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電子書廠商經營策略之探討-以元太科技公司為例黃培倫 Unknown Date (has links)
在這個新世代,人類在閱讀上已顛覆以往的習慣,電子書閱讀器市場潛力與行銷發展也形成巨大的空間及無限的商機,是新世紀的商業新潮流,由於Kindle 電子書閱讀器的熱賣,電子書閱讀器市場,似乎又邁入另一個高峰。也因此造就了電子紙應用市場也跟著快速成長;台灣廠商繼Notebook後, 似乎找到另一個新藍海產業。本研究針對電子書閱讀器其起源、發展、市場及行銷策略上作一探討及研究
本研究將配合波特的五力分析、SWOT分析加上政府政策、電子書閱讀器產業技術、市場及競爭等面向進行探討,並採用個案分析法,進行次級資料分析及人物訪談,藉此分析出該產業各作用力強弱組合,並進一步瞭解所欲進入該產業之廠商將面臨之挑戰。接著探討電子書閱讀器產業內的參與者及其相互關係,以台灣目前電子紙領導廠商「元太科技」為例做說明。得知電子書閱讀器確能確實滿足人類的根本需要,符合現階段的社會要求。架構出電子書閱讀器產業的關鍵成功因素以及電子書閱讀器的未來應用及商機潛力,以作為國內發展電子書閱讀器紙廠商之參考。透過分析,本研究發現電子書閱讀器產業關鍵成功因素在於技術突破及創造新市場應用,如此才能推動電子書閱讀器的產業變革,使其多元應用、商機無限,讓真正的無紙化時代來臨。 / In the new generation of human, reading has been the habit of subversion in the past. It is a new business trend of another century that the market potential and marketing development of e-book reader have developed a huge space and unlimited business opportunities. As a result of the best selling of e-book reader Kindle, the market of e-book reader seems to be advanced into another level. Therefore, it has also achieved the rapid growth of the application market of electronic paper. It seems that the manufactures in Taiwan explore another new industry of Blue-Sea following the Notebook. In this study, it has been taken a deep investigation and research from the origin, development, market and marketing strategy of the e-book reader.
The PVI Industrial Co., Ltd, a supplier of the module of electronic paper which is one of the most critical element, accounts for 90% of the market of electronic paper and is the largest supplier in the world of the electronic paper. Therefore, PVI is applied as the main object in this study to explore its supply chain, marketing strategy, business performance, etc., in order to learn about the market, the application of innovation and future development of e-book reader.
In this study, it is to explore by using Porter's five strength analyses, SWOT analysis, government policy, the industry technology of e-book reader, market and competition, etc. and also adopt the case analysis, the secondary data analysis and interviews. Therefore, it is to learn more about the challenge to face for which wants to enter this industry by using this analysis of the industrial strength mix of every effort. Then, it is to explore the participants and their mutual relations within the industry of the e-book reader. Based on the leading manufacturer of electronic paper in Taiwan "PVI" as an example of illustration. It is learned that E-book reader that can really meet with the basic needs of human beings, in accordance with the social requirements at this stage. It is to show the structure of the e-book reader industry that the key success factors as well as e-book reader applications in the future and potential opportunities to develop e-book reader as a domestic manufacturer of paper for reference. In this study through analysis, it is found that the key success factors of e-book reader industry is the creation of new technological breakthroughs and market applications, therefore, in order to promote the changes of e-book reader industry, so that to make multiple applications, business opportunities and the real paperless era .
