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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Child abuse factors which influence social workers' recommendations to the court to sustain a petition of child abuse

Vreeken, Marcia Marie 01 January 1996 (has links)
No description available.

A comparison study: Self-report of verbal abuse and dependent/insecure personality traits by particpants [sic] in court mandated domestic violence treatment

Ferris, Rosemary Jane 01 January 2001 (has links)
This project examined existing data that measured whether men who completed court-mandated group treatment for domestic violence have lower measures of non-physical violence and dependent/insecure personality traits than their still enrolled counterparts. The data review used two anonymous self-report instruments: The Non-Physical Abuse of Partner Scale (NPAPS) and The Dependency and Insecurity in Romantic Love Scale (DIRLS).

Conceptions et techniques du droit de la consommation : comparaison des droits français et hongrois / Theories of consumer protection law : comparison between the hungarian and french consumer law

Dr Kenderes, Andrea 27 February 2019 (has links)
L'émergence du droit de la consommation en tant que discipline autonome, peut être analysée dans les effets qu'elle a produits dans le discours juridique dans sa globalité, de diverses manières. Lors des célébrations de l’anniversaire de la signature du Traité de Rome qui a jeté les bases de l'Union Européenne actuelle, on doit souligner que « L'UE a largement amélioré la vie quotidienne de ses citoyens». Qu'en est-il plus précisément de la protection des consommateurs? Sans l’Europe, le droit de la consommation ne se serait pas développé aussi solidement qu'il ne l’a fait aux cours des quarante dernières années. Le droit européen de la consommation trouve sa source essentielle dans le programme préliminaire d'avril 1975 pour une politique de protection et d’information des consommateurs qui a énoncé cinq droits fondamentaux : droit à la protection de la santé et de la sécurité, droit à la protection des intérêts économiques des consommateurs, droit à la réparation des dommages, droit à l’information et à l'éducation, droit à la représentation. Le E-commerce (achat et vente de services et produits via Internet) a transformé notre manière de consommer, offrant aux consommateurs plus de choix qu'auparavant. Mais il soulève également de nouveaux problèmes, qui doivent être réglés. Les conditions de protection des consommateurs différent encore beaucoup d’un pays à l'autre. Si dans certains pays, 76% des consommateurs déclarent se sentir suffisamment protégés par les mesures existantes, dans d'autres ce chiffre tombe à 28%. Or, depuis qu’ils ont rejoint l’Union européenne, les pays de l'Est de l'Europe, généralement situés assez bas sur l’échelle de satisfaction, ont vu ces pourcentages s'améliorer de façon importante. / In regulatory jurisdictions that provide for this consumer protection is a group of laws and organizations designed to ensure the rights of consumers, as well as fair trade, competition, and accurate information in the marketplace. The laws are designed to prevent the businesses that engage in fraud or specified unfair practices from gaining an advantage over competitors. Furthermore the importance of the consumer protection is to safeguard the consumer from exploitation. In the absence of consumer protection, consumers were exploited in many ways for example sale of unsafe products, adulteration and hoarding of goods, using wrong weights and measures, charging excessive prices and sale of inferior quality goods. Through various Consumer Protection Acts, business organizations are under pressure to keep away from exploiting consumers. Consumer protection law is considered an area of law that regulates private law relationships between individual consumers and the businesses that sell those goods and services. In 2018, the European Commission is proposing a New Deal for Consumers to ensure that all European consumers fully benefit from their rights under Union law. A study on transparency in online platforms, also published, supports the New Deal’s proposals on online market places. Finally, the different theories show the sophisticated aspects of the French consumer law which has been developing since the Code Napoleon.

