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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

核心職能對工作績效影響之研究 / The impacts of core competency on job performance

陳星瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
自2000年起,諸多企業展開職能導入,但受限於對職能之認識、瞭解或是經費問題,仍以外商或營業額大於150億以上之大型企業為主(楊尊恩、林文政,2003),中小企業不論在人力資源人員之素質、企業主的支持或相關預算方面皆有所限制,尚未有特別成功之職能導入個案。然而,隨著前述大環境之變動,大企業逐漸失去規模優勢,中小企業若能持續強化組織核心能力與競爭力,亦可具備與大企業抗衡之能耐。 藉由美妝零售業之T公司為個案公司,研究其核心職能發展與員工工作績效之關係,進一步探討如何應用核心職能至其他人力資源活動上,達到組織整體人員素質提升與強化組織內部能力之效,同時亦可以此個案為學習範本,提供其他中小企業做為職能導入之參考。 本研究針對個案公司之七項核心職能建置問卷量表,並以其台灣區員工為調查對象,受測者採自評方式填答,接著進一步探討核心職能與工作績效之關係。研究結果如下: 一、發展出個案公司七項核心職能量表與對應之行為指標。 二、七項核心職能中「創新靈活性」職能與工作績效有正相關。 三、「創新靈活性」職能對工作績效有顯著預測力。 四、「信任與團隊合作」及「真實醇美」職能與工作績效關係之強度將受到年齡變數影響。 五、「信任與團隊合作」職能與工作績效關係之強度將受到產業工作經驗變數影響。


蘇淑卿, Su,Shu Ching Unknown Date (has links)

台灣批發零售業投資抵減對企業營收淨額之影響-以上市櫃公司為例 / The Influence of Tax Credit Incentive to Investment on Firms’ Net Revenue in Taiwan’s Wholesale and Retail Industry- Evidence from Stock Exchange and OTC Companies

許美玲, HSU,MEI-LING Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在於針對「促進產業升級條例」第六條項下之「批發業零售業及技術服務業購置設備或技術適用投資抵減辦法」有關投資抵減獎勵對企業經營績效進行評估。本研究就理論基礎、實際適用情形及經營績效等層面分析,作實證研究。 因「促產條例」乃台灣現階段獎勵與輔導產業的主要法源,新世代產業獎勵法規的研擬,實應周密考量國內外的產業現況及未來可能之轉型方向,配合投資環境之變革及未來產業發展之需要,以促進台灣未來產業升級轉型為創新、高附加價值之經濟體。故在產業已由工業轉型為服務業之際,政府應對服務業提供怎樣的優惠措施,現行的批發零售業投資抵減對企業實際之效益為何,擬具體研究企業經營績效與政府投資抵減優惠措施之相關性,以作為政府擬定獎勵措施或修法調整之參考。 本研究以2001年至2006年之上市櫃批發業及零售業公司為研究對象,採用追蹤型兩階段最小平方法之固定效果廻歸模型進行估計,先以兩階段最小平方法之固定效果模型計算出投資抵減估計值,再進行投資抵減對經營績效之影響評估。實證結果發現,投資抵減政策確實為提升企業經營績效之關鍵影響因素,故以租稅減免來鼓勵企業從事研發,提高產業競爭力及附加價值,是值得政府擬定政策時考量的。 / The goal of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of tax credit incentive to investments according to “Regulations Governing Application of Tax Credit Incentive to Investments in Purchasing Equipment or Technology by Wholesale, Retail Industry and Technical Service Enterprises” which is under the “Statute for Upgrading Industries”, Article 6. This study analyzes the effectiveness in aspect of theory and practice. “Statute for Upgrading Industries” is the main law to help industries to upgrade. The new generation laws and regulations should consider the domestic and foreign industrial situation, and the future reforming direction of the industry development. It is wonder to understand what should be done by government to help the service industry and what is the present benefit of tax credit to enterprises. In the time of transformation from manufacture industry to service industry, this study tries to approve the relationship between the tax credit incentive to investments and business performance, which can be adopted to be reference materials in legislation. This study uses the data of wholesale and retail companies in stock market from 2001 to 2006. The adopted models including 2SLS model and fixed-effect model. The first, using 2SLS model to calculate the estimate of tax credit incentive to investment to solve the endogenous problem. The second, it’s invested and supports and reduces investment benefits the impact of tax credit incentive to investments and business assess. According to the real example result, we can understand verifies tax credit incentive to investments is the key factor to improve the business performance . Therefore, it is worth for the government to take tax credit incentive to investments policy to encourage the enterprises to be engaged in the research and development.


