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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Frieden beginnt zu Hause: Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung - Schwerpunkt SDG 16: Frieden, Gerechtigkeit und starke Institutionen : Tansania-Partnerschaftssonntag „Rogate“, 22. Mai 2022

20 April 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Zeittafel des Käbschütztals in der Lommatzscher Pflege

Uhlemann, Frank 26 June 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Eine negative Geburtserfahrung: Einfluss auf Stresshormone und depressive Symptome?

Jaramillo, Isabel, Karl, Marlene, Bergunde, Luisa, Mack, Judith, Weise, Victoria, Weidner, Kerstin, Kirschbaum, Clemens, Steudte-Schmiedgen, Susanne, Garthus-Niegel, Susan 30 May 2023 (has links)
Hintergrund: Eine negative Geburtserfahrung erhöht das Risiko, eine postpartale Depression (PPD) zu entwickeln. Veränderungen der Hypothalamus-Hypophysen-Nebennieren-Achse (HHNA) werden als ein zugrundeliegender Mechanismus diskutiert. Bisher gibt es nur wenig Forschung zu dem Zusammenhang zwischen negativen Geburtserfahrungen und langfristig integrierten Glukokortikoiden. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war zu untersuchen, ob objektive und subjektive Geburtserfahrungen mütterliche Glukokortikoide, gemessen anhand der Haarsegmentanalyse, vor-hersagen können. Methoden: Acht Wochen nach der Geburt wurden Haarproben von 257 Müttern entnommen, die in der prospektiven Kohortenstudie DREAMHAIR teilnahmen. Die Haar-Glukokortikoide wurden in den kopfhautnahen 2cm Haarsegmenten mittels der Flüssigchromatographie-Massenspektrometrie quantifiziert. Die analysierten Haarsträhnen spiegeln die Stresshormonkonzentrationen von der Geburt bis zu zwei Monaten nach der Entbindung wider. Die objektive und subjektive Geburtserfahrung sowie die PPD-Symptome wurden mittels etablierter Fragebögen gemessen. Ergebnisse: Die Geburtserfahrung war kein signifikanter Prädiktor für Cortisol oder Cortisone und Letztere sagten PPD-Symptome nicht signifikant vorher. Allerdings sagte eine negative objektive und subjektive Geburtserfahrung eine signifikant höhere Cortisol/Cortisone Ratio voraus und die Cortisol/Cortisone Ratio wiederum war ein signifikanter Prädiktor von PPD-Symptomen. Der Zusammenhang zwischen einer subjektiven negativen Geburtserfahrung und PPD-Symptomen wurde teilweise durch die Cortisol/Cortisone Ratio erklärt. Schlussfolgerungen: Die Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass eine negative Geburtserfahrung mit einer höheren mütterlichen Cortisol/Cortisone Ratio assoziiert ist. Insbesondere die subjektive Geburtserfahrung ist ein wesentlicher Risikofaktor für Veränderungen des Glukokortikoid-Stoffwechsels, welche wiederum PPD-Symptome vorhersagen. Unsere Studie deutet darauf hin, dass die Cortisol/Cortisone Ratio ein vielversprechender Biomarker sein könnte, um Frauen mit einem erhöhten Risiko für die Entwicklung einer PPD zu identifizieren.:Theoretischer Hintergrund Methoden Diskussion

Politizicing Comedy: Parodies of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton on Saturday Night Live

Sommer, Tessa 30 May 2023 (has links)
The US comedy show Saturday Night Live has been parodizing politicians since the show's early beginnings in the 1970s. The political content of the late night series even affects presidential elec-tions with its impersonations. In 2016, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton dominated the headlines, so of course they were parodied on SNL as well. The portrayal of Trump focused on his incompetence, sexism, and history of sexual abuse allega-tions. They use verbatim quotes from the real presidential debates, therefore only exaggerating the image of an inept man running for president. SNL clearly favors Clinton and portrays her as more capable than Trump, yet also poking fun at her attempts to insinuate more likeability. The show also decided to comment on Trump’s victory by impersonating Clinton once again, this time as a mourning woman performing Leonard Co-hen’s “Hallelujah.” Trump reacted on Twitter multiple times, referring to the show as “rigged” and “biased” media. This, however, helped Trump win the election. By portraying him as the laughingstock of SNL, viewers felt estranged from the show. Some considered it as the prime example of rigged media which loathes Republicans and their values. It motivated political action and questioned America's civic judgement. The aim of the paper is to prove that popular culture is able to influence many people, and it even holds the power to impact voting behavior. SNL is a cornerstone of American media landscape and shows that comedy does affect politics.:About The Prodies The Impact The Reactions

