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國民小學超額教師人力資源運用方案之研究 / The Study of Plans for Human Resources Manipulation of the Surplus Teachers of Elementary School Teachers文超順, Wen, Chao Shun Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本研究根據研究的發現,提出相關建議,俾供教育行政機關、國民小學、國民小學教師及後續研究參考。 / The purpose of this study is to analyze the issues related to the plans for the human resource manipulation of surplus teachers of elementary school teachers, such as the cognition, problems, and the priorities of the plan, and accordingly offer suggestions based on the study.
The methodology of this study contains literature analysis, focus group interviews, and questionnaire survey. The questionnaire titled as “The Questionnaire of The Study of Plans for Human Resources Manipulation of the Surplus Teachers of Elementary School Teachers” is designed by the author. The questionnaires were delivered to 688 elementary school teachers of Yi-Lan County, and 90.26% were returned and analyzed with statistic techniques, such as description statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Scheffѐ method, and correlation analysis. The findings of the research are as follows.
A. The inspiration from position-transferring in firms
1. The method of position-transferring in films could be a reference for human resource manipulation in schools.
2. There are limitations for elementary schools to adopt the method of job-transferring of firms.
B. Teaching positions for surplus teachers
1. There is commonness in the employment of surplus teachers of every county in Taiwan.
2. “The plan for reduction of numbers of elementary school students in class” from the Ministry of Education is helpful to the human resource manipulation of teachers of every county.
C. Non-teaching positions for surplus teachers
1. It is regular management for governments to point surplus teachers to deal with the education administrative affairs.
2. The manipulation of the government of Yi-lan is therefore unique.
D. The development of human resource manipulation of surplus teachers of Yi-lan
The author, based on the four basis of literature analysis, raised suggestions for the government of Yi-lan county, hoping that the better solutions to the issue could be found.
E. The survey of the opinions of elementary school teachers about the human resources manipulation of the surplus teachers of elementary school teachers in Yi-lan
1. The scores of the cognition, problems, and attitude of the elementary school teachers toward the issue are above average.
2. Different variants would affect the cognition of priority of the plans for human resource manipulation of surplus teachers of elementary school teachers of Yi-lan.
3. the cognition and attitude of Yi-lan elementary school teachers toward the plans of human resource manipulation of surplus teachers are positive correlation.
Finally, suggestions for education administrative organizations, elementary schools, teachers, and future researches are proposed.
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“企業市值與銷售額比” 選股策略投資績效之研究 - 以台灣電子業為研究對象董迺閎, Dung, Nai-Hung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之主要目的是想了解當台灣之電子公司,在面臨到企業價值與銷售額比(EV/Sales)為近三年最低點時,如果採用EV/Sales 做為選股依據,持有一年或是二年,其超額報酬為何。是否有關鍵因子可以加強選股績效,資料分為樣本內(1995Q1 - 2002Q4) 和樣本外(2003Q1 - 2006Q4)。其實証結論如下:
• 實證上於樣本外公司之中,若使用EV/Sales為選股依據,組成對沖投資組合,持有期間為一年,其平均超額報酬績效為51%。
• 實證上於樣本外公司之中,使用EV/Sales為選股依據組成對沖投資組合,持有期間為二年,其平均超額報酬績效為13%。若用關鍵因子加上EV/Sales為選股依據,持有期間為二年,其平均超額報酬績效大為32%,表示關鍵因子在投資期限較長之交易策略下,確實具有提升EV/Sales之選股能力。
• 本研究透過ANOVA檢定和相關性檢定,找出選股的關鍵因子,為投入資本報酬率,EBITDA利潤率,毛利率,以及營業利潤率。 / The purpose of this paper is to study the List high-tech Companies in Taiwan, when their EV/Sales ratio become the lowest in recent 3 years, whether if EV/Sales is a good tool to identify the companies are a super stock or not. Or, we should use other financial ratios as auxiliary tool to enhance the effective of screening tool, increasing the return of investment performance.
The results are summary as below:
• In the out-of-sample companies, if we use the EV/Sales as screening tool, the top 10% to composite as short portfolio, and bottom 10% to composite long portfolio, the holding period is one year; annualized abnormal return is 51%.
• In the out-of-sample companies, if we use the EV/Sales as screening tool, the top 10% to composite as short portfolio, and bottom 10% to composite long portfolio, the holding period is two year, annualized return is 13%. If we add the auxiliary key financial ratios, the annualized abnormal return is 32%.
• We use the ANOVA and correlation analysis, to identify the key financial ratios to enhanced investment return is Gross margin, EBITDA margin, operating margin, and ROIC.
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超額減班下國小教師工作壓力與生涯發展 / Working pressure and career development of elementary school teachers under class reduction due to a surplus of teachers劉姵汝, Liu, Pei Ru Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:減班超額、工作壓力、生涯規劃 / Nowadays, due to the decreasing birth rate in Taiwan, the population has been declining, endangering the competitiveness of the country and seriously influencing the ecology for teachers in elementary schools. Under this circumstance, elementary schools being impacted have to adjust their arrangements of teachers. For example, numbers of classes in schools may be reduced. This surplus problem has made junior teachers worried. They don’t believe their jobs are stable in schools, and therefore their minds are not in teaching.
This study adopted a qualitative research method – in-depth interviewing. There were a total of 8 research subjects, including 6 teachers from an elementary school who worried about possible class reduction and 2 teachers who had been transferred to other schools recently. The data obtained from the interviews were analyzed, and the findings of this study are listed below:
1. Teachers were worried very much about the problem of a surplus of teachers. Their worries influenced their teaching and quality of life. Thus, redundant teachers’ perception of this problem had had a serious impact on them, making them feel unsecured.
