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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


07 January 2004 (has links)
[pt] O período do exílio foi particularmente fecundo para o pensamento religioso de Israel, quando, então, se pôs com veemência a questão da teodicéia e da busca de nova visão de Deus. Abraão, depositário das promessas, é feito porta- voz da questão fundamental acerca da justiça e da misericórdia de Deus, aguçada depois da destruição de Jerusalém quando, aparentemente, Deus não havia feito distinção entre a sorte dos culpados e dos inocentes. O diálogo entre Deus e Abraão logra justificar a Deus como justo juiz e reafirmar a tese deuteronomística da observância da Tora como condição para se obter a bênção prometida a Abraão; ao mesmo tempo, introduz elementos inusitados no pensamento de Israel, a saber, a possibilidade de os méritos do inocente mudar a sorte dos culpados. Na figura do Servo do Deutero-Isaías esta possibilidade é levada ao extremo, pondo definitivamente em xeque a doutrina da retribuição: o inocente não somente padece com os culpados, seus méritos não apenas influenciam o destino deles, mas ele sofre vicariamente, em lugar dos culpados. A descoberta deste novo modo de agir de Deus em seu Servo é a grande novidade revelada ao grupo que desempenha importante papel no poema. / [en] The exilic period was particularly fertile to Israel s religious thought, for at that time, the question of theodicy was strong, along with the search for a new understanding of God. Abraham, the holder of the promises, was the spokesman for the fundamental question of God s mercy and justice, a problem which became more urgent after the destruction of Jerusalem, when God apparently had not distinguished between the guilty and the innocent. The dialogue between God and Abraham manages to justify God as the righteous judge and reaffirm the deuteronimistic thesis of the observation of the Torah as necessary for obtaining the blessings promised to Abraham. At the same time, it witnesses to new developments in Israel s mentality, namely the possibility of the innocent s merit changing the fate of the guilty. In the figure of the Suffering Servant in Deutero-Isaias this possibility is carried to the extreme, and the doctrine of retribution is definitively placed in check: the innocent not only suffers along with the guilty, his merits not only influence the latter s fate, but the innocent suffers vicariously, in place of the guilty. This discovery of God s new way of acting in his Servant is the great novelty revealed to the group that plays an important role in that poem.

Ontologie prázdnoty / The Ontology of the Void

Smetana, Pavel January 2020 (has links)
Tato práce je vícevrstevným zamyšlením nad tématem prázdnoty. Její prvotní inspirací jsou Bondyho úvahy na toto téma. Nejde o to, ukazovat na neukazatelné, či popisovat nepopsatelné, to by byla spíše filosofická statistika; prázdnota je tu primárně chápána spíše na způsob krajního horizontu, jehož bytostné připuštění zakládá možnost pravého setkání podobném smyslu uvažuje nad souvislostí prázdnoty a milosti a otevírá možnost chápat prázdnotu nikoliv jako axiologickou neurčenost, ale právě jako horizont zvláštního setkání se světem. Takto nahlížená prázdnota otevírá bytostnou plnost a zároveň braných souvislostí těchto myšlenek o mezích ontologie - Plótínovou koncepcí emanační ontologie, či se substanční ontologií ze Spinozovy Protože se v průběhu tohoto rozboru dostává do popředí problém statického a předsudečného chápání ontologické substance (která takové vlastnosti nemůže mít, vyjdeme jako krajního ontologického horizontu), otevírá se otázka původu tohoto problému; v Myšlení vnějšku) a Berďajevem následuje hodnocení možnosti ontologii, což je přeneseně otevření otázky vztahu moci a ontologie či prolínání mocenského hlediska do ontologické úvahy (prázdnota by v yslu představovala zřeknutí se moci). Druhá kapitola práce se návazně zabývá formami zřeknutí se tohoto mocenského hlediska, coby praktikovaného...

