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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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超級市場之競爭策略分析—以全聯福利中心為例 / Strategy Competitive Analysis of a Supermarket - A Case Study of PX Market.

吳亞儒, Wu, Amy Unknown Date (has links)
超級市場之競爭策略分析—以全聯福利中心為例 / As the competition gets intensively in the retail industry, the boundary between different types of operation has disappeared. In Taiwan, hypermarkets started to downsize its store size. On the other hand, convenient stores expand its store size to target at eating out customers. Supermarket with the size between hypermarkets and convenient stores should reposition itself to confront the challenges. After the rapid expansion period, Pxmart started to reconsider its value proposition and its core competence. In order to achieve its corporate mission statement and its goal in the following 6 years, Pxmart’s CEO, Mr. Xu, comes up with strategies in terms of staffing, store, merchandise, and system and institution. Although Pxmart will be able to attract more customers with its store and merchandise strategy, it still encountered challenges due to its physical facilities, such as limited space to display products and for customers to park. How to reposition itself and provide customers with a pleasant and convenient shopping experience will be the first priority that Pxmart should consider. Compared to the leading brands in the United States, Pxmart and the retailers in Taiwan should embrace the technology innovation and try different business model to make their company updated and provide their customers more convenient way to purchase.

廠商特性與行銷創新之關係 - 台灣地區零售業之實證分析 / Relationships between Firm Characteristics and Marketing Innovation – An Empirical Study of the Retail Industry in Taiwan

洪宗瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討台灣地區零售業目前行銷創新的現況。以往之文獻顯少涉及廠商特性與行銷創新間的關係,本研究則以細緻化後的行銷創新分類,實證探討台灣區零售業廠商特性與行銷創新間的關係。 首先,本研究探討了台灣地區零售業相較於非零售業之服務業而言,特別會進行哪些類型的行銷創新,以瞭解零售業的行銷創新特性;接著,本研究探討了會進行各種不同類型的廠商有何廠商特性,以瞭解零售業廠商特性與行銷創新間的相關性;最後,本研究進一步鎖定零售業廠商的市場範圍廣度及主要顧客類型此兩個構面,而去研究廠商的市場範圍廣度及主要顧客類型對零售業廠商進行行銷創新是否有顯著的影響。 本研究的分析方法採用probit迴歸模型,實證結果發現: 1.台灣地區零售業廠商行銷創新之比例高於非零售業之服務業的行銷創新之比例,且零售業廠商進行任何一種行銷創新之比例也都高於非零售業之服務業。零售業廠商所進行的各類行銷創新當中,有進行該創新的廠商比例為由高到低為:銷售通路、產品/外觀/形象設計、廣告促銷推廣、產品展示方式/管道、包裝、定價付款。 2.除了定價付款的創新之外,零售業廠商市場範圍包含海外市場數目越多,對於廠商進行其他五種行銷創新皆有正向影響;亦即,廠商的市場範圍越廣,則越容易進行此五類的行銷創新。 3.當零售業廠商的主要顧客類型包含消費者時,除了產品展示方式/管道的創新之外,此項廠商特性對於廠商進行其他五種類型的行銷創新皆有正向影響。當零售業廠商主要顧客類型包含非母企業集團之其他公司時,本研究結論無足夠證據支持其對進行此六種行銷創新是否有正向或負向之影響。當零售業廠商的主要顧客類型包含政府單位時,對於進行產品展示方式/管道的創新有正向影響。 / This research is to study the market innovation of the retail industry in Taiwan. Previous researches had rarely studied on the relationship between firm characteristics and market innovation. This research uses an empirical method to investigate the relationship between characteristics of retail firms in Taiwan and market innovation. This research first finds out what sorts of market innovation that the firms in the Taiwan retail industry tend to do, then identifies the relationship between firm characteristics and marketing innovation, and finally investigate the impacts of customer types and market area upon market innovations of these retail firms by probit regression model. The main findings of this research are in the following. I. Firms in the Taiwan retail industries have higher level of market innovation in every aspect as compared to firms in other service industries. The ranking of the percentage of each sort of market innovation, from high to low, is as follows: channel, design, promotion, display, package, and pricing. II. The increase of the number of overseas markets will contribute to higher level of five sorts of market innovation, except for the pricing innovation. In other words, the higher the retail firms’ market area, the more likely the firms will have marketing innovation. III. If the retail firms’ major customers include final consumers, firms are more likely to have channel, design, promotion, package, and pricing innovation, except for the display innovation. If the major customers include the government, retail firms are more likely to have display innovation, but less likely to have channel, design, promotion, package, and pricing innovation.

