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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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自媒體時代下台灣年輕讀者眼中之城市意象-以Instagram照片中的上海為例 / Young Taiwanese's Image of a city in an owned media era - the Image of Shanghai on Instagram

謝孟瑾, Hsieh, Meng Jin Unknown Date (has links)
在自媒體時代下,每個人都可簡單創立一個自媒體,使讀者在旅行的過程中得以參與照片的產製,共同塑造一地的城市意象。本研究將觀察場域設定為以照片為主的社群平台Instagram,研究標的為-上海。藉由Kevin Lynch的城市意象理論、Fakeye & Crompton的原始意象、誘發意象、複合意象理論,探討讀者抵達上海前後的差異與如何藉由照片形成複合意象,進而探討一座城市的意象如何經由照片被形塑以及讀者眼中的城市意象的構成元素與自媒體時代的關係。 研究發現,讀者的原始意象多來自朋友間主觀性的評論。抵達上海前的原始意象多指向繁華、中西合併的國際化都市,抵達後的意象較多元而衝突,特別對於人民的文化素養有所描述。在自媒體時代下,Kevin Lynch的五大要素除邊界外,其他皆仍存在自媒體上,新增人物、食物、建築空間等三大新要素。 從讀者所提供的照片歸納出以人物、標誌物兩種要素佔比最高,根據深度訪談分析讀者上傳照片的原因,如:特別、值得紀念、實現夢想、覺得自己美、心情美好、感到優越。進而從照片中發現,在自媒體時代下「我」的主體性被凸顯,使照片中充分展現自媒體時代的特色。 / In an owned media era, people can create owned media easily. They can always share photos during their travel time and shape urban images together with other readers. With the experiences of the author and consider the suitability of samples, this research will be based on Instagram, a social media platform focusing on photographs, and targeted on Shanghai. With “The Image of the City” of Kevin Lynch, “Original Image”, “Induced Image”, and “Complex Image” of Fakeye & Crompton, this research will be analyzing the difference between interviewees’ image towards Shanghai before and after visiting, and how they shape their urban image through their uploaded photographs. Through the research, the author wish to discuss the relationship between the constitute elements of urban image by different readers and the aspects of owned media era. After the research, the author found out that readers’ original images come from subjective comments of their friends. Most original images include seeing Shanghai as a prosperous, diverse and an international city. Images after visiting start to diverse and conflict, especially on cultural literacy of the people in Shanghai. In own media era, four of the five elements, except for Edges, of Kevin Lynch are still applicable. In addition, the author established another important elements, people, foods, and spaces. The photos provided by readers can be classified into people and landmarks. Through analyzing interviews, the reasons of uploading pictures are mostly things that are special, things or events that are memorable, dreams come true, photogenic, in a good mood and feeling superior. The author concludes that under owned media era, the subjectivity of “I” has been highlighted from the uploaded pictures and that also brings out the aspect of owned media era.

來臺觀光旅客參與活動之特性分析 / Analysis of tourists in Taiwan and activities they participate in.

翁韻絜 Unknown Date (has links)
觀光旅遊業已成為二十一世紀的明星產業,根據觀光局統計2015年來臺觀光旅客已達到1,043萬人次,觀光外匯收入更達到4,528億元。觀光旅遊業的迅速發展,不僅可藉由吸引外來觀光客增加外匯收入、創造就業機會,政府亦能以創新思維,推動整合性政策及各縣市行銷策略來振興經濟,藉此提升國民的生活品質。若能找出臺灣觀光發展特色並永續經營,必讓臺灣成為新的區域中心點、成為亞太新觀光中心。 基於上述研究動機,本研究主要探討2014年來臺觀光旅客所參與活動的特性。以交通部觀光局所提供之問卷,進行資料整理並使用決策樹分析,找出來臺旅客所參與各項活動之特徵,進而瞭解來臺旅客旅遊動機、消費情形及休憩滿意度,以供政府及民間相關單位研擬國際觀光宣傳與行銷策略、提昇國內觀光服務品質與國際旅遊觀光競爭力之參考,並持續提升臺灣觀光品質形象,更努力建構質量並進的觀光環境,希望能奠定觀光產業從量變到質變的基礎,達到擴大觀光服務輸出的目的。 / Tourism has become a major industry in Taiwan in the 21st century. According to the Tourism Bureau, Taiwan received over 10 million international visitors in 2015, which generates over 4.5 billion New Taiwan dollars in revenue. With the industry fast booming, tourism revenue is increased and new jobs are created. The government is thus able to boost the economy through innovation in all comprehensive policies and collaboration between cities and counties on marketing strategies, which in turn raises the living standards of Taiwanese citizens. If the industry is developed efficiently and sustainably, Taiwan has the potential to be the next focal point of Asian-Pacific tourism. With the information mentioned above in mind, this study aims to analyze international visitors to Taiwan and activities they engaged in in the year 2014. Based on surveys provided by the Tourism Bureau, it utilizes decision tree analysis to identify the characteristics of visitors and their activities. It further explores their purpose of visit, spending during and overall satisfaction with their stay. In doing so, it could make a positive contribution when the government and tourism-related industries intend to devise future marketing strategies, improve service performance, and build a global image to attract more tourists. All in all, more emphasis should be laid on quality than quantity in order for the tourism industry to expand efficiently and sustainably.

