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官僚體系創新的動態分析:以臺北市大同區公所為例 / Analyzing the Dynamics of Bureaucratic Innovation: The Case of Tatung District, Taipei林淇勻 Unknown Date (has links)
過去的研究多認為領導者若採用威權領導風格,對組織創新行為會有負面的影響。而本研究選擇基層公部門組織「臺北市大同區公所」進行個案研究,並觀察到該機關的領導者雖然以威權方式領導,但組織卻從各項評比落後的窘境,逐漸展現出諸多與其他區公所不同的創新服務,甚至因此獲得第六屆政府服務品質獎的殊榮。經過深入訪談及文獻分析之後,發現該機關正因為領導者重視「紀律」的威權風格,任期長又讓紀律深化落實到組織中,加上首長主動提出創新服務,並在機關內建立「制度」藉以養成同仁的創新習慣,又機關內高流動率的人力結構形成為年輕有幹勁的初任公務人力,紀律的壓力使組織成員產生團結的情誼與向心力,因此讓大同區公所在我國傳統的科層官僚體系中,成功展現出大不同的創新風貌。只可惜區公所囿於其定位與功能的限制,且官僚體系內創新的誘因制度尚未完善,因此無法將其蘊藏的創新能量發揮的淋漓盡致,目前做為引領我國政府創新改造的政府服務品質獎,也未有明確的追蹤機制,因此機關的創新作為能否內化成公部門的組織文化,仍有待後續觀察。 / While new technologies, ideas, and values keep emerging, innovation has been emphasized by public as well as private organizations to meet the expectations of their clients. Factors contributing to an innovation-oriented organization have widely been detected, seldom any studies would endorse the idea that an authoritarian leadership would facilitate the innovation. By examining the case of “Tatung District Office” of Taipei City, this study points out some conditions that actually makes an iron-fist leading style an essential contributor to successful initiatives of innovation. Through in-depth interviews and participatory observation, this study presents evidence about the effects of personal engagement of the leader and stable tenure in indoctrinating the innovation attitude to the subordinates. This study also provides some discussion on institutional settings for the bureaucratic system to avoid maintaining idle in facing rapid environmental changes.
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組織中部門間衝突之研究李自剛, Li, Zi-Gang Unknown Date (has links)
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改革開放時期中共航港體制改革之研究楊崇正, Yang, Tsung-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係以中國大陸「水路運輸部門」的「航港體制改革」有關問題為研究對象,係屬一種針對某一特定「產業部門」(Industrial Sectors)的體制改革問題之研究取向。
有關「改革開放時期中共航港體制改革之研究」此一議題,基本上橫跨了做為「經濟基礎」的航運事業、港口事業兩大「產業部門」(Industrial Sectors),又涉及到其「上層建築」的「政府機構改革」(航港行政管理體制改革);在屬性上是一個典型的「公共政策分析」議題。
本研究主要使用「公共政策分析」研究法的「過程論模式」(Process Model)做為分析模式(analytical models)。經由「政策環境分析」及一系列的「政策過程階段分析」,據以產出「政策主張」。
綜上,本研究之主要內容,乃在探討(1)「水路運輸部門」的「航港體制改革」之公共政策分析,以及其中一系列的政策過程階段分析,(2)跨入新世紀航港體制改革進一步深化發展之可能取向。 / The subject of the study is focus on the related public policy issues that were regarding the shipping and ports sectors regime reform on the Reform and Opening Era for the Mainland China. The shipping and ports sectors regime reform are a part of the integrated transportation sectors regime reform, especially in the water transportation sectors regime reform. This study orientation is against the regime reform issues on one specified industrial sectors.
During the 30 years form the regime found of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) at 1949 to the beginning of the Reform and Opening Route at 1979, there were many problems existed on each developing process of the shipping and ports sectors. How to find the solutions against the problems, was the object to promote the shipping and ports regime reform from the beginning of 1980’s decade.
As regarding the issues of “A Study on the Shipping and Ports Sectors Regime Reform on the Reform and Opening Era for the Mainland China”, it is not only across both on the shipping industry and ports industry of the two important industrial sectors as the “Economic Base”, but also involved the government institutions reform (shipping and ports administration regime reform) as the “Upper Construction”, so that is a typical public policy analysis issues. The study will utilize the Public Policy Analysis Methodology, especially in Process Model to be the analytical models. Through the Policy Environment Analysis and the series Policy Process Stage Analysis, then it will output the Policy Advocacy.
