多數意見反對而大幅修改。 就權力結構面向觀察,當前WTO下的整體權力結構,係美國為首,EC協同領導,G-20具有關鍵反對地位的態勢。觀光議題權力結構,大致與WTO下的整體權力結構接近,亦是美歐主導,G-20具關鍵地位之態勢。整體權力結構因素,對於WTO建制整體推進與遲滯,例如杜哈議程的整體進展,影響較為直接。觀光特定承諾談判作為杜哈議程下服務貿易談判的一環,亦受整體進展之間接影響。美國所主張之旅館服務模式三自由化,以及「觀光談判九國立場文件」所主張之模式一及模式四自由化,皆因取得足夠的權力基礎,而較有機會進入談判議程。對觀光附件提案國言,觀光附件提案在杜哈議程展開後的政治經濟氣候下,迅速失去動能,與提案國勢單力薄,欠缺權力基礎不無關係。透過議題串連及或結盟可提高權力;觀光附件原始提案國多明尼加等,透過「觀光談判九國立場文件」提案,而與G-20主要成員議題結盟,不無強化提案之權力基礎,以提高競爭防護議題進入談判議程機會之意。 議題權力結構對於觀光談判有其影響。雖然由於整體權力結構與觀光議題權力結構的落差不大,其權力基礎究係整體權力或議題權力,不易分辨。不過,印度在杜哈議程下大幅放寬對觀光旅遊服務模式三自由化之承諾,議題權力結構可以局部解釋此一立場大轉變之原因。觀光附件提案國整體權力甚弱,但因對觀光議題之重視,傾力推動,而使其在此議題之權力得以提升,而發揮影響議程之作用。 在國際組織面因素方面,正式或非正式國際網絡、規範、制度,對權力行使所產生之約束力或助力,有時會造成與權力結構不盡一致的議價結果。昔日GATS形成之初,係在原GATT建制下進行談判,開發中國家得以利用GATT既有架構表達反對立場,而導致GATT秘書處無法於1980年代初期建立服務貿易討論的正式議程。其後,烏拉圭回合談判中,在強調「貿易體系整體需求」而不考慮個別國家利益下,限制了美國之權力運用,使其無法迫使他國接受其所擬訂的「服務貿易總協定」草案版本。國際組織面因素,對弱國的權力的行使常有頗大助力。尤其是GATS發展規範及其所衍生之規則,使權力相對弱勢之開發中國家取得更佳議價地位。開發中國家關於觀光議題之提案,無論是特定承諾談判或觀光附件相關議題之主張,發展規範及相關規則皆是重要後盾。反觀已開發國家受發展規範之拘束,卻又不能加以挑戰,只能於規則層次爭取有利之解釋。除發展規範外,WTO單一承諾談判制度及投票規則,乃至其他國際組織如世界觀光組織、UNCTAD,乃至NGOs的網絡關係或行為規範,亦對觀光建制演進有所影響。 本文之考察,亦驗證了另一項結構面之基本假設:改變GATS建制內容的新主張能否推進,前提是會員對於在「促進經濟福祉」及「維護政策自主」二方面相互利益之強弱有無之認知。GATS建制之自由化、發展、國內管制等三大主要規範,均可辨認出此二類可期待之相互利益,作為合作之基礎。惟強弱有別;例如,發展規範對已開發國家眼前之直接利益顯然不大,故政治基礎較不穩定,從而出現透過政治運作而降低牽制之嘗試。基本上,國家恒常運用其權力以追求利益,倘若某一涉及建制演進之主張,並無足夠的相互利益可資期待,則難誘發其運用權力以推進該主張之動能。推動建制改變的提案主張,必須具有與權力結構大致相稱的相互利益,但發展規範的推進無此條件。因此,相較於自由化規範,發展規範之推進,更有賴權力較大之會員,著眼於長期整體利益,包括價值理念之維護,作出較多讓步。 觀光特定承諾談判係以GATS自由化規範之相互利益為基礎,若能維持各提供模式自由化之均衡,兼顧發展規範,則其相互利益堪稱顯著,有助建制新內容之推進。例如,印度對觀光服務市場開放進一步放寬,除權力結構面因素外,顯著的「促進經濟福祉」預期相互利益之存在,亦有其解釋力。較大的挑戰是觀光附件提案;此一提案因係以發展規範為基礎,故其提案內容相互利益本即較不顯著,但不僅已開發國家無利益,連許多開發中國家所關心的政策自主利益亦遭威脅。此一提案雖一度獲得熱烈討論,卻於2002年杜哈議程展開後歸於沉寂,預期之相互利益不足乃是導致其失去動能的根本原因。在杜哈議程的政治現實下,原提案國改以「示範要求文件」,在特定承諾談判中,以實現觀光附件之目標,有其相互利益之考量。 展望未來,觀光服務貿易對不同發展階段之國家,皆具有潛在利益。對於服務貿易普遍缺少競爭力的開發中國家來說,觀光服務貿易更提供了創造外匯及就業機會而消除貧窮的契機所在。隨著全球化之推進,國際觀光服務貿易的商機愈來愈多,但跨國公司運用新科技,並進行各種形態之企業整合,導致競爭更趨白熱化,因而開發中國家所擔心的經濟利益漏失亦可能加劇。不同發展階段的WTO會員,基於各自的利益認知,皆有意運用權力以影響觀光建制之演進,使其朝著有利於已的方向發展。因此,GATS觀光服務貿易建制下,無論是特定承諾談判,或如觀光附件之類的規則談判,經濟面向的動能未來將持續存在。 但談判能否推進,重要前提是提案內容是否在「促進經濟福祉」及「維護政策自主」二方面具有相互利益。觀光附件提案在杜哈發展議程中遭到冰存,主因之一是相互利益不足。隨著全球化持續推進,國際觀光所出現的經濟漏失可能更趨嚴重,倘若觀光附件內容加以修改,而能解決開發中國家既要防止經濟利益漏失,又要避免主權旁落之兩難困境,兼具經濟福祉及政策自主之相互利益,則不無可能重新取得大部分開發中國家之支持。假如進一步在內容設計上,兼顧已開發國家之立場,則立法阻力將可減少。必須注意的是,期待相互利益是某一主張被接受的基礎,然而若日後之實際相互利益,與期待利益落差過大,則可能侵蝕原先的合作基礎,而對建制造成危機。例如,國內管制規範的實踐經驗,即出現與預期相互利益不符之情形,造成規範弱化之挑戰。 未來GATS建制演進之實際進展,主要仍受權力結構之支配。就整體權力結構觀察,美國在「一超多強」結構下,仍是軍事獨強,也是WTO下整體權力最強的會員。