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公部門臨時人員適用勞基法與勞務採購之研究─兼論國立臺灣體育大學桃園校區清潔工外包事件 / The study of temporary workers applying to labor standards act in public sector and subcontract work: Outsourcing of janitors in National Taiwan Sport University (Taoyuan)何芳純, Ho, Fang Tsun Unknown Date (has links)
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新世紀菲律賓安全體制革新的發展與挑戰(2001-2016) / Challenges and Development of Security Sector Reform in the Philippines of the New Century (2001-2016)李季剛, Lee, Chi Kang Unknown Date (has links)
本文以第二意象(second image)的「國內結構觀點」為途徑,首先探討菲律賓政治結構的形成與因素,包括殖民與歷史遺緒、政治發展過程、軍文關係、政治文化與其他非制度性因素等,作為內部結構觀點的研究基礎;接著回顧菲律賓的內外安全環境以及近年安全政策的推動與實踐,然後進一步檢視艾若育與艾奎諾三世兩任政府的安全政策作為、走向,影響兩任總統安全政策的內外部因素,比對兩任政府的安全政策;然後透過安全體制革新(SSR)理論概念的梳理,形塑出整合性的SSR研究架構,並整理將安全體制革新應用在東南亞脈絡之下的研究與實務;最後探討並評估艾奎諾三世政府推動的相關改革政策過程,其實踐的狀況與原因,並勾勒出菲律賓安全體制革新的發展、挑戰與前景。
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地下經濟與金融發展對經濟成長的影響:追蹤資料的實證研究 / The impact of underground economy and financial development on economic growth:a panel data analysis許瑞祐, Hsu, Juei Yu Unknown Date (has links)
總結來說,我們建議低度金融發展國家適度的允許地下部門發展,因為政府無法干預地下部門,因此地下部門的營運較有效率,適度允許反而有助於提高資本投資的效率,進而促進實質人均GDP成長率。相反地,我們建議高度金融發展國家的政府應限制地下部門的發展。 / This paper focuses on linear effects and nonlinear effects of underground economy and financial development on the growth rate of real GDP per capita. Utilizing two alternative measures of financial development, including the size of private credit and stock trade. The analysis relies on a sample of 22 countries for the period 1981-2008, including 14 developed countries and 8 developing countries. We use three different models, including linear model, nonlinear regression with a cross-term and panel threshold model.
The results show that in the linear model, underground economy and private credit have no significant impact on the growth rate of real GDP per capita, but stock trade has a significant positive impact on the growth rate of real GDP per capita.
Moreover, the interaction between private credit and underground economy has a significant negative impact on the growth rate of real GDP per capita, on the other hand, the interaction between stock trade and underground economy has an insignificant negative impact on the growth rate of real GDP per capita. Hence, we speculate there have a nonlinear effect between underground economy and the growth rate of real GDP per capita.
In the panel threshold model, if the level of significance is set in 10%, we find that the model with private credit and stock trade have threshold effect, it implies that the sample can be split into two regimes: High degree of financial development and Low degree of financial development. Underground economy has a significant positive impact on the growth rate of real GDP per capita when private credit is low, so does stock trade.
In conclusion, we suggest that it may be optimal for countries with a less developed formal financial sector to accept more tax evasion, because it accelerates the efficiency in capital investment and then facilates the growth rate of real GDP per capita. On the contrary, countries with a more developed formal financial sector should impose more tax compliance.
