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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Figura??es do sujeito no romance de Jos? Saramago e Ant?nio Lobo Antunes / Figurations of the subject in the novels by Jos? Saramago and Ant?nio Lobo Antunes

Oliveira Neto, Pedro Fernandes de 15 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-10-11T20:26:15Z No. of bitstreams: 1 PedroFernandesDeOliveiraNeto_TESE.pdf: 2584466 bytes, checksum: 9e347c2e43df7f46c48bb2fb7b9db69d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-10-13T20:53:57Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 PedroFernandesDeOliveiraNeto_TESE.pdf: 2584466 bytes, checksum: 9e347c2e43df7f46c48bb2fb7b9db69d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-13T20:53:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PedroFernandesDeOliveiraNeto_TESE.pdf: 2584466 bytes, checksum: 9e347c2e43df7f46c48bb2fb7b9db69d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-15 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / Entre as diversas quest?es sobre o sujeito e suas incid?ncias no texto liter?rio, este estudo prefere a de perscrutar acerca de como o tema ? figurado no romance; isto ?, como se constitui e se apresenta entre as aporias do romanesco, que rela??o mant?m com o externo ao texto (a hist?ria, a sociedade), no que interfere na constru??o da narrativa e na forma do romance, quais quest?es suscitam, s?o algumas proposi??es envolvidas numa leitura que compreende Todos os nomes, de Jos? Saramago e N?o entres t?o depressa nessa noite escura, de Ant?nio Lobo Antunes. Esses romances foram elegidos porque se relacionam, respectivamente, a duas das principais correntes da forma romanesca: um mais integrado ao vi?s objetivo e outro ? tradi??o subjetiva. Sem abolir especificidades, mas ciente que essa n?o ? uma rela??o dicot?mica por compreender que o hiato entre as duas formas se resume basicamente a uma maneira de percep??o diversa do romancista sobre a realidade, este estudo se alimenta das duas posi??es no intuito de lidar com especificidades igualmente diversas de figura??o do sujeito no romance. Assim, este estudo dividiu-se nos tr?s momentos ora designados: (1) revisar sobre como o romance tem constru?do uma concep??o de sujeito desde a ruptura mantida com a epopeia. Essa revis?o privilegia tr?s momentos da hist?ria do romance: a epopeia, a verve realista do s?culo XIX e o romance impulsionado pelas novas formas dos anos 1920. Esse exerc?cio ? intermediado pelas leituras de Krysinski (2007), Luc?ks (2009), Z?raffa (2010), Candido (2007), Rosenfeld (1996), Adorno (2003), Benjamin (2012) entre outros; (2) ler Todos os nomes e perscrutar o exerc?cio das personagens centrais do romance - o Sr. Jos?, a mulher desconhecida, o conservador, a senhora do r?s-do-ch?o direito e o espa?o da Conservat?ria por compreend?-la coadjuvante nesse universo; (3) a partir desse mesmo exerc?cio, a leitura de N?o entres t?o depressa nessa noite escura perscruta as figuras de Lu?s Filipe, Margarida, Am?lia, Ana Maria e Maria Clara. Entre as interse??es alcan?adas na rela??o entre as duas obras est? a compreens?o de que o romance se exercita como artefato de conhecimento sobre sujeito e usa a personagem como figura??o sobre suas posi??es ocupadas na contemporaneidade; s?o obras que compreendem a imin?ncia do fim de uma civiliza??o pela forma avariada de coletividade e vida tornada repeti??o invari?vel. E exp?e ao menos duas formas de ruptura dessa condi??o catastr?fica: o sujeito ? a??o e deve sair para o mundo (Jos? Saramago); a desordem n?o apenas social ? individual e o sujeito ? espera enquanto remenda situa??es poss?veis de compreender o est?gio de degrada??o do homem (Ant?nio Lobo Antunes). S?o obras respons?veis por reafirmar o interesse do romance nas exist?ncias mais arredias e silenciosas por entenderem que nelas esconde-se uma capacidade de reanima??o da exist?ncia e ? tarefa do romancista revel?-la. / Among the several questions about the subject and its occurrences in the literary text, the present study intends to search how this theme is represented in the novel; that is, how it is built and represented in the aporias of the romanesque, the relationships it maintains with what is external to the text (history, society), in what it interferes in the narrative construction and in the form of the novel and which questions they arise, are some of the propositions involved in a reading of All the Names, by Jos? Saramago and N?o entres t?o depressa nessa noite escura, by Ant?nio Lobo Antunes. These novels have been chosen because they are related, respectively, to two of the main trends about the form of the novel: one more integrated to an objective view and a second one more integrated to a subjective tradition. Without abolishing the specificities, but aware that the relationship between the subjective and the objective is not a dichotomy because the gap between these two forms is basically the novelist?s distinct way of perception about reality, these two different positions are considered in order to deal with equally diverse specificities of the figuration of the subject in the novel. Thus, this thesis is divided in three following parts: (1) a review of how the novel has built a conception of subject since the rupture with the epic. This review privileges three different moments in the history of the novel: the epic, the realist verve of the 19th Century and the novel moved by the 1920s new forms. This exercise is helped by the readings of Krysinski (2007), Luc?ks (2009), Z?raffa (2010), Candido (2007), Rosenfeld (1996), Adorno (2003), Benjamin (2012) among others; (2) reading All the Names and peering into the main characters of the novel ? Senhor Jos?, the unknown woman, the registrar, the right ground floor lady and the space of the Central Registry that is taken as a support in this universe; (3) considering the aforementioned exercise, the reading of N?o entres t?o depressa nessa noite escura peers into the characters Lu?s Filipe, Margarida, Am?lia, Ana Maria e Maria Clara. Among the intersections between the two books, there is the understanding that the novel is an artifact of knowledge about the subject as a figuration of its positions occupied in the contemporary world; both books understand the imminent end of a civilization by the damaged collectivity and life becoming invariable repetition. At least two other different means of rupture with this catastrophic condition are exposed: the subject is action and has to face the world (Jos? Saramago); the non-exclusively social disarray is individual and the subject is the waiting while he mends the possible situations to understand human degradation (Ant?nio Lobo Antunes). Both books are responsible for reaffirming the interest of the novel in the most reluctant and silent existences, once they understand these existences hide an ability of reanimation whose revelation is a task of the novelist.

