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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


莊豐吉 Unknown Date (has links)
本文調查法輪功在台灣發展的過程以及在台灣主要的組織與活動,同時使用Stark的分類,以張力的強弱為標準,對台灣法輪功做出定位,筆者認為法輪功即便不是宗教,也是一個幾近成熟的宗教組織。本文採取深度訪談為研究方法,一共訪談了13位台灣的法輪功學員,以理性選擇理論為本文的理論架構,試圖理解台灣的法輪功學員接觸與修煉法輪功的歷程,並且分析個人在修煉法輪功之後的改變。 另外,本文針對法輪功宣稱能夠治病,以及法輪功學員在修煉法輪功之後認為不再需要看病的特色,分析了法輪功的病業論和疾病觀,這能夠幫助我們理解,當個人在接受宗教的解釋之後,在觀念與行為上的改變為何。


張芳蓮, ZHANG, FANG-LIAN Unknown Date (has links)
一、研究動機:租稅收入與公共支出雖是政府預算之一體兩面,然而在釐定各項收入 或支出的撥款時,其政策過程卻有相當大的差異。我國在釐定公共支出水準時,究竟 是採取「量入為出」的政策,以租稅收入的預估為最重的指標;抑或以既定的公共支 出計劃所需財源為根本,而採取「量出為入」的政策,此乃動機之一。 布坎南(J .M .Buchanan)和華格納(R .E .Wagner)等認為由大於凱因斯經濟 學赤字財政的主張與民主政治的結合,使政府預算政府的性質為之改變,亦即赤字財 政幾乎缺乏任何政治上的制衡,而黑字預算則相對的形成強大的政治阻礙,因而制度 上產生一種偏差,以致財政赤字連年出現而鮮有盈餘,此反映了美國目前經濟的因境 。反觀我國,各級政府收支決算一直有所剩餘,在當今世界各民主國家普遍皆出現赤 字的同時,為何唯獨我國例外,此乃動機之二。 二、研究目的:運用公共選擇理論,藉分析預算編審的過程探討決定我國預算政策的 主要因素,及我國是「量入為出」抑或「量出為入」,同時與美國的情形做一比較。 三、研究方法:公共選擇理論乃是一種分析方法,探討政府決策如何作成和實行,主 要著重於政府預算政策的決策過程。 四、研究內容:包括公共選擇理論的介紹;中美預算編審過程之比較;利益團體與美 國預算政策;官僚制度與我國預算政策等等。


宋蕙吟, Sung,Hui-Yin Unknown Date (has links)

自由的行政裁量與受限的法拘束力—大法官會議解釋的個案分析 / The Impossibility of Legal Constrain on Bureaucratic Discretion: A Case Study of Supreme Court Rulings

