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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


日比野, 倫夫, 下山, 宏, 杉山, せつ子, 花井, 孝明 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:試験研究 課題番号:63850078 研究代表者:日比野 倫夫 研究期間:1988-1989年度

虛實整合對線上購物網站的影響 / The Impacts of O2O on the Online Shopping Websites

黃立宜, Huang, Li Yi Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,電子商務產業蓬勃發展,隨著網路購物逐漸普及,購物網站變得更加多元。各家平台除了增加產品品類,也開始著重服務流程。PChome率先推出24H專區,主打下單後24H到貨,隨後,閃電購物ASAP主打台北市3小時到貨,使網路購物平台開啟「速度戰」。物流與金流的相互配合下,網路購物使實體零售業者面臨直接而強大的威脅,實體零售業者紛紛開始轉型,或是成立自家購物網站。本研究將著重在實體零售業者如何在電子商務爆炸的環境中另尋出路,以家電零售通路-燦坤作為研究對象,深入研究燦坤如何整合物流與服務打造「燦坤快3」,從實體零售通路跨入線上購物,並成為台灣最大家用電器零售通路。 燦坤實業以小家電代工起家,進入3C零售通路業一路快速成長,於2004年進入虛擬通路,燦坤實業以「實體通路為核心優勢」發展平台策略,將實體門市的資源運用在網路店,兩方互補以達集團綜效。燦坤網路店運用數位行銷吸引早期第一波平台用戶,持續累積用戶數量達到平台引爆點,網路店的成長動能為提供消費者具競爭力的價格與難以取代的服務,鼓勵消費者在線上直接下單,取得在實體門市購買商品一樣的服務。若以網路店為中心,實體門市所扮演的角色是提供線下服務;若以實體門市為中心,網路店所扮演的角色則是一條全年無休的通路。經過十年的經營,2014年營收為15億,占燦坤年營收的7%。燦坤實業為同業中第一個跟著大環境進行變革的企業,成功掌握「實體門市為核心優勢」的營運策略,把消費者由線下帶至線上,再由線上帶至線下,打造3C零售通路生態圈。 / In recent years, e-commerce industry is prospering. Online shopping stores became more diverse than before, not only product category increased but also began to focus on service. PChome pioneered 24H arrival shipping strategy, then the other competitor ASAP also provided 3hr arrival service, the online shopping market started “speed war”. The mutual cooperation of logistics and cash flow make entity retailers face immediate and powerful threat, retailers have to make the transition, or set up their own shopping website. In addition to the physical channels, virtual channels especially e-commerce are new and popular marketing channel in the recent years. Because there are different advantages and disadvantages of physical channels and virtual channels, clicks-and-mortar model which integrates physical and virtual channels, combined the different characteristics and advantages is advanced. This study will focus on how a appliances retailer - Tsannkuen to find a new way of e-commerce and do the click-and-mortar model which integrates physical and virtual channels. Especially how to integrate logistics and services between Tsannkuen and Tsannkuen kuai3 which became Taiwan's largest household appliances retail virtual channel.