Migrering till Koha : En studie om bibliotekariers upplevelser av biblioteksdatasystem med öppen källkod / Migration to Koha : A study about librarians’ experiences with open source integrated library systems

Lenntoft, Elin, Eriksson, Rebecca January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to examine how librarians experience migration to an open source integrated library system (ILS) in order to analyze how humans and technology influence each other, in line with a socio-technical perspective. We therefore examine how the librarians’ attitudes change during the migration process, what difficulties and possibilities they see in each phase and what the significance of open source is in this context. The method used in this study is qualitative interviews with librarians in one public library and one university library that migrated to the ILS Koha on the same day. The theoretical framework is a socio-technical perspective and actor-network theory. To analyze the result, Michel Callon’s translation was applied to the empirical data. The results of this study show that the librarians interviewed had indifferent or positive attitudes towards Koha. We could also see that those who had roles with more responsibility in the library often showed a greater interest in the problems and community surrounding Koha. The public library experienced significantly more problems with the migration which resulted in a tough transition but did not alter their attitudes.

Den (o)synliga musiken : En studie av aktörers (o)synliga musikskapande i förskolan / The (in)visible music : a study of actors (in)visible musicking in preschool

Sjöström, Caroline, Nyrén Du Rietz, Josefine January 2018 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att synliggöra den (o)synliga musiken i förskolans verksamhet. Med den (o)synliga musiken menar vi i denna studie den musik som redan finns i verksamheten, men som i första hand inte uppfattas som ett musikskapande. Med stöd utav Aktör-nätverksteorins metodansats har vi identifierat nätverk och aktörer som tycks ingå i den (o)synliga musiken i förskolan. Arbetet med metodansatsen ihop med fältanteckningar och miljö- och materialinventeringar bidrog till att vi kunde besvara studiens frågeställningar. Det visade sig att musikskapandet uppstod kontinuerligt i verksamheten mellan barn och material som används dagligen i verksamheten. Tillsammans skapade barnen ihop med materialet olika musikskapanden likt spelandet av olika instrument. Det visade sig i studien, hur fenomenet av rytm var avgörande för huruvida vi som observatörer tolkade datan som ett undersökande eller musikskapande. Inom de musikskapande observationerna, visade det sig sedan vara fenomenet av agens som gjorde att nätverken transformerades till musikskapande nätverk.  Rimliga slutsatser vi kan dra utifrån studien är att allt och alla bör ses som potentiella musikskapande aktörer. Detta då musikskapandet uppstod i barnens vardagliga göranden, vilket visar på att musikens faktiska plats, möjligen existerar i större bredd och omfång än vad vi tror. Avslutningsvis lyfter studien hur fenomenet av agens, är avgörande för huruvida ett görande fortgår eller inte.

An investigation into XSets of primitive behaviours for emergent behaviour in stigmergic and message passing antlike agents

Chibaya, Colin January 2014 (has links)
Ants are fascinating creatures - not so much because they are intelligent on their own, but because as a group they display compelling emergent behaviour (the extent to which one observes features in a swarm which cannot be traced back to the actions of swarm members). What does each swarm member do which allows deliberate engineering of emergent behaviour? We investigate the development of a language for programming swarms of ant agents towards desired emergent behaviour. Five aspects of stigmergic (pheromone sensitive computational devices in which a non-symbolic form of communication that is indirectly mediated via the environment arises) and message passing ant agents (computational devices which rely on implicit communication spaces in which direction vectors are shared one-on-one) are studied. First, we investigate the primitive behaviours which characterize ant agents' discrete actions at individual levels. Ten such primitive behaviours are identified as candidate building blocks of the ant agent language sought. We then study mechanisms in which primitive behaviours are put together into XSets (collection of primitive behaviours, parameter values, and meta information which spells out how and when primitive behaviours are used). Various permutations of XSets are possible which define the search space for best performer XSets for particular tasks. Genetic programming principles are proposed as a search strategy for best performer XSets that would allow particular emergent behaviour to occur. XSets in the search space are evolved over various genetic generations and tested for abilities to allow path finding (as proof of concept). XSets are ranked according to the indices of merit (fitness measures which indicate how well XSets allow particular emergent behaviour to occur) they achieve. Best performer XSets for the path finding task are identifed and reported. We validate the results yield when best performer XSets are used with regard to normality, correlation, similarities in variation, and similarities between mean performances over time. Commonly, the simulation results yield pass most statistical tests. The last aspect we study is the application of best performer XSets to different problem tasks. Five experiments are administered in this regard. The first experiment assesses XSets' abilities to allow multiple targets location (ant agents' abilities to locate continuous regions of targets), and found out that best performer XSets are problem independent. However both categories of XSets are sensitive to changes in agent density. We test the influences of individual primitive behaviours and the effects of the sequences of primitive behaviours to the indices of merit of XSets and found out that most primitive behaviours are indispensable, especially when specific sequences are prescribed. The effects of pheromone dissipation to the indices of merit of stigmergic XSets are also scrutinized. Precisely, dissipation is not causal. Rather, it enhances convergence. Overall, this work successfully identify the discrete primitive behaviours of stigmergic and message passing ant-like devices. It successfully put these primitive behaviours together into XSets which characterize a language for programming ant-like devices towards desired emergent behaviour. This XSets approach is a new ant language representation with which a wider domain of emergent tasks can be resolved.