林俞君, Lin, Yu-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過公共選擇途徑,檢視行政機關面對主管之行政命令遭大法官會議宣告違憲後的裁量行為,藉此瞭解行政機關面對司法審查的制衡監督,將表現出哪些樣態的裁量模式;並藉由公共選擇途徑關於理性自利人的假設,以「交易」的概念連結行政與法律,以補充兩者過去缺乏交集、各說各話的現象。 本研究追蹤至民國97年底為止判決行政命令違憲的解釋,共66筆。依大法官解釋是否賦予行政機關修改命令的裁量,以及命令是否修改,將66筆解釋分成四大類,並統計修改所費的時間。透過統計分析以及深度訪談,本研究發現:大法官未賦予行政機關修改裁量,雖然確能提高命令修改的比例,但是對於控制行政機關在一定的年限內完成修改卻未有顯著的結果。行政機關雖然原則上會停用違憲法規,但卻不一定願意將新的作法明文化,其間的理由包括節省修正命令的成本,或是爭取更多決策商議的機會等。縱使最後依然完成修正,「依法行政」卻不是其真正的動機;減少組織成本或政策執行成本、增加組織的正當性等才是行政機關決定修改、不修改命令,或是否在期限內完成修訂的真正理由。而大法官解釋對行政機關的制衡力量,也因為大法官作成解釋之後再無有效的監督機制而打了折扣。同時,司法審查與行政之間的制衡關係必須放在整個民主授權結構中進行理解;正因兩者關係並非處於真空環境,授權結構的資訊不對稱、多重委託與多重代理的問題,同樣會發生在司法對行政的監督關係中,因此大法官在結構上就無法完整地扮演制衡、監督行政機關的角色。 基於以上發現,本研究認為司法對行政的制衡,除了司法審查制度本身以外,應當依照行政機關的偏好模式設計監督機制。包括將違憲的命令交由行政院研考會統一管考、監察院可針對行政機關延遲修正命令的行為進行糾正,並要求遭判違憲的行政命令之修正、失效與廢止皆須對外公告,避免行政機關以節省成本為由,讓法規失去扮演政府與人民之間的契約的功能。 / This research intends to answer the question of “how Supreme Court Rulings have impacts on bureaucratic discretion?” As the superior judicial review authority, Supreme Court Rulings are usually thought as an authority which bureaucrats must obey. Is it really the case? In this research, both bureaucrats and Supreme Court are seen as rational actors who have preferences over different outcomes, as the Public Choice theorists usually depict. Author utilizes public choice theory to bridge the gap between the fields of public administration and public law on the issue.. Empirically, this study collects the administrative decrees which were announced unconstitutional by Supreme Court before the end of 2008 in Taiwan. Sixty-six Supreme Court Rulings are found and categorized into four groups by two dimensions: (1) whether the grand judges give the bureaucrats discretion and (2) whether the bureaucrats follow the grand judges’ will to reform the decrees. Both secondary data analysis and in-depth interviews are used in this research to figure out bureaucrats’ preference and the way they respond to the grand judges’ decisions. The statistical result shows that after been announced unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, about 15% of the administrative decrees stay the same. The reasons for this “unresponsiveness” to the Supreme Court Rulings are varied case by case. Basically speaking, bureaucrats take laws as means to fulfill their tasks. They are not motivated to follow the rule of law if there is a requirement to pay an excessive costs to achieve the policy goals. It is interesting to know that judicial review is high on its moral ground but sometimes it is a mechanism without an administrative devises to enforce their rulings. Also, the problems of information asymmetry, multi-principle and multi-agent will also be found in the relationship between Supreme Court and bureaucrats. To sum up, on the one hand, this research has shown that to follow the rule of law is not bureaucrats’ priority. As a result, an administrative mechanism is needed to enforce the Supreme Court Rulings. For example, the Research, Development and Evaluation Commission (RDEC) of Executive Yuan or the Control Yuan can be assigned to do the job. However, on the other hand, the Supreme Court always stands on the side of protecting human rights against government activities, sometimes the rulings might lead to government activities unworkable as we can see from the cases of the Rulings 400 and 440. How to balance the issue of protecting citizen’s rights and governability of the administrative agencies is one of the key problems needed to be solved in order to realize democratic governance in the future.

檢驗以比較為基礎的決策理論-Decision by sampling theory之適切性 / Examination of the comparison-based decision making theory: The boundary of the decision by sampling theory

李孟潔 Unknown Date (has links)
Vlaev等人(2011)提出大部分決策理論可分為「數值優先(第一類)」、「計算數值並以比較為基礎(第二類)」及「純粹比較(第三類)」三種觀點。在純粹比較觀點中,Stewart等人(2006)提出的抽樣決策理論認為個人的決策歷程只有形成決策樣本,並將目標物與決策樣本中其他選項進行兩兩次序比較就能產生對該目標物的評價,不需要真正計算選項的數值。然而很少研究檢驗決策是否確實不牽涉刺激數值的計算,以及第三類觀點是否優於第一及第二類觀點的理論。   本研究的目的為檢驗抽樣決策理論的適切性,並進行資料庫分析及四類實驗。資料庫分析以代表三種觀點的薪資、薪資相對位置及薪資相對排名為預測變項,工作滿意度為依變項進行階層回歸,結果支持相對排名最能預測工作滿意度。   實驗部分則以Brown 等人(2008)的實驗設計為基礎,展開四類實驗檢驗排名對滿意度評價的影響是否存在且強勢。結果發現排名對滿意度評價的影響雖穩定存在,但影響強度會隨著實驗程序是否暗示受試者進行比較而改變,且相對位置亦會影響評價結果,因此本研究的結果支持第二類觀點的範圍頻次理論。   然而抽樣決策理論並非錯誤。藉由比較四個實驗間的差異,本研究認為抽樣決策理論若將記憶或抽樣歷程可能發生的偏誤納入考量,應能增加對實證資料之解釋力。無論是範圍頻次理論或抽樣決策理論,由於未考量個人對物理刺激的感受性及物理空間與心理空間的對應關係,可能導致部分受試者的反應不適合用此類模型解釋,亦是未來可以進一步探討的方向。   雖然受限於實驗設計無法檢驗受試者對於刺激材料的記憶程度,且實驗設計相較於真實決策情境簡單許多,外推性受到限制,但在相對簡單,比較細微實驗程序差異的本研究中,仍能看到個人隨著作業環境不同而改變行為模式的彈性,無疑是對傳統經濟學家的理性人假設的一個挑戰。


