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Carrières migratoires des jeunes Français·es au Québec : de la mobilité temporaire à l’établissement durable ?Auger, Alexis 09 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche s’intéresse aux trajectoires migratoires des jeunes Français·es au Québec, et plus particulièrement à la transition d’un projet de mobilité temporaire (études universitaires, permis de travail, etc.) à une migration durable. Le mémoire cherche, d’une part, à décrire les temporalités de leur migration, de l’entrée en mobilité à la prolongation du séjour, et à comprendre les logiques décisionnelles sous-tendant leur établissement durable ou permanent. Située à la confluence de différents champs théoriques, l’enquête se base sur les théories des migrations, le paradigme des mobilités et une approche multidimensionnelle de l’intégration. 16 entretiens ont été effectués selon l’approche biographique des récits de vie avec des jeunes Français·es arrivés avant l’âge de 30 ans et installés au Québec depuis plus de deux ans, en détaillant les chocs, les seuils significatifs et les bifurcations dans leurs parcours. L’analyse qualitative des résultats montre que les grandes temporalités des carrières migratoires ne sont pas structurées par les mêmes logiques. D’abord, l’entrée en mobilité, soit la décision de partir de la France, se fonde dans le capital de mobilité, compris comme un ensemble de prédispositions à l’internationalisation, et l’attrait de l’expatriation précède généralement le choix du Québec, présenté comme relativement aléatoire. Ensuite, l’arrivée, la volonté de prolongation du séjour et le désir de rester au Québec constituent des étapes de la carrière migratoires marquées par des réussites en termes de développement personnel et professionnel, mais également de plusieurs épreuves à surmonter, notamment sur les plans relationnels et juridiques. Enfin, l’appartenance au Québec, opérationnalisée à partir des dimensions de l’intégration, permet de comprendre le passage d'une mobilité temporaire à un établissement durable. Les données suggèrent qu’une forte intégration sur les plans relationnels (liens personnels, conjugalité, etc.) et culturels (sentiment d’appartenance, adaptation, etc.) peut être associée à une logique d’établissement permanent. L’intégration structurelle (insertion professionnelle, statut juridique permanent, etc.) permet pour sa part la formulation de projets d’allers-retours entre la France et le Québec. Par ailleurs, les données mettent en lumière l'hétérogénéité de la population à l'étude : l’appartenance à différentes catégories sociales (genre, racisation, etc.) montre l'existence de logiques d’établissement différenciées. Cette enquête invite, en somme, à l’analyse simultanée des mobilités (partir), des migrations (rester) et de l’intégration (appartenir) dans l’étude de l’immigration au Québec, en l’occurrence de la communauté française. / This research focuses on the migration trajectories of young French people in Québec, and more specifically on the transition from a temporary mobility project (university degree, work permit, etc.) to a durable migration. The study seeks to describe the temporalities of their migration, from the beginning of their mobility to the extension of their stay, and to understand the decision-making logics underlying their durable or permanent installation. Situated at the confluence of different theoretical fields, the research is based on migration theories, the mobility paradigm and a multidimensional approach of integration. Sixteen interviews were conducted using a biographical life story approach with young French people who arrived before the age of 30 and have been living in Québec for more than two years, detailing the shocks, significant milestones and bifurcations in their lives. A qualitative analysis of the results shows that the main temporalities of migratory careers are not structured by the same logics. First, the beginning of mobility, i.e. the decision to leave France, is based on mobility capital, understood as a set of predispositions to internationalization, and the attraction of expatriation generally precedes choosing Québec as a destination, which is presented as relatively aleatory. Secondly, the arrival, the desire to extend one's stay, and wanting to remain in Québec are stages in the migratory career marked by successes in terms of personal and professional development, but also by several challenges to overcome, particularly in terms of relationships and visa issues. Finally, the notion of belonging in Québec, operationalized through the dimensions of integration, provides an understanding of the transition from temporary mobility to long-term settlement. The data suggests that strong integration in terms of relationships (personal ties, conjugality, etc.) and culture (sense of belonging, adaptation, etc.) can be associated with a logic of permanent installation. Structural integration (professional insertion, permanent resident status, etc.) allows for the elaboration of plans to move back and forth between France and Québec. Moreover, the analysis highlights the heterogeneity of the population under study, while differentiated migration logics were observed across those belonging to social categories that can be discriminated against (gender, race, etc.). Through focusing primarily on the French community, this study calls for a simultaneous analysis of mobility (leaving, migration (staying) and integration (belonging) in the broader study of immigration in Quebec.