但EC在其會員擴增為25國且進一步整合後,或許更具與美國分庭抗禮的實力;「金磚四國」整體力量上升,除了已經在WTO內的中國、印度、巴西外,尚有俄羅斯即將加入,未來可能在農業G-20基礎上,展現其在WTO下更強的的結盟實力,但由於四國的基本利益並不一致,故其未來影響尚待觀察。就目前WTO會員之權力結構而言,美國與歐盟對建制的支持,是維繫及演進的關鍵所在。整體而言,多邊自由貿易建制合乎美國及歐盟的政治經濟利益,理當可獲其支持。 再就價值理念言,會員間除了權力與利益的理性計算外,也受到價值觀之制約,而多邊自由貿易建制,本質上係以西方式自由民主理念為價值基礎,對美國及歐盟具制約力。因此,在可見的未來,不易出現類似1970年代國際貨幣建制瓦解之情形。 在觀光議題權力結構方面,從統計數字顯示的趨勢觀之,美國、EC將繼續居於主導地位。但開發中國家的權力持續上升,中國與印度皆因觀光消費能力增加而產生議題權力;中國之成長尤其值得注意。另一方面,國際觀光對「金磚四國」外匯收益及就業機會之提供日趨重要,增加其對觀光客來源國之經濟依賴。 整體權力結構與觀光議題權力結構合併觀之,美國在可見的未來仍將是談判動能的主要來源,但美國必須獲得到EC的支持,並取得G-20之諒解,始能順利推動議程,在觀光服務模式三自由化之推動,此一權力基礎將繼續存在。從G-20在坎昆會議中面對美歐聯手所展現的對抗力量觀之,縱使推動議程的力量尚嫌不足,至少有力量阻滯議程,而迫使美國及EC重視其意見。G-20未來權力可能繼續上升,但對已開發國家的依賴將加深,且因各自與不同已開發國家間的權力關係不等距,而可能造成權力結構複雜化。 「觀光談判九國立場文件」所表達的模式四自由化,及限制觀光反競爭行為等立場,若開發中國家立場一致,則有機會獲得回應,但因權力結構日趨複雜,一切仍有變數。 就國際組織面言,發展規範及其相關規則,可望繼續牽制已開發國家,而提供開發中國家,尤其低度開發國家助力,使其向已開發國家所提出之主張更具正當性。未來,只要美國無意改變其積極參與並領導WTO建制的基本政策,當不致一味推動自由化規範,而偏廢發展規範。觀察WTO近年來的演進脈絡,美國面對國際組織面向之牽制,傾向於切割開發中國家陣營,限縮發展規範的適用對象於低度開發國家,而將發展規範對其之牽制減至最低。其次,開發中國家所一再主張的GATS第4條落實或施行問題,攸關發展規範下的權利義務內容,影響議價態勢及結果,乃是開發中國家與已開發國家未來無法迴避的問題。此外,WTO決策規則及實踐,包括正式程序及非正式機制如「綠室會議」之運作,未來是否改變,對議價結果也會有影響。在司法層面,WTO爭端解決之決定,例如美墨電信案對參考文件及發展規範之見解,以及網路賭博案對國內管制例外之解釋,也可能對觀光建制演進產生影響。

苦口良藥或致命毒藥: 臺灣醫療旅遊正當性之論述分析 / Bitter Pill or Fatal Poison: A Discourse Analysis of the Competition for Legitimacy of Medical Tourism in Taiwan

王嘉瑩, Wang, Chia Ying Unknown Date (has links)
台灣發展醫療旅遊/國際醫療服務一直備受爭議。本研究主要以意見場域為基礎,深度訪談與次級資料的論述分析為方法,探看台灣發展醫療旅遊的過程中,相關行動者以何種論述策略正當化自身持具之立場、其中又反映了何種為行動者視為當然之預設;進而找尋各方溝通之可能性。 依照「與國際醫療服務有關的政府主要推動計畫時程」和「論辯的主要議題」兩者,本研究將所探看的發展時間分為三時期,分別為:(1)關於醫療服務國際化是否應該發展以及如何發展的討論;(2)行政院核定以公司化、專區化作為主要發展方向所引發的論辯;(3)國際醫療納入自由經濟示範區之後的實體專區發展模式所引發的論述競逐;進而歸納並分析共23種論述策略。進一步從存續的策略和消失的策略提出以下幾點命題:存續的策略彰顯出行動者在意見場域中爭奪正統地位的原則,分有「存在非營利本質的醫療」和「全民照護優先」兩者;消失的策略則意味著從意見推進至俗見的面向,分有「失敗案例不具評判國際醫療成效之效力」及「配套一次到位的不可能及其必要性」。 綜觀整體發展過程發現,國際醫療服務似仍深陷論述的泥淖中:在蘊含著各式各樣論述策略的整體發展過程中,各方雖有「存在非營利本質的醫療」和「全民照護優先」兩個共同的論辯原則,但仍存在不可達致共識的鴻溝;其中,反對發展者論述的「策略性」似不如支持發展者要多元。這樣的態勢究竟將走向收斂或發散,值得持續觀察;然而,持著「有自己的想法並尊重他人想法,同時適度修正自己的想法」此心態,當是在這「亂中有序」的態勢中達致溝通的有效前提。 / The development of medical tourism in Taiwan has been a controversial issue in recent years. Based on the concept of “field of opinion,” the thesis uses discourse analysis and interview as methods to analyze: (1) how the related actors justify themselves with diverse discourse strategies; (2) the presumptions which are underlying those justifications and taken for granted by the