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我國宗教憲法之研究 / Research of religious issues under the ROC Constitution黃雅琪 Unknown Date (has links)
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馬克思的危機理論 / Marx's Theory of Crisis陳昱豪 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣住宅部門熱泵系統之成本效益分析 / Cost-Benefit Analysis of Residential Heat Pump System in Taiwan朱圃漢, Chu, Pu Han Unknown Date (has links)
為了彰顯應用熱泵系統在不同地區氣候條件與能源價格之差異,本研究將台灣劃分為12個地區,並且以電能、LPG桶裝瓦斯、NG管線瓦斯三種現有之住宅用熱水系統作為可供替代之選項,利用迴避成本(Avoided Cost)推估台灣各地區住宅部門改採熱泵熱水系統之成本效益。此外,參考歐美先進國家熱泵系統補助政策,以及台灣現有「太陽能熱水系統推廣獎勵措施」之政府政策補助方案,設定各相關參數,俾模擬政府補貼方案情境下之成本效益分析。
分析結果以淨現值(Net Present Value)、益本比(Benefit-Cost Ratio)及折現回收期(Discounted Payback Period )呈現,結論可從兩個觀點之檢定加以評估。其一、以「參與者檢定」評估是否有足夠的經濟誘因,促使住宅用戶裝設熱泵熱水系統。其二、以「總資源成本檢定」,評估推廣熱泵系統對於整體社會是否具有淨效益。
若考量熱泵系統市場滲透率,以熱泵取代NG瓦斯熱水系統之市佔率達5%、20%、50%時,台灣整體社會的淨現值分別為251百萬元、1,006百萬元與2,514百萬元,且每年可減少碳排放量27,169公噸、108,675公噸以及271,687公噸。 / As an island country, 99% energy supply in Taiwan depends on importation due to the very limited endogenous energy. In order to maintain both energy security and stability, improving energy efficiency of consumer end-use is an important government policy. Heat pump systems have been widely applied and strongly promoted in Europe and United State for its uniquely energy saving and CO2 reducing capability. Therefore, the motivation of this study is to access the regional applicability of heat pump water heating system for Taiwan’s climate and residential building types by cost-benefit analysis method.
To demonstrate the regional difference of climatic conditions and energy prices heat pump application, Taiwan is divided in twelve regions with three kinds of alternative residential water heating systems (i.e. electric heating, LPG tank heating, and NG pipe heating). Under these conditions, we utilize the avoided cost method to access itemized costs and benefits of heat pump water heating systems in various regional families in Taiwan. In addition, referring to heat pump incentive scheme in advanced European countries and North America while considering solar water heating systems incentive policy in Taiwan, we also simulate variation of parameters (such as cash rebate subside, total residential heat pump user numbers )of heat pump system subsidy program.
The outcome of cost-benefit analysis is presented in a form as net present value (NPV), benefit-cost ratio (BCR), and discounted payback period (DP). The results could be analyzed by test from two different perspectives including Participant Test (PCT) from participant perspective and Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) from overall sociality perspective.
All of the 33 alternative programs constituted by 12 regions with electric , LPG and NG systems, for PCT, BCR, all 33 alternative programs are greater than 1.1; DP are between 3.2 to 11.3 years. For TRC, BCR, all 33 alternative programs are greater than 1 but less than 1.73; DP are between 5.4 to 14.9 years. Residential building adopting heat pump could reduce 2,707 tons carbon emissions annually. For the three types of alternative system, BCR of electric heating alternative program is the largest and NG alternative program being the least. For all of the 12 regions, BCR of Nantou region is the largest for adopting heat pump while BCR of Pingtung region is the smallest.
NPV of overall Taiwan with market penetration reaching 5%, 20% and 50% substitution rate from heat pump system to NG water heating system are 251 million NT$, 1,006 million NT$, and 2,514 million NT$ respectively. Carbon emissions reduce 27,169 tons, 108,675 tons and 271,687 tons annually.