蔡靜芬, Tsai, Sabina Chin Fen Unknown Date (has links)
澳洲的五金零售市場像許多歐美先進國家一樣,近年來由傳統的小型五金店家逐漸發展成大型連鎖五金零售店,許多地點不佳,規模不大,不具特色和競爭力的店家紛紛關閉,取而代之的是展示空間寬敞且明亮的大型企業型連鎖店。澳洲的五金零售市場現今是由一個獨大的公司型五金店和若干個次大的銷售集團所掌控的。五金零售通路之間在價格、產品線、促銷、客戶服務與開店地點方面彼此之間激烈地競爭著。因此想要銷售到這些零售通路的品牌批發商的處境更是困難,因為同業之間的競爭激烈,具有獨佔地位的客戶議價能力又強,如何能在這個傳統,技術層次不高的產業中持續的創新和成功,著實需要很強的企業核心能力與策略能力。 P公司憑藉著母公司的最高指導原則80/20和以客戶服務至上為宗旨的經營策略,在公司的配送運籌系統與內部作業流程持續地改善來降低成本,利用產品清楚地標示與使用說明來降低消費者的資訊搜尋成本和道德危機成本,和給客戶差異化的加值活動服務來增加效益和建立專屬成本。最重要地,P公司長久以來維持清楚與一致的品牌定位與市場區隔,因而建立了很高的品牌知名度與價值。 本文利用波特的五力分析先對澳洲五金批發商產業做競爭強度的 探討,後再使用邱志聖教授的策略行銷分析一書中4C的架構來分析P 公司的行銷策略。 從分析中我們得到品牌與差異化為這個產業的最大 優勢的結論。 唯有持續地創新來塑造品牌,致力於產品或服務的差異 化來增進效益,儘早地和客戶建立有形或無形的專屬資產,才能在這個 競爭激烈的產業環境中勝出。 值得為想要進入這個產業的企業借鏡。 最後的附註中有P公司數位資深主管們對這個產業與公司策略的 分析與寶貴意見,非常具有參考價值。 / Like many European and American advanced countries, in recent years the Australian hardware retail market has gradually developed from traditional small stores into large hardware corporately own chain stores. Many badly located, small scale stores do not have the breadth of product range and the competitive prices are shutting down. Replace theses stores, are the large corporately own hardware stores with brighter and spacious presentation. The Australian hardware retail channel is composed of one big dominator and a few secondary large promotion groups. These retail outlets are competing with each other on prices, product range, promotions, services and store locations. Therefore, those branded wholesalers who sell in the retail channels are in a more difficult situation. Due to the intensity of competitive rivalry and the strong bargaining power of customers, it is difficult for the wholesalers to survive in this traditional and low-tech industry. Large wholesale distribution company need to be continuously innovative, adding value to products and services, and requires a very strong core competency and strategic capability to survive. P company follows the guiding principle of parent company – “80/20" and customer service comes first as management strategy. The company is continuously improving on logistic/distribution system to lower cost. Its products offer clear product identification and user’s instruction to lower consumer’s information collection and moral hazard cost. P company also increase benefit and holdup cost with customers by differentiating its product and service to add value. Most of all, P company has long maintained unambiguous and clear brand positioning and product segmentation, so as to create very high brand awareness and value. This thesis uses firstly Porter’s 5 forces analysis to investigate the competitive intensity of Australian hardware retail industry. It then adopts Professor Chiou Jyh-Shen’s strategic marketing analysis theory - 4C framework to analyze P company’s marketing strategies. From the analysis, we conclude that brand and differentiation are the most important strategies in this industry. Every company should focus on innovation to create brand value, be devoted to the differentiation on products and service to create benefits for customers, build up tangible and intangible holdup cost with customers, so as to succeed in such highly competitive industry environment. These strategies are very important for enterprises who wish to enter this industry to learn.


