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線上音樂需求與定價模式初探杜業榮 Unknown Date (has links)
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移轉訂價課稅新規定對金控公司移轉訂價之影響何靜芳, Ho, Ching-fang Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果發現國泰金控公司與外部關係企業、外部關係人之交易,分為有形資產移轉及使用、無形資產移轉及使用、資金使用,均採市價計算。合於OECD規定之可比較非受控制價格法 (CUP)及我國營利事業所得稅不合常規移轉訂價查核準則第五條規定之可比較未受控價格法。
另外,國泰金控母公司與金控子公司間之垂直交易,與金控子公司間之交易亦是採市價作計算。有關國泰金控內部跨售之行為,則是採取給付佣金之方式。然而,此一跨售之行為,應由銀行計算出投入各項銷售之成本,再將各銷售成本納入該當之子公司損益表項下,以充份反映銷壽產險之總成本,以檢視其金控集團是否有達其成本節省之綜效。若未來國內金控集團勢布局亞太地區或是全球,則金控公司不能忽視此一移轉訂價問題,必須準備移轉訂價報告,或是與各國之稅務機關簽訂預先訂價協議,避免重覆課稅。 / Nowadays, many multinational enterprises set up paper companies in the tax heaven, then they can increase income of the paper company. Because tax heaven impose lower tax rate or nil tax rate, they can reduce tax expenses. Many countries had set up transfer pricing regulation to avoid the companies have non-arm’s length transaction.
We had issued transfer pricing regulation in Dec. 28, 2004 in Taiwan, and the financial holding company law had come into force for 3 years. The research make a study of transfer pricing policy of the intra-holding company and transfer pricing policy between holding company and related parties.
The results of the research are that transaction prices between Cathay Holding Company and the related parties are according with the market prices, and this fit in with the comparable uncontrolled price method.
In addition, transaction prices within the intra-holding company are according with the market prices, too. The cross selling between bank and insurance company, the insurance company will give bank appropriate commission fees. But bank should calculate the cost to sell the insurance, then the insurance company can summarize the total cost of selling insurance, to see that if they had achieve the goal of synergetic benefits. If the financial holding companies had become a world-wide companies, they should pay much attention to transfer pricing issue to avoid double taxation.
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影響多國公司移轉訂價決策因素之研究─以高科技公司為例 / Factors affecting the internal transfer price in multinational corporations林子傑 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 決定移轉訂價目標
2. 決定移轉訂價方法
3. 決定移轉訂價之價格水準高低
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影響跨國企業移轉訂價因素之研究 / The study on the transfer pricing determinants of multinational enterprises黃燕雯, Huang, Yen-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
至於檢視以「移轉訂價偏離同業毛利率之差異數」衡量移轉訂價代理變數之合宜性,資產報酬率、營業成長率及企業規模與本研究實證結果一致,惟大股東及董監經理人持股比、四大會計師事務所、負債比例及電子業等其他變數之結果並不一致,顯見以移轉訂價偏離同業毛利率之差異數作為移轉訂價之代理變數,可能與實際查核狀況不儘相同。 / This study examines the major factors affecting multinational enterprises (MNEs) in Taiwan to avoid tax obligation on transfer pricing (TP), and analyzes if the current criteria of TP case selection is appropriate. In addition, this paper tries to verify the credibility of an indicator developed by Chen and Tsai (2010) to estimate abnormal TP transactions of companies. We measure transfer pricing noncompliance in terms of tax audit adjustments made by tax authorities. Base on a sample of 101 TP audits on public companies in Taiwan from 2004 to 2013, our empirical results show that companies which have lower gross profit margin, operation margin and net profit margin than the profit standard of the same business (D_PROFIT), higher return on assets (ROA), higher research and development (RD) expenditure, bigger firm size (SIZE), and higher proportion of foreign affiliates in all subsidiaries (MULTI) have more TP aggressiveness. Moreover, there are no significant relationships between the current criteria on TP case selection in Taiwan such as huge fluctuations in profits (D_CH_NI) and profits below the other companies in the MNE group (D_GROUP) and TP aggressiveness of MNEs.
