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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Constances et évolutions de la représentation des victimes de la Shoah dans les cinémas américain, français et israélien / Permanent features and evolutions of the representation of the victims of the Shoah in American, French and Israeli cinema

Fertoukh, Ariel 13 November 2015 (has links)
L’étude thématique de l’évolution de la représentation de la Shoah fait avant tout ressortir des constances dans ce corpus filmique. Les traditions propres au cinéma, la tendance des auteurs à esquiver les aspects inconcevables mais vrais de l’événement, et la subordination aux forces politiques et sociales expliquent ce phénomène. C’est ainsi que la représentation des chambres à gaz obéit à une constance d’ordre éthique. La révolte militaire des civils souffre d’une représentation servile. La mémoire de la Shoah, déterminée par les instances officielles des pays étudiés, correspond aux traditions de ces derniers et reflète leur nature profonde. L’instrumentalisation de la Shoah, différente d’un pays à l’autre, est une donnée essentielle de ce cinéma. La spécificité de la Shoah est ignorée : les enfants comme ultimes victimes, le caractère universel du judéocide. Le défaut de représentation des Conseils Juifs, la sous représentation des femmes par rapport aux hommes participent au défaut de représentation du cinéma. L’évolution relevée est le plus souvent le résultat de la conformité des œuvres aux changements politiques et sociaux du pays concerné. La Shoah a acquis, à travers le cinéma, le statut de mythe essentiel de la démocratie libérale, au nom de valeurs morales universelles, masquant ainsi le syndrome d’une société incapable de se référer à son propre passé et de se projeter dans l’avenir en l’absence de projet spirituel et moral. / The thematic study about the evolution of the Holocaust representation emphasizes the works’ domination of the constancy. The Cinema’s proper traditions, the authors’ tendencies to evade the inconceivable but true aspects of the event, and the subordination to political and social strengths explain this phenomenon. Thus, the gas chambers’ representation obeils all ethical standards. The civilians’ military revolt suffers from an uninspiring representation. The Holocaust’s remembrance, determined by the official authorities of the studied countries, corresponds to the latter’s traditions and reflects their deep nature. The Holocaust’s instrumentalization, different from one country to another is an essential element of cinema. The Holocaust’s specificity is being ignored: children as the ultimate victims, the judeocide’s universal character, the Jewish Councils’ defect of representation, women’s under-representation as compared to men contribute to cinema’s fault of representation. The noticed evolution is most of the time the result of the works’ conformity with the political and social changes of the concerned country. Through cinema, Holocaust gained the status of an essential myth of the liberal democracy in the name of universal moral values, hiding thus the syndrome of a society unable to refer to its own past and to plan ahead in absence of spiritual and moral project.

Le cinéma en République populaire de Pologne : le cas de l'ensemble filmique TOR (1967-1981) : analyse des discours d'auteur et idéologique / The cinema in Polish People's Republic : a case study of cinematographic production called TOR (1967-1981)

Lipinska, Katarzyna 12 December 2016 (has links)
L'objet de cette thèse est une étude de cas d'un ensemble de production cinématographique polonaise dans la période communiste des années 1970 - TOR (Kieslowski, Zanussi, Rozewicz). Cette recherche met en avant l'autonomie créatrice de l'auteur-cinéaste face aux bouleversements de la politique culturelle qui a déterminé la production cinématographique dans un pays non-démocratique, à savoir la Pologne populaire des années 1970. La filmographie de TOR est homogène et ses films communiquent un discours d’auteur sur les thématiques existentielles et morales où l’individu occupe une place centrale. Comment a-t-il été possible de produire des films mettant l’individu au centre dans un pays où régnait un discours officiel exaltant le collectif ? / The main subject of this thesis is a case study of Polish cinematographic production under the communist period in the 1970's called TOR (Kieslowski, Zanussi, Rozewicz). This research points out the author-filmmaker's creative autonomy confronted to the Cultural Policy upheavals which have determined film production in a non - democratic country : Polish People's Republic in the 1970s. The TOR filmography is homogeneous and its movies transmit the author-filmmaker's point of view about the existential and moral matters while the individual occupies the central place. How was it possible to produce films focused on the individual in a country where the political class and its collective policy occupied the central place?

