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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

後進者如何取得競爭優勢:應用軟體產業關鍵優勢分析 / How does the late comer get core competence: An analysis of the new competence of the application software industry

林映帆, Lin, Ying Fan Unknown Date (has links)
經濟學上有所謂先進者優勢 (First-mover Advantage) 的這個概念,認為一個產業的先驅公司,相較於後進的競爭對手,應該存在著許多優勢,例如: 可在對手未出現前先搶下大塊地盤,對市場定價的擁有主動權,以及在產業標準制定過程上的影響力及品牌知名度等等。 但是當先進者能處於原有市場之市場榮耀之際,很可能因為沉溺於舊有的成功,而對產業的新技術視而不見,或是低估新產業的崛起速度導致喪失先進者先機而兵敗如山倒。 處於典範轉移時代,產業的變遷速度已非舊有經驗可以預測,以往企業營收創新高都是大肆慶祝,但最近看市場領先者,如國內的宏碁電腦或是國外的諾基亞,均是在營收創新高時被調降企業評等,發出警訊。如近期宏碁電腦在PC市場已邁向全球第一名挑戰惠普HP之際,卻發生毛利下降,並警覺在智慧型手機市場已落後宏達電一大截,且現有產品線也難有競爭優勢而陣前換將。再看諾基亞,2007年營收或穫利都創新高,但到2011年市值僅Apple的7%,連續十四年的手機市佔率第一名也被三星超前;由於大部份都是低階手機,手機獲利狀況也僅Apple的三分之一。反之,後進廠商由於尚未形成經濟規模或商業模式,透過模仿式創新或破壞式創新,反而更容易動態調整策略去因應變動的環境或發現尚未被滿足的市場。在典範轉移時代,成功不是沿用舊有成功方式,而是需要想像力來找到創新的機會。而一個新進的軟體廠商,該掌握哪些競爭優勢,才能迅速搶佔市佔率? 本研究以導航產業為例,來看導航應用軟體的發展趨勢並比較先後進者優劣勢。導航產業由2003年神達電腦推出第一台結合GPS導航晶片的PDA Mio 168以來,迅速在市場上熱銷,並帶來台灣市場導航產業的一片榮景。但由於市場飽和,及受到車機與智慧型手機的雙面夾擊,使得原本的明星產業迅速在市場萎縮,2010整體台灣市場的數量一年已不到20萬台,較之2005年已萎縮了四分之一,且平均售價下降至USD 100,毛利率從40% 掉到8%。為了突破便攜式導航機PND(Portable Navigation Device)市場衰退的重圍,研勤科技在2008年創新推出第一套在iPhone上導航的導航軟體,後進者勤崴國際科技的「導航王」手導航軟體緊接著在2009年推出,在短短一年間,賣出一百萬套軟體,此數量是傳統導航機硬體三年的市場總和,軟體銷售量為先進者研勤科技的兩倍。在推出落後於現有廠商之下,後進者是透過哪些策略取得70%導航軟體市佔率? 本研究研究問題如下: 1. 後進者的軟體廠商其策略及競爭優勢為何? 2. 配合進入時機,後進者軟體廠商該採何種競爭策略? 3. 市場變動快速時,是否後進者更有優勢? 4. 本個案研究的策略優勢,是否可提供給硬體廠商參考,增加產品區隔性? 本研究將以導航產業為例,透過幾家導航產業公司領導者訪談及次級資料蒐集等進行研究,並藉由研究結果給現有軟硬體產商提出未來競爭優勢之建議。 本研究建議: 本研究透過各學者所提之先後進優勢比較,並利用Hamel(2000) 的新事業發展模式四大要素,來比較兩個個案在先後進優勢與事業經營策略,並以此兩個個案來看後進者具有那些競爭優勢。 本研究發現結論如下: 1. 在先後進優勢與事業經營策略之比較下,以此兩個個案看來,後進者修正了先進者所犯之錯誤,並有學習及鎖定策略的目標,較先進者有優勢。 2. 在進入時機上,在市場快速變動時,由於先進者尚未建立產業標準,故很容易被後進者取代,而在動態賽局環境下,能隨機應變的後進者更有優勢。 3. 除了先後進優勢,事業經營的策略也主宰了公司的走向及成功與否的主要關鍵因素,先進者縱有品牌網絡優勢,但策略錯誤,也反而被網絡優勢所害,在網路時代被大量散播產品或公司形象劣勢,造成負向循環。 4. 先進者研勤公司也因急於在2009上市,推出過多產品線,反而造成本身資源不匹配,無法支援產品更新,無考慮到公司資源,並作最適分配。 5. 其他先進領導導航機品牌,更是陷入管理惰性,過度依賴過去成功經驗,面對替代性產品出現卻無法跨足軟體市場,喪失新市場機會。 Keyword: 後進者優勢,先進者優勢,應用軟體,事業經營策略

