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企業發展服務創新的組織方式之研究 / An Empirical Study of Organizing for Service Innovation宋彥儒, Song, Yan Ru Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本研究並提出實務上與後續研究上的建議。 / Taiwan's manufacturing industry has always been strong, but its gained profit margin has been gradually decreasing as the globlal competitition becomes fierce. On the other hand, the service industry plays a more important role than before in the economic development, and “service innovations” might become one of the key solutions to enhance the industrial added values and welfares. Most of the past researches related to service innovations are focused on the “project” level and very few studies are conducted at the “corporate” level, particulary concerning the issue of organizing. We believe the research results of organizing for service innovations can help enterprises set up a better organizational innovation platform in order to build core competence and to enhance performance. This study establishes a research framework with four major constructs: organizing, innovative human resources management, new service development process and external sourcing of knowledge and selects two innovative companies: the FamilyMart and WowPrime Group, for the case study in depth. Three major preliminary conclusions obtained from this study are as follows:
(1)As far as organizaing for service innovation is concerned, the firm may use both formal and informal organization. The former one fits better for the tangible service products; and the latter one for intangible service products. Furthermore, the firm will emphasize the interdepartmental connection as the service itself is somewhat intangible per se.
(2)As far as organizaing for service innovation is concerned, the firm will emphasize the interaction with the employees who have direct contacts with customers. Furthermore, the firm will include the customer satisfaction as one of the key performance indeices (KPI).
(3)As far as organizaing for service innovation is concerned, the firm will actively acquire both of technical knowledge and market knowledge and will invite customers to participate in the development process of new services.
Finally, this study draws some recommendations for both practititioners and follow-up researchers.
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行政部門的資訊優勢對立法的影響力—以第八屆立法院為例 / The Informational Advantage of the Executive Branch in the Legislation: The Case of Legislative Yuan from 2012 to 2016宋至晟, Sung, Chih Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
最後,過去相關的文獻曾指出一個提案的提案者黨籍、是否為委員會成員及召集委員、有無經過黨團協商等因素,皆與該提案能否順利三讀通過有關。本文的經驗數據也呈現相似的結論。更進一步地,本研究發現,在考量上述因素後,行政部門對於立法的影響依然最為深遠。 / This thesis focuses on the legislative influence of the Executive Yuan. The author believes the legislators are motivated to achieve the high quality of law-making. Because of the informational advantage of the executive branch, the legislators tend to accept the perspective made by the executive branch, which leads to the significant influence in the Legislation. First, this paper uses intensive interviews to find out and justify the existence of the informational advantage of the executive branch and its profound influence on the legislation. Furthermore, by using content analysis, this paper intends to dissect what the attitude of the executive branch has an effect on the legislative outcomes.
The result revealed the relative advantage of the executive branch over the Legislative Yuan lies on the informational monopoly, administrative executive experiences and the high-level of professionalization. Additionally, the empirical analysis shows the executive branch does have the significant impact on the outcomes of major bills. In the author’s opinion, the effect of the executive branch has come close to the role of veto players. In other words, the approval of the executive branch, or at least the attitude of non-objection, has become one of the necessary conditions for successful legislation.
Finally, relevant literature reviews have pointed out several factors that are associated with whether a bill can pass or not. Those factors include the partisanship, committee member, committee chair and the process of party negotiation, etc. The empirical analysis of this thesis disclosed similar conclusions as other literature reviews. Further, this thesis discovers, by taking the above factors into consideration, the executive branch plays the most significant role in the legislation.
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産業部門を対象とした水害の経済影響評価に関する研究黒田, 望 25 March 2024 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(情報学) / 甲第25435号 / 情博第873号 / 新制||情||146(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院情報学研究科社会情報学専攻 / (主査)教授 多々納 裕一, 教授 矢守 克也, 教授 畑山 満則, 教授 梶谷 義雄(香川大学) / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Informatics / Kyoto University / DFAM
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東アジア諸国の雁行形態的発展に関する計量経済分析江崎, 光男 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:一般研究(C) 課題番号:06630020 研究代表者:江崎 光男 研究期間:1994-1995年度
Discussion Paper No.41 中国経済のインフレーションと価格競争力 江崎光男・伊藤正一・王名・板倉健
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PFI未來給付是否認列為負債之探討 / A Study on PFI Future Payment to Be Recognized as Liability陳姿如, Chen, Tzu Ju Unknown Date (has links)
在政府財政困難之際,究竟引進民間資金挹注政府公共建設,為一政策良方,抑或民間融資創建 (Private Finance Initiative,簡稱 PFI) 已成為執政者窗飾公共債務數據的途徑,此一議題,近年來在英國廣為爭議,因此,「PFI之未來給付是否應認列為負債?」成為本文探討之重點。