Emotional abuse in close relationships : analysis of women's experiences as expressed in a therapeutic setting

Malherbe, Helena Dorathea 03 November 2006 (has links)
Although the focus of the study was the emotional abuse of women in close relationship, I argue that the patterns and processes in the abusive relationship, the positioning of both players show a close resemblance to abuse and violence on a macro-political scale. When I as a psychotherapist was continuously confronted with an increasing number of female clients relating stories of emotional abuse in close personal relationships, I started questioning the historical context, culture, societal beliefs and time-frame that constructed women to be in such a position. World wide voices are heard questioning the constant abuse of the other, the weaker, the different, and the marginalized, and much has been written about physical abuse, but the question was as to how this macro-phenomenon informs upon the emotional life of the individual woman. When it comes to abuse in close relationships, the victim usually is the female and not the male partner, which makes abuse a woman’s problem. As a result, I was interested in the truths of the woman in the abusive relationship and approached this research from the position of the other and not the oppressor. Feminist standpoint theory formed the basis of my epistemological and methodological thinking. This I practically implemented in my choice of method and my approach to interpretation of the research information. I undertook a qualitative study, utilizing descriptive methods to represent the stories of women from emotionally abusive relationships. The research was historical and location-specific, and led to the description of what I termed the Traditional Afrikaans Family and a legitimizing ecology for emotional abuse against women in close relationships. The experiences collected tell about emotional abuse as relayed by more than forty women in therapy. The data formed the background for the reconstruction and representation of four case studies and a thematic analysis pertaining to the positioning of both partners in an emotionally abusive relationship. A critical deconstruction of the mechanisms of power, domination, and control are explained. In doing so, emerging patterns in the abusive relationship were noted and described. Of particular interest to psychotherapists will be the description and analysis of the process of emotional abuse as played out in close relationships. In conclusion, I argued that emotional abuse in close interpersonal relationships is constructed in the interactions between the partners and within a legitimising context that warrants the male to dominate. The abusive behaviour emerges as a result of the patriarchal male wanting to establish or re-establish his dominant position while the female partner attempts to position him as someone that respects her as a person in her own right. / Thesis (DPhil (Psychology))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Psychology / unrestricted

Att förstå, förebygga och hantera kränkningar : en av förskolans viktigaste uppgifter / To understand, prevent and deal with violations : one of the preeschool's most inmportent tasks

Ahlberg, Erika, Breet Troili, Malin January 2021 (has links)
Most people tend to associate the concepts of bullying and abuse between children with something that occurs mainly in school. Research shows the prevalence of abuse and bullying among children already in preschool age with the risk of serious consequences later on. According to the National Agency for Education (Skolverket 2018), the preschool has assignments regarding values-related issues and to establish measures to prevent violations. Our study shows preschool teachers' experience of the phenomenon of abusive treatment and bullying among preschool children.  Research shows that children who experience bullying are in need of the support of both guardians and professionals so that the difficulties they experience will not follow them later in school age and perhaps even later in life. On the other hand, both previous research and our own study, indicate that guardians often do not know about the preschool's work to counteract abusive treatment.

Work-related Intimate Partner Violence: The Role of Acculturation Among Employed Latinos in Batterer Intervention Programs

Galvez, Gino 01 January 2011 (has links)
Intimate partner violence (IPV), typically considered in the domestic context, has been shown to have considerable effects on women's employment and health. While the literature has recently grown in this area, very few studies have examined the prevalence of work-related IPV among men. Furthermore, the extant literature on work-related IPV has largely ignored the experience of ethnic minorities, specifically Latinos. Many factors suggest that rates and forms of IPV might be different among other racial and ethnic groups. Some studies that examine IPV among Latinos have sought to understand the role of acculturation and socioeconomic contexts. The purpose of this study was to examine work-related IPV among a sample of men enrolled in batterer intervention programs. In addition, we sought to examine the relationship between acculturation, socioeconomic contexts, and reports of work-related IPV among a subset of male Latinos. Overall, the findings confirm the upper ranges of previous estimates across studies (36% to 75%) of employed victims of IPV and their harassment by abusive partners while at work (Swanberg, Logan, & Macke, 2005; Taylor & Barusch, 2004). Specifically, we found that 60% of the entire sample reported work-related IPV that involved threatening behaviors and physical violence at their partner's job. The findings among Latinos suggest that a positive relationship exists between acculturation and work-related IPV. Specifically, proxy variables of acculturation (e.g., country of birth, language of survey, number of years in the U.S.) were hypothesized to be positively associated with higher levels of acculturation. Consistent with the hypotheses, we found significant relationships in the direction proposed. Lastly, socioeconomic status (e.g., income, education, employment status) was hypothesized to play a moderating role between acculturation and work-related IPV. However, results generally suggest that socioeconomic status (i.e., income, education) did not moderate the relationship between acculturation and work-related IPV. This study makes important contributions to the literature and has implications for employers. The significant rates of work-related IPV found in this study highlight the need to address this problem among employed males as an important step in preventing work-related IPV. Among Latinos, the level of acculturation and factors such as income, employment, and education are important contextual factors that provide a better understanding of IPV in Latino communities (Gryywacz, Rao, Gentry, Marin, & Arcury, 2009).

