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我國編定工業區廠商建廠因素及政策之研究 / The Study on the Factory Construction of Factors and Policies in Industrial Park陳盈竣 Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果顯示影響廠商建廠因素主要為工業區整體環境,包含工業區年產值、廠商家數、公共設施面積、地價、引進產業類別等,除此之外,二級產業人均薪資、工業支出及政府政策等亦對於廠商建廠有影響。故針對目前未建廠之土地,主管機關應儘速提出改善計畫,促使廠商儘速建廠;另未來新開發工業區時,應於規劃前期詳實調查產業需求、定價策略,並訂定限期完成建廠使用,提升整體工業區土地使用效率。 / In the process of economic development, the industrial sector is an important promoter of economic growth in Taiwan. In order to promote industrial development, the government takes the initiative to set up industrial areas. Due to offshore migration of Manufacturing Industry, the industrial lands were slow-selling in 1990. In order to closing out the slow-selling industrial land, the government provided manufacturers for preferential lease and sell projects. But the government didn’t regulate manufacturers to set a time limit about constructing factory building. The purpose of this study is to understand the factors that affect the manufacturers to build factories. This study reviews the theory of industrial location and the past manufacturing location selection related research and uses multiple regression analysis to understand the factors that affect the manufacturers to build factories.
The research results show that the main factors is industrial area environment, including industrial annual production value, number of manufacturers, industrial area of public facilities, industrial land price and industrial classification, in addition, the manufacturing industry per capita salary, industrial expenditure and government policy also affect the manufacturers to build factories. As a result, the government should raise plan of improvement to urge manufacturers to build factories. If the government develops new industrial areas in the future, it is important to investigate industrial demand on manufacturing, land price strategy and Set the deadline to complete the construction that will enhance the efficiency of land use in industrial areas.
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文化與收入對主觀福祉之影響:華人社會之實證研究 / Culture, income and subjective well-being: evidence from chinese in different societies張碩鈞 Unknown Date (has links)
華人社會傳承了儒家文化思想的價值觀,但是在社會環境、政治體制及人口結構等因素的差異之下,衍生出各種文化特性的差異。本研究使用世界價值觀調查(World Values Survey,WVS)資料,比較不同社會中的華人在文化特性方面的差異,並分析文化特性及其他因素對主觀福祉(subjective well-being)的影響。
本研究採用世界價值觀調查所建立之社會價值觀(societal values),加入其他文化特徵、社會態度及個人生活觀衡量文化特性。本研究使用之計量模型為排序羅吉特迴歸(ordered logit regression)模型,分析上述變數對華人生活滿意度(life satisfaction)與快樂程度(happiness)的影響。本研究之目的在於找出影響華人主觀福祉之重要決定因素,並探討文化因素在收入與主觀福祉之間是否存在調節效果(moderating effect)。
實證結果顯示,文化會影響華人主觀福祉,並在收入與主觀福祉之間造成調節效果。而華人在各個社會中所衍生出的文化特性差異,也使得各個社會中華人主觀福祉的重要決定因素有所差異。 / Chinese societies inherited the values of Confucianism. However, these societies vary in their social environment, political system and demographic structure, thus result in differences in their cultural characteristics. This study uses the data from World Values Survey, to explore the differences among Chinese in different societies, and to analyze the determining factors of Chinese subjective well-being.
In this study, the societal values established by the World Values Survey are used to represent the cultural properties. We also added other cultural traits, social attitudes and individual viewpoints for our analysis. In this study, we use ordered logit regression model to find out the important determinants of Chinese subjective well-being in different societies, and discuss whether there exists a cultural moderating effect between income and subjective well-being.
Empirical results show that culture has a significant impact on subjective well-being of Chinese, and the effect of income on Chinese subjective well-being are also moderated by cultural properties. The differences between these Chinese societies also result in divergences of important determinants of Chinese subjective well-being between societies.