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電子書發展對現有出版通路之影響 -- 以誠品書店為例鄭景榮, Cheng, George Unknown Date (has links)
隨著科技不斷快速進步的同時,並在數位匯流與高速通訊網路技術的發展下,多媒體資訊衍生了許許多多的應用,且由於載具的不斷創新,使得我們看電視不需局限在電視機前、看報不用弄得滿手油墨、看書也不需帶著沈重的書本、聽音樂也不用為了一首歌而花費大錢買一堆自己沒興趣聽的音樂等等。這些科技帶給人類更便利、更舒適的生活,也帶給企業運用科技創新建立了許多經營模式(business model)的機會,成功掌握機會的企業取代或瓜分了原有市場領先者的市場大餅,成為新的競爭者。
過去零售流通產業中,以「品牌連鎖通路」的經營模式企業佔有廣大的市場佔有率,為市場成功經營模式之ㄧ,但近年來於由網際網路科技的興起電子商務經營模式(e-business model)正快速的改變零售流通產業的風貌。
本研究主要以研究「線上音樂之經營模式」與「破壞性創新」二部份,試以Apple 之iTunes Music Store 之成功經營案例進行個案研究,再以創新理論分析其成功原因及其是如何產生破壞性創新。而因為數位化本身將會與資訊科技的整體環境進行連鎖反應,因此會形成許多不同的通路機會,帶來許多具破壞性創新經營模式的機會。
一、暸解國外itunes music store 的企業經營模式如何產生破壞性的創新,進而成為市場的領導者。
二、瞭解國外Amazon 網路書店企業經營模式如何產生破壞性的創新,進而成為市場的領導者。
五、在電子書的發展的機會下,提出現有出版通路可能的發展策略與方向。 / Due to the rapid development of high-speed information communication technology and digital convergence, there are more and more multimedia systems and applications. With the media innovation, we are no longer limited to watching TV only on televisions. We don’t need to get our hands with inks while reading newspapers. We don’t need to bring heavy
books for reading. Moreover, we don’t need to pay lots of money to get a CD to hear only one favorite song. These technologies make people’s lives more easily and more comfortable, and they also supply the foundation for new business models based on technology innovation.Companies which catch the opportunities start to gain market shares and may even replace the existing market leaders.
In the retailing industries, companies with the business models of brand chain stores had large market shares, and this business model was one of the successful business models in the past. However, in the recent years,
with the Internet technology, e-business models are changing the retailing industries rapidly.
Our research is focused on business models of on-line music and destructive innovation . First, we did a case study to analyze the success of the business model of Apple iTunes music store. Then, we analyzed why it succeeded and how the disruptive innovation occurred. According
to the diagnostics, digitalization itself will have the chain reactions with the overall information technology environments. These reactions bring lots channel opportunities. These channel opportunities offer the
likelihoods of creating disruptive growth. With the fierce global competitions, companies are eagerly seeking
innovation opportunities. Our research aims to offer both the enterprises and the government the direction to success in the digital industries based on systematical case studies. The purposes of our research are as follows:
1. to analyze the business model of Apple iTunes music store, how the disruptive innovation occurs, and why Apple iTunes music store becomes the market leader in USA;
2. to analyze the business model of Amazon on-line book store, how the disruptive innovation occurs, and why Amazon on-line book store becomes the market leader in USA;
3. to analyze the business model of books.com.tw on-line book store, how the disruptive innovation occurs, and why books.com.tw on-line book store becomes the market leader in Taiwan;
4. to analyze the impacts of e-commerce on publishing industries;
5. to offer the possible e-book strategies and directions to existing publishers.
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結合數位科技與紙本立體書之科普讀物開發研究 / Integrating digital technology and paper engineering in the development of science education pop-up books魏亙隆, Wei, Keng Lung Unknown Date (has links)
互動性的閱讀,可追溯至13至18世紀間,發明用於計算基督教曆法和成人專業教育的立體書,它以紙材柔韌的可塑性,構成了「互動機關」與「立體模型」等形式的內容;至今,數位技術與電子載具內的硬體設備,更擴展了內容的表現範疇。紙本與數位各具優勢,紙本立體書的實體結構與材質特性提供讀者對空間性內容的認知,電子書的互動與影音則能增進讀者在動態與時間性內容的理解。諸多題材如天文學、建築學等與空間、時間相關的學科,藉由紙本和數位媒材的相互輔助,能夠更完整地傳達資訊,顯現媒材結合的重要性與發展性。然而,紙本與數位在內容、互動、閱讀方式等有許多的差異,國內市場雖可見到複合媒材的產品,但其結合常限於表層形式上之並置,尚未能將不同的媒材做有意義的結合與運用,以致無法提供讀者完善的閱讀體驗。本研究選用雪花的科學知識作為題材,將雪花具空間性的結構和時間性的變化過程,運用於結合紙本與數位媒材的立體書創作上。研究成果產出的「雪花複合媒材立體書」,能作為科學教育的教材,並提供日後複合媒材書籍研發與創作的參考。 / As technology develops, digital devices such as smartphones and tablets have become more and more popular, providing more possibilities of the forms for publishing companies to present the content. Despite the increasing growth of digital format publication, traditional printed books, because of the particular tangibility and the affections enjoyed by their readers, will not vanish. From this perspective, the integration of digital technology and printed book that exploits advantages from both sides would be worth exploring. Although there have been a few attempts in bringing these two media together in the publishing industry in Taiwan, there is still some way to go in terms of variety and quality. Through the investigation of the relationship between the materiality of different media, this project aims to explore ways of integrating tangibility and virtuality so that to create a new kind of mixed-media pop-up book that could provide new and interesting learning experience for the readers.