2. Redundant teachers thought this solution was not fair for junior teachers. No matter how hard they had tried, they still couldn’t escape the fate of becoming redundant. And they were worried about their future after class reduction.
3. Teachers believed that even if they had the intention to make difference, their efforts alone couldn’t change the fate of them becoming redundant. Therefore, teachers still hoped that the government could come up with complete policies to change the environment.
4. The problem of a surplus of teachers had caused redundant teachers’ plans being impacted by the environment. Teachers had to change their life plans. And redundant teachers thought this kind of change was not what they expected for their careers.
5. This study found that teachers believed their specialty was simply teaching. Since they were trained, they had believed that they were destined to be teachers all their lives. On the other hand, they believed that the government would intervene actively, so even if they were transferred to other schools, they wouldn’t be laid off. Thus, they’d rather wait for the government to change policies than adopt other measures actively.
According to the research findings, this study came up with the following suggestions:
1. Suggestions for elementary school teachers: Teachers shall face the challenge of class reduction with an aggressive attitude, develop another specialty to improve their competitiveness, take control of their careers, and make a good plan for their careers.
2. Suggestions for schools: The arrangement in the “Guidelines for Redundant Teachers” shall be reviewed, in order to actively help possible redundant teachers develop other specialties and ease their worries.
3. Suggestions for the education authority: The Department of Education shall actively take measures to resolve the problem of a surplus of teachers, improve teachers’ abilities to change their careers, and provide elementary school teachers some related channels for further study.
Key words: class reduction, surplus of teachers, working pressure, career planning.
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金融服務業整併與宣告效果之關係-以證券商為標的王靖堯 Unknown Date (has links)
全球在90年代資訊革命及監管自由化(deregulation)的背景下,國際金融體系產生了明顯的變化,各國紛紛進行一連串金融改革。如1997 年日本修改「獨占禁止法」與通過「解除控股公司設立禁止後之金融相關整備法」;1999 年11 月美國通過「金融服務業現代化法」(Financial Service Modernization Act of 1999)為代表,其目的不外是期望透過法令上的解除管制,使金融服務業朝向綜合化業務發展。
本文研究金融機構在追求大型化與多元化趨勢下,檢視以證券商為標的之併購案與主併者產生的財富效果(wealth effect)的關係,並進一步探討影響財富效果的主要原因為何。研究樣本則是選擇日本金融市場由1998年至2007年間以證券商為標的之併購事件,研究結果發現:
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品牌與代工業務之選擇對企業價值影響之研究-以消費性衛生產品業某公司為例劉毓璋 Unknown Date (has links)
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選股與衍生性策略超額報酬之研究陳志民 Unknown Date (has links)
2.成長型變數的投組只有高淨值報酬率(H-ROE)、高營收成長率(H-Sales G%)二個投組,在一個風險調整後的指標具有顯著的超額報酬,其餘變數皆不顯著。
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台灣新上市股票異常報酬之實証研究 / Economic determinants of underpricing: New evidence from Taiwan.呂勝光, Loo, Shan-Kwang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討台灣新上市股票是否有超額報酬之存在,並進一步探討超額報酬與其影響因素之關係:是否因為內部人持股比例高低,公司最近三年平均每股盈餘,負債比例高低,承銷價格高低,公司總資產大小,公司最近三年淨利變化,上市之後一年之內是否辦理現金增資而有所差異。本研究主要探討新上市公司,其新上市短期與長期異常報酬的解釋因素。 / This sutdy mainly employs empirical methodology. The sample period convers from 1987 to 1995, including 195 samples. The unerpricing regress against EPS (earnings per share), average earning growth rate, debt/equity ratio, firm's size , changes in ownership structure, seasoned new issues within one year subsequent to the IPO (dummy variable), and lottery rate. The findings indicate that the underpricing significantly (95% significant level) correlates with EPS, firm's size, and lottery rate.
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臺灣地區股票承銷之研究-增資新股超額報酬及承銷價影響因素之實證 / The Study of Stock Underwriting in Taiwan王姿英, Wang, Tzu Ying Unknown Date (has links)
資本市場之目的在於匯集社會游資, 供給企業營運所需資金, 進而促進經
濟成長。欲達此一目標則有賴於承銷制度之健全, 及承銷機能的有效運作
及承銷價影響因素。運用之理論基礎為Black-Scholes 選擇權訂價公式,
及探討公司價值之訊息理論。經過實證測試, 發現增資新股申購人的確享
有預期超額報酬。而訊息理論並不太適用於臺灣實務現象, 所列入探討的
因素中, 唯有總資產達到0.01的顯著水準, 現金增資比率達0.15的顯著水
準, 此或為訊息須經轉換之故。
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投資組合的貝他值套利模式在台灣股票市場的應用 / The portfolio beta arbitrage strategy and its application in Taiwan stock market許光輔 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究實證發現低貝他投資組合比高貝他投資組合在風險因子調整下的能賺取更高的超額報酬。而在台灣股票市場中,BAB套利模式在風險因子調整下更可以得到顯著的超額報酬;而融資限制也確實減低BAB套利模式的報酬率。 / This article examines the theories and methods of beta arbitrage, and considers the returns on market- neutral betting against beta (BAB) factors in Taiwan Stock Exchange (TSE) in during 2003 to 2012. We long low beta portfolios and short sell high beta portfolios, constructing a zero cost portfolio that weighted by BAB factor. Then we examine the excess return and multiple alphas for low beta portfolios, high beta portfolios, and BAB factor. Besides, we are interest that funding constraint might affect the BAB return.
We find the evidence that low beta portfolios gain more return adjusted by risks than high beta portfolios. BAB factor could produce significant positive risk adjusted returns. Funding constraint might reduce the BAB return.
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