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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Překladové protějšky anglických postmodifikátorů / English postmodifiers in translation to Czech

Scholzová, Dagmar January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to compare the use of postmodifiers in an English source text and its Czech translation. 200 English postmodifiers are contrasted against their 200 Czech translation equivalents. These samples were excerpted from randomly chosen parts of four bilingual books written by British and American authors and translated by native speakers of Czech. 50 English samples and their translations were excerpted from each book. The 400 occurrences of postmodifiers and their equivalents are analyzed from a syntactico-semantic point of view, the aim being to determine the constancy of the syntactic functions of English postmodifiers in translation, as well as the constancy of their realization forms. The theoretical background part will present and compare postmodification and its realization forms in English and in Czech. The actual analysis of all 400 samples will examine both the frequency of individual postmodifier types in English, and the convergent and divergent realization forms of these in the Czech translation. Special heed will be paid to divergences arisen through different language facts, such as English non-finite verb forms or Czech case endings that enable nominal postmodification without a preposition. An attempt will be made to classify the non-postmodifying translation...

L’adverbe au seizième siècle : l’adverbe et l’adverbialité dans la phrase imprimée du seizième siècle / The adverb and adverbiality in french printed language of the sixteenth-century

Kaiser, Louise-Adeline 03 June 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse décrit la langue du seizième siècle, à partir d’un corpus de textes français, du point de vue de l’adverbialité.La détermination d’un corpus de textes en phrase ponctuées syntaxiquement, a demandé de longs questionnements sur la phrase, la ponctuation, et l’histoire des textes. La question de l'adverbialité a été choisie comme critère du point de vue de la sémantique, de la morphologie et de la syntaxe. Un relevé des faits adverbiaux a construit l'hypothèse que l'adverbialité, en phrase, au seizième siècle, puisse se jouer, parfois simultanément, sur les différents niveaux de la hiérarchie syntaxique, qui forment autant de lieux possibles à l'adverbialité, ce qu'a confirmé un travail de délimitation, en phrase, d'un territoire adverbial. Les faits adverbiaux relevés dans le corpus se sont révélés de morphologies très variées. La multiplicité de ces possibilités a donné matière à un questionnement que sous-tendait la question du lieu où ils apparaissaient, dans la hiérarchie syntaxique. Les raisons qui fondaient l’analyse et l’adverbialité, alors qu’elles semblaient propres à chaque fait adverbial, se sont révélées également et logiquement présentes d’un fait de discours adverbial à l’autre, d'une morphologie à l'autre, ce qui nous a conduite à les penser comme le dénominateur commun nécessaire à l’entier des faits adverbiaux. Ce travail propose de repenser comme logiquement unies ces perspectives d'étude, si éloignés soient les résultats qu’elles font apparaître dans la langue du seizième siècle, afin de retrouver un dénominateur commun à l’ensemble des adverbe, et de concevoir comme l’union logique qui construit, en pensée, l'ensemble des faits adverbiaux. / This thesis describes sixteenth-century language, based on a corpus of French texts, from an adverbial perspective.The establishment of a textual corpus organized in sentences, according to syntax and to punctuation required interrogating the sentence, the punctuation and the history of the texts. The question of the adverbs was chosen as the criteria for a semantic, morphologic, and syntactic perspective. A survey of adverbial occurrences led to the hypothesis that adverbality, in the sentence, during the sixteenth century, could function, sometimes simultaneously, on different levels of syntactic hierarchy, levels that likewise present possibilities for adverbality, which was confirmed by a process of circumscription of an adverbial territory within the sentence. The adverbial occurrences taken from the corpus showed quite variable morphology. These many possibilities gave rise to a first stage of questioning that arose from the question of where in the syntactical hierarchy these occurrences were found. Although the reasons underpinning this analysis seemed dependent upon each adverbial occurrence, they proved in fact to be equally and logically present from one occurrence to another and from one morphology to another. This led us to think that a common denominator might be necessary for the entirety of adverbial occurrences. We propose a reconceptualization of these perspectives as logically connected, however disparate the results are as they appear in the language of the sixteenth-century. This leaves us with a reason to continue searching for a common denominator for the adverb and to conceive a logical union that constructs a total entity of adverbial occurrences.

