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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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股價評估模式的選擇--以台灣科技公司台達電為例 / A case study of how to choose the fittest model to value a company--Delta electronic company

胡華盛, Hu, John Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從了解台達電公司的背景,整體環境,產品的前景與市場獲利,公司結構和近來動向,技術合作生產方面,重要轉投資活動,達電與上下游廠商之間的關係和在產業中的優劣勢分析出發,對公司的背景有了透澈的了解後,開始以既有的財務報表 (民國76~87年) 為基礎對達電預估民國88~92年的財務報表,並且以學術的評估公司價值理論套用進來,如資產評價模型 (CAPM),競爭優勢期間 (Competitive advantage period),股利折現模型 (Gordon model),附加經濟價值模型 (EVA),修正附加經濟價值模型 (REVA),自由現金流量法 (Free cash flow),指標盈餘法 (indexed earnings),本益比 (P/E)、市價淨值比 (P/B) 和市價銷售比法 (P/S) 等,以了解這些模型對達電的適用性,並對上述的模型提出其是否適用的原因,作為日後評價類似台灣科技產業的參考。 此實例研究重點仍在如何將公司預估的財務報表作一系性地連結,並且建立在對其基本面的理解,完成此紮實的基礎再套用不同的評價理論,結論是以自由現金流量和相對價值模型: 本益比 (P/E)、市價淨值比 (P/B) 和市價銷售比法 (P/S),這些模型較能和市場價值近似。解釋原因: 自由現金流量和科技產業的特性有關,能對其大量的折舊稅值現金流入和儘量發放股票股利代替現金分配的因素加以考量,本益比 (P/E)、市價淨值比 (P/B) 和市價銷售比法 (P/S) 則因台灣有不少性質近似的同業和本身的歷史報表作為比較基礎,故使用起來亦方便且有效。 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與目的 第二節 研究範圍與限制 第三節 研究架構 第二章 文獻探討 第三章 研究達電公司 第一節 達電簡介 第二節 整體環境 第三節 產品的前景與市場獲利 第四節 公司結構和近來動向 第五節 技術合作生產方面 第六節 重要轉投資活動 第七節 達電與上下游廠商之間的關係 第八節 達電經營團隊的領導作風與政府和勞資的關係 第九節 達電在產業中的優劣勢分析 第四章 研究設計 第一節 研究假說 第二節 資料描述 第五章 實證結果 利用競爭優勢期間求算達電股價 以對權益的自由現金流量法 利用現金股利折現模型 以投資機會方法 (investment opportunities approach) 運用q (盈餘保留率) 的價格 指標盈餘 (indexed earnings) 方法 以EVA和REVA法求算達電經營績效 以本益比、市價淨值比和市價銷售比法 敏感性分析 第六章 結論與建議 參考文獻: 附錄 / There are many valuation models, such as CAPM, competitive advantage period model, Gordon dividend discount model, economic value added model, revised economic value added model, free cash flow model, and relative pricing models such as P/E, P/B and P/S, etc… But what is the fittest model for the high-tech stocks in Taiwan? In my thesis I picked Delta electronic company for my case study because it is one of the fastest growing corporations that is representative of the industry on this island. I started with understanding the fundamentals, strategy, strength, weakness, opportunity and the threat of Delta by analyzing its industry, structure, products and its affiliates domestically and abroad. On the basis of the existing financial statements of the past 12 years (1987~1998), I built the next 5-year ones (1999~2003). Then I applied the valuation models to find out the intrinsic value of Delta based on the information from my analysis, magazines, the internet, the library and other resources. To sum up, this study pointed that the free cash flow model and the relative pricing models including P/E, P/B and P/S could fit the market well. Others are a little away from the quotes of the market. After all, the conclusion is not decisive that other models will never capture the value of the high-tech company like Delta electronic. However the main contribution of this research is the consistence of Delta's projected financial statements. They all connect all together. And all is based on the fundamentals of the company and the industry. Their relationship is what this case study accounts. With this maneuver in the company's accounting numbers step by step, the market participants can apply to other similar companies in Taiwan high-tech industry as well. Or this can contribute to the academics for the scholars to study further on similar issues down the road.