actors; (3) the possibility for those actors with different opinions to reach the stage of consensus.The thesis follows two principles to analyze the collected data. One is the time schedule of the related government projects; the other is the main foci in the whole development process. With the two principles, the whole development process is split into three periods: (1) the debate upon whether medical tourism should be promoted and how to promote it; (2) the debate upon the possibility of organizing hospitals in corporate form within a specific bounded area; (3) the debate upon if it is right to set up international medical centers in the “free economic pilot zones.” The thesis founds 23 discourse strategies that actors used to justify themselves in the whole development process. Furthermore, the author argues that the subsisting strategies represent the principles actors hold to compete for the orthodoxy in the field of opinion. In the thesis, the principles refer to “medical affairs as nonprofit” and “citizen first.” The disappearance of strategies then represents the doxa which used to be opinions. In this regard, the thesis founds that those failing government projects become unrelated to the effectiveness of medical tourism which is being promoted. While everyone knows that to have all supporting projects settled is impossible, forming the supporting projects once and for all is still necessary. All in all, the author argues that although “medical affairs as nonprofit” and “citizen first” are the two common principles between the supporters of medical tourism and their counterpart, to reach the stage of consensus, there is still a long way to go; the supporters seem to have more diverse strategies to confront their counterpart. After all, respecting each other and modifying one’s own opinion in progress might be the effective presumption to get settled in such a full-of-chaos-but-ordered condition.


李依盈, LEE,YI-YING Unknown Date (has links)
二○○一年年底通過了「大陸地區人民來台從事觀光活動許可辦法」,希望藉由此政策之推行,作為向中國大陸釋出善意的證明,以及挽救台灣觀光產業的處方籤。然而此政策是我國單方面的善意開放,再加上未來全面開放的時間表也沒有確定。因此,有相當多的不確定因素影響到此政策的執行成敗。此外,此政策從二○○二年一月執行至今已發生過多次的跳機(觀光客滯留)事件,致使社會各界均對此政策產生疑慮與擔憂。 因此,本文的研究目的在於:一、為該政策作一全面的檢討評估,以期提供整體性與前瞻性的政策分析與政策建議。二、提出更有效地安全管理機制,以減少中國觀光客在台逾期滯留。 研究歷經文獻檢閱、研究架構之提出、深度訪談與資料分析等過程後,研究所得結果彙整如下: 一、此政策執行至今仍然無法達到其預期的政策目標,讓台灣的觀光產業更加蓬勃發展。 二、旅遊品質與旅遊資源在短期內並非為影響此政策達成目標的關鍵因素;不過以中長期來看,旅遊品質與旅遊資源其實是影響台灣觀光產業發展的一個根本因素,也是最為重要的要素。 三、安全管理機制是必要且重要的,然而安全管理機制與其他因素相較之下,安全管理機制則屬於比較微觀的,比較屬於技術層面的東西。 四、在此開放旅遊的政策中,與中國簽訂旅遊協議其實是最基本的前提要件,屬於最重要的一個影響因素,若是少了這道程序,之後的安全管理機制與旅遊品質都會直接或間接受到影響。 五、今日的安全管理機制難以發揮功效,主要的原因在於我們沒有與中國大陸簽 訂協議。而且即使訂定出一套看似百密而無一疏的安全管理機制,也無法百分之百的杜絕中國旅客來台逾期滯留的問題。