范信壹 Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 由於科技的進步,帶領3C產品的需求市場快速成長,也促使各3C零售連鎖通路商急遽的擴展店數,在目前大者恆大的情況下,對已達採購經濟規模的企業,其早已佔有一定市場,並已立於不敗之地,然對於其他後起的公司或屬於中小型之企業,因規模較小,如欲在這競爭激烈的產業中,創造屬於自己的一片生存空間,就必須有一套不同於其他競爭者的經營策略,以與其他競爭者做區隔,同時如何想辦法保持原有的優勢,才不至於被其他競爭者所取代;本研究以法雅客之個案做分析,描述其發展歷程與其獨特的經營策略及未來的發展方向,期待能以此個案研究帶給專業經理人對企業經營策略有更深層的體會。 本研究之主要結論如下: 1.以經營上的採購規模經濟所帶來的策略效益(低價促銷),雖暫時突破僵局, 擺脫競爭者。然而,低價策略並非萬靈丹,也非長久的經營之道,低價策略隨時容易會被跟進。 2.規模小的3C零售連鎖通路商,必須清楚界定企業客層,擬定目標族群的經營策略,強化與顧客間的關係與服務,提升其對企業的滿意度,要善用自我經營特色與優勢,創造出更多的價值,那麼小的通路平台亦可在小而美的狀態下,經營屬於企業的一片小藍海。 3.由於3C零售連鎖通路產業競爭愈來愈激烈,通路開始思考多角化經營開創新範疇。當擴展到一定規模時,如何善用自己現有門市的實體通路與規模經濟,朝多角化商品策略規劃(即所謂範疇經濟),藉由複合式經營,讓行銷手法更靈活(彼此商品可以互相搭配,以高毛利商品來協助促銷),同時聚焦目標對象,有策略地去分級與分類經營,並結合3C商品的促銷活動,讓消費者能接受其多角化商品經營策略,將更能提升整體經營綜效。

台灣綜合商品零售業經營效率之研究-Metafrontier模型之應用 / A Business Efficiency Study of the Taiwan Retail Sale of General Merchandise - the Application of Metafrontier Model

蔡偉格, Tsai, Wei Ko Unknown Date (has links)
近年來台灣景氣持續低迷,台灣綜合商品零售業的成長也受到不小的衝擊,在市場漸趨成熟與飽和的情況下,產業內競爭也漸趨激烈。如何在外在經濟環境欠佳,內在市場飽和下,有效提升經營效率,加強產業競爭能力,是目前台灣綜合商品零售業者最重要的課題。   本研究以資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis)為基礎,並結合Metafrontier分析法,針對台灣地區2000年到2006年25家綜合商品零售業者,以客觀的投入產出資料進行廠商的經營效率分析。本研究結果顯示:   1.整體而言,連鎖式便利商店的經營績效平均處於相對有效率狀態,購物中心的經營績效平均處於相對無效率狀態。   2.廠商技術無效率的原因主要為純粹技術效率的問題。廠商的規模報酬狀態與所屬業態關聯不大,而與廠商是否屬於連鎖集團較有關聯。   3.比較metafrontier模型與group frontiers模型所評估的效率值,顯示各業態廠商的平均技術水準有顯著差異,連鎖式便利商店的效率水準較接近metafrontier的效率邊界。   4.依據Norman and Stoker(1991)的效率值強度分類方法,發現在兩模型之下,各業態廠商屬於「邊緣無效率單位」與「確實無效率單位」的比例都較大,表示經營績效有很大的改善空間。   5.差額分析與敏感度分析方面,百貨公司業與超級市場業在兩模型之下的結論不一致,推論應是兩者評估的廠商樣本,其衡量的技術水準不同。各廠商依循group frontiers模型所得結論改善經營績效,將可以在業態內成為相對有效率的廠商,但如果想要進一步提高效率,則必須改變廠商本身所處的業態環境所造成的技術水準限制,便可依循metafrontier模型所得結論改善經營績效,所以選用何種結論,仍須由業者依據廠商未來發展自行判斷。 / Since the recession in Taiwan economy has arrived in recent years, it has a great effect on the growth of the Taiwan retail sale of general merchandise. Because the market has been saturated, the competition has become fierce in this industry. How to improve the management efficiency and the industrial competitiveness in the present economic environment is the most important issue of the Taiwan retail sale of general merchandise.   This study uses inputs and outputs data of 25 DMUs of the Taiwan retail sale of general merchandise from 2000 to 2006, applying Data Envelopment Analysis with Metafrontier model to evaluate the operational efficiency of those firms. The findings of this study are as below:   1. On average, the chain convenience store industry shows more technically efficient than the shopping mall industry.   2. The main source for the firms being inefficient is pure technical inefficiency. The returns of scale of the firms are not much related to the types of business operation, but to the firms being the chain store ones or not.   3. Comparing meta-frontier model with group frontiers model, we find that there are significant differences in the average technical efficiency levels among the various types of business operation, and the chain convenience store industry is most close to meta-frontier.   4. According to the classification of the efficiency by Norman and Stoker (1991), we find a major part of the firms is marginally inefficient and distinctly inefficient. It implies there is a great room for the firms to improve their managerial performance.   5. The slack analysis indicates there are differences in the resource wastes between the department store industry and the supermarket industry. The differences mainly come from the technological differences between the two industries. The information generated from the group frontier model is helpful to improve the firms’ efficiency within the group. However, if the firms want to further improve their efficiency, they should rely on the information from the meta-frontier model, which sheds light on the technology gap among sub-industries.