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人力資本及勞工流動之研究:理論與台灣實證李鈞元, Lee Chun-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
第2章的重點是從同質人力資本的角度討論人力資本的衡量問題:基於薪資可以反映勞動生產力的概念,本章嘗試使用各個勞工與基礎勞工間推估預期薪資的比率做為代表人力品質之權數,以建構較完整的台灣人力資本指標;從成長會計分析及總合生產函數迴歸估計的實證結果來看,考量人力品質提升的勞動投入約可解釋18% 至35% 的經濟成長,遠高於實際工時的15%;惟近年來台灣人力品質的提升似乎逐漸減緩,不利於後續的經濟成長。
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產險業信用評等模式之研究-美國產險公司之實證分析施佳華 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以美國接受A.M.Best評等之產險公司為研究對象,運用三種統計方法:多元區別分析(Multiple Discriminant Analysis,MDA)、羅吉斯迴歸(Unordered Logistic Regression,ULR)、順序性羅吉斯迴歸(Ordered Logistic Regression,OLR),來建構產險公司之信用評等模式。樣本選擇方面:估計樣本,選取美國1993年到1996年接受A.M.Best評等之產險公司327家;保留樣本,為1997年78筆資料。
在決定研究對象之初,因考慮到國內產險公司接受評等之家數不多,且年數又太短,資料數量無法據以建立評等模式,因而決定以美國的產險公司為對象,再以台灣樣本作為保留樣本,預測之等級結果僅供參考之用。 / Three possible models of the P-L Insurers rating process are estimated and compared:1. Muitiple Discriminant Model, 2. Unordered Logistic Model, 3. Ordered Logistic Model. Each model is estimated for a sample of 327 American P-L insurance companies using the same 38 independent variables. The three estimated models are then employed to predict ratings for a holdout sample of 78 companies. The study analyzes 1993 through 1997 data for a sample of P-L insurers that acquired A.M.Best Financial strength ratings between December 31,1993, and December 31, 1997. Empirical evidence suggests that even when models with the same basic structure were compared, differences in estimation procedures resulted in quite different coefficient estimates and classifications. The muitiple discriminant model clearly outperformed the regression model, while the unordered logistic model was clearly superior to the ordered logistic model.
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跨國新產品銷售預測模式之研究-以電影為例 / Models Comparing for Forecasting Sales of a New Cross-National Product - The Case of American Hollywood Motion Pictures李心嵐, Lee, Hsin-Lan Unknown Date (has links)
現今市場競爭愈來愈激烈,迫使廠商紛紛至海外尋求產品消費市場,在跨國銷售的背景之下,需要有更多可以確定國家選擇、預測銷售及估計需求的方法。而其中可以滿足這些需求的方法之中,就是研究產品跨國擴散型態,藉以瞭解後進國家與領先國家中新產品如何擴散且會如何互相影響 (Douglas and Craig, 1992)。
經由十二個新產品銷售預測模型的建立:對數線性迴歸模式(LN-Regression Model)(不考慮新產品領先國擴散經驗)(以OLS估計)、卜瓦松迴歸模式(Poisson Regression Model) (不考慮新產品領先國擴散經驗)(以MLE估計)、負二項分配迴歸模式(Negative Binomial Distribution Regression Model) (不考慮新產品領先國擴散經驗)(以MLE估計)、Exponential Decay模式(以OLS估計)+迴歸方程式體系(不考慮新產品領先國擴散經驗)(以SUR估計)、Exponential Decay模式(以OLS估計)+迴歸方程式體系(考慮新產品領先國擴散經驗)(以SUR估計)、Exponential Decay模式+層級貝氏迴歸模式(考慮新產品領先國擴散經驗)、Bass連續型擴散模式(以NLS估計)+迴歸方程式體系(不考慮新產品領先國擴散經驗(以SUR估計)、Bass連續型擴散模式(以NLS估計)+迴歸方程式體系(考慮新產品領先國擴散經驗(以SUR估計)、Bass離散型擴散模式(以OLS估計)+迴歸方程式體系(不考慮新產品領先國擴散經驗)(以SUR估計)、Bass離散型擴散模式(以OLS估計)+迴歸方程式體系(考慮新產品領先國擴散經驗)(以SUR估計)、層級貝氏BASS離散型擴散模式+迴歸方程式體系(不考慮新產品領先國擴散經驗)(以SUR估計)、層級貝氏BASS離散型擴散模式+迴歸方程式體系(考慮新產品領先國擴散經驗)(以SUR估計)。本研究發現:(一)在考慮影響後進國的新產品擴散速度時,領先國的擴散經驗為絕對必要的考慮因子;(二)必須使用Bass連續型擴散模式做為建構新產品銷售預測模型的基礎;(三)必須使用Bass連續型擴散模式的NLS估計法估計Bass模型的創新係數p、模仿係數q及市場潛量m。