Синтакса глаголских допуна у српском језику XVI и XVII века / Sintaksa glagolskih dopuna u srpskom jeziku XVI i XVII veka / Syntax of verb complementation in the Serbian language of the 16th and 17th century

Gočanin Mirjana 21 December 2018 (has links)
<p>Предмет овога рада јесте синтаксичко сагледавање статуса глаголских допуна у српском језику током XVI и XVII века.<br />Глаголска допуна у морфосинтаксичком смислу обухвата именску фразу у одговарајућој падежној форми, инфинитив, односно комплементну клаузу чија је употреба дефинисана инхерентном лексичком семантиком глагола у функцији управне реченичне компоненте. Глаголска допуна у том смислу садржински конкретизује глаголску реч формирајући са њом рекцијску релацију. Реч је о зависној релацији у којој је глагол (зависно од типа формализације) управни члан, а рекцијска допуна зависни или регирани члан. Глаголска допуна у зависности од семантике свог лексичког експонента, те инхерентне лексичке семантике управног (глаголског) члана може имати различите синтаксичко-семантичке статусе. У начелу, може се говорити&nbsp; (1) о објекатској или (2) о адвербијалној допуни. Рекцијски капацитет глагола као управног члана рекцијске везе испољава се заправо кроз његову валентност, која у крајњој инстанци и диктира устројство реченичне структуре, односно број реченичних аргумената и односе међу њима.<br />С обзиром на морфосинтаксичку и лексичку сложеност овог феномена, чинило се корисним испитати какав је рекцијски капацитет глагола у XVI и XVII веку и сагледати на ком је степену развијености глаголска транзитивност у поменутом временском периоду. Материјал на коме се спровело истраживање обухвата реторички дискурс (односно пословноправну писмености) те поетски дискурс који укључује изворе из сфере&nbsp; религиозности и белетристике.<br />Резултат овога испитивања представља речник глагола са рекцијским допунама.</p> / <p>Predmet ovoga rada jeste sintaksičko sagledavanje statusa glagolskih dopuna u srpskom jeziku tokom XVI i XVII veka.<br />Glagolska dopuna u morfosintaksičkom smislu obuhvata imensku frazu u odgovarajućoj padežnoj formi, infinitiv, odnosno komplementnu klauzu čija je upotreba definisana inherentnom leksičkom semantikom glagola u funkciji upravne rečenične komponente. Glagolska dopuna u tom smislu sadržinski konkretizuje glagolsku reč formirajući sa njom rekcijsku relaciju. Reč je o zavisnoj relaciji u kojoj je glagol (zavisno od tipa formalizacije) upravni član, a rekcijska dopuna zavisni ili regirani član. Glagolska dopuna u zavisnosti od semantike svog leksičkog eksponenta, te inherentne leksičke semantike upravnog (glagolskog) člana može imati različite sintaksičko-semantičke statuse. U načelu, može se govoriti&nbsp; (1) o objekatskoj ili (2) o adverbijalnoj dopuni. Rekcijski kapacitet glagola kao upravnog člana rekcijske veze ispoljava se zapravo kroz njegovu valentnost, koja u krajnjoj instanci i diktira ustrojstvo rečenične strukture, odnosno broj rečeničnih argumenata i odnose među njima.<br />S obzirom na morfosintaksičku i leksičku složenost ovog fenomena, činilo se korisnim ispitati kakav je rekcijski kapacitet glagola u XVI i XVII veku i sagledati na kom je stepenu razvijenosti glagolska tranzitivnost u pomenutom vremenskom periodu. Materijal na kome se sprovelo istraživanje obuhvata retorički diskurs (odnosno poslovnopravnu pismenosti) te poetski diskurs koji uključuje izvore iz sfere&nbsp; religioznosti i beletristike.<br />Rezultat ovoga ispitivanja predstavlja rečnik glagola sa rekcijskim dopunama.</p> / <p>The subject of this paper is syntactic observation of the status of verb complements in the Serbian language of the 16th and 17th century.<br />Verb complementation in morphological-syntactic sense comprises the noun phrase in the corresponding case form, infinitive and complementary clause whose use is defined by inherent lexical semantics of the verb in the function of governing sentence component. Verb complementation in that sense specifies in terms of content the verbal word forming the rection relation with it. It is a dependent relation in which the verb (depending on the formalization type) is the governing member, whereas the rection complement is the dependent or subordinate member. Verb complement depending on the semantics of its lexical exponent and inherent lexical semantics of the governing (verbal) manner may have various syntactic-semantic statuses. In principle, we may discuss (1) object or (2) adverbial complement. Rection capacity of the verb as a governing member of the rection connection is expressed in fact via its valence, which eventually dictates the system of the sentence structure, i.e. the number of sentence arguments and relations among them.<br />Taking into consideration the morphological-syntactic and lexical complexity of this phenomenon, it seemed useful to examine the rection capacity of verbs in 16th and 17th century and examine the level of development of the verbal transitivity during the mentioned time period. The material which is the corpus of the research comprises rhetorical discourse (i.e. business-legal literacy) and poetic discourse which includes sources from the sphere of religion and fiction.<br />The result of this examination represents the dictionary of verbs with rection complements.</p>

