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"Exister à bout de plume". Un recueil de nouvelles migrantes au prisme de l'anthropologie littéraire / "To exist through writing". A collection of short stories through the prism of literary anthropology / "Esistere in punta di penna". Una raccolta di racconti migranti nell'ottica dell'antropologia letterariaAidara, Aminata 16 June 2016 (has links)
Cette recherche concerne le rapport à la lecture et à l’écriture d’une communauté de jeunes issus de l’immigration. L’hypothèse est que l’expression littéraire incarne un tiers espace d’expression culturelle, entre la famille et la société pour des jeunes dont la vie familiale est d’avantage traversée par l’Histoire et les questions mondiales le plus contemporaines. Au fil des représentations découlant d’un recueil de nouvelles qui a été créé ad hoc pour cette thèse, Exister à bout de plume. Nouvelles migrantes, est démontrée la façon dont l’écriture fictionnelle ou autobiographique symbolise une prise de parole importante permettant aux individus qui l’emploient d’avoir une meilleure conscience de soi. À travers une première partie dédiée à la recherche de terrain et l’autre se fondant sur l’analyse des entretiens et des nouvelles du recueil, ressort l’importance d’une visibilité pour les questionnements, problématiques, ressentis, espoirs et revendications des jeunes issus de l’immigration dans une époque où le modèle assimilationniste montre plus que jamais la saveur amère de ses fruits et les fractures sociétaires qu’il n’a pas pu empêcher de laisser se creuser. En mettant en avant des thèmes comme : la quête identitaire, les obstacles et l’ambition caractérisant leurs premiers pas dans la société, la recherche de légitimité et l’envie de raconter, directement ou pas, le parcours de leurs parents – ces jeunes écrivains amateurs se réapproprient activement leur bagage culturel et leur apparence. Ils s’engagent dans l’écriture pour que ça ne soit plus seulement l’apanage des voix littéraires dominantes. Pour qu’on prenne connaissance de leurs propres regards sur eux-mêmes, enfin sortis de la condition limitée d’objet d’étude sociologique ou anthropologique pour se faire sujets via l’écriture. / This research focuses on young people of immigrant background with the aim of investigating the distinctive manner in which this community relates to literature as a means of expression. The hypothesis we explore is that these young people, whose life tends to be especially permeated by history and contemporary global issues, may find in literature a third space of cultural expression, alongside family and society. As the various images arising from a collection of short stories created especially for this dissertation - Exister à bout de plume. Nouvelles migrantes – succeed one another, it emerges that fictional and autobiographical writing enables those who resort to it as a means of expression to find their own voice and gain deeper self-awareness. The first part of the dissertation is dedicated to field research, while the second part provides analyses of the short stories and the interviews of the authors. The analyses reveal how important it is to make visible the problems, struggles, feelings, hopes and claims of young people of immigrant background, especially in times in which the bitter fruits of the assimilationist model and the social fractures this model was unable to prevent become more and more apparent. The young amateur writers reclaim their cultural background and their appearance emphasising themes such as the search for personal identity, the obstacles and ambitions characterising their first steps into society, the search for legitimacy and the desire to narrate, more or less explicitly, the personal trajectories of their parents. The engagement of this community with the literary means appears to be motivated by the desire to reclaim themes that tend to be considered exclusive purview of dominant literary voices. The literary means seems to allow the authors to escape the role of mere object of sociological and anthropological investigation and become Subjects narrating themselves from their own point of view. / L’oggetto di questa ricerca è il rapporto alla lettura e alla scrittura di una comunità di giovani di seconda generazione d’origine immigrata. L’ipotesi formulata vede nella manifestazione letteraria la concretizzazione di un terzo spazio d’espressione culturale e di autorappresentazione, tra famiglia e società, che si giustifica attraverso le questioni storiche nonché contemporanee che questi giovani si trovano ad affrontare nel loro percorso di crescita ed evoluzione personale. Analizzando le rappresentazioni risultanti da una raccolta di racconti creata ad hoc per questa tesi, Esistere in punta di penna. Racconti migranti, si spiega il modo in cui la scrittura di finzione o autobiografica riesce a simbolizzare una presa di parola importante che permette agli individui che l’utilizzano d’avere una migliore coscienza di sé. Attraverso una prima parte dedicata alla ricerca sul campo e l’altra basata sull’analisi delle interviste e dei racconti della raccolta, emerge l’importanza di rendere visibili domande, problematiche, sentimenti, speranze e rivendicazioni dei giovani d’origine immigrata in un’epoca, la nostra, in cui il modello assimilazionista mostra più che mai il sapore amaro dei suoi frutti e la sua impotenza di fronte alle sempre più laceranti fratture sociali. Mettendo in primo piano temi come : l’indagine identitaria, gli ostacoli e le ambizioni che caratterizzano i loro primi passi nella società, la ricerca di legittimità e la voglia di raccontare, direttamente o meno, il percorso dei loro genitori, questi giovani scrittori alle prime armi, si riappropriano attivamente del loro bagaglio culturale e della loro apparenza fisica. Si impegnano nella scrittura affinché questa non sia più sola prerogativa di voci letterarie dominanti, permettendoci quindi di conoscere lo sguardo che hanno su se stessi e il mondo che li circonda, persone liberate infine dalla condizione limitata d’oggetto di studio sociologico o antropologico per esistere diversamente come soggetti « in punta di penna ».