Vägen till ett lyckat resultat : hur kan vi minimera antalet elever som lämnar grundskolan utan betyg i matematik / The way to a successful outcome : how can we minimize the number of students who leave school without grades in mathematics

Gustafsson, Anna-Lena, Larsson, Sofia January 2009 (has links)
Vi har under året fått larmrapporter om att Sveriges matematikundervisning är undermålig. Enligt Skolverkets statistik får vi också detta bekräftat. Undersökningen avser att ta reda på hur lärare uttrycker sig kring undervisning, elevens självbild och kunskapsbedömning när det gäller att minimera antalet elever som lämnar grundskolan utan betyg i matematik. I denna kvalitativa studie har vi valt att intervjua sex matematiklärare i grundskolans senare år. Med dessa intervjuer vill vi synliggöra tänkbara orsaker till att svenska elever tappar mark när det gäller matematikkunskaper. Vi har valt att fokusera på hur undervisning och kunskapsbedömning ser ut på skolor med högt respektive lågt antal elever som ej uppnått målen för matematik i grundskolan. Vi har dessutom valt att lägga fokus på hur elevens självbild påverkar förmågan att tillägna sig matematikkunskaper. I vårt resultat visar det sig att våra sex respondenter inte skiljer sig anmärkningsvärt i hur de undervisar och kunskapsbedömer sina elever utifrån högt eller lågt antal elever som ej uppnått målen för grundskolan i matematik. Vad vi däremot kan se är att matematiklärarna är kritiska till hur undervisningen fungerar i de tidigare åldrarna. Respondenterna ger också en tydlig bild av att vår samhällsstruktur har förändrats vilket ger dem elever med skiftande social och kulturell bakgrund. Vi har behandlat dessa iakttagelser i vår diskussionsdel där vi med stöd från olika litteratur och styrdokument ger tänkbara orsaker om hur vi kan åtgärda resultatet utifrån frågor som var ansvaret ligger men också påvisa olika faktorers samspel i den komplexa verklighet vår skola befinner sig. / We have during the year received alarming reports concerning the inferior state of the Swedish mathematics teaching. According to the statistics from the Department of Education we also get this confirmed. The survey intends to find out how teachers express themselves about teaching, the pupil's self-image, and judging of knowledge when it comes to minimizing the number of pupil's who leave elementary school without any grades in mathematics. In this qualitative study we have chosen to interview six teachers of mathematics from the later years of the elementary school. With these interviews we would like to make visible possible causes why Swedish pupils are falling behind when it comes to knowledge in mathematics. We have chosen to focus on how teaching and judging of knowledge look like at schools with a high respectively low number of pupils who haven't reached the goals set up for mathematics in elementary school. We have also chosen to focus on how the self-image of the pupil affects the ability to acquire knowledge in mathematics. Our results show that our six respondents do not in a considerable way differ in the way they teach and judge the knowledge from a point of view where a high or low number of pupils that have not reached the goals set for the elementary school is concerned. What we can see on the other hand is that the teachers of mathematics are critical about the way the teaching works in the earlier years. The respondents also provide a clear picture that the structure of our society has changed which gives them pupils of shifting social and cultural background. We have treated these observations in our discussion section where we with support from different literature and steering documents present thinkable causes about how we can take measures from questions concerning where the responsibility lies but also show the interplay between different factors in the complex reality where our school is.