L'ordre des éléments de la phrase en coréen : esquisse de syntaxe énonciative / The order of elements in Korean sentence : an essay on enunciative korean syntax

Park, Young-Ok 05 June 2015 (has links)
L’enjeu de la présente étude est de montrer que l'ordre des mots acquiert un rôle métalinguistique important dans le système des opérations internes de la langue : il connote la manière de penser le monde phénoménal. Pour cette étude sur le coréen, la théorie que nous avons choisie est la systématique énonciative. Cette théorie met en œuvre une analyse qui ne sépare pas le Discours des conditions linguistiques de sa production. Dépassant le cadre d’une systématique des langues, elle rappelle qu’un énoncé n'est jamais isolé du contexte linguistique et situationnel où se trouve le sujet parlant. Nous commencerons par l’observation de l'énoncé fondamental, afin de dégager ses unités constitutives fonctionnelles ; en d’autres termes, nous adopterons la démarche sémasiologique, mais à partir des conditions d'énonciation et de la situation de production de l'énoncé. Nous examinerons ensuite l'ordre interne des éléments de l'unité constitutive fonctionnelle, qui relève aussi bien du domaine morpho-syntaxique que sémantique. Nous verrons que l’ordre à l’intérieur du syntagme et le choix du mot formel en coréen constituent un mécanisme majeur de la syntaxe coréenne, mécanisme qui dépend de la visée d’effet du locuteur. Si chaque langue a sa manière d’organiser les éléments au sein d’une unité donnée, c’est que chaque langue analyse à sa façon la perception du monde expérientiel. Quel est alors l’ordre prescrit par le système linguistique du coréen, au niveau du mot, du syntagme et de la phrase ? Quelle est la liberté de manœuvre du locuteur au moment de la construction de la phrase dans l’acte de langage ? C’est à ces deux questions que ce travail a tenté d’apporter une réponse. La présente étude comporte quatre parties. La première partie propose d’examiner la structure de l’énoncé : de l’énoncé au syntagme. La deuxième partie explique la disposition des constituants dans l’énoncé. La troisième partie étudie l’ordre des éléments au sein du syntagme nominal, en fonction de la place du déterminant. Cela concerne la logique combinatoire du mot matériel et du mot formel qui relève essentiellement de la syntaxe interne d’une unité constitutive fonctionnelle de l'énoncé. Enfin, la quatrième partie se consacre à une syntaxe de l’adverbe, basée sur sa mobilité au sein de l’énoncé, mobilité qui affecte l’incidence adverbiale. / The aim of this study is to show how, in deep structure operations, word order in Korean takes on an important metalinguistic dimension, affecting the way the speakers see the world. Guillaume's psycho-mechanical theory, insofar as it does not cut off the speech act from the speaker and the context of communication is particularly well-equipped to examine this question.The study starts with the identification of the immediate constituents of the simple sentence in Korean (semasiological approach). Next, with a view to highlighting the morpho-syntactical and semantic organization of the language, the variations in meaning obtained by the different internal ordering of each functional constituent unit is examined at word level, at phrase level and at sentence level. To what extent is the speaker free to choose the order in which he arranges the elements of the sentence he instantiates in the speech act? These are just some of the questions that this study tries to answer. This study comprises four parts. The first examines the structure of Korean sentence: from the sentence to the phrase. The second focuses on the disposition of sentence constituents. The third part investigates the order of the constituents within the noun phrase, comparing relative positions of the determinant in the phrase. This relates to the rules governing the combination of lexical words and grammatical words; this sheds light on the internal syntax of each functional constituent of the utterance. Finally, the last part is devoted to syntax of the adverb, based on its mobility and the way that position affects adverbial incidence.

