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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

投資人可否從券商推薦的股票獲利? / Can investors profit from brokerages’ stock recommendations?

張清發, Chang, Ching Fa Unknown Date (has links)
過去國內文獻大致指出投資人難以依靠券商的投資建議獲利,此與大部份國外文獻的發現相異。本文參考Barber et al. (2001),建構一個適用於台灣股票市場的研究方法,再以四因子模型做實證。本文以2007年3月至2015年12月,共48987筆卷商個股報告為研究樣本,來探討券商報告的投資建議能否獲利。本文研究結果發現,台灣的券商報告擁有額外的資訊價值,此與Barber et al. (2001)及其他國外文獻大致相同。 本研究依券商的推薦強度建構四個投資組合。發現推薦程度高的投資組合平均月報酬為正,且高於大盤;而推薦程度低的投資組合平均月報酬顯著低於大盤,且擁有顯著的負超額報酬。本文進一步建構買進賣出策略,即買進推薦股票高的投資組合並賣出推薦程度低的投資組合,發現此策略報酬顯著高於零及大盤,且存在顯著的正超額報酬。另外在台股多頭期間,本研究的實證結果更加顯著,推薦程度高的投資組合平均月報酬增加至顯著高於大盤,且超額報酬顯著為正;推薦程度低的投資組合之大盤調整報酬及負超額報酬的顯著程度提高;而買進賣出策略獲得超額報酬的顯著程度也大幅提高。 / Past Taiwanese literatures generally indicated that it is difficult to obtain profit from Taiwanese stock recommendations of brokerage, which is different from most of foreign literatures. Referring to Barber et al. (2001), we improve and build a research methodology applied to Taiwanese stock market, conducting empirical analysis with four-factor model. From March 2007 to December 2015, we use total 48987 brokers’ stock recommendations as sample to investigate whether inventors could earn profit from the broker recommendations. Our empirical results show that Taiwanese broker reports hold additional information, which is consistent with Barber et al. (2001) and most of foreign literatures. According to the strength of recommendation, we construct four portfolios and find that the return of the most favorable portfolio is higher than market, while the return of the least favorable portfolio is significantly smaller than market and holds significantly negative access return. We further construct a long-short strategy, which buys the most favorable portfolios and shorts the least favorable portfolios. The return of this strategy is significantly higher than market, and excess return is significantly positive. During Taiwanese bull market, the significance of our empirical result improves. The significance level of market-adjusted return and access return for both the most favorable and least favorable portfolio is higher. In addition, the significance level of excess return for long-short strategy also greatly improves.

以重複事件分析法分析信用評等 / Recurrent Event Analysis of Credit Rating

陳奕如, Chen, Yi Ru Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis surveys the method of extending Cox proportional hazard models (1972) and the general class of semiparametric model (2004) in the upgrades or downgrades of credit ratings by S&P. The two kinds of models can be used to modify the relationship of covariates to a recurrent event data of upgrades or downgrades. The benchmark credit-scoring model with a quintet of financial ratios which is inspired by the Z-Score model is employed. These financial ratios include measures of short-term liquidity, leverage, sales efficiency, historical profitability and productivity. The evidences of empirical results show that the financial ratios of historical profitability, leverage, and sales efficiency are significant factors on the rating transitions of upgrades. For the downgrades data setting, the financial ratios of short-term liquidity, productivity, and leverage are significant factors in the extending Cox models, whereas only the historical profitability is significant in the general class of semiparametric model. The empirical analysis of S&P credit ratings provide evidence supporting that the transitions of credit ratings are related to some determined financial ratios under these new econometrics methods.


林芷吟, Lin Chih Yin Unknown Date (has links)
信用風險是金融機構最關切的風險之一,信用評等則是具有公信力的評等公司對企業債信良窳的客觀評估。本研究目的即在於探討在效率市場的假設前提下,股票價格所蘊含的信用風險與信用評等間之相互關係。我們以接受信用評等的上市櫃公司為研究對象,利用KMV模型求解出違約距離(Distance-to-Default, DD),再使用Kalman Filter粹取出符合公司之市場資訊(Adjusted-DD)替代股票價格,本研究分成兩部分討論,第一部份以順序羅吉斯模型(Ordered Logit Model)及羅吉斯模型(Logit Model)探討股價變動是否能領先告知未來公司信用評等的變化情形。第二部分則利用一般化自我相關條件異質變異模型(GARCH Model)觀察信用評等變動是否為市場帶來新的資訊。 第一部分實證結果發現:當長期信評調降時,電子、通訊相關產業及金融業之市場資訊(Adjusted-DD)的變動與長期信用評等為負相關,而長期信用評等調升時,仍得到負向關係,短期信用評等之部分得到當信用評等調降時,電子與通訊相關產業市場資訊變動有負向關係,與長期信用評等得到一致性之關係,但金融業則顯示市場資訊與信用評等調降為正相關,而傳統產業顯示短期信用評等調升與市場資訊呈現負向關係。 第二部分實證結果:與大多學者之研究相符,當信用評等調降時股票價格有負的異常報酬,而本研究更進一步發現當信用評等調升時,股票價格同樣隨著上漲且有顯著結果,兩者具有對稱關係。故信用評等改變時能夠為市場帶來新的資訊,可視為投資的重要參考指標之一。但以股票價格所蘊含的信用風險與信用評等間的關係卻仍無法得到應證。