Vägen till ett lyckat resultat : hur kan vi minimera antalet elever som lämnar grundskolan utan betyg i matematik / The way to a successful outcome : how can we minimize the number of students who leave school without grades in mathematics

Gustafsson, Anna-Lena, Larsson, Sofia January 2009 (has links)
<p>Vi har under året fått larmrapporter om att Sveriges matematikundervisning är undermålig. Enligt Skolverkets statistik får vi också detta bekräftat. Undersökningen avser att ta reda på hur lärare uttrycker sig kring undervisning, elevens självbild och kunskapsbedömning när det gäller att minimera antalet elever som lämnar grundskolan utan betyg i matematik. I denna kvalitativa studie har vi valt att intervjua sex matematiklärare i grundskolans senare år. Med dessa intervjuer vill vi synliggöra tänkbara orsaker till att svenska elever tappar mark när det gäller matematikkunskaper. Vi har valt att fokusera på hur undervisning och kunskapsbedömning ser ut på skolor med högt respektive lågt antal elever som ej uppnått målen för matematik i grundskolan. Vi har dessutom valt att lägga fokus på hur elevens självbild påverkar förmågan att tillägna sig matematikkunskaper. I vårt resultat visar det sig att våra sex respondenter inte skiljer sig anmärkningsvärt i hur de undervisar och kunskapsbedömer sina elever utifrån högt eller lågt antal elever som ej uppnått målen för grundskolan i matematik. Vad vi däremot kan se är att matematiklärarna är kritiska till hur undervisningen fungerar i de tidigare åldrarna. Respondenterna ger också en tydlig bild av att vår samhällsstruktur har förändrats vilket ger dem elever med skiftande social och kulturell bakgrund. Vi har behandlat dessa iakttagelser i vår diskussionsdel där vi med stöd från olika litteratur och styrdokument ger tänkbara orsaker om hur vi kan åtgärda resultatet utifrån frågor som var ansvaret ligger men också påvisa olika faktorers samspel i den komplexa verklighet vår skola befinner sig.</p> / <p>We have during the year received alarming reports concerning the inferior state of the Swedish mathematics teaching. According to the statistics from the Department of Education we also get this confirmed. The survey intends to find out how teachers express themselves about teaching, the pupil's self-image, and judging of knowledge when it comes to minimizing the number of pupil's who leave elementary school without any grades in mathematics. In this qualitative study we have chosen to interview six teachers of mathematics from the later years of the elementary school. With these interviews we would like to make visible possible causes why Swedish pupils are falling behind when it comes to knowledge in mathematics. We have chosen to focus on how teaching and judging of knowledge look like at schools with a high respectively low number of pupils who haven't reached the goals set up for mathematics in elementary school. We have also chosen to focus on how the self-image of the pupil affects the ability to acquire knowledge in mathematics. Our results show that our six respondents do not in a considerable way differ in the way they teach and judge the knowledge from a point of view where a high or low number of pupils that have not reached the goals set for the elementary school is concerned. What we can see on the other hand is that the teachers of mathematics are critical about the way the teaching works in the earlier years. The respondents also provide a clear picture that the structure of our society has changed which gives them pupils of shifting social and cultural background. We have treated these observations in our discussion section where we with support from different literature and steering documents present thinkable causes about how we can take measures from questions concerning where the responsibility lies but also show the interplay between different factors in the complex reality where our school is.</p>

Influência da orientação corporal no desenvolvimento do controle de cabeça de lactentes

