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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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王奕彬 Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 首先是本文的研究動機及目的,繼而回顧較具代表性之文獻,最後提出研究方法與限制。 第二章 先說明英、美兩國民主化過程所遭遇選風腐敗的難題,並剖析其成因。認為我國「地方派系」與賄選、暴力有極大的相關性,並加以論證。最後,探究社會現實、文化、執政當局三個層面與選風敗壞的因果相關。 第三章 建立賄選動員過程的一般化模式,便於將來實證研究。 第四章 探討世界上獨一無二的「彩券式賄選方式」,分析這種賄選方式對選民的影響。 第五章 比較選罷法修正前後的異同,分析法條不全之處。 第六章 從社會、政黨、立法、教育、行政五個面相,提出改善選風之對策。

流鶯安全風險之研究以臺北市萬華區為例 / Streetwalker security risk research the example of Wanhua dist., Taipei city

侯冠宇 Unknown Date (has links)
娼妓是人類最古老的文化,也是最古老的職業之一,而臺灣公娼制度的產生, 則可溯源至日據時代。日本政府於光緒24 年〈1898 年〉,在艋舺(即今萬華)設置妓女戶。流鶯,就是流動私娼,俗稱「站壁」,意謂倚靠牆壁,候(拉)客至附近旅館、賓館或租處進行性交易,此類私娼,既無固定的地點,亦無固定的時間,以「捉迷藏」的方式出賣皮肉,此流動私娼分佈地區以萬華區康定路一帶最多。本文以流鶯安全風險為研究主題,探討相關文獻及運用實務數據,實地對於流鶯進行問卷調查,並將可能遭受攻擊的來源,區分為同業及非同業,深入分析其影響安全風險的因子,發現。在本研究中發現,影響流鶯被同業攻擊的安全風險,顯著者有;年齡、從娼年資、教育程度、接客數及定期性病檢測;而影響流鶯被非同業攻擊的安全風險,顯著者有:年齡、從娼年資、教育程度及工作時數。比較遭受遭同業及非同業攻擊的因子中,其中最大的差異就是接客數,換言之生意的好壞就是流鶯間產生衝突最大的原因。

出口小型風力渦輪至拉丁美洲的商業計畫 / Export of Small Wind Turbine to Latin America

佳芘, Mansilla, Gabriela Unknown Date (has links)
出口小型風力渦輪至拉丁美洲的商業計畫 / Thanks to social programs carried out in Latin American communities by non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) sponsored by European countries, disadvantaged Latin American communities are nowadays promoting own initiatives to improve their communities’ development and economic situation. Statistics demonstrate that many of the poorest communities depend on agriculture and farming production, which are minimal, and barely enough for the family’s subsistence. Alternative energy promises to be an instrument for maximizing the land outcome and allow help the communities to go into the profitable market. Solar, Wind, Hydro and Biomass address not only community’s development but also issues of environmental sustainability and reduction of CO2, an environmental concern that has been targeted by beneficial policies such as the Kyoto Agreement. The special geography in Latin America, with its Andean Mountains and Amazon Forests where there are communities lacking electricity in spite of fierce winds, can be turned into alternative power. It is well known that to provide alternative energy like Wind energy to communities, a full scale project is needed which demands high levels of initial investment and higher maintenance cost. Therefore, the development of alternative energy in many countries has been started through government’ initiatives and promotion policies. In Latin America, these initiatives vary from country to country. Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Costa Rica and Chile have outstanding developments in this area with more MW generated by the installation of wind parks, and are the leaders. Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Uruguay, etc have generated new initiatives in the past 5 years, indicating potential markets due to the existence of strong winds. Under these regional circumstances, my contribution through this business plan consists in showing the existence of opportunities in the alternative energy market in Latin America and the big role that Asian manufacturing companies can play in this development. Also, after being a silent witness to unsuccessful programs carried out by Latin American governments to improve the agricultural sector’s performance, and recognizing the effort of poor communities to overcome its conditions and archieve better outcome from their lands, this business plan constitutes a dream to create a company whose name will be TRADECLEAN GM. Its objective will be to provide wind, solar and hydro energy to communities. My initial plan is to provide small wind turbine from Taiwan to Latin America, which due to their size, are easily transportable.