台灣高中生英文寫作中副詞子句之使用 / The use of English adverbial clauses in Taiwanese senior high school students’ writing

余佳玟, Yu, Jia Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討台灣高中生副詞子句的使用,並且探究台灣高中生在副詞子句使用上所產生的錯誤。此外,為更進一步了解台灣高中生對於副詞子句的認知,本研究亦檢視了目前國內高中生普遍所使用的英語教科書,以了解英語副詞子句的呈現方式以及內容的編排。本研究受試者為兩班高二學生,一共43位。研究工具為學生高二上學期三篇指定英文作文寫作。 研究結果顯示,副詞子句為一高中生作文中常出現之句型結構。受試者能夠使用不同語意種類的副詞子句來補充說明主要子句的訊息。在各式不同種類副詞子句當中,時間副詞子句出現頻率最高。限定副詞子句(finite adverbial clauses)使用的頻率遠多於非限定副詞子句(non-finite adverbial clauses)。限定副詞子句使用當中,時間副詞子句、因果副詞子句、條件副詞子句、目的副詞子句以及讓步副詞子句,依序為最常使用的副詞子句;非限定副詞子句使用當中,目的副詞子句以及時間副詞子句為使用頻率最高的副詞子句。 雖然副詞子句是基本句型,但經錯誤分析的結果顯示,學生對於副詞子句沒有完整的了解,仍有不正確的使用。整體而言,句子不完整( sentence fragment)以及使用錯誤(不恰當)副詞連接詞使用(illogical subordinate conjunction)為最常發生的錯誤。在限定副詞子句使用上,最常犯的錯誤為不完整句子、錯誤或不恰當的副詞連接詞使用、重複連接詞標記(double marking)以及無主語(null subject)。在非限定副詞子句使用上,不連結修飾語(dangling modifier)為最常出現之錯誤。這些錯誤很可能是因為中文以及英文之間的差異以及對副詞子句沒有充分的理解所導致。 而教科書當中對副詞子句的介紹,也可以解釋學生學習使用副詞子句所犯的錯誤及遭遇的問題。從檢視教科書以及教師手冊當中的句型以及寫作兩個單元發現,在句型呈現上,副詞子句的介紹以及呈現主要著重在單句句型結構以及語意相近的句型結構替換。副詞子句的篇章功能以及副詞連接詞的使用則較被忽略。句型練習中,也較少有情境式的真實語言呈現。在寫作單元上,副詞子句也多半侷限於其句型結構上,而忽略了其詳細語用以及篇章功能概念。綜合研究結果,本研究提出較完善的教學建議,以幫助教學工作者以及學習者對副詞子句在教學上及學習上有更進一步的了解。 / The purpose of the present study is to investigate how adverbial clauses are used in Taiwanese senior high school students’ written production and what kinds of difficulties students encounter in employing the structure. In addition, to understand how Taiwanese EFL learners construct their knowledge of adverbial clauses, senior high school students’ English textbooks and teachers’ manuals are also examined to find out the presentation of adverbial clauses. Forty-three senior high school students from two different classes in their second year participated in the research. Three assigned compositions in one semester were collected for data analysis. The result showed that adverbial clauses are commonly utilized to express various types of circumstantial meanings in the learners’ writing. Temporal adverbial clauses are of the most use among different kinds of adverbial clauses. Adverbial clauses are further categorized into two types: finite and non-finite adverbial clauses. The use of finite adverbial clauses is far more frequent than the use of non-finite adverbial clauses. This may attribute to the amount of exposure to the finite adverbial clauses and syntactic complexities of non-finite clauses. In finite clauses, temporal adverbial clauses are the most frequently used, followed by causal, conditional, purpose and concessive adverbial clauses respectively. In non-finite adverbial clauses, adverbial clauses of purpose are the most used, then clauses of time. To identify Taiwanese senior high school students’ difficulties in using adverbial clauses, an error analysis was conducted. It was found that adverbial clauses are problematic to the learners. Overall, sentence fragment and illogical subordinate conjunction are the two main error types. Most of the errors occur in finite clauses, including sentence fragment, illogical subordinate conjunction, double marking and null subject. In non-finite clauses, error type is exclusively dangling modifier. The reasons for the errors may be due to learners’ incomprehensive understanding toward the use of adverbial clauses and the differences between Chinese and English. In addition, learners’ textbooks were evaluated to see how adverbial clauses were generally introduced and presented. An examination of grammar (sentence patterns) and writing sections revealed that in grammar section, the emphasis is mainly on the introduction of various linguistic forms of adverbial clauses and syntactic structures that bear similar semantic meanings. Moreover, they are presented mostly in