我國大型海岸觀光建設環境管制之探討—永續發展、環境影響評估與土地開發 / The Discussion of Regulations for Large Coastal Tourist Constructions in Taiwan—Sustainable Development, Environment Impact Assessment and Land Exploitation

馮嘉柔, Ferng, Jia Rou Unknown Date (has links)
本論文所針對者乃海岸開發觀光建設之議題,旨在透過深入了解政府對於一般海岸土地上大型觀光建設之環境影響與土地開發的審議機關、程序和審議標準,以發現此類開發所引發之衝突爭議及解決機制。本論文將把焦點集中於開發面積10公頃以上、位於一般海岸土地之大型觀光建設的環境管制與土地開發相關議題,並以永續觀光的角度檢討目前實務上的缺失。 本論文主要研究發現如下: 一、永續發展與永續觀光的意義與價值 永續發展與永續觀光概念最重要的價值在於對環境、社會與經濟三者間的互動提供了一個重新思考的方向,點出三者平衡發展的必要性、可能性以及為生活帶來的美好遠景,同時也開拓國家發展的總體格局。 二、海岸觀光的特性與相關開發建設應有規範 海岸地區具有複雜性、多元利用性和脆弱性等三大特性,因此海岸觀光可能對環境和社會造成負面衝擊,須以具「彈性」為原則並具備在海岸地區彈性地處理自然動態與社會動態的能力,由氣候、生態資源、地理資源、人文、土地承載力以及政策、組織、管制措施、法規共同型塑出規範架構。 三、環境管制—環境影響評估的制度與審査機制、審査標準及其檢討 我國以環境影響評估制度作為各項開發行為的主要環境管制機制,並以由機關代表以及專家學者組成的環評會為主要管制者。相關評估標準包括了直接影響自然環境者、直接影響社經環境者以及其他等三種。目前最大問題在於參與機會和資訊提供有所不足以及多元評估未能有效整合兩方面,並有制度在運用上標準不一與受特定因素影響而偏頗的闕漏。 四、土地開發管制—土地開發審査制度與機制、審査標準及其檢討 未來海岸土地的開發建設尤須注意到非都市土地的相關管制,無論位於都市或非都市地區,海岸觀光開發的土地開發審議都將面臨是否以觀光為最適當或最有利的土地使用方式,以及開發的「規模設定」或稱「總量管制」的問題,海岸的特殊性質並突顯了土地開發管制與環境影響管制間妥善配合的必要性。 五、永續觀光在大型海岸觀光建設的體現 永續觀光和大型海岸觀光建設的結合與協調,有賴環境管制和土地開發管制的功能發揮與彼此合作,核心工作在於透過這兩個管制體系來建立與維持海岸觀光所須具備的「彈性」。大型海岸觀光建設應以社會正義、環境正義與經濟發展的兼容並蓄與共同成長為最終的目標。 最後,針對論文的研究成果對政策、制度設計、政府機關、審查者以及一般民眾提出相關建議,並說明後續研究可努力之方向。 / This study focuses on the issue of tourist development and construction on costal areas, and aims to find involved controversies and possible resolution by understanding the regulations, procedures and standards of scrutiny the government takes. The study considers only large tourist constructions that are greater than 10 hectares in dimension and located in ordinary coastal areas. The paper then concludes with the discussion of practical problems faced by tourist development via sustainable developmental perspective. Main findings of this study are following: 1. The meaning and value of sustainable development and sustainable tourism: The most important value of sustainable development and sustainable tourism is providing a whole new direction to think about the interaction between environment, society and economy. It is crucial to seek a balance within the three elements and to expand the scale of a country’s development. 2. Attributes and regulations of coastal tourism: Three main attributes of coastal areas are complexity, various utility and vulnerability. Thus there may be negative environmental and social impacts resulted from coastal tourism. Flexibility is the rule to get capacities to manage natural and social dynamics. Climate, ecological resources, geographical resources, culture, carrying capacity of land, policies, organizations, regulations and legislations are all components of regulatory framework. 3. Environmental regulation—the institution, regime, scrutiny standards and discussion of Environmental Impact Assessment: As the main environmental regulatory regime of all development behavior in Taiwan, Environmental Impact Assessment is composed of institutional representatives and professionals. Standards of this assessment are divided into three categories: the ones affecting natural environment directly, the ones affecting socio-economic environment directly and others. Most serious problems are the lack of participant opportunities and information, and the poor integration of diverse assessment methods. On the other hand, uneven scrutiny standards and the bias of scrutiny are also loopholes that need to be concerned. 4. Land-use regulation—the institution, regime, scrutiny standards and discussion of land-use regulation: Future coastal constructions should pay special attentions to the non-urban-land regulations. In either urban or non-urban area, the land-use scrutiny of costal tourism will inevitably face the question of whether or not the area has been used in the most suitable and profitable way to promote tourist development and the problem of amount-regulation. At the same time, the attributes of coastal areas highlight the necessity for land-use and environmental regulations to coordinate appropriately. 5. The embodiment of sustainable tourism in large costal tourist constructions: The combination and coordination between sustainable tourism and large costal tourist constructions rely on the collaboration of environmental and land-use regulations. The focal point is to establish and maintain “flexibility” via the two regulatory systems. The goal of large costal tourist constructions should be the aggregation of social justice, environmental justice and economic development. Lastly, suggestions for policies, regime design, governmental institutions, supervisors and the public are made with a proposal of possible research directions in the future.