存在負面品牌效果下的共同廣告問題研究 / Research of advertising cooperation under retail promotion with negative brand image

洪立文 Unknown Date (has links)
本文使用微分賽局模型對單一製造商與零售商之間的廣告合作關係進行探討。製造商在全國進行廣告以建立產品商譽,而零售商則在當地進行促銷以增加產品銷售量;但促銷行動會損害該產品的商譽,且零售商除了販售製造商的national brand之外還販售自己引進的private brand。此外本文試圖探討零售商對於national brand商譽累積的不同態度(短視近利與有遠見的)對雙方利潤所造成的影響。結果顯示,若商譽的存量小於某一水準時,零售商的最適策略是表現出短視近利的態度。且零售商引進private brand一定會對製造商的利潤造成負面的影響,但廣告合作計畫可改善此狀況。最後,對於零售商來說,只有在期初的商譽小於某一水準時,引進private brand才可能獲利。

百貨零售業組織平衡計分卡構面相關性之研究-以台北縣購物中心為例 / A Study on the Relationship between Perspectives of Balanced Scorecard for Retail Malls

林耿毅, Lin, Keng-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
Robert Kaplan與David Norton(2004)於策略地圖一書中指出,平衡計分卡四大構面,即財務、顧客、內部流程、學習與成長,是有某種程度的相關性而連結在一起的。提升與整合無形資產,必定能改善內部流程,進而增進顧客構面與改善關係人權益。 針對此一構面相關性的課題,本研究以購物中心為例,建構百貨零售業的策略管理架構,藉由績效衡量指標的建立,實施問卷調查,找出指標重要性。接著以多變量的統計方法分析資料,驗證平衡計分卡各個構面的相關性。 研究結果發現,「學習與成長構面」顯著正向的影響「內部流程構面」;而「學習與成長構面」也顯著正向的影響「財務構面」;但「學習與成長構面」對於「顧客構面」雖然呈現正向影響,在本研究的模式下卻不顯著。另外,「內部流程構面」顯著正向的影響「顧客構面」;而「內部流程構面」對「財務構面」的影響,雖為正向但並不顯著。最後,「顧客構面」顯著正向的影響「財務構面」。 實務上的意義是,百貨公司如果要提升獲利,可以藉由學習成長構面的增進來提升內部流程構面,再藉由內部流程構面的增進來提升顧客構面,進一步由顧客構面的增進來改善財務績效。 / In the book of Strategy Maps, Robert Kaplan and David Norton delineated that the four perspectives of balanced scorecard link together in a chain of cause-and-effect relations. Enhancing and Aligning intangible assets leads to improved process performance, which, in turn, results in customer and shareholder success. This research was based on a case study of a shopping mall in Taipei County. We established a set of performance measurement indicators and gave members of the shopping center a survey. After applying the SEM and LISREL, the results found how important those indicators were. By using multivariate analysis technique, we demonstrated the chain of causation between various perspectives of balanced scorecard. Our findings showed that learning and growth perspective affected internal process perspective positively. Learning and growth perspective affected financial perspective positively. But learning and growth perspective could not affect customer perspective significantly. On the other hand, internal process perspective affected customer perspective positively, but could not significantly affect the financial perspective. Ultimately, we found that customer perspective affected financial perspective positively. In practice, if a shopping center wants to raise profit by strengthening customer perspective, it can enhance learning and growth of employees to increase internal process perspective. Then, better internal process can bring out the improvement in customer perspective.