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De l'unicité à la personnalité : recherches sur la contribution stoïcienne au concept d'individu / From uniqueness to personality : The Stoic contribution to the concept of the individual.Bourbon, Marion 13 December 2016 (has links)
Dans l’histoire de la construction philosophique de l’individualité, le système stoïcien, le plus unitaire et déterministe qui soit, semblait en principe être le moins susceptible d’engendrer une conception forte de l’individu. Celle-ci suppose en effet une séparation qui, dans le cas de l’individualité humaine, s’incarne dans une « volonté » propre. Or pour les Stoïciens, chaque être concourant inexorablement comme partie du tout à l’unité organique du monde, il paraissait difficile de l'en dégager, même en tenant compte de l’autonomie proclamée de l’assentiment, principe de jugement et d’action. Notre recherche espère montrer que c’est pourtant la philosophie stoïcienne qui construit une combinatoire conceptuelle inédite qui n’avait jamais été jusque-là à ce point unifiée et qui en vertu de la nature systématique de cette pensée conduit de l’unicité qu’elle reconnaît à tout être, ancrée dans un corps, à la personnalité qui réalise cette unicité au niveau de l’éthique, du fait d’une capacité subjective qui n’est plus non seulement quelque chose de l’individu mais ce à quoi il s’identifie, son principe d’identité personnelle. Nous nous attachons à mettre en évidence les conditions qui ont rendu possible ce « surgissement » de l’individu à la faveur d’une série de mutations internes au système stoïcien mais aussi d’une mutation politique et culturelle majeure, celle que constitua l’Empire romain. A travers ces mutations, la physique stoïcienne de l’identité, sous-bassement de la conception stoïcienne de l’individu, produit diachroniquement et synchroniquement, dans le champ de la psychologie et de l’éthique, une véritable conception de la subjectivation avec la notion sénéquienne de voluntas et le concept épictétéen de prohairesis qui en viennent à occuper la centralité dévolue au destin dans le premier stoïcisme. Par-delà la singularité des apports sénéquien et épictétéen, la voluntas et la prohairesis font de la faculté de choix le principe d’identité personnelle : l’identité personnelle est décrite comme celle du sens que nous décidons de donner à notre existence qui définit celle ou celui que nous sommes en propre et qui autorise et façonne la plasticité d’un usage de soi qui réside exclusivement en nous. Les usages stoïciens de la métaphore théâtrale permettent enfin d’éclairer cette conception de la subjectivité sous un jour irréductible : ils déploient chacun à leur manière la dialectique de la distance et de l’engagement au cœur du rapport à l’existence, et, avec eux, la non- coïncidence constitutive du rapport à soi qui situe l’identité dans l’entre-deux d’un rapport d’identification toujours à rejouer. / The Stoics, who elaborated the most coherent deterministic system in the history of philosophy, seemed unlikely to produce a concept of the individual. Such a concept is necessarily founded on separateness and implies personal agency. And although the Stoics insisted on the autonomy of assent as a principle of judgement and of action, they believed that each being contributed to the organic whole of the cosmos, making it difficult to consider beings separately from that whole. This inquiry seeks to show that the Stoics nevertheless elaborated a previously unexamined complex of notions that - as a result of the systematic nature of the Stoic thought - moved from the idea of uniqueness of all beings, to personality, which achieves uniqueness on an ethical level. Personality requires agency, which is not of the individual, but is instead that with which the individual is identified. It is the principle of personal identity. We will examine the conditions that enabled the “emergence” of the individual thanks to a series of transformations in the Stoic system as well as another major political and cultural transformation, the constitution of the Roman Empire. As a result of these changes, the Stoics’ conception of the individual, founded on their physical conception of identity, produced - diachronically and synchronically - a notion of both psychological and ethical subjectivation. Seneca’s notion of voluntas and Epictetus’s concept of prohairesis came to occupy the central position once held by fate for the early Stoics. Both these contributions were highly original, but voluntas and prohairesis further identified the principle of personal identity with the faculty of choice: personal identity was described as the meaning we decide to give our lives, defining who we are. It conditions our adaptability and shapes the way we make use of what is irreducibly ours. The Stoics’ use of the actor metaphor sheds light on the nature of subjectivity since it foregrounds the gap between the actor and his role. The dialectic between disengagement and commitment that is at the heart of the relationship to existence, and the consequent discrepancy in the relationship to oneself, leaves identity in the entre-deux of a continually renewed attempt at identification.