廖志峰 Unknown Date (has links)
利率是影響金融市場中金融工具的主要因素,對經濟體系而言,是貨幣面與實質面的橋樑,代表使用負債資金所需支付的成本;對法人機構、投資個人而言,利率是進行任何融資、投資活動的重要參考指標。近年來,利用一般均衡、無套利評價理論來研究利率期限結構和利率或有請求權(Contingent Claims)訂價的文獻有如雨後春筍一般;另一方面,由於時間序列(Time Series)於1980年代的快速發展,諸如:ARCH家族、GARCH家族、隨機變異性(Stochastic Volatility),兩套方法互相結合運用,有愈來愈多文獻顯示,其對現實的利率期限結構具有一定水準的解釋能力。   隨著國際金融市場的多元化、自由化與無國界化,金融創新與金融商品的大量問世,如何合理估計利率期限結構,以運用於投資決策、或預測未來利率走勢,及對利率風險的管理,這都隱含利率期限結構的重要性。本文擬針對著一般均衡利率期限結構模型加以分析,並驗證在我國公債市場應用的可行性。   一般均衡利率期限結構模型,由Cox、Ingersoll and Ross(1985a、b)正式提出,其為單因子一般均衡利率期限結構模型;Longstaff and Schwartz(1992)提出二因子一般均衡利率期限結構模型,因其利率期限結構隱含一個限制式,故LS兩因子實證模型以差分形式進行,故將損失兩個參數(gamma、eta);基於此點,本文試圖採用Gibbons and Ramaswamy(1993)的實質報酬率觀念,希望經由調整物價因素後的殖利率樣本資料,可消除時間趨勢不穩定的因子,藉以判斷包含(gamma、eta)的完整兩因子一般均衡模型是否能更充分解釋利率期限結構;另一方面,亦可透過Gibbons and Ramaswamy(1993)的實質報酬率觀念,觀察二因子一般均衡利率期限結構模型所獲得的名目利率期限結構與實質利率期限結構的差異。   本文實證結果並不令人滿意,調整物價因素後的殖利率樣本資料,仍存在不穩定的情況;本文以差分與模擬的方式,建構出台灣公債市場利率期限結構。另一方面,亦發現本文調整物價因素的方法,在較長的樣本期間下並不適宜。

專利聯盟所涉及專利權濫用問題之研究 / The research of patent misuse issues in patent pool licensing

何曜任, Ho, Yao Jen Unknown Date (has links)
專利聯盟(patent pools)可以創造龐大的促進競爭效益,但是同時也可能產生妨礙競爭與創新之疑慮,若法律完全不對專利聯盟之運作進行規範,專利權人將得以利用專利聯盟制度作為提昇自己市場獨占力量,抑制市場競爭,甚至是濫用專利排他權的工具。為了畫下專利權人正當行使權利之界限,維護專利制度的政策目的,以規範專利聯盟所產生之專利權濫用問題,美國的法制上遂逐漸發展出以專利權濫用原則(patent misuse doctrine)與競爭法(即美國之反托拉斯法),對專利聯盟進行管制的結構。美國法上之專利權濫用原則創設之初係為了限制輔助侵權理論之適用,此理論最初與競爭法制並無交集,判斷的重點在於專利權人是否逾越其權限,之後隨著1988年美國專利法之修正,以及學理實務的改變,現今專利權濫用原則的認定已牽涉競爭法「合理原則」之判斷,然而,許多爭議也逐漸浮現,例如應如何判斷專利權人在專利聯盟中所為之限制競爭行為是否成立濫用,專利權濫用原則與競爭法之間之關係為何,甚至專利權濫用原則本身是否仍有必要存在,這些問題都尚待解決,因此現今正是對專利權濫用理論進行全面檢討之時機。 本文以下將針對專利聯盟所涉及之專利權濫用問題進行研究,對於實務上專利權人利用專利聯盟所進行之搭售、包裹授權、聯合訂價、競業禁止條款等行為進行觀察,並對其所涉及之專利權濫用問題進行初步分析。基於此一研究所獲得之基礎,本文將嘗試指出專利權濫用理論值得檢討之處,並指出專利權濫用理論兼具專利制度和競爭法制之特質,也反映了兩者間之衝突,其亦具有能夠與時俱進,以及反映專利制度政策公益之特質,因此仍有繼續存在價值。尤其係在專利聯盟成員利用彼此間競業禁止協議抑制新生替代性技術發展之情形,法院在適用競爭法合理原則時,往往因為專利聯盟所創造的促進競爭效益,以及新生技術未來發展的不確定性,而傾向認定此種契約條款為合法,忽略其所產生之抑制創新問題,此時即有適用專利權濫用原則之空間。此外,更可以考慮以我國民法第148條所規範之誠信原則與權利濫用原則作為將專利權濫用理論引入我國法之基礎,而在尚未引入以前,對於專利聯盟所涉及之專利權濫用問題,我國實務可以將美國法專利權濫用原則之理論基礎作為操作民法第148條、專利法第60條、公平交易法第18條及第19條以及其他相關規定時之指導原則。本文之意旨並非在完全以專利權濫用原則取代競爭法規範的角色,而係期待實務上應當設法對專利權濫用原則之價值進行重新評估,以賦予專利權濫用原則嶄新之生命,讓專利權濫用原則與競爭法共同形成一個完善、合理的專利權行使規範體系。 / Patent pool licensing can both create enormous pro-competitive and anti-competitive effects. Without legal intervention, the patentee would be able to manipulate the patent pool system as a mean to increase his own monopoly power, suppress competition in the market, and even misuse his patent exclusive power. In order to prevent the misuse of patent rights, protect patent policy and regulate patent misuse issues in patent pools, the U.S law system employs the “patent misuse doctrine” and competition law (antitrust law) to deal with the above issues. The patent