戒嚴台灣的世界想像: 《自由談》研究(1950-1970) / Imagination of World Under Martial Law Taiwan: A Study of The Rambler (1950-1970)

張韡忻, Chang, Wei Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
《自由談》是戰後台灣第一本暢銷國內外的民間雜誌,發行時間從1950年4月到1987年11月為止,沒有官方撐腰而能歷經整個戒嚴時期,並取得巨大成功,是來自於雜誌背後所擁有的海派文化資本、商業手腕,以及因地制宜的在地轉化。本論文以《自由談》為中心,首先比較民國上海《旅行雜誌》,踏察海派文學/文化與台灣當代文學/文化的關聯。其次藉由觀光客凝視(The Tourist Gaze)、世界主義(Cosmopolitanism)和美學世界主義(Aesthetic Cosmopolitanism)等理論,分析《自由談》裡最大宗的國內外遊記,說明藏匿在官方論述保護色之下的「世界想像」,有意無意溢出戒嚴臺灣所限制的禁忌究竟為何。最後集中關注《自由談》的小說,一樣先分析海派小說的在地化轉變,說明如何可能成為台派鴛鴦蝴蝶小說;之後再聚焦以國外為主要敘述空間的嚴肅小說,討論這些小說如何區分自我與他者、確認差異(difference)和認同(identity),進而隔海回望,漸漸打造出不同於官方主導文化、嶄新的「台灣想像」。 / The Rambler(《自由談》) was the first private magazine in post-war Taiwan that sold well domestically and internationally. Published from April 1950 to November 1987 without government support, the magazine thrived throughout the entire martial law period because of the combination of the cultural capital of the Shanghai School, effective business tactics, and a local transformation that underpinned its operation. In this study, The Rambler and its predecessor, China Traveler(《旅行雜誌》), were compared to investigate the relationship between the Shanghai School literature and contemporary Taiwanese literature. Travelogues collected in The Rambler were subsequently analyzed through the perspectives of tourist gaze, cosmopolitanism, and aesthetic cosmopolitanism to illustrate how the world imagination was influenced by the ruling Nationalist Party, which, wittingly or unwittingly, revealed officially stated taboos in Taiwan under martial law. The local transformations in the Shanghai School fiction reflected in The Rambler were also discussed in this study. Finally, fiction in The Rambler with settings that occurred beyond the borders of Taiwan were examined to discuss how characters in these fictions distinguish between the self and the others, perceived their difference, and identified with their identity to create a different imagination of Taiwan from the officially created one.