A socio-rhetorical appraisal of Jesus as sacrifice, with specific reference to hilasterion in Romans 3:25-26

Ombori, Benard N. 09 1900 (has links)
This dissertation answers the following: "Why did Paul describe Jesus as hilasterion?" Throughout it, I have examined the questions of the "what" versus the "why": "What is the meaning of hilasterion (hilasterion)" versus "why has the death of Christ been metaphorised as hilasterion." Notwithstanding the uniformity among theologians that the meaning (the "what") of the text should occupy centre space, the enquiries of both Bible translators and Pauline scholars have yielded different meanings as far as iA.cronpwv is concerned. The question "why" shifts the project's focus from the meaning of the text to the performativity, which entails asking different questions. As a result, I have problematised "propitiation," "expiation" and "mercy-seat" as interpretational models for hilasterion, because these theological models neglect the rhetorical situation which leads to a misunderstanding of hilasterion. Consequently, applying the three-pronged rhetorical approaches to my text has enabled me to move the discussion away from a purely textual, away from the harmonization of "ideas," away from a traditional theological paradigm thinking only in terms of soteriology and the salvific to a paradigm where the rhetorical, to where the social-cultural and the religiopolitical contexts has been taken into consideration. Dispositio has acted as the foreground for impartiality that facilitated the accommodation of the non-Jews in the Abrahamic family which is hilasterion's performativity. I have argued that apostrophe in service of stasis theory had numerous Jewish fundamentals redefined, without which the notion of hilasterion would not have made sense. I have demonstrated how patron versus client relationship emerged in the depiction of hilasterion as a gift from God, evidence of his righteousness, and how riposte operated in dislodging the non-Jews from their social position and relocating them within the nation of God. The metaphorisation of Jesus' death and his portrayal as hilasterion had a number of tasks. It normalised a situation, it brought about an alternative situation into existence, it endorsed social solidarity, it brought about a different genealogy into effect, it sanctioned the construction of a "new and superior race," and ulitmatley it produced inclusivity of the non-Jews into the Jewish family since Jesus tremendously had high values then extreme value was assigned to the non-Jews. Thus, I have problematised decontextualised theologising, easy theologising (as "propitiation," "expiation," and " mercy-seat"), in order to demonstrate that a socio-rhetorical appraisal of hilasterion requires theologians to rethink the categories they operate with. / New Testament / M. Th. (New Testament)

To Know the One True God: Reconciling the God of the Old Testament with the God of the New Testament

Newman, Kelly D. 22 June 2006 (has links) (PDF)
There is a popular misconception in the world that Jehovah is too severe on occasion while Jesus Christ is always kind and merciful. The Latter-day Saint belief that Jehovah and Jesus are the same person presents a supposed conflict. There has not been much written on this subject by either non-Latter-day Saints or Latter-day Saints, thus, this thesis represents a unique contribution to a common perception prevalent in many Christian circles. The research of this thesis shows that the misconception is based on three problems: first, a misinterpretation of biblical stories in both the Old and New Testament; second, a lack of understanding biblical context and culture; and third, a lack of applying modern revelation to this subject. The research of this thesis focuses on these three areas in an effort to resolve this false perception. This thesis takes a deeper look into the acts of Jehovah and Jesus Christ as found in the Old and New Testaments respectively. Next, it looks as several doctrines related to this subject that have been revealed through latter-day prophets and incorporates them into the Old Testament. This analysis paints a broader picture of the Lord and illustrates that He was, indeed, merciful in the Old Testament but, at times, severe in the New Testament. Lastly, this thesis takes four of the most difficult Old Testament stories that seem to represent Jehovah as harsh, capricious, and unyielding, and puts them in their cultural setting. Though not every act can be completely explained, there is a high degree of similarity between Jehovah and Jesus. The study concludes, therefore, that much of the problem lies with perception and not with reality.