朱敏賢 Unknown Date (has links)
學校教育為國家培養人才庫最具組織成效之社會系統,而學校教育目前亦成為輿論批評最為強烈之教育體系。本論文嘗試以法學為經,以經濟學、公共行政學、教育學等為緯,針對近年受新自由主義影響所開展之行政改革理念,進而觸及之公立國民學校法制改革課題,主要係以公部門及私部門有互相合作、共創雙贏之可能性為觀點,討論民間參與國民教育興辦之最新合作模式。 公立學校之改造模式,在教育改革之理論與實際均有多元發展,但美國特許學校制度則為近年獲聯邦及多數州支持之新法制,且特許學校被評價為公立學校成功之改造類型。該制度主要係透過解除法令管制手段,容許主管機關以特許使私人參與公立學校辦學,辦學者可透過引進專家、競爭觀念、自主、選擇及績效責任等機制,形成獨立性高之新型公立學校教育體制,賦予此類學校展現更具多元化及創造性之辦學環境,其亦屬廣義公立學校委託私人經營模式之一。本論文借重美國成功發展之特許學校法制及實際辦學經驗,期待我國學界及教育主管機關於積極繼受此法制之同時,亦得深切體認我國自身之教育環境與文化背景,建立適合本土教育之制度,並更兼顧教育之卓越與公平。 本文之法學分析途徑,除藉由比較法之觀察外,並以我國憲法及行政法規範體系作為論述基礎,試圖開發我國國民教育法及特許學校法制之原理原則,以作為目前相關立法草案之參考,及期望有助於我國相關類型學校興辦之完善。 / A Charter School’s Research of Law Institutions in None-Governmental Participant in Education School education is an organized social system for nations human resource cultivation, which has becomes the most fiercely criticism in present though. Besides, the ideal of transformation under the influences of latest New Liberalism, has been approached the debate of institutional reform in public school in consequences. So, our thesis applied some methodologies such as laws, economics, public administrations, pedagogies and some other knowledge domains, primary focusing on public and private sectors’ collaboration issues, enabling to create a win-win outcome as prospect, and discussing the latest cooperation model for non-governmental participant in education. In fact, public school transformation model in theory and practice for educational reform is already advanced. However, American Charter School System, appraised as a successful transformational type of public school, is supported by new law institutions of Federal and many other states in recent years. Through its decretal deregulation may permit competent authority’s establishers who privately participate in public school establishment with “brain-gaining” experts, competitive concept, independence, selection, accountability and other mechanisms by using Charter. Therefore, a new typical educational system conferred the environment school establishment in more plural and creative way is arised. Our thesis adduced from a successful establishment of American Charter School’s experience before acdemic fields and competent authorities of education implementing the law institutions. In addition, in order to consider the difference of educational environment or culture background, selecting the appropriate pedagogy for country is the first priority we expected. Finally, as a reference for related legislation and expectation to support school establishment, we are not only using a comparison method for extensional observation, but also trying to develop a pattern for nations’ pedagogy and Charter School institution. Keywords: Charter School, Nations Education, non-government education, public school, New Liberalism, Cooperated Nations, Public Private Partnership, the third route, educational reform, transformation of organizing, deregulation, Privatization, parents’ educational right, parents’ right to choose, elasticity, plural principle, neutrality principle, relenting principle, municipal governance, administrative contract, performance doctrine

土地價格對土地使用分區管制決策影響之研究 / Study of land price influence the descision making of zoning control