翁竹君, Weng, Chu-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本文採用一階段隨機邊界分析方法,建立一多投入多產出之投入距離函數模型,衡量民國81~91年間台灣66家國際觀光旅館經營之相對技術效率,同時探討造成不效率之因素。並利用投入導向Malmquist生產力指數進一步分析國際觀光旅館產業生產力改變的原因與幅度。 整體而言,台灣國際觀光旅館產業之經營效率大致呈現緩慢進步之趨勢。造成整體產業生產力提升之原因,主要為業者對於投入產出配置使用之效率改善,而非生產技術進步。除了整體經濟景氣因素當然影響觀光產業之興衰外,個別國際觀光旅館業者之效率表現仍受到許多因素影響。諸如規模、國際化程度等內部原因,及旅館是否位處風景區、所在地縣市政府對觀光發展投注之資源預算和該地市場競爭程度等外在因素。 從政府政策方面來分析,若以整體國際觀光旅館產業經營效率來衡量我國觀光產業興衰,民國87年隔週休二日政策及民國90年實施之全面週休二日政策,的確有效帶動國人休閒旅遊之風潮,促進國內觀光發展。而各縣市政府觀光相關支出與國際觀光旅館生產力變動之關係,呈現正向相關,則表示政府支出增加有助於觀光產業蓬勃發展,並增加國際觀光旅館之經營效率。由於觀光產業生產具外部性,政府積極利用觀光產業以帶動經濟景氣繁榮成長的政策應當可行。 / In this paper a multi-output, multi-input and input oriented distance function is built by one-stage stochastic frontier approach (Battese and Coelli, 1995) to estimate the relative efficiency of the 66 international tourist hotels in Taiwan in 1992~2002 and to explore the determinants of technical efficiency. In addition, the Malmquist productivity index model is used to analyze the range and the causes of the productivity changed. The results reveal that managerial efficiency of international tourist hotel industry improves gradually. The productivity growth can be attributed to efficiency gains, but not the effects of technical progress. There are significant differences in efficiency due to difference not only in the macroeconomic situation, but also in many other individual factors, such as scale, joining an international chain, located in scenic area, local government other economic service expenditure and competitiveness. Analyzing the government policy, the implementations of two-day-off twice a month policy in 1998 and two-day-off per week policy in 2001 have fostered domestic traveling and expanded tourist hotel industry. The local government other economic service expenditure has positive effect on efficiency of international tourist hotels. That is to say, increasing in local government tourist expenditure will promote tourism market and improve efficiency of a hotel. Because of the production externality in tourism industry the idea that government tries to promote tourism to benefit economic development would be workable.

