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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Diskriminace starších osob v přístupu k zaměstnání / Discrimination of older persons in their access to employment

Chlapcová, Marcela January 2011 (has links)
The thesis "Discrimination of older persons in their access to employment"focuses on the discrimination problem of persons over 50 years of age when they look for a job. The discrimination is one of the factors that prevent older persons from entering the labor market, which affects not only those persons but the whole society as well. At first, the thesis determines the theoretical concepts, which it comes from. Those concepts go through the whole thesis. Further on, it outlines a brief survey of national and European legal norms that deal with the given problem. It also introduces institutions that manage the problem and that we can contact in case of encounter with discrimination. In the next part, the thesis focuses on the negative aspects of discrimination and on the occurrence frequency of discrimination itself in the Czech Republic, particularly in the job advertisements and during job interviews. The practical part of the thesis concentrates on the discrimination of person over 50 in the district of Teplice, both from the point of view of the unemployed persons and the employees of the Labor Office. The final part identifies main fields of problems, which it propose possible solutions for.

En arbetsmarknad för äldre arbetstagare? : -Om åldersdiskriminering riktad mot äldre i arbetslivet

Ingelsson, Filip January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to examine for the age discrimination towards older people in the working life. The essay practice EU-law and national law to examine the age discrimination. It also looks for the limits towards age discrimination. A presentation of the rules will make it easier to see how employers are possible to get around the ban against age discrimination. This essay also illustrates how age discrimination emerges in recruitment processes and then how to discourage age discrimination. The essay is based on material in the legal source hierarchy and literature, internet based source and reports that have a connection with the subject choice. The legal dogmatic method has been applied with the legal sociology method to analyze the material.   The analyze shows that age discrimination is a fundamental right. The problem about age discrimination occurs according to the interpreting about opportunities against age discrimination. There is an opportunity for employer to get around the ban when the employee is 67 years old. Employers can also get around the ban when the costs are unacceptable in relation to hire an older person who coming up in the ages and can retrieve their pension. This hypothesis doesn’t agree with how todays working life and individual work career looks like. A recruitment process contributes to stereotypes for older persons. The reasons that contributes to stereotypes are how the pension and legal systems in the society are made and also because of peoples assessments and norms. The result of these stereotypes is involuntary retirement because older peoples get sort away in the recruitment process.   The labor law needs active provisions in the collaboration between employers and employees to countervail age discrimination in the recruitment process. In addition, the pension system and the law about employees whom is 67 years old needs to be regulated. The provisions are one way to frame same opportunities and equalities in the working life, especially for older people to get hired. / Uppsatsen har till syfte att redogöra för åldersdiskriminering riktad mot äldre personer iarbetslivet. Åldersdiskrimineringen redogörs genom att studera EU-rätt samt nationell rätt och se gränsen för åldersdiskriminering. En bild av bestämmelserna ska presenteras för att visa hur arbetsgivare har en möjlighet att kringgå förbudet mot åldersdiskriminering. Vad som även belyses är hur åldersdiskriminering kan komma att aktualiseras vid en rekryteringsprocess och vad som således kan motverka att åldersdiskriminering uppstår. Uppsatsen är baserad på material inom rättskällehierarkin samt litteratur, internet källor och rapporter som har en koppling till ämnesvalet. Materialet är sedan analyserat utifrån rättsdogmatisk metod samt rättssociologisk metod. Analysen resulterar i förbudet mot diskriminering p.g.a. ålder är en grundläggande rättighet. Problematiken kring åldersdiskriminering uppstår när undantagsmöjligheterna ska tolkas och tillämpas. Där finns ett utrymme för arbetsgivare att kringgå förbudet när arbetstagare är fyllda67 år. Dessutom går det att kringgå förbudet om det är oproportionerligt kostsamt för arbetsgivaren att anställa en äldre person som snart närmar sig pensionsåldern. Dock stämmer inte sistnämnda hypotes, sett till hur arbetsmarknaden och individens yrkeskarriär ser ut i dag. Åldersdiskriminering i en rekryteringsprocess består till stor del av omedvetna eller medvetna föreställningar om äldre personer. Orsakerna till föreställningarna är hur samhällets pensions- och rättssystem är uppbyggt samt människors värderingar och normer. Resultatet av dessa föreställningar blir ofrivillig pensionering av äldre personer i samhället för att de gallras bort i rekryteringsprocessen. För att motverka åldersdiskriminering i en rekryteringsprocess behöver lagstiftaren införa bestämmelser om ytterligare aktiva åtgärder i samverkan mellan arbetsgivare och arbetstagare. Dessutom borde pensionssystemet samt 67 årsregeln omarbetas då rådande bestämmelser inte överensstämmer  med  samhällets  funktionssätt.  Åtgärderna  är  ett  sätt  att  främja  likamöjligheter och rättigheter i arbetslivet och att öka chanserna till anställning för äldre.

