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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

高階經理人薪酬與自願性盈餘預測之關聯性 / On the association between CEO’s compensation and voluntary disclosure

吳元婷 Unknown Date (has links)
自願性財務預測對公司來說,是傳遞內部資訊給外部使用者之方法之一,透過自願性財務預測,藉以消弭因資訊不對稱所產生之代理問題。公司為了減輕代理問題,透過薪酬之設計,使經營者與股東之目標趨於一致,因此,本研究欲探討高階經理人之薪酬,是否會受到其自願性財務預測之影響。 本研究針對2000年至2009年標準普爾前五百(S&P 500)之公司,進行高階經理人薪酬及自願性財務預測關聯性之探討。以是否發佈自願性財務預測、是否未達成自願性財務預測,以及自願性財務預測之準確性,分別探討其與高階經理人薪酬之關聯。實證結果發現,公司當年度有發佈自願性年盈餘預測,高階經理人薪酬變動會增加;本研究亦發現當未達到自願性年盈餘預測時,高階經理人薪酬有負向變動,而未達到季盈餘預測的情況下並未發現同樣結果;而預測之準確性,不論是年樣本或季樣本,皆未發現與高階經理人薪酬有顯著之關聯性。 關鍵

以財務遊戲驗證投資者過度自信 / Verifying overconfidence of investers through stock investment game

李侃奇, Lee, Kan Chi Unknown Date (has links)
許多研究發現投資人在面對不同情況時,會表現出過度自信之現象,其中最甚者為過度自信現象(overconfidence),亦有研究探討如何解決過度自信,使得投資人之資產配置更加效率。結果發現雖然無利益衝突之財務建議,的確能夠解決資產配置缺乏效率的問題,然而,採納者少之又少,而採納建議者仍會依照自己想法配置資產,使得財務建議效果下降,故本研究便發想,既然投資人普遍已有成見,何不從最根本的學校教育做起,使情況有所改善。 本研究利用實驗之方式,以政大學生作為研究對象,將樣本分為未修過財管大學生、修過財管大學生以及財管所學生三個子族群,首先以問卷調查其客觀及主觀特性,再進行財務投資遊戲以得出實驗結果,並加以迴歸分析。 實證結果發現,樣本整體呈現男性、年齡越小者容易發生過度自信現象,由於本樣本之年齡可代表財務教育程度之高低,可推論教育程度較高者可降低過度自信;在子族群中,過度自信之情形尤以修過財管之大學生為嚴重,在未修過財管之大學生及財管所研究生中則不顯著,有”半瓶水響叮噹”之可能,而過度自信現象在財管所研究生族群中不顯著,代表財務教育程度的確能夠有效消除過度自信之現象;風險分散程度方面,樣本整體呈現男性、風險態度較高者之多角化程度較低。研究過程中發現,財務教育程度高之族群,較為了解自己之風險態度,會依照其風險承受度來作資產配置,且未修過財管大學生及修過財管大學生中,男性多角化程度顯著較低;在財管所碩士班學生之樣本,此現象則不顯著。若將多角化程度較低,視為過度自信之指標,亦代表財管所碩士班男性較不容易發生過度自信現象。由以上結果作出財務教育程度越高,的確能夠消除行為偏誤之結論,且財務教育程度越高者,更能夠了解自身之風險態度,並作出相應之資產配置。

三星電子、宏達電和台積電的外匯曝險分析 / The foreign exchange rate exposure of Samsung Electronics、HTC and TSMC

周奕志, Chou, Yi Chih Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的為探討三星電子、宏達電和台積電,除了可能因產品面、營運面的操作影響公司價值外,在面臨外匯波動的競爭環境時,是否有做好足夠的避險措施來抵銷外匯風險,採取的實證方法為,曝險彈性模型、現金流量迴歸模型和股價迴歸模型等,資料時間由2003年至2012年。 從實證結果來看,三星電子在營運避險和財務避險的操作都相當合適,都能有效的降低外匯風險。而台灣的主要企業-宏達電和台積電均有相似的避險問題,融資現金流量過度的曝險,推測為外幣負債操作的不足,造成財務避險不足,無法有效降低外匯風險,這部分相較於主要競爭對手-三星電子而言是比較可惜的地方,必須盡快改善財務避險策略,以防止公司在外匯波動上承受匯兌損失。 而在台幣是否該貶值以刺激出口的論點裡,可以發現不同時間點,公司對於台幣貶值的反應不同,時間點若是近十年來,則台幣貶值對於公司的幫助並不大,故不應該支持台幣貶值以刺激出口。但若把時間點分成金融海嘯前後,兩間公司對於台幣貶值的反應則有反轉的現象,在金融海嘯後,台幣貶值對於這兩間公司均是有利的結果,故由此應該支持台幣該大幅貶值以刺激出口。