丁秀吟, Ding, Hsiu-Yin Unknown Date (has links)
過去有關土地使用分區管制與地價兩者間關係之研究,往往假設地價在實施規劃管制過程中呈中立性,且過去在探討土地使用分區管制與地價二者間關係之研究時,多著重在探討土地使用分區管制施行後對地價之影響上,對於土地使用分區管制決策是否受到土地市場中地價之影響,則僅在少數的研究中被探討。故本研究首先透過國內外相關文獻之回顧與分析,得知規劃管制決策者有時為求得最大之政治支持,有可能會以規劃管制為其尋求最大政治利益之工具,而扭曲規劃管制之原意,使得土地使用分區管制決策可能受到土地市場中地價之影響,然而地價於實際經濟社會中是否會影響土地使用分區管制決策,則有待進一步的探討與驗證。 是以本研究以公共選擇理論與消費者效用理論為基礎,透過台北縣市土地使用分區管制決策過程與內涵之探討,利用羅吉特(logit)迴歸分析模型,以台北市為實證範圍,並以其72至81年度之房地移轉買賣實際調查資料,進行分年橫斷面分析方式,求取選擇性偏誤訂正項後,再納入地價方程式中估計,以求地價函數一致性估計,據以逐年檢驗地價對土地使用分區管制決策之影響情形。再以台北市信義計畫區為個案分析之對象,檢視於現實社會中地價對土地使用分區管制決策之影響情形。 經由上述之實證與個案分析,得到以下之結論: 一、土地使用分區管制決策在執政者追求最大政治利益之假設下,將可能受到利益團體等相關者之壓力,而做出只利於少數人之土地使用分區管制決策。 二、土地使用分區管制決策可能會受土地市場中地價之影響。 三、地價對土地使用分區管制決策之影響不穩定。 四、對土地使用分區管制決策時應有制度性之建立以審慎考量規劃管制之旨意。 / In the literatures, the study on. the relationship between land price and zoning control was assumed that land price is neutral. Moreover, the studies of land price and zoning control are more on the impact of land use control upon land price. The issue that impact of land prices upon the decision making of zoning control is rarely investigated. Based upon the theories of public choice and consumer's utility, this study discusses the process and content of zoning control decision-making. Then, by Logit model, the transaction data of property in Taipei City from 1983 to 1992 are employed to test the impact of land price upon the decision making of zoning control. Furthermore, a case study of Shin-I Planning District in Taipei City is analyzed so as to examine the impact of land price upon zoning control decision-making in the real operation. The major findings of this study are that, land price may affect the decision making of zoning control in the long term. However, the impact of land price upon the zoning control decision-making is unstable. Finally, based upon the public choice theory, the empirical results are discussed so as to apply the findings to the land policy.

說與不說的背後真相?未來時間觀對調節焦點、意見表達行為之影響:知覺心理安全氛圍之調節效果 / The Truth Behind Voice and Silence? The Influence of Future Time Perspective on Regulatory Focus and Opinion Expression Behavior: The Moderating Effect of Perceived Psychological Safety Climate

黃上銘, Huang, Shang Ming Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化的背景下,企業間的競爭變得愈加劇烈,需要員工提供寶貴的意見想法,方能幫助組織成長與發展,因此瞭解員工說與不說的背後原因,便顯得更加重要。本研究以社會情緒選擇理論(socioemotional selectivity theory, SST)理論為基礎,並以兩種未來時間觀:開放式未來時間觀(open-ended future time perspective)與限制式未來時間觀(limited future time perspective)分類方式進行探討,期望進一步瞭解其對兩種員工意見表達行為:建言行為(voice behavior)與沉默行為(silence behavior)的影響效果,以及兩種調節焦點:促進性焦點(promotion focus)、預防性焦點(prevention focus)在其中所扮演的中介角色。同時,本研究探討知覺心理安全氛圍(perceived psychological safety climate)對未來時間觀與意見表達行為間關係的調節效果。本研究採問卷調查法施測,共蒐集249對員工-同事對偶樣本。研究結果顯示:(一)開放式未來時間觀與促進性建言呈顯著正相關;開放式未來時間觀與抑制性建言未具有顯著相關;限制式未來時間觀與沉默行為呈顯著正相關;(二)調節焦點並未中介未來時間觀與意見表達行為間之關係;(三)知覺心理安全氛圍並未調節未來時間觀與意見表達行為間關係。最後,針對研究結果,進一步討論理論與實務意涵、研究限制與未來研究方向。 / This study is based on the socioemotional selectivity theory (SST), and has three objectives: First, to assess the effect of future time perspective (open-ended / limited) on opinion expression behavior (voice / silence). Second, to test the mediating role of regulatory focus (promotion / prevention) in the relationship between the future time perspective and the opinion expression behavior. Third, to examine the moderating role of perceived psychological safety climate on the relationship of future time perspective and opinion expression behavior. The results collected of 249 valid dyad (employee-colleague) pair showed that (1) open-ended future time perspective was positively related to promotive voice behavior, but not to prohibitive voice behavior; limited future time perspective was positively related to silence behavior. (2) regulatory focus did not mediate the relationship between future time perspective and opinion expression behavior. (3) no support was found for the expected moderating role of perceived psychological safety climate in the future time perspective—opinion expression behavior relationship. Finally, the study’s implications for theory and practice are discussed, its limitations are identified, and directions for future research are suggested.

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