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兩段迴歸結合蒙地卡羅模擬對可轉債定價之研究 / Pricing Convertible Bonds by Piecewise Regression and Monte Carlo Simulation董恆元, Tung, Heng Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
可轉換公司債兼具了選擇權以及債券的性質,價值又會受到股價之影響,以傳統的方法定價十分不易。由於蒙地卡羅模擬能解決定價問題上狀態變數或許為多維度及路徑相依的問題,Kind 與Wilde 在2004 年提出以蒙地卡羅模擬對可轉債定價,且以最小平方迴歸法估計繼續持有價值,並在僅考慮轉換及還本兩種選擇權及沒有違約風險之下,以數值範例呈現單一迴歸模式無法適當估計繼續持有價值。然而,他們並未進行實證。本研究乃以民國99 年台灣發行的可轉債為研究對象,除考慮發行時的合約條件外,另加上信用評等的考量以將違約機率透過現金流量套入定價過程中,並分別以兩段迴歸及單一迴歸估計繼續持有價值以結合蒙地卡羅模擬,實證結果顯示就可轉債之起始定價的偏差比而言,兩段迴歸得到的結果優於單一迴歸。惟在兩段迴歸之下,超過八成的可轉債其模擬價格依然高於市場價格。實證結果也顯示價性(moneyness)及擔保狀況與定價的偏差有關。 / Convertible bonds (CBs) possess features of both bonds and options, and their prices are affected by the underlying stocks, which make the pricing problem an uneasy task for traditional methods. Since Monte Carlo simulation can handle the problems of path-dependence and multivariate dimensions faced by pricing, Kind and Wilde (2004) suggested to price CBs via least-squares Monte Carlo simulations (LSM), which estimate the continuation values by least squares regression. They also demonstrated that a single regression line could not appropriately estimate the continuation value even only conversion and redemption were allowed and the CB was free of default. So the idea of piecewise regression was recommended to improve the estimation process. However, they didn’t apply piecewise regression to real data. Therefore, piecewise regression together with Monte Carlo simulation were employed to investigate the pricing issue of Taiwan’s CBs. CBs issued on 2010 were selected, besides reviewing the contents of CB’s contracts, default risks based on credit ratings were taken into account to evaluate the discounted cash flows in the pricing procedure. Comparing the estimated model prices of LSM with initial selling prices, the mispricing rates of single regression model and piecewise regression model were obtained for further analysis. Result shows that the modified piecewise regression method performs better in mispricing rate. However, similar to previous findings, 80% of the estimated model prices based on piecewise regressions are still higher than market prices. It also shows that moneyness and guaranteed condition will relate to mispricing rate.