isolation without meaningful and contextual presentations. The functional aspect of adverbial clauses and the contextual presentation of subordinate conjunctions are quite neglected. Likewise, in writing section, the focus is mostly limited to the introduction of various types of adverbial clauses and subordinate conjunctions. Clearer explanations of the conjunctions and the functional role of adverbial clauses in writing are relatively overlooked. Concluding from the previous findings, it is suggested that more explicit and contextual presentations are needed to help learners to develop a more complete understanding of the use of adverbial clauses.

From left to right and back again : The distribution of dependent clauses in the Hindukush

Rönnqvist, Hanna January 2014 (has links)
In complex clause constructions, the dependent clause can either precede or succeed the main clause. In a study on a selection of Indo-Aryan languages spoken on the Indian subcontinent (Hook 1987), a gradual transition between pre- and postposing languages was found, when moving from the southeast to the northwest in the area. In their relative vicinity in the Hindukush area, a sub-group of Indo-Aryan languages are spoken, commonly known by the tentative term “Dardic”. These languages are said to mainly have the dependent clause preceding the main clause (left-branching), and that this feature is shared by the neighbouring languages. This would mean a breach with the continuum described by Hook. In the present comparative study on the Dardic languages spoken in northern Pakistan, complex clauses of adverbial and complement types were studied in an attempt to confirm this proposition. The languages were found to have two competing branching structures where the indigenous, dominating left-branching structure possibly is being challenged by an imported right branching pattern, especially in complement clauses, possibly due to Persian or Urdu influence. A similar transition between more left-branching languages towards languages with a higher degree of right branching structures were found when moving from east to west in the geographical area studied. / I underordnande satskonstruktioner kan bisatsen antingen föregå eller följa på huvudsatsen. I en studie på ett urval indoariska språk som talas på den indiska subkontinenten (Hook 1987) fann man en gradvis skiftning mellan språk med bisatsen till vänster om huvudsatsen (vänsterställda), via språk som tillät båda placeringar av bisatsen, till språk som enbart hade bisatsen till höger om huvudsatsen (högerställda). Detta när man rörde sig från sydöstra Indien i riktning mot nordväst. I Hindukush-området, inte allt för långt ifrån denna region, talas en undergrupp av indoariska språk som länge gått under den provisoriska termen ”dardiska” språk. Om dessa språk har det hävdats att de har bisatsen till vänster om huvudsatsen, ett drag som också ska delas med närliggande språk i området. Om detta stämmer skulle det innebära en brytning av det kontinuum Hook beskrev. I denna jämförande studie på några indo-ariska språk som talas i norra Pakistan studerades underordnade adverbiala och nominala bisatser i ett försök att utreda om dessa verkligen är vänsterställda. Språken befanns ha två konkurrerande placeringsmönster där en inhemsk och starkt dominerande vänsterställd struktur eventuellt håller på att utmanas av en importerad högerställd struktur, särskilt i nominala objektsatser, som möjligen kommit in i språken via inflytande från persiska eller urdu. Ett kontinuum liknande Hooks mellan språk med primärt vänsterställda bisatser till språk med en allt högre andel högerställda bisatser hittades i en rörelse från öst till väst i området.