貓空地區觀光意象對遊客選擇行為影響之路徑分析 / A Path Analysis for Influence of Destination Image on Tourists' Behavior in Maokong Area

羅明璇, Lo, Ming-Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
近年來觀光產業的快速發展,使相關業者面臨激烈的競爭,旅遊目的地行銷的概念應運而生。隨著產業結構的轉型,地方都市無不透過觀光行銷來吸引投資者或遊客之進入,以增加自身競爭力,因應全球化下的競爭。   觀光意象是遊客對於一旅遊目的地所持的知覺、看法與印象的重組,其傳達遊客腦海中對旅遊目的地遊憩屬性的偏好,具有宣傳與行銷的功能。一般而言,觀光意象在遊客對目的地之選擇行為過程中扮演了重要的角色,具有良好觀光意象的旅遊目的地通常具有較高的吸引力,且正向的觀光意象對都市透過觀光收益來促進都市發展及經濟成長亦有顯著效果。觀光意象包含了遊客的認知與情感面,遊客將據其偏好選擇喜歡的目的地作為旅遊地點。然而,過去研究較少探討遊客主觀感受與其對地方之情感連結等心理層面對選擇行為之影響,據此,本研究以台北市貓空地區為例,以觀光意象作為前因變數,探討其對遊客之地方依附、旅遊品質、滿意度、選擇行為之影響路徑及各變數間之交互影響效果。   本研究以遊客問卷之設計,對非當地居民之遊客作為抽樣調查之對象,並以因素分析與結構方程模式作為資料分析方法,所得主要結果為:觀光意象對地方依附、旅遊品質與選擇行為有直接正向影響,而影響遊客對旅遊目的地選擇行為最重要的因素為地方依附。 / With the change of industry structure, tourism industry has become one of important industries in a city. Facing the competition under the global age, the concept of destination marketing has widely aroused attention because of fast development of tourism industry and keen competition among relative industry proprietors. Destination image is sum of beliefs, ideas and impressions that a person has of a destination. Destination image has been shown to be vital influence on travelers' travel behavior, that is, the urban with a positive and good image perceived by tourists can bring out the urban a significant effect on urban development and economic growth. A tourist's intent to visit a destination is determined by a combination of cognitive and affective image. Tourists usually develop emotional associations with destination where they're lovely to visit. However, very limited research has been conducted personal emotional or meanings tourists attach to the places they visited and experienced. Thus, the study takes Maokong Area of Taipei city for example, and the purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship among destination image, place attachment, trip quality, satisfaction, and traveling behavior. In research method, the survey was quantitative research oriented in order to understand visitors' ideas toward the destination images of Maokong area. Both factor analysis and structural equation modeling were used to analyze for the study. The major results of this research were found that destination image directly has positive influence on place attachment, trip quality, and traveling behavior, and place attachment is the most important cause to influence tourists' behavior.

人、家屋、聚落──高步侗人的空間建構文化 / People, house and village: the cultural construction of space among the Kam people in Gaobu