Was ist Mystery?: Von der englischen Detective Story zum deutschen Mystery-Trend des Übernatürlichen und Rätselhaften

Gläßer, Jana 06 August 2013 (has links)
Die vorliegende Seminararbeit zeigt anhand einer breit gefächerten Analyse von Mystery die Vielfältigkeit des Mystery-Begriffes und -Genres auf, besonders im Hinblick auf die Parallelen und Unterschiede zu seinem englischen Ursprung. Es erfolgt eine detaillierte etymologisch-lexikografische Betrachtung. In dieser wird auf die verschiedenen Bedeutungsfacetten von Mystery eingegangen sowie eine Anglizismus-/Pseudoanglizismus-Debatte geführt. Ausgangspunkt bildet der ursprüngliche Sinn von Mystery als Unerklärliches, generelles Rätsel, Geheimnis oder religiöses Mysterium. Es werden Verbindungen zu englischen Rätselgeschichten (mystery stories) gezogen, die allgemein von unerklärlichen Begebenheiten erzählt. Diese mysteries umfassen sowohl Rätsel im verbrechensbezogenen Kontext (detective stories) als auch die im Deutschen vorherrschenden Verbindungen zum Übernatürlichen sowie Geheimnisvoll-Rätselhaftes in den vielfältigsten Kontexten (Gothic novels, moderne American mystery story). Somit wird eine Annäherung der englisch-deutschen Mystery-Bedeutung sichtbar. Ferner versucht die Arbeit, auf Ursprünge und Entwicklungen des deutschen Mystery-Trends einzugehen und die Faszination Mystery zu erklären. Eine bedeutende Rolle kommt der Serie Akte X zu. Denn im Zuge ihrer Ausstrahlung und Vermarktung im deutschen Fernsehen wurde die englische Mystery-Bezeichnung aufgegriffen. In die gesamte Aufarbeitung werden verschiedenste Meinungen von Rezipientenseite, Vermarktung, Medien, Wissenschaft einbezogen. So entsteht ein Überblick zum Dargestellten im Mystery-Genre. Es wird belegt, dass im deutschsprachigen Raum ein relativ einheitliches Bewusstsein dafür besteht, was das Genre Mystery im filmischen und literarischen Bereich ausmacht.:1 Einleitung 3 2 Herkunft und Bedeutung des Wortes Mystery 4 2.1 Etymologie 4 2.2 Lexikografische Definition 5 2.3 Bedeutung im Englischen 6 3 Anglizismus-Debatte 7 3.1 Mystery als Anglizismus 7 3.2 Mystery als Scheinanglizismus 8 4 Mystery story im angloamerikanischen Raum 10 4.1 Detective und Mystery Stories 11 4.2 American mystery im Wandel 13 5 Faszination Mystery 14 5.1 Paranormales in den US-Medien 14 5.2 Der Trend des Übernatürlichen in Deutschland 15 5.3 Mögliche Gründe für den Mystery-Erfolg 18 6 Marketing-Etikett Mystery 19 6.1 Für Bekanntheit, Quoten und Standardisierung 20 6.2 Vom Krimi zu Mystery 20 7 Mystery als Genre und Stilmittel 22 7.1 Allgemeine Genrebetrachtung 23 7.2 Genrehybrid oder Subgenre? 24 7.3 Spannungserzeugung durch Mystery 26 8 Schlussbetrachtung