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運用電子書廣泛閱讀於國中英語補救教學:以新北市一所國中為例 / Using e-book extensive reading as a remedial program: A case study of a junior high school in New Taipei City凃惠文, Tu, Huei Wun Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主旨在探討以廣泛閱讀方式將電子書運用於國中英語補救教學的課程,對於英語補救教學學生在辨認字義、閱讀理解與英語閱讀態度的影響。文中亦探討學生在實行課程當中所面臨的困難與挑戰,以及對此課程之看法。本研究以六位來自新北市八年級英語補救教學學生為研究對象,每週上課一次為期26週,課程分兩階段進行。第一階段為上學期16週,採學生個人閱讀方式;第二階段則為下學期10週,加入同儕閱讀夥伴方式閱讀。兩階段課程之前後,分別以英語測驗作為前後測。而在本研究開始前及結束後,均對學生進行閱讀態度的量測,使用工具為Yamashita (2013)的第二語言閱讀態度量表。在全部課程結束後,所有學生須填寫關於本課程的問卷。
研究結果顯示在第二階段加入閱讀夥伴後,學生在辨認字義上有顯著進步。在閱讀理解方面則成效不明顯。而且,此課程對於補救教學學生在英語閱讀態度有正面影響。根據研究結果,本研究建議國中英語教師可妥善安排閱讀夥伴,以電子書廣泛閱 讀方式融入補救教學來提升學生的認字能力與英語學習態度。此外,本研究亦提供教師教學現場以及未來研究方向之建議。 / This study aims to investigate how e-book extensive reading as a remedial program (EERRP) affects English remedial learners’ word recognition, reading comprehension, and reading attitudes towards English. It also attempts to explore the difficulties and challenges met by the remedial students and their responses to the EERRP. Six eighth-grade remedial students at a junior high school in New Taipei City were participants in this study. The 26-week program was divided into two stages with one class period every week. Stage 1 included individual reading for the first 16 weeks and Stage 2 included pair reading with reading partners for the remaining 10 weeks. The Test of English Word Recognition and Reading Comprehension was administered to the remedial students as pre-test and post-test in both stages. The degree of changes in reading attitude was assessed by using the reading attitude scale (Yamashita, 2013) before and after the EERRP. At the end of the program, a post-study questionnaire was administered to each of the participants.
The results showed that there was a significant difference in word recognition skills after the inclusion of reading partners in Stage 2. The effect was not quite as good for reading comprehension. Moreover, it was found that the EERRP had positive effects on the attitudes of the struggling EFL readers towards reading English. Based upon the findings, it is suggested that junior high school English teachers can make good use of reading partners and employ the EERRP to facilitate the word recognition skills and enhance the attitudes towards learning of struggling students. Pedagogical implications and suggestions for future studies are presented as well.
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電子繪本融入說故事活動的行動研究 / Action Study on Electronic Picture Books Integrating into Storytelling Activities楊孟卿, Yang, Meng Ching Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本研究提出研究建議,供相關單位參考:(1)增購中文繪本資料庫;(2)辦理電子繪本利用教育研習,招募林老師加入;(3)開放權限,協助林老師取用電子資源;(4)解決線上閱讀數位版權數問題;(5)增購電子白板設備以促進林老師說故事效益;(6)辦理電子繪本的說故事活動觀摩會;(7)善用資料庫介面特性以進行活動設計;(8)要了解電子繪本內容才能進行活動設計。 / Rapid developments in digital information technology and Internet communication have changed the ways to retrieve information, and increased the demand for information. For modern Digital Natives, the establishment of reading promotion for children in a library should adopt diverse methods to promote reading.