謝尚文 Unknown Date (has links)
2008年,美國華爾街危機影響全球金融市場,即使美國擬出許多救市計畫,全球股市依舊暴跌。在此危機衝擊下,各大金融機構不但利潤下滑,且資產減記和信貸損失也愈來愈嚴重。造成此一現象的主因即是次級房貸的影響,次級房貸主要是針對收入低、信用不佳卻需要貸款購屋的民眾,這類客戶通常借貸不易,倘若銀行內部沒有完善的評等機制那放款則需承受較大的違約風險。為因應此趨勢,本研究以台灣未上市中小企業為實例,資料的觀察期間為2003至2005年,透過資料採礦流程,建構企業違約風險模型及其信用評等系統。 本研究分別利用羅吉斯迴歸、類神經網路、和分類迴歸樹三種方法建立模型並加以評估比較其預測能力。發現羅吉斯迴歸模型對於違約戶的預測能力及有效性皆優於其他兩者,並選定為本研究之最終模型,並對選定之模型作評估及驗證,發現模型的預測能力表現尚屬穩定,確實能夠在銀行授信流程實務中加以應用。 / In 2008, the financial crisis on Wall Street had severe impacted the global economy. Although the US government has drawn up regulatory policies in an attempt to save the stock market, the value of global stock market has shrunk drastically. As such, the profits of many financial institutes’ have not only plunged, their value of assets have decreased while loss related to mortgage became more severe. The main cause behind this global phenomenon can be attributed to the effect of subprime mortgages. Subprime mortgages are mainly aimed at consumers who have low income and poor credit history but wish to purchase homes through the means of mortgage. These consumers usually find it difficult to obtain mortgage loans. If banks do not have a well structured evaluation system, they would have to bear more risks in the case of a default. To better understand this trend, this research chooses middle and small private enterprises as its samples. The period of observation is 2003 to 2005. Using the data mining process, this research builds a model that shows the risk associated with contract failure and credit score system. The research builds a model based on logistic regression, Neural Network, and cart to compare and contrast each of the three model’s ability to predict. The result shows that logistic regression is better at predicting defaults and is more effective than the other two models. The research, therefore, concludes logistic regression model as the research’s final model to study and evaluate. In process, the research result demonstrates that the logistic regression model makes more precise prediction and its prediction is fairly stable. Logistic regression model is capable for banks to employ in performing credit check.

信用投資組合觀點模型應用 / An empirical analysis of the credit portfolio view model for economic capital

黃憶倫, Huang, Yi-Lun Unknown Date (has links)
為了研究總體因子與產業違約率之間的關聯性, 本文以信用投資組合觀點模型(CPV) 做為開端, 建立在具評等基礎下的違約損失模型, 並以投機等級違約率估計出移轉係數矩陣, 進而模擬各產業條件移轉矩陣, 藉以反應在各種不同總體情境下, 產業內各評等的移轉機率及違約機率。此外, 本文亦建立不分評等的簡化違約損失模型, 並將兩模型做一比較。最後, 我們以台灣537 家上市櫃公司做為投資組合樣本, 分別模擬出兩模型的條件違約損失分配。進一步計算風險指標,以此做為未來規劃資本計提的基礎。最後結果顯示, 投資組合違約情況確實受總體因子影響, 且發現若投資組合中評等越差公司之曝險越小, 將有助於降低組合資產風險。

我國銀行體系信用風險的總體壓力測試 / The Macro Stress Test for Credit Risks in Taiwan's Banking System