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Františka Plamínková jako novinářka, politička a feministka - životopisná studie / Františka Plamínková As a Journalist, a Politician And a Feminist - a Biographical ResearchKnížková, Gabriela January 2022 (has links)
This thesis deals with the life of Františka Plamínková (1875-1942) paying special attention to her role as a women's rights activist, politician and journalist. The study maps out Plamínková's journey to becoming one of the principal characters of the Czech women's movement before and after the First World War and her merits regarding the women's suffrage in Czechoslovakia in the appropriate historical context. Furthermore, it describes her politics in the Czechoslovak Senate as well as her other public activities, such as being the chairwoman of the Czech National Women's Council. It highlights Plamínková's fate during the Nazi occupation of Czechoslovakia, which ultimately led to her execution. The chapter dedicated to Plamínková's journalistic work analyses her texts published between 1906-1940 primarily in women's magazines, where Plamínková reflected on the period narrative concerning women and aimed to change their limited options within both their public and private lives. The premise of this thesis is that Plamínková projected her own experience and opinions into her journalistic body of work. The study is based in archival materials and sources, texts in period magazines and other studies related to the topic at hand. Enclosed are several period photographs and archival documents.
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Homeless Mothers as Parent LeadersMilligan, Dorothy Ann 27 February 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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[pt] A pesquisa aplica algumas técnicas de processamento de linguagem natural (PLN) ao domínio da história, tendo como objeto de investigação o Dicionário Histórico-Biográfico Brasileiro (DHBB), obra de estilo enciclopédico concebida pelo Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação de História Contemporânea do Brasil (CPDOC) da Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV). O objetivo foi criar, a partir do DHBB, um corpus anotado para fins de extração automática de informações, relevante para as Humanidades Digitais, capaz de viabilizar ‘leituras distantes’ da política contemporânea brasileira. O processo completo passa pelas etapas de análise morfossintática do material, identificação de entidades relevantes ao domínio, inclusão de anotação no corpus, definição de relações semânticas de interesse para a pesquisa e mapeamento dos padrões léxico-sintáticos existentes nestas relações. Busca-se com estas etapas preparar os textos para a identificação de estruturas de interesse, isolando as informações relevantes e apresentando-as de forma estruturada. Para testar e avaliar um conjunto de padrões quanto à sua produtividade, foram selecionados como temas de interesse idade de entrada dos biografados na carreira política, formação acadêmica e vínculos familiares. O pressuposto é que utilizando padrões léxico-sintáticos é possível extrair informação de qualidade direcionada ao domínio da História, a partir de um corpus anotado do gênero enciclopédico. Na avaliação dos padrões para a extração do ano de nascimento dos biografados a medida-F foi de 99 por cento, para a extração de relações familiares a medida-F foi de 84% e para informações sobre formação acadêmica o índice de acertos alcançou 99,1 por cento. Essas extrações, por sua vez, permitiram uma leitura distante dos dados do DHBB que nos mostra i) queda da média de idade no que se refere à entrada dos políticos na carreira pública, que passam a se posicionar cada vez mais abaixo dos 40 anos, principalmente os nascidos a partir da década de 1960; ii) declínio acentuado na formação militar, sobretudo para as gerações pós 1920, demonstrando que o treinamento civil estava substituindo o militar enquanto caminho para atingir cargos políticos importantes; e iii) vínculos familiares na política como um fenômeno que se mantêm ao longo do tempo em índices bastante significativos, muitas vezes representando mais de 50 por cento do total de membros de determinadas categorias. As principais contribuições da tese são: criação de um corpus de gênero enciclopédico anotado e disponibilizado para estudos linguísticos e das humanidades; apresentação de metodologia baseada em uma filosofia de enriquecimento cíclico, em que à medida que se vai obtendo mais informações, elas são adicionadas ao próprio corpus melhorando a extração; e compilação de um conjunto de padrões passível de ser adaptado para quaisquer corpora contendo o mesmo tipo de anotações. / [en] The research applies some natural language processing techniques (NLP) to the domain of history, having as object of investigation the Brazilian Historical-Biographical Dictionary (DHBB), an encyclopedic style work conceived by the Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação de História Contemporânea do Brasil (CPDOC) of Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV). The target is to create, from the DHBB, an annotated corpus for automatic information extraction s purpose, relevant to the Digital Humanities, enabling distant readings of Brazilian contemporary political history. The complete process goes through the morphosyntactic analysis of the material, identification of entities relevant to the domain, inclusion of semantic annotation in the corpus, definition of semantic relations of interest and mapping of lexical-syntactic patterns existing in these relations. These steps seek to prepare the texts for the identification of structures of interest, isolating the relevant information and presenting them in a structured way. To test and evaluate a set of textual patterns regarding their productivity in relation to DHBB, some specific topics were selected: age of the politician when entering public life, academic training and family ties. The assumption is that using lexical-syntactic patterns it is possible to extract high quality information from the domain of History, from an annotated corpus of the encyclopedic genre. In the evaluation of the patterns for extraction of the year of birth of the biographees, the F-measure was 99 per cent, for the extraction of family relationships, the F-measure was 84 per cent and for information on academic training, the correctness index reached 99.1 per cent. These extractions, in turn, allowed us to make a distant reading of the data in the DHBB that shows us i) a drop in the average age with regard to the entry of politicians into the public career, who start to position themselves more and more under 40 years of age, mainly those born from the 1960s; ii) sharp decline in military training, especially for the post-1920 generations, demonstrating that civilian training was replacing military training as a way to reach important political positions; and iii) family ties in politics as a phenomenon that remain over time at very significant rates, often representing more than 50 per cent of the total members of certain categories. The main contributions of the thesis are: creation of an encyclopedic genre corpus annotated and made available for linguistic and humanities studies; presentation of a methodology based on a philosophy of cyclic enrichment, in which, as more information is obtained, they are added to the corpus itself, improving extraction; and compilation of a set of productive patterns that can be adapted for any corpora containing the same type of annotations.
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Nanny Hammarström i liv, text och reception – en biografiHansson, Jan January 2023 (has links)
In this biographical study of the Finno-Swedish author Nanny Hammarström (1870 - 1953), a forgotten authorship is presented. Hammarström's work is placed in a literary and cultural context with the help of a comprehensive review of how the authorship is described in overview works on literature, reviews, and articles. The study concludes with an analysis of the reception regarding some of Hammarström's works with anthropomorphic (zoomanic) subjects as protagonists. / I denna biografiska studie över den finlandssvenska författaren Nanny Hammarström (1870 – 1953) presenteras ett bortglömt författarskap. Hammarströms böcker placeras i litterär och kulturell kontext med en omfattande genomgång av hur författarskapet behandlas i litterära översiktsverk, recensioner och tidningsartiklar. Studien avslutas med en analys av receptionen gällande några av Hammarströms verk med antropomorfa (zoomana) subjekt som protagonister. / <p>Slutgiltigt godkännandedatum: 2023-06-01</p>
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Marginalisierte Arbeit und deren Effekte: Aktuelle Befunde in und jenseits von OrganisationenTümpel, Markus 07 November 2022 (has links)
Die im Zeitalter des ‚unorganisierten Kapitalismus‘ auftretenden Entgrenzungen und Flexibilisierungen von Arbeit bringen atypische Beschäftigungsformen mit sich, sei es Leiharbeit, Solo-Selbständigkeit oder Graubereiche wie die stetig wachsende ‚Gig Economy‘. Nicht wenige, der in diesen Sektoren tätigen Menschen, sehen sich prekären Bedingungen ausgesetzt – teils mit den entsprechenden gesundheitlichen Folgen wie Depressionen oder Erschöpfungszustände. Überdies sind viele Tätigkeitsfelder marginalisiert und zwar in mehrfacher Hinsicht: So sind einige Gebiete des Entrepreneurship in der Forschung nur wenig bis kaum beachtet, etwa Klein(st)-UnternehmerInnen bestimmter Professionen (z.B. Sexarbeit) oder beispielsweise in migrantischen Kontexten. Andererseits zeigt sich Randständigkeit auch im Forschungsfeld selbst – etwa im Falle von LeiharbeiterInnen, die sich Ausgrenzung und Stigmatisierung gegenübersehen.