Aside from printed books, public libraries in our nation have recently been devoted to enriching their electronic recourses to provide diverse reading databases for the public to choose from. In Taipei Public Library, there are rich databases of Chinese picture books; however, these books are rarely used by the storytelling team, Teacher Lin. The present study therefore aimed at exploring the feasibility and execution of the adoption of electronic picture books in Teacher Lin’s storytelling. The study adopted the action research to investigate whether electronic picture books storytelling would arouse children’s interests in reading and improve the limitations in printed books storytelling, and to offer advice for designs and procedures of electronic picture books storytelling.
The present study provides criteria for selections of electronic picture books, and guidelines for electronic picture books storytelling, including objectives, available recourses, procedures, and ways of rewards of storytelling activities. Teacher Lin thus may follow these criteria and guidelines when carrying out storytelling activities. Feedback from Teacher Lin then was collected via interviews.
The results of the study were addressed as follows. First, the action research was helpful in Teacher Lin’s storytelling and selections of electronic picture books. Second, features of electronic picture books could improve the limitations in printed books storytelling. Third, children’s motivation was enhanced in electronic picture books storytelling. Fourth, nonlinear reading was more suitable for children of intermediate grades. Fifth, it was worthwhile to promote electronic picture books storytelling in Teacher Lin’s storytelling activities. Sixth, in terms of storytelling, electronic picture books were more beneficial than hardcopy books.
Lastly, the following were some suggestions. First, it is essential to purchase more databases of Chinese picture books. Second, workshops about the adoption of electronic picture books may be held, and members in Teacher Lin are recruited. Third, members in Teacher Lin should be allowed to access to these databases. Fourth, issues on intellectual property rights of online reading need to be solved. Fifth, purchases of electronic white boards can promote effectiveness of Teacher Lin’s storytelling. Sixth, demonstrations of electronic picture books storytelling need to be held. Seventh, features of interface of databases need to be well used to design activities. Eighth, understanding of content of electronic picture books is essential for activity design.
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電子書閱讀器借閱服務之使用研究:以交通大學圖書館為例 / Examining the Use of E-book Reader Lending Service in National Chiao Tung University Library張淑娟, Chang, Shu Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
2.讀者使用電子書閱讀器借閱服務之主要動機為體驗使用iPad 2;
7.讀者對iPad 2閱讀電子書的整體經驗多數感到滿意;
8.讀者未借用iPad 2的最主要原因是不知有電子書閱讀器借閱服務,再者是iPad 2數量不足;
本研究針對上述結果加以討論,並提出相關建議,提供圖書館推行該服務,以及未來研究之參考。 / In recent years people's reading habits have begun to change, and the population of digital reading device users has been growing gradually. Face with the coming era of digital reading, libraries provide e-book reader lending services one after another in order to promote digital reading. Since the library services in Taiwan are still at the initial stage, it is necessary to examine the use of e-book reader lending service.
Therefore this study was based on UTAUT(Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology). The purpose of this study was to investigate reader's behavior, intention and determinants toward e-book reader lending service, and examine moderators of the relationships between determinants and intention, including gender, education, academy, digital reading device experience and e-book experience.
In this research, students at National Chiao Tung University were chosen as the testing participants. The instruments used in the study was the National Chiao Tung University Library E-book Reader Lending Service Use Survey. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, Pearson's correlation, multiple regression analysis, and hierarchical regression. The findings of the study were as follows:
1.Most readers know about e-book reader lending service by peer sharing;
2.The motivation of most readers using e-book reader lending service is to try iPad 2;
3.Majority of readers use e-book reader lending service for reading e-books;
4.Most readers read e-books that are from internet and for free;
5.Majority of readers find e-books on Google or other search engines;
6.Most readers have difficulty with reading e-books because of eyestrain and lack of content;
7.Most readers feel satisfied with the e-book reading experience on the iPad 2;
8.Majority of readers have not borrowed the iPad 2 because of not knowing the service and lack of iPad 2;
9.Most readers willing to use e-book reader lending service and use the service continuously. They also willing to recommend others to use the service;
10.The determinants of intention to use e-book reader lending service among students at National Chiao Tung University include performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and social influence. The predictive power of social influence is highest among all determinants.