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模糊線性迴歸之研究趙家慶 Unknown Date (has links)
使用傳統迴歸的方式對未知事物做預測,往往不能夠精準的做出結論,縱使在相同的條件下實際去操作,也很難得到相同的結果,因此模糊數概念的建立,並運用在迴歸分析上更能有效描述預測結果的不確定性。然而模糊線性迴歸(Fuzzy Linear Regression)在利用最小平方法處理問題時,往往過於著重在模糊區間的中心與分展度上,而忽略了描述資料的模糊性,使得隸屬度函數(membership function)的功能受到相當大的限制。本文在D'Urso和Gastaldi(2000)所提出的雙重模糊線性迴歸(doubly fuzzy linear regression)模型架構下,利用Yang和Ko(1996)在LR空間下所定義模糊數間的距離公式,導出能反映隸屬度函數的最小平方估計,並引進一些傳統迴歸中常用來偵測離群值(outlier)與具影響力觀察值(influence observation)的概念與技巧,應用在模糊線性迴歸資料的偵測上。
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信用違約機率之預測─Robust Logitstic Regression林公韻, Lin,Kung-yun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究所使用違約機率(Probability of Default, 以下簡稱PD)的預測方法為Robust Logistic Regression(穩健羅吉斯迴歸),本研究發展且應用這個方法是基於下列兩個觀察:1. 極端值常常出現在橫剖面資料,而且對於實證結果往往有很大地影響,因而極端值必須要被謹慎處理。2. 當使用Logit Model(羅吉斯模型)估計違約率時,卻忽略極端值。試圖不讓資料中的極端值對估計結果產生重大的影響,進而提升預測的準確性,是本研究使用Logit Model並混合Robust Regression(穩健迴歸)的目的所在,而本研究是第一篇使用Robust Logistic Regression來進行PD預測的研究。
本研究使用了一些信用風險模型效力驗證的方法來比較模型預測效力的優劣,本研究的實證結果為:針對樣本內資料,使用Robust Logistic Regression對於整個模型的預測效力的確有提升的效果;當營收品質成為模型變數的考量因素後,能讓模型有較高的預測效力。最後,本研究亦提出了一些重要的未來研究建議,以供後續的研究作為參考。 / The method implemented in PD calculation in this study is “Robust Logistic Regression”. We implement this method based on two reasons: 1. In panel data, outliers usually exist and they may seriously influence the empirical results. 2. In Logistic Model, outliers are not taken into consideration. The main purpose of implementing “Robust Logistic Regression” in this study is: eliminate the effects caused by the outliers in the data and improve the predictive ability. This study is the first study to implement “Robust Logistic Regression” in PD calculation.
The same variables as those in Z-SCORE model are selected in this study. Furthermore, the quality of the revenue in a company is also considered. Therefore, we adjust the related variables with the company’s accounts receivable turnover ratio.
Some validation methodologies for default risk models are used in this study. The empirical results of this study show that: In accordance with the in-sample data, implementing “Robust Logistic Regression” in PD calculation indeed improves the predictive ability. Besides, using the adjusted variables can also improve the predictive ability. In the end of this study, some important suggestions are given for the subsequent studies.
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資本資產定價模型與三因子模型之分析與比較 / Some Aspects about the Capital Asset Pricing Model and Three-factor Model廖士仁, Liao, Shih-Jen Unknown Date (has links)
資本資產定價模型已被廣泛使用於分析股票風險與要求報酬率之間的關係。然而,個別股票風險Beta是否足以解釋其報酬,也受到愈來愈多的質疑。Fama和French在1993年提出額外兩個因子來解釋股票報酬。我們將應用資本資產定價模型和三因子模型來分析1963年7月至2002年12月之美國的三大股票交易所上市公司。藉由一次改變分析過程中的一部分,以觀察參數估計值是否穩定。結果發現Beta_HML總是顯著且最為穩定,而Beta_SMB並不顯著。Beta經常顯著,但變動情況較大。另外,我們將考慮個別股票本身的變異,亦即將隨機效果納入考量。 / The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) has been widely used to analyze the relationship between risk and required rate of return on a stock, while it is doubted that individual stock's risk Beta has enough explanatory power for it's returns. Fama and French (1993) proposed two more factors to help explaining stock returns. We use the CAPM and the three-factor model to analyze listed companys in American stock exchanges, during the period from July 1963 to December 2002. We change part of the analyzing process a time to see if the estimates of the parameters are stable. The risk-premium Beta_HML is always significant and it performs most stable, while another risk-premium Beta_SMB is never significant. Beta is usually significant but it varies. Furthermore, we take within-stock variation into account, so random effects are considered.
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從臺北市自行車安全分析探討都市街道改善策略之研究 / An Improvement Strategy of Urban Streets According to the Bicycle Safety Analysis in Taipei City劉秉宜, Liu, Pin Yi Unknown Date (has links)
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