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非營利部門在中國大陸和俄羅斯發展之比較研究 / The Development of Non-profit Organizations in Mainland China and Russia: Comparative Perspective衛大力, Vitaly Andreev Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字: 非營利組織,第三部門,公民社會,社會轉型,跨國比較
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影響參與都市更新事業意願之探討-以台北市都市更新為例 / Affect the willingness to participate in the urban renewal of business -Taipei City Urban Renewal example李姿齡, Lee, Tsu Ling Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要
關鍵字:都市更新法定權利人、實施者、公部門。 / Abstract
Taipei city is facing city of aging problems after hundred years development. The government adapts the change and requirement of city in various periods by establishing different policies in different generation. Because of aging society and declining birthrate, the main urban renewal strategies are changed from city expansion to revitalization of communities, but they still face the difficult of integrated problem. Therefore, the government in Taiwan isolated the urban renewal statute from the urban renewal planning strategies on November 11th, 1988, so that citizenry can make urban renewal plan by themselves. However, the effects are still limited. Most researches think that the legal right of people is the reason in this difficult situation, and they use “Insatiable” to describe their attitudes during negotiations. This study believes the urban renewal plan is common interests for every participant. It is not fare to say the only one problem is legal right of people. Therefore, this study is going to have deeper discussion about the effects of their wills to attend and their choices.
The participants in urban renewal plan can be separated to legal right of people, implementers, authority department, and professional employees of urban renewal plan. In order to understand the issue of legal right of people’s wills to participate and choices, this study uses a survey to analysis 4 processing cases in Taipei city by interviewing 79 participants, which are sorted to two types; legal right of people and the others. It uses different aspects to discuss the importance of legal right people, their interaction with the other participants, and their cognitive difference by analyzing the results of the survey. This research combines the related references and “Bounded rationality”, the theory of choice behavior, to be the viewpoint, to discuss the reason to affect legal right of people’s will in the negotiations and reveal the supporting suggestion of law and executive aspects, so that the original purpose of urban renewal becomes the motivation of city development under public, equity, and justice factors.
This research is only focus on legal right of people version; not implementers or authority department. Therefore, for the unclear issues of relative polices, this study might provides important information to help further researches and ascertain the urban renewal difficulty.
Keywords: The legal right of people of urban renewal, implementer, authority department.
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我國文化藝術團體對文化創意產業政策之評估許展維, Hsu, Chan-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
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財務報導風險性資訊揭露與公司系統風險關聯性之研究江千慧 Unknown Date (has links)
風險性資訊之揭露,為目前財務報導中較為缺乏的部分,企業雖有風險管理之政策,然而多數公司對外揭露採取保留態度。因此,使用者難以從財務報導中了解企業對於風險管理的實際狀況,且難以評估該風險狀態對於使用者之影響。本研究針對公司經營層面進行分析,將風險性資訊劃分為營運策略與關係人交易二類加以探討,其中營運策略部分,欲瞭解公司內部經營多角化程度、跨國性程度以及銷貨對象是否會改變公司系統風險;關係人交易之揭露,欲檢視關係人交易之產生,是否為策略聯盟或轉投資之經營型態下所產生之現象,抑或是公司用以進行不合常規交易之管道,以及其與公司系統風險之改變是否有所關聯。本研究以風險性資訊與公司系統風險進行迴歸分析,實證結果發現,公司之跨國性程度對於系統風險具有顯著之關聯性;關係人交易部分,在銷貨及進貨兩項達到顯著之負相關,代表公司可能以與關係人之交易來穩定公司之主要營運,業外的部分反而會提高公司之風險。使用者得以透過該等資訊之揭露,了解企業所面臨的風險,進而評估其投資策略,並加強財務報導對於報表使用者之效用。 / There are very limited disclosures of risk information in financial reporting. Risk management policies exist within the enterprises, however, most enterprises are not eager for disclosure as a result, users are difficult in evaluating risk status of a corporation through financial reporting system. This study divides risk information into: 1) operational strategy and 2) related-parties transactions. The former intends to find out whether the degree of diversification, and multi-national operation, and clientele concentration has an effect on systematic risk or not. The related-parties transactions are intended to test whether they are the result of strategic alliance and reinvestment strategy, or the vehicle for irregular transactions, and their effect on company’s systematic risk. Regression analysis showed that company’s degree of multi-national operation is positively correlated with systematic risk. On the other hand, purchases and sales transactions among related parties transactions are negatively correlated with systematic risk, which suggests that corporations may be engaging in related party transactions to stabilize company’s major operation. The findings of this research suggest that disclosure of company risk management policies in financial reporting improves the quality of accounting information.
