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Co-Abhängigkeit und Resilienz von Frauen mit alkoholabhängigen Angehörigen : ein Beitrag zur Biografieforschung für die Seelsorge / Codependence and resilience of women with alcohol-addicted relatives : a contribution to biographical research for pastoral counsellingHörauf, Waltraud 01 1900 (has links)
German text / Die Alkoholabhängigkeit ist die am stärksten verbreitete Abhängigkeitserkrankung in Deutschland. Unbekannt ist die Zahl der betroffenen Angehörigen. Nach Erarbeitung not-wendiger theoretischer Grundlagen und Vorstellung aktueller Forschungsergebnisse stan-den narrative Interviews mit Frauen von alkoholabhängigen Partnern im Mittelpunkt der Forschungsarbeit. Durch Datenanalyse und Dateninterpretation mit Methoden der rekon-struktiven Sozialforschung wurde ein tieferes Verständnis für die Lebensgeschichte der beiden ausgewählten Biografinnen gewonnen. Risiko- und Schutzfaktoren konnten diffe-renziert erfasst und resilienzfördernde Maßnahmen für Seelsorge und Beratung abgeleitet werden. Besondere Beachtung fand die Bedeutung des christlichen Glaubens als Resilienz-faktor. Weitere Beobachtungen durch Einbeziehung aller Interviews als Datenmaterial wurden als Hilfen für das Verständnis der Gesamtproblematik ausgewertet. Aus der Dis-kussion der Ergebnisse ergaben sich Handlungsempfehlungen für die christliche Gemeinde und richtungsweisende Impulse für Seelsorge und Beratung.
Schlüsselbegriffe: / Alcohol dependence is the most widespread addictive disease in Germany, the number of affected relatives unkown. After acquiring theoretical foundations and current research results, my research focused on narrative interviews with wives of alcohol dependent part-ners. By the use of reconstructive social research methods, data analysis and interpretation a deeper understanding of the life history of the two selected biographers was obtained. After detecting risk and protective factors, resilience promoting factors for pastoral care and counselling could be derived. Special attention was paid to the importance of Christian faith. For an understanding of the overall problem, all interviews were included as data material and evaluated. From the discussion of the results, recommendations for the Chris-tian Church and impulses giving direction for pastoral care and counselling were derived. / Practical Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)
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Exploring stories of coping with childhood cancer in a support group for parentsPapaikonomou, Maria 06 1900
This study examines through autoethnographic inquiry my research journey in the world of childhood cancer. The unfolding research experience eventually led to the focus of this investigation which is exploring stories of coping with childhood cancer in a support group for parents. Using the principles of ethnographic epistemology this study
explores the stories of eight parents whose children were diagnosed with cancer and who decided to join the support group for parents called, TOUCH. An overview of the existing body of knowledge on childhood cancer and the family is presented as well as the value of a social support group in parenting a child with cancer. The need of a conceptual shift in order to understand the problem of parenting a child with cancer is propagated. The stories of eight parents within the setting of a social support group are presented. Through the principles of the qualitative method of ethnography the story of the child's cancer is described by means of emerging themes. The coping mechanisms used to cope in this world of uncertainty and ambiguity, follows. Finally the contribution of the support group is discussed in terms of my relationship with the group member, the group members' communication pattern and what was perceived to be helpful to the group member. The eight stories discussed all follow the same pattern. Four hypotheses emerged from the eight stories described and are presented in the final chapter. The strengths and limitations of the study are discussed as well as recommendations for future research. / Psychology / D. Lit. et Phil. (Psychology)
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A Morula tree between two fields : the commentary of selected Tsonga writersMaluleke, Samuel Tinyiko 06 1900 (has links)
The thesis of this study is that indigenous Tsonga literature forms a valid
and authoritative commentary on missionary Christianity. In this study, the
value of literary works by selected Tsonga writers is explored in three basic
directions: (a) as a commentary on missionary Christianity, (b) as a source
of and challenge to missiology, and (c) as a source of a Black missiology of
1 i berat ion. The momentous intervention of Swiss missionaries amongst the
Vatsonga, through the activities of the Swiss Mission in South Africa (SMSA)
must be granted. Similarly, its abiding influence formerly in the Tsonga
Presbyterian Church (TPC), now the Evangelical Presbyterian Church in South
Africa (EPCSA), the Vatsonga in general and Tsonga literature in particular
must be recognized. But our missiological task is to problematise and explore
both missionary instrumentality and local responses variously and creatively.