彭建超, Peng, Chien-Chao Unknown Date (has links)
對金融機構而言, 壓力測試是辨識及評估金融機構發生極端事件或最糟情境下可能損失來源的風險管理方法。 國際清算銀行全球金融體系委員會 (BIS Committeeon the Global Financial System) 則將壓力測試定義為 「金融機構衡量潛在但可能 (plausible) 發生異常 (exceptional) 損失的模型」。而對監理機關來說, 壓力測試也是總體審慎分析 (macro-prudential analysis) 的一環。 總體審慎分析係利用金融體系提供的定量資訊 (quantitative information)、 及制度面與管理面提供的定性資訊 (qualitative information)。 它包括金融市場的監控及總體面與金融面的鏈結分析。 其亦為廣義的總體經濟脆弱性評估架構的一部分。 本文針對我國銀行授信資產部位, 嘗試為監理單位提供一套可實行的壓力測試方法。 結合信用風險模型 CreditPortfolioView(CPV) 以及Basel II 中信用風險資本計提的內部評等法(Internal Rating-Based Approach; IRB), 投入適當的總體經濟因子, 並透過總體因子的調整構成壓力情境 (stress scenario), 在體系內銀行皆依法計提資本和提列備抵呆帳的前提下, 檢視銀行法定資本 (regulatory capital) 的變化, 以及透過資本適足性檢視各銀行的承受能力。 在參考 1997 亞洲金融風暴以及2000 年末.com 泡沫時我國經濟情況所建立的假設性壓力情境下, 我國銀行僅有兩間達須被主管機關糾正或接管的範圍。


謝懷恕, Shieh, Hwai-Shun Unknown Date (has links)
本論文從金融產業的產業概況介紹開始,以次級資料蒐集的方式對目前國內的金融體系、機構作一分類介紹,並進行產業分析,以瞭解合併的趨勢與成因;並以個案研究方法,分析個案銀行的基本資料與相關財務比率,歸納整理並簡單模擬合併後之可能情節。本論文選定的配對組合為「臺灣銀行、土地銀行及中央信託局」,因為這三家行局的組合是最常被報章雜誌點名的配對組合,亦是財政部大力推動的組合之一,同時被金融業界認為是本國銀行同業間合併具有指標性質的組合。 本論文採用CAMEL評等系統,選取下列的財務指標做為本論文的研究變數,包括資本適足性(Capital adequacy)、資產品質(Asset quality)、管理績效(Management performance)、獲利能力(Earnings)與流動性(Liquidity),並加上「成長性」與「生產力」兩大項指標,可歸為七大類的財務比率,再加上非財務性質的指標—銀行個體特徵變數。本論文研究結論發現,在所有情況皆維持不變下,台灣銀行、土地銀行及中央信託局合併後,不論是在資本適足性、經營效率、獲利能力、流動力及生產力等各方面均近似於台灣銀行的水準;若三家銀行合併後進行人事精簡、改善逾放及資金成本下降,其經營效率、獲利能力以及生產力等方面皆高於在所有情況皆維持不變下的研究結果。 最後綜合歸納目前之金融產業發展趨勢、個案分析的資料,以及個人於立法部門服務之經驗,進一步探討台灣銀行、土地銀行及中央信託局三家個案銀行的互補性、合併的利基與未來競爭優勢,及合併時可能遭遇的阻礙。並對金融主管機關、三家個案銀行及後續研究者,給予合併相關議題的建議。


史碩明 Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於證券商走向大型化、業務多樣且複雜化,同時面臨激烈之競爭環境,台灣證券交易所及證券櫃檯買賣中心乃開始研議建置綜合評等機制以利未來對證券商之監管,現行對證券商之評等主要有資本適足率、證券商整體經營風險預警制度、風險管理評鑑、及例行查核對內部稽核作業評分等四項。主管機關目前係依個別項目作為證券商業務准駁和經營業務限額之控管(例如:證券商買賣倍數採用資本適足率和整體經營風險之評等、辦理有價證券借貸業務和證券業務借貸款項之核准採用資本適足率和例行查核對內部稽核作業評分、財富管理業務之核准採用資本適足率、資本適足新制度下選擇權部位市場風險約當金額採行敏感性分析(delta-plus)法之核准採用風險管理評鑑…等等),然而,因不同之業務採用不同之評等項目與標準,項目過於繁雜且不一致。因此,本文之研究目的為建置適合我國採用之證券商整體綜合評等模式。 本文考量我國現行對證券商之差異化管理,並參考國際與我國金融監理機構之差異化管理之文獻後,提出一個整體之綜合評等機制,建議可比照美國堪模斯(CAMELS)綜合評等模式機制,將我國現行對證券商評等之「資本適足率」、「證券商整體經營風險預警制度」、「風險管理評鑑」、及「例行查核對內部稽核作業評分」等項目,同時納入考量以建立整體性之綜合評等機制,以進行分級管理,並作為對新業務申請、新營業據點申請、檢查頻率高低、證券商負責人或從業人員處分等之參考。

審計委員會權益基礎報酬是否影響 公司之權益資金成本及信用評等? / Does Audit Committees’ Equity-based Compensation Affect Firms’ Cost of Equity Capital and Credit Rating?