Die vorliegende kumulative Dissertation bündelt drei wissenschaftliche Artikel, die sich jeweils im Spannungsfeld eben jener Marginalisierung bewegen. Dabei handelt es sich konkret um eine Mehrfachfallstudie zu Selbständigen vor und während der COVID-19-Pandemie, eine Untersuchung zu Stigmatisierung in der Leiharbeit und schließlich ein konzeptionelles Papier, das eine Klassifizierung prekärer und marginalisierter Formen des Entrepreneurship vornimmt.
Neben dem Fokus auf Strategien des Umgangs mit prekären Arbeitskontexten ziehen sich durch alle drei Artikel Fragen professioneller und sozialer Identitäten. Dabei ist es insbesondere das konfliktäre Aufeinandertreffen – etwa von Stigmatisierung, professioneller Identität und sozialer Normung – das sich herausarbeiten ließ. Auch widersprüchliche Logiken, wie im Falle der untersuchten UnternehmerInnen, konnten beleuchtet werden. Der organisationale Kontext und entsprechende Rückschlüsse auf Managementprozesse treten vor allem in der Studie zu LeiharbeiterInnen hervor, einige Anschlüsse ergeben sich aber auch in Kategorien des marginalisierten und prekären Entrepreneurship.
Methodisch sind die in dieser Dissertation zusammengefassten Beiträge im Bereich der qualitativen Forschung angesiedelt. Trotz des vergleichsweise geringen Anteils entsprechender Arbeiten innerhalb der Wirtschaftswissenschaften, wird deren Bedeutung für die Theoriearbeit, Hypothesengenerierung und damit auch als Basis für quantitative Forschung häufig betont. In der vorliegenden Arbeit ermöglicht der gewählte Ansatz zudem einen Zugang zu den Wirkungen prekärer Arbeit auf individueller Ebene, aber auch einen Blick auf intraorganisationale Prozesse, dies vor allem im Falle der Leiharbeit. / In the age of disorganised capitalism, increasing flexibility of work and deregulation entails atypical forms of employment, such as temporary work, self-employment or grey areas like the steadily growing 'gig economy'. People working in these sectors are often exposed to precarious conditions, sometimes leading to health problems such as depression or fatigue. In addition, many occupational fields are marginalised in more than one way: For example, some areas of entrepreneurship have received only little or hardly any attention in research, such as micro entrepreneurs in certain professions (e.g., sex work) or within contexts of migration. On the other hand, marginalisation is also evident in the actual fields of research. This can be seen in the case of temporary workers, who face organisational segregation and stigmatisation.
This series of papers presents three articles, each of which is framed by marginalisation and precarious contexts. Namely, this involves a multiple case study of four self-employed before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, an examination of stigmatisation in the field of temporary work as well as a conceptual paper that proposes a classification of precarious and marginalised forms of entrepreneurship.
While focusing on strategies of coping with contexts of precarious work, questions of professional and social identities emerge in all three papers. In particular, conflicting elements – such as stigma, professional identity and social norms – were identified. Similarly, it was possible to shed light on conflicting logics, as in the case of self-employed entrepreneurs. The organisational context and conclusions about management processes were most prominent in the study on temporary workers, whereas some correlations also emerged in categories of marginalised and precarious entrepreneurship.
From a methodological point of view, the studies gathered in this dissertation are all positioned in the field of qualitative research. Despite the rather moderate proportion of such work within economics, its importance for theoretical work, the generation of hypotheses and thereby as a basis for quantitative research is often emphasised. In the studies at hand, the chosen approach provides an insight into the effects of precarious work at an individual level, but also into intra-organisational processes, especially in the case of temporary agency work.