Lima-Alvarez, Carolina Daniel de 27 April 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:18:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4460.pdf: 3155980 bytes, checksum: 07f27821d9b649411a8d031d8f90ba16 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-04-27 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / Head movements play an important role in typical motor development because they form the basis for the emergence of fundamental motor skills such as reaching and sitting. In addition, the head is the first part of the body to develop antigravity control, and serve as a frame for the organization of postural control. The aims of this longitudinal study were: 1) to provide information about the behavioral (frequency of head movement; proportion of head initial position to the right, left and midline; proportion of movement type sideto- midline, midline-to-side and side-to-side) and kinematics (amplitude of head movement: flexion, inclination and rotation; duration of the movement; mean angular velocity; peak velocity; deceleration index; number of movement unit; number of movement unit after peak velocity; mean duration of movement unit; mean duration of movement unit after peak velocity; duration of the longest movement unit) changes during the acquisition of head control in supine position; 2) to verify and to describe the age-related changes observed in the spatial-temporal organization of the head movement; 3) to verify e if different body orientations (unsupported supine; supported supine head supported and semi flexed approximately to 15° over an infant pillow; and supported reclined- head supported and semi flexed approximately and the body reclined to 20° with the horizontal plane) and if external head support can improve the alignment between head and trunk, thus turning the head movement more controlled and 4) to verify if the body orientation can facilitate the head movement in younger infants (from birth to two months), as they head movement are not as controlled as older infants. To this end, 17 infants were longitudinally assessed once a month. They were presented with a black and white card that was moved sideward in front of their face in all the conditions (unsupported supine, supported supine and supported reclined. Results of study 1, focused in the age-related effect of head movement showed that with age, particularly from two months onwards, the head was more often held at body midline. A larger amount of head movements and an increase in amplitude and speed of the head movement accompanied this change between two and three months. Kinematic analysis also showed that head movements were organized in movement units that increased in number until three months of age, but significantly decreased afterwards (especially the number of movement units after peak velocity). The results about body orientation manipulation, study 2, showed that the behavioral and kinematic analyses in the supported supine and supported reclined conditions, showed an increase in the proportions of head positions at the body midline and midline-to-side head movements in comparison to the unsupported supine condition. Further, a lower mean angular velocity and a prolonged duration of the head movement and its constituent movement units (including the longest movement unit) were observed in the supported supine and reclined conditions. The results suggest that the velocity profile became more symmetrical with age, especially after two months-old onwards, which is indicative for better and more efficient control of the head movements. Importantly, many of the differences only occurred when infants were younger than three months of age. In sum, vii the head movement became more fluent and well-organized through age, especially after three months. The external support of the head led to an improvement in the alignment of head and trunk, which promoted better-controlled head movements, especially in the younger infants. This suggests that neck muscle strength is an important limiting factor in the development of head movements. / Os movimentos de cabeça são importantes no desenvolvimento motor típico, uma vez que formam a base para a emergência das habilidades motoras fundamentais, como o alcance e o sentar independente. Além disso, a cabeça é a primeira parte do corpo a desenvolver controle antigravitacional, servindo como ponto de referência para a organização do controle postural. Os objetivos deste estudo longitudinal foram: 1) fornecer informações sobre as mudanças comportamentais (frequência de movimento; proporção de posição inicial da cabeça à direita, esquerda ou linha média; proporção de tipo de movimento de lado a linha média, linha média a lado ou lado a lado) e nos parâmetros cinemáticos (amplitude de movimento: flexão, inclinação e rotação; duração do movimento; velocidade angular média; pico de velocidade; índice de desaceleração; número de unidades de movimento; número de unidades de movimento após o pico de velocidade; duração média das unidades de movimento; duração média das unidades de movimento após o pico de velocidade e duração média da unidade de movimento mais longa) observadas durante o período de aquisição do controle de cabeça, ou seja, do nascimento aos quatro meses de idade, em lactentes típicos em decúbito supino; 2) identificar e descrever as mudanças observadas com a idade na organização espaçotemporal da estrutura básica do movimento de cabeça; 3) verificar se mudanças na orientação corporal do lactente (supino; supino com suporte de cabeça - cabeça apoiada e semi-flexionada a aproximadamente 15º por meio de um travesseiro infantil; e reclinado com suporte de cabeça - cabeça apoiada e semi-flexionada e o corpo reclinado a 20º com o plano horizontal) e o fornecimento de apoio externo de cabeça favorecem o alinhamento entre cabeça e tronco e o controle dos movimentos de cabeça em lactentes a termo e 4) verificar se a orientação corporal pode ser considerada um agente facilitador do movimento de cabeça em lactentes mais jovens (do nascimento aos dois meses), visto que estes apresentam o controle de cabeça menos desenvolvido que os lactentes mais velhos. Para isso, 17 lactentes foram avaliados