The first chapter introduces the thesis, central issues of historiography and
ideology as well as an introductory history of the SMSA. In the second
chapter, the commentary of Tsonga writers through the media of historical and
biographical works on missionary Christianity is sketched. Selected Tsonga
novels become the object of inquiry in the third chapter. The novels come
very close to a direct evaluation of missionary Christianity. They contain
commentary on a wide variety of issues in mission. The fourth chapter
concentrates on two Tsonga plays and a number of Tsonga poems. In the one
play, missionary Christianity is likened to garments that are too sho· ~'
whilst in the other, missionary Christianity is contemptuously ignored and
excluded - recognition granted only to the religion and gods of the Vatsonga.
The fifth and final chapter contains the essential commentary of indigenous
Tsonga literature on missionary Christianity as well as the implications for
both global and local missiology. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology)
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Les filles sur le chemin de l’enseignement supérieur en Afrique subsaharienne : analyse de leurs trajectoires, représentations sociales de l’école et résilience à travers leurs récits biographiquesMapto Kengne, Valèse 02 1900 (has links)
Les graphiques ont été réalisés avec le logiciel Alceste. / La scolarisation, l’éducation et la formation sont à la fois une nécessité et une contrainte pour l’évolution des pays en développement, car le développement durable exige l’accès au savoir et à la culture moderne et technologique. Le propos de notre recherche est de comprendre le vécu de la scolarisation des filles en Afrique subsaharienne à travers l'analyse de leurs récits biographiques.
Cette recherche porte sur trois questions à propos des filles dans l'enseignement supérieur en Afrique subsaharienne: (1) Quelles trajectoires suivent les filles en Afrique subsaharienne pour devenir des étudiantes universitaires? (2) Quel rôle jouent les représentations sociales et la résilience dans le vécu des filles pour atteindre le niveau universitaire? (3) En se fondant sur des récits biographiques fournis par des étudiantes universitaires subsahariennes, quels facteurs, de risque ou de protection, semblent déterminants pour réussir à atteindre le niveau universitaire?
Pour répondre à ces questions, nous avons constitué un corpus de 23 récits biographiques. L'analyse du contenu de ces récits a été effectuée à l'aide d'Alceste, un logiciel d'analyse de données textuelles. Alceste a traité chaque mot dans les 23 récits, puis a exécuté une analyse factorielle de ces mots. L'avantage de cette méthode d’analyse est de permettre au chercheur de découvrir des dimensions cachées au sein de la masse de données analysées. Trois classes de mots ont émergé de cette analyse factorielle. Les trois classes ont été croisées avec les 23 répondantes. L'analyse des tableaux croisés a révélé trois types d'étudiantes universitaires résilientes, selon leur trajectoire scolaire: la battante, l'assistée et l'héritière.
En nous fondant sur: (a) les récits des étudiantes, (b) les trois classes produites par le logiciel Alceste, et (c) les tableaux croisés, nous avons tracé trois portraits-types d’étudiante. La trajectoire de chaque type d'étudiante met en présence et en interaction diverses variables sociologiques et individuelles: milieu socio-économique, milieu familial, contexte rural-urbain, âge, obstacles, échecs, redoublements, succès.