“Jävla idiot, du som ska vara expert” : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnliga sportjournalisters upplevelser på det sportjournalistiska fältet och på fotbollsmästerskapet 2022 i Qatar

Kloo, Wilma January 2023 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to draw attention to and study the prerequisites of female sports journalists in the field of sports journalism as well as their relationship with colleagues, fans and athletes. This has been done through semi-structured interviews with Swedish female sports journalists, where the questions have been based on how they experience being a woman in a male-dominated field, and how they experienced their coverage of the football championship in Qatar 2022. The method of this study is semi-structured interviews with Swedish female sports journalists, where the questions will be based on how they experience being a woman in a male-dominated field and how they experienced their coverage of the football world cup in Qatar 2022. The material is analyzed with Alan Bryman’s model of thematic analysis. Through the chosen analysis method, the data is reviewed and a coding of the transcribed material is carried out, where the coding involves a process where the data itself is broken down into different categories/themes.  The study shows that the prerequisites for female sports journalists are good but not at the same level as men's. The study also shows that there have been major changes in recent years where women are increasingly invited to the field. Female sports journalists still experience questioning from their colleagues and other journalists, as well as rude behavior from fans and audiences. During the World Cup in Qatar, the experiences of the journalists were different and it depended on their role during the championship.

La société civile espagnole au cœur des dynamiques migratoires

Fournier, Cassandra 13 June 2023 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les actions et activités de la société civile espagnole lors des crises migratoires de 2015 et de 2022, soit la crise migratoire des réfugiés syriens et la crise migratoire des réfugiés ukrainiens. Malgré le fait que ces deux crises puissent sembler à vue première vue différente, on se rend rapidement compte que, ce qui les diffère vraiment l’une de l’autre, c’est l’accueil distinct qui fut réservé aux réfugiés. À la lumière de ce qui précède, le contexte sociopolitique au sein duquel la société civile mène ses activités a un impact sur cette dernière. Cette recherche vise à mieux saisir comment les deux contextes sociopolitiques distincts ont impacté le travail et le rôle de la société civile œuvrant auprès des populations migrantes et réfugiées en Espagne.

“Inte lika viktigt att lära ut om judendomens syn på sexualitet” : En kvalitativ studie av hur högstadielärare i religionskunskap förhåller sig till Lgr22:s nya inkludering av sexualitet, samtycke och relationer

Jiborn, Kajsa January 2023 (has links)
In light of the new school curriculum, Lgr22. The Swedish school wants to include sexuality, consent and relationships in religious education in order to create an understanding of other cultures and religions among the students. This qualitative study has examined how lower secondary school teachers relate to the new curriculum as well as how they have included these issues in religious education. The study is based on seven interviews with lower secondary school teachers of religious education. Through the semi-structured interviews, a material was collected to later generate a result for the study. The result of the study showed that the teachers considered it a positive change and a natural issue to teach about in religious education. However there were two different teaching methods shown in the study that prioritized different content in the education. One where basic facts were central and another where understanding dominated the teaching. More detailed research is needed on the consistency of teaching these issues across Sweden.

Kan AB 04 utgöra handelsbruk för parter inom byggsektorn? : – en analys med utgångspunkt i NJA 2022 s. 574 / May the AB 04 constitute a common practice for parties in the construction sector? : - An analysis based on NJA 2022 s. 574