As regards the credibility of the indicator to estimate abnormal TP transactions of companies, we find that the results of ROA, growth rate (GROWTH), and firm size (SIZE) are consistent with this study, but the results of other factors such as shareholding ratios of the major shareholders, the directors, and the supervisors (SH), four major accounting firms (CPA4), ratio of debt (LEV) as well as electronics industry (ELECO) are not consistent with this paper. It means that the indicator to estimate abnormal TP transactions may not reflect the real TP audit adjustments.
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從移轉訂價查核準則探討我國集團企業間移轉訂價制定之因素李文芬, Lee,Wen-fen Unknown Date (has links)
2、目前我國集團企業多數認為準則並無不合理且頗具可行性。 / With the trend of globalization, companies use global resources to pursue best interest of the group enterprises as a whole within related party transactions. Through the transfer pricing policy, conglomerates can determine the prices for transactions between related parties.
This study uses the conglomerate enterprises of Listed and OTC companies in Taiwan as questionnaire samples. The study analyses the impact of implement action of Taiwan transfer pricing regulations on conglomerate enterprises and the factors of transfer pricing among the conglomerates in Taiwan.
The results of the research are as follows:
1.Nowadays, only 50% of the conglomerates in Taiwan establish a stated transfer pricing policy in determining the prices for transactions between related parties. We also focus that the larger size, the longer time of investment and the great investment amount, the higher proportion to adopt the transfer pricing policy.
2.The conglomerates in Taiwan tend to “The Comparable Uncontrolled Price Method” and “The Cost Plus Method” . The groups do not regard world-wide tax burden as an important factor, rather they emphasize more on the other countries’ transfer pricing regulations and financial accounting standards No.6 as the main factors.
3.The larger size, the more related companies, and paying more attention to regulations, the higher probability of transaction-based transfer pricing method. When the comprehensive internal and external economic factors are considered, the conglomerate companies tend to adopt profit-based transfer pricing method.
4.Through the adjustment of the organizational structure, and planning the price for transactions between related parties in advance, the conglomerate enterprises take tax audit into account.
5.Most of conglomerates in Taiwan regard the criteria of Taiwan transfer pricing regulations as rational and feasible at present.
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優步公司訂價演算法關於價格聯合行為爭議之研究─以美國休曼法為中心 / A Study on Price-Fixing Controversies over Uber's Pricing Algorithm Focusing on U.S. Jurisprudence of Sherman Act劉穎蓁 Unknown Date (has links)
近來共享經濟商業模式崛起,對各國既有相關市場皆造成不少之衝擊,當中,優步公司用以計算車資之「訂價演算法」,於美國實務亦引起許多爭議。美國司法案例中其中一個重要爭議即為優步公司單方制定之「訂價演算法」與其採行之「高峰動態訂價法」究否構成價格聯合行為。於美國實務近來2起與價格聯合行為相關之案例,即包含Meyer v. Kalanick案與Chamber of Commerce & RASIER, LLC v. City of Seattle案(以下簡稱「City of Seattle案」)中,皆可見Uber企圖正當化其價格聯合行為,以免於競爭法審查下有違法之嫌。而美國對於價格聯合行為之規範,載明於休曼法第1條;依據休曼法第1條規定,若原告擬主張被告行為違反卡特爾行為,則應證明系爭卡特爾行為符合合意主體要件、具合意或共謀行為,與造成限制性之競爭效果等三項要件。由於上述二案皆仍於訴訟前階段,判決尚未出爐,因此,此議題值得吾等分析之。本文擬以美國實務判決為基準,彙整相關爭議,進而探討Uber所採訂價演算法是否構成價格聯合行為。
本文發現,雖然此等訂價演算法究否構成價格聯合行為尚未有定論,然由於訂價演算法中之高峰動態訂價法可提高駕駛於尖峰時段中提供載客服務之誘因,將有助於調節市場機制與促進競爭。此外,Uber亦可利用其訂價演算法與設置平台所奠立之優勢,使其得以潛在破壞市場秩序之形式,創造競爭優勢。據此,Uber除可克服既有行政管制下市場進入之劣勢外,亦得使相關市場交易效率大幅提升、市場更加競爭。因此,於探討Uber價格聯合行為合法與否時,亦應將此等因素納入考量。 / The rapid expansion of sharing economy enterprises around the world has led to many challenges. And among these enterprises, one of the most disruptive examples is Uber because of its algorithm. In the United States, the lawsuits regarding Uber's algorithm has also gained massive attention. One of the controversial issues of the complaints relies upon whether Uber's algorithm which set by Uber, and “surge pricing” model do constitute an illegal price-fixing in violation of Section 1 of the Sherman Act. In 2 recent high-profile cases, Meyer v. Kalanick & Chamber of Commerce & RASIER, LLC v. City of Seattle, Uber has tried to justify its price fixing to avoid antitrust scrutiny. There are three specific facts that the Plaintiff must prove to establish its antitrust claim in Section 1 of the Sherman Act: 2 or more entities entering into an agreement, conspiracy, and unreasonably restrains competition. Analysis regarding Uber's algorithm is significant because the trials are ongoing. Therefore, the thesis examines whether Uber's algorithm do constitute an illegal price-fixing in violation of Section 1 of the Sherman Act by exploring the potential problems with regard to the elements based on U.S. judicial decisions.