陳志銘 Unknown Date (has links)


陳柏明 Unknown Date (has links)
國立政治大學研究所八十七學年度第二學期碩士論文提要 研究所別:資訊管理學系碩士班 研究生:陳柏明 指導教授:楊建民博士 論文名稱:運用演化範例學習法進行台灣股票上市公司經營績效判斷之研究 論文提要內容 股票上市公司的經營績效,對於廣大的投資人、以及銀行及債權人,甚至是公司內的管理人員來說,都是相當重要的資訊。投資大眾可以做為投資計畫的參考,銀行及債權人能對授信及放款制訂適當的準則與採取必要的措施。而公司內部管理階層若能及早發現問題,更可針對問題訂定未來的營運計畫,確保公司的穩定。公司經營績效的評量方法有很多,通常採用財務報表分析來瞭解公司的財務狀況與經營成果。本研究則提出一個演化範例學習法的架構,用來分析財務報表所能提供的資訊,進而判斷公司經營績效。 範例學習法透過線索的選定並對例子集加以分類,進而得到法則。線索的選取將會對決策樹的建立有極大的影響,因此如何得到優良且適當的線索,是在建立決策樹時的重要工作。而遺傳演算法提供了一種演化的方式,透過其演化的機制,一步步的尋找較佳的近似解,因此可以用來進行範例學習法的建樹過程的演化,並改良線索的選用,此架構稱為演化範例學習法。因此本研究希望透過演化式的範例學習法來分析財務報表申所報導的各項財務資料所能提供之資訊。並選取台灣地區股票上市公司之財務報表進行分析,研究所得的結論在於判斷未來這些公司經營績效之變化,讓投資者、債權人與公司管理人員能夠及早因應並採取有效的措施。 本研究以民國七十六年至民國入十七年的股票上市公司財務比率資料進行演化實驗。測試結果顯示 (1)採用本演算法分析績效的命申率可達六成以上,最"高可達到約七成,且在一定的世代內,命申率將隨著逐步提升,(2)初始線索的選取不影響演化後期的命申率,(3)淘汰率高低將造成演化過程命申率的波動程度,(4)由新線索的加入,發現每股淨值、淨值報酬率等以往較不常使用的線索具有一定的分析能力。最後並將針對本研究提出相關建議與未來值得研究的課題。