ANA MÁRCIA SANTANA DE OLIVEIRA 02 June 2022 (has links)
[pt] O Deus de Jesus Cristo nos convoca sempre a optar pelas vítimas deste mundo. À luz da experiência vivenciada, é uma decisão responsável refletir a Compassividade e a Misericórdia de Deus para com as vítimas da história que, pondo em jogo de forma engajada toda a vida, permite assumir a carga da realidade, carregá-la e encarregar-se de sua transformação libertadora. Significa que fazer teologia a partir de testemunhas enriquece e aprofunda a teologia de textos. Portanto, torna-se relevante crer para entender, bem como entender para crer. Esta Tese de Doutorado, cujo tema versa A Compassividade e a Misericórdia de Deus. Uma dimensão ético-místico-profética da Teologia de Jon Sobrino, concentra-se na esperança das vítimas e na promessa de resgatá-las como chave de leitura hermenêutica teológica. Reconhecemos e afirmamos que na Teologia de Jon Sobrino existe uma urgente necessidade do zelo teológico centrado no Mistério da presença misericordiosa de Deus na história. Neste sentido, amplia-se o olhar para os novos rostos de vítimas ao redor do mundo. / [en] The God of Jesus Christ always calls us to stand for the victims of this world. In light of the empirical experience, it is a responsible decision to mirror God’s Compassion and Mercy towards the victims of history, which, in an engagingly life, allows us to take on the burden of reality, carry it and take charge of its liberating transformation. This means, making theology from witnesses enriches and deepens the theology of texts. Therefore, it becomes relevant to believe in order to understand, as well as to understand in order to believe. This Doctoral Thesis, God s Compassion and Mercy. An ethical-mystic-prophetic dimension of Jon Sobrino s Theology focuses on their hope and the promise to rescue them as a key to theological hermeneutic reading. We recognize and affirm that in Jon Sobrino s theology there is an urgent need for theological zeal centred in the mystery of the merciful presence of God in history. In this sense, it broadens his gaze to the new faces of victims around the world.


YGOR ALMEIDA DE CARVALHO SILVA 26 August 2021 (has links)
[pt] A presente pesquisa se propõe a estudar o significado das expressões paulinas: um vaso para honra, e outro para desonra [...] vasos de ira, que foram preparados para a destruição, [...] vasos de misericórdia, os quais preparou de antemão para a glória, no texto de Rm 9,19-29. O objetivo é entender se, nesta passagem bíblica, o Apóstolo Paulo trataria realmente de predestinação dupla ou absoluta, como foi compreendido pela maioria dos reformadores protestantes do século XVI. Para a pesquisa, primeiramente foi levantado o status quaestionis (estado da questão), com a interpretação de vários exegetas sobre estas expressões difíceis da perícope. Em seguida, é realizada a exegese do texto de Rm 9,19-29, lançando-se para isso mão dos seguintes dois métodos: Histórico-Crítico e Análise Retórica Bíblico-Semítica. Finalmente, é feito um comentário bíblico-exegético-teológico da perícope, com aplicação do Método do Uso do Antigo Testamento no Novo Testamento. / [en] The present thesis proposes to study the meaning of the Pauline expressions: a vessel for honor, and another for dishonor [...] vessels of wrath, which were prepared for destruction, [...] vessels of mercy, whose were prepared for glory beforehand, in the text of Rm 9,19-29. The objective is to understand whether, in this biblical passage, the Apostle Paul would really deal with double or absolute predestination, as was understood by most Protestant reformers of the sixteenth century. For research, the status quaestionis (state of the matter) was first raised, with the interpretation of several exegetes on these difficult expressions of the pericope. Then, the exegesis of the text of Rm 9,19-29 is carried out, using the following two methods: Historical-Critical and Biblical-Semitic Rhetorical Analysis. Finally, a biblical-exegetical-theological comment is made on the pericope, applying the Method of the Use of the Old Testament in the New Testament.

The Role of Art as a Strategy for Reconciliation and Peacebuilding in Bogotá, Colombia : A narrative investigation of Colombian artists and victims

Flechas Guzmán, Valentina January 2023 (has links)
Due to processes of change, there has been an increase in reconciliation initiatives around Colombia directed at promoting spaces for human interaction and social reconstruction to be encourage. This repertoire of strategies nurture collective memory, individual trauma healing and communities’ transformation, and become a place for peacebuilding to take place. The following research pretends to determine how art initiatives create and promote a space for reconciliation and peacebuilding processes for people that have participated in them. This thesis is based on the experience of 10 individuals that consider themselves artists and victims, which were interviewed concerning their experience with art performances and exhibitions in music, muralism, cinema, sewing, narration and theatre as instruments of self-reconcilement with traumatic experiences, catharsis processes and peacebuilding strategies for themselves due to their personal experience with the Colombian conflict inside Bogotá, Colombia. This investigation makes use of a qualitative analysis for a narrative investigation based on semi-structured interviews of different individuals who have led and worked in Art performances including theatre plays, narration, mural painting, songwriting, movie production and sewing focused on reconciliation and the construction of peace and memory. At the same time, this research makes use of the exercise and theoretical framework of “the meeting place” by John Paul Lederach as a general guideline on how to approach concepts related to reconciliation and peacemaking. This approach in relation to elements such as truth, mercy, justice and peace provides guiding principles to understand how and to which extent art initiatives act as a strategy in the promotion of personal and collective peace for the interviewees. Furthermore, “the meeting place” as a theoretical approach is necessary for the comprehension of the role art initiatives can have in the creation of a space in which participants can genuinely generate significant change towards the dissolution of tensions, truth-telling, catharsis processes, pain handling and the fortification of human relations. This thesis however does not indicate how the art initiatives promoted by the participants affected its viewers. This thesis concludes by supporting the argument that art provided a space for reconciliation and for meaningful processes of peacebuilding to rise in the case of all interviewees as they personally used art as a coping mechanism which provided a space for reconciliation for themselves.