Aperfeiçoamento do algoritmo colônia de formigas para o desenvolvimento de modelos quimiométricos

Pessoa, Carolina de Marco January 2015 (has links)
O desenvolvimento e aperfeiçoamento de métodos de otimização são pontos de profundo interesse em todas as áreas de pesquisa. Tais técnicas muitas vezes envolvem a aquisição de métodos de controle novos ou melhores, o que está diretamente ligado a duas tarefas importantes: a escolha de formas eficientes de monitoramento do processo e a obtenção de modelos confiáveis para a variável de interesse a partir de dados experimentais. Graças às suas diversas vantagens, os sensores óticos vêm sendo amplamente aplicados na primeira tarefa. Uma vez que é possível a utilização de vários tipos de espectroscopia através deste tipo de sensor, modelos capazes de lidar com dados espectrais estão se tornando cada vez mais atraentes. A segunda tarefa, por sua vez, depende não só de quais preditores são utilizados na construção do modelo, mas também de quantos. Como a qualidade do modelo depende também do número de variáveis selecionadas, é importante desenvolver métodos que identifiquem aqueles que explicam o máximo possível da variabilidade dos dados. O método de otimização Colônia de Formigas (ACO) aparece como uma ferramenta bastante útil na seleção de variáveis, podendo-se encontrar muitas variações desse algoritmo na literatura. O propósito deste trabalho é desenvolver métodos de seleção de variáveis com base no algoritmo ACO, conceitos estatísticos e testes de hipóteses. Para isso, diversos critérios de decisão foram implementados nas etapas do algoritmo referentes à atualização de trilha de feromônios (C1) e à seleção de modelos (C2). A fim de estudar estas modificações, foram realizados dois estudos de caso: o primeiro na área de bioprocessos e o segundo na área de caracterização de alimentos. Ambos os estudos mostraram que, em geral, os modelos com menores erros são obtidos utilizando-se métricas dos componentes do modelo, tal como o tamanho do intervalo de confiança de cada parâmetro e o teste-t de hipóteses. Além disso, a modificação do critério de seleção de modelos parece não interferir significativamente no resultado final do algoritmo. Por último, foi feito um estudo da aplicação dessas versões do ACO no campo de caracterização de combustíveis, mais especificamente diesel, associando-se duas análises espectroscópicas para predição do conteúdo de enxofre. Algumas das versões desenvolvidas mostraram-se superior ao algoritmo ACO utilizado como base para este trabalho, proposto por Ranzan (2014), e todas os versões forneceram melhores resultados na quantificação de enxofre que aqueles obtidos por PCR. Dessa forma, comprova-se a potencialidade de métricas implementadas no algoritmo ACO, associadas à espectroscopia, na seleção de preditores significativos. / The development and improvement of optimization methods are points of deep interest in all areas of research. These techniques are often related to the acquisition of new or better control methods, which are directly attached to two importante tasks: choosing efficient forms of process monitoring and obtaining reliable models for the monitored variable from experimental data. Due to their several advantagens, optical sensors are being widely applied in the first task. Since several types of spectroscopy are possible through this type of sensor, models capable of dealing with spectral data are becoming increasingly attractive. The second task depends not only on which predictors are used in the model, but also on how many. Since the quality of the model depends on the number of selected variables, it is important to develop methods that identify those that explain the greater amount of data variability as possible, without compromising the reliability of the model. The Ant Colony Optimization is an important tool for variable selection, being possible to find a lot of variations of this method in literature. The purpose of this work is to develop a method of variable selection based on the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm, statistical concepts and hypothesis testing. For this purpose, several decision criteria for trail update (C1) and model selection (C2) were implemented within the routine. In order to study these modifications, two case study was conducted: one related to bioprocess monitoring and another one envolving the characterization of food products. Both studies showed that, in general, the models with the lowest errors were obtained through the use of model component metrics, such as the length of the confidence interval associated with each parameter and the t hypothesis test. Besides, the modification of the model selection criterion doesn’t seem to affect the algorithm final result. Finally, the aplicattion of these methods in the field of fuels characterization, specifically diesel fuel, was studied, associating two spectroscopical analyses in order to predict the sulfur content. Some of the new developed methods appeared to be better than the ACO algorithm used as basis in this work, proposed by Ranzan (2014), and all methods showed better results than those from the models constructed by PCR. Thus, it is proved the high potencial of using different metrics within ACO algorithm, associated with spectroscopy, in order to select significative predictors.