misuse doctrine was initially designed to limit the overexpansion of the contributory infringement theory and has no relationship with competition law. The essential factor to constitute patent misuse is that the patentee extends the patent monopoly over the statutory scope of his patent right. Nevertheless, in pace with the Patent Misuse Reform Act of 1988 and the conversion of the legal practice, the patent misuse doctrine has begun to intertwine with competition law’s “rule of reason” analysis. Gradually, many disputes have emerged, such as how to determine whether the patentee’s conduct constitutes patent misuse in patent pools, what is the relationship between the patent misuse doctrine and competition law, and whether the patent misuse doctrine itself is necessary to exist. Therefore, it is high time to conduct a comprehensive review of the patent misuse theory. This article will provide insights to patent misuse issues in patent pool licensing, such as tie-in arrangement, package licensing, price fixing, non-competition agreements, etc, and review the theoretical basis of the patent misuse doctrine. This article will also submit that the patent misuse doctrine is a doctrine which has both the characteristics of patent law and competition law and can compromise the interests of these two areas of regulations. It can also reflect patent policy and grow and change with time. Therefore, it is a doctrine which should continue to exist. Particularly, in the situation which patent pool members use non-competition agreements to suppress the development of nascent substitute technologies, courts would often consider this kind of agreement to be legal because of the enormous pro-competitive effects created by the patent pool and the uncertainty of the future development of the nascent technology. At this moment, it is necessary to apply the patent misuse doctrine to deal with the problem. In addition, the principle of good faith which is encoded in article 148 of the civil code may be an appropriate medium to introduce the patent misuse doctrine into our legal system. Even if it is not yet introduced into our system, the patent misuse doctrine could be the guiding principle for our legal practitioners to apply article 148 of the civil code, article 60 of the patent act, article 18 and article 19 of the Fair Trade Act in order to deal with patent misuse issues in patent pool licensing. This article supports that the patent misuse doctrine should be refined and cooperate with competition law in order to form a complete regulation of patent misuse conducts, but it does not submit that current competition law should be entirely replaced by the patent misuse doctrine.