化妝品零售業快速回應市場需求之商業模式-以小三美日為例 / Business models for quick response to demand uncertainty in cosmetics retail industry - a case study of 小三美日

莊惟亞, Chuang, Weiya Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,化妝品零售業之發展已趨成熟,且邁入「消費者導向」的時代。在屈臣氏、康是美等傳統藥妝店之銷售模式下,業者必須提早預測未來市場的流行趨勢及需求量,提早生產,並鋪貨至全台各門市,導致其需要花時間去反應市場需求變動,使供應鏈內的存貨量相當高,支付大量無謂的存貨成本,最終便轉嫁予消費者。而近年新崛起的化妝品零售業者,網羅各國的美妝品,隨時掌握最新流行資訊、能夠精準抓住趨勢、快速回應消費者需求,減少為反應市場需求變動所備之存貨,同時還能維持低價競爭。 在外部環境不斷變化的消費市場裡,此種快速回應能力被視為能夠提升競爭優勢的利器,尤其是在化妝品市場裡,因其汰換快及生命週期短的產業特性,必須更強調「速度」的要求。 故,本研究採用個案研究法,並挑選最初此開創全新商業模式的企業之一-小三美日作為研究對象,探討為什麼會有需求不確定性,以及化妝品零售業者在面對需求不確定性時如何因應,及其快速回應市場需求之商業模式。 經過深入探討個案公司之快速回應策略以及商業模式,歸納本研究之發現如下: 1. 以顧客為中心之商業模式 2. 快速回應策略 3. 承擔風險換取彈性 本研究之貢獻在於建立一快速回應需求不確定性之改善原則和因應策略之架構,以期瞭解如何透過快速回應消除供應鏈上沒有加值的活動,從而提升消費者價值,創造共同利益,並為未來其他業者提供發展方向。然而,本研究僅就個案公司之主要商業流程活動以及如何因應需求不確定性進行探討,未針對執行後之效果及績效衡量指標進行後續研究。此外,由於本研究為單一個案研究,若能增加研究樣本,或可歸納出快速回應市場需求之準則,作為不同產業中的企業之參考案例。 / In recent years, the development of cosmetics retailing has matured and entered the "consumer-oriented" era. Under the business model of Watsons, Cosmed and other traditional cosmetics channels, the companies must predict the future trends and the market demands before producing and distributing products to various channels in Taiwan. Under this model, the companies need time to respond to the changes in demand, and companies are therefore faced with considerably with high level of stock. Not only does this generates a lot of unnecessary inventory costs, but this costs will also be passed on to consumers, which is reflected on the retail price. On the other hand, the new rising cosmetics retailers collect products from all over the world; these companies are able to accurately grasp the trend and quickly respond to various of demands of consumers. As a result, the companies do not have to keep high level of stock, this eliminates non value-added activities and unnecessary expenses, which also allows them to maintain their competitiveness in price. In the constantly changing consumer market, the ability to respond quickly can be seen as a competitive advantage. Especially in the cosmetics market with short product life cycle, the cosmetics retailer must place emphasis on speed. This research is based on case study method, and selects one of the first companies that developed the new business model as the research subject: 小三美日. The research is to discuss, the causes of demand uncertainty, how do the cosmetics retailers respond when facing demand uncertainty, and the business model of quick response to market demand. With in-depth case study of the quick response strategies and business model of 小三美日, the findings are as below: 1. The customer-oriented business model 2. Quick response strategies 3. Risk taking for flexibility The academic contribution of this study is to create the structure of improving principles and strategies of quick response to demand uncertainty, understand how to eliminate non value-added supply chain activities through the strategies of quick response, thus increasing customer value, creating common interests accordingly, and providing guidance for the future development of other retail industries. However, this research discusses the business model and quick response strategies while ignoring the performance evaluation. Meanwhile, since this is a single case study, the future research could increase the research subjects to construct the guidelines of quick response to market demand as a reference to companies in different industries.

