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序貫方法於電腦化效標參照測驗之應用 / Sequential Methods in Computerized Criterion-referenced Test李佳紋, Lee, Chia-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
在一場競爭性的考試中,我們如何決定要錄取或是淘汰這個考生?傳統的紙筆測驗方式固定題目總數,考生回答相同的題目,60分以上為及格。隨著電腦科技的快速發展,測驗型式也由紙筆轉換成電腦操作,也就是電腦化測驗。所謂電腦化效標參照測驗(computerized criterion-referenced test)即是把考生能力分成兩個以上的程度區間,藉由考生的答題狀況來判斷考生應歸屬於哪個區間。這種測驗方式與傳統測驗不同的是:電腦化測驗是依據考生的答題表現來給題,考生能力越偏離分段點(thresholds),需要的題數就越少;越接近分段點,需要的題數就越多。
在這篇論文中,我們運用兩個參數的羅吉斯模型(two-parameter logistic model)來估計考生之於試題的答對機率。藉由電腦模擬來探討結合貝它保護(beta-protection)方法和適性測驗對平均測驗題數及誤判率(亦即考生真正的能力與電腦判斷的區間不同)的影響。在模擬過程中,我們也介紹了試題參數的選擇情形,估計考生能力的方法以及在貝它保護下,停止選題的規則。根據這些原則,電腦模擬結果證明使用適性測驗加上貝它保護方法能夠有效地控制誤判率在規定的範圍內,程度不同的考生也能控制有不同的測驗題數。 / In a traditional Paper-and-Pencil (p-and-p) test, all examinees have same test items and the number of items is fixed. The examinee fails or passes the exam depends on if his/her test score exceeds a predetermined scores, say, 60 out of 100. However, with the rapid advancement of modern computer technology, the test form has been converted from p-and-p to computer terminal. Computerized criterion-referenced classify the examinees into more than two categories according to his/her answers to the items. It differs from the conventional standardized test in that the selection of test items is tailored to each examinee’s ability level. Typically, those examinees with high ability or low ability will have shorter average test length (ATL) than examinees with ability that close to thresholds.
In this thesis, we assume that the probability of choosing correct response to an item follows a two-parameter logistic (2-PL) model. Our goal is to study the performance of ATL and misclassification rate (MR) using beta-protection method and adaptive sequential item selection. On the simulation procedures, we also introduce the selection rule of item parameter, the methods used to estimate an examinee’s ability, and the stopping rule with beta-protection. Simulation results show that using adaptive test and beta-protection method can control the MR within specified level and the number of test items required depends on the examinee’s ability.
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台灣地區實施數值地籍測量電腦化之研究許明溪, XU, MING-XI Unknown Date (has links)
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證券交易競價系統之結構化分析與設計高眾望, Gao, Zhong-Wang Unknown Date (has links)
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臺灣地區大型百貨業管理電腦化可行性研究徐□功, Xu, Heng-Gong Unknown Date (has links)
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現行土地登記作業電腦化之研究王俊卿, Wang, Zun-Qing Unknown Date (has links)
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影響管理資訊系統電腦化成效的因素之研究陳文正, Chen, Wen-Zheng Unknown Date (has links)
析、變異數分析、逐步迴歸等方法分析各項自變數對電腦化成效( 工作績效、工作滿
足) 的影響如何。第五章僅一節結論與建議。
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線上題庫與適性測驗證合系統之發展研究 / A reserach in the development of an integrated on-line item bank and computerized adaptive testing system陳新豐 Unknown Date (has links)
為達成這三個研究目的,研究者採用結構分析中,Sehlly、Cashmen和Rosenblatt (2001)所提出的「系統開發生命週期」,將「線上題庫與適性測驗整合系統」開發過程分為「系統規劃」、「系統分析」、「系統設計」、「系統建置」、「系統運行與支援」等五個階段逐步開發。
關鍵字:試題反應理論、題庫、等化、電腦化適性測驗、系統開發生命週期 / A Reserach In The Development of An Integrated On-Line Item Bank and Computerized Adaptive Testing System
This research is to develop an integrated internet system of on-line item bank and computerized adaptive testing (the "System"), which is comprised of the teaching tool development, theory verification, and efficiency evaluation. Except for the addition of new item bank dynamically, the System, an auxiliary teaching evaluation system for teachers, can also provide customarily made adaptive testing for students. Therefore, to develop an integrated on-line item bank and computerized adaptive testing system and to verify the theory of on-line item bank development constitute the two core spindles of this research.
Following the aforementioned research spindles, the main purposes of this research are going to: (A). Develop an integrated on-line item bank and computerized adaptive testing system. (B). Verify the related theories concerning the development of on-line item bank. (C). Evaluate the operating efficiency of such System and the degree of users' satisfaction.
The "systems development life cycle" (Sehily, Cashmen Rosenblatt, 2001), a structured analysis method, is adopted to conduct the research. The development process of an integrated on-line item bank and computerized adaptive testing system is divided into 5 separate and successive stages, starting from system planning, system analysis, system design, system development, to system operation and support. In terms of research sampling, the selected samples in the first preliminary testing are 115 ninth-grade students of Chiung-Ming High School in Tainan City, Taiwan. The selected samples in the second preliminary testing are 191 ninth-grade students of Cheng-Sing High School in Tainan City, Taiwan. The third and official sampling is 2,567 ninth-grade students who were selected from a total of 9 high schools ranging from Northern, Central, Southern, and Eastern Taiwan, and islands adjacent to Taiwan. Furthermore, in the demand side, an investigation has been conducted to consult with 15 teaching experts for their professional opinions in regard to such System development.