La scolarisation des filles augmente plus rapidement en milieu urbain qu'en milieu rural. Chez les battantes, la scolarisation est vécue dans le sacrifice, la souffrance et l'impuissance. Chez les assistées, elle avance grâce à des contacts et un réseau d’opportunités. Chez les héritières, elle débute dans la tendre enfance et progresse rapidement. Dans leurs récits, les informatrices emploient des mots qui traduisent les disparités, les variations, les dynamiques et les détours dans leurs trajectoires scolaires. Les contextes, les lieux, les événements, l’âge et la fratrie affectent les trajectoires de différentes manières. Néanmoins, toutes les filles sont motivées à atteindre l’enseignement supérieur.
L'entrée précoce à l'école, que l'on retrouve à la ville plutôt qu'à la campagne, est au nombre des facteurs de protection qui contribuent le plus à la scolarisation des filles au niveau universitaire. Un autre facteur de première importance est la scolarité des parents: les parents instruits ont de meilleures chances de voir leurs filles, des héritières, persévérer dans leurs études. Chez les battantes et les assistées, les facteurs de protection individuels sont décisifs: avec relativement peu de moyens financiers et d'appui familial, ces filles doivent se débrouiller et concevoir des solutions inédites afin de triompher de l'adversité. On note, en particulier, le courage et l'esprit combatif des battantes, de même que l'aide et le soutien d'un réseau procuré aux assistées. Cependant, l'effet de tous ces facteurs n'est pas le même dans les divers contextes familiaux, sociaux et institutionnels.
Au delà de ce que nous avons mis en lumière au sujet des battantes, des assistées et des héritières, il reste encore beaucoup à découvrir au sujet de la fréquentation et de la persévérance scolaires des filles en Afrique subsaharienne. Depuis la Conférence de Jomtien en 1990, diverses mobilisations ont porté fruit et facilité l'accès des filles à l'école. Notre recherche auprès d'étudiantes universitaires en Afrique Subsaharienne montre que toutes ces filles font preuve de résilience, et que les moyens et solutions pour atteindre l'enseignement supérieur sont spécifiques à chaque fille. / Schooling, education and training are a necessity as well as a constraint for the evolution of developing countries, because sustainable development requires access to modern and technological knowledge and culture. The aim of our research is to discover the factual experience of the schooling of girls in Sub-Saharan Africa, through an analysis of their biographical narratives.
This doctoral dissertation addresses three questions concerning the higher education of girls in Sub-Saharan Africa: (1) What trajectories do Sub-Saharan girls follow to become university students? (2) What role do Sub-Saharan girls' social representations and resilience play in attaining higher education? (3) On the basis of biographical narratives provided by Sub-Saharan girl university students, what factors, risk or protective, seem determinant to succeed in reaching higher education?
To answer these questions, we gathered a corpus of 23 biographical narratives. The content analysis of these narratives was carried out with the aid of Alceste, a software program for the analysis of textual data. Alceste processed each word in the 23 narratives, and then executed a factor analysis of these words. The advantage of this method is to allow the researcher to uncover hidden dimensions within the mass of data analyzed. Three classes of words emerged from this factor analysis. The three classes were cross-tabulated with the 23 respondents. The result of the cross-tabulation revealed three types of resilient girl university students, according to their schooling trajectory: the fighter, the assisted and the heiress.
On the basis of: (a) the girl students' narratives, (b) the three classes produced by software program Alceste, and (c) the cross-tabulations, we draw three typical portraits of the girl students. The trajectory of each type of student involves an interaction of various sociological and individual variables: socio-economic background, family environment, rural-urban context, age, obstacles, failures, grade repeatings, success.
The schooling of girls increases more rapidly in urban areas than in rural areas. For the fighters, schooling is experienced through sacrifice, suffering and helplessness. For the assisted, it moves forward thanks to contacts and timely networking. For the heiresses, it starts in early childhood and progresses rapidly. In their narratives, the informants use words that express disparities, variations, dynamics and detours in their schooling trajectories. Contexts, locations, events, age and family affect the trajectories in various ways. Common to all girls, though, is the motivation to attain higher education.