陳若晞 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以權益基礎報酬占總報酬的比率來捕捉薪酬結構,並據以探討給予審計委員會的薪酬結構對於公司權益資金成本及信用評等之影響。利用 2006 至 2010 年間納入美國 S&P1500指數之公司 (排除金融服務與保險業) 為樣本,本研究發現,若權益基礎報酬佔審計委員會薪酬比率越高,其公司之權益資金成本越低,但該公司之信用評等卻越差。顯示權益基礎報酬之比重在二種財報使用者眼中具有不同涵義。投資人認為給予審計委員會較高之權益基礎報酬比重,可使監督更有效,投資人承擔之資訊風險降低,進而願意降低其要求報酬;信用評等機構則認為,給予較高的權益基礎報酬比重將傷害審計委員會獨立性,影響公司治理結構,並降低財務報導之品質,因而給予此類公司較差之信用評等。 / This study examines how investors and credit rating agents react to audit committees’ equity-based compensation. Based on a sample of S&P 1500 firms during 2006-2010, the empirical results show that firms who pay audit committees higher portion of equity-based compensation have lower cost of equity capital and lower credit rating. These results suggest different information users perceive and react to equity-based compensation in different ways. Particularly, investors appear to perceive that higher portion of equity-based compensation can align audit committee members’ interest with the shareholders’, leading to more effective monitoring and smaller information risk. Therefore, investors react by reducing their cost of equity capital. In contrast, credit rating agents appear to perceive that higher portion of equity-based compensation may harm audit committees’ independence, resulting in decreased quality of financial reporting. Therefore, credit rating agents react by downgrading firms’ credit ratings.

以4C理論制定企業採購決策分析模型評估屬性 / Using 4C theory in establishing appraisal attributes for corporate purchasing decision analysis model

李慰祖, Lee, Wei Chu Unknown Date (has links)
企業的採購活動必須考慮產業及市場的因素,並以企業的策略目標作為指導原則,尋找最佳的供應商與產品或服務。多屬性決策分析技術是企業常用於選擇最佳方案的工具,尤其是SMART簡易多屬性評等技術是最早發展也最常被應用的量化分析工具。但是多屬性的決策分析工具皆是以傳統數學模型發展出來的量化分析工具,對於半結構或多元性的方案選擇,缺乏具有系統性且客觀的評估屬性建立方法,並且欠缺值化屬性的權重設定依據。 策略行銷分析4C理論的四項成本變數,可以作為SMART簡易多屬性評等技術的根本目標,並且可以各項成本變數的因子作為建立評估屬性的根據;4C理論同時也提供了影響各項成本的因素,可以作為權重設定的參考。 本研究嘗試結合策略行銷分析4C理論與SMART簡易多屬性評等技術,以建立4C-SMART企業採購決策分析模型。並且透過兩個簡單但實際的案例演練,以4C-SMART模型產生量化的數據結果,作為採購決策者的分析依據,來推導並且證實4C-SMART應用於企業採購實務的可能性。 / The factors of industry and market are usually taken into account in corporate purchasing activities. Purchasing tends to find the best suppliers as well as best products and services under the guidelines of corporate strategic objectives. Multiple Attribute Decision Analysis, MADA, is the most common tool to select the best solution among options. Simple Multi-Attribute Ranking Technique, SMART, is the earliest developed quantitative tool of MADA and has been widely adopted by corporate purchasing. However, MADA tools are constructed on the basis of traditional mathematic models. When coping with semi-structural and diversified options, the MADA tools lack of systematic and objective methods of constructing attributes and do not provide criteria for setting weights against qualitative attributes. The four cost variables in Strategic Marketing Analysis, also known as 4C theory, can be used for setting the fundamental objectives of SMART model. 4C theory also provides factors under the four cost variables as criteria for setting attributes. The factors which influence the variation of the four costs can be adopted as criteria for setting weights. This research tried to integrate 4C theory and SMART technique to create a 4C-SMART purchasing analysis model. Through the practices of two simple but practical cases, the model helped to generate quantitative results as evidences for purchasing decision maker’s analysis and deduced the possibility of applying the model in practical corporate purchasing.

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