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Professional Hurt: The Untold StoriesBrown, Ruby Macksine 02 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Combating Corruption at the Grass-Roots Level: The Case of Individual Oath TakersOluyitan, Emmanuel F. 15 April 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Le patient partenaire : le récit biographique à la rencontre de l’expérience de patients-usagers chroniques devenus partenairesParé-Tremblay, Alexandra 12 1900 (has links)
La perspective des patients devenus partenaires semble peu documentée, et la littérature révèle des écueils importants en lien en lien avec leur vécu et leur expérience. Cette étude, basée sur un devis qualitatif descriptif, explore les récits de vie de patients-usagers atteints d’une maladie chronique grave, et devenus partenaires. Elle rend compte de la manière dont l’obtention de ce rôle impacte leur trajectoire de soins et de vie, ainsi que la manière dont l’expérience du partenariat altère leur rapport à la maladie, à leur corps, et aux professionnels de la santé. Des entretiens approfondis semi-structurés, inspirés par la méthode du récit de vie de Bertaux (1997) ont été menés auprès de neuf participants (n=9) ayant acquis le titre de « patients partenaires ». Les récits de vies (n=9) ont ensuite été analysés au moyen de l'analyse interprétative phénoménologique (IPA), dans une démarche idiographique, et joints à plusieurs concepts issus du courant de l’interactionnisme symbolique. Ces témoignages montrent que le partenariat s’inscrit à grands traits dans la trajectoire de vie et de soins des patients-usagers. À la lumière de leur expérience à titre de patients partenaires, les patients-usagers interrogés ont relaté avoir attribué un sens renouvelé à l'expérience de la maladie, à leur corps, ainsi qu'aux professionnels rencontrés. L'expérience du partenariat apparait contribuer à transformer leur identité, et leur rapport à eux-mêmes. L'introduction du partenariat dans leurs trajectoires de soins et de vie semble ainsi donner un sens pérenne à « la vie d'après », en plus d’agir de catalyseur dans la quête de sens suscitée par l’expérience de la maladie. / The perspective of patients who have transitioned to patient-partner is not well understood, and the existing literature is limited in scope. It primarily focuses on the efficiency of this healthcare model, neglecting the meanings and experiences this role holds for these patients. This study explores the life stories of patients living with a serious chronic illness, who have become patient partners. It examines how taking on this role affects their care and life trajectories, and how the partnership experience influences their relationship with their illness, their body, and with healthcare professionals. An interpretive qualitative design was used to address the study objectives. In-depth semi-structured interviews, inspired by Bertaux's (1997) life-story method, were conducted with nine participants (n=9) who had taken on the role of 'patient partner'. The life stories (n=9) were then analyzed using phenomenological interpretive analysis (IPA), in an idiographic approach, incorporating several concepts from symbolic interactionism. Participant narratives reveal that partnership plays an important role in both the life and care trajectories of these patients. In light of their experience as patient-partners, participants recounted attributing renewed meaning to their experience of illness, to their bodies, and their interactions with healthcare professionals. The patient-partner experience appears to have contributed to transforming their identity, as well as their relationship with themselves. The introduction of partnership into their care and life trajectories seems to have given a lasting meaning to their "life post-diagnosis", as well as serving as a catalyst in the quest for meaning triggered by the experience of illness.
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Facilitating forgiveness: an NLP approach to forgivingVon Krosigk, Beate Christine 31 May 2004 (has links)
Facilitating forgiveness: an NLP approach to forgiving is an attempt at uncovering features of the blocks that prevent people to forgive. These blocks to forgiveness can be detected in the real life situations of the six individuals who told me their stories. The inner thoughts, feelings and the subsequent behaviour that prevented them from forgiving others is clearly uncovered in their stories. The facilitation process highlights the features that created the blocks in the past thus preventing forgiveness to occur. The blocks with their accompanying features reveal what needs to be clarified or changed in order to eventually enable the hurt individuals to forgive those who have hurt them. The application of discourse analysis to the stories of hurt highlights the links between the real life stories of the individuals within their contexts with regard to unforgiveness to the research findings of the existing body of knowledge, thereby creating a complexly interwoven comprehensive understanding of the individuals' thoughts, feelings, and behaviours in conjunction with their developmental phases within their socio-cultural contexts.
Neuro-linguistic-programming (NLP) is the instrument with which forgiving is facilitated in the six individuals who expressed their conscious desire to forgive, because they were unable to do so on their own. Their emotions had the habit of keeping them in a place in which they were forced to relive the hurtful event as if it were happening in the present. Arresting the process of reliving negative emotions requires a new way of being in this world. The assumption that this can be learnt is based on the results from a previous study, in which forgiveness was uncovered by means of the grounded theory approach as a cognitive process (Von Krosigk, 2000). The results from the previous research in conjunction with the results and insights from this research study are presented in the form of a grounded theory model of forgiveness. / Psychology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Psychology)
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