銷售管理實務之案例研究 -以W電子公司為例 / The Case Study of Selling Management-W Company

陳煖妮 Unknown Date (has links)
「銷售」(selling),是企業獲利的主要方式,也是許多就讀商學院的學生進入職場後所從事的工作,如何使銷售行為在銷售過程能更加順利,銷售管理的知識與能力對於企業或個人而言相當重要。尤其是在企業對企業(Business-to-business, B to B)的交易中,工業性的產品屬於高涉入且複雜度較高的產品,買賣雙方所需花費的時間、精神與金錢成本較高,銷售過程中如何找到買方的真正需求,提出解決方案滿足需求,更需仰賴銷售人員的努力。 本研究透過「銷售管理程序」為主,「策略行銷4C架構」為輔,針對一間成立近四十年的中小型企業-W電子公司,探討該公司如何在公司規模不大,且品牌知名度並未如其他國際競爭對手高的情況下,首次成功打入日本市場,取代客戶過去合作二十幾年的國際知名供應商,成功贏得一筆大訂單。 研究結果顯示銷售案的成功,需因應環境的變化,配合本身的條件及組織與銷售人員的目標一致。當銷售人員在執行銷售管理程序的每一個步驟時,同時間也在降低S公司(此案例中W電子公司的客戶)各種交易成本。在此工控產品案例之所以能夠成功,是由於W電子公司的產品具有競爭力,因此S公司著重的外顯單位效益成本(C1)低,且產品相容性高,降低S公司對於原有供應商的專屬陷入成本(C4)。此外,W電子公司透過許多作為,極力取得S公司的信任,降低道德危機成本(C3)。基於上述的努力,順利爭取到訂單。此外,工控產品在銷售管理程序的最後一個階段具有一特性,由於工控產品較為複雜,雙方在交易過後投入更多的時間、精神與金錢成本,因此交易後S公司的專屬陷入成本(C4)提升。

CPSI公司在尼加拉瓜電子學習套件計畫的財務分析 / Financial Analysis on the Electronic Academic Package Project of CPSI in Nicaragua

柯睿得, Ricardo Cabrera Mendieta Unknown Date (has links)
CPSI公司在尼加拉瓜電子學習套件計畫的財務分析 / This thesis analyses CPSI –Nicaragua Branch business plan, an enterprise that trades products from Asia to foreign markets. The study is the analytical tool used by the company to explore the options of distributing tablets to higher education students, focusing on positioning products for low economical first intake level students. The investigation conducts a financial positioning of the company perspectives entering the Nicaraguan market, considering NPV to be presented to potential investors. The marketing strategy implemented in this business is based on developed countries experience to provide the facility of technological and academicals tools through universities to the students. The market segment analysis shows it’s an unexplored approach to get to the customers, creating an increase value surpassing the competition. CPSI-Nicaragua can function as a business to business company. The study of the Nicaraguan market exposes that the investment opportunity is profitable; the cash flow is 25% return and a positive NPV.

應用網路推廣創新醫療技術-以非營利組織口腔雷射醫學會個案為例 / The promotion of an innovative medical technology through Websites-A case study of the NPO Website of Taiwan academy of laser in dentistry (TALD)

林紋瑜, Lin, Wen Yu Unknown Date (has links)
Web2.0的盛行改變了目前網路資訊傳播方式,民眾對網路資訊擴散參與度也日益增加及重要,電子醫學網站肩負健康衛教資訊及新技術推廣的重責,如何利用Web2.0的特性,讓民眾可以輕易、適時、適所獲得相關醫學資訊是所有醫學網站所要研究的課題。因此除了如何提供質優量多且可信度、專業性高的醫療資訊外,醫學網站更要研究並了解民眾的實際需求期望及最易接受的資訊管道方式,使得相關資訊能無礙地傳送到民眾面前。本研究即以個案研究的方式,來探討如何藉由Web 2.0網路資訊平台及資訊管道設計概念,利用創新擴散策略思考及方法來推廣相關新醫療科技,使非營利組織也能像其他電子商務網站的經營方式一樣,與使用者建立價值共創的關係;並繼續延伸探討後續推廣策略建議,以提供相關網站經營參考。 本研究選定中華民國口腔雷射醫學會網站,作為本研究的個案網站,不同於一般醫學會網站的社群經營,都是以傳統單向的型錄式資訊提供方式為主,缺乏互動性及使用者導向設計。本研究的個案網站卻是集合所有專業會員醫師之群力,將民眾所需要的臨床案例、口腔新聞、醫療知識和新知、線上諮詢功能及院所指南等,加以整合,讓民眾可以藉由簡單的資訊搜尋引擎方式來找到相關完整資訊,創造出新的經營模式。本研究即藉由問卷及深度訪談,分析網路使用民眾對個案的知識創新推廣模式的接受度,並以此為基礎,研究歸納出可行的網站經營建議方案,作為個案網站在未來的經營方向之參考。 / The popularity of the concept of Web 2.0 has altered the ways information transmitted, and increases the importance of the participation of internet users on disseminating information. Electronic-health websites (e-health websites) have great responsibility of promoting the public health education and new medical technologies and treatments to the public. It is an important task for these websites applying the concept of web 2.0 to provide the public the easy and timely access to relevant information. In addition, e-health websites should also offer trustworthy and professional health information to meet the expectation of the users. In this study we use a case study to examine how to apply Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the concept of web 2.0 to understand the promotion of the new medical technologies and treatments. The results will help Non-Profit Organization (NPO) to transform to a highly efficient information exchanging platform and also to establish the relationship of value co-creation website. Our case website is the Taiwan Academy of Laser in Dentistry (TALD) that is different from other medical websites using traditional approach of providing static information (Web 1.0). This website is interactive and user-oriented by integrating the medical cases from dentists, latest medical news, most recent medical breakthrough, functions of searching the nearest dentists, introductions of dental clinics, and son on. This new model allows the regular users to find the relevant information in a timely manner. By survey and in-depth interviews, we are able to analyze the users’ behavior and provide recommendations for management to improve its performance.

