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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

使用者導向研究:從工作脈絡與客戶痛點中 設計雲端安全的創新 -以趨勢科技使用者洞見計畫為例 / Protecting the cloud: Use the work practice and pain points to find customer insight

劉宛婷, Liu, Wan Ting Unknown Date (has links)
電腦病毒的演化瞬息萬變,特別是近年來,駭客在有利可圖的動機驅使下,逐漸形成了專業分工的產銷供應鏈,讓病毒的演化速度和變種數量以指數型成長。攻擊事件數量不斷竄升,資訊安全市場理應增加不少機會,但多數防毒廠商經常對這樣的市場機會望洋興嘆,每年花費數億金額,動員研發團隊提出新產品、新版本、新服務,使用者卻始終興趣缺缺。供需兩方認知差異讓防毒軟體廠商面臨龐大開發費用的損失,也讓企業持續存在於不定時資安風險的恐懼之中。 資安軟體公司在產品研發前,做足使用者需求蒐集流程工作,依照使用者描述所進行開發的產品,為什麼卻不是客戶需要的?本研究以質性研究法觀察國內一家電腦防毒廠商的新產品開發過程,更以為期一年的行動研究方式參與該公司使用者洞見計畫(Customer insight program),結合跨部門團隊的智慧和力量,以雲端運算的資安機會為主題進行客戶觀察和新產品構思。 經過一年的行動研究蒐證,本研究指出使用者導向設計的迷思,並強調瞭解工作脈絡對於系統性產品創新的重要性。由於系統性產品複雜程度較高,使用處於分工較細的系統運作流程之下,往往不自覺工作特殊之處,也難以確切表達總體需求。本研究的分析方式則透過使用者工作脈絡,即以客戶的商業模式和雲端運用的特殊情境,其次定義使用者於脈絡中獨特的痛點,進而找到創新機會。 使用者雖然是創新的來源,但是本研究發現,使用者不一定能知道自己的需求,唯有瞭解他們的工作實務,瞭解使用者在特定工作情境的痛點,才能化痛點為創新的亮點。研究貢獻上,補強現行使用者研究的三大方向,分別是使用者假設的不同、產品面設計的不同與創新來源不同。實務貢獻上,本研究提供複雜度較高的系統產品廠商在使用者導向設計流程之建議,以及企業中各部門如何透過使用者創新設計思維發揮價值所在。 / The rate of rapid evolution in computer virus results in an increase of computer crime and business attack incidents. Opportunities in the information security market began to grow and expected to exceed $125 billion USD by 2015, according to a new report by Global Industry Analysts. In this situation, anti-virus company tried everything they can to launch high-technology, fancy, and more powerful product every year. But they found customer is always lack of interest in their new products. This not only makes the loss on large investment in software development for anti-virus company, and also makes enterprise customers continuously at the risk of data stolen and computer virus attacks. By asking users what they want and trying really hard to listen to them before the development, however the product still hasn』t meet the customer needs? This research is based on qualitative method and action research project to investigate an anti-virus company』s product development process and customer insight programs. The one year project was cooperated with company internal cross-functional team and focused on 『Protecting the cloud』 topic. There are three cases was selected in the final. In order to know the user』s working context in the high-complexity information security product system. The analysis structure in three cases used four steps to find out. First of all, identify the enterprise user』s business model. Secondly, observe their local knowledge in cloud computing usage. Thirdly, clarify the organization's unique pain points. The last but not the least, find the potential security opportunities for innovation. While user becomes a significant source of innovation, the study shows that users don』t necessarily know their own needs. Only to understand customer』s work practices, pain points under specific working situations, and use design thinking to make the pain points to transform into fit customer needs. The research emphasized the importance of local context in innovation theory and reinforced the inadequacy part of the lead user theory. Key words: User-centric innovation, Product innovation, Service innovation, Cloud computing, Anti-virus software, Qualitative research, Action research

行動通訊之演進暨對金融資訊服務產業之威脅與商機--以E公司為例 / The Business Opportunities of the Financial Information Service Vendors on The Evolution of Mobile Communications --- A Case Study on E-Corp.