中央政府觀光行銷計畫變遷(2001-2010)之研究 / A study on the changes of the tourism marketing plans (2001-2010) of central government in Taiwan

葉孟靄, Yeh, Meng Ai Unknown Date (has links)
觀光作為國家的重點發展產業,政府將藉由觀光行銷計畫的推陳出新以提升 其觀光競爭力。台灣中央政府從2001 年到2010 年推出一連串的觀光行銷計畫, 從中可以發現觀光行銷計畫的內容出現一定程度的變遷,可是目前的研究很少針 對觀光行銷計畫的變遷進行探究。因此,本研究由政策變遷理論作為探討基礎, 試圖以學習的途徑解釋觀光行銷計畫的變遷,採用文件分析法和訪談法發現觀光 行銷計畫發生哪些重要變遷,以及造成變遷的因素為何,並透過組織學習與政策 學習理論分析學習在觀光行銷計畫的變遷中所扮演的角色。 經過資料的蒐集與分析之後,結論針對研究發現與研究發現的意涵進行討論, 並提出研究建議,包括:觀光局機關首長的領導為引發學習的關鍵因素,且促使 觀光局逐漸轉型為學習型組織;在變遷與學習的關係中,也發現機關內各單位與 階層之間出現不一致的改變程度,代表觀光局仍然需要更全面的學習。因此,未 來觀光局新的首長必須持續領導觀光局的學習,平衡機關內各單位與階層之間的 改變程度,並學習新的行銷趨勢,才能不斷產出更為出色的觀光行銷計畫。 / Because the tourism industry is one of the country’s important industries, government may improve and innovate on tourism marketing plans to increase tourism competitiveness of country. From 2001 to 2010, the central government in Taiwan promoted a series of tourism marketing plans, which can be found some changes in tourism marketing plans. However, the current study has few discussions on the changes of the tourism marketing plans. Therefore, this study counts on the policy change theory as the research basis, then tries to apply learning approach to explain the changes of the tourism marketing plans. The research methods of this study use document analysis and interviews to found what important changes in the tourism marketing plans, as well as found the factors that caused the changes. Besides, through organizational learning and policy learning theory, this study analyses of the role of learning in the changes of the tourism marketing plans. After the data collection and analysis, the conclusion of this study discusses the finding and the meaning of finding, raises some suggestions as well. For example, the leadership of the head of the Tourism Bureau was the key factor which leads to learning, and the head transformed the Tourism Bureau into a learning organization gradually; between the changes and learning, this study also found so inconsistent degree of changes among the internal various units and levels that the Tourism Bureau still need for more comprehensive learning. Therefore, in order to continue producing even better tourism marketing plans, the new head of the Tourism Bureau must continue leading the Tourism Bureau to learn, balance the degree of changes among the internal various units and levels, and learn new marketing trend in the future.