I vilken utsträckning finns det ett samband mellan diskriminering i arbetslivet och instrumentell attityd till arbete? : En kvantitativ svensk enkätstudie utifrån ett livsloppsperspektiv / To what extent is there a correlation between discrimination in work life and instrumental attitudes towards work? : A quantitative Swedish survey from a life course perspective

Winterskiöld, Pernilla, Andrén, Ylva January 2021 (has links)
Authors: Ylva Andrén & Pernilla Winterskiöld Title: To what extent is there a correlation between discrimination in work life and instrumental attitudes towards work?  -– A quantitative Swedish survey from a life course perspective. Subject presentation: There are seven grounds for discrimination, and we may all be subject to discrimination; male or female, young and old. Research show that attitudes towards work changes during a life cycle, but is that attitude affected if one is subject to discrimination? That is what we aim to investigate. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate if there is a correlation between discrimination in work life and instrumental attitude towards work. Furthermore, the study investigates whether such a correlation is related to two of the grounds for discrimination; gender or age. Method: An analysis of quantitative secondary data is done in order to investigate possible correlations between discrimination in work life and instrumental attitudes towards work. ISSP 2015 – views on work and work life is the Swedish survey we use as secondary data. Theory: The present study uses life course theory to interpret and analyze the results. Life course theory describes how critical events may impact an individual and subsequently attitudes towards work. Results: The analysis show that there is no significant correlation between discrimination in work life and instrumental attitude towards work when gender and age are considered. Subsequently two of the studies hypotheses were discarded. However, the study did show that women in greater extent than men have been subject to discrimination.

"Alkohol kan skada din hälsa" : Barnperspektivet i svensk alkohollagstiftning - en studie influerad av kritisk diskursanalys / "Alcohol can harm your health" : The children's perspective in Swedish alcohol legislation - a study influenced by critical discourse analysis

Bertilsson, Moa, Nikula, Kristin January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to understand which perspective is reflected in the Swedish alcohol legislation. The study's research questions was how the children's perspective is set against the perspective of the adult world, as well as how children's perspectives are taken into account in these documents. The empirical material consists of the alcohol law investigation (SOU 2009:22), the alcohol law (SFS 2010:1622), the alcohol ordinance (SFS 2010:1636) and How Swedish legislation and practice comply with the rights in the Convention on the Rights of the child – a survey (Ministry of Social Affair ́s 2011:37). The study's theoretical starting point was social constructionism. Critical discourse analysis was used as theory and method. The terms age power system and childism were used to explain the parts of the discourse that is not of a linguistic nature. The study showed that the order of power between children and adults results in a restriction of children's right to have a say in Swedish alcohol legislation. These results are important as they show that children's right to be heard is not met and that children are discriminated on the basis of age in Swedish alcohol legislation, which has consequences for how alcohol legislation meets children's right to the best possible health.

The Challenges Of Young-typed Jobs And How Older Workers Adapt

Reeves, Michael 01 January 2013 (has links)
This study sought to explore the challenges faced by older workers who do not fit the age-type of their jobs and how older workers adapt to overcome those challenges. Specifically, I surveyed a national sample of 227 workers 50 years of age and older, in a wide variety of jobs, on measures of perceived age discrimination and adaptation behaviors. I found that fit, as determined by career timetables theory, but not prototype matching theory, successfully predicted perceived age discrimination. Specifically, more age discrimination was perceived when fewer older workers occupied a job. Additionally, multiple regression analysis showed that career timetables theory, prototype matching theory, and measures of perceived discrimination interacted to predict adaptation behaviors. That is, older workers made more efforts appear younger at work when they perceived age discrimination in jobs occupied by fewer older workers and older women expressed greater desires to appear younger at work when they perceived age discrimination in jobs viewed as more appropriate for younger workers. Although older workers made a wide variety of efforts to appear younger at work, from changing the way they dressed to undergoing surgical procedures, the adaptation efforts believed to be the most effective against age discrimination were more oriented toward enhancing job performance than one’s appearance. It is especially troubling that greater perceived age discrimination was found in young-typed jobs (than in old-typed jobs) given that the number of older workers occupying young-typed jobs is expected to rapidly grow in the near future and perceived discrimination is associated with mental and physical consequences for older adults. Understanding effective adaptations to age discrimination is a valuable first step in helping older workers overcome the iv disadvantages they may face in the workplace, especially when they occupy young-typed jobs. Implications for theory and research are discussed

