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情境脈絡中的小說讀者閱讀經驗陳秋雯 Unknown Date (has links)
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透過後設論述觀念教授高中生英文閱讀之研究 / The Use of Metadiscourse to Teach High School Students' Reading Comprehension楊憶琴, Yang, Yih-chin Unknown Date (has links)
(一) 本行動研究以八十位桃園縣立某高中二年級兩班社會組學生為本實驗教學之對象。將兩班學生分成實驗組和控制組,同時在實驗組班級中,依據其在英語分級測驗的成績分配出高分組和低分組。
(二) 兩組受試者先進行閱讀理解的前測,並填寫一份有關其已知語言學習策略之問卷,實驗組學生接受十二週後設論述觀念的閱讀教學,而控制組學生只接受一般高中英文課程教學。
(三) 此外,實驗組學生並填寫有關於後設論述觀念的前後問卷,兩組受試者前後測成績皆以獨立及相依樣本t 檢定統計方法來分析學生的成績。 問卷的結果以百分比形式及統計卡方方法表列;百分比同質性檢定用來分析高分組和低分組學生們對於後設論述觀念教授的不同反應。 統計顯著水準.05 用於所有分析中以決定顯著差異是否存在。
(四) 最後,實驗組受試者須填寫一份有關於他們對後設論述觀念教授的觀感以及策略應用之問卷。
(一) 實驗組和控制組間其閱讀表現並有顯著差異。 實驗組學生因有後設論述觀念教授而在閱讀表現上有顯著提升。
(二) 實驗組的高分組與低分組在前後測閱讀表現有顯著差異。 高分組及低分組學生皆因有後設論述觀念教授而在閱讀表現上有顯著提升。尤其對高分組學生閱讀表現助益更大
(三) 問卷結果顯示,大部分實驗組學生對於後設論述觀念教授在閱讀表現上的效益抱持肯定態度。高分組及低分組學生皆持正面態度。
(四) 問卷結果顯示,大部分實驗組學生認為對於後設論述基模中的文本後設論述觀念的學習,較優於人際間後設論述觀念的學習。
(五) 問卷結果顯示,大部分實驗組學生認為,應用文本後設論述中的連接轉折詞及順序詞 對於提升他們英文閱讀能力幫助極大。
(一) 本研究在實際高中英文閱讀教學情境中進行,僅以研究者所任教之兩個班級為對象,目的在於透過後設論述觀念教授高中生英文閱讀之研究,探討此教學方法應用於台灣高中學生在英語閱讀學習之成效及可能遭遇的學習瓶頸。因此,若欲據以推論其它不同學校與不同程度學生之教學應用,尚需進ㄧ步探究。
(二) 國外文獻多數討論後設論述觀念與英文作文教學應用,有關於和英語閱讀學習成效的文獻則極為稀少。本研究根據研究結果,提出後設論述觀念教授與第二外語英語閱讀教學意涵上的探討,提供台灣英語教師教學策略的的思考和想法。 / This study explores whether if there are significant effects of metadiscourse schema on senior high EFL students’English reading comprehension. The study further investigates if there are significant effects of metadiscourse schema on reading comprehension for students with different language proficiency levels. It also reports the students’responses to metadiscourse schema on: the textual and interpersonal aspects.
The subjects are eighty second-graders from Y.F. Senior High School in Taoyuan County. They are equally divided into the experimental and control groups based on the statistical s-shape distribution. The experimental group is further categorized into high-and low-proficiency subgroups based on the score of the placement test. Subjects in the experimental group take the instruction of metadiscourse schema for reading comprehension in twelve weeks. All subjects take the pre-and post-test for reading comprehension and fill in Questionnaire I.
The independent and dependent-sample t-test is used to analyze the subjects’ scores in the tests. The results of Questionnaire II are tabulated in terms of frequency and percentage. The results of Questionnaire II between high-and low-proficiency groups are analyzed by the test of homogeneity of proportions. Besides, the results of Questionnaire III also be discussed and analyzed. The .05 level of significance is used in all analysis as the criterion level for determining a significant difference.
The major findings in this study are summarized as follows:
1.There is a significant difference in the reading performance between the experimental and control groups. When metadiscourse schema is instructed to the experimental group, the EG subjects have the significant improvement in reading performance.
2.There are significant differences for the high-and low-proficiency groups in the experimental group between Questionnaire II before and after the metadiscourse instruction. HPG gain more benefit from the instruction of metadiscourse schema than LPG.
3.The results of Questionnaire III on the students’ responses to metadiscourse schema show that most subjects’ perception of the effects of metadiscourse schema on the reading performance is positive.