電子繪本教學對國小英語補救教學學生認字表現之成效 / The effects of electronic storybook instruction on the English word recognition performance of elementary school students in remedial instruction

蔡依儒, Tsai, Yi Ju Unknown Date (has links)
本研究在探討英語電子繪本教學對於國小學生在認字表現以及學習態度的影響。此研究以54位來自台中市四年級英語低成就的小學生為研究對象,他們分別來自7個不同的班級,這54位學生被分成實驗組跟對照組,兩組無論在數量、性別、背景以及認字表現上皆相似。實驗組實施電子繪本教學而對照組則實施紙本繪本教學,每週上課一次,經過16週的教學後,兩組皆進行認字表現測驗及施以英語學習態度問卷。蒐集測驗及問卷所得的資料以獨立樣本t檢定及相對樣本t檢定來進行統計分析,研究結果顯示實驗組及對照組在認字表現及學習態度皆有顯著差異,電子繪本組在認字表現測驗成績比紙本繪本組好,而且英語低成就學生在電子繪本教學後,學習態度有正向的改變。希望實驗的結果能幫助老師提升學生的認字能力並且廣泛推行英語電子繪本教學。最後,研究者根據實驗的結果,對未來研究方向提出一些建議。 / This study investigated the effects of the electronic storybook instruction on the word recognition performance of elementary school students. Additionally, the effects of the electronic storybook instruction on students’ English learning attitudes were explored. Fifty four fourth-grade underachievers selected from seven classes at an elementary school in Taichung City were the participants of this study. The participants were divided into two groups and they were matched based on the numbers, gender, background, and word recognition performance. The control group received picture book instruction, while the experimental group took electronic storybook instruction once a week. The Word Recognition Test and Learning Attitude Questionnaire were administered to both groups after the 16-week instruction. The data collected from pre-test, post-test, pre-questionnaire, and post-questionnaire were analyzed by an independent samples t test and a paired samples t test. The results showed there were significant differences between the two groups in their word recognition performance and English learning attitudes. The results presented that the underachievers receiving electronic storybook instruction performed significantly better than those who received picture book instruction on word recognition performance. Moreover, it was found that electronic storybook instruction positively changed the underachievers’ English learning attitudes. It is hoped that the findings will help teachers improve students’ word recognition ability and promote the widely adoption of electronic storybooks. Based on the findings of this study, some suggestions for the future research were offered at last.