Působení Kongregace Milosrdných sester sv. Karla Boromejského v Českých Budějovicích. Příběh černobílého květu města / Activity of the Congregation of Sisters of Mercy of St. Charles Borromeo in České Budějovice. The lifestory of a black and white flower of the city

Ambrožová, Kristýna January 2015 (has links)
The dissertation deals with the historical activities of the Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy of St. Charles Borromeo in České Budějovice between the years 1850 - 1956. The thesis is especially based on the study of archival materials. Each chapter comprehensively describes the history of the three branches where the religious Sisters performed their activities. The branches are listed in chronological order of when they were established in the city. A public hospital is mentioned first, followed by an institutional complex of orphanages and schools at the former Vienna gate, and the group is concluded with an asylum for elderly people in need established in 1888. Particular attention is paid to the circumstances concerning the establishment of each branch, its background, ordinary and extraordinary days that were mostly mentioned in local chronicles; and two local superiors who had a major impact on the development and character of the community are also mentioned in the dissertation. Besides the observation of the beginnings and subsequent unprecedented development of community activities within the city frame, the text also includes an independent final chapter focused on events associated with the definitive end after the year 1948. Orientation in the topic and logical sequence of...

Urbanismo no Brasil imp?rio: a sa?de p?blica na cidade de S?o Paulo no s?culo XIX (hospitais, lazaretos e cemit?rios) / The public health in the city of S?o Paulo in the century XIX hospitals, isolation hospitals e cemiteries

Jorge, Karina Camarneiro 13 December 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:21:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Karina Jorge.pdf: 3084239 bytes, checksum: 3de3e9558aa23fb366967551b5a3e910 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-12-13 / The intention of this research was to investigate as in the city of S?o Paulo, in elapsing of century XIX, the co-participation of knowing doctors to them, of engineering, of the architecture and the performance of the administrators they had implied in the modification in the urban configuration of the city and had defined a new structure in organization and functioning. It investigates, over all, the debate and practical the relative ones to the implantation of the hospitals, isolation hospitals, cemeteries and saint marries of mercy through the urban historical study of the S?o Paulo city. It tried to perceive how the urban practice implemented by the administrators through the doctors and engineers were based on the miasma theory. These buildings, according to related theory, would contain organic substance that when decomposing, exhaled miasmas, and therefore, they would have to be situated outside of the urban defined borders at that time. The studies had been made under the point of view of the public health, investigating the origin and formation of the buildings relating them, and the relation of these buildings with the urban way. It is also distinguished in this research, how the prescriptions in the medicine and architecture treaties about the salubrious of the cities, had been transferred to the legislation, through the Municipal Laws. By means of the law off August 30th of 1828, that it extinguished the positions of Physicist and Surgeon, the City councils had started to be responsible for public health and, through the Imperial Decree of October 1st of 1828, established it form of the elections of the members of the City councils and included the first Code of Positions in the organic law of the respective Chambers. / O prop?sito dessa pesquisa foi o de investigar como na cidade de S?o Paulo, no decorrer do s?culo XIX, a co-participa??o dos saberes m?dicos, da engenharia, da arquitetura e a atua??o dos administradores implicaram na modifica??o no tecido urbano da cidade e definiram uma nova estrutura de organiza??o e funcionamento. Investiga, sobretudo, o debate e as pr?ticas relativas ? implanta??o dos hospitais, lazaretos, cemit?rios e casas de miseric?rdia atrav?s do estudo hist?rico urban?stico da cidade de S?o Paulo. Procurou-se perceber como as pr?ticas urbanas implementadas pelos administradores atrav?s dos m?dicos e engenheiros aos seus servi?os estavam fundamentadas na teoria miasm?tica. Estes edif?cios, segundo a referida teoria, conteriam mat?ria org?nica que ao se decompor exalavam miasmas e, portanto, deveriam se localizar fora do meio urbano definido na ?poca. Os estudos foram feitos sob o ponto de vista da sa?de p?blica, investigando a origem e forma??o dos edif?cios relacionados ? mesma e a rela??o desses edif?cios com o meio urbano. Destaca-se nessa pesquisa tamb?m, como as prescri??es presentes nos tratados de medicina e arquitetura sobre a salubridade das cidades foram transferidas para a legisla??o, atrav?s das Posturas Municipais. Mediante a lei de 30 de agosto de 1828, que extinguiu os cargos de F?sico-mor e Cirurgi?o-mor, as C?maras Municipais passaram a ser respons?veis pela sa?de p?blica e, atrav?s do Decreto Imperial de 1? de outubro de 1828, estabeleceu-se a forma das elei??es dos membros das C?maras Municipais e incluiu-se o primeiro C?digo de Posturas na lei org?nica das respectivas C?maras.