依風險資本評估人壽保險公司 / Assessment of life insurance companies by risk capital

周錦燕, Chou, Ching Yen Unknown Date (has links)
2008年由次貸引爆之全球金融風暴,除造成美國金融機構破產及併購,亦波及製造業,深究其原因,不外乎輕忽風險管理建立與執行之落實,未完整量化與管理企業所能承受之風險;尤其人壽保險業所銷售之保險契約,各國監理機關皆強化壽險業之監管,以風險資本為壽險業評估清償能力之指標。 風險胃納顯示企業對風險基本態度,包括企業承擔風險之意願,風險限額及控管模式,風險容忍度是揭露企業風險管理之量化和質化結果。本研究依風險基礎資本額制度(Risk-Based Capital,RBC)建立公司整體市場風險容忍度之設定,依據風險限額及預警指標建立控管程序,並檢視個案金融機構風險容忍度之擬定流程。 依個案公司風險限額及預警指標之建立流程,並評估該公司於2007-2008年全球金融風暴之實際財務影響,歸納結果如下;(1)除交易單位風險限額外,並應訂定交易商品及交易員風險限額導入前台交易系統;(2)應增計利率風險;(3)除市場風險限額外,應建置信用風險限額、作業風險限額模組,架構公司整體風險胃納及風險容忍度,並執行限額管理;(4) 發展即時監控系統,檢視公司風險承受度。 / In 2008, global financial crisis, inspired by subprime mortgage, not only caused bankruptcy and mergers and acquisitions of U.S. financial institutions but also spread to manufacturing. Taking a close look at the reasons, they are overlooking the establishment and implementation of risk management implementation and incompletely quantitating the risk that the management companies can bear. National supervisory authorities have strengthened supervision of the insurance industry and established risk capital as an indicator for the insurance industry to assess the solvency. Risk appetite shows the company’s basic attitude towards risk, including the willingness to take risks, risk limit, and control mode. Risk tolerance is to expose the results of the company’s risk management of quantitative and qualitative. This study is according to RBC (Risk-Based Capital) to set the company’s overall market risk tolerance and based on risk limit and early warning indicator to set control procedures. Besides, this study surveys the financial institution case whose preparation process of risk tolerance. According to the case’s established procedures of risk limit and early warning indicator, assessing its actual financial impact during global financial crisis from 2007 to 2008, this study summarizes as follows: (1) In addition to the risk limit of the trading unit, front-end trading system of trading goods and traders into risk limits should be established. (2)Increase the caculation of the interest rate risk. (3) Beside the market risk limit, credit risk limit and operational risk limit model should be established. Build the company’s overall risk appetite and risk tolerance, and implement the quota management. (4) Develop the real-time monitoring system and survey the company’s risk tolerance.

信用風險評估方法之研究 : Log-linear models運用於西藥零售商之實證研究

李文福, LI, WEN-FU Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論 第一節 研究背景 第二節 研究問題 第三節 研究目的 第四節 名詞定義及研究範圍 第二章 評估信用風險之文獻參考 第三章 研究設計 第一節 研究架構與變數 第二節 抽樣設計 第三節 資料分析方法 第四章 資料分析與研究結果 第一節 企業主持人執業資格、經驗、地緣關係與信用風險之關係。 第二節 各項特質對信用風險之預測能力。 第五章 結論與建議 附錄 Log-Iknear Models 統計技術簡介。


蔡鋒杰, CIA, FENG-JIE Unknown Date (has links)
本論文全篇,約六萬餘字,計分六章二十五節。 本論文著重於以審計風險因素的分析與控制觀念,運用傳統變量抽樣方法及貨幣單位 抽樣方法,在競爭日趨激烈的審計專業中,能在一可接受之低水準的審計風險,及最 低的審計成本下提高審計效率,達成審計任務;並說明各抽樣方法的特質及其適用情 形。 第一章 緒論:說明研究動機、目的、方法及限制。 第二章 說明抽樣方法的發展及的審計準則的關係。 第三章 敘述審計風險因素及其數量模式。 第四章 探討傳統變量抽樣方法。 第五章 探討貨幣單位抽樸方法。 第六章 說明各抽樣方法之適用狀況及其比較,提出結論與建議。


陳淑芬 Unknown Date (has links)
一九九七年七月泰國爆發金融風暴,危及鄰近東南亞國家,台灣亦受波及,加上該年年底本國發生本土型金融風暴,一些企業集團陸續發生財務問題,致使金融機構授信品質迅速惡化,另一九九九年發生九二一大地震,使中部地區金融機構之不動產授信品質持續惡化,整體金融機構逾放比率節節升高,至二○○一年底整體金融機構列報之逾期放款金額達新台幣12,812億元,加計應予觀察放款5,528億元,整體金融機構逾期放款比率達13.0%,占該年GDP(98,170億元)之18.7%。以產業為分類標準,進一步探討這些逾期放款損失之內容,顯有風險集中於某些產業之現象。故本文首先探討目前本國銀行授信風險管理制度上之缺失,提出產業授信組合(Loan Portfolio)及信用風險集中度(Credit Risk Concentration )管理之觀念;同時採主觀分析法,以各種產業占前期國內生產毛額之比率為基礎,納入產業獲利能力、產業前景、產業類股股價變動及產業經營狀況、生產指數、單位勞動成本指數變動率等因素,設定各種產業授信之最高限額以控管產業授信風險集中度,並以某銀行民國九十一年六月底之各種產業授信及逾期放款資料進行實證。最後建議管理產業授信信用風險集中度之方法除了 1. 限制風險較高之產業占全體授信之比率 2. 對風險較高之產業客戶增提內部擔保及外部擔保 3. 限制客戶之經營策略,例如規範其處理資產之程序、限制其增加借款金額及限制股利分配或限制某項財務比率等; 另介紹國外管理授信組合信用風險之方法,如貸款交易(Loan Trading)、信用衍生性商品(Credit Derivatives)及資產證券化(Asset Securitization)等金融工具以規避信用風險過度集中之危機。