4.EG subjects gain more benefit from the instruction of the textual metadiscourse than the interpersonal metadiscourse.
5.The results of Questionnaires II on the instruction of metadiscourse schema indicate that logical connectives and frame markers in the textual metadiscourse are the features most frequently used by senior high EFL students
Based on the above-mentioned findings, pedagogical implications are provided and further research suggested.
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台灣戰後文學小說中的現代交通移動性及其空間敘事(1948~2008) / The Morden Traffic Mobility and The Spatial Narrative in Taiwan Literary Fiction after World War II(1948~2008)王悅丞 Unknown Date (has links)
晚近的社會學研究有感於過往的交通研究多集中在技術與規章方面的研究, 而忽略了交通移動與人類社會中其他領域的對話與交流,在九〇年開始逐漸發 展出移動性(mobility)的學科研究範疇。而在台灣文學研究中,晚近新興的空 間閱讀補充了台灣文學史長久以來以時間為軸的視野與維度。在移動性研究與 文學空間閱讀的啟發與幫助下,本文試圖發展出關於交通移動與空間敘事模式 的閱讀策略。
本文在正文的討論中選擇了戰後台灣文學小說最常見的三種交通工具:火 車、公共汽車以及自用汽車,分別從小說中各交通工具的移動性特質出發,分 析小說中的空間敘事模式,以及這些空間敘事模式如何與小說內、外緣的政治、 經濟、文學美學與社會變遷形成相互性的影響與對話。
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苗栗縣公共圖書館閱讀推廣成效評鑑與讀者滿意度研究 / Study on Reading Promotion Evaluation and Readers' Satisfaction of Miaoli County Public Libraries徐玉金, Hsu, Yu - Jin Unknown Date (has links)
最後提出本研究結論,作為公共圖書館經營與運作之參考,並對未來相關後續研究提出建議。 / Reading is the foundation of everything, and the library is the place to promote reading and provide lifelong learning for all. This study aims to survey the overall satisfaction of Miaoli County Public Library patrons and examine the effectiveness of the library’s reading programs. The methods covered by this research study include a personal interview, literature analysis, and an expansive survey on Miaoli County Public Library patrons from the main library and its 18 branches. Of the 1050 questionnaires that were distributed as part of the survey, 969 questionnaires were completed. The questionnaires with incomplete answers were excluded, and the remaining 910 surveys were used in this analysis, resulting in a response rate of 86.66%.
In this study, the researcher uses descriptive analysis, independent T-test, one-way ANOVA, and reliability test to analyze the data. The results are as follows:
Most of the patrons of Miaoli County Public Library are female and students. The patrons primarily acquire information about reading activities through library posters, the online website, or by word of mouth from their family members. The most popular library reading promotion activities are the picture book reading and story-telling activities.
The results also show that most patrons are satisfied with the library’s service and promote reading activities. They are most satisfied with the library’s infants and young children collections (4.66), children collections (4.62), frequency of borrowing books (4.59), bookstand activities (4.58) and reading activities for children (4.58). Otherwise, they are most unsatisfied with the library’s native language collection (3.13), Multiculturalism collection (3.15),reading activities on Multiculturalism (3.20), reading activities of native language (3.32), collections for elders (3.70) and reading activities for the elders (3.84).
The results of this study are presented as reference for improving public library operations and can serve as insight for future research.
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閱讀認知策略鷹架對於國中生英語閱讀理解成效之影響研究 / The effects of the cognitive reading strategy scaffold on junior high school students’ reading comprehension林美秀, Lin, Mei Hsiu Unknown Date (has links)
實驗結果發現,在使用「合作式數位閱讀標註系統」之學習情境下,採用閱讀認知策略鷹架之實驗組學習者的閱讀理解成效、平台瀏覽次數以及各類型策略標註數量皆優於控制組學習者;並且場地相依型學習者的閱讀理解進步分數優於場地獨立型學習者。也就是本研究在「合作式數位閱讀標註系統」所發展的閱讀認知策略鷹架能有效協助學習者提升其閱讀理解成效,特別是場地相依型認知風格的學習者。另外,無論是對高分、中間、或低分組的學習者而言,採用閱讀認知策略鷹架之英語閱讀理解成效皆優於沒有採用閱讀認知策略鷹架;最後也發現認知有用性、認知易用性及學習滿意度三者之間具有顯著關連性。 / With the coming of the Information Age, digital texts are getting more and more popular. Compared to the traditional paper-based reading, nonlinear digital reading requires proper strategies or mechanism to help improve the shallow reading and short-term retention, which have been reported as the main disadvantages of digital reading. In other words, readers need inferential reasoning and comprehension monitoring strategies in order to keep concentration while reading digital texts.