Le morphème d= en araméen-syriaque : étude d’une polyfonctionalité à plusieurs échelles syntaxiques / The morpheme d= in Aramaic-Syriac : a study on multifunctionality at several syntactic scales

Skaf, Roula 13 November 2015 (has links)
Le fonctionnement du morphème polyfonctionnel d= en syriaque des Évangiles de la Peshiṭta est décrit morphosyn-taxiquement et dans une perspective typologique, en synchronie et par comparaison, pour certains points, avec d’autres versions et avec d’autres langues sémitiques. Ancien démonstratif en proto-sémitique, d= est un relateur à plusieurs niveaux syntaxiques : support de détermination, marqueur des relations génitivales et relatives, introducteur de complétives et adverbiales. Un critère syntaxique distingue sémantiquement les syntagmes génitivaux aliénables et inaliénable même si cette distinction tend à s’estomper, à des degrés différents selon les catégories sémantiques d’inaliénables, termes de parentés et parties du corps. Si les structures syntaxiques sont semblables pour les relatives restrictives et les non-restrictives, il est impossible de relativiser ces dernières pour les relatives objet, dative et adjointe. La stratégie à trou syntaxique constitue la stratégie primaire dans la hiérarchie d’accessibilité, et toutes les fonctions de la tête dans la matrice, sauf l’objet de comparaison, sont relativisables.Les fonctions de complémenteur de d= sont plus larges qu’en sémitique ancien. d= s’emploie avec 12 des 14 types de prédicats de la classification typologique de Noonan au lieu de 3 en sémitique ancien. Le syriaque est conforme à la hiérarchie implicationnelle, Complement Deranking-Argument Hierarchy. Le critère syntaxique de saturation de la valence verbale et des critères sémantiques et contextuels permettent de distinguer les adverbiales des complétives. Lorsque d= forme des locutions conjonctives avec des prépositions ou des adverbes, la polysémie des valeurs est désambigüisée grâce au contexte, à l’exception de la conjonction monosémique temporelle mo d=. Dans le discours rapporté, le discours Reproduit est majoritairement introduit sans d=, alors qu’il l’est avec d= pour le discours Reformulé. Le grec n’a eu aucune influence sur son utilisation. / The behaviour of the polyfunctional morpheme d= in the Syriac language of the Gospels of the Peshiṭta is described in a typological perspective, in synchrony and in comparison, for some properties, with other varieties of Syriac and with other Semitic languages. d=, a former demonstrative in Proto-Semitic, is a relator at various syntactic levels: a determination place-holder, a genitival and relative marker, an introducer of completive and adverbial clauses.Chapter 1 introduces the topic of the study and the theoretical framework and chapter 2 discusses the state of art.Chapter 3 is dedicated to the study of the genitive phrase. We discovered that a syntactic criterion allows to distinguish semantically between alienable and inalienable phrases, to different degrees according to the semantic categories of the inalienable set, i.e. kinship and body part terms.In chapter 4, we showed that even though syntactic structures are similar for restrictive and non-restrictive relative clauses, it is impossible to relativize the latter for object, dative and adjoint relatives clauses. The syntactic gap strategy constitutes the primary strategy in the accessibility hierarchy and all the functions of the head in the main clause, except the object of