Zur Entmystifizierung der gewaltlosen Mutter: Eine Systematisierung wissenschaftlicher und fachlicher Debatten

Güntzschel, Julia 16 April 2019 (has links)
Bei Betrachtung des Gewaltdiskurses im Familienkontext fällt auf, dass in Bezug auf elterliche Gewalt gegen Kinder die Gewaltausübung überwiegend mit Männern in Verbindung gebracht oder gänzlich auf sie beschränkt wird. Gegenstand der Abschlussarbeit stellt dabei nicht die überwiegende Verknüpfung von Gewalt mit dem Bild von Männlichkeit dar, sondern legt den Fokus auf den bisher in wissenschaftlichen und fachlichen Debatten marginalisierten Bereich der weiblichen Gewaltausübung. Es soll geklärt werden, warum die von Frauen ausgeübte Gewalt an Kindern entweder gar nicht oder nur in einem sehr geringen Umfang wahrgenommen wird. Die Arbeit setzt sich somit zum Ziel, einen Überblick über das Forschungsfeld mit Zusammenfassungen und Kurzbewertungen zu einzelnen Publikationen herzustellen, der durch die Aufarbeitung und Systematisierung aktueller, aber auch älterer Debatten ermöglicht wird. Dabei ist von Bedeutung, wie umfangreich sich bisher in den Debatten über Gewalt gegen Kinder durch Frauen auseinandergesetzt wurde und wo der jeweilige Schwerpunkt liegt. Anhand eines Untersuchungszeitraums über die vergangenen 35 Jahre soll deutlich gemacht werden, wie sich diese Thematik in den Debatten herausgebildet hat und ob spezifische Entwicklungstendenzen ersichtlich werden. Aufgrund der Interdisziplinarität des Gewaltdiskurses und der noch jungen Forschungslandschaft wird sich auf deutsche sowie internationale Wissenschafts- und Fachliteratur bezogen und beschränkt sich auf Veröffentlichungen im Bereich soziologischer, pädagogischer und psychologischer Disziplinen. Zusammenfassend bietet diese Abschlussarbeit über misshandelnde Mütter mit der Methode des systematischen Literaturüberblicks einerseits eine Einführung in die Thematik von Mutterschaft und Mütterlichkeit sowie eine Einführung in psychische und sexualisierte Gewalt gegen Kinder durch Frauen. Andererseits kann sie als Überblickswerk zu weiblichen Gewaltstrukturen in der Mutter-Kind-Beziehung verstanden werden, da ein breites Spektrum an deutsch- und englischsprachiger Literatur verarbeitet wurde, die systematisch wesentliche Schwerpunkte der Debatten in einem Zeitraum von 1980 bis 2015 in den Fokus der Betrachtung rückt.