探討Beacon在台灣的創新擴散歷程 - 以燦坤作為創新先鋒為例 / The Study of Implementing Beacon From the Perspective of Innovation Diffusion - A Case Study of Tsann Kuen Enterprise

彭怡翔 Unknown Date (has links)
在行動寬頻、雲端及網際網路等產業的帶動下,全球行動裝置如智慧型手機及平板電腦蓬勃發展,其衍生之行動經濟及應用更為全球經濟成長帶來高度動能。在連網裝置逐年成長之下,物聯網產業應運而生,而其中感測器技術更為物聯網基礎建設中最為核心的關鍵項目。繼蘋果於西元2013年WWDC大會發佈iBeacon技術後,全球零售業掀起微定位熱潮,而Forbes更預估企業利用Beacon搭配APP蒐集消費者資訊為未來物聯網重要趨勢之一。在實體零售店逐漸「展示店化」趨勢下,如何藉由ICT科技、物聯網技術、行動裝置應用來加強與消費者間的連結及提升購物體驗,為實體零售業者急需面對的課題。 本論文研究主要的目的在於探討Beacon於台灣零售業者燦坤的創新擴散歷程,以及使Beacon能夠於燦坤導入每階段快速擴散的關鍵因素,而其中以創新擴散模型之認知、說服、決策、實行、確認五階段構面進行研究與分析。此外,更探討燦坤如何運用Beacon進行O2O虛實整合。 本研究所得到的主要結論包括:(1)在創新擴散的流程中,擁有與導入科技相關的組織團隊背景以及根據創新需求調整組織架構,為Beacon於燦坤之認知階段中能夠快速擴散的關鍵因素。(2)在創新擴散的流程中,鼓勵創新的企業文化為Beacon於燦坤之說服階段中能夠快速擴散的關鍵因素。(3)在創新擴散的流程中,將非核心能力專案外包以及對於外包廠商的選擇,為Beacon於燦坤之決策階段中能夠快速擴散的關鍵因素。(4)在創新擴散的流程中,高階主管對於專案的參與支持以及選擇場域面積、營業額、人流數較大的門市進行首波產品曝光測試,為Beacon於燦坤之實行階段中能夠快速擴散的關鍵因素。(5)在創新擴散的流程中,進行產品的成效評估和顧客滿意度調查,以及尋求產品穩定的獲利模式來源,為Beacon於燦坤之確認階段中能夠快速擴散的關鍵因素。(6)燦坤以Beacon為技術核心打造燦坤黃金傳說APP,以門市尋寶及APP推播的方式,連結燦坤3C實體門市及快3網路商城,使虛實能夠結合及互利。本文最後並提出對於實務上及後續研究的建議。