A Security Aware Fuzzy Enhanced ACO Routing Protocol in MANETs

Zhang, Hang 10 October 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Collective Personality in the Azteca-Cecropia Mutualism

January 2018 (has links)
abstract: For interspecific mutualisms, the behavior of one partner can influence the fitness of the other, especially in the case of symbiotic mutualisms where partners live in close physical association for much of their lives. Behavioral effects on fitness may be particularly important if either species in these long-term relationships displays personality. Animal personality is defined as repeatable individual differences in behavior, and how correlations among these consistent traits are structured is termed behavioral syndromes. Animal personality has been broadly documented across the animal kingdom but is poorly understood in the context of mutualisms. My dissertation focuses on the structure, causes, and consequences of collective personality in Azteca constructor colonies that live in Cecropia trees, one of the most successful and prominent mutualisms of the neotropics. These pioneer plants provide hollow internodes for nesting and nutrient-rich food bodies; in return, the ants provide protection from herbivores and encroaching vines. I first explored the structure of the behavioral syndrome by testing the consistency and correlation of colony-level behavioral traits under natural conditions in the field. Traits were both consistent within colonies and correlated among colonies revealing a behavioral syndrome along a docile-aggressive axis. Host plants of more active, aggressive colonies had less leaf damage, suggesting a link between a colony personality and host plant health. I then studied how aspects of colony sociometry are intertwined with their host plants by assessing the relationship among plant growth, colony growth, colony structure, ant morphology, and colony personality. Colony personality was independent of host plant measures like tree size, age, volume. Finally, I tested how colony personality influenced by soil nutrients by assessing personality in the field and transferring colonies to plants the greenhouse under different soil nutrient treatments. Personality was correlated with soil nutrients in the field but was not influenced by soil nutrient treatment in the greenhouse. This suggests that soil nutrients interact with other factors in the environment to structure personality. This dissertation demonstrates that colony personality is an ecologically relevant phenomenon and an important consideration for mutualism dynamics. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Biology 2018

Variabilidade genética Atta robusta Borgmeier (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) com o uso de marcadores microssatélites / Genetic variability on Atta robusta Borgmeier (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) using microsatellite primers