The thesis believes that Uber's algorithm can enhance the efficiency of transaction and has pro-competitive effects, leading to the impact of Uber's surge pricing on providing the incentives for drivers during peak hours. Establishing platform and Uber's algorithm create Uber's strengths and advantages. By having disrupted the existing industry, Uber's algorithm serves pro-competitive purposes.
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兩岸移轉訂價查核與相關議題探討 / Transfer pricing audit in cross-strait and related issues張詠勝, Chang,Yung Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
三、建立符合各國法規之集團訂價策略,掌握各國稽核重點,制定集團統一的溝通及防禦策略,事先做好同期資料及相關文據以供備查。 / The development of regulations with respect to transfer pricing was started late in China, however, China took positive actions to avoid transfer pricing and enforced the rules more strictly in recent years. Therefore, the Taiwanese investors only have the way of “remaining the reasonable profit” in the event of that most of the operating models have been prohibited. How to obtain the maximun benefit and lower the tax risk in such situation are the objectives and questions of this study. According to this research, the conclusion is as below:
1. To allocate the reasonable profit by group restructuring and setting the centralized management mode in accordance with consideration in function and risk of each corporation.
2. To lower the tax risk through advance pricing agreements and cost sharing agreements in consideration of the risk.
3. To build the group pricing strategy which is accordance with the regulations of each filed, controlling the inspection focus of each countries, setting the group strategy for communication and defense, and preparing the same period information and other related documents for future reference.
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租稅規劃策略與營運績效之關聯性研究-以台灣上市櫃電子業為例 / The relationship between tax planning strategies and operating performance: evidence from Taiwan Listed Company in Electronic industry.林怡均, Lin, Yi Chun Unknown Date (has links)
因應全球化,企業跨國交易日趨頻繁,降低企業租稅成本並提升投資資金成 為管理階層經營首要考量。因此,跨國租稅規劃議題乃成為企業不容忽視的議題, 本研究主要探討企業投入研究發展的程度、於租稅天堂設立公司密集程度及關係 人交易移轉訂價偏離常規交易程度與公司營運績效的關聯性。
企業投入之研究發展支出可以作為費用及一定程度內適用政府提供之投資 租稅抵減達到稅盾效果;透過於境外低稅率或免稅國家成立公司,可能會透過控 股關係移轉所得達到降低稅負的效果 ; 透過關係人交易將利潤移轉至低稅負國 家的公司以降低整體企業稅負。此三種租稅規劃策略對企業營運績效之影響乃本 研究重點。
本研究以 2010 年至 2014 年共計 1,636 筆台灣上市櫃電子業之資料,相關的 實證結果顯示如下:
綜合此三種租稅規劃策略中以研究發展活動對企業營運績效最具顯著影響 力,因此,本研究推斷企業投入研究發展有助於提升企業長期的生產力、突破或 創新等,並進一步促進企業營運績效成長。
但將子公司設置於租稅天堂對企業營運績效則較不具影響力,認為是因為近 年來,各國政府與國際組織紛紛加強查緝與建立完善的租稅制度以防止企業透過 紙上公司規避稅負的政策關係,而且此一租稅規劃並無為關聯企業創造任何實質價值。因此,在全球打擊租稅規避風潮逐漸盛行下,企業於租稅天堂佈局子公司可能亦會使企業暴露額外的稅務風險。
企業透過關係人偏離常規交易對企業營運績效雖呈現正相關,但顯著性較研 究發展活動低,推斷為該租稅規劃策略目的僅以稅負極小化作為首要考量,未助於直接提升企業長期營運績效。 / In response to globalization, corporations increase cross-border transactions year by year. Reducing tax costs and increasing capital investment are managements’ primary consideration. Therefore, multinational corporations’ tax planning becomes a noticeable issue. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship of the extent of corporations’ research and development, the intensity of setting affiliates in tax haven, transfer pricing among affiliates deviated from arm’s length principle with corporate operating performance.