顧浚棠, Ku,Ryan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究希望經由全面而深入的個案分析,尋找消費性電子產品代工廠商成功的經營策略,並擬定策略以因應未來快速變遷的環境,達成以下三項目的:(1)就代工廠商而言,在面臨全球分工和產能過剩的壓力與策略同質化的結構化改變下,如何能緊密維持關係又具備適配客戶各樣需求的服務能力?藉由架構性的分析,探討其能夠支撐企業持續成長與獲利的主要因素;(2)針對個案公司的優勢、劣勢、機會、威脅作深入的分析,以為未來制定策略的參考,並希望能對國內實務界提出適當的建議;(3)消費性電子產品OEM/ODM代工廠商未來發展策略如何?又如何走向OIM?並藉由相關研究分析,提供廠商產業趨勢,以達知己知彼,再創高峰的目的。 本研究的架構係採用Aaker的理論架構來進行內外在分析與策略規劃。整個研究架構分為三個階段:(1)首先進行內外在分析,以界定外在環境中的機會與威脅,以及該產業的關鍵成功因素,並了解個案公司所擁有的優劣勢;(2)根據以上分析,歸納出該公司所面臨的問題;(3)提出可行的策略,並在該策略下擬定競爭策略與營運策略。 經過本研究分析後發現消費性電子產品OEM/ODM代工廠商的關鍵成功因素為:以大客戶為焦點的規模經濟、優秀的研發與技術能力、有效率的成本結構、高度彈性的製造與配銷、可靠度的差異化,以及健康的財務等因素。從內、外在分析及個案公司本身條件來看,在根本策略上,個案公司應採取成長策略,發揮其核心能力,成長方式則採產品延伸策略與市場擴充策略。在競爭策略方面,個案公司宜採差異化集中策略,以繼續累積其可持續競爭優勢。 關鍵字:消費性電子產品、OEM/ODM代工、關鍵成功因素


陳佳霜, Chen, Chia-Shuang Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路的興起,提供大量豐富的資訊,顧客在彈指之間選擇性更多,資訊透明化使得企業獲得顧客忠誠度更形困難,然而顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management, CRM) 能從每一位顧客的喜好與消費記錄,充分瞭解其需求,進而提供符合需求的產品及服務,在進入網路時代,CRM進一步演變為 eCRM (Electronic CRM, eCRM),eCRM便是以「網路」為中心思考的CRM,除了擁有傳統的CRM程序之外,強調更有效地運用網路科技,eCRM有著成本更低廉、更快速方便的資訊交流,且期望在分析顧客的行為之後,能提供個人化的服務、實現低成本的一對一行銷,然而,eCRM 真能提高顧客忠誠度嗎?本研究以行動電話產業為研究對象,試圖從顧客的角度,了解 eCRM 與顧客忠誠度之間的關係,研究架構包含 eCRM 實務、顧客知覺的關係,以及顧客忠誠度三大構面,利用正典相關分析(Canonical Correlation Analysis)方法以驗證各項研究假設,調查範圍則是針對台灣地區有使用手機之消費者,採用網路問卷調查方式蒐集資料,有效樣本數目總計有844 份,研究所得之重點結論如下: 1.eCRM 實務構面的「電子行銷、電子商務」與顧客知覺關係構面的「情感承諾、社會利益」有顯著相關。 2.顧客知覺關係構面的「信任、情感承諾、特殊對待利益」與顧客忠誠度構面的「向他人推薦、交叉購買意願」有顯著相關。 3.為提高顧客忠誠度,「信任」與「特殊對待利益」非常重要,但電信公司在eCRM 的實施上,並沒有產生太多的信任與特殊對待利益,故電信公司應在此方面加以改善,以提高顧客之忠誠。 4.34% 的消費者未曾使用電信公司所提供的 eCRM ,故電信公司欲藉由eCRM 降低成本與提供更快速的資訊交流,勢必得努力創造顧客對電信公司網站之需求。 5.有使用網站與未使用網站之兩顧客獨立群體,在顧客忠誠度上並無顯著差異,故電信公司必須致力於提供多種管道,以及如何去整合每一項溝通管道之特質。