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La question de l'identité dans le cinéma Tunisien : représentations et enjeux / Identity in Tunisian cinema : illustrations and challengesJaziri, Sana 12 July 2018 (has links)
Au cœur des préoccupations contemporaines dans les sociétés occidentales et orientales, la question identitaire est l'axe général qui nous a permis d'interroger le cinéma tunisien et autour duquel nous avons entrepris nos différentes analyses. En quoi la question d'identité est-elle le fil conducteur et le point commun dans la plupart des films tunisiens ? Comment peut-on penser la question identitaire dans un cinéma national ? Quel est le rapport entre cinéma, mémoire et Histoire ? Comment l'identité est-elle représentée dans un rapport à l'altérité ? Et quelle place a l'identité personnelle au sein d'une société collective ? Pour répondre à toutes ces questions et étudier les films du corpus en rapport avec ce thème, nous avons distingué trois grands axes distincts qui nous semblent essentiels et corrélés. Le premier axe est la collectivité, car un cinéma national interroge la mémoire et les rapports à l'identité culturelle et les mythes. L'axe de l'altérité s'impose dans la deuxième partie de par son rapport dialectique à l'identité. L'une ne peut exister sans l'autre et l'identité ne peut être pensée sans référence à l'altérité. Enfin et en dernière partie de cette recherche, c'est l'identité personnelle qui sera le thème général car dans la Tunisie moderne, le « moi-je » est en perpétuelle recherche d'une libération du poids de la communauté qui jouit encore d'un pouvoir pesant sur l'individu. À travers un corpus filmique diversifié, nous avons essayé de détisser les liens entre les films et une culture nationale afin d'en dégager une constante qui expliquerait une nation et ses films. Une dimension cachée, celle de l'identité. / At the heart of contemporary concerns in Western and Eastern societies, the question of identity is the general axis that allowed us to question Tunisian cinema and around which we undertook the various analyzes. Why is the question of identity the common thread in most Tunisian films? How can we think about identity in a national cinema? What is the relationship between cinema, memory and history? How is identity represented in a relationship to otherness? And what place has self-identity within a collective society? To answer all these questions and to study the various retained films, three main distinct axes have been highlighted which seem to us crucial and correlated. The first axis is the community, because a national cinema questions the memory and the attitudes to cultural identity and myths. The second axis is otherness because of the dialectic of identity and otherness. One can neither exist nor be thought without the other. Finally, the last axis is the personal identity as in modem Tunisia. the "l" is in constant search of a deliverance from the community power. Through various films, we tried to unravel the links between films and a national culture to highlight a constant that would explain the nation and its films. A hidden dimension, that of identity.