反租稅規避制度對利潤移轉之影響 -以台灣上市電子工業在境外設立子公司為例 / Impact of anti-tax avoidance regimes on the profit shifting-Evidence from the listed electronic industries in Taiwan investing on subsidiaries abroad

顏瀅庭 Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化的趨勢之下,國際分工不可避免地成為跨國公司運作的趨勢。2013年2月,OECD發布《處理稅基侵蝕及利潤移轉》的報告表示,跨國公司利潤移轉策略的採取被認為是稅基侵蝕的主要原因。基於BEPS已經成為各國非常重視的議題,世界各國也為了保全稅基及防杜利潤移出,紛紛訂出反制措施。這些反制措施是否能遏制利潤不當的移動,是一個值得重視議題。惟目前學術文獻上並未有一篇全面盤點這些反制措施及地主國租稅制度對利潤移轉的影響。 故本篇研究以2005年至2012年台灣電子工業作為研究對象,利用橫斷面及時間序列的追蹤資料 (panel data) 之隨機模型做估計,探討台灣跨國公司之電子業海外子公司的利潤移轉是否會受到租稅規避行為的影響。結果顯示,利潤移轉會受到以下四種國際租稅規避工具所影響,分別是地主國是否有移轉訂價的規範、是否有預先移轉訂價規範、是否有反資本弱化條款以及地主國是否為租稅天堂。


吳文義, Wu, Wen Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的個案是系統單晶片企業,系統單晶片是電子系統的核心,因此該企業對於下游電子產品的發展扮演著舉足輕重的角色,是積體電路產業價值鍊最高價值的一環。本研究的主要目的是藉著一個極為成功的系統單晶片設計公司的成長軌跡與其相關的產業歷史,透過還原當時的時空環境了解並分析其經營策略的本質,以建立適合系統單晶片設計公司之經營策略本質的分析架構,同時實證其分析的結果,藉以尋求其研究問題「後進者的成功經營策為何?」的解答,並從個案企業的歷史中找出常被忽略的寶貴的經營智慧,而另一目的是能夠藉著收集具有時間標記的經營事件,提供豐富的研究素材給有興趣系統單晶片設計產業做更進一步或其他主題的研究。 一開始的動機是為了解答「後進者的成功經營策為何?」這個問題,但研究之後發現這是一個很有可能沒有通用解的問題,因此本研究轉從「策略本質的思考」出發,試著從個案公司的各個不同系統單晶片產品及其下游相關的產業的事件中,進行分析、推理、歸納與實證所關心的議題,其中個案分析主要包括四個產業:(一)光碟機產業;(二)DVD播放機產業;(三)數位電視機產業;(四)手機產業。其中每一個產業的故事都以某一個案的企業發展為中心,以時間的先後呈現,描述當時的產業環境、企業狀態、決策的因果關係,以及如何執行與執行結果。為了解答「後進者的成功經營策為何?」這個的大問題,同時從個案的分析與理論推論研究,從不同方向的思考並嚴謹的歸納與分析提出以下的研究發現:(一)從行銷理論分析策略本質;(二)以利潤方程式分析策略本質;(三)SOC晶片訂價策略;(四)從動態能耐的架構分析策略本質;(五)後進者的經營策略;(六)成長與新產品選擇的策略;(七)經營智慧的闡述。希望能提供企業經營者策略思考的架構,而建構出適合自己的經營策略。 本研究藉著邱志聖「行銷理論」中產品的「外顯」與「內隱」之價值分析方法,發展出「(一)從行銷理論分析策略本質」之研究發現中一系列的理論,並以此為基礎,輔助論證其他的研究發現,再根據「利潤彈性」的定義,提出可以以嚴謹的數學証明的一系列有關訂價的創新的理論,以此為基礎進而提出「(三)SOC晶片訂價策略」,再藉著「(四)從動態能耐的架構分析策略本質」的個案研究,發現組織的能耐與低成本優勢有的強烈的相關性,整合以上相關的研究發現,進而提出「(五)後進者的經營策略」,以創新「先進者支援的兩難」理論為切入點,並根據以上研究的結論,提出「後進者的成功經營策為何?」的參考解答。當企業成功之後,必然會面臨成長的困境,因此本研究從個案的深入分析,提出所應採取的「(六)成長與新產品選擇的策略」,以及最後提醒經營者一些知易行難的「(七)經營智慧的闡述」。 根據TEEC的「動態能耐」的理論,企業的策略深受「路徑相依性」的影響,且當不同企業的內部狀態或外部環境不同時其所需的策略也不一樣,因此後進者僅採用模仿的策略是不易成功,所以企業必需要思索適合自身的策略,並透過策略本質的分析,檢驗其策略是否有效,然而任何策略分析的方法都有其盲點,因 此分析或擬定策略時要依據競爭對手與產業特性選數種適合分析的架構進行分析,才能夠互相印證與互補,並思考其矛盾之處以避免致命的盲點,因此本論文提出專為系統單晶片設計企業策略本質的思考之架構以檢驗其策略有效性。 / The System on Chip (SOC) is the core of the electric system of an electric end product. Therefore, the firms that design and produce the SOC play the critical role in the development of the end product and contribute the most valuable part in the IC industry chain. The purposes of this paper are to develope the strategies and wisdoms of management as well as the frame structure for analyzing the essence of management strategies for the late comer. In the case study, there are the companies have been very successful in the world. In the cases, there are a lot of time-marked traces of the growth of the successful firm and its related industry history so that we can clarify what and why the strategies were executed at that time by analyzing the sequences of the management decisions and their consequences. Additionally, I hope the case stories can be utilized for the further research or another related research. Initially in this research we focused only on the topic of the question“What are the effective management strategies for the late comer”. However, after further studies we found that the general answers for the big question might not exit; therefore, we adjusted the research direction and converted to focus on the topic of the essence of the analysis of the management strategies. In the studied case, there are four different kinds of SOC products including optic storage chip, DVD player chip, digital TV chip and handset chip and their related industries. In the story of each product case, the main stream of the story keeps close track of the situation of the management decisions making, the status of the execution by the studied firms and their