11.Personal characteristics of the readers including gender, education, academy, digital reading device experience and e-book experience don't moderate the relationships between determinants and intention.
According to the findings above, this study provided some suggestions for libraries to promote the service, and future research suggestions.
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電子資源館藏使用與滿意度研究-以臺北市立圖書館大直分館讀者為例 / Electronic resources collection use and satisfaction : Taipei Public Library Dazhi Branch readers case study王群雅, Wang, Chun Ya Unknown Date (has links)
設計公共圖書館電子資源館藏使用與滿意度問卷共 4 個構面 25 項指標,採用訪談法和問卷調查法以臺北市立圖書館大直分館讀者為研究調查對象,就其電子資源館藏使用和滿意度進行瞭解。
本研究的研究目的有三點:(一) 探討大直圖書館分館讀者對於電子資
源館藏的使用情形與電子資源服務滿意度。(二) 探討影響大直圖書館分館讀者對於電子資源館藏使用與電子資源服務滿意度的因素。(三) 探討大直圖書館分館讀者對於電子資源館藏認為有改善空間的項目,以及謀求改進的方法與策略。
本研究獲得以下結論:(一) 使用者對本館提供之電子資源館藏相關內
容與服務之重視度與滿意度有顯著差距(二) 使用者認為,在電子資源館藏容易查詢檢索以及使用的空間配備是否支援電子資源館藏使用是圖書館應改善的部分。(三) 研究發現不同個人背景變項例如:性別、年齡、教育程度對滿意度有不同的認知與感受,因此應針對使用者的差異處加以瞭解,關心使用者的看法與態度,讓使用者重視度與滿意度的差距能縮小。根據所獲得的研究結果,本研究提出幾點建議,提供質量足夠且多元種類的電子資源館藏供使用者取用;加強行動資訊服務軟硬體支援;加強數位閱覽環境空間規劃;持續進行電子資源館藏推廣活動;保持電子資源館藏使用與滿意度長期調查機制,以瞭解需求強化服務。 / With the advance of the Internet as well as the mobile devices, electronic
resources has become more and more popular. The acceptance rate of readers for
electronic resource archive might be increased in recent years yet there are still
many readers have never used such service in public library. It is crucial to
understand the use and need among users to offer electronic resource services in
public library more adequately. Research methods in the study includes literature
review, interview, and questionnaire survey. A four-dimension, 25-item
questionnaire was generated from the review of relevant studies to assessing the
electronic resources use and satisfaction of library users. The article aims to
explore the use of electronic resources archive and user satisfaction by readers
in Taipei Public Library, Dazhi Branch.
There are three purposes in this research: a) Exploring the use of electronic
resources archive and user satisfaction of the readers in Taipei Public Library,
Dazhi Branch; b) identifying factors affecting the using and user satisfaction of
readers in Taipei Public Library, Dazhi Branch; c) summarizing the feedbacks
from respondents in the study to propose the strategies for improvement on
electronic resources archive.
The results suggest: a) there are significant differences between the
perceived service importance and satisfaction of readers at Taipei Public Library,
Dazhi Branch; b) participants care about whether the electronic resource archive
is easy for inquiry and supporting space arrangement; c) participants from
different gender, age and education levels show significant distinctions between
the satisfaction of readers at Taipei Public Library, Dazhi Branch. Therefore
the library should take considerations for the differences among users to further
the understanding of their concerns.
Suggestions were proposed in accordance with the findings of this study.
The author believes, library may a) make sufficient and diversified variety of
electronic resources archive more available for users; b) improve both soft and
hardware supports for mobile information services; c) provide a friendlier digital
reading space; d) further promote the electronic resource archive; e) continue
investigating the use and satisfaction of electronic resource archive to understand
the need for enhanced services.
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