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A confirmatory factor analytic study of the aspects of identity questionnaire (AIQ-IV)Els, Leonie 09 February 2012 (has links)
To obtain valid and reliable research findings it is important to follow the process to validate measuring instruments. This entails determining the psychometric properties of a measure to eliminate or decrease the presence of measurement errors. Measurement errors have a negative impact on the validity of research findings. The aim of this study was to perform a confirmatory factor analytic study on the Aspects of Identity Questionnaire (AIQ-IV) to assess the model fit of the data. Confirmatory factor analysis was employed as part of the process to assess construct validity of a questionnaire to discover the misrepresenting influences of these measurement errors and to provide a foundation for further research. The AIQ-IV was administered to a sample of 157 participants in the South African context including different race, gender, age and occupation groups, drawn by means of convenient sampling. The research results and fit indices indicated that the data reflected a reasonable model fit. Copyright 2010, University of Pretoria. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of Pretoria. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the University of Pretoria. Please cite as follows: Els, L 2010, A confirmatory factor analytic study of the aspects of identity questionnaire (AIQ-IV), MCom dissertation, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, viewed yymmdd < http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-02092012-122330 / > C12/4/67/gm / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Human Resource Management / unrestricted
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“Är du en sån där?” : -En kvalitativ studie om HR-arbetarnas yrkesidentitetOlsson, Johanna, Karlsson, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
A common conversation starter is to ask for someone's working title, this title is then often used as a label to define an individual. To label an individual affects how they perceive themself both at work and outside of work. Therefore work plays a big part in an individual's life and is also strongly connected to one's identity. It is in the social interactions that the identity process takes place, both the professional identity and the personal identity. The aim of this study is therefore to study how interactions and perceptions about the HR-profession affects HR-working professionals' own views of their working identity and personal identity. The method that is used to answer the study's aim and research question is a qualitative method based on six semi-structured interviews. Working HR-professionals within the public sector were interviewed. Theories used in this paper to analyze results are Mead's theory about “I and Me” as well as Berger and Luckammans theoretical concept including: socialization, internalization and typification. The findings of the study conclude that HR-professionals do not perceive that their own perception of the profession is coherent with other individuals' perception. Lastly the results show that HR-professionals personal identity is affected by their working identity but in different ways. Their personal identity is affected by both working life experience and social interactions, this is because work is present in a lot of conversations outside of work. / Arbetet är många gånger en konversationsstartare och yrkestiteln blir ofta en etikett på hur en människa är. Denna etikett kan påverka hur en individ uppfattar sig själv både på arbetet och utanför arbetet. Yrket blir därav en stor del av människans liv som också kan bli starkt förknippad med en identitet. Det är i de sociala interaktionerna som identitetsskapandet sker, såväl yrkesidentiteten som den personliga identiteten. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur omgivningens interaktioner och föreställningar om HR-yrket påverkar HR-arbetarnas syn på deras yrkesidentitet och personliga identitet. Metoden som används för att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar är en kvalitativ metod baserat på sex semistrukturerade intervjuer. Yrkesverksamma HR-arbetare inom den offentliga sektorn intervjuades och den teoritillämpning som används för att analysera studiens resultat är Meads teori om “I and Me”. Samt Berger och Luckmanns begrepp: socialisering, internalisering och typifiering. Slutsatserna av studien visar att HR-arbetarna inte upplever att deras egen uppfattning om yrket överensstämmer med den föreställning som de upplever att omgivningen har. Slutligen visar studien att HR-arbetarnas personliga identitet påverkas av yrkesidentiteten men detta sker på olika vis. Deras personliga identitet påverkas av både arbetslivserfarenheter och sociala interaktioner då yrket är närvarande i många konversationer utanför arbetet.
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Multiple Personhood in Dissociative Identity Disorder: The Lives and Deaths of Invisible PeopleNichols, Erica E. January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Programa basado en método Montessori para potenciar autonomía en niños de cinco años en una institución educativa inicialVidaurre Reynosa, Luz Maria January 2024 (has links)
En la actualidad, se ha observado que la autonomía en los niños presenta un desafío considerable, ya que los padres tienden a sobreprotegerlos y no le permiten desarrollar su independencia. Debido a esta situación identificada surge la propuesta de un programa “DESCUBRIENDO LO QUE SOY” para potenciar la autonomía en niños de una institución educativa inicial. Se empleó la metodología del enfoque cuantitativo, siendo una investigación descriptiva propositiva, no experimental, para la recolección de datos se utilizó una ficha de observación, instrumento que nos permitió medir el nivel actual de desarrollo de la autonomía.
La población estuvo conformada por 48 niños de 5 años, como resultados encontramos que del total de niños evaluados 79% de ellos carecen de identidad personal, asimismo en la dimensión de seguridad física y emocional con el 67%, el 71% en la dimensión de socialización y 69% en independencia encontrándose en un nivel medio, se denota que en el desarrollo de la autonomía en cada una de sus dimensiones prevaleció porcentajes mayores al 50% en una escala media por lo que se requiere potenciar tomando en cuenta un método que provee de material necesario, divertido, exploratorio, otros. Llegando a la conclusión, que se debe proponer la implementación de un programa basado en el método Montessori, el cual favorecerá el desarrollo de habilidades sociales, emocionales y cognitivas en los niños, mejorando su autoestima, motivación y capacidad de aprendizaje. / Currently, it has been observed that autonomy in children presents a considerable challenge, since parents tend to overprotect them and do not allow them to develop their independence.