李長政, Li, Zhang-Zheng Unknown Date (has links)
本論文一冊、五萬多字,共五章十三節。主要研究多元體系、個體的百貨批發商之客 戶所認知對批發商的滿意水準及滿意水準形成過程的一個因果模式。用完全隨機抽樣 一百家零售店、並由筆者親自訪問各家老闆。資料分析的技術有相關分析、因徑分析 及逐步迴歸分析等。得到的結果發現,當批發商使用強制性權力來源時,零售店的滿 意水準會降低;但是,如使用非強制性權力來源,則滿意水準會升高。另外,零售商 所認知的批發商權力及衝突,也會降低其滿意水準。

消費者行為與零售通路發展 - 台灣與大陸之比較 / Consumer Shopping Behavior & Retail Format Development: A Comparison between Taiwan & China

蔡翠真, Tsai,Jennifer Unknown Date (has links)
While retail business development in Taiwan has reached mature stage for many retail formats, it is still in the rapid growth stage in China. Consumer shopping behavior in Taiwan and China might be different given different economic and retail development progress. The findings of this research support two hypotheses. First the retail format development is different in Taiwan and China. Second the consumer shopping behavior is different in Taiwan and China. All retail formats were developed ahead in Taiwan by around 15-20 years. It took around 35 years in Taiwan to develop up to current status. However, it took a much shorter time for China to catch up. The development was much more concentrated and intensive. The development order is also different. In Taiwan, the order is department store, supermarket, convenience store then hypermarket. In China, however, hypermarket development advances convenience store. Convenience store is still in an early development stage. Shopping behavior in different channel is also different. Taiwan shoppers visit convenience store most often while China shoppers patronize supermarket and hypermarket most frequent. In Taiwan, except household products, most packaged food or beverage are purchased most often from convenience store. In China, most are from supermarket and hypermarket. Moreover, Taiwan consumers are more particular, demanding and sophisticated. If any manufactures would like to enter China market, modern trade is suggested to the most important channel. It is easier for quick distribution, lower risk and more similar practice to Taiwan retail environment. If any retailers would like to enter China market, it is wiser to have international alliances. The retail business now in China plays with big economic scale. Without advanced knowledge, technology as well as rich working capital, it is very challenging to compete in China market. For research in the future, it is recommended to include village information. Under China government policy, village should be upgraded with strong government support. It will provide a more comprehensive pictures if village is included.

以零售點銷售數據制定行銷決策 - 以某中國品牌為例

鄭淑蓮, Debbie Jeng Unknown Date (has links)
中國,最近幾年每年都是以9-10%經濟成長在成長著, 經濟學者們對中國的經濟成長,仍然預測未來10-15年,中國仍然將以每年9-10%的持續高成長,則內需市場亦將持續擴大;從行銷上來看,中國正由“世界的工廠”走向到“世界的市場”,因為中國內需市場的高成長率,已經成為世界主要的高成長消費市場之一。 然而在高成長的市場,市場佔有率是品牌發展的著重點,大多數品牌在中國的行銷管理上尤其著重於佈局渠道的發展與管理;而其中渠道管理更是重點中的重點。因而本論文中將探討的是,如何運用渠道銷售數據來制定市場決策,提升及優化市場行銷的效益。 本研究將以某中國品牌為例,透過其零售點的POS數據,分析並與發現其市場議題,協助市場決策的的制定及行銷策略的擬定。在數據分析上將涵蓋:總體銷售(進/銷/存)分析、零售分析、銷售結構分析,零售點價值分析等四大部分,以銷售數據實際列舉其市場議題,瞭解其現況,並探究其可能的行銷解決方案和市場決策。 / China has been enjoying an annual economic growth of 9–10% in recent years. Economists are predicting that China will continue its growth at 9–10 % per year in the next 10–15 years. In addition, domestic demands will also keep growing. Such a prediction can be interpreted in Marketing terms into the fact that China is transforming from "World's Factory" into "World's Market". China's domestic market has become one of the major consumer markets with high growth in the world. In a market of high growth rate, market shares of a brand are the focus of brand marketing. Most brands in China focus its marketing efforts on the development and management of channels. Of the two, management of channels is more important. This thesis, therefore will discuss how to determine marketing strategies for their utmost efficiency with the sales statistics gathered from all channels. This research will be based on the statistics gathered from the POS of a certain brand in China. It will analyze the numbers and discovers points of interests to plan for the strategies for markets. The analysis of the statistics include: Overall Sales Analysis (Purchase/Sales/Inventory), Retail Analysis, the Analysis of sales structures, Analysis of Value at the POS. With these analyses, point of interests, current status can be discovered, marketing solutions and strategies can be made.