宮相芳, Kung, Hsiang Fang Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文以高步侗族村寨為研究地點,其位於湖南省懷化市通道侗族自治縣坪坦鄉。高步侗寨屬於通道縣坪坦鄉下轄的村組織,由高升行政村、高上行政村、克中行政村所組成,三個村底下管轄著岩寨、秧田、上寨屯、高升、龍姓、高坪六個自然村。高步侗寨四週為山地,中間有一條河流經,其中約有561戶、2410人,交通較為不便,因此少有外人進入。   侗族村寨整體與周遭自然環境相輔相成,進而達到巧妙的平衡;侗人家屋的空間格局,與人在其中的活動息息相關;在公共空間──鼓樓、風雨橋中,看見人群間的交際往來;村寨中的田地、道路、水塘、河流,串聯起人們的生產生活。侗寨中的每個空間,都是人與環境交互影響之下的產物,筆者欲從中探討其文化脈絡與空間建構的關係。   近幾年來,中國各地的少數民族村寨旅遊也如火如荼地發展著,觀光成為村寨快速發展經濟的主要途徑,但在發展觀光業的同時,卻也逐漸流失其珍貴的傳統文化而不自覺。因此,筆者欲以高步侗寨為例,探討高步侗人的空間建構文化,分析隱含於其中的文化內涵,小至家屋、大至整體村寨,觀察人與自然環境之間如何相互牽繫,相輔相成地形成獨特的居住形式,探究高步侗人在面臨劇烈的現代化變遷後,如何經過自身文化體系的調適,在傳統文化與新事物的相互調和中,發掘高步侗人的文化價值,筆者欲針對現代化之影響提出相對應的觀念與措施,進而保存傳統文化,避免文化流失於洪流中而不復返。 / The thesis mainly focuses on Kam in Gaobu village, which is located in Huaihua City, Hunan Province. Gaobu village is under the jurisdiction of Pingtan, Tongdao Dong Autonomous County and comprises three administrative villages: Gaosheng, Gaoshang, and Kezhong. Under the administrative villages, there are 6 natural villages: Yanzhai, Yangtian, Shangzhaitun, Longxing, and Gaoping. Gaobu village is surrounded by mountains. There is a river flowing through the area, which lives about 561 households and 2,410 people. Visitors are not often to see because of the inconvenient traffic. Kam villages are influenced by surrounding natural environment and reach a subtle balance. The spaces of Kam houses are highly related to their daily life. Interactions between villagers happen in public spaces, such as Gǔlóu (鼓樓) and Fēngyǔ Bridge (風雨橋); the production and life of people are composed of the fields, paths, ponds and rivers in the villages. Every space in Kam villages reflects the interaction between people and the environment. The purpose of this study is to discuss the relation between cultural context and the construction of space in Kam villages. In recent years, the rural tourism in ethnic minority areas has been fast-expanding. Tourism has become the main solution of economic development for villages. Meanwhile, people have gradually lost their traditional culture without consciousness. Therefore, this study takes Gaobu village as an example and attempts to talk about the culture of the construction of space of Kam people in Gaobu; analyze the cultural connotation within; observe how people interact with the natural environment and develop the unique way of inhabitation from houses and the whole village. In addition, this study explores that how Kam people in Gaobu bring back cultural values after the accommodation of their culture system, and the harmonizing of traditional culture and new things, when facing the drastic modernization. In response to the impact of modernization, this study aims to propose corresponding concepts and measures to preserve traditional culture instead of losing it.

以國人旅遊調查資料探討國人於臺灣各縣市旅遊地選擇偏好之特性 / Using Survey Data of Travel by R.O.C. Citizens to Explore the Characteristics of T ourism Preference of Taiwanese in Taiwan

韓鈺瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣近年來常常以發展觀光產業,來促進地方經濟發展,最明顯的政策便屬為臺灣政府於2008年開放陸客來臺以後,帶起許多陸客旅行團來臺旅遊的熱潮。同時在媒體渲染陸客強勁的消費力之下,使旅遊周邊產業都能受惠。但根據交通部觀光局統計資料顯示,陸客來臺人數成長率已大幅下降,但這股陸客來臺風潮卻已悄悄改變了臺灣旅遊業的體質。臺灣的觀光產業應朝向高品質服務業發展,才能同時保有觀光的品質與產值,否則在觀光人次太多的情況下,將影響國人旅遊的品質。 因此本研究利用2014年國人旅遊調查資料,利用決策樹方法根據縣市做分類,分別從旅遊者的背景、旅遊規劃、旅遊內容角度出發,檢視國人於臺灣縣市旅遊的特性與滿意程度,深入探討國人旅遊之型態與品質,藉此提供國內旅遊發展上一些建議,帶動在地旅遊,甚可藉由國民外交的「口碑」向外推廣、創造旅遊需求。

太魯閣國家公園情境中的太魯閣人-政權、觀光與原住民的網絡關係 / The Taroko in the situation of Taroko National Park - a network among state,tourism and indigenous