Reis, Evelyze Pinheiro dos 22 February 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T13:42:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 409832 bytes, checksum: ad0a607cdb6347db88136cb73c5389f8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-02-22 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This is the first genetic study on Atta robusta to investigate the genetic variability and structure in populations from Espírito Santo and Rio de Janeiro in which microsatellites specific primers were used. Twenty microsatellite primers for A. robusta were designed and eleven (55%) were polymorphic. When analyzing 80 colonies of A. robusta, the number of alleles/locus ranged from 7 to 24. The observed heterozigosity ranged from 0,27 a 0,80 in the loci analyzed, meanwhile the expected heterozigosity ranged from 0,30 to 0,83. When grouping the colonies within the two targeted populations (Espírito Santo and Rio de Janeiro), it was confirmed that they are genetically similar. In the population from Espírito Santo, the number of alleles/locus ranged from 6 to 22. The observed heterozigosity ranged from 0,22 to 0,70, while the expected heterozygosity ranged from 0,30 to 0,85. In the population from Rio de Janeiro, the number of alleles/locus ranged from 4 to 17. The observed heterozigosity ranged from 0,32 to 0,97, while the expected ranged from 0,29 to 0,81. However, when considering the colonies sampled in each of the 16 localities as a subpopulation, it was confirmed that they are highly structured. However, the UPGMA analysis did not provide accurate evidence that the formation of clades containing only colonies are geographically nearby. When considering the 80 colonies sampled, they weren’t structured and did not group colonies geographically adjacent. These results indicate that the colonies of A. robusta sampled either in Rio de Janeiro or Espírito Santo have high genetic variability and that they aren’t structured. Although, considering the endemism and the threaten to extinction of A. robusta, in order to conserve this species will be necessary the maintenance of all possible colonies in the Restinga’s region. / Este é o primeiro estudo genético realizado com Atta robusta e investigou a variabilidade genética e o nível de estruturação nas populações do Espírito Santo e Rio de Janeiro com o uso de primers microssatélites espécie-específicos. Assim, vinte primers microssatélites específicos para A. robusta foram desenhados, sendo que onze (55%) foram polimórficos. Ao se analisar 80 colônias de A. robusta, o número de alelos/loco variou de 7 a 24. A heterozigosidade observada variou de 0,27 a 0,80 nos locos analisados, enquanto a esperada variou de 0,30 a 0,83. Agrupando-se as colônias em duas populações (Espírito Santo e Rio de Janeiro), verificou-se que elas são geneticamente similares. Na população do Espírito Santo, o número de alelos/loco variou de 6 a 22. A heterozigosidade observada variou de 0,22 a 0,70 nos locos analisados, enquanto a esperada variou de 0,30 a 0,85. Na população do Rio de Janeiro, o número de alelos/loco variou de 4 a 17. A heterozigosidade observada variou de 0,32 a 0,97 nos locos analisados, enquanto a esperada variou de 0,29 a 0,81. Por outro lado, considerando-se as colônias amostradas em cada uma das 16 localidades amostradas, como uma subpopulação, verificou-se que elas estão altamente estruturadas. Apesar disto, a análise de agrupamento não evidenciou a formação de clados contendo apenas colônias de localidades geograficamente próximas. Por outro lado, quando se considerou as 80 colônias amostradas, não se verificou estruturação e nem agrupamento de colônias de acordo com a localidade de origem das mesmas. Em conclusão, os resultados obtidos indicam que as colônias amostradas, tanto no Rio de Janeiro como no Espírito Santo, apresentam alta variabilidade genética e que as mesmas não estão estruturadas. Entretanto, considerando-se o endemismo e a ameaça à extinção de A. robusta, para conservá-la será necessário a manutenção do maior número possível de colônias nas regiões de restinga destes dois Estados.