台北市商業空間結構之研究 / A Study for the Commercial Spatial Structure in Taipei

黃名義, Huang, Ming Yih Unknown Date (has links)
商業設施活動類型由傳統的零星雜貨店鋪、市場、超市、百貨公司、量販店至大型購物中心等,發展型態,由據點、沿街路線、核心商業區、至目前郊區化發展的大型購物中心,整個商業活動蓬勃發展。但相對的也衍生了各種商業空間結構問題,致使都市機能品質日益惡化。因此,本研究擬從臺北市商業發展體系內之主要商業核心區進行實證分析,探討商業核心區空間層級如何界定及商業核心區區位如何選擇與競爭?期使商業活動發展由空間結構所規範。建立完善之商業空間體系。   本論文共有六章,二十二節,相關內容如下:   第一章:介紹研究動機、目的、研究範圍、內容、方法與流程。   第二章:說明商業空間結構相關結構理論基礎與研究模式,並對重要名詞加以定義,回顧相關文獻,以作為本研究分析乏基礎。   第三章:依中地理論背景,由供給面分析台北市商業空間結構,以商業設施規模複雜性分析、商業機能分析與二元變數法分析,界定出台北市25個商業核心區為四類空間層級。   第四章:依消費者行為活動理論,由需求面分析台北市商業空間結構,以消費者社經層級、消費型態、消費行為活動分析與群落分析,分別界定出台北市25個商業核心區各屬性的空間層級劃分。   第五章:以同層級商業核心區進行區位選擇競爭分析,本文以第三層級商業核心區進行供需因素綜合評比,並選出最佳區位地點南港商業核心區。   第六章:綜合前文分析,認為空間結構應由中地理論與消費活動理論一同建構,並依同層級商業核心區作為區位設址選擇分析之基準,最後,提出本研究之結論與建議。

台灣資訊服務業進入中國零售通路市場關鍵成功因素之研究-以A公司為例 / The research on the key success factor of Taiwan it services at china retail market – a case study of company a

王盛中 Unknown Date (has links)
中國市場具備龐大內需實力,預期2027年將成為世界第一大經濟體,已成為全球注目及亟欲進入以獲取商機之必爭之地。中國零售業自改革開發迄今30年中,連鎖零售企業門市總數由2003年4.7萬家增加至2006年12.4萬家,批發零售貿易業零售總額,由2002年2,973億人民幣增至2007年7,561億人民幣;零售業者對IT系統需求自2000年僅止於足敷前台收款及後台物管相關連結能正常運作,至2005年起開始重視管理層面的有效性考量,至2009年起更甚而重視系統建置於數據擷取後的分析於績效展現及決策運用;零售企業在IT上的平均投資額由2004年的50餘億人民幣增加至2008年100億人民幣。台灣資訊服務產業軟硬體及系統應用整合開發能力均已臻成熟,在同文同種及地理優勢下,此刻正是揮軍中國市場的絕佳時機。 本研究結果顯示,台灣資訊服務業或可參考A公司以「市場定位目標明確性」及「持續動態發展的經營策略」為基礎的經驗,藉由外部資源引進及內化成果紮根的同步展現,建構符合市場發展階段需求之企業優勢。此外;台灣資訊服務產業若能採以專業分工垂直或水平整合形成策略聯盟夥伴關係,掌握市場需求脈動與即時供給具完備性服務內容,當可合力擊退其他國際企業,大規模實質搶攻大陸商機。 / The enormous potential of China domestic market was expected to become the world's largest economies in 2027, the demand has caught the world's attention and desire to explore the great opportunity. After 30 years of development since economy reformation , China retail industry has grow the total number of retailers from 4.7 million in 2003 to 12.4 million in 2006; the total sales revenue of retail business increased from 297.3 billion RMB in 2002 to 756.1 billion RMB in 2007. Whereas in the mean time, retail IT system has expand its function from POS and back office management in 2000 to the efficiency of business management in 2005, and furthermore, IT requirement expand to data capture and analysis for decision supporting system in 2009; along with the increasing demand of information management, the capital investment in IT has increased from 5 billion RMB in 2004 to 10 billion RMB in 2008. With years of development, Taiwan information service industry now has great opportunity to enter China retail market by leveraging its culture homogeneity and geographical advantages with established core competence in both hardware and system integration. This research explores how company "A" could be a reference for Taiwan information industry. Company "A" build up its core competences thru "market positioning" and "dynamic business strategy", with the integration of external resources and internal talents in different development stages. Pursuant to the reference, if Taiwan information services industry could establish vertical integration or horizontal strategic alliance or partnerships, and keep the same pace with market demands and provide total solutions in timing basis, Taiwan information service industry should be able to compete with international major players of the industry and be part of the rapid growth of China retail business.