曾信凱, Tseng Hsin Kai Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要目的在於探索風險基礎資本額監理制度之實施,對於人壽保險公司風險承擔行為(Risk-taking Behaviors)之影響。為了檢視此一議題,本文採用同步方程式模型(Simultaneous Equations Model),並利用二階段最小平方法來分析壽險公司的資本、風險與風險基礎資本額監理制度之間的關係。本文將壽險公司依照其前一年度之風險基礎資本比率(RBC ratio)分成N個等級,藉此來捕捉各種風險基礎資本比率等級下,壽險公司的風險行為異同。本文更進一步的將樣本壽險公司依照公司大小、組織型態以及樣本期間的存活情況分成數個子樣本,加以分析子樣本間壽險公司的風險行為差異。 實證結果顯示,RBC 低的公司不僅會增加公司資本,而且亦會增加產品風險;另一方面,股份保險公司相較於相互保險公司會承擔較多的風險,且相互保險公司不易受風險基礎資本額監理制度的影響。本文更進一步發現,公司規模小且RBC低的壽險公司不僅會增加公司資本,亦會同時增加公司產品風險;反之亦然。此一結果隱含當監理機關要求RBC低之壽險公司增加資本時,壽險公司亦會同時增加其產品面風險。 / This paper explores the impact of Risk-Based Capital regulation on life insurer’s risk-taking behavior. To examine this issue, we use a simultaneous equations model. We employ a two stage least square (2SLS) model to analyze the relationship between life insurer’s capital, risk and RBC requirements. We classify the insurers into N categories to capture the insurers’ behavior with different levels of RBC ratios. Further, we divide the sample into several groups by insurer size, organization form, and status between sample periods. The results suggest that insurers with lower RBC would not only increase their capital ratios but also increase their product risk. Further, life insurers with small sizes and low RBC ratios would not only increase their capital ratios but also increase product risk. The results imply that regulators require insurers with low RBC ratio increase their capital, but insurers would increase product risk at the same time.


羅湘蘭 Unknown Date (has links)
長久以來,台灣債券型基金一直存在收益率(Yield)與流動性(Liquidity)的迷思。在國際巿場上,收益率(Yield)與流動性(Liquidity)存在某著的扺換(Trade Off)關係,欲享有倩券型基金高收益,可能必須犧牲某種程度之流動性,反之亦然。而在台灣巿場上卻是硬將兩者置於同向,為達到此目的,透過作價讓淨值不跌,是其一之方法。而作價問題由來已久,其最主要的原因是缺乏殖利率曲線,也就是沒有一個公平巿價評價基礎。主管機關規劃以九十四年底為界限,自九十五起,所有的債券新投資必須採取公平巿價評價,但不溯及既往。但在解決最終問題的過渡期間,債券型基金所存在的問題是什麼呢?以50%持債投資組合觀之,20%的結構債,自九十三年九月以來,因六個月期LIBOR已上揚一三○個基本點,是問題的主要根源,也正因為如此,存在著所謂的流動性風險及利率風險。 基於上述,為研究近期以來債券型基金所面臨之流動性風險、利率風險、信用風險,以及投信業者對於債券型基金的風險控管如何具體落實,故為此篇研究報告並進行分析。 再者,對於債券型基金面臨可能買到地雷債、利率自谷底緩步走揚、債巿空頭來臨等巿場因素,主管機關、投信、投資人之於債券型基金,為一建議。

巴塞爾內部法下銀行可能的資本節制-以GARCH type 模型為例

陳婉真 Unknown Date (has links)
因應國際接軌,台灣在風險管理上將採用國際清算銀行所公佈的規範,其中,在市場風險方面,巴塞爾銀行監理委員會(BaselCommittee on Banking Supevision, BCBS)允許銀行能夠使用風險值(Value at Risk, VaR)模型來衡量市場風險,同時明文規定可透過事後的回顧測試作模型適合度的檢查,若模型有不正確的疑慮,監理機構可給予較高的乘數因子,以要求銀行提高資本保留。本研究嘗試以四種模型,包含EWMA、AR(1)-GARCH(1,1)、AR(1)-EGARCH(1,0)、AR(1)-TAR-GARCH(1,1)搭配兩種分配(常態分配、拔靴法)計算風險值並進行回顧測試。透過實證結果,發現一般金融資產在假設常態分配下使用GARCH-type估算風險值時,有低估風險的現象,伴隨著的是,進行回顧測試時會有較高的例外數(exception)。本文建議以拔靴法搭配GARCH-type模型進行風險值的估算,更能表達金融資產厚尾(fat tail)高峰的特性,此為本文貢獻之一。同時,實證結果亦指出透過不同模型估算出的風險值,對相同的投資組合能產生不同的資本提列,並且,更進一步發現,對於某些低估風險的模型,即使已經透過增加乘數的方式,其提撥的資本仍舊較低。對銀行來說,能藉著選取模型來節約成本追求利潤極大;相反的,對金融監理機構而言,則表示在目前的規範下,並無法有效的促使銀行提列足夠的資本保留。

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