財務再保險之內部控制與內部稽核- HIH與AIG案例分析

游淑觀 Unknown Date (has links)
財務再保險係屬於新興的風險移轉方式之一,除了可以移轉傳統再保險之核保風險外,更可以將保險公司有很多無法以傳統再保險獲得分散的風險,如時間風險、投資風險等財務風險移轉出去。財務再保險可以增加保險公司的盈餘及提升經理人的績效,同時能減少潛在的危險暴露,避免準備金提存不足的問題,並且可以增加保險公司的承保能量,資助新契約的成長,兼具風險管理與財務規劃的新興工具。 相對的,財務再保險的實施,也延伸出相關的問題,如財務再保險係為融資借貸關係,而非實質危險轉移;因為準備金提存不足,無法支付未來重大的損失;為了掩飾盈虧,而誤導投資大眾。HIH與AIG集團涉及以財務再保險契約粉飾財務報表的行為,顯示財務再保險契約所造成的監理漏洞,另一方面,保險公司若不注重其企業本身營運的風險管理,而是以財務再保險契約尋求穩定公司收益的財務揭露,對於保險公司的長期經營並不是一件好事,同時對於投資人、監理機關的管理亦影響甚鉅。 除了監理機關對於財務再保險應加以規範外,保險公司內部之內部控制與內部稽核在企業中亦扮演重要角色。本研究就HIH與AIG集團兩個案之財務再保險問題,收集截至2005年HIH相關人員被澳洲保險監理機關起訴之起訴理由,與AIG被美國監理機關起訴人員的相關資料,分析這些被起訴原因之內部控制缺失,強調財務再保險內部控制與內部稽核的重要性,最後,針對保險公司實施財務再保險提出建議,同時對保險監理機關監管財務再保險也提出建議,希望對國內保險業者實施財務再保險有所助益,同時,也作為保險監理機關監管財務再保險的參考。 / Financial reinsurance is one of the alternative risk transfer arrangements. Unlike the traditional reinsurance arrangement where only the underwriting risk is transferred, other risks such as time risk and investment risk may also be transferred through such arrangement. Financial reinsurance increases an insurance company’s earning and the managers’ performance, and hence decreases the exposures of reserve inadequacy. Additionally, it is also a new tool for risk management and financial planning for its positive impact on new business growth through the enhancement on the company’s underwriting capability. On the other side, the use of financial reinsurance also leads to some problems. Specifically, when it is structured as a financial lease without any physical transfer of risks and used to window-dress poor financial performance in order to mislead the investors. Two international insurance companies, namely HIH (Health International Holdings) and AIG (American International Group), have tried to use the financial reinsurance arrangements to window-dress their financial statements in order to deceive the regulators. From a long term perspective, financial reinsurance arrangements used for stabilizing the financial results instead of enhancing risk management would certainly be detrimental to investors and insurance regulators. Besides the regulators who need to set up the regulations on financial reinsurance, the internal controls and internal auditing functions within insurance company also play an important role in terms of supervision. This thesis focused on two real life cases related to HIH and AIG by studying their problems with financial reinsurance and colleting the people being prosecuted by Australia regulator (APRA) and SEC as of the end of 2005, the internal control weaknesses caused by them and finally emphasizing the important of internal controls and internal audit function. Lastly, after studies these two cases, recommendations are made to insurance companies and local regulator on how to manage the use of financial reinsurance. Hopefully these suggestions would be helpful to them.

應用資訊擷取技術於企業評價財務項資料之取得 / An Application of Information Extraction in Collecting Financial Data for Business Valuation

賴哲霆, Lai,Jhe-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
由於近幾年來網際網路電子資源的數量大量成長下,搜尋引擎技術的誕生為使用者帶來檢索資料文件上極高的便利與效率。但網路資源和使用者大量成長下,現有的關鍵字檢索技術已無法滿足使用者需求。然而「資訊擷取」就是將從檢索文件中擷取重要特定訊息或產生資訊間特定關係的一種技術。其不僅從文件中能過濾不必要的資訊,而且產生有興趣或特定的重要訊息和摘要。 企業評價即為一套收集、分析與應用財務或非財務資訊來評價企業的價值,其評估的結果可做為企業決策和無形資產買賣訂價之依據。目前在國內企業的財務報表、財務附註和財經新聞內容皆有與企業評價所需重要訊息和資料,並以網頁和PDF格式呈現。因此,本研究將對國內企業財務報表、財務附註和財經新聞為資料來源,以企業評價概念基礎下建立中文財務項資料的資訊擷取系統。從這些不同的異質資料來源中,擷取正確的財務項資料與其所對應之企業評價模型,以達成自動擷取企業評價資料。使用者能在最短的時間內取得相關有效評價資訊和學習評價模型,使資訊處理品質能夠提昇正確性和效率性。 / Due to an increase in the wealth of electronic resources on the Internet in the past several years, the birth of the search engine has brought the utmost convenience and efficiency for users. However, searching for data by keyword retrieval techniques in information retrieval is not contented with some users’ specific demands due to a large number of network resources and users on the Internet. Information extraction (IE) is an improvement method which extracts the important specific event or produces specific relations among information from documents. IE can not only filter unnecessary information in any documents but also produce specific important messages and summaries that users are interested in. Business valuation is collecting, analyzing, and applying to financial or non- financial integral information to appraise the business value. The evaluated results are used in the commerce pricing for the business decision and intangible assets. There are specific information and events about business valuation stored in the Chinese financial statements, notes to financial statements, and financial news of Taiwan’s companies at present and data is presented by the HTML and PDF files. Hence, we developed an information extraction system of Chinese financial data for business valuation from the domestic business financial statements, notes to financial statements, and financial news as our data sources. We extracted the correct financial data and their corresponding business valuation model to achieve an automatic extraction in the financial data from these different heterogeneous data sources. Users can collect the relevant valid valuation information and learn valuation models concepts within a very short time to improve accuracy and efficiency in information processing quality.