陳建名, Chen, Jimmy Unknown Date (has links)
近年來因雲端運算(Cloud Computing)、智慧型行動載具(Smart handheld Device)等資訊與通訊技術的整合與匯流,再加上金融證券產業政策開放、國際化與自由化、證劵業在中國大陸發展的限制逐步鬆綁等諸多因素,原本各有自己領域的資訊服務廠商都開始磨拳擦掌,紛紛在手持式裝置上推出各種證券服務商品,這對過往在B2C領域獨佔鰲頭的E公司無異是最大的衝擊。 本研究將藉由探討E公司現行定位、分析因智慧型行動載具之演進,對金融資訊服務廠商所產生的市場改變、衝擊與競爭,進而找出新的市場商機、訂定新的市場定位與策略,期盼能為該公司發展再造藍海市場商機。 主要結論為:金融證券資訊服務產業已經是一紅海市場。為解決E公司面臨的產業困境,思考E公司未來發展走向,重新定位E公司的核心競爭力(Core Competence),如何利用現有智慧型行動載具的特性化阻力為助力,在金融證券資訊服務產業這一片紅海中開闢新藍海。本研究將依據波特(Michael E. Porter)的五力分析及競爭論(On Competition)與洪順慶教授之新產品開發流程,提出新舊產品策略及商業模式(Business Model與Go-To-Market Model)的建議:  舊產品:運用該公司在證券資訊市場的領先地位,作業流程核心管理能力,通路優勢與客戶特性,為進入衰退期的既有產品(專業股票機)發展社群服務,增加老客戶黏著度,並搶食競爭對手市場,以延續該產品生命週期。  新產品:善用既有的雲端優勢及智慧型手持式裝置資通訊整合匯流與Web2.0的新技術,開發客製化(Tailor-Made)、主動揭露(Event Push、Calendar Push),推出智慧的(Smart)、簡易的(Simple)、方便的(Convenience)的理財生活管家服務,開闢新藍海。 / During the past few years, the information service industry of the securities market has change hugely and the competition becomes more and more intensely, due to the opening and internationalization of the government industry policy and the rapid development of the ICT technology--includes cloud computing, evolution of mobile communication and smart handheld device, and ICT convergence…. Because of these changes, the information service vendors of the securities market have started penetrating their services into mobile device with low-price or price-free strategy. The impact to the E-Corp, the leading company with the B2C business model, is most fiercely. First, the study will analysize the change, impact and competition of the information service industry of the securities market, and will apply E-Corp as the case-study-company and probe the current positioning of E-Corp. Finally, the study will try to find out the new business opportunities for vendors, and will make suggestions on marketing repositioning and product development and business strategy to E-Corp. Exectuctive summary:The information service industry of securities market is a red ocean market. The study will utilzie the theories of Five-Force-Analysis (Michael E. Porter), Product Life Cycle (SC Horng, NCCU Taiwan), Core Competence (Gary Hamel & C.K. Parhalad), and will also think how to apply new technologies, such as cloud computing, smart handheld device, Web2.0,…to solve E-Corp dilemma and to help E-Corp to creat new blue ocean business and market. The suggestions are:  For current product: To extend the product life cycle. First, to apply the strength of the leading position in industry, channel strength and procedure management core competence to develop community network service to increase customers’ loyalty and to low down the rate of loss. Second, to seize the competitors’ customers.  For new product:Apply the strength of cloud computing the E-Corp has, and utilize ICT convergence and smart handheld devices, Web2.0 technologies to extend the service from securities to financial/wealth management service with the functional characters of event push/calendar driven, and smart/simple/convenience.

水庫移民政策轉變與執行:以瀾滄江為例 / Dam-induced Resettlement Along the Lancang River: Policy Change and Implementation

李泳雯, Sabrina Habich Unknown Date (has links)
中國經濟的快速成長導致電力需求的急劇增教。雖然現在主要仍是以煤炭的方式提供全國的電力,但中國政府也一直在尋找能有效降低環境污染的替代能源。因此“水力發電”在中國能源政策扮演的角色越來越重要--這時,擁有巨大水資源的雲南省就變成了中國西南的關鍵提電者之一。過去二十年之內,已有企業與政府針對該省重點的水力設施進行大量投資。然而,發展水電雖然有助於生產大量的電,也帶來眾多環境和社會層面的影響。中國政府承認這些反面的影響,因此開始了設計一系列水電發展政策來預防可能的嚴重後果。 本論文分析中國中央政府和雲南地方政府共同制定的水電移民政策,以及新政策對當地執行過程所帶來的影響。基於多元的田野調查,本論文顯示地方政府如何落實中央政府制定的政策。雖然這幾年中國的水庫移民政策有大量的改進,但因為建設大水電站涉及層面廣,時間長,安置過程久,所以中央政府政策的彈性調整,造成當地政府執行過程對不同時間的移民外置帶來不對等的安置,因此印發水庫移民的方抗。 / Policy-making of dam-induced resettlement is a dynamic process that shows how group interests have been distributed and adjusted during different stages of water resource development in China. Since 1949, China’s political direction, economic system and its national strength have been in constant flux, reflecting in the policy towards land appropriation and resettlement induced by water conservancy and hydropower projects. The present study focuses on the changes that have taken place in the area of dam-induced resettlement policy after 2006 when the first regulations on resettlement caused by water resource and hydropower projects were amended. It shows how this policy change is perceived by villagers relocated in the course of dam construction, and addresses the question of why policy improvements have not led to desired results. The paper first addresses policy change in the area of dam-induced resettlement over the past six decades. In subsequent sections, I draw on findings gathered during my doctoral fieldwork to demonstrate how the recent improvement of resettlement regulations for water resource and hydropower projects at the central level are translated into implementation strategies at the local level in Yunnan. I show that while delegating the implementation of resettlement processes to the lowest level of the administrative hierarchy allows for innovative policy experimentation and flexible adaptation, the long timespan needed for the construction of large dam projects gives rise to uneven policy implementation and resistance on the side of resettled communities.