Early access to schooling, which is found in the cities rather than in rural areas, is among the protective factors that contribute most to the schooling of girls at the university level. Another factor of utmost importance is parents’ schooling: highly educated parents have better chances to see their daughters, heiresses, persevere in their studies. Among fighters and assisted, individual protective factors are decisive: with little or no financial means or familial support, these girls need to manage on their own and conceive novel solutions in order to overcome adversity. We note, in particular, the courage and battling spirit of the fighters, and the help and support provided by a network to the assisted. However, the effect of all these factors is not the same in the various familial, social and institutional contexts.
Beyond what we have shed light on concerning the fighters, the assisted and the heiresses, much remains to be discovered concerning the schooling and educational perseverance of girls in Sub-Saharan Africa. Since the Jomtien Conference in 1990, various mobilizations have borne fruit, as they facilitated girls’ access to school. Our research on girl university students in Sub-Saharan Africa shows that all of these girls display resilience and that the means and solutions to attain higher education are specific to each girl.
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A study of a late antique corpus of biographies (Historia Augusta)Baker, Renan January 2014 (has links)
This thesis provides a fresh investigation of a collection of Roman imperial biographies conventionally known as the 'Historia Augusta'. The thesis supports the authenticity of the texts included in this corpus, in particular the claims they make about their dates, authorship, and scope, through philological, literary, prosopographical, and historical arguments. It shows that this corpus of texts, if the main conclusions are accepted, potentially improves our understanding of the tetrarchic-Constantinian era. It also explores the wider implications for the historiography of the fourth century; the transmission and formation of multi-author corpora in antiquity and the middle ages. It also suggests that the canon of Latin imperial biographies be widened. The thesis has two parts. Part I explores the actual state of the corpus, its textual transmission, and relation to other texts. It shows that the ancient and medieval paratexts presented the corpus as a collection of imperial biographies. The paratexts are compatible with the authorial statements in the main text. It then explores the corpus' medieval transmission, and the interest medieval scholars had in such texts. This part suggests that the corpus’s current state explains well the inconsistencies found in it. Finally, it shows that words and phrases, once thought peculiar to the corpus and the holy grail of the forgery argument, are intertextual links to earlier texts. Part II explores chronological statements and historical episodes relevant to the Diocletianic-Constantinan period. It establishes the actual dates of each author, and suggests that the confusion found in these biographies is similar to that of other contemporaries. The few apostrophes are shown to be authentic, and the historical and prosopographical passages are shown to represent, and improve our understanding of, the zeitgeist and history of the period. The final conclusion weaves the various arguments together, and emphasises the authenticity and significance of the corpus' texts. It suggests separating the composition of the texts from the disinterested formation of the corpus as a whole, as part of a new hypothesis and further lines of enquiry.
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Co-Abhängigkeit und Resilienz von Frauen mit alkoholabhängigen Angehörigen : ein Beitrag zur Biografieforschung für die Seelsorge / Codependence and resilience of women with alcohol-addicted relatives : a contribution to biographical research for pastoral counsellingHörauf, Waltraud 01 1900 (has links)
German text / Die Alkoholabhängigkeit ist die am stärksten verbreitete Abhängigkeitserkrankung in Deutschland. Unbekannt ist die Zahl der betroffenen Angehörigen. Nach Erarbeitung not-wendiger theoretischer Grundlagen und Vorstellung aktueller Forschungsergebnisse stan-den narrative Interviews mit Frauen von alkoholabhängigen Partnern im Mittelpunkt der Forschungsarbeit. Durch Datenanalyse und Dateninterpretation mit Methoden der rekon-struktiven Sozialforschung wurde ein tieferes Verständnis für die Lebensgeschichte der beiden ausgewählten Biografinnen gewonnen. Risiko- und Schutzfaktoren konnten diffe-renziert erfasst und resilienzfördernde Maßnahmen für Seelsorge und Beratung abgeleitet werden. Besondere Beachtung fand die Bedeutung des christlichen Glaubens als Resilienz-faktor. Weitere Beobachtungen durch Einbeziehung aller Interviews als Datenmaterial wurden als Hilfen für das Verständnis der Gesamtproblematik ausgewertet. Aus der Dis-kussion der Ergebnisse ergaben sich Handlungsempfehlungen für die christliche Gemeinde und richtungsweisende Impulse für Seelsorge und Beratung.