longitudinalmente, do nascimento aos quatro meses de idade. Era apresentado aos lactentes um cartão de estimulação visual, nas cores branca e preta, o qual era movido diante dos olhos do lactente, de um lado para o outro em todas as condições experimentais (supino, supino com suporte de cabeça e reclinado com suporte de cabeça). Os resultados do estudo 1 mostraram que com a idade, particularmente a partir dos dois meses, a cabeça do lactente encontra-se mais frequentemente alinhada com a linha média do tronco. A frequência, a amplitude e a velocidade também aumentaram entre dois e três meses. A análise cinemática demonstrou que os movimentos de cabeça são organizados em unidades de movimento, as quais aumentaram em número até os três meses, mas diminuíram significativamente após essa idade (especialmente o número de unidades de movimentos após o pico de velocidade). Em relação à orientação corporal, os resultados do estudo 2 mostraram que nas condições supino com suporte e reclinado com suporte os lactentes apresentaram maior proporção de movimentos iniciados na linha média e de linha média a lado, quando comparados à condição supino sem suporte. Além disso, foi observado diminuição na x velocidade angular média e aumento na duração do movimento da cabeça e de seus componentes constituintes (incluindo a unidade de movimento mais longa) nas condições de suporte, o que sugere maior simetria do perfil da curva da velocidade com a idade, especialmente a partir dos dois meses, indicando melhor e mais eficiente controle dos movimentos de cabeça. Ressaltamos que várias diferenças foram observadas para os lactentes mais jovens que três meses. Em resumo, o movimento de cabeça torna-se mais fluente e harmônico com a idade, especialmente a partir dos três meses e o suporte externo de cabeça favorece o alinhamento da cabeça e do tronco, o qual promove movimentos mais controlados, especialmente em lactentes jovens. Isto sugere que a força muscular cervical é um importante fator limitante para o desenvolvimento dos movimentos de cabeça. Os movimentos de cabeça são importantes no desenvolvimento motor típico, uma vez que formam a base para a emergência das habilidades motoras fundamentais, como o alcance e o sentar independente. Além disso, a cabeça é a primeira parte do corpo a desenvolver controle antigravitacional, servindo como ponto de referência para a organização do controle postural. Os objetivos deste estudo longitudinal foram: 1) fornecer informações sobre as mudanças comportamentais (frequência de movimento; proporção de posição inicial da cabeça à direita, esquerda ou linha média; proporção de tipo de movimento de lado a linha média, linha média a lado ou lado a lado) e nos parâmetros cinemáticos (amplitude de movimento: flexão, inclinação e rotação; duração do movimento; velocidade angular média; pico de velocidade; índice de desaceleração; número de unidades de movimento; número de unidades de movimento após o pico de velocidade; duração média das unidades de movimento; duração média das unidades de movimento após o pico de velocidade e duração média da unidade de movimento mais longa) observadas durante o período de aquisição do controle de cabeça, ou seja, do nascimento aos quatro meses de idade, em lactentes típicos em decúbito supino; 2) identificar e descrever as mudanças observadas com a idade na organização espaço-temporal da estrutura básica do movimento de cabeça; 3) verificar se mudanças na orientação corporal do lactente (supino; supino com suporte de cabeça - cabeça apoiada e semi-flexionada a aproximadamente 15º por meio de um travesseiro infantil; e reclinado com suporte de cabeça - cabeça apoiada e semi-flexionada e o corpo reclinado a 20º com o plano horizontal) e o fornecimento de apoio externo de cabeça favorecem o alinhamento entre cabeça e tronco e o controle dos movimentos de cabeça em lactentes a termo e 4) verificar se a orientação corporal pode ser considerada um agente facilitador do movimento de cabeça em lactentes mais jovens (do nascimento aos dois meses), visto que estes apresentam o controle de cabeça menos desenvolvido que os lactentes mais velhos. Para isso, 17 lactentes foram avaliados longitudinalmente, do nascimento aos quatro meses de idade. Era apresentado aos lactentes um cartão de estimulação visual, nas cores branca e preta, o qual era movido diante dos olhos do lactente, de um lado para o outro em todas as condições experimentais (supino, supino com suporte de cabeça e reclinado com suporte de cabeça). Os resultados do estudo 1 mostraram que com a idade, particularmente a partir dos dois meses, a cabeça do lactente encontra-se mais frequentemente alinhada com a linha média do tronco. A frequência, a amplitude e a velocidade também aumentaram entre dois e três meses. A análise cinemática demonstrou que os movimentos de cabeça são organizados em unidades de movimento, as quais aumentaram em número até os três meses, mas diminuíram significativamente xi após essa idade (especialmente o número de unidades de movimentos após o pico de velocidade). Em relação à orientação corporal, os resultados do estudo 2 mostraram que nas condições supino com suporte e reclinado com suporte os lactentes apresentaram maior proporção de movimentos iniciados na linha média e de linha média a lado, quando comparados à condição supino sem suporte. Além disso, foi observado diminuição na velocidade angular média e aumento na duração do movimento da cabeça e de seus componentes constituintes (incluindo a unidade de movimento mais longa) nas condições de suporte, o que sugere maior simetria do perfil da curva da velocidade com a idade, especialmente a partir dos dois meses, indicando melhor e mais eficiente controle dos movimentos de cabeça. Ressaltamos que várias diferenças foram observadas para os lactentes mais jovens que três meses. Em resumo, o movimento de cabeça torna-se mais fluente e harmônico com a idade, especialmente a partir dos três meses e o suporte externo de cabeça favorece o alinhamento da cabeça e do tronco, o qual promove movimentos mais controlados, especialmente em lactentes jovens. Isto sugere que a força muscular cervical é um importante fator limitante para o desenvolvimento dos movimentos de cabeça.