鄭賢女, Cheng, Shien Nu Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文研究的目的,即是以動態人文研究的方式,了解生活在國家公園情境中之太魯閣人的主體觀點,希望探究政權、觀光與原住民三者間的網絡關係。亦即,探討的焦點在於代表政權力量(相對於當地族群之外來支配力量)展現的太魯閣國家公園,其藉由保育及觀光等經營管理的理念和方式,與太魯閣人產生了什麼樣的互動關係?而太魯閣國家公園與太魯閣人對於雙方關係形成的認知及回應又是什麼?   本論文分為六章:第一章緒言;第二章乃探討近代太魯閣人於太魯閣國家公園成立前在社會文化等層面上的變遷;第三章要就太魯閣國家公園的設置與運作,說明太魯閣國家公園設置的目的及其組織概況,並且了解其經營管理的方式及其對「泰雅」圖像塑造的情形;第四章是探討參與國家公園事務及觀光活動之太魯閣人所處的工作情境如何?並欲了解國家公園的設立如何影響族人生計方式的變遷與持續?第五章則論及《國家公園法》等相關法令的矛盾及雙重標準,導致太魯閣人與國家公園的對立,並嘗試了解造成太魯閣人認知解放的因素,以及族群動員的過程與結果;第六章結論,說明本論文的研究發現與心得。

我國服務業推動全面品質管理之實證研究-以國際觀光旅館業為例 / Empirical Study on Taiwan Service Industry's Total Quality Management: International Tourist Hotel Industry for Example

王世豪, Wang, Shyh Haur Unknown Date (has links)
隨著我國經濟發展,服務業所扮演的角色日益重要,而TQM的觀念經有關單位、學者及業者多年的提倡,在國內製造業已有較廣泛的應用,但服務業方面目前則仍有相當大的推廣空間。因此,本文以服務業之全面品質管理為題進行實證研究。   本研究的目的在以非製造業國家品質獎標準為基礎,對國際觀光旅館業進行標準相對重要性的分析及標準的修訂,從而建立符合產業特性的全面品質管理標準;其次,則經由國內業者的互評,選擇國內外推動TQM績效卓著的業者製作標竿個案,由此二方面著手,制定產業全面品質標竿。產業標竿制定後,國際觀光旅館業者可比較彼此在程序及績效上的差異,界定改善的機會及先後順序,從事品質提升的活動。   本研究發現非製造業國家品質獎的九大構面標準,在國際觀光旅館業的相對重要性有所差異;九大構面中,以「經營理念、目標與策略」、「顧客服務」及「人力發展與運用」在國際觀光旅館業有較高的相對重要性,而「研究發展」的相對重要性則顯著較低。此外,本研究同時對非製造業國家品質獎41中項標準,就國際觀光旅館業進行相對重要性分析。   在國際觀光旅館業者互評方面,以凱悅、亞都、西華、來來、希爾頓、福華、晶華等旅館有較突出的表現;而標竿個案的國內部份以亞都飯店為對象,國外部份以Ritz Carlton及地中海俱樂部為對象,依非製造業國家品質獎標準的架構寫成。

來華觀光旅客需求預測模式建立之研究 / Construction of Forecasting Models for Tourists Coming to R.O.C.

時巧煒, Shih, Chiao Wei Unknown Date (has links)
觀光事業素有無煙囪工業之稱,自政府於民國四十八年全力推動發展以來 ,來華觀光旅客人數即不斷地成長,此對促進國民外交與增加政府的外匯 收入上有莫大的幫助。觀光旅客人數的多寡,直接影響本地觀光業者與政 府相關單位對觀光業軟硬體設施的投資,像是觀光旅館的興建、導遊人員 的培訓以及整體策略的規劃。不當的評估或不正確的需求預測,都將導致 大量觀光資源的閒置或浪費。本研究計劃主要應用簡算法、時間趨勢模式 、時間序列模式、計量經濟模式,尋找並建立來華觀光旅客長短期需求預 測模式,並針對總體或各主要市場的需求,利用各種模式評估準則提出一 最佳預測模式,以供政府相關單位與觀光業者作為往後政策釐定以及投資 計劃擬定時的參考。

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