消費者為基礎的食品製造商品牌與零售商自有品牌權益之研究 / Consumer-based brand equity of food industry manufacturer brand and retailer private brand

廖怡禎 Unknown Date (has links)
以消費者為基礎的零售市場趨勢變化,重新定義了品牌對於消費者的意涵,使製造商品牌和零售商自有品牌權益的戰爭有了新的趨勢。新的零售概念開始萌芽後,零售商自有品牌逐漸成長,而通常付出代價的是製造商。 本研究試圖由消費者、製造商、與零售商三個不同構面,探討對於品牌權益的認知差異。以消費者為基礎的零售商自有品牌權益認知的問卷調查資料,也依據抽樣樣本的性別、年齡、月收入、教育程度與職業別進行分析,以期能檢視不同消費族群,對於零售商自有品牌主觀認知的差異不同。 研究發現,台灣的消費者對於零售商自有品牌的品牌識別比例高達97.87%;但是對於品牌意涵的回應比例卻低於25%。盡管高達83.45%的消費者認為零售商自有品牌,在未來的發展會有增加的趨勢;但對於高價零售商自有品牌的接受性還是較低。 性別對於零售商自有品牌的主觀認知影響不大。但是年齡差異的影響則明顯不同。雖然三十歲以上的消費者,主觀的認知到零售商自有品牌的產品創新,不過對照其他不同年齡組群,也只有年齡較長的消費者(四十一歲以上的族群),基於對於製造商品牌心理的連結與行為的忠誠度,未來還是選擇不會購買更多的零售商自有品牌產品。顯然的,零售商自有品牌產品的品牌權益,對於四十一歲以上的理性族群消費者的吸引力仍舊不足;反倒是,商店本身的品牌權益,對於各年齡層的消費者購買行為,都具有正面的效果。 同樣的,消費者的教育程度與自有品牌創新的滿意度成反比。而不同於一般人主觀的認知,高收入的族群對自有品牌產品的滿意度,已經實質的高過其他中低收入族群。 對於零售商自有品牌的趨勢而言,個案中的零售便利商店,都認為自有品牌會是零售商未來的發展方向與趨勢。不過,零售便利商店對於自有品牌創新差異化模式,會因不同零售商而有很大的差異。7-ELEVEN的差異化,是在價值上的創新,價格因素還是主要考量;全家便利商店則認為產品的獨特與創新上的差異,會是吸引消費者購買的重要因素。因此,全家對於自有品牌的品牌權益與價格溢酬,自然會有比較樂觀的看法。而單就自有品牌商品營業額的成長幅度而言,7-ELEVEN和全家便利商店去年分別高達110%與130%。 食品製造商由於主觀認知上的落差,因而忽視來自零售商品牌的威脅所導致的危機。這種狀況或許可透過不同通路系統多樣性的代工模式,進而分散來自零售便利商的威脅與風險。品牌產品製造與自有品牌代工兼容並進的雙軌發展模式,會是製造商生存的策略之一。 零售通路的自有品牌產品,已經得到消費者主觀認知上的注意與肯定。聰明的消費行為,也讓消費者逐漸轉向價值創新的零售商自有品牌,而捨棄了製造商品牌產品。零售商自品牌產品,不再只是市場的低價替代性產品。創新價值的零售商自有品牌產品的品牌權益,賺取了原本屬於製造商品牌的價格溢酬。 低價不是便宜,而是刪除了不合理的價格溢酬。雖然價格是品牌發展的重點,可是價值更是關鍵。零售商自品牌產品『平價奢華』的價值創新,會是感動消費者的價值主張。 消費者已經清楚知覺到零售商自有品牌所提供的品牌價值;零售商也知道自己擁有的通路優勢與經濟的規模,並以產品價值創新與獨特的差異性,積極零售商自有品牌權益的革命。製造商必須注意消費者對於零售商自有品牌權益的認知、與正面自有品牌回應的趨勢,以及零售商的積極品牌打造的企圖心;清楚品牌競爭的事實,以維護製造商產品的品牌權益。 製造商品牌並沒有消失,只是品牌權益已不再是製造商所獨有。零售商自有品牌,會是製造商未來必須面對的最大挑戰。 / Recent change in the consumer-based retail market trend has redefined consumers’ perception of the meaning of brand. War over brand equity between the manufacturer and the retailer has evolved to another level. As retailers’ private brand (PB) takes on a new concept, it is taking a toll at the manufacturer’s expense. This research tries to identify the perception of private brand from three different perspectives: the manufacturer, the retailer, and the consumer. The consumer-based retailers’ PB equity survey data was analyzed for the difference in subjective perspective based on respondents’ gender, age, personal income, level of education, and occupation. The result shows that 97.87% of the respondents recognize the brand identity of retailers’ PB. However, only 25% of the respondents are aware of the brand meaning and actually purchase PB products on a regular basis. 83.45% of the respondents answered positively on the future development of PB, but the majority still can’t accept the notion that retail prices for PB are higher than the manufacturers’ brand (MB). Gender does not seem to be a factor in the consumer’s perception of PB. However, age does have a major influence on the acceptance of the PB for consumers. Although older respondents, 30-years old or older, recognize the competitiveness of PB products for their innovative capability, with the emotional connection and the