CPSI公司在尼加拉瓜電子學習套件計畫的財務分析 / Financial Analysis on the Electronic Academic Package Project of CPSI in Nicaragua

柯睿得, Ricardo Cabrera Mendieta Unknown Date (has links)
CPSI公司在尼加拉瓜電子學習套件計畫的財務分析 / This thesis analyses CPSI –Nicaragua Branch business plan, an enterprise that trades products from Asia to foreign markets. The study is the analytical tool used by the company to explore the options of distributing tablets to higher education students, focusing on positioning products for low economical first intake level students. The investigation conducts a financial positioning of the company perspectives entering the Nicaraguan market, considering NPV to be presented to potential investors. The marketing strategy implemented in this business is based on developed countries experience to provide the facility of technological and academicals tools through universities to the students. The market segment analysis shows it’s an unexplored approach to get to the customers, creating an increase value surpassing the competition. CPSI-Nicaragua can function as a business to business company. The study of the Nicaraguan market exposes that the investment opportunity is profitable; the cash flow is 25% return and a positive NPV.

企業債務協商與處理之個案分析探討 / Business Debt Negotiation and Settlement - A Case Study

彭普明 Unknown Date (has links)
企業從創立之導入期,逐漸成長茁壯,進入成長期、成熟期、到衰退期,在其生命週期過程中的每一個階段,都必須面對內外環境急遽變遷的嚴酷考驗,及「適者生存、不適者淘汰」的殘酷事實挑戰。最能適應環境變化之企業,才有生存機會,否則將走入歷史之命運。 企業之突然崩潰、清算倒閉,其影響所及除股東、員工、客戶、供應商、債權人等關係人外,國家整體產業結構、經濟、及社會大眾亦難倖免,甚至全球各國都將遭受波,如2007年之美國次貸風暴,衍生為全球之金融海嘯,造成全球經濟大蕭條,其嚴重性,不可小覬。 企業發生財務危機,除因突發性之重大意外事故或災害外,都是經過日積月累過程所產生的結果。企業「財務危機的生命週期」可分為(1)醞釀之潛伏期、(2)爆發之發生期、(3)擴大之惡化期、(4)財務危機之處理期,及(5)經財務危機處理後之觀察期。 企業若能在「財務危機的生命週期」早期階段予以解決,對企業之傷害最輕。成功的財務危機處理,不僅能化解危機,甚至還能夠反敗為勝,利用危機創造利基,但依歷史資料觀察顯示,陷入財務危機之企業,後續能成功繼續存活者,畢竟仍為少數。 本研究以財務報表及財務比率等財務資訊,分析探討一家已營運三十餘年的老店何以發生財務危機之情事?其可能之徵兆或原因為何?該個案企業又如何面對?如何透過債務協商解決財務危機?於財務危機處理之債務重組與營運重組後之財務績效是否獲得改善?是否脫離財務危機之陰霾? 本研究就個案之分析探討所獲結論:一、個案企業透過債務協商與處理之「債務重組」及內部控管與營運效能提升之「營運重組」後,應已脫離財務危機之風險。二、企業面臨財務危機時之債務協商與處理能否成功之重要因素:1.債務協商與解決的基本之道:(1)高階經營管理者及其團隊之誠信與誠懇度、(2)財務透明度、(3)產業或產品之能見度、(4)公平性-公平對待各債權人。(5)主動性、積極性與及時性。2.債務協商與解決的協助機制:(1)推請有舉足輕重之債權金融機構(債權人)出面整合、(2)善用政府、金融機構與公會輔導機制、(3)善用專家顧問之協助機制、(4)盡量整合各項不同債務成一,減少個案之要求與干擾。3.自助人助-加強內部控管及開源節流措施之營運重組:(1)提升本業營運效能,加速營運體質改善、(2)縮減支出,降低成本,提升獲利水準、(3)處分變賣不具效益或效益不佳或閒置之資產,回收資金、(4)檢視及爭取內部或外部可能之「續命仙丹」資源、(5)衡量本身營運與財務能力,主動提出還款計畫供協商。 / The business cycle is usually divided into four stages: build-up, expansion, maturity and recession. A business will inevitably encounter the severe tests in rapidly changing environment and need to deal with the challenges for “Survival” at every stage of the life cycle. Some can survive if well adapt to the change of environment, otherwise disappear. The collapse and bankruptcy of businesses will affect not only its related parties such as shareholders, employees, clients, vendors and debtors but also the national industrial framework, economy, society and even the whole world. For example, the sub-prime crisis of the United States in 2007 caused the worldwide spreading of financial storm and resulted in global recession. No one could slight such severity. It usually takes a long period of time for a company to dip into financial crisis unless there is a sudden occurrence of accident or catastrophe. The life cycle of business financial crisis can be described as follows: (1) the latent period, (2) the occurrence period, (3) the deterioration period, (4) the recovery period and then (5) the post-crisis observation period. A business will only get the lightest damage if problems can be solved at the early stage of life cycle of business financial crisis. The successful financial management can not only minimize the damage of financial crisis and in some cases can even turn defeat into victory. However, it is a very rare case according to the past records... This study, based on the financial information is to analyze and discuss how an over-30-year-old company dipped into financial crisis? What were the signs to reveal upcoming crisis or reasons to make it happened? How did the company deal with the crucial challenges and how did the company solve the financial problem through debt negotiation and settlement? Did the financial performance of the company improve after settlement of financial crisis? And did the company get away from the haze of financial crisis? The conclusions of this case study are summarized in two aspects. First of all, it is believed that the company has recovered from the financial crisis after completing the negotiation for debt restructure, reinforcing the internal control and enhancing operational efficiency through reorganization. Secondly, there are some important factors to make the debt negotiation successful. Fundamentally, it requires honest and sincere attitudes of top-management, financial transparency, visible industry future, fairness to respective debtors and aggressive initiative with timely response. In addition, a successful negotiation mechanism should also need a leading debtor to integrate the various opinions, the proper use of guidance and assistance mechanisms of government, financial institutions and industrial association, the proper use of guidance and assistance mechanisms of the specialists and consultants, and consolidation of debts and liabilities into one negotiation system to simplify the negotiation process. Finally, the company facing the financial crisis has to self-help first by taking all possible measures in achieving more effective internal control and cost saving through the operational restructure programs. The programs have to be able to improve the operational efficiencies, to reduce the expenditure and operational cost-down to lift up the profitability, to dispose idle or low-value asset for generating cash, to strive for the possible internal and external resources for sustainable operation and to initiate the repayment plan based on the financial capability.