Funny games

Pühler, Simon 22 October 2014 (has links)
"FUNNY GAMES. Spielräume des Sadomasochismus in Film und Medien" ist der Versuch, eine Geschichte medialer Schmerzlust zu rekonstruieren – in etwa von 1789 bis heute. Neben klassischer SM-Literatur sind es Spielfilme wie VIDEODROME (1983), FALSCHER BEKENNER (2005), THE HURT LOCKER (2008) oder SHORTBUS (2006), in denen modernes Schmerzlust-Empfinden und -Begehren offenbar wird. Die Untersuchung richtet sich dabei auf Konzepte technoimaginärer Wunsch- und Höllenmaschinen, dynamisierte Ich-Apparate, wie sie Donatien-Alphonse-François de Sade, Leopold und Wanda von Sacher-Masoch, Ernst Kapp, Sigmund Freud, Daniel Paul Schreber, Jacques Lacan, Gilles Deleuze und Félix Guattari, David Cronenberg, Michael Haneke, Kathryn Bigelow u.v.a. im Medienumfeld ihrer Zeit individuell erleben und auf ihre je eigene Art – meist sehr fantasiereich – bearbeiten. Der vorliegende Entwurf, medienarchäologische Spurensicherung und gleichsam Test-Spiel, ist vor allem eine Einladung zum Mitmachen: Beim obsessiven Durchschreiten virtueller (Alptraum-)Welten und realer Körper negative und positive Lust zu erfahren, sich neuen Sinnesreizqualitäten zu öffnen, um schließlich Mehr-Lust und -Wissen zu erwerben. Anti-Ödipus als interaktives Video(bei)spiel. Als Analysetools haben sich Erkenntnisse aus der (strukturalen) Psychoanalyse, der (technischen) Medienwissenschaft, (Film-)Philosophie, der Gender-, Gewalt-, Fetisch- und (kulturwissenschaftlichen) Spieltheorie als hilfreich erwiesen, um dem Geheimnis und Rätsel sadomasochistischer Schmerzlust – und ihrer crash-Medien – ein wenig näher zu kommen. / "FUNNY GAMES. Spielräume des Sadomasochismus in Film und Medien" aims to reconstruct a history of pleasure and gratification through pain in the media since the end of the eighteenth century. In addition to classical sado-masochistic literature, the thesis focuses on movies in which modern forms of experiencing and desiring pain such as VIDEODROME (1983), I AM GUILTY (2005), THE HURT LOCKER (2008) and SHORTBUS (2006) manifest themselves. Central to the study are concepts of techno-imaginary wish machines and infernal devices, dynamised ego-apparatuses, that are experienced and expressed through the media of their time by writers, philosophers, psychoanalysts and film directors such as Donatien-Alphonse-François de Sade, Leopold and Wanda von Sacher-Masoch, Ernst Kapp, Sigmund Freud, Daniel Paul Schreber, Jacques Lacan, Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, David Cronenberg, Michael Haneke and Kathryn Bigelow. The present study, an attempt to secure the medial evidence and try it out at the same time, is meant most of all as an invitation to participate: to experience positive desire and lust while obsessively progressing through virtual worlds of dreams and nightmares and the real world of the human body, to open oneself to new experiences in order to gain both new knowledge and new desires. Anti-Oedipus as a textual videogame. The analytical tools employed in this study include findings from (structural) psychoanalysis, media sciences, (movie) philosophy, gender theory, the theory of violence, fetish theory and game theory as applied in cultural studies. They have proven to be very helpful in illuminating at least some aspects of the mystery that is the sado-masochist desire for pain.

Intercorporeality and technology : toward a new cognitive, aesthetic and communicative paradigm in the performing arts