As the above mentioned, the major contents of the study are including the (1)policy process stage analysis of the shipping and ports sectors regime reform, and (2)the possible upgrade orientation of the shipping and ports sectors regime reform during across to the new century.
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中國大陸非營利組織發展之研究:以中國青少年發展基金會為例 / The Non-Profit Organizations of Maimland China: A Case in China Youth Development Foundation傅正良, Fu, Cheng-Liang Unknown Date (has links)
而在近年來非營利組織迅速發展的同時,也面臨到一些問題與瓶頸,包括:政社不分、經費不足、人才缺乏、法律不健全等問題。總之,目前中國大陸的非營利組織仍處於轉型之中,且改革開放以來,中國大陸非營利組織發展雖然面臨到前所未有的機遇,但於此同時,也面臨到諸多的問題與挑戰。 / After reform and opening up in 1978, all aspects of mainland China, such as the economy, politics and culture affairs, were in an unprecedented state of shock. Meanwhile, the opportunity was given for the development of the non-profit organizations (NPO) which were growing rapidly in recent years. Though the development is still at the primary stage, the participation of citizens in NPOs is increasing gradually. NPOs have become an important force with their growing influence on the social welfare, kindly supports, healthcare, cultural and education affairs, and environmental protections. Much related research was published in recent years.
The current study uses China Youth Development Foundation as an example to understand the development of NPOs in mainland China. The study focuses on its background, history, current situation, relevant regulations, relationship with the civil society, and future developments. The purpose of this study is to know more about the present development of NPOs in mainland China by methods of interviews and analyses.
As NPOs develop rapidly in recent years, they are also facing some problems, such as their connections with politics, shortage of financial support and personnel, and insufficient regulation establishments. In general, the NPOs of mainland China are still in a period of transition. Since the reform and open market, NPOs have had a great opportunity for their development, but they are also experiencing many problems and challenges.
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數位時代大學媒體服務之研究—從圖書館與教學資源中心角色與關係探討 / A Study on Media Services of University and College in Digital Era :The Role and Relationship Between Library and Instructional Resources Center邱昭閔 Unknown Date (has links)
美國大學與研究圖書館學會(Association of College and Research Libraries)於1999年制訂「學術圖書館媒體資源指南」(Guideline for Media Resources in Academic Libraries),為大學媒體服務提供一參考準則。William D. Schmidt與 Donald A. Rieck. 在其合著之[媒體服務與管理:理論與實務](Managing Media Services : Theory and Practice.)中亦曾列舉大學媒體中心之功能。由前述兩個標準與綱要可窺見大學媒體服務所應具備之基本規模與範圍,本研究之目的,即針對我國之大學圖書館與教學資源中心媒體服務進行瞭解,首先在於瞭解我國大學圖書館與教學資源中心或相關之媒體服務單位在大學環境中提供媒體服務的情況,其次探析大學環境與社群中所扮演的角色,最後歸納對兩單位彼此之間的各種互動、合作或競爭等關係、任務。
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社會中心途徑之跨部門治理研究:以「洛杉磯河整治計畫」為例 / Society-Centered Approach for the Research of Cross-Sectoral Governance: A Case Study of “Los Angeles River Revitalization Master Plan(LARRMP)”陳秋政, Chen, Chiu Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
面對所謂棘手議題(wicked issues),本文有別於傳統府際管理及其他解析理論的分析觀點,改以跨部門治理概念探討行政轄區界線模糊,多部門、多組織同時參與標的個案之狀況。同時為處理治理概念定義模糊的問題,爰採文獻分析法將治理概念內涵區分為政府中心、市場中心及社會中心三類,並發現多數跨部門治理議題的研究,偏重應用政府與市場觀點,爰本文主張以社會中心治理途徑針對「洛杉磯河整治計畫」進行分析。簡言之,本文的研究問題包括:
儘管個案規劃過程仍有前述疑義,但在參與觀察的過程,研究者發現個案所處系絡具有較為成熟的社會條件,對於治理原則的認同程度彰顯了公民社會的成熟,也奠定尋求部門間合作的可能性。就跨部門治理之規劃個案而言,本文建議以樹立治理原則為先,進而逐步將其落實於參與過程及相關機制設計之內,最後則可透過正當性與承諾對集體參與之規劃成效加以評估。在研究調查資料與參與觀察的基礎之上,本文運用John Clayton Thomas所提出之「公共涉入形式矩陣」,將洛杉磯河整治計畫草案之規劃過程定位為「修正的獨立自主管理決策」,意指徒具參與形式的決策類型。依據本研究之個案分析架構,本文為洛杉磯河整治計畫之規劃過程提出十三項建議,於下分述之:
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社會行銷在公部門的應用與限制: 以不燒紙錢宣導政策為例楊智家 Unknown Date (has links)