A scaffold of cognitive reading strategies, therefore, was developed and combined into Collaborative Digital Reading Annotation System (CDRS) in this study. It aimed to confirm whether the learners in the experimental group with the scaffold of cognitive reading strategies support outperformed the learners in the control group without the scaffold of cognitive reading strategies support on English reading comprehension, technology acceptance degree, and learning satisfaction. Furthermore, this study also examined the effects of distinct cognitive styles of field independence and field dependence and learning capability between both groups on English reading comprehension, technology acceptance degree, and learning satisfaction.
The experimental results present the following findings. First, the learners in the experimental group applying CDRS with the scaffold of cognitive reading strategies outperformed the learners in the control group using CDRS without the scaffold of cognitive reading strategies on English reading comprehension, platform views and annotation numbers of four different cognitive strategies. Besides, while reading by CDRS combined with the scaffold of cognitive reading strategies, the field-dependent learners significantly outperformed the field-independent ones on reading comprehension gain. Moreover, the learners in the experimental group, either with high, medium or low learning capability, remarkably outperformed the ones in the control group on English reading comprehension. Finally, significant correlations among perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and learning satisfaction in both groups were found.
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公共圖書館青少年閱讀推廣活動成果評鑑:以臺北市立圖書館為例 / Outcome Measurement of Public Libraries Reading Promotion for Young Adults: A Case Study of Taipei City Public Library藍翊瑄, Lan, Yi Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
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知識翻新對國小四年級學生閱讀理解和寫作表現之影響 / Effects of knowledge building on elementary school students’ reading comprehension and writing performance王靜華 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討電腦支援合作知識翻新(knowledge building)活動對國小四年級學童閱讀理解與寫作表現的影響。研究對象為新北市某公立國小的兩班學生共53人。其中,實驗組(n=25)採知識翻新活動﹔控制組(n=28)採傳統講述教學活動。研究方法採準實驗設計中的「不等組前後測設計」;在為期十八週的實驗期間進行前測、實驗處理及後測。
研究結果顯示:(1) 知識翻新有助於提升學生的整體閱讀理解,且使用知識論壇進行閱讀理解提問,也有助於提昇學生的提問能力;(2) 知識翻新有助於提升學生整體寫作表現,且知識論壇上的貼文與討論活動也有助於改善學生的寫作品質;(3) 知識翻新能幫助學生改進其想法概念,且實驗後期於知識論壇的活動量也有呈現增加的趨勢;及(4)經過知識翻新活動後,實驗組的低學業成就學生之閱讀理解表現優於控制組的低學業成就學生,但二組在寫作方面則無顯著差異。
本研究嘗試改變過去的學習模式,透過知識翻新:鼓勵學生產生並反思想法,讓學生的學習更具主動性;及鼓勵同儕間的互助與互動以改進閱讀想法,讓學生在閱讀理解與寫作表現的成效產生正向的成長。 / Abstract
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of knowledge building activities on grade-four students’ reading comprehension and writing performance. This study adopted a quasi-experimental design. In the experiment group, the participants were 25 grade-four students; in the control group, the participants were 28 grade-four students. The experiment class engaged in knowledge building and sustained ideational writing in order to enhance their writing performance (for 18 weeks). In contrast, the control group engaged in teacher-directed instruction.
Data sources mainly came from: (1) pre-post PIRLS reading comprehension test; (2) students’ notes posted in Knowledge Forum; (3) students’ online discussion activities in Knowledge Forum, such as number of notes contributed, number of notes read, and number of notes built-on to other’s notes; (4) pre-post writing test; (5) semi-structured interview; and (6) student’ end-of-the-semester grades. To analyze, one-way ANCOVA, paired t-test and chi-square was employed to quantitatively examine students’ reading comprehension and writing test after the course. In addition, qualitative content analysis was also performed to evaluate the quality of students’ notes and to understand how students changed their views of ideas.
The findings were as follows: (1) knowledge building pedagogy was conducive to enhancing students’ high-level reading comprehension and encouraging more in-depth questioning activities in Knowledge Forum; (2) after being engagaed in Knowledge building for a semester, students were able to demonstrate better writing performance, and more active discussion activities in the Knowledge Forum; (3) Knowledge building pedagogy changed students’ views of ideas and improved their idea generation capacity; and (4) Low achievers in the experiment group were able to demonstrate better reading comprehension than those in the control group.
Overall, the findings suggested that knowledge building practice was able to help change the traditionally more authoritative and teacher-directed one-way instruction,
to an alternative, more student-centered, idea generation and improvement pedagogy, that helped students attain better reading comprehension and writing performance.