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協力創新在公部門應用之研究:文建會推動文化創意產業發展政策為例 / Collaborative innovation in the public sector: the case of the council for cultural affairs’ policies promoting cultural and creative industries彭俊亨, Peng, Chun Heng Unknown Date (has links)
研究發現公部門創新必須致力於創造更多的公共價值;政治的推力、回應外部發展趨勢、核心職能外新增業務的壓力、尋求和匯集外部資源、創造有利創新的組織文化是公共組織內外環境中存在激發協力創新的驅動因素;而網絡治理的領導能力、多層次與橫向溝通平台、互惠的信任關係基礎、良性的創新循環等是影響協力創新過程的關鍵因素;公部門適當的制度設計有利於協力創新的發展;協力創新的多元價值結果亦呈現出不同的創新類型。最後,本研究也針對協力創新的實務應用、制度設計及組織運作、文化創意產業推動方面提出若干建議。 / The importance of strengthening innovation in the operation and organization of the public sector is highlighted by both today's increasingly variable environment and the emergence of governance networks. The many complex and wicked problems that are currently encountered in civil sector indicates a need not only to innovate, but also to come up with necessary tools for solving multiple problems. No doubt the primary focus should be on uniting efforts among actors in governance networks, namely civil sector managers, elected officials, businessmen, and non-profit administrators, in order to strengthen public sector innovation. For these reasons, collaborative innovation is an important topic in public sector innovation and an anxiously pursued new method as the public sector faces collaborative governance. Moreover, collaborative innovation is network-based collaboration that promotes innovation in the public sector governance process.
This study primarily focuses on theories of public sector collaborative innovation and discussions of actual practice in the field. The study revolves around two key points: a focus on public sector innovation as opposed to commonly discussed business innovation, and innovation in cross-sector collaboration or network-based collaboration as opposed to innovation within a single organization. Questions addressed in this study include: What is meant by public sector collaborative innovation? What are the prerequisites for collaborative innovation processes? How do actors within a network lead innovation through collaborative processes? What are the features or results of collaborative innovation processes? What special experiences have administrators of cultural bureaus had promoting cultural and creative industry policies with collaborative innovation? What difficulties are encountered during processes of collaborative innovation? How can these difficulties be overcome in order to spur collaborative innovation?
Research of cross-sector and transorganizational collaborative innovation in the public sector is still in its developmental stages. Each collaborative process must be assessed through system design to ensure effective communication and the establishment of trust, as well as to verify leadership, coordination and integration capabilities. Therefore, this study concerned with the application of collaborative innovation in the public sector first constructs its theoretical framework on extant literature in the fields of public sector innovation and collaborative governance, and secondly is directed at the Council for Cultural Affairs use of collaborative innovation in its policies that promote cultural and creative industries. This study employs qualitative empirical research to provide opportunities for mutually verifiable theoretical and practical collaborative innovation applications related to the public sector.
Results of this study suggest that innovation in the public sector should be directed at creating more public value. Governmental influence, response to external trends, pressure added by work extrinsic to core functions, the collection of external resources and organizational culture cultivating beneficial innovation are all factors that drive collaborative innovation in and around public organizations. Network governance leadership ability, forums for both horizontal and vertical communication, foundations of mutually beneficial trust, and healthy innovation cycles are all influential factors in collaborative innovation processes. Appropriate organizational design in the public sector spurs the development of collaborative innovation, and the manifold values of collaborative innovation result in different innovative forms. Finally, this study aims to make recommendations for the practical application, organizational design and operation of collaborative innovation, and the promotion of cultural and creative industries.
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文化作為憲法的一個面向-從部門憲法角度探索台灣的文化憲法周志潔 Unknown Date (has links)
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政策規劃與跨國政策移轉—我國永續就業工程計畫的個案研究 / Policy Planning and International Policy Transfer -- A Case Study of Sustainable Employment Plan in Taiwan武桂甄, Wu, Kuei-jen Unknown Date (has links)
本文並嘗試結合政策規劃與政策移轉理論(見圖5-2,頁141),在決策模式理性程度高低的分類之外,從政策移轉的視角,補充政策學習、政策擴散的觀點,解釋為何一國的政策會採納他國或國內其他機關已採行的決策,以增強對政策決策過程的解釋力。但本研究僅以永續就業工程計劃一個案為例,未來仍待相關研究繼續深入分析。 / Increased international policy learning and policy transfer have drawn high academic attention. However, there is little research to unravel both the motivation and content of policy transferred from abroad in Taiwan. This paper applies Rose’s (1993) lesson-drawing theory and Dolowitz’s (2000) framework of policy transfer to analyze how EU’s employment project, The Third System and Employment, has influenced the Sustainable Employment Plan in Taiwan and why Taiwan learns from the EU. Three academic consultants and two public officers of the Labour Affair Committee were interviewed and the process, motivation and content of policy transfer have been analyzed.