「社會行銷」概念與技術於1971年由學者Kotler & Zaltman提出,為首次行銷概念技術擴大應用至非營利部門在社會公益上的研究。行銷學者Kotler認為,社會行銷可擴大應用至社會各領域的公益推廣,包含公部門。由是,本研究基於擴大化應用的精神,以我國環保機關推動之「不燒紙錢宣導政策」為個案,探究行銷概念擴大化後,公部門在行銷理論基礎上,即交換理論在公私部門差異上導致社會行銷分析公部門個案時產生哪些差異?以及社會行銷擴大應用至公部門,在理論基礎上有哪些問題?同時以社會行銷概念及技術對個案進行分析。
(二)「不燒紙錢宣導政策」的推動,雖滿足公共利益的需求,但執行過程中直接法源不明確、推動組織鬆散、忽略利害關係人權益為實務需加強之處。 / The very concept of “Social Marketing”, first introduced by Philip Kotler and Gerald Zaltman, is used to apply marketing techniques to the area of nonprofit organizations to promote public interest. In Kotler’s mind, marketing techniques can be applied to both public and private sectors. However, whether this application adequate is needed to be answered. In this thesis, author uses a case named “campaigning the policy against burning golden papers in worship” implemented by the R.O.C government as an example to examine the adequacy of the “Exchange Theory” behind the concept of social marketing to understand marketing cases in the public sector. In order to find the conceptual problems through case study, author first adopts the eight stages of social marketing to describe the case throughout. Then, author design several interview problems to ask various actors who related to the case. Finally, author combines theoretical arguments, case details, and qualitative data from in-depth interview to analyze the adequacy of applying exchange theory in public sector through social marketing.
Several findings are presented as follows. First, many differences were found in all the eight stage of social marketing. These differences illustrate many possible inadequacies of applying marketing techniques, supported by exchange theory, to public sector. Second, based on the above differences founded, the intention of broadening the concept of marketing to non-profit organizations should take them into considerations. Especially, the strategic marketing scheme, such as 4Ps, should be reevaluated according to the findings. Thirdly, practically speaking, there are supporting factors to make a marketing campaign successful in public sector: ambiguities in regulation, lack of solid implementation organization, and the missing of stakeholders opinion collection and interest-protection activities in the process.
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中韓自由貿易協定之研析 / Study of a free trade agreement between China and South Korea吳惠娟, Wu, Hui Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:中國、南韓、自由貿易協定、多國多部門之一般均衡分析 / China and South Korea are in the process of pursuing a free trade agreement. The purpose of this study is to assess its economic effects. The paper employs CGE models and the GTAP database to conduct a simulation with full elimination of tariffs in all sectors. Two CGE models are used. One is a static CGE model that captures the short-run effects, and the other captures the static effects as well as the capital accumulation effects arising from higher savings and investment induced by the static gains.
The study finds that both South Korea and China will enjoy the welfare gains from the deals. We suggest that China and Korea complete feasibility studies and start the negotiation process at the earliest possible time for the purposes that China can play a leading role in building an East Asian economic integration and that Korea can enjoy the effects of multiple FTAs due to the Korea-China FTA plus Korea-US FTA. In addition, none of the bilateral agreements in Asia includes Taiwan. Taiwan should aggressively engage in trade negotiations under a multilateral system to decrease the discrimination caused by the free trade agreements and adopt diversified forms of agreements instead of focusing on “FTAs” only. Besides, Taiwan should prioritize the issues that can avoid the political pressure from China and expand Taiwan’s economic benefit, such as Bilateral Investment Agreement and Double Taxation Agreement, in order to pave the way for a formal FTA.