渡邊, 誠一郎 05 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:一般研究(C) 課題番号:05833001 研究代表者:渡邊 誠一郎 研究期間:1993-1994年度

既有建物作為空載光達系統點雲精度評估程序之研究 / The Study of Accuracy Assessment Procedure on Point Clouds from Airborne LiDAR Systems Using Existing Buildings

詹立丞, Chan, Li Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
空載光達系統於建置國土測繪基本資料扮演關鍵角色,依國土測繪法,為確保測繪成果品質,應依測量計畫目的及作業精度需求辦理儀器校正。國土測繪中心已於102年度建置航遙測感應器系統校正作業中,提出矩形建物之平屋頂面做為空載光達系統校正之可行性,而其所稱之校正,是以點雲精度評估待校件空載光達系統所得最終成果品質,並不對儀器做任何參數改正,但其校正成果可能因不同人員操作而有差異,因此本研究嘗試建立一套空載光達點雲半自動化精度評估程序,此外探討以山形屋脊線執行點雲精度評估之可行性。 由於光達點雲為離散的三維資訊,不論是以山形屋脊線或矩形建物之平屋頂面作為標物執行點雲精度評估,均須先萃取屋頂面上之點,為避免萃取成果受雜訊影響,本研究引入粗差偵測理論,發展最小一乘法結合李德仁以後驗變方估計原理導出的選擇權迭代法(李德仁法)將非屋頂點視為粗差排除。研究中分別對矩形建物之平屋頂面及山形屋脊線進行模擬及真實資料實驗,其中山形屋脊線作為點雲精度評估之可行性實驗中發現不適合用於評估點雲精度,因此後續實驗僅以萃取矩形建物之平屋頂面點雲過程探討粗差比率對半自動化點雲精度評估程序之影響。模擬實驗成果顯示最小一乘法有助於提升李德仁法偵測粗差數量5%至10%;真實資料實驗,以含有牆面點雲的狀況為例,則有助提升5%的偵測粗差數量。本研究由逐步測試結果提出能夠適用於真實狀況的半自動化之點雲精度評估程序,即使由不同人員操作,仍能獲得一致的成果,顯示本研究半自動化精度評估程序之可信度。 / The airborne LiDAR system plays a crucial role in building land surveying data. Based on the Land Surveying and Mapping Act, to ensure the quality of surveying, instrument calibration is required. The approach proposed by National Land Surveying and Mapping Center (NLSC) in 2013 was confirmed the feasibility for airborne LiDAR system calibration using rectangular horizontal roof plane. The calibration mean to assess the final quality of airborne LiDAR system based on the assessment of the accuracy of the point cloud, and do not adjust the instrument. But the results may vary according to different operators. This study attempts to establish a semi-automatic procedure for the accuracy assessment of point clouds from airborne LiDAR system. In addition, the gable roof ridge lines is discussed for its feasibility for the accuracy assessment of point cloud. No matter that calibration is performed using rectangular horizontal roof plane or gable roof ridge line, point clouds located on roof planes need to be extracted at first. Therefore, Least Absolute Deviation (LAD) combined with the Iteration using Selected Weights (Deren Li method) is developed to exclude the non-roof points which regarded as gross errors and eliminate their influences. The simulated test and actual data test found that gable roof ridge lines are not suitable for accuracy assessment. As for the simulated test using horizontal roof planes, LAD combined with Deren Li method prompts the rate of gross error detection about 5% to 10% than that only by Deren Li method. In actual test, data contains wall points, LAD combined with Deren Li method can prompt about 5%. Meanwhile, a semi-automatic procedure for real operations is proposed by the step-by-step test. Even different operators employ this semi-automatic procedure, consistent results will be obtained and the reliability can achieve.

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