Schlüsselbegriffe: / Alcohol dependence is the most widespread addictive disease in Germany, the number of affected relatives unkown. After acquiring theoretical foundations and current research results, my research focused on narrative interviews with wives of alcohol dependent part-ners. By the use of reconstructive social research methods, data analysis and interpretation a deeper understanding of the life history of the two selected biographers was obtained. After detecting risk and protective factors, resilience promoting factors for pastoral care and counselling could be derived. Special attention was paid to the importance of Christian faith. For an understanding of the overall problem, all interviews were included as data material and evaluated. From the discussion of the results, recommendations for the Chris-tian Church and impulses giving direction for pastoral care and counselling were derived. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)
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Les émotions, "ce que nous faisons nous-mêmes de ce qu'elles ont fait de nous" : identités et nouvelles logiques d'action du manager public dans les collectivités territoriales / Emotions, "what we are doing about what they have done to us" : identities and new working principles for local government managersAvier, Grégory 04 December 2013 (has links)
A un moment de l’histoire où l’émotion se veut l’adjuvant moteur de l’exercice et de l’action publique, ce travail de recherche s’inscrit à rebours d’une conception faisant de l’instantané et de l’événement les modes d’appréhension et d’expression de « sociétés liquides ». Fondé sur une approche critique, interdisciplinaire et humaniste, il étudie le comportement organisationnel dans un monde social lourdement impacté par un « managérialisme » mutilant l’histoire, la culture, et l’identité de cadres dirigeants publics dans les collectivités territoriales. Réhabilitant l’approche biographique comme stratégie d’accès au réel, la recherche met en évidence un « contrat psychologique » fondé sur un « équilibre stable » fruit d’une « double transaction biographique et relationnelle » autour de « l’éthique du bien commun », entre éthique de conviction et éthique de responsabilité. Elle étudie par la suite les logiques d’action qui se construisent aujourd’hui dans les administrations territoriales, où « l’image de l’organisation » comme « prison psychique » fait émerger des comportements allant de la défection à la résistance. / At a time in history when emotion wants to be an auxiliary driver in running local government, this research reverses the concept where snapshots and events are seen as ways of expressing and dealing with "fluid societies." Based on a critical, interdisciplinary and humanistic approach, it studies organisational behaviour in a social world seriously affected by a "managerialism" that is mutilating the history, culture, and identity of managers in local authorities. Reinstating the biographical approach as a strategy for getting to the core of reality, the research highlights a "psychological contract" based on a "stable equilibrium", the result of a "double biographical and relational transaction" which focusses on "the ethics of the common good", the midpoint between the ethics of conviction and responsibility. It then examines the working principles that are surfacing in local government today, where "the organisation's image" as a "mental prison" leads to behaviour ranging from defection to resistance.