Key words: China, South Korea, Free Trade Agreement, GTAP
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公部門知識利用之研究-以考選部為例蔣安玗 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究最後按所歸納之四大面向,分述個案在知識利用上存在的問題,並提出具體改進建議。 / Recent years, knowledge management (KM) is a very popular way of management in the public or private organization domestically and internationally. Whether in the academic field or practical area, there are abundant research and experience, including introduction of KM, implementing strategy, sharing and innovation of knowledge, design of knowledge management system and so on. Currently, public sectors do not have enough research to find out what are the factors influencing the knowledge utilization. My study acknowledges the ultimate purpose of KM is to put knowledge into practice, and to create the true value of the knowledge, instead of merely accumulation of that. My study focuses on the utilization of KM by public sector through document analysis and case study, induces factors for knowledge utilization, and attempts to build a model of knowledge utilization in government organization. In the meantime, by thorough interview with individuals in the case, we can understand the members’ acknowledgement and practical behavior of knowledge utilization. I hope my study would find out problems while exploiting internal or external knowledge in public sector and provide concrete advice to individual in the case study and different government authorities for reference resources in order to develop a more practical, effective and continual knowledge management.
Through reviewing document, this study discusses factors that influence the knowledge utilization from four areas: organization culture, organization members, knowledge contents and modern technology. Through the thorough interview and case study, my study discovers the following conclusions.
1.The factors influencing the knowledge utilization: (1) organization culture: including openness, the influence of coworkers and managers, atmosphere of cooperation and trust, and empowerment of managers; (2) organization members: including the members’ attitude of accepting knowledge, good judgment, interpersonal relationships, the nature of the mandate, time, habits, accessibility of knowledge providers; (3) knowledge contents: including relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, observability, and trial ability; (4) modern technology: including ease of use, compatibility, the output quality (storage, update and displaying forms), a rich stock of knowledge base and integration of the knowledge systems, the effectiveness of the knowledge community, workers’ techniques of organizing knowledge.
2. The current condition of using knowledge: generally speaking, every member of the organization requires having the ability and habit to utilize the internal knowledge. The members are capable to use the information provided by the organization and develop the necessary knowledge to find the appropriate approaches to accomplish their daily work. In addition, job related external knowledge will get more emphasis, except the different departments look at the importance of external knowledge differently.
Finally, according to this study, problems can be identified in the knowledge utilization of the case from the above-mentioned four areas that I have summed up, and offer suggestions for improvement.
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服務部門轉型為虛擬利潤中心之管理控制系統 -以某汽車公司為例邱奕淳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究發現,服務部門導入虛擬利潤中心制度時,以提供「資訊回饋之溝通與激勵」最為重要。此制度增加了員工顧客導向之思維,並提升其收入創造與成本之認知。然服務部門之性質差異,會影響虛擬利潤中心制度之導入。 / As the operating environment for businesses is becoming harsher, the role and functions of businesses’ shared service unit, which provide assistance for businesses, are appearing to be more and more important. However, internal service sector of businesses are often cost centers, which mostly provide services passively and lack the cogitation about making profit for the businesses and assisting the businesses’ strategies to be successfully practiced.
The concept of pseudo-profit center is to manage non-profit center by adopting profit center’s way of management and its concept of performance measure for the purpose of inspiring each sector to promote its own value.
The company in the case manages its shared service unit by introducing the system of pseudo-profit center under the scheme of balanced scorecard. The thesis is a case study about the function of the management control system during the course of introducing the pseudo-profit center system. Furthermore, the thesis also discusses the special features, the benefit, and the problems that might happen during the course of introduction.
The study reveals that when introducing the system of pseudo-profit center into the shared service unit, the most important factor is the supply and the feedback of information. The system triggers the employees to be customer-oriented and to be more aware of making profit and saving cost. However, the different nature of the shared service unit affects the introduction of pseudo-profit center system.
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