Choinière, Isabelle January 2015 (has links)
The goal of this thesis was to reassess the relationship between the moving body and technology, and more specifically, to focus on recent perspectives in the performing arts which inscribe new manifestations and dynamics of cross-pollination between the somatic and technology. According to Dr. Andrea Davidson, 'Such research has rarely been formally identified with the specialised field of somatics' (2013, p.3). The thesis thus proposes to reflect on the experience and conception of the performative body in the link it entertains with technology. Investigating this relationship, it defines a new paradigm, that of an 'interfaced intercorporeality'. This paradigm is constructed with special attention to a different relationship revealed between the interface and the notion of a corporal potentiality or 'interval'. In particular, the thesis focuses on the concept of a 'collective body' based on this relationship and on practical research conducted within the framework of my research, along with the methodology that supported it. The research and creative work that are presented derive from experiments I conceived, conducted and participated in making. My analysis is thus based on direct experience. The relationship between the somatic and technology notably led me to focus on the notion of embodied cognition or 'bodily knowledge' and for this, to re-examine the work of Maurice Merleau-Ponty. As a consequence, this return to the experiential also required revisiting definitions given by the Greeks concerning the aesthetic as a reference to sensation and the ability to perceive. The thesis approaches the body as the ground and basis for creating work, as well as for testing the effect(s) that technology has on it. Experiments conducted sought to develop greater sensory and perceptual awareness in order to invest the relationship of somatics/technology in a dimension that could potentially constitute a transformation of self, of one's relationship to others and to the world. Merleau-Ponty's phenomenological existentialism formed the basis for explorations made to forge links between the somatic and technology. However, it is important to clarify that my intention was not to make an analysis of phenomenology per se. It was rather referenced as a means to explain the framework of my research in relation to lived experience, sensation, and specifically, to my creative approach involving new technologies. Merleau-Ponty's methodology includes subjective, first-person accounts of 'lived experience'. Third-person accounts, or so-called 'objective' positions, are also included. These accounts are then shown to evolve towards an ecosystem of interaction and movement in order to experience and test the production of theory and practical experimentation involved in the methodology I adopted. The thesis incorporates knowledge from several disciplines, but principally from the field of dance and technology. Highlighting sensorial and perceptual phenomena related to the transformation of the body through technology and subjective experience, it takes into account an interdisciplinary perspective that is linked to this problematic. The thesis begins with an introduction to phenomenology in which the concepts and positions of Merleau-Ponty are outlined, including those of anti-dualism, the lived body, the ontology of the body, corporeality, intercorporeality and the flesh. Chapter 1 looks at the evolution of this philosophical movement throughout history and continues with a history of the body in phenomenology, an analysis of certain applications of phenomenology in the field of dance and subsequently, in the specific field of dance related to technology. Chapter 2 comprises a literature review. It also presents the bases of reductionist thinking, the proposition of a return to integrative thinking and issues concerning instrumentalisation, the double and the complexification of the self. It further examines the history of ideas surrounding the relationship between the body and technology, notions of the real-virtual-actual and a history and problematics of the interface. It concludes with a presentation of theories on the notions of potentiality, the interval and real-time. Chapter 3 presents my artistic background, an historical overview of the trends and principal ideas that have influenced my work, as well as an examination of the field of dance and technology from the point of view of its history and more recent developments. Chapter 4 is dedicated to an analysis of the research methodologies employed in the practical research for this thesis and identifies related issues. An analysis of problems encountered with existing methodologies notably highlights a need to invest in other methodological modes for practical research of an interdisciplinary nature. The chapter continues with a presentation of some of the methodologies currently used in the field of dance related to technology. The principles underpinning the specific creative research methodology I experimented with are then presented, proposing an adaptation of the aforementioned methodologies in order to respond to the dynamics of collective research of an empathic nature that are specific to my approach and also in order to invest in the link between the somatic and technology my project proposes. This proposition modestly attempts to respond to the lack of methodologies observed in the field of artistic practical research. A discussion of the experimentation involved in the practical research for the thesis is made in Chapter 5. Two creative experiments are analysed. Their aim was to investigate and develop a collective physical body composed of five dancers in constant contact, whose movement and relationships create what I call a 'collective sound body'. This collective entity produces sound in real-time which is simultaneously spatialised. The analysis takes into account the ways these two bodies are interdependent and constantly interrelated. Schematically, the first experiment served as a basis on which to found principles related to the collective body, while the second experiment developed them. The chapter further outlines creative strategies that were employed to test principles of self-organisation linked to sensation and stemming from the somatic techniques employed. It also returns to some of Merleau-Ponty's main concepts that were implemented and tested in performative experience: intercorporeality, the lived body, the dynamic of continual transformation and the principle of coexistence. Lastly, Merleau-Ponty's investigation of sensation and perception and his concept of sensory chiasms are related to the experiments' multisensory exploration and theme of intersubjectivity which are then proposed as leading to the possibility of intercorporeality. Chapter 6 forms the conclusion and seeks to identify new knowledge generated in the thesis. Essentially articulating another vision of the performative body as developed through its contact with technology, the findings, both practical and theoretical, bring to light a different understanding of the body rendered through a dissolution of psychophysical borders in the development of the performative model I called the 'collective body'. The thesis further proposes that the 'collective body' and its evolution as the 'collective sound body', open up the path to a new approach to interfaces and further, to what I propose as a theory of interfaced intercorporeality. This research aims to reintroduce the body and its specific intelligence in the understanding and building of relationships that can be renewed. The technology used in these experiments was considered as a physicality and the activator of a reconfiguration of sensory-perceptual processes that the thesis argues can lead to the final paradigm of 'interfaced intercorporeality' it proposes.