Caracteriza??o do comportamento geot?cnico de mistura de res?duo de pneus e solo later?tico

Franco, Kar?sia Larice Bezerra 27 January 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:03:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 KarisiaLBF_DISSERT.pdf: 5553904 bytes, checksum: bd332662da6ffbc4e0c2609d1d3928c7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-01-27 / A technological alternative for the correct disposal of tires is the use in the construction of embankment with soil and shredded tires. The use of waste tires in tropical soils requires prior knowledge of the properties and limitations of these materials. In this work, the results of an experimental program was devised to characterize the behavior of mixtures of waste tires and a lateritic soil. The residue used in this study is classified as tire buffings with an average size of 1.4 mm. The laboratory program included testing of particle size analysis, Atterberg limits, compaction, direct shear tests, permeability and confined compression tests with pure soil, pure tire and the mixtures. Proportions of 0% (pure soil), 10%, 20%, 40%, 50 % and 100% (pure tire) by weight were used. For the confining stress levels used in the study, the presence of tire residue provided a considerable increase in shear strength of the mixture. The maximum shear strength was obtained for a residue content of 40% by weight. Permeability tests on samples of waste under a confining stress of 100 kPa showed that the permeability increases significantly with increasing residue content until a residue content of 20%. The increase in permeability after that value showed to be negligible. Confined compression tests showed that the soil mixed with tire residue becomes more compressible than the pure soil. The secant constrained modulus (Msec) for the same vertical stress decreases with increasing percentage of residue. / Dentre as alternativas tecnol?gicas para a destina??o correta de pneus est? o uso na constru??o de aterros de misturas de solo e res?duo de pneus triturados. A utiliza??o de res?duo de pneus em solos tropicais requer o conhecimento pr?vio das propriedades e limita??es desses materiais. Nesta disserta??o, apresentam-se os resultados de um programa experimental para caracteriza??o de misturas de res?duo de pneus em um solo later?tico. O res?duo utilizado neste estudo ? classificado como desbastes de pneus, com tamanho m?dio de 1,4 mm. O programa laboratorial incluiu ensaios de an?lise granulom?trica, limites de consist?ncia, compacta??o, cisalhamento direto, permeabilidade e compress?o confinada com as misturas de solo res?duos de pneus. Foram utilizadas propor??es de 0% (solo puro), 10%, 20%, 40%, 50% e 100% (res?duo puro) em peso. Para os n?veis de tens?o confinantes utilizados no estudo, a presen?a do res?duo de pneu proporcionou um aumento consider?vel da resist?ncia ao cisalhamento da mistura. A m?xima resist?ncia ao cisalhamento foi obtida para um teor de res?duo de 40% em peso. Os ensaios de permeabilidade em amostras de res?duos sob uma tens?o confinante de 100 kPa revelaram que a permeabilidade cresce significativamente com o aumento do teor de res?duo at? um teor de 20%, estabilizando-se em seguida. Os ensaios de compress?o confinada evidenciaram que o solo misturado ao res?duo de pneus torna-se mais compress?vel que o solo puro. O estudo demonstra que o m?dulo de compress?o confinada secante (Msec) para uma mesma tens?o vertical diminui com o aumento da porcentagem de res?duo.