Bensing, Tim January 2023 (has links)
Länge har uppfattningen i svensk rätt varit att ett standardavtal måste inkorporeras i det enskilda avtalet för att bli gällande avtalsinnehåll mellan parter. I ett nytt avgörande från HD, slår HD fast att NSAB 2015 kan bli gällande avtalsinnehåll mellan parter inom speditionsbranschen på grund av att det utgör handelsbruk inom den ifrågavarande branschen. I målet redogjorde HD för generella kriterier som måste uppfyllas för att ett standardavtal ska utgöra handelsbruk inom en viss bransch. HD gick därmed från den tidigare gällande rättsuppfattningen om att ett standardavtal inte kan utgöra handelsbruk. Det nya rättslägetskapar en hel del frågetecken om vilka andra standardavtal som kan utgöra handelsbruk och därmed likställas med dispositiv rätt. I uppsatsen är fokus på om AB 04 kan utgöra handelsbruk inom byggsektorn. Likt spedition, finns ingen tydlig bakgrundsrätt som reglerar det inomkontraktuella förhållandet mellan parter i kommersiella entreprenader. Idag sker det därför till stor del analoga tolkningar av köplagen när inget annat avtalats vid händelse av uppkommen tvist, trots att entreprenader uttryckligen undantas från köplagens tillämpningsområde. För att kunna analysera om AB 04 i sin helhet eller till viss del kan utgöra handelsbruk inom byggsektorn utreds handelsbruksbegreppet i relation till användningen av AB 04 som standardavtal inom entreprenadrätten. Avslutningsvis analyseras uppsatsensfrågeställningar, där utgångspunkten är HD:s kriterier. Först sker en generell analys av kriterierna och hur en generell prövning av standardavtal kan ske. Därefter görs en analys om AB 04 uppfyller dessa kriterier. Eftersom kriterierna är väldigt översiktliga och generella sker analysen mot bakgrund av doktrin och tidigare rättsfall. Analysen visar att grunden för att ett standardavtal ska uppnå handelsbruk är att det rör sig om ett agreed document inom en bransch som saknar en specifik lagstiftning för det inomkontraktuella förhållandet. Det ska dessutom röra sig om ett standardavtal som i princip samtliga parter inom en avgränsad bransch känner till och tillämpar. Därutöver är det av betydelse om standardavtalet innehåller betungande villkor. Den slutliga bedömningen är att AB 04 som helhet förmodligen inte utgör handelsbruk. Dessutom ställer AB 04:s så kallade täckbestämmelser till det, eftersom dessa villkor hindrar standardavtalet som helhet att uppnå en fast stadga. Däremot torde AB 04:s standardvillkor till stora delar kunna utgöra handelsbruk inom byggbranschen.

Avtalad frivillighet i kris och krig : En intervjuundersökning om kommuners samverkan med frivilliga / Contracted volunteerism in crisis and war: : an interview survey on municipalities' cooperation with volunteers

Lindow, Vilma January 2023 (has links)
Municipalities in Sweden are an actor in civil defense and are responsible for crisis management at the local level. They have several commitments that could be expanded as a result of proposals in the government investigation SOU 2022:57, especially that collaboration between municipalities and volunteers should be expanded. Challenges for municipalities to use volunteers have previously been highlighted in research, but there is less research on collaboration between municipalities and volunteers. A variant of collaboration and management is collaborative governance, and this thesis aims at examinate the collaboration between municipalities and volunteers, from the perspective of municipalities and how it can be seen through collaborative governance. It has been investigated through semi-structured interviews with municipal employees in nine municipalities. The results indicate that there are several variants of collaboration between municipalities and volunteers as well as several challenges and opportunities. Furthermore, the results suggest that municipalities can to some extent be considered to work together in accordance with collaborative governance.

Lyser färgerna igenom? : En kvantitativ studie om kvällstidningarna Aftonbladet och Expressens nyhetsrapportering under valet 2022 / Does the political colors show? : A content analysis about news reporting in the tabloid press Aftonbladet and Expressen during the Swedish election of 2022.

Risberg, Moa, Plåt, Felicia January 2022 (has links)
The news media has a great responsibility when reporting about politics, especially during elections. To maintain a democratic society a neutral news reporting is crucial, in order to give people trustworthy information that gives them the opportunity to make political decisions themselves. Swedish news media represent themselves as neutral in their news reporting but are associated with different political ideologies. Therefore, this study examines the coverage of the Swedish tabloid newspapers Aftonbladet and Expressen during a five-week period (280822-250922) of the Swedish election in 2022. Based on framing theory and agenda setting and using quantitative content analysis, the study compares if there is a difference in the reporting based on the political ideology of both newspapers.  The results show that the newspapers’ coverage was neutral during the election in Sweden 2022, revealing no differences in the reporting between the two newspapers. They both follow a similar way of setting the agenda and framing the articles about the two political ideologies during the whole election period. Aftonbladet and Expressen gave the three parties with the highest votes Socialdemokraterna, Sverigedemokraterna and Moderatern the biggest exposure. The liberal parties were mostly framed in a competitive frame in both newspapers compared to the socialist parties that had a higher rate of articles that were framed with the factual matter.  The results also show that the agenda due to the subject of matter in both newspapers were the election campaign, economy and question of law. This shows that they have been following the happenings and outplace of the Swedish election 2022 seen to agenda and framing. To summarize, Aftonbladet and Expressens news coverage during the five-week period during the election 2022 were neutral and had no beneficial agenda or framing of any political party.

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