公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動之研究 / Children's e-book promotion activities in public libraries

陳莞捷, Chen, Wan-Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國內公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動現況,以深度訪談法了解國內公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動意義與內涵、種類、策略與規劃設計、兒童電子書推廣活動與傳統閱讀推廣活動差異等。故本研究之研究問題為:(一)公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動的意義為何?(二)公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動的辦理方式為何?(三)公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動的策略與宣傳方式為何?(四)公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動的規劃設計為何?(五)公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動的評鑑方式為何?(六)促成公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動的成功因素為何?(七)公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動實施時所遭遇的問題有哪些? (八)參與公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動讀者的看法為何?(九)公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動與傳統推廣活動的差異為何? 本研究先以網站分析法了解各圖書館網站提供兒童電子書網站服務的情形;深度訪談法訪談五所大型公共圖書館,包含臺北市立圖書館、新北市立圖書館、國立中央圖書館臺灣分館、國立臺中圖書館和高雄市立圖書館等。最後再針對參與過公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動的讀者進行深度訪談,探討其參與的經驗,共7位讀者,包含4位兒童讀者和3位成人讀者。 綜合各項資料歸納出九項結論:(一)推廣服務有助於兒童電子書的推廣。(二)公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動的辦理方式多元,專為兒童電子書推廣而辦理的活動有兒童電子書閱讀、電子資源利用研習、班級訪問活動、到校授課和主題活動。(三)其推廣策略有地區的推廣、對象的推廣和項目的推廣。宣傳活動管道,主要為透過網站、電子報/E-mail、館舍、刊登館內文宣等。(四)公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動的規劃設計有七要項,包含參與對象、推廣活動的型態、電子書與資料庫選擇原則、授課人員、時間安排、場地安排、教材與電腦網路設備。(五)公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動的評鑑方法有八種:問卷調查、參與數量統計、使用統計、自我評鑑、學習單、觀察法、訪談法、電子資源問題諮詢紀錄。(六)促成公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動的成功因素,主要有長官的支持、政策的支持、母機構的支持和充足的人力配置。(七)公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動實施時所遭遇的問題,主要為人力不足 (八)參加兒童電子書推廣活動讀者肯定推廣服務的價值。(九)公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動與傳統推廣活動的差異包含電腦素養、電腦科技的接受度、授課環境要求較高、兒童電子書的多媒體設計與格式要求。 最後本研究針對公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動之現況提出五項建議(一)提升圖書館館員電子資源與推廣活動的專業能力。(二)解決公共圖書館館員人力不足的問題。(三)提升圖書館的電腦軟硬體設備以支持電子書服務。(四)兒童電子書網站服務也是推廣服務一環。(五)公共圖書館應強化兒童電子書館藏。 / The theme of this study is to investigate the current promotion activities of the children e-book in the public libraries in Taiwan. Depth interviews are implemented to comprehend the (1) significance & connotation (2) the types of activities (3) strategy and (4) planning and designing (5) the differences between the children e-book and traditional reading. The theme of this study are: 1.What is the significance of the promotion of e-book in the public libraries? 2. What are the right way to conduct the e-book promotion activities in the public libraries? 3. What are the planning and desinning of the children’s e-books promotion activities in public libraries? 4. What will be the key concerns when a children e-book promoting activity will run in a public children library? 5. What are the evaluation methods of the children’s e-books promotion activities in public libraries? 6. What are the factors that make the children e-book to be promoted successfully in the public library? 7. What are the problems encountered when the children e-books are promoted in the public children library? 8. What are visitors’ opinions after participating in a children e-book promoting activity? 9. What are the differences between a children e-book promoting activity and traditional promoting activity? Websites analysis and depth interview are used in this research. During the proceeding of this research, website analysis is used to learn how the e-book websites offer their services. Consequently, 5 major public libraries including Taipei City Library, New Taipei City Library, National Central Library-Taiwan branch. National Taichung Library and Kaohsiung City Library and etc.. After all these, the readers who have ever attended any e-book promotion activity are also invited to have this interview to learn their experiences. 7 readers, 4 children and 3 adults were interviewed. Nine conclusions are made after studying all the data: (1) Marketing services can help with children’s e-book promotion. (2) E-book promotion activities have been conducted through multiple ways in the public libraries. For example: children’s e-book reading, workshops on utilizing electronic sources, visiting classes, teaching in schools and running theme activities.(3) Marketing has different strategies, different groups and different items. The main promotion connections are websites, electronic newspapers and e-mail, library buildings, public organizations, publishing promotion ads in the library and so on. (4) Seven projects concerning children’s e-books in the library are promoted through the children e-book promoting activities in all the public libraries in Taiwan. The sub-projects are the objects targeted, the types of activities promoted, the principles of choosing e-books and e-data, instructors training, schedule arrangement, location arrangement, teaching materials preparation and computer and network facilities set up. (5)There are eight different approaches to conducting the evaluation of children’s e-book promotion activity in public libraries: (a) questionnaires (b) statistics of participating numbers, (c) statistics of use, (d) self-evaluation, (e) learning sheet, (f) observing method, (g) interviews, (h) records of electronic consultation questionnaires .(6)The major factors that make the e-book able to be successfully accepted in public libraries are the full support from (a) those in charge, (b) policies (c) proper placement of personnel activity.(7) The major reason for encountering problems is insufficient personnel activity when the promotion activities were running in the public libraries.(8)The readers who attended the children’s e-book promotion activities confirm the value of e-book promotion.(9)The differences between the children’s e-book promotion activity and traditional promotion activity in the public libraries are (a) one's general ability with computers, (b) the acceptance of computer technology (c) expecting a better studying environment (d) demanding multi-media design and format in their e-books. At the last part of this research, 5 suggestions in connection with E-book promotion activities conducted in the public libraries are brought up here. (1) Promote the professional librarian’s capability concerning the Children E-book promotion activities. (2) Settle the problem of insufficient human resources in the public libraries. (3) Promote E-book service by upgrading facilities of computer software & hardware in the library. (4) Services of Children e-book websites is also a link in chain. (5) The public libraries should strengthen the collection of children’s e-books.