As far as research tools are concerned, except for the main research tool - the integrated on-line item bank and computerized adaptive testing system, other research tools employed consist of functional demand questionnaires, hardware equipments, software tools, and scales for system evaluation.
In the aspect of data processing, ITEMAN, BILOQ MatLab, and SPSSapplication softwares are used to perform the data processing. The statistical method,like classical true score theory and item response theory and etc., is applied to conduct the following analyses: item analysis, IRT three-parameter estimate, structured
analysis of elements, and etc.
The results of this research lead to the following conclusion:
1. The on-line item bank: system and the adaptive testing system, the two separate systems, can be integrated into one system.
2. The integrated on-line item bank and adaptive testing system can play multiple functions.
3. "Systems development life cycle" in the structured analysis is an ideal manner to develop an integrated system.
4. "Mean/Mean", "Haebara" and, etc. are the better methods to perform the item bank equating and constant conversion.
5. For users, the information volume provided by on-line testing and traditional written testing are quite similar, but the degree of difficulty of on-line testing is higher than that of traditional written testing.
6. The linking effect of on-line testing is fair.
7. The operating efficiency of the integrated system is fair.
8. Users are satisfied with the functions of the integrated system.
Based on research conclusions drawn thereon, suggestions for tool development, item bank development, and efficiency evaluation are also provided.
Keywords: item response theory, item bank, equating, computerized adaptive testing,systems development life cycle
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電腦化對報業的影響-壹個報紙的個案研究 / The impact of computers on newspapers - a case study.李雅倫, Lee, Ya Lun Unknown Date (has links)
第二個論點則著重於組織內部的變化、除了環境改變的外力、影響報業採用新科技的動力、亦有可能基於新科技能影響組織工作流程、因此研究者引用了企業處理程序再生工程(Business Process Reengineering;BPR)及新科技對競爭優勢的影響的兩個觀點來檢視報業是否利用這種劇烈的變革達到換血的目的。研究發現個案欲利用電腦化來達到組織內部人事調整的目的,並希望藉著此次重整來重新調整自我在報業市場的競爭定位(nitch)。在此研究者必須強調環境和組織變革所運用的策略可互為因果亦可單獨存在,以本研究的個案而言,競爭環境改變可視為前因,策略的應用則是依環境調適所採取的回應結果,若外界環境不變,其結果必然另呈樣貌。
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自變數有測量誤差的羅吉斯迴歸模型之序貫設計探討及其在教育測驗上的應用 / Sequential Designs with Measurement Errors in Logistic Models with Applications to Educational Testing盧宏益, Lu, Hung-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本論文探討當自變數存在測量誤差時,羅吉斯迴歸模型的估計問題,並將此結果應用在電腦化適性測驗中的線上校準問題。在變動長度電腦化測驗的假設下,我們證明了估計量的強收斂性。試題反應理論被廣泛地使用在電腦化適性測驗上,其假設受試者在試題的表現情形與本身的能力,可以透過試題特徵曲線加以詮釋,羅吉斯迴歸模式是最常見的試題反應模式。藉由適性測驗的施行,考題的選取可以依據不同受試者,選擇最適合的題目。因此,相較於傳統測驗而言,在適性測驗中,題目的消耗量更為快速。在題庫的維護與管理上,新試題的補充與試題校準便為非常重要的工作。線上試題校準意指在線上測驗進行中,同時進行試題校準。因此,受試者的能力估計會存在測量誤差。從統計的觀點,線上校準面臨的困難,可以解釋為在非線性模型下,當自變數有測量誤差時的實驗設計問題。我們利用序貫設計降低測量誤差,得到更精確的估計,相較於傳統的試題校準,可以節省更多的時間及成本。我們利用處理測量誤差的技巧,進一步應用序貫設計的方法,處理在線上校準中,受試者能力存在測量誤差的問題。 / In this dissertation, we focus on the estimate in logistic
regression models when the independent variables are subject to some measurement errors. The problem of this dissertation is motivated by online calibration in Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT). We apply the measurement error model techniques and adaptive sequential design methodology to the online calibration problem of CAT. We prove that the estimates of item parameters are strongly consistent under the variable length CAT setup. In an adaptive testing scheme, examinees are presented with different sets of items chosen from a
pre-calibrated item pool. Thus the speed of attrition in items will be very fast, and replenishing of item pool is essential for CAT. The online calibration scheme in CAT refers to estimating the item parameters of new, un-calibrated items by presenting them to examinees during the course of their ability testing together with previously calibrated items. Therefore, the estimated latent trait levels of examinees are used as the design points for estimating the parameter of the new items, and naturally these designs, the estimated latent trait levels, are subject to some estimating errors. Thus the problem of the online calibration under CAT setup can be formulated as a sequential estimation problem with measurement errors in the independent variables, which are also chosen sequentially. Item Response Theory (IRT) is the most commonly used psychometric model in CAT, and the logistic type models are the most popular models used in IRT based tests. That's why the nonlinear design problem and the nonlinear measurement error models are involved. Sequential design procedures proposed here can provide more accurate estimates of parameters, and are more efficient in terms of sample size (number of examinees used in calibration). In traditional calibration process in paper-and-pencil tests, we usually have to pay for the examinees
joining the pre-test calibration process. In online calibration,
there will be less cost, since we are able to assign new items to the examinees during the operational test. Therefore, the proposed procedures will be cost-effective as well as time-effective.
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