賴琦捷 Unknown Date (has links)
觀光產業為現在世界主要產業之一,稱之為「無煙囪產業」,因其汙染少且外部成本相較許多工業產業來的低,許多國家都致力於發展觀光業,投入許多政策吸引觀光客到訪。我國政府近年來也推動許多政策是針對外籍旅客觀光計畫。如民國92年的「觀光客倍增計畫」預期於2008年達成目標,於是在同年於「觀光發展條例」中增訂的「外籍旅客購物退稅」,外籍旅客購物退稅的實施更是發展觀光產業的重要措施之一,觀光產業在觀光較為發達的已開發國家中,都十分重視旅客購物退稅這項措施,臺灣政府於民國92年實施政策至今,經歷了幾次重大改制,本文致力於研究於民國100年7月實施的「現場小額退稅」措施,是否對來臺外籍旅客的消費行為有顯著影響,並對今年實施的新制退稅措施是否再次影響旅客消費意願作出預期。 本研究以外籍旅客國籍及其消費金額之追蹤資料進行迴歸分析,蒐集位於臺北市區的某特定營業人2009年8月至2015年12月的外籍旅客退稅資料,針對來自七個國家及地區的外籍遊客消費行為建立來臺觀光需求模型。以政府實施的「現場小額退稅」措施當作主要的政策變數,並選取幾個影響旅客需求的重要變數為控制變數,建立以旅客總消費量、平均消費量、特定營業人之營業額為因變數的三個模型,觀察政策變數及其他控制變數對於外籍旅客消費行為的影響。 以全體樣本實證結果發現,本政策變動對於旅客總消費量、商店之營業額均有顯著正向影響,對於旅客平均消費量也是正面的影響;本文也將七個國家及地區分別討論,以美國、日本及中國旅客對於政策效果的影響最為顯著且正向,其他國家雖不顯著但多為正向關係。顯見政策的推動確實有助於提升外籍旅客來臺及消費意願,對發展臺灣觀光旅遊產業是一項助益。 / According to UNWTO, tourism industry has experienced continuous growth and become one of the fastest growing economic sectors in the world. Many countries have committed themselves to developing tourism industry nowadays due to lower externality. Taiwanese government also has some implemented plans on tourism industry of which foreigners are allowed to apply for “VAT Refund”, hoping that the increase in international tourist may give the economy a boost. Our study has conducted an empirical analysis on the policy of On-Site Small Amount Tax Refund, which is mainly concentrated in panel data estimation. The purpose of this thesis is to find out the effect of this policy. First, we use Dummy variable as a main variable to capture the influence of the policy. Second, we introduce both the demand factors and the supply factors to explain tourism spending in Taiwan. The span of the data is from August 2009 to December 2015, using Tax Refund data of foreigners from 7 countries and districts. Our empirical analysis show that the Tax Refund policy has had significantly positive effect on both dependent variables, including total consumption and store revenue, especially these from U.S.A., Japan and China. These three countries show the strongest response to the dependent variables. It also shows that implementation of this Tax Refund policy really contributes to our tourism industry by increasing international tourism receipts of Taiwan.