Due to this identified situation, the proposal for a program “DISCOVERING WHAT I AM” arises to enhance autonomy in children from an initial educational institution. The quantitative approach methodology was used, being a purposeful, non-experimental descriptive research.
An observation sheet was used to collect data, an instrument that allowed us to measure the current level of development of autonomy. The population was made up of 48 5-year-old children, as results we found that of the total number of children evaluated, 79% of them lack personal identity, also in the dimension of physical and emotional security with 67%, 71% in the dimension of socialization and 69% in independence, being at a medium level, it is denoted that in the development of autonomy in each of its dimensions, percentages greater than 50% prevailed on a medium scale, which is why it is required to enhance taking into account a method that provides of necessary, fun, exploratory material, etc. Coming to the conclusion that the implementation of a program based on the Montessori method should be proposed, which will favor the development of social, emotional and cognitive skills in children, improving their self-esteem, motivation and learning capacity.
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An exmination of the concept of reincarnation in African philosophyMajeed, Hasskei Mohammed 01 1900 (has links)
This dissertation is a philosophical examination of the concept of reincarnation from an African point of view. It does so, largely, from the cultural perspective of the Akan people of Ghana. In this work, reincarnation is distinguished from such related concepts as metempsychosis and transmigration with which it is conflated by many authors on the subject. In terms of definition, therefore, the belief that a deceased person can be reborn is advanced in this dissertation as referring to only reincarnation, but not to either metempsychosis or transmigration. Many scholars would agree that reincarnation is a pristine concept, yet it is so present in the beliefs and worldviews of several cultures today (including those of Africa). A good appreciation of the concept, it can be seen, will not be possible without some reference to the past. That is why some attempt is first made at the early stages of the dissertation to show how reincarnation was understood in the religious philosophies of ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Indians, Chinese and the Incas. Secondly, some link is then established between the past and present, especially between ancient Egyptian philosophy and those of contemporary sub-Saharan Africa. In modern African thought, the doctrine of reincarnation has not been thoroughly researched into. Even so, some of the few who have written on the subject have denied its existence in African thought. The dissertation rejects this denial, and seeks to show nonetheless that reincarnation is generally an irrational concept. In spite of its irrationality, it is acknowledged that the concept, as especially presented in African thought, raises our understanding of the constitution of a person as understood in the African culture. It is also observed that the philosophical problem of personal identity is central to the discussion of reincarnation because that which constitutes a person is presumed to be known whenever a claim of return of a survived person is made. For this reason, the dissertation also pays significant attention to the concept of personal identity in connection, especially, with the African philosophical belief in the return of persons. / Philosophy & Systematic Theology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Philosophy)
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從帕費特論初期佛教無我思想 / Derek Parfit and the no-self theory of Early Buddhism劉姵君 Unknown Date (has links)
英國哲學家帕費特(Derek Parfit)在《理由與人格》(Reasons and Persons)中主張人格存活中重要的不是同一性,而是有正確原因的心理持續性與聯繫性(關係R)。這樣的化約主義式觀點,帕費特強調這不是西方國家才有的論點,他主張佛陀本來也會同意化約主義的觀點。佛陀「本來也會同意」的意思是指帕費特把佛陀所闡釋的無我思想視為比化約主義更極端的「消除式的化約主義」。在人格的本質上,帕費特反對笛卡兒的獨立精神實體,主張只有當我們是離開大腦、軀體以及各種心物理事件而單獨存在的實體,我們的同一性才是確定的。初期佛教為否定婆羅門教的「梵」,同樣是否定有常住、獨存的靈魂。在這相類似的理論基調上,是否真如帕費特所言佛教無我思想是「消除式的化約主義」的代表。又,帕費特這樣的主張是否顯現出其對佛教無我思想的理解與佛陀闡述的無我思想有所出入。這些問題將是本文所要釐清的重點。本論文的研究方向是從帕費特關於人格同一理論的化約主義式觀點切入,來審視佛陀無我思想。 / Derek Parfit in Reasons and Persons (1984) claims that in survival personal identity is not what matters, what matters is psychological connectedness and/or continuity with the right kind of cause (Relation R). He asserts this reductionist view of persons that Buddha would have agreed. It means that the Buddha’s view of persons is Eliminative reductionism. Regarding the nature of persons, Parfit denies the Cartesian View (a Cartesian Ego), he says that only if we are separately existing entities can it be true that our identity must be determinate. To against ‘Brahman’, Buddha denies a permanent, separately existing Self as well. The question arises at the gap between Buddha’s view of persons and Parfit’s so-called Eliminative Reductionism. This paper starts with Parfit’s Reductionist view of persons and discusses no-self theory in Early Buddhism.