醫療財團法人社區公益活動、捐贈收入與其財務指標的關聯性 / The relation of charity,donation,and financial index in the non-profit hospitals

王詩婷 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討醫療財團法人財務指標與醫療社會服務支出及捐贈收入之間的關聯性。醫療財團法人彌補政府失靈的功能,以從事慈善公益活動為主要目標,協助政府醫療供給的不足。行政院衛生署在醫療財團法人慈善公益活動上,規範需提撥年度醫療收入結餘百分之十,辦理醫療社會服務與教育研究發展事項,並成立醫策會進行全國醫院評鑑工作。 本研究採用隸屬於行政院衛生署醫事處的醫療財團法人為樣本,探討民國95年至97年經會計師簽證查核的財務報表。財務指標以財務報表所附之財務比率為選擇,採用負債比率、流動比率、應收帳款收款期間、總資產週轉率、醫療社會服務支出占醫療收入結餘比率、醫務利益率及槓桿度衡量;非財務指標部分以醫療財團法人是否為醫學中心層級及不同創辦者型態,探討對醫療財團法人社服支出及捐贈收入面的影響。 實證結果顯示,財務比率對醫療社會服務及捐贈收入影響之變動方向相似;醫院為醫學中心層級與醫療社會服務支出及捐贈收入皆為顯著正向關係;宗教型態創辦醫院的財務績效較其他創辦型態為佳,且醫務利益率與捐贈收入呈顯著正相關。本研究發現醫院的評鑑制度對於醫療財團法人的慈善公益活動與捐贈影響,成效顯著;此外,相較於非宗教型態醫院,捐贈者較願意捐款予宗教型態且為醫學中心層級之醫院。

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