Ética do povo e ética política: Nicolau Maquiavel, João Calvino e a contemporaneidade

Silva, José Roberto da 17 December 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:48:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jose Roberto da Silva.pdf: 2533062 bytes, checksum: b4d98c756c4ec23619724e23b603ed5a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-12-17 / Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa / The proposal of our research is to contemplate about the distinctions of "concept ethical" in the deprived life and political existent between Maquiavel and Calvino. Although both have lived in the same historical period and have been formed with the own Humanism of the time, we detached a distinction between Maquiavel and Calvino found substantially, kept the relationships, between the natural law and the contractual law. Some political changes affected Rome and Florence where Maquiavel was born, and they contributed in your perspective ethics-politics. There are doubts if purposed guides the Prince or the people, so that this understood how the model of overbearing principality worked. Maquiavel composed your political perspective for the discard of the ideal of the Christian ethics, to assume a secularized ideal. Your purpose was the conservation of the State. Already, the effervescences religious, theological and politics composed the scenery of the Reformer. For Calvino, the relationship ethics-politics is understood inside of the subject of the Christian mercy. Then, your fight against the ones that disturbed the kingdom of France and your thought of the King s nobleman occupation, that it should reign by the sacred texts. By virtue of an influence Maquiaveliana in Brazilian reality, is wanted to dialogue with the two thinkers, verifying the dominance form for them proposals, and to discuss as these approaches feels in the Brazilian political field. / A proposta de nossa pesquisa é refletir sobre as distinções de "conceito ético" na vida privada e política existentes entre Maquiavel e Calvino. Embora ambos tenham vivido no mesmo período histórico e tenham sido formados com o Humanismo próprio da época, destacamos uma distinção entre Maquiavel e Calvino encontrada substancialmente, guardadas as relações, entre a lei natural e a lei contratual. Algumas mudanças políticas afetaram Roma e Florença onde Maquiavel nasceu, e contribuíram na sua perspectiva ética-política. Há dúvidas se propositava orientar o Príncipe ou o povo, para que este compreendesse como funcionava o modelo de principado despótico. Maquiavel compunha sua perspectiva política pelo descarte do ideário da ética cristã, para assumir um ideário secularizado. Sua finalidade era a conservação do Estado. Já, as efervescências religiosas, teológicas e políticas compunham o cenário do Reformador. Para Calvino, a relação ética-política é compreendida dentro do assunto da piedade cristã. Daí, sua luta contra os que perturbavam o reino da França e sua preceituação do nobre ofício do Rei, que devia reinar mediante os textos sagrados. Em virtude de uma influência Maquiaveliana na realidade brasileira, deseja-se dialogar com os dois pensadores, verificando a forma de dominação por eles propostas, e discutir como estas abordagens dão-se no campo político brasileiro.

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