“Alla har ju lite familjeproblem” : En kvalitativ studie av de långsiktiga konsekvenserna av psykiskt våldunder uppväxten / “Everyone Has Some Family Issues” : A qualitative study of the long term consequences of mental abuse duringchildhood

Sebbelov, Maja, Perup, Åsa January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study was twofold: the first was to identify long termconsequences in adults who have experienced mental abuse during childhood byanalyzing personal stories. The second purpose was to examine and discuss therole of social work expressed by the individuals. In order to accomplish this,seven personal stories from different podcasts were selected and later comparedwith existing research on the topic. A qualitative and thematic content analysiswas used with the intention of capturing the victims’ experiences of the violence,as well as their view on society’s attempts to intervene. The results showed thatmental abuse during childhood can contribute to later interpersonal issues such asproblems in forming stable relationships due to insecure attachment patterns, andan overall feeling of being in danger. Moreover, the risks of developing mentaldisorders such as depression, anxiety or Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorderwas shown through existing research to be higher in people with a history ofmental abuse. In addition, the knowledge of professionals about the severity ofmental abuse seems to expand but is still inadequate overall. This entails a greatervulnerability for the victims that do seek help, as this comes with the risks ofeither escalating violence due to misguided interventions, or a diminution ofexperiences. In conclusion, the largest obstacle for victims to receive propersupport from society appears to be the nature of the violence; it is hard to detectfrom an outside view and it will more often than not go unnoticed.

Den dolda sidan av våld i nära relation / The hidden side of domestic violence

Dimura, Vasilika, Ramic, Hana January 2023 (has links)
Male victims of domestic abuse with women as perpetrators is not a common supposition and seems to be a topic which needs further attention. The purpose of our essay is therefore to investigate men's experiences of being abused by a woman in a romantic relationship. The survey aims to illustrate the men's own voices. The aim is also to illustrate the consequences of being a man and having a female perpetrator in a romantic relationship. The study was conducted through biographies, all written by men with experience of this essay's subject. The result is divided in three main themes: the experience of the abuse, shame and being a victim and a male at the same time. The most prominent results included men’s experiences of both physical and psychological abuse where they were a victim of violence by their female partner and suffered major injuries and endured many years of control, humiliation and violations. The results also presented consequences of being a male victim of domestic abuse which featured feelings of shame, fear of others acknowledging them as weak and not being accepted as a victim by society.


JULIA PINHEIRO PINTO 15 July 2021 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação tem como objetivo refletir sobre a construção e o desenvolvimento dos relacionamentos afetivos heterossexuais entre os jovens, tendo como base ilustrativa a série da Netflix Areia Movediça. A partir da representação do relacionamento amoroso entre os personagens principais da série, Maja e Sebastian, foi proposto um debate sobre as transformações sofridas pelo amor romântico na contemporaneidade, a forma como as juventudes lidam com essa área da vida e, por fim, como a interlocução desses dois aspectos pode resultar em uma relação abusiva. Para isso, a pesquisa é dividida em três partes. Na primeira, discutem-se as juventudes e a importância da prática de se assistir a séries na perspectiva dos jovens. Na segunda, há uma breve introdução a Areia Movediça, com o objetivo de contextualizar o leitor. Por meio da análise das cenas, são debatidas temáticas intrínsecas ao universo juvenil consideradas tabus, até se chegar ao tema dos relacionamentos amorosos. Na terceira parte, discutem-se a desigualdade entre gêneros e como ela atua na construção dos relacionamentos abusivos, a partir da história sobre o amor vivido pelos protagonistas de Areia Movediça. / [en] This thesis aims to reflect upon the construction and development of teen romantic heterosexual relationships having the Netflix s Quicksand series as background for the analysis. Maja and Sebastian s relationship helps shed light into the transformations romantic relationships have underwent in modern times, and on how teenagers deal with this aspect of their lives. Quicksand shows us that the combination of romance and teenagers may eventually trigger abusive relationships. In order to elaborate on those topics, the research has been divided into three different parts. The first part debates youth and the relevance of watching television series for teens. The second part is a short introduction on Quicksand. Scene analysis reinforces themes intrinsic to the teen universe that are still considered taboo. The third part reflects on gender inequality and its role in the construction of abusive relationships as depicted in the Quicksand protagonists love story.

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