Research and development investment can be expenses when filing tax return and applies for investment tax credit in certain degree to reduce corporate tax cost; through setting up offshore companies in low-tax or tax-free countries, holding companies may transfer or shift income to reduce the corporate tax burden; through related party transactions, holding companies can transfer profits to low-tax countries to reduce the company's overall corporate tax burden. This study focus on how do these three kinds of tax planning strategies affect corporate operating performance.
The data of this study is from year 2010 to 2014 a total of 1,636 Taiwan-listed corporations in electronic industry. The relevant empirical results are shown below:
First, the relationship between the degree of investment in research and development and corporate operating performance: They show a significant positive correlation.
Second, the intensity of setting affiliates in tax haven and corporate operating performance: They are negatively correlated, but the correlation is not significant.
Third, transfer pricing among affiliates deviated from arm’s length principle with corporate operating performance: They show a significant positive correlation.
Among these three comprehensive tax-planning strategies, research and development activities influence most significantly on the corporate operating performance. Therefore, this study concluded that investments in research and development help corporations to improve long-term productivity of the enterprise, or breakthrough innovation, and further promote business operations performance growth.
But set up affiliates in tax haven influencing less on corporate operating performance. Infer that governments and international organizations gradually reinforce investigating and establish a sound tax system in order to prevent tax avoidance through the paper companies. Besides, the tax planning doesn’t create any real value to affiliates. As the trend of fighting against tax avoidance increasingly popular around the world, setting up companies in tax haven may also make additional corporate tax risk exposure.
Transfer pricing among affiliates deviated from arm’s length principle with corporate operating performance has positively correlated, but relatively less significant than the impact of research and development activities. Infer that this strategy only takes tax minimization as primary consideration, and not directly help to enhance long-term corporate operating performance.
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選擇權訂價模式應用於衡量產險公司權益價值及破產機率之硏究陳俊男, CHEN,JUN-NAN Unknown Date (has links)
第二章:Black-Scholes 選擇權訂價模式
其中包括選擇權之意義、Black-Scholes OPM、BOPM、Compound OPM 及B-S OPM 放寬
第三章: B-S OPM在產險經營之應用
M 的經營意義與應用。
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建商不動產表價與議價策略之探討--景氣時機、個案區位、建商類型、及推案屬性分析鄒欣樺 Unknown Date (has links)
關於建商表價與議價策略的討論,國內尚缺乏專文,本文將表價與議價策略決策分為兩階段論述,並以二項式logistic模型討論建商表價與議價策略。建商較少採用價格區隔策略,與近代行銷理念趨向消費者區隔取向不同,在房地產實行市場區隔訂價策略是否能降低風險或提升報酬,則有待進一步研究。主流產品,競爭對象多,會以高表價作出區隔,高議價空間來減低交易失敗率;流動性高市場傾向榨取訂價以獲得更多利潤,非因預計需求的情況決策,較受總體因素影響。 / Firms often use asking prices and discount rates as their strategies of promoting products. So do real estate developers. Previous literatures mainly focus on the relationship of asking prices and discount rates of existing houses sold by homeowners or brokers, but ignore the interrelationship and strategy of them of new houses sold by developers. First, using 3SLS model, this paper finds that there is a positive effects between asking price and discount rate. For instance, the increase of 10,000 NTD per ping of asking prices raises 0.27% of discount rate, in the other side, the increase of 1% of discount rate brings up 55,000 NTD per ping.
Next, we use binomial logistic model to analyze developers’ asking prices and discount rates strategies by regarding them as two-steps decision makings. The finding is developers still prefer going rate pricing as their marketing approach. The effectiveness of segmented pricing to reduce risk or raise return needs to be tested in the future. Third, due to high competitiveness of main stream products, developers intend to take high asking prices and discount rates to increase the probability of transaction. Last but not least, developers affected by macro-factors in a high liquidity period like to take skimming pricing strategy to grab more profits.
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