臺灣PFI制度尚在萌芽階段,相關研究多以政策之運用為主,較少著墨於PFI可能帶來的缺失。本文藉由參考英國官方及民間出版品及訪談我國政府官員,進一步分析比較目前國際財務報導準則 (International Financial Reporting Standards,簡稱IFRS) 和1995版歐洲帳戶體系 (European System of Accounts 1995,簡稱ESA 95) 規範的差異。
經本文分析後得到,第一個結論是兩者對資產分類基礎的差異。英國政府活動有兩種不同類型的會計方法:第一種為財務報導,即現在的IFRS;另一種為國民帳戶,以ESA 95為指導規則。依財務報導的目的,係根據何者對使用基礎設施,服務規則和基礎設施於協議期間屆滿的重大剩餘權益有控制權,由於政府對PFI資產大多具有控制權,故大多數的PFI資產及相關負債將表達在公共部門的資產負債表上。若依國民帳戶,為統計的目的,則根據風險和報酬可否移轉判斷,因為政府已把風險移轉予民間,所以PFI資產及相關負債將不會在公共部門的資產負債表上表達。
本文第二個結論是英國提出政府整體帳戶 (Whole Government Accounts,簡稱WGA) 補充國民帳戶的不足。WGA根據歐盟採取IFRS,將民間部門國際通用的帳戶制度,應用或詮釋於公共部門,並補充了國民帳戶的數據。
站在財政部的立場,債限問題仍像是緊箍咒,PFI債務以不計入公共部門淨債務 (Public Sector Net Debt,簡稱PSND) 為佳。然而,為了提升財務的透明度,另外編製報表揭露PFI債務,不失為兩全之方法。反之,站在政府預算機關監督的立場,PFI債務遵循IFRS的處理規範,認列於公共部門資產負債表,乃是大勢所趨,也可替納稅人的荷包把關。
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事業部制組織型態之研究鄭進源, Zheng, Jin-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
rofit Responsibility)劃分給若干獨立自主的事業部門(Divisions ),各事業部
局(Top management)負責;最高管理當局得以客觀的立場,根據各事業部門的營運
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結果取向的憲法解釋與適用宋恩同, Sung, En Tung Unknown Date (has links)
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WTO資訊科技協定(ITA)之研究:科技發展下ITA產品範圍的爭議與解決 / Information technology agreement (ITA) of the WTO: Product coverage, dispute settlement and technological development曾顯照, Tseng, Hsien Chao Unknown Date (has links)
鑑於此類爭議將演變為體制性問題,本文提出二項建議方案。第一,採行ITA委員會通知處理機制尋求通案解決,討論過程納入貨品貿易規範在其他領域敘及之「同類產品」的認定要素,基於創新產品變動並參照當前科技發展等市場實務進行考量,合理擴張ITA產品範圍。第二,爭取在當前杜哈回合談判通過相關部門別自由化方案擴大ITA產品範圍,建構零或低關稅的資訊科技產品貿易環境,其落實將有助於全球資訊科技產業之發展,亦可強化多邊貿易體系之整體運作。 / Information Technology Agreement (hereinafter ITA) has made significant contribution to the free trade in IT products since its conclusion at the end of 1996. It has been recognized as a successful model of sectorial trade liberalization in the WTO multilateral trading system. However, with the rapid advent of new technology, challenges arising from the determination of tariff treatment on newly innovated IT products become outstanding. Indeed, whether those innovated products are subject to the duty-free treatment of ITA merits intensive considerations. As demonstrated in the first dispute specifically on the prodcut coverage of ITA, where Taiwan, United States and Japan filed against the European Communities in 2008 for three IT products, i.e. set-top box, multi-functional office machine and LCD monitor, how the disptue settlement institutions respond to the applicability of the ITA in the context of techonogical develpment would be critical to the effectiveness of future ITA.
In this study, the author argues that relevant factors to be taken into account by the panel adjudicating the ITA dispute include the tariff classification principle embodied in the Harmonized System Convention of the WCO, as well as the “common intention” of all or a great majority of ITA participants pursuant to Article 31 and 32 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT). Specifically, an examination of the EC’s commitments under schedules of tariff concession by virtue of text (ordinary meaning), object and purpose, context, subsequent practice and relevant rules of international law as stipulated in Article 31 of the VCLT are of importance. Furthermore, looking at elements as to preparatory work and circumstances of the conclusion of the EC’s schedule in accordance with Article 32 of the VCLT is also relevant.
On systemic issues, the author proposes two solutions. First, the inclusion of a new notification mechanism into the ITA Committee could be feasilbe. By adopting the concept of “like products” applicable to other fields of trade in goods, the ITA’s product coverage can be reasonably expanded on the basis of the modification of innovated products and advent of modern technology in the market. Second, achieving the consensus on sectorial liberalization of expanded IT products under on-going Doha Round would contribute to establish zero (or low) tariff environment for IT products, which would benefit not only to the global IT industry but also to the multilateral trading system as a whole.
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惠普科技策略管理研究─個人電腦事業群 / Strategy Management Analysis of Hewlett Packard -on Personal System Group Organization張惠琳, Chang, Marlene Unknown Date (has links)
Hewlett-Packard was the leader of computer for many years but losing its core-competence recent years, this thesis is trying to study the root cause internally based on the strategy management perspective. From external marketing environment to internal functional level analysis to support the key reason on Hewlett-Packard strategy management issues.
In the competitive market of computer industry, We can see the old companions like Dell and Sony are no longer as profitable as they were used to be, Dell has gone off market since 2013, and Sony announced they will leave the PC market. In this thesis, we divide chapters into functional level strategy and business level strategy to demonstrate how HP is cope with current trend and what decisions have been made.
Hewlett-Packard is gradually losing its competitive strength due to several reasons. For instance, R&D design products with less innovation but cost-oriented, marketing do not position product as premium product in the market, and supply chain controls inventory less efficiently.
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WTO服務貿易規範中「國內規章」條款之研究 / The Study of Domestic Regulation in GATS林莉璇, Lin, Li-Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
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