consequences in timing sequence so that the evolution of the environment of the firms and the industries can be shown clearly. To study for the answer of the big question “What are the effective management strategies for the late comer”, firstly we analyze the cases and simultaneously study the related theories. Secondly we transform the big question into the following seven research subtopics: (1) Analyzing the essence of the management strategies based on the marketing promotion theory, (2) Analyzing the essence of the management strategies by the net profit, (3) Pricing strategies for the SOC products, (4) Analyzing the essence of the management strategies by the perspective of the“Dynamic capabilities”, (5) Management strategies for the late comer, (6) Strategies for the growth and new products selection, and (7) Wisdom of management. Finally, we hope this thesis can provide managers with the frame structure for both thinking and analyzing the strategies so that managers can develop the best strategies for themselves. There are some kinds of logical relation among the theories developed in the above subtopics. The foundation of theories of“Analyzing the essence of the management strategies”is the value proposition that bases on the analysis of the explicit value and implicit value in the marketing promotion theory. Theories of“Analyzing the essence of the management strategies”are one of the most fundamental pillars that support the other theories in this thesis. According to the definition of elasticity of net profit in this thesis, we can deduce some innovative and valuable theories by the rigid mathematical reasoning. Furthermore, we can develop the innovative theories “(3) Pricing strategies for the SOC product”. In addition to developing the above theories, we apply the theory of “Dynamic capabilities” to analyze the strategies in the case stories to find the effective cost advantage is supported by the capabilities of organization with effectiveness and efficiency. We integrate the above theories to propose “(5) Management strategies for the late comer”. A firm will eventually confront the saturation of the growth after its successful startup. To solve this issue, we base on the deep investigation of the cases and some theories developed in this thesis, we propose “(6) Strategies for growth as well as new products selection”. Finally from the case stories, we abstract some both valuable and critical wisdoms that are easy understood but they are hard to be practiced due to the human natural weakness. According to “Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management” by TEECE, the strategies for a firm strongly depend on the path that the firm has experienced, thus the imitative strategies from its rival is usually not effective just because their paths they passed are different, not to mention that neither their environments nor the conditions of the firms are totally different. Therefore, a firm works out any strategies and then its managers have to carefully check the effectiveness of the strategies by analyzing their essence of the strategies and then modify them before they are executed. However, any framework for analyzing strategy has its blindspots. To avoid the strategic blindspots, we have to use several different and suitable frameworks to analyze the strategies, and then check if there are any conflicts among the results from different frameworks analyzing, we have to deliberate to find why and how to solve the conflicts. Therefore, we develop a new frame work that appropriately analyzes the strategies of both the SOC firm-level and their products with a totally different perspective

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