效益、資產專屬性、品牌知名度、線上口碑對網路購物消費者再購買意願之影響 _以法國為例 / The impact of benefit, asset specificity, brand awareness and online word-of-mouth on consumers’ repurchase intention in internet shopping-a case study in France

李蓓雯 Unknown Date (has links)
法國電子商務近年來發展節奏快速,根據法國電子商務協會最新統計顯示,於2011年度,法國電子商務營收總額達377億歐元,相較2010年成長22%,顯示雖然在整體經濟環境不景氣的情況下,網路購物市場整體表現良好、穩定成長。然而廠商們亦面臨者網路購物消費者低度回購率問題,以致交易關係無法長期維繫。 本研究嘗試以交易成本的觀點分析廠商之因應策略,探討廠商實際採行的行銷策略或工具對消費者再購買意願之影響。本研究針對近期曾從事網路購物的消費者發放問卷,總計蒐集有效樣本211份,進行因素分析及多元迴歸分析。結果發現:網路購物廠商的行銷工具或策略得以提高消費者的再購買意願,主要是因為這些工具有助於降低消費者的交易成本,進而降低消費者網路購物時的總成本。品牌知名度可降低消費者的資訊蒐尋成本;而線上口碑可降低消費者面臨的道德危機成本;效益可降低外顯單位效益成本;資產專屬性則提高了消費者轉換廠商時的專屬陷入成本,故效益、品牌知名度、線上口碑及資產專屬性對應的使消費者面臨的交易風險降低,進而使消費者願意繼續購買,與該廠商進行長期交易關係。

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