Plotting Horror

Heuer, Thomas 06 May 2019 (has links)
Die Entwicklungsschübe der modernen Medien im 20. Jahrhundert haben die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen den Künsten, den Medien, den Sinnesmodalitäten, den verbalen und nonverbalen Ausdrucks- und Zeichenprozessen verstärkt und erweitert. Im Zuge dieser Entwicklungen sind Genre- und Formatfragen über das disziplinäre Interesse einzelner Kunst- und Medienwissenschaften hinaus ins Aufmerksamkeitsfeld einer vergleichenden Medienästhetik und -dramaturgie ge-rückt. Aufbauend auf den Erkenntnissen von Kalisch 2014, 2016 und den Überlegungen Gaudreaults 2009 zu einer Unterscheidung zwischen Narration und Monstration, ist es gelungen ein Modell zur Analyse von Werken unter dem Ausgangspunkt von Dramaturgie und Präsentationsstruktur herauszubilden, das für jedwedes dramaturgisch motiviertes und fiktionales Werk verwendet werden kann, unab-hängig vom Medium. Als Mittel zur Verdeutlichung der Thesen wird Horror als ästhetische Kategorie definiert, die einen direkten Einfluss auf die narrativen Strukturen eines Werkes besitzt, was den narrativ-monstrativen Doppelcharakter von Werken belegt und ferner verdeutlicht, dass Erzählung und Formung eines Werkes untrennbar verbunden sind. Die Dualität von Dramaturgie und Präsenta-tionsstruktur wird in der Formung eines Werkes offenbar. Um dies zu verdeutli-chen, werden im Verlauf der Arbeit kursorisch Beispiele von Werken mit Schre-ckensinhalten diskutiert und analysiert. Basierend auf diesem Modell wird eine Diskussion des Themenkomplexes von Intermedialität und Transmedialität im Spannungsverhältnis zur Komparistik der Künste durchgeführt. In der Folge wird eine Ästhetik des Schreckens diskutiert und anhand von ästhetischen Wertungskategorien aufgezeigt. Abschließend werden drei narrativ-motivierte Konzeptionen für dramaturgisch angetriebene Schre-ckensinszenierungen aufgeführt, die zur Kategorisierung von Werken angewendet werden können: düstere Präfiguration, düstere Konfiguration und düstere Manifestation. / The development in modern media during the 20th century (from movies over television to the hybrid forms of audiovisual and textual media in the internet) reveals interdependencies between art, media, the modalities of senses, the verbal and nonverbal dictions and semiotic processes that have evolved and expanded themselfes. According to this progress the interest in art and media studies should achive a collective interest in the changes of genre and formats, instead of a sepa-rated observation of only single disciplines. Following the Prolegomena on a comperative drama of media by Eleonore Ka-lisch (Kalisch 2014) and the thougts of André Gaudreault on Narration and Mon-stration (Gaudreault 2009) this thesis bulids a system to analyse works of fiction (e. g. movies, pictures, literature, video games). This system allows to analyse and compare works of fiction based on drama and presentation structure. The horror genre is used to show the mechanics of this system. Horror has a direct influence on the narrative structure of a work and manifests a duality of narration and mon-stration (Kalisch 2016), that binds drama and presentation to each other and shows the necessity of a separated consideration on both aspects. The duality of drama and presentation reveals itself during the modeling of a work of fiction. Build on the system the discourse is open to discuss intermetiality and transmedi-ality and their influence on the field of interest. Furthermore, an aesthetic of hor-ror is defined by evaluation categories of aesthetic indicators. In the end three types of narrativ driven concepts of horror are revealed and discussed: gloomy pre-figuaration, gloomy configuration and gloomy manifestation.

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