There are four key findings of this paper. (1) Far from making rational decisions, policy makers stopped search for policies in other countries when the first acceptable alternative arrived. Although the local experience of job creation through the third sector in the areas devastated by 921 earthquake shares similar spirit with EU’s policy project and thus facilitates policy transfer, policy makers admit that relating policy to experience from abroad is also a technique of policy marketing to enhance policy legitimacy and public acceptance. (2) The extent of policy transfer is low and only limited to the ‘inspiration level’ due to two reasons. Besides time pressure and resources constrains during the policy making process, which refraining policy makers from more in-depth research of EU’s policy project, the recognition of heterogeneous context and social conditions in Taiwan and EU countries also leads policy makers to design policy and details of execution locally rather than copying from EU. (3) Promoting job opportunities through the third sector in Taiwan encounters several obstacles in implementation, including that most jobs created were low-skilled ones rather than sustainable ones; NGOs lack sufficient ability to execute, or even to propose employment projects; government mistrusts of NGOs; and local political fractions misuse of project budget to treat their political alliance.
The policy implications from this case study are: (1) Policy makers should avoid using policy transfer as a tool of policy marketing. Rather, in-depth research of foreign policies and applicability to local context is warranted. (2) While the results of the contract-out policy research projects are usually found less practical to help policy planning, it is necessary to establish policy research centers within the government to draw lessons from abroad in the long run. In the short term, it is useful to allocate adequate research resources, including budget and manpower, during the process of policy transfer and planning to improve the quality of public policies. (3) Use policy pilots to avoid great policy mistakes when the feasibility of the policy transferred is highly uncertain. (4) Consider local context and conditions when transferring foreign policy experiences and make adjustments in advance.
This paper also tries to combine policy planning and policy transfer theories (see Graph 5-2) to enhance the robustness of interpretation of the policy process which involves policy learning. While traditional analysis focusing on the extent of rationale of policy-making, this paper adopts the perspective of policy transfer and attempts to locate an improved model of policy planning. However, only one case was researched in this text and more in-depth studies are needed to adapt the analytical framework in the future.
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簽訂自由貿易協定之貿易與福利效果 / Estimates of the Trade and Welfare Effects of FTA吳米琪, Wu, Mi Chi Unknown Date (has links)
近年來雙邊甚或區域間簽訂自由貿易協定之風盛行,本文欲探討其影響。參考Caliendo and Parro(2015)的方法,以考慮部門異質性、投入產出連結以及中間財貿易之模型,計算1995-2013年間三個模型的福利效果。旨在分別檢視1995-2005年間WTO成立十年之影響、2005-2013年間全球120份自由貿易協定生效之效果,以及韓國此段期間內簽訂自由貿易協定之成果。本文結果顯示,WTO於1995年成立至其後10年間,確實為會員國帶來正面影響,總體而言,多數國家福利效果變動率為正。到了2005-2013年,全球有120份區域貿易協定生效,亦提升多數國家的福利,然成長幅度不如1995-2005來的顯著。惟韓國受惠於其簽訂自由貿易協定的成效,福利成長得與先前維持相近水準。此外,透過不同模型間的比較,本文發現各模型間的福利效果有明顯差異,顯示現今複雜的國際分工鏈下,完善考量部門間的互動因素實為衡量國際貿易效果的重要課題。
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