comparison, are relativizable.Chapter 5 deals with the functions of d= as a complementizer and an introducer of adverbial clauses. The complementizer uses are wider than in Old Semitic. d= is employed with 12 of the 14 types of predicates of Noonan's typological classification as against 3 in Old Semitic. Syriac conforms to the implicational hierarchy named Complement Deranking-Argument Hierarchy. For adverbial clauses, the syntactic criterion of saturation of the verbal valency as well as semantic and contextual criteria permit to distinguish adverbial clauses from complement clauses. When d= forms conjunctive locutions with prepositions or adverbs, the polysemy of values is disambiguated thanks to the context. Only the conjunction mo d= is monosemous (with a temporal meaning).In the last chapter (chap. 6) on reported speech, we showed that direct reported speech is mostly introduced without d=, whereas it is always the case for indirect speech. Greek did not have any influence on the use of d=. / Il funzionamento del morfema polifunzionale d= del siriaco nei Vangeli della Peshiṭta è descritto in una prospettiva tipologica, in sincronia e attraverso la comparazione, in alcuni punti, con altre versioni e con altre lingue semitiche. Tale morfema deriva dal pronome dimostrativo proto-semitico *ḏV e funge da relatore in diversi livelli sintattici: supporto di determinazione, indicatore delle relazioni genitivali e relative, introduttore delle proposizioni completive e avverbiali. Il capitolo 1 introduce la problematica della ricerca e dell’ambito teorico; il capitolo 2 presenta uno stato dell’arte sull’argomento.Il capitolo 3 è consacrato allo studio del sintagma genitivale. Un criterio sintattico ha permesso di distinguere semanticamente i sintagmi genitivali alienabili e inalienabili, anche se questa distinzione tende ad attenuarsi, in diversi punti, secondo le categorie semantiche d’inalienabile, termini di parentela e parti del corpo.Nel capitolo 4 abbiamo mostrato che, se da una parte le strutture sintattiche sono simili per le relative restrittive e le non-restrittive, dall’altra è impossibile relativizzare le ultime per le relative complemento oggetto, complemento di termine e complemento circostanziale. La strategia con gap sintattico è la strategia primaria nella gerarchia d’accessibilità e tutte le funzioni della testa nella proposizione matrice, tranne l’oggetto della comparazione, sono relativizzabili.Il capitolo 5 tratta le funzioni di d= come complementatore e introduttore di proposizioni avverbiali. Gli impieghi del complementatore sono più ampi rispetto al semitico più antico. Il morfema d= si impiega infatti per 12 dei 14 tipi di predicato della classificazione tipologica di Noonan invece dei 3 del semitico più antico. Il siriaco è conforme alla gerarchia implicativa, Complement Deranking-Argument Hierarchy. Per le proposizioni avverbiali, il criterio sintattico di saturazione della valenza verbale e dei criteri semantici e contestuali permettono di distinguere le avverbiali dalle completive.Quando d= forma delle locuzioni congiuntive con delle preposizioni o degli avverbi, la polisemia dei valori è disambiguato grazie al contesto, fatta eccezione della congiunzione monosemica temporale mo d=Nell’ultimo capitolo, sul discorso indiretto, mostriamo che il discorso “riprodotto” è introdotto senza d= nella maggior parte dei casi, mentre si usa d= nel discorso “riformulato”. Il greco non ha alcuna influenza sul suo utilizzo.