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Insertion socioprofessionnelle des sortants de la formation agricole non formelle sur le marché de l’emploi au Burkina Faso et importance accordée à la production céréalière : cas des sortants du centre de promotion rurale de GoundiSorgho Zinsonné, Félicité Marie Lucile 06 1900 (has links)
L'étude combine les méthodes qualitative et qualitative à travers l’utilisation du questionnaire et du canevas d’entrevue. Elle s’appuie sur un cadre conceptuel élaboré à partir de revue de littérature et de concepts clefs tels que : le capital social, le capital humain, l’identité personnelle, l’identité professionnelle et la socialisation, Les résultats déterminent le profil d’un céréalier indiquant son attachement aux valeurs professionnelles liées au transfert de ses connaissances, à la modernisation de l’exploitation, à la recherche de l’amélioration du rendement et à l’utilisation d’outils modernes. / Au Burkina Faso comme ailleurs en Afrique et dans le monde, des enfants, des femmes et des hommes ont faim parce qu’ils n’arrivent pas à se procurer quotidiennement de la nourriture pour satisfaire leurs besoins énergétiques; ceci, en raison de la rareté et de la cherté des produits alimentaires de base dans ces pays.
Et pourtant, face à la prédominance de l’agriculture de subsistance, une bonne politique agricole et éducative avec des conditions de réalisation capables d’attirer les jeunes sortants vers la production principale des céréales, aliment de base de la plupart de ces pays, permettrait d’aboutir à l’autosuffisance et la sécurité alimentaires.
À travers l’analyse de l’efficacité externe du centre de promotion rurale (CPR) de Goundi au Burkina Faso, la présente recherche s’est appuyée sur les dimensions sociologique, sociopsychologique et psychoprofessionnelle pour identifier les déterminants contextuels et individuels dont la prise en compte dans les politiques agricoles et dans les formations professionnelles des jeunes agriculteurs pourrait aider les sortants à s’insérer mieux dans le domaine céréalier en tant qu’emploi principal.
Les principaux résultats indiquent : l’âge de sortie situé entre 21 et 34 ans, la situation matrimoniale, le genre, les rituels d’installation, les céréales en tant qu’aliment de base, l’accès à la terre et à l’équipement à la sortie du centre, le père, le promotionnaire, les épouses et les enfants comme facteurs significativement liés à l’insertion en emploi principal céréalier au plan sociologique et sociopsychologique. Au plan psychoprofessionnel, ce sont : l’autonomie, l’initiative, l’intimité, le courage, la volonté, l’industrie, la passion, la logique non marchande, la vision de continuité et le moi-idéal qui sont les principaux résultats. Le difficile accès à la terre, à l’équipement et aux intrants et les difficultés d’insertion en groupe et en famille constituent les obstacles de cette insertion. / In Burkina Faso and elsewhere in Africa and in the world, children, women and men are hungry because they can not get food daily to meet their energy needs; this, because of the scarcity and high cost of basic food products in these countries.
And yet, given the predominance of subsistence agriculture, agricultural policy and a good education with performance conditions that attract young people leaving to the main production of cereals, the staple food of most of these countries would to achieve self-sufficiency and food security.
Through the analysis of the external efficiency of rural promotion center (CPR) Goundi Burkina Faso, the present research was based on the sociological dimensions, counseling and psychoprofessionnelle to identify contextual and individual determinants whose management account in agricultural policies and vocational training for young farmers could help outgoing fit best in that employment as principal grain.
The main results show: the exit age between 21 and 34 years of age, marital status, gender, installation rituals, grains as a staple food, access to land and the equipment outside the center, father, promotionnaire, wives and children as factors significantly related to the main job insertion grain the sociological and socio-psychological level. In psychoprofessionnel plan, autonomy, initiative, intimacy, courage, determination, industry, passion, non-market logic, the vision of continuity and ideal ego are the main results. The difficult access to land, equipment and inputs and integration problems in group and family are the obstacles of this insertion.
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