Perceptions of Sexual Violence in Later Life: A Three Paper Dissertation Study

Hand, Michelle Danäe January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Att våga fråga, lyssna och förstå : En kvalitativ studie om hur biståndshandläggare inom äldreomsorgen upplever arbetet med psykisk ohälsa hos äldre personer

Abdirahman Daher, Adna, Hussien, Russul January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine the experiences and perspectives of need assessors working with mental illness in older adults. This will be studied to gain a deeper understanding of their work with mental illness in older adults and how they work to promote mental health amongst older adults. A qualitative interview study with six needs assessors was completed to fulfill the purpose of the study, and were later analyzed using thematic analysis. The study’s collected data were furthermore analyzed using two theoretical tools:human service organizations as well as ageism. The results of this study conclude that needs assessors experience their work with mental illness in older adults as indirect due to a lack of elaborate working methods to meet the needs of older adults with mental illness. The study’s results also show that needs assessors perceive mental illness in older adults as a sensitive topic to work with. Additionally, this study highlights that needs assessors feel restricted in their work to promote mental health in older adults as a result of organizational prerequisites in elderly care.

"Doing" LAT: Redoing Gender and Family in Living Apart Together Relationships in Later Life

Brothers, Denise 24 April 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Die unschuldig verfolgte und später rehabilitierte Ehefrau