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我國非正式部門就業者的勞動條件與權益之探討 / A Study on Labor Conditions and Rights of Informal Sector Workers in Taiwan丁于真 Unknown Date (has links)
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公部門社工專業自主性之探討:以台北市區域社福中心為例 / Research autonomy on the professionalism of social workers in public sectors : Example of the regional social welfare centers in Taipei City李雪華 Unknown Date (has links)
根據研究結果,針對行政機關提出四點建議,包含:(1)建立公部門社工專業定位,釐清社工角色及職責;(2)各項福利申請或安置處遇的行政程序應盡量最簡化,減少繁瑣的行政作業,提升社工專業效能;(3)攸關弱勢權益的法規限制放寬其彈性,賦予社工員更多自主裁量空間,以彌補福利法規之不足及限制;(4)建構完善職前訓練制度。此外,針對目前社工專業制度提出三項建議,包含:(1)學校教育應重視培養社工獨立思考及專業自主能力;(2)重新檢視現行社工師證照資格認定方式,落實社工專業服務;(3)強化公部門督導專業角色,建立信任督導關係。最後,針對社會工作者自身則提出三項建議,包含:(1)堅定自我專業信念,建立專業自信及專業認同;(2)善用同儕支持與經驗分享,強化專業信念及專業知能,建構維持公部門社工專業自主的工作模式;(3)強化自我專業知能,累積實務工作技巧及能力,以實踐專業自主。 / The study by researchers from the substantive point of view, organizes their and public sector social workers’ service process and experience of social work and related areas. With in-depth interviews, the study explores that social workers of public sector have independence to develop their profession, finds the problems that often need to consider and face when providing professional services, and concludes with the cause and solution. Thus, it can further think if social worker’s profession system helps the public sector’s social workers have independence to develop their profession and re-examine the role and position that the social workers perform in public sector to find the way o amendments. Therefore, the public sector can be combined with a professional helping mechanism which allows the service to be closer to the social work profession case thinking and service.
The results of the study found that: (1) the role of public sector social worker is unknown that affects the degree of professional identity; (2) Government bureaucracy system limits the development of profession; (3) Professional schools of social work education and training is the foundation of professional autonomy (4) The current licensing system for enhancing the social public sector limited the autonomy of the social work profession influence;(5) Supervisory function is limited to the public sector bureaucratic system which affects public sector workers to develop professional autonomy.
According to the research results, there are four-point proposal for the executive authorities, including: (1) Establish public-sector social work professional position and clarify the roles and responsibilities of social workers. (2)The placements of the case of an application for benefits or administrative procedures should be simplified as much as possible and be reduced cumbersome administrative operations in order to enhance the effectiveness of the social work profession. (3) The regulation of minority’s benefits should be more flexible so that it gives social workers more autonomy discretionary space to compensate for the lack of regulations and restrictions on welfare; (4) Establish a concrete pre-employment training system. In addition, there are three suggestions for the current system of social work profession made, including: (1) School education should focus on cultivating independent thinking and professional autonomy for social workers (2) Re-examine the existing qualification of social worker’s certificates to implement social work professional services; (3) strengthen the role of the public sector professional supervision and build a trust relationship of supervision. Finally, social workers themselves have proposed three suggestions, including: (1) firming self-professional belief and establishing professional confidence and professional identity; (2) use peer support and experience sharing, strengthen professional beliefs and professional knowledge and construct maintain professional autonomy of public sector workers working mode; (3) strengthen the self-professional knowledge, skills and ability to accumulate practical work to practice professional autonomy.
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普丁時期俄羅斯菁英政治之研究 / A study of elite politics in Putin's Russia林子恆, Lin, Tzu Heng Unknown Date (has links)
蘇聯時期性質單一的「意識型菁英」在戈巴契夫的政經改革下開始分化成政治菁英與經濟菁英兩大類。到了葉爾欽時期,由於國家制度不彰、政府職能紊亂以及聯邦從屬關係被破壞,再加上總統本人執政後期健康情形不佳而導致大權旁落等緣故,造成各方菁英團體為了自身利益而彼此傾軋不已,也形成了以地方勢力、反對派政黨以及經濟寡頭為箭頭的「分散型菁英」。進入普丁時期,新執政者承繼了前朝唯一「正面」的遺緒 –「集權總統制」,再佐以個人的施政風格與高人氣支持,於第一任期內便大抵完成收編菁英的政治改革:於新設立的七大聯邦區派駐聯邦權力代理人 – 總統全權代表;改革聯邦委員會以削弱地方首長勢力;組建權力黨「統一俄羅斯黨」 並掌控國家杜馬。而在「共識型菁英」的氛圍下,作為普丁政權主要幹部甄補來源的「聖彼得堡幫」成員當中,又以所謂的「強力部門幹部」為大宗。其軍警情治背景與國家治理手法不僅為普丁治下的俄羅斯型塑了「軍事政體」的外觀,更讓後共俄羅斯或多或少出現了「蘇維埃化」的傾向。 / The single-natured “ideocratic elite” of the Soviet Union begins to differentiate into political and economic elite under the impact of Gorbachev’s reforms. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Yeltsin’s elites jostled with each other for their interests and transformed into the “fragmented elite,” characterized by regional leaders, opposition parties and economic oligarchs. This occurred due to the malfunction of state institutions, disorder of government functions, destruction of central-peripheral relations and the regency by the President’s cronies during his illness in the second term. Later in Putin’s Russia, with the only “positive” legacy – “authoritarian presidential rule” that the new ruler inherits from his predecessor as well as his own personal ruling styles and high popularity, Putin achieves the approximate incorporation of Russian elites with the political reforms in his first term, including the delegation of Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoys as federal agents in the seven new federal districts, the weakening of regional elites by reforming the Federation Council, and the seizure of the State Duma with the party of power – “United Russia.” Under the atmosphere of the “consensual elite,” the “Petersburgers” – especially the so-called “siloviki” – constitute the main source of cadre recruitment in Putin’s Russia. The security-intelligence background and state governance tactics of these siloviki not only mold the façade of “militocracy” for Putin’s regime, but more or less contribute to the tendency of “sovietization” in post-communist Russia.