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Giles Lytton Strachey et la "nouvelle biographie" dans un contexte historiographique postmoderne / Giles Lytton Strachey and the "new biography" in a postmodern historiographical contextTremblay, Alexandre 20 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif d’établir certains principes d’une potentielle théorisation de l’écriture biographiques. En liant des exemples prosaïques du XIXe siècle à certaines bases théoriques du XXIe siècle, il est question d’explorer les récurrences qui ont contribué à faire de certaines biographies des succès ou des échecs. En tant que biographe, essayiste et critique, Giles Lytton Strachey (1880-1932) est un sujet d’étude idéal qui permet d’analyser la relation entre le biographe, le biographié et le lecteur. Puis, selon le schéma structurel de la métahistoire proposé par Hayden White, il est possible d’émettre l’hypothèse que la biographie peut être un genre à part entière autant du point de vue de la forme que du fond. / The objective of this thesis attempts to illustrate a series of principles which could potentially lead to a theorisation of biographical writing. By exposing prosaic literary examples of the XIX century and certain theoretical bases of the XXI century, it is possible to depict recurrences that have contributed to the success or failure of various biographical works. Giles Lytton Strachey (1880-1932) as a biographer, essayist and critic appears to be the ideal subject that enables one to analyse the relationship between biographers, biographees and readers. Furthermore, the structural scheme of metahistory, as suggested by Hayden White, brings us one step closer to the assumption that biography can stand as a full-fledged genre both in terms of form and substance.
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Rodrigo Rubio: vida y obra literariaCifo González, Manuel 21 March 2007 (has links)
Rodrigo Rubio es un escritor al que la mayoría de los críticos lo sitúan dentro del denominado realismo social y, más concretamente, dentro de un realismo existencial de fuertes raíces cristianas. Además, su literatura posee un alto contenido autobiográfico -desde el principio hasta el final de la misma-,con una fuerte reflexión individual y unas motivaciones psicológicas bastante profundas.El propio rubio siempre se manifestó como un firme defensor de la literatura comprometida, marcada por una fuerte vocación realista y por un irrenunciable carácter testimonial. De ahí su permanente defensa de la literatura como testimonio de la vida del ser humano y de su lucha diaria, muchas veces infructuosa, por encontrar la felicidad. Porque, para Rodrigo Rubio, literatura y vida son inseparables, tal y como siempre mostró a lo largo de su obra y como se ha pretendido poner de manifiesto incluso con el mismo título de esta Tesis Doctoral. / Rodrigo Rubio is a writer whom most critics have placed within the so-called social realism, and more precisely within an existential realism, with strong christian roots.Furthermore, his literature, has, from beginning to end, a high autobiographical content, together with a strong individual reflection and deep psychological motivations.Rubio himself always stood for committed literature with a strong realistic vocation and testimonial character. Hence, his permanent defence of literature as a testimony of the life of human beings and their daily, and so often fruitless, struggle for happiness. Because, for Rodrigo Rubio, literature an life cannot be separated, as he has showed all throughout his works, and the title of this Tesis Doctoral has intended to state.
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Análisis de valores en los agentes de formación de los residentes de medicina familiar y comunitaria. Un estudio biográfico- narrativoSánchez Marín, Francisco José 16 July 2007 (has links)
La formación de los médicos comprende un extenso, complejo, diverso y especializado itinerario formativo. Esta investigación se centra en el proceso de formación especializada de los Médicos Internos Residentes de Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria tutelado por otro médico especialista más experimentado que ejerce como Tutor, la Enfermera de cupo docente, así como por otros tutores y colaboradores docentes.
En este contexto se describen, analizan e interpretan los valores emergentes de la relación entre el Tutor, el MIR y la Enfermera: los vectores que orientan la acción educativa; las líneas directrices que determinan la labor docente y la formación durante la etapa inicial del primer y tercer año de formación. En este sentido pretende señalar aquellos elementos que determinan la enseñanza-aprendizaje de los MIR de MFyC desde el punto de vista de los valores en relación a sus experiencias de vida. / The medical training includes an extensive, complex, diverse and specialized itinerary. This research focuses on the process of specialized training of resident physicians in Family Practice mentored by another more experienced doctor who serves as guardian, the quota Nurse teachers and other mentors and collaborators for teachers.
In this context, describe, analyze and interpret the emerging values ​​of the relationship between the tutor, the MIR and the Nurse: the vectors that guide education: guidelines that determine the teaching and training during the initial stage of first and third year of training. In this sense seeks to identify those elements that determine the teaching-learning MIR FCM from the point of view of values ​​in relation to their life experiences.
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