貓空纜車興建之政策形成過程研究:政策網絡觀點 / The study of policy formation process in construction of Maokong Gondola: A policy network approach

黃柏榕, Huang, Po Jung Unknown Date (has links)
全台第一座都會型纜車「貓空纜車」於2007年7月4日正式營運,並在一年三個月創下617萬搭乘人次,成果輝煌;然而在2008年9月,因遭逢辛樂克與薔蜜颱風接連肆虐下,發生纜車T16塔柱邊坡崩塌事件進而停駛。當各界重新檢討這座興建順利的纜車背後隱藏了多少問題之際,本研究運用政策網絡分析,檢視貓空纜車政策形成過程,分別就參與者性質、行動者策略、權力關係與網絡整合性四大面向,就問題形成、政策規劃、政策合法化三個階段,逐段建構政策網絡、確立利害關係人,並探討興建過程中產生的問題。 研究發現,貓空纜車成案的關鍵並非專業評估使然,乃是為了實現馬英九市府的競選承諾。貓空纜車因為規劃過程中受到動物園的影響,導致纜車路線變更,鄰近棲霞山莊,並衍生後續噪音污染等爭議。貓空纜車在木柵觀光茶園社區發展協會及指南宮等民間團體的支持下,削弱了反對聲音;而主要的政策反對者棲霞山莊,則在當時問題意識不明確、預算順利通過等因素下,錯失反對時機。 / The first urban-type cable car in Taiwan “Maokong Gondola” had been inaugurated since 4th of July in 2007. It has successfully achieved 6.17 million hits in one year and three months. However, during September 2008, typhoon Sinlaku and Jangmi struck one after another and incurred serious mudslide erosion underneath pillar T16. The disaster had crippled the whole cable car system and had urged the public to re-examine the whole construction. This study utilizes policy network analysis to evaluate policy formation process regarding the construction of Maokong gondola in terms of four major factors: character of participants, actions’ strategies, power relationship and network integration. Demarcating the policy network while identifying the policy stakeholders and exploring issues arising from the construction process has been carried out in all three stages of the event: problem formation, policy formulation and policy legitimation. This study shows that the key to the approval of Maokong gondola program was not due to professional evaluation, but instead, it was for the political motivation of Ma’s administration to attain victory in campaign. Being affected by the location of Taipei city zoo in the stage of program formulating, the cable car system has been rerouted closer to Chi-shia village, causing noise pollution and other harassment. By strong support from Muzha tea park community development association and Zhinan temple, the opponent’s opinions were gradually suppressed. Due to uncertainty of problem-knowing and easy approval of budget, the main opponent Chi-shia village had finally missed the opportunity in stopping the program.

來台大陸觀光客之衝動性購買行為的研究-以旅遊零售業之銷售為例 / The research of Chinese tourists’impulsive buying behavior at travel retail stores in Taiwan

郭維芳, Kuo, Ellen Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要在研究來台的大陸觀光客,在旅遊零售商店所表現的消費行為及衝動性購買行為。有別於以往以顧客的觀點來探討衝動性購買行為,本研究想要從服務陸客之銷售人員的角度,在與陸客互動的過程中,探討大陸消費者的行為;採用由銷售人員填答問卷的方式,收集他們的看法與觀察,作為實證研究的基礎,以進一步了解影響來台大陸觀光客的消費與衝動性購買行為。 本研究透過完整的架構,先介紹一般的消費行為及影響衝動性購買的相關理論與成因,再藉由問卷調查的方式,以銷售服務人員的觀察,來探討哪些變數,明顯影響大陸觀光客在旅遊零售通路的消費表現與衝動性購買行為。主要的探討與研究範圍包括:零售銷售服務、旅遊零售業特性、精品零售業、台灣旅遊零售業概況、來台大陸觀光客現況等,並進行質性訪談與問卷調查,以所蒐集的資料做統計分析與驗證比較,希望藉由量化的探索式研究,來解析目前以團體為主的大陸來台觀光客之消費行為與衝動性購買行為的形成原因。 總體來說,根據統計分析的結果發現,陸客的購買決策受到價格、折扣的影響力超乎預期,而且受到同行團體的影響也相當大,就是陸客個人會接受群體的意見,有順從團體規範的傾向,即所謂的從眾行為。反而是服務人員的銷售服務,對陸客的購買決策並無太明顯的影響力。所以,根據本研究的實證結果發現:除了消費者的個人因素,社會文化背景的因素可能是造成陸客產生從眾行為,進而影響他們衝動性購買行為的主要原因。 雖然台灣與大陸都屬大中華民族,在地域上屬於同一個文化區,然而,台灣受到日本百貨零售業的影響,零售銷售市場已經非常成熟,消費者比較早建立消費意識,銷售服務水準也比較進步;而大陸則到1979年才改革開放,仍屬於開發中國家,在消費習慣與銷售服務上與台灣的消費市場有一段差距,因此,中國顧客可能需要一段時間的改變,才能趕上已開發國家的消費模式與購物水準。 由於政府對於大陸觀光客的自由行可能會在近期開放,這個因觀光產業延伸出的商機與產值是非常可觀的;加上陸客普遍的衝動性購買行為,可能為台灣的旅遊零售業者帶來可觀的銷售金額。所以,本研究希望利用此次的研究調查結果,能幫助本地的旅遊零售業,更確實瞭解大陸顧客的消費特性與掌握他們的衝動性購買行為,並提供給旅遊零售業者,在訓練銷售團隊上的相關建議及策劃行銷活動時的參考,以期對於其營運管理與獲利有所助益。 / This study is mainly to explore the Chinese tourists’ consumer behavior and impulsive buying behavior at travel retailing stores while traveling in Taiwan. Different from other researches taking customer’ perspective, this study adopts sales associates’ point of view by conducting the questionnaire survey filled out by those who have experience in serving Chinese customers at travel retail stores. The questionnaires are targeting to collect the sales associates’ feedbacks and observations as an empirical research to find out the real causes of Chinese’ consumer behavior and impulse buying behavior in general. This research provides a comprehensive structure by starting an overall introduction of different theories about consumer behavior and impulse buying behavior, following by the elaboration of several topics, i.e. retail sales service, travel retail stores, luxury retails, the current status and development of both Taiwan travel retail industry and the Chinese tourists as consumers while traveling in Taiwan. Then, the quantitative and correlation analyses are made based upon the survey result of 143 questionnaires conducted in about two months and answered by about 150 sales associates from different travel retail stores. Therefore, the causes and the factors affecting the Chinese tourists’ consumer behavior and impulse purchase behavior while staying in Taiwan are thoroughly explored and overall understood. Basically, the findings from the questionnaire result are not quite the same as my initial hypotheses. First of all, Chinese customers are highly discount oriented as their purchase decisions are largely induced by discount offer and good pricing. Secondly, they are obviously affected by their tour companions (i.e. friends, family & members of group) and thus demonstrating so called the “herding” behavior, i.e. seeking the opinions from the group and usually conforming to the social norm. Moreover, Chinese customers do not really pay much attention to the performance of sales service provided by the sales associates. Therefore, the empirical results imply the social influence and culture background relatively cause Chinese customers’ herding behavior and thus bring out their impulse buying behavior. Regardless of the same nation, consumer shopping behavior in Taiwan and China may not be the same, given the different economic progress and retail development conditions. The retail industry, consumer awareness and sales services in Taiwan have reached a mature stage whereas that in China just taking off after 1979. Thus, it might take some time for Chinese to catch up with the customers of developed countries both in their consumption patterns and shopping behavior. With prospect of the opening of Chinese FIT (frequent individual traveler) market in the near future, Taiwan travel retail stores look forward to great expansion and substantial opportunities resulting from the impending growth of tourism business. Furthermore, the impulsive buying behavior will give the impetus to substantial sales revenue for those travel retail stores. Hence, the findings and evaluation from this research are expected to give some insights to their management team as well as to provide valuable information to their sales team for better understanding the Chinese consumers. Ultimately, it can practically assist travel retailers to effectively design their marketing activities and appropriately educate their sales team to provide Chinese tourists with the most satisfactory selling service

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