Stiller, Frauke 08 June 2004 (has links)
Die Arbeit mit dem Titel "Die unschuldig verfolgte und später rehabilitierte Ehefrau." Untersuchungen zur Konstruktion der Frau im 15. Jahrhundert am Beispiel der Crescentia- und der Sibillen-Erzählungen", untersucht vergleichend die Konstruktion der Frau in Erzählungen, die zum Erzähltypus der "unschuldig verfolgten und später rehabilitierten Ehefrau" gehören. Dies geschieht unter Verwendung methodischer Ansätze der Geschlechterforschung am Beispiel zweier Textreihen dieses Typus: Der Crescentia-Textreihe, der die Crescentia-Erzählungen der Kaiserchronik, der Märenbearbeitung des 13. Jahrhunderts, der Sächsischen Weltchronik, der Leipziger Hs. 1279, des Teichners, der Gesta Romanorum, Der Heiligen Leben, des Großen Seelentrost sowie Rosenplüts zugrunde liegen. Die Sibillen-Textreihe wird aus Schondochs Königin von Frankreich, einer anonymen Prosafassung des Typus sowie Elisabeths von Nassau-Saarbrücken Königin Sibille gebildet. Die Einzeltexte werden unter dem Focus der Konstruktion der Frau vergleichend interpretiert, dabei richtet sich die Fragestellung vor allem auf .Veränderungen der Handlungsspielräume der Frau, sich verschiebende Konzeptionen von Sexualität und Umgang mit Begehren, sowie Unterschiede in der Körperkonzeption der einzelnen Entwürfe. Die Interpretationsergebnisse werden in den historischen Bezugsrahmen eingebettet. Die Veränderungen in der Konstruktion der Frau verweisen auf einen kontinuierlichen und intensiven Diskussionsprozess der Geschlechterkonstruktion vor allem im 15. Jahrhundert und es wird sichtbar, dass die Reformation als angenommener Kulminationspunkt der Veränderung der Geschlechterverhältnisse in der Frühen Neuzeit relativiert werden muß. / The dissertation titled "The falsely persecuted and later rehabilitated wife. A study on the construction of women in the 15th century based on the Crescentia and the Sibille narratives, examines comparatively the construction of women in narratives of the "the falsely persecuted and later rehabilitated wife" genre. Gender studies approaches are applied in the analysis of two textseries: the Crescentia series which includes on the Crescentia narratives of the Kaiserchronik, Märe of the 13th century, the Sächsischen Weltchronik, the Leipziger Hs. 1279, the Teichner, the Gesta Romanorum, Der Heiligen Leben, the Großen Seelentrost and Rosenplüts, and the Sibille text series made up of Schondoch''s Königin von Frankreich, an anonymous prose version of the genre and Elisabeths von Nassau-Saarbrücken Königin Sibille. The texts are interpreted concentrating on the construction of women, with the main focus being the changes in the scope of action available to women, the changing perception of sexuality and understanding desire as well as the differences in the body concepts in the respective narratives. The results of the interpretation are bedded in the historical context. The changes in the construction of women indicate a continuing and intensive process of discussion of gender construction, above all in the 15th century. It also becomes clear the assumed position of the Reformation as highpoint in the changes in gender relations needs to be reevaluated.

The spirituality of ‘seeing him as he is’ according to 1 John 3:2

Letang, Samuel 06 1900 (has links)
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 254-281) / Using a text-immanent multi-dimensional methodology that combines impulses from both synchronic and diachronic reading of a text, this study focuses on understanding the spirituality embedded in ‘seeing him as he is’ in 1 John 3:2. Discourse analysis has provided the structure of the entire research by identifying the different semantic networks that enhance better understanding and dynamic interaction between text and reader.it has also helped in determining the argument and rhetoric of the Elder, assisting in constructing the bigger picture by means of semantic networks that create coherent mind maps and also relating what has been read with what is still to be read. The environs of the pericope under investigation have been used as a backdrop in order to arrive at an understanding of this envisaged eschatological phenomenon. These environs include the window provided by Judaism through the Old Testament, Hellenistic and Palestinian Judaism, extra-biblical literature, the Graeco-Roman world, mystery religions, philosophies, and the New Testament. These environs have pointed to the use of intermediaries in the visio-Dei. While ‘seeing him as he is’ in 1 John 3:2 involves both the Father and the Son, this eschatological expectation is weaved into a matrix of discourse that the Elder used to cushion the adherents in view of the pending apostasy. The adherents’ status as ‘children of God’ is the axis from which the Elder builds his entire discourse. They will experience love (1 Jn 4:16), his purity (1 Jn 3:3), his righteousness (1 Jn 2:1), his truth (1 Jn 5:20), and his glory (Jn 17:24). Although the adherents were already experiencing all these, it would be experienced completely after the Parousia, when they ‘see him as he is’. This study contributes towards a Johannine understanding of perceiving the divine, and reveals the climactic involvement of the Son in both the past and future perceptions including ‘seeing him as he is’ in 1 John 3:2. This study has identified the object of the Visio-Dei as Christ. It is He through whom believers will see the Father. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Phil. (Christian Spirituality)

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