Vybraná sponová slovesa a jejich adjektivní doplnění v současné psané a mluvené angličtině / Selected copular verbs and their adjectival complements in contemporary written and spoken English

Coufalová, Adéla January 2019 (has links)
The present thesis studies the copular verbs and their co-occurrence with adjectival complements in contemporary written and spoken English. The theoretical part of this work first describes the copular verbs in terms of their types and types of complements they take. A corpus-based approach to copular verbs follows. A part of the theory also provides an overview of the terminology that is used with copular verbs. The work consists of two parts: the theoretical part which introduces the topic and describes the features of both the principal copula be and other copular verbs and the analytical part which analyses written language data excerpted from the Araneum Anglicum corpus and spoken language data from the Spoken BNC2014 corpus. The analytical part focuses on the following seven verbs: feel, look, seem, remain, become, go and get and their adjectival complements. These adjectives are then analysed in terms of their frequency and collocability with the verbs. The collocate lists of all verbs are then compared between the two corpora. Finally, the analysis also attempts to categorize the adjectives semantically. The analysis also focuses on adverbs which occur in these constructions and which function is to modify the adjectives. The results of the analytical part are summarized in the conclusion.

Zum Verständnis morphosyntaktischer Merkmale in der funktionalen Varietät „Leichte Sprache“

Lasch, Alexander 22 November 2021 (has links)
Im ersten Halbjahr 2016 wurde in Kooperation mit dem Martinsclub Bremen e.V. eine empirische Untersuchung zur funktionalen Varietät ' Leichte Sprache ' durchgeführt. Diese Ziele wurden verfolgt: 1) Für die ' Leichte Sprache ' wird u.a. vom ' Netzwerk Leichte Sprache ' reklamiert, für eine äußerst heterogene Zielgruppe von Nutzen zu sein. In der Untersuchung wird an Testitems, die z.T. erheblich gegen die ' Regeln ' für ' Leichte Sprache ' verstoßen, ermittelt werden, wie Gewährspersonen unterschiedlicher Zielgruppen (Menschen mit kognitiver Beeinträchtigung, Funktionale Analphabeten und Migranten) die ‚Schwierigkeit' und die ‚Akzeptabilität' der Items bewerten. 2) Die Regeln für ' Leichte Sprache ' sind (linguistisch) zu explizieren und auf die Bedürfnisse unterschiedlicher Zielgruppen zuzuschneiden. Beide Ziele wurden durch die Untersuchung für einzelne morphosyntaktische Phänomene erreicht. In diesem Artikel werden die Ergebnisse der Studie knapp vorgestellt und am Beispiel passivischer Strukturen des Deutschen im Detail diskutiert. Angrenzende Phänomenbereiche (sein-Perfekt, Kopulakonstruktionen mit sein und werden sowie werden mit futurischer und/oder epistemischer Lesart) werden nur angeschnitten.

Syntax složených adjektiv v překladovém slovníku / Syntax of Adjective Compounds in a Bilingual Dictionary

Schmidtová, Iva January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the given thesis is to expound the problem of syntax processing by creating adjectival compounds in dictionary entries for the Large German-Czech Academic Dictionary. Assuming that exactly these words, which belong to the complicated vocabulary items, cause difficulties for foreign speakers with text comprehension and text production. It is based on the nature of German language, which makes many compounds, as opposed to in Czech language. Not only are the meanings of these words revealed to be problematic, but also their usage. The thesis is divided into two parts. The theoretical part deals with characteristics of adjectives as word class, and because each word always has its context, attention will be primarily focused on the adjectival valency. Previously, only the valency of verbs and substantives has been discussed. When a native speaker automatically knows these syntax structures and even when, in case of foreign language, there could exist structural similarities between the source and target language, the structures ought consequently to be given in the dictionary. In some mono- or bilingual dictionary the user should find complex informations for word searched. The practical part involves analysis of ten chosen adjective compounds, which shows how the valency structures are...

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