Последствия повышения пенсионного возраста для рынка труда: угроза возрастной дискриминации : магистерская диссертация / Consequences of raising the retirement age for the labor market: the threat of age discrimination

Сырчин, А. Е., Syrchin, A. E. January 2020 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация посвящена проблеме дискриминации по возрасту в трудовой сфере, которая с повышением пенсионного возраста в России актуализировалась еще больше. Сегодняшняя ситуация, связанная с мерами противодействия распространения короновируса в России, также грозит усилением проявлений эйджизма. Цель исследования: оценить влияние повышения пенсионного возраста на масштабы распространения возрастной дискриминации на рынке труда и разработать рекомендации по противодействию возрастной дискриминации на рынке труда в Свердловской области в связи с последствиями, вызванными повышением пенсионного возраста. Методология исследования основана на сочетании количественных и качественных методов сбора необходимой информации, обеспечивающих рассмотрение проблемы как с позиции работников (метод массового анкетного опроса населения), так и с точки зрения работодателя (методы: контент-анализ объявлений о вакансиях в Свердловской области и глубинные интервью с работодателями). В исследовании проанализированы социально-экономические последствия повышения пенсионного возраста для рынка труда; выявлены основные проблемы крайних возрастных групп на рынке труда, дана оценка масштаба распространения возрастной дискриминации в сфере труда; определены оптимальные способы для преодоления выявленных проблем. Результатом работы стала разработка ряда рекомендаций для противодействия возрастной дискриминации на рынке труда в Свердловской области. / The master's thesis is devoted to the problem of age discrimination in the labor sector, which has become even more relevant with the increase in the retirement age in Russia. The current situation related to measures to counteract the spread of coronovirus in Russia also threatens to increase the manifestations of ageism. Objective: to assess the impact of raising the retirement age on the prevalence of age discrimination in the labor market and to develop recommendations for countering age discrimination in the labor market in the Sverdlovsk region in connection with the consequences caused by the increase in the retirement age. The research methodology is based on a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods for gathering the necessary information, ensuring the consideration of the problem both from the position of employees (mass questionnaire survey of the population) and from the point of view of the employer (methods: content analysis of job ads in the Sverdlovsk region and in-depth interviews with employers). The study analyzes the socio-economic consequences of raising the retirement age for the labor market; identifies the main problems of extreme age groups in the labor market, assesses the scale of age discrimination in the labor sphere; identifies the best ways to overcome the identified problems. The work resulted in the development of a number of recommendations to counteract age discrimination in the labor market in the Sverdlovsk region.

Är vi redo för ett längre arbetsliv? : En kvalitativ studie om den internaliserade ålderismens inverkan på självbild och pensionsplaner. / Are we ready for a prolonged working life? : A qualitative study on the impact of internalized ageism on self-image and retirement plans.

Tyssling, Malena, Lindberg, Anna January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of this study has been to explore the importance of internalized age stereotypes and age norms for older workers' self-image. By examining the use of norms and stereotypes when they talk about their working life and plan for life after retirement, the study aims to expand the understanding of self-image formation and the influence of internalized age stereotypes on retirement planning. The study was conducted using a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews. The theoretical framework guiding this research incorporates social identity theory and self-categorization theory to understand how self-image takes shape throughsocial interactions and societal structures. Concepts from social psychology underscore the importance of self-reflection in identity formation. Stereotype embodiment theory specifically focuses on the impact of ageist stereotypes. The results of our study show that internalized ageist beliefs influence the participants’ thoughts, feelings and behaviors. These beliefs affect their self-image and interpretation of the world around them. Self-image is continuously formed throughout life, not only at work or during leisure time. Our theoretical standpoint is confirmed by the empirical data, showing that how individuals perceive themselves is significantly influenced by how they are perceived by others. However, this varies with their basic self-esteem. The less significance age has for personal identity, the lower the susceptibility to societal ageist attitudes. Our study shows that age identification is stronger among women. The influence on an age-related self-image on retirement plans is relatively low. The plans are based on what the participants want and dream about – choices dictated by their personality, interests, feelings and values. Age is a part of the whole, without being decisive for post-retirement plans. However, the age-related aspect can be seen in the fact that several participants experience stress about not being able to accomplish everything they desire in life. This stress does not motivate continued work but rather encourages them to retire as soon as they have the opportunity from both a work and economic perspective.

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