零售業採用銷售時點管理(POS)系統之研究 / The Application of Point-of-sales System of Retailers

陳永俊, Chen, Yung Chun Unknown Date (has links)
近年來國內的消費型態有了重大的轉變,傳統零售店的管理方式已難以解決隨之而來的商品管理問題,而各類型零售業的出現更加深了零售業的競爭。在如此激烈的零售戰中,如何有效掌握消費者的需求將成為企業競爭的核心,而銷售時點管理系統(POS)的引入正是零售業掌握商情的最佳利器。   本研究為一探索性研究,藉由國內外相關文獻探討與實地深度訪談,以發掘零售業中的超市業與服飾專門店業者在進行POS的投資評估決策時,所考慮的成本效益、企業面與技術面因素,以及在推行POS後所獲得的實際效益與預期效益的差異原因,並藉此了解POS系統是否適用於不同業態的零售業。   經由文獻與實際個案公司的經驗印證,本研究發現不同零售業態的業者對於投資POS的考慮因素有所差異。在效益方面,超市業與服飾業均重視減少人工錯誤、簡化現場作業、改善存貨與訂貨管理、改善促銷管理等,而超市業另外尚重視縮短收銀時間、減少現場人力與改善陳列管理等效益;在成本方面,業者均重視軟硬體成本,超市另外重視人員訓練與店內條碼成本;在企業面與技術面因素方面,高階主管的支持、軟硬體的穩定度與通訊品質均為業者投資時重要的考慮。而在實際效益上,超市難以發揮簡化訂貨作業的效益,但卻可以將POS資料加值出售。   目前POS在國內的應用尚未完全成熟,但商業自動化將是趨勢,未來採用POS的大型連鎖店將更普及。而業者在投資POS之前應先掌握本身的需求、仔細評估條碼普及率與軟硬體穩定度,並可朝互動式的界面發展,以增加管理當局對資料的信賴。

鞋品零售業選擇供應商決策之研究 -以A公司為例 / A Case Study on the Supplier Selection Strategy for the Shoes Industry

鍾正邦, Chung, Cheng Pang Unknown Date (has links)
台灣早期曾有「製鞋王國」之美譽,從1970年代中期開始直到1980年代晚期,此段時間可說是台灣製鞋產業的巔峰時期,當時全世界每四雙鞋中便有一雙來自台灣。然而隨著外在環境的改變,像是新台幣兌美元的大幅升值和中國大陸、東南亞國家如:越南、印尼等挾帶著低廉的勞動成本與土地租金等優勢,吸引了許多台商前往當地設廠發展,為此選擇繼續留在台灣的製鞋廠也就越來越少。但儘管如此,那些留在台灣的製鞋業者不論在產品設計、開發和製造上面皆累積了相當程度的實力,透過這些企業和政府的努力下,MIT(Made in Taiwan)的標誌也漸漸打響其市場知名度。 本研究透過個案研究的方式,針對台灣鞋品零售業市場中具有指標性的企業進行訪談與實地觀察,了解其是如何評估與挑選這些留在台灣的鞋品製造商,與其背後的執行方式。同時也參考過往和供應商選擇與評估相關之文獻,結合分析網路程序法,建立起該個案公司評估與挑選供應商的模型架構,進而提出挑選供應商的六大評估準則:「品質」、「交期」、「價格」、「生產技術」、「契約條款」、「未來發展」和十八項次準則。再以問卷方式來了解準則與次準則之間的相對權重為何,並計算出對個案公司而言這些評估供應商的因子之重要順序為何。研究結果顯示:在瞬息萬變的市場上,對於親臨第一線的鞋品零售業者而言,品質仍為其主要考量的因素,但若是當各供應商的品質皆到達一定水準時,供應商能否準時出貨將成為公司的另一個關鍵評估因子。 本研究期望透過研究鞋品零售市場中的標竿企業,進而帶出具有參考價值的評估因子,使其成為個案公司未來在挑選台灣鞋品製造商時之重要參考,並進一步帶動台灣製鞋業者在這些項目上的突破與提升,強化MIT品牌在世界上的競爭力。

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