brand loyalty toward MB, the group of 41-year-olds or older expressed reluctance to purchase more PB products in the future. Obviously brand equity of PB products has yet to develop brand relationship with older consumers to allure them into the shops. On the contrary, brand equity of the retailer shops itself does have a positive influence on the sales of PB products. Consumers’ educational level has a negative effect on the degree of satisfaction in PB product innovation. Furthermore, contrary to general perception, consumers with higher income level registered a higher preference for the PB product as well. Both of the two convenience stores (CVS) in this case study agree with the upward trend of the PB. In fact, in 2009, 7-ELEVEN and FamilyMart each grew an impressive 110% and 130% respectively in sales revenue of their PB products. However, both CVS have very different innovation models in strategic thinking and positioning their stores. 7-ELEVEN focuses more on value innovation and uses pricing as differentiation tactic in the market. On the other hand, FamilyMart puts product innovation and uniqueness as its priority to attract consumers. Manufacturers who choose to ignore the threat of PB may subject themselves to the high risk presented by the burgeoning of such products. One possible solution may be through OEM/ODM of PB for various retailers in order to diversify and minimize possible threats and risks. Production of manufacturers’ own brand and retailers’ private brand in a two-track manufacturing system may well be a strategic way to survive for manufacturers. Consumers are aware of and have recognized the existence of PB in retailer stores. The idea of smart shopping has its own right on the value innovation of PB for the consumer. PB no longer represents cheap products in the retail market. As PB positions itself with higher retail prices, it will possess the brand equity and earn the price premium at the toll of MB. Low pricing does not imply cheap quality but the elimination of excessively unreasonable price premium of a product. Pricing is important to brand development, but value should be the key in establishing the perception of brand quality. Affordable luxury is a value innovation of the PB that creates an irresistible value proposition to touch the heart of consumers. Consumers have clearly perceived the brand value of the PB. Retailers are also aware of the advantages they have with the channel, the scale and scope of economy; as a result, they are vigorously preparing for the battle to redefine the meaning of brand. It is time for manufacturers to change their mindset and face the inconvenient truth of the competition over brand equity. Manufacturers’ brand still has its own right, but the brand equity is no longer monopolized by them. Retailers’ PB has certainly become the strongest competition that manufacturers will need to confront now and in the near future.

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