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交互教學法對台灣國中生英文閱讀能力與後設認知之效益 / The Effects of Reciprocal Teaching on Taiwanese Junior High School Students' English Reading Comprehension and Metacognitive Awareness林思燕 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 實驗組與控制組在閱讀理解測驗表現有顯著差異,亦即,交互教學法有效地增進學生閱讀理解表現。
2. 後設認知方面,實驗組在「閱讀信心」、「閱讀困難」和「閱讀能力強的人應具備的能力」三項後設認知能力表現顯著提高,在「有效閱讀策略」與「補救策略」二項之後設認知表現亦有明顯進步。
3. 交互教學法有助於增強學生對閱讀策略的觀念和用法,大部分受試者認為「摘要」與「預測」是最實用的閱讀策略。
4. 回饋問卷顯示,大部分實驗組學生對交互教學法持正面支持態度,並表示願意將所學之閱讀策略運用在未來的英語閱讀中。
語閱讀能力與後設認知能力,並提升學生學習英語的興趣。同時為了讓「交互教學法」發揮最大效用,教師應考慮學生在語言學習上之個別差異,以避免學生心理上的排斥與學習上的反效果。 / This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of reciprocal teaching in promoting EFL junior high school students’ reading comprehension and metacognitive awareness. In addition, students’ responses to reciprocal teaching were probed. Participants of this study included 82 ninth-graders from two intact classes in one public senior high school in Miaoli in the fall semester of 2006. The experimental group was engaged in reciprocal teaching and the control group was instructed in the traditional teacher-centered method. The reading comprehension test of GEPT at elementary level was used as the pretest and posttest to measure the participants’ reading ability before and after the instruction. Additionally, two questionnaires were adopted: one for investigating the effects of reciprocal teaching on students’ metacognitive awareness and the other for measuring the experimental group’s attitudes towards reciprocal teaching.
After twelve weeks of experiment, the main results of this study can now be summarized as follows:
1. The participants’ reading comprehension ability improved significantly after the implementation of reciprocal teaching.
2. The participants’ metacognitive awareness was significantly higher especially in the categories of students’ reading confidence, students’ perceptions of reading difficulties, and students’ perceptions of a good reader. Students’ perceptions of repair strategies and effective strategies, though no significantly different , the participants did make progress in recognition of top-down and bottom-up strategies.
3. Reciprocal teaching helped the participants build up knowledge and use the instructed strategies. The strategies viewed by the participants as the most practical ones were “summarizing” and “predicting”.
4. According to the findings from the response questionnaire, the participants’ attitudes toward and responses to reciprocal teaching may be described as being supportive and positive. In addition, most of the participants expressed their willingness to employ the instructed strategies in their future English reading.
The results suggest that reciprocal teaching can be a viable approach to help improve junior high school students’ reading comprehension ability and metacognitive awareness of English reading. Besides, students’ interest in learning can be stirred up. Yet, it should be noted that when conducting reciprocal teaching, teachers need to be taken into account students’ personal difference in language learning to avoid potential rejection.
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電子童書與幼兒閱讀理解之研究徐韶君, Hsu,Shao Chun Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:閱讀理解、動畫與文本一致性、電子童書、幼兒 / This study has two parts: one is to research the impact of coherence between text and animation on children’s reading. The other is to analyze the effect of ages on children’s reading comprehention while they read electronic story books.
The research adopted one of a series of Living-books, called Little Monster At School. 30 aged 4 and 60 aged 5 children from public and private kindergartens of Taipei city and County participated in the study. There were 2 tasks. Tesk one was coherent text for experimental group. Task 2 was incoherent text for control group. The content of the two tasks was the same.
After reading the electronic book, all children took memory test and comprehension test which was devided into 2 sub-score: fact comprehension and inference comprehension.
Results are:
1. Memory test’s scores of experimental group is obviously higher than that of control group.
2. Reading comprehension scores of experimental group is also higher than that of control group.
3. Memory test’s scores of age 5 children is higher than age 4 children.
4. Age 5 children get higher total reading comprehension scores than age 4 children. Furthermore, they get higher score on fact questions. Scores of inference questions however, do not show age difference.
5. Memory and story reading comprehension scores have positive correlation. It reveals that children reading coherent animation and text have higher memory scores and higher comprehension scores. On the other hand, children who had the incoherent text had poor scores of both.
Based on the results, researcher provides suggestions for teachers, parents and book publisher.
Key words: reading comprehension, animation of electronic storybooks, coherence of text, kindergarten children.
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交換、窺視與文化消費--《交換日記》文字與圖像的互文研究鄭淑文 Unknown Date (has links)
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