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公部門危機之跨域治理:德翔臺北貨櫃輪擱淺事件個案分析 / Cross-boundary governance on crisis management in the public sector:a case study of the grounded謝楊永 Unknown Date (has links)
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青年創業與輔導制度之研究陳松柏, Chen, Song-Bo Unknown Date (has links)
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委員會參與真能回應政策需求嗎? 以全民健康保險會參與為例之評估 / Can Committee Participation Be Responsive to Policy Demands? An Evaluation of Participation in Taiwanese NHIC羅凱凌, Luo, Kai Ling Unknown Date (has links)
總結上述來回答核心問題:參與是否會提高利害關係人的回應性?在極大化個體利益的動機下,參與制度和行為都只提供爭取權益的機會,不必然導致實質利益。再加上負擔參與成本以及競爭資源的政治現實,參與者進入體制後,反而對委員會的政策回應能力持質疑的態度。是故,會議影響力為關鍵因素,只有在參與過程中獲利愈多者,其回應性才有直接的正面作用;若忽略參與途徑和結果的連結以及權力互動,就過度簡化了參與的政治本質。基於此,行政管理者掌握了決策結構與行政資源,若想取得較佳的回應性評價,就必須在制度和過程面中平衡不同的社會力量,才能使委員會發揮多元參與的功能,而不只是優勢團體的工具。 / Governmental committees are a kind of public participatory mechanism, whereby policy stakeholders are incorporated in the decision making procedure and negotiate with each other to policy outcomes. This mechanism accords with the expectations of both society and government and is frequently used by executive branches all over the world. Ideally, social representativeness can strengthen legitimacy and thereby increase responsiveness. However, in practice, there have also been some criticisms of the committee mechanism, including black box decision making, conflict enlargement, and administrative manipulation. To response this debate, my study addresses whether this type of public participation is responsive to policy demands as well as how to substantially evaluate its effectiveness.
Theoretically, participation has a positive impact on policy demands, I provide more precise analysis using the concepts of representativeness and responsiveness. The former refers to how interests are presented in the decision making process, including in both the formal and substantive dimension. The latter refers to the committee’s ability to respond to procedural and substantive demands from society.
To illustrate the theoretical framework, the National Health Insurance Committee (NHIC) in Taiwan is taken as my case study. The empirical section is divided into two parts, Fist, I explore original guiding values and institutional design of five committees that emerged under different political-social contexts in Japan, South Korea, Canada, Germany and Taiwan. Based on the results of this comparison, the NHIC in Taiwan is my main topic in the second part. The participatory behavior of committee members and their evaluation of the NHIC system are discussed through the various research methods, such as interviews, focus groups, stakeholder surveys, and also context analysis of meeting minutes.
Four results of the study are illustrated as follows: 1. Because the legitimacy of the committee mechanism is empowered by traditional representative authority (the elected legislative or executive branch), it serves a supplementary rather than substitutive function to the existing system. Especially in Taiwan, the administration prefers the advantaged groups more capable of mobilizing social supports over the vulnerable groups which may bring the values of social solidarity and justice into the decision-making of the committee. 2. Stakeholders positively appraised the NHIC’s responsive capacity, both in the procedural and substantive dimensions, with the former appraised more highly than the latter. However, a high level of communication functions had no impact on responsiveness. 3. The institutional variable has no impact on responsiveness. However, direct participation in meetings was associated with more pessimistic views of the NHIC when compared to the non-participators. In addition, the more actors were involved in the NHIC, the more negative their evaluations were. 4. The most significant variable for responsiveness is the decision influence of stakeholders.
Does participation strengthen stakeholders’ responsiveness? Under the condition that individuals are motivated by interest maximization, while institutional design and participatory behavior seek to pursue individual interest, it may not always realize substantial benefits. Furthermore, after becoming institutional insiders, the costs of participation and the political reality of power competition will make stakeholders more skeptical about the responsiveness of committee mechanisms. In other words, whether participation can increase the stakeholders’ satisfaction mainly depends on the benefit they can obtain from it. Without taking into account the link between participatory approaches and results, as well as the interaction between various stakeholders, we cannot gain a full picture of the nature of policy participation.
In terms of practical reforms, to increase performance responsiveness, administrators who control the structures and resources of the NHIC should incorporate different social forces and interests on the input and process dimensions. This will enable the committee mechanism to perform the function of pluralistic participation, rather than simply serving as a political tool for advantaged groups.
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