No rastro das estrelas : o planetário e o ensino de astronomia à luz da teoria ator-rede

Gonçalves, Erica de Oliveira 12 August 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-08T16:35:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 123545.pdf: 2511659 bytes, checksum: cfc2eb7606567795929d5757b457fe19 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-12 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Astronomy is a field of science in constant association with the arts, poetry, literature and education. It arouses curiosity and enchantment and is responsible for many scientific and technological advances. The school is also immersed in this sphere of knowledge, through curricula, textbooks and / or teaching initiative. In this bias, this qualitative research aims to identify the pedagogical situations where the Planetarium is characterized as a mediator or as an intermediary in the teaching and learning of astronomy, in the perspective of teachers in the early years of elementary school. For this, we use the methodological and theoretical perspective of Actor-Network Theory (ANT) by Bruno Latour. Initially we conducted a theoretical review of the main concepts of ANT and analysis of official documents of education that regulate the astronomy education in Brazil. And next, we analyzed 97 questionnaires filled by teachers who visited the Planetarium of the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC, with students in 2014. And as a last empirical step, five teachers were selected for in-depth interviews. The results indicated that for teachers using the Planetarium in addition to the teaching of astronomy or even field trip, this space makes up a mediator of the process of teaching and learning, both for students and for teachers themselves. And in these situations, the teacher assumes the role of intermediary of the actions effected by the students. / A astronomia é um campo da ciência em constante associação com as artes, a poesia, a literatura e a educação. Desperta curiosidade e encantamento e é responsável por muitos avanços científicos e tecnológicos. A escola também está imersa nesta esfera de conhecimento, por meio dos currículos, livros didáticos e/ou iniciativa docente. Neste viés, esta pesquisa de natureza qualitativa tem o objetivo de identificar as situações pedagógicas em que o Planetário se caracteriza como mediador ou como intermediário nos processos de ensinar e de aprender astronomia de professores dos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental. Para isso, utilizamos a perspectiva teórica e metodológica da Teoria Ator-Rede (TAR) de Bruno Latour. Inicialmente realizamos uma revisão teórica sobre os principais conceitos da TAR e análise dos documentos oficiais da educação que normatizam o ensino de astronomia no Brasil. A seguir, foram analisados 97 questionários respondidos por professores que visitaram o Planetário da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina UFSC, com estudantes, em 2014. E como última etapa empírica, foram selecionados cinco professores para a realização de entrevistas em profundidade. Os resultados indicaram que para os professores que utilizam o Planetário como complemento para o ensino de astronomia ou mesmo para saída de campo, este espaço se constitui em mediador do processo de ensinar e de aprender, tanto para os estudantes quanto para os próprios professores. E, nestas situações, o professor assume o papel de intermediário das ações efetivadas pelos estudantes.

Miss?es Franciscanas como ferramenta da conquista dos sert?es de Pernambuco (1659-1763)

Rocha, Vanessa Anelise Figueiredo da 06 October 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-02-20T23:56:41Z No. of bitstreams: 1 VanessaAneliseFigueiredoDaRocha_DISSERT.pdf: 3286424 bytes, checksum: 24c0719656054c5257c138e248604c82 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-03-03T20:01:00Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 VanessaAneliseFigueiredoDaRocha_DISSERT.pdf: 3286424 bytes, checksum: 24c0719656054c5257c138e248604c82 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-03T20:01:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 VanessaAneliseFigueiredoDaRocha_DISSERT.pdf: 3286424 bytes, checksum: 24c0719656054c5257c138e248604c82 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-10-06 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / Na conquista de novos territ?rios, Portugal contou com o apoio de institui??es, como a Igreja cat?lica, que legitimaram sua expans?o e consolidaram seu Imp?rio. Frades de v?rias ordens religiosas estiveram presentes nas entradas de coloniza??o, mediando o contato de culturas distintas, pacificando e dilatando regi?es fronteiri?as, atrav?s da atividade mission?ria. ? pensando na import?ncia da Igreja para a coloniza??o do Brasil que nossa pesquisa pretende estudar as miss?es de catequese ind?genas, em Pernambuco, administradas pela Ordem de S?o Francisco, objetivando compreender como esses religiosos contribu?ram para delimita??o espacial do territ?rio da dita capitania. Nosso recorte temporal est? compreendido entre 1659, quando foi fundada a Prov?ncia de Santo Ant?nio do Brasil, e 1763, per?odo em que as miss?es foram transformadas em vilas e os franciscanos perderam a jurisdi??o espiritual e temporal sobre os ?ndios. Faremos uso de uma gama de documentos, tendo como principal acervo o Arquivo Provincial Franciscano, que nos permite compreender as rela??es estabelecidas dentro e fora dos aldeamentos, os interesses que os circundaram e o m?todo mission?rio dos frades menores. / In the conquest of new territories, Portugal had the suport of institutions such as the Catholic Church, that legitimated its expansion and consolidate its empire. Friars from various religious orders were present in the colonization of entries, mediating the contact of different cultures, pacifying and dilating border regions, through missionary activity. It is thinking about the importance of the Church for the colonization of Brazil that our research aims to study the indigenous catechetical missions in Pernambuco, administered by the Order of St. Francis, in order to understand how these religious contributed to spatial delimitation of the territory of said captaincy. Our time frame is from 1659, when it was founded the Province of St. Anthony of Brazil, and in 1763, during which the missions were transformed into towns and the Franciscans lost their spiritual and temporal jurisdiction over the Indians. We will use a range of documents, the main collection the Provincial Archives Franciscan, which allows us to understand